DOHC- Practice Test & Answers

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. Any legal proceeding in a court is known broadly as______________.

. Any legal proceeding in a court is known broadly as______________.


. Dental specialty focused on the replacement of broken parts of teeth or missing teeth

. Managed care plans place emphasis on ________care

. Managed care plans place emphasis on ________care

A rapidly growing health service in which visiting nurses and other health professional provide care in the patient's home is known as__________.

. home health care

A legal document used to specify steps to be taken, if any, to save or prolong a patient's life in the event he or she is incapacitated and unable to make medical decisions is a ____________.

. living will

The chain if infection is a series of five links through which pathogens are spread. The chain begins at the _________, the location in which organisms begin to grow and reproduce. The Pathogen then hops on a ________ , which helps to spread it all over. Pathogens then find an ________ of entry, a point on the body that allows them access. A susceptible _______ is a person whose body cannot fight off the pathogen once it enters and who will likely become ill. 1. reservoir 2. portal 3. host 4. vehicle

1 - 4 - 2 - 3

Medical assisting is one of the fastest growing health care occupations; training programs typically can be completed in ___________.

1 to 2 years

. Emergency medical technicians and paramedics must be recertified every ___________ years

2 to 3

Basic problem-solving involves five steps. First, the problem must be identified. Next, __________must be gathered and possible _________ identified. The third step involves selecting the best option and fourth, _______ that option. Once this has been done, the next step is _______ the results to determine if the problem has actually been solved. 1. solutions 2. implementing 3. evaluating 4. information

4 - 1 - 2 - 3

A hockey player gets hit hard after losing his mouthguard on a play and loses a tooth. Which of the following is not an option for the dentist who is replacing the missing tooth?

A filling

Sterile Field

Area immediately surrounding a patient that has been prepared for a surgical procedure and is free of microorganisms

Florence Nightingale

British woman who elevated nursing to a respected occupation, improved the quality of nursing care, and pioneered modern nursing education

The Occupational Outlook Handbook includes a detailed overview of occupations; it is published by the U.S. ____________ and updated every two years.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Avicenna's ______________ which was influenced by Roman, Persian, Indian, and Islamic medicine was written during ___________________.

Canon of Medicine/ Medieval times

After being admitted for overnight observation, a patient is showing symptoms of impaired blood flow to the heart. The attending physician issues new orders for test to diagnose the problem. Which one of the following professionals would administer the tests that would be helpful in diagnosing the problem?

Cardiovascular technologist/sonographer

______________ medicine uses adjustments of body structures (usually the spine) to promote healing of a variety of physical disorders.


Chiropractic medicine is a type of ______________ therapy using adjustments of body structures, usually the spine, to promote healing. This type of treatment is administered by a ____________ chiropractor, on an outpatient basis.

Complementary/ Licensed

. Cultural diversity

Cultural differences within a specific region that can be related to country of origin, race, religion, gender, language, age or sexual orientation

Many people, and almost all institutions in the US value promptness and punctuality. In a culturally diverse country, it is important to understand differences in time orientation which explain:

Culturally defined attitudes in regard to punctuality and perceptions of past, present, and future

Group dynamics is how individual members relate to one another. Conflict between group members is:

Disagreement between individuals or team members

Emergency Medical Technicians can train to one of three levels. Choose the group below that best represents the order of levels from lowest to highest.

EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate, Paramedic

Unresolved conflict in the workplace can lower moral and threaten quality care. Conflict management within a group requires several steps which include all of the following EXCEPT:

Except: Holding a meeting with some of the team members What it is: Creating and implementing a plan to solve the problem Assessing and diagnosing the problem Evaluating and modifying the plan if the problem is not resolved

During verbal communication with patients, healthcare professionals should do all of the following EXCEPT:

Except: always use lengthy medical terms and highly technical language It is: always convey confidence and certainty while acknowledging your limitations always speak clearly and concisely in everyday language always use a polite tone which can keep frightened patients calm

Individual health and access to health care are affected by socioeconomic factors. Poverty, and its effects leads to all of the following EXCEPT:

Except: longer life span It is: inadequate care of infants more rapid spread of infectious disease greater number of psychological problems

A type of _______________facility, Independent-Living facilities provide patients _________________.

Extended Care/ a community setting where those who are still mobile can take care of themselves with some daily help.

Laws designed to encourage people to give emergency care without fear of being sued if something goes wrong are specific to each state in the United States and are known as:

Good Samaritan Laws

Roman medicine used many _______ ideas, though the Romans put more emphasis on preventative health care. They also built the first sewage system to help remove waste and the first _________ to care for their military personnel after a battle.

Greek/ hospitals

Clinical laboratory technician

Health professional who performs tests on tissues, body fluids, and cells and analyzes the results

A Pharmacy technician is a health professional who

Health professional who works in a pharmacy under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist

Physical therapist assistant

Health professional who works individually with patients to carry out a treatment plan; is supervised by a physical therapist

Health information coder

Health professional who works with systems of numbers, letters, symbols to document patient diagnoses and procedures; this information is used for insurance and public health purposes

During a physical examination, a patient reports a racing, rapid, pounding heartbeat, which is unpleasant and irregular. This are also known as palpitations which can be described as a forceful beating of the heart in the chest. The doctor suspects the patient has cardiac arrhythmias due to a problem with their pacemaker. What of the following is the first test that the physician is likely to order?

Holter monitor

The type of care that includes patient services focused on reducing pain, symptoms, and stress during the last stage of a terminal illness and on assistance for families and caregivers is _______ care.


Assistance for families and caregivers, in addition to treatments that focus on reducing pain, symptoms and stress for a patient suffering from the last stage of terminal illness is provided in a variety of settings and is known as

Hospice care

The fundamental rights of all people, regardless of locality or citizenship status are known as:

Human rights

The spread of infectious disease among hospitalized patients during the Crimean War decreased dramatically when Florence Nightingale improved the standards of ____________ and _____________. Due to her innovative thinking, she is now known as the founder of modern-day ____________.

Hygiene/ sanitation/ nursing

The flu and the recent outbreaks of measles are perfect examples of viral infections that are airborne diseases. This means that they are:

Infection spread through contact with droplets in the air

158. Emergency medical technicians can complete training and be certified at three professional levels, beginning with EMT-Basic. Those completing additional training can become certified at the mid- or most advanced levels, which are ________.

Intermediate and Paramedic

Health Care providers practice within many different legal guidelines and need to understand that Statutory law is the:

Laws enacted by federal, state, and local legislators and enforced by the court system

Good Samaritan Acts are

Laws that protect people who give emergency medical care from being sued if something goes wrong

The complexity of the modern healthcare allows for many different styles of leadership. Directive leadership is:

Leadership style in which the leader assumes complete control over the decisions and activities of the group

A Dental hygienist can be described as

Licensed health professional who cleans and polishes teeth, takes x-rays, and provides other services related to maintaining good oral health

dental hygienist

Licensed health professional who cleans and polishes teeth, takes x-rays, and provides other services related to maintaining good oral health

Diagnosis code

Numeric designation for a patient's illness, injury, or medical condition

Advanced practice nurses known as _ nurse midwives _ deliver babies and provide prenatal and gynecological care.

Nurse Midwives


Pertaining to the gums and other structures surrounding the teeth

Chronological organization

Presents information in a sequential order from the earliest to most recent events


Process of listening to dictated recordings made by physicians and other health professionals and using word processing software to create medical reports and other documentation

Therapeutic Services

Professional fields that involve providing health care to human or animal patients

Health informatics is defined as

Professional fields that involve the management of health care data for administrative, research, and health improvement purposes

Sharps containers are used by many health professionals in order to fulfill safety and infectious disease precautions. Which best describes a sharps container?

Puncture-resistant bin used for the disposal of items such as needles and scalpels

When interviewing a patient, a patient history is

Record of a patient's current and prior health status, including allergies, medications, and prior illnesses and hospitalizations

Experience is an important factor of a successful career in healthcare. One reason is the development of problem-solving by intuitive reasoning which can be defined as:

Resolution of a problem or situation based on instinct and an inner sense of what is correct based on previous experience

A Flexible spending account is best described as

Savings account opened through an employer in which pre-tax funds are deposited through payroll deduction, and employees can use the money to pay for certain health care expenses.

A Nosocomial infection is:

Secondary disorder that develops as a result of receiving treatment in a health care facility such as a hospital

While performing a routine examination in the ER, the nurse was having a hard time palpating (feeling) the pulse of his patient to report the patient's heart rate. Which of the following common medical instruments should he use to amplify the sound of the pulse?



Study of changes that occur in the body due to disease

Medical software programs speed up the process of filling out billing and medical coding entries automatically. Medical coding is

System of numbers and symbols used to document medical procedures and diagnoses

Accelerated master's degree nursing program

Three- to four-year program that culminates in a BSN and MSN

Eustress is an emotional condition best defined as:

Type of stress that leads to positive reactions, such as completing a task on time

U. S. health care costs are among the ______ in the world

U. S. health care costs are among the ______ in the world

Clinical Task

Work that involves playing some type of role in the examination and/or treatment of a patient

Within some categories of health professions, there is potential to for advancement in salary and responsibilities based on experience and education. This structure can be described as:

a hierarchy of careers within a professional field

There are many ways that professionals in the nursing field can choose to move ahead in salary and responsibilities. An Advanced Practice Nurse is

a licensed RN who has completed graduate training as a clinical nurse specialist, nurse anesthetist, nurse-midwife, or nurse-practitioner

One type of patient data record is called a Graphic sheet which contains:

a record of a patient's vital signs; also called a flow sheet

Personal qualities and professional behavior are a reflection of person's values. A personal Value System can be defined as:

a set of ranked principles that form the basis for a personal code of conduct

Preferred provider organization (PPO)

a. A type of managed care plan in which care can be provided by physicians, other health care professionals, and facilities either within or outside of a contracted network; patients pay higher out-or pocket costs if services are provided by a non-network provider.

A hospital is an example of a(n):

a. Acute care facility

. Fair-mindedness

a. Being open to all viewpoints and willing to evaluate them without bias

Critical thinking can best be described as

a. Comprehensive and systematic method of analyzing information objectively and arriving at an independent judgement

These societies have been credited with having an important influence on the health care systems of today:

a. Egyptians, Greeks, Romans


a. Email security feature that codes the content of messages to make them unreadable to unauthorized recipients

Health care corporation

a. For-profit organization that owns one or more health care facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, or diagnostic centers

Responsibility is:

a. Fulfilling obligations on time and according to standards and expectations; taking ownership of one's behavior

The ______ was written in Greece during ancient times and serves as a moral and ethical basis for many modern-day medical regulations and guidelines

a. Hippocratic Oath

An assisted-living facility provides:

a. Housing, meals, personal care, support services, and social activities

Working Memory

a. How the brain stores and retrieves the memories needed to address the particular task at hand

. A Stethoscope is a(n):

a. Instrument used by health professionals to listen to sounds produced by the heart, lings, and other internal organs.

Statutory law

a. Laws enacted by federal, state, and local legislators and enforced by the court system

Nondirective leadership is a leadership style best described as

a. Leadership style in which the leader delegates decisions and hands over power to group members; also known as laissez-faire leadership

There are several government-funded health insurance programs. In 1965, as part of the ____D___ Act, ___C__ was established to provide health care coverage for Americans age 65 and older. As part of that same legislation, the ___A__ program was also established, which provides health care coverage for low-income individuals and families and certain disabled citizens. Active and retired military and their families receive health care coverage through the ___B___ program.

a. Medicaid b. TRICARE c. Medicare d. Social Security


a. Payment made to an insurance company, usually on a monthly basis, to pay for health insurance coverage.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) includes regulations that are often referred to as the ____B____ Rule. The purpose of these regulations is to protect a patient's ___A____ health information from being used or shared without the patient's ___D____consent. One of the most important responsibilities for all health care professionals is to ensure __C__ and privacy when providing care.

a. Personal b. Privacy c. Confidentiality d. Written

. An acrostic is best defined a

a. Poem or series of phrases in which certain letters, usually the first in each line, form a message when read in sequence

Chronological organization

a. Presents information in a sequential order from the earliest to most recent events

Acculturation is defined as:

a. Process of shifting one's identity from the minority group by adopting the values, attitudes, and behaviors of the dominant group; also called cultural assimilation.

Flexible spending account

a. Savings account opened through an employer in which pre-tax funds are deposited through payroll deduction, and employees can use the money to pay for certain health care expenses.

Standard Precautions

a. Set of procedures recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to reduce the transmission of microorganisms in a health care setting


a. Shared system of beliefs, values, and behavioral expectations that provide a structure for daily life.


a. Signifies that an individual has met the requirement of a professional organization and has demonstrated mastery of a certain profession

. Viruses are best defined as (choose only ONE answer)

a. Smallest microorganism that often causes disease

Patient monitoring system

a. System used to continuously measure and display information on a patient's vital signs and other status data

Electrocardiogram (a) /Echocardiography (b) /Electrophysiology (c) /Stress test (d)

a. Test that records the electrical activity of the heart b. Use of ultrasound technology to examine the heart and blood vessels c. Test that uses instruments on a catheter to detect patterns in the heart's electrical activity d. Test that uses an EKG monitor to measure the heart's response to physical activity

Group dynamics is defined as

a. The process of working cooperatively and productively with others to accomplish a shared task or goal

Proxemics is best defined as

a. The study of the cultural, behavioral, and sociological aspects of spatial distances between people (personal space).


a. Traditional Chinese treatment for pain and disease that relies on inserting fine needles at specific body locations

Eustress is an emotional condition best defined as

a. Type of stress that leads to positive reactions, such as completing a task on time


a. Unstable atom of an element that gives off radiation; also called a radioisotope


a. Use of microorganisms or biological substances to perform industrial or engineering tasks that may result in new products and services

. Occupational therapy assistants may see many patients in one day. They must have empathy and be _ patient _, especially in working with people who are progressing slowly through long courses of treatment. OTAs must be particularly _ sensitive _ to a wide range of patient needs and challenges and diligently follow established _ intervention _ plans. Job prospects for OTAs are excellent in the coming years due to an aging population, medical _ advances _ that enable more people with critical conditions to survive, and laws supporting funding for education for people with disabilities.

a. advances b. patient c. sensitive d. intervention

. A primary responsibility of all health care workers is to support the best interests of patients and help them obtain quality care, acting as a patient____________.

a. advocate

One of the primary factors contributing to rising US Healthcare costs is a(n) ________ population

a. aging

. To succeed as a medical transcriptionist, fast and accurate ____d_____ skills are needed. But even more important is a mastery of ____a______ and physiology, medical _____b____, and a familiarity with diagnostic tests and medical treatments and procedures. Transcriptionists must also have a working knowledge of ___c_____ since drugs are so frequently used to treat various diseases and conditions

a. anatomy b. terminology c. pharmacology d. typing

Entry-level clinical laboratory technologist positions typically require a(an)_ bachelor's _ degree in medical technology or a life science. These programs, offered by universities and _ hospitals _, are four or five years in length. The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) are a set of federal _ quality _ standards for all laboratory testing that classifies into three levels of complexity. CLIA requires that all laboratory personnel who perform highly complex tests have at least a (an) _ associate's _ degree

a. associate's b. quality c. bachelor's d. hospitals

Antiseptic agents, such as those used to disinfect wounds or cuts, inhibit the growth of microorganisms and are _______.

a. bacteriostatic

There are many jobs within the area of health information management. Medical ___C_____ assign numbers, letters, and symbols to patient diagnoses and procedures, which are needed to submit health insurance claims. Medical __A____ collect payment for health care services. Medical ____B_____ listen to recordings dictated by physicians and other health professionals and convert them into reports, letters, and other documents that become part og the patient's medical record. Health information ____D______ assemble and organize medical charts and may also have other duties related to entering or managing patient information for various purposes.

a. billers b. transcriptionists c. coders d. technicians

In a team with defined roles, an Implementer is best described as the person who

a. carries out specific activities or duties appropriate to his/her role as part of a group or team

. Proven study tips include setting up a study area that is quiet and ___D___ and turning off electronic devices such as cell phones and televisions to eliminate___C____. Study with a friend, coworker, or study group if ___B____notes and questions with others is helpful. It is best to start with the most difficult material first for better focus when the brain is fresh and then move on to less ____A___ tasks later

a. challenging b. comparing c. distractions d. inviting

In 1998, the Patient's ____C______ was established by the Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry. These rights have been acknowledged and adopted by most health care facilities, medical practices, and insurance providers. Patient rights specified in this policy document included the right to receive care without ___B___ and the right to speedy ___D____ resolution. Patients also have the right to a ____ ['';;./A______ of health care providers and access to quality care.

a. choice b. discrimination c. Bill of Rights d. complaint

Clinical laboratory technicians collect _ specimens _, prepare them for testing, and conduct certain tests. Typical tasks include _ inoculating _ a culture, performing a blood _ cholesterol _ test, and performing a basic _ chemical _ analysis of urine. Their responsibilities also include cleaning and maintaining equipment and organizing laboratory supplies.

a. cholesterol b. chemical c. inoculating d. specimens

During prehistoric times, people were spared from many of the worst diseases that plague modern people such as measles and small pox. These diseases did not spread as easily during prehistoric times because:

a. communities were small and populations were spread out

. Professional ________________ involves becoming proficient at work-related tasks and being able to accurately steps and procedures according to professional guidelines and time frames

a. competence

. It is important for health care professionals to stay informed of current ___C______ research and to keep abreast of new technologists that affect health care service delivery. This can be accomplished by attending professional meetings and _____A_____ and participating in classes or seminars offered by professional organizations or local universities. Health Care facilities often sponsor ____B_____ educational programs for their employees, and there are many __D____ resources, including web sites, databases, and journals, that can be useful for self-directed

a. conferences b. in-service c. clinical online

The HIPAA Privacy Rule is the common name for legislation enacted to protect the _________ of patient health information.

a. confidentiality

. Certain skills and characteristics are needed to succeed as a dental hygienist. They must be good at _ detail _ work and have excellent task- and _ time __-management skills. Manual _ dexterity _ is important since their work involves careful and precise movements. Dental hygienists must enjoy contact with a wide range of people, and effective _ communication _ skills are critical as they interact with patients and work cooperatively as part of the dental practice team.

a. dexterity b. detail c. time d. communication

. Sonographers can specialize in a number of areas. Some choose to specialize in ultrasound scans of the heart; they are known as cardiac sonographers or echocardiographers __. Others who specialize in performing scans of the blood vessels are known as _ vascular _ technologists or sonographers. Those who focus on neurosonography perform scans of the _ nervous __ system. Others specialize in obstetrics/gynecology, and some specialize in scans of the abdominal cavity or the breasts, to detect abnormalities or help to _diagnose_ diseases such as cancer.

a. diagnose b. echocardiographers c. vascular d. nervous

. A system used by Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurers as a cost containment measure that categorizes health care services to determine payment is known as _______________classification.

a. diagnostic related group

. Respiratory therapists tend to gain their first professional experience in a _ hospital _ setting. Later in their career, they may choose to specialize in a particular area such as_ critical _ care or long-term care. They can also work in diagnostics, _ disease _ management, or home health care. Some choose to work exclusively with infants and children, and others specialize in _ pulmonary _ rehabilitation, helping patients with chronic respiratory diseases learn to deal with their condition

a. disease b. hospital c. critical d. pulmonary

Massage therapists complete training programs that are a minimum of 500 hours in length. Most states require graduates to pass a _ certification _ exam and to complete a required number of hours of continuing _ education _ for renewal. Once they have mastered the basic techniques, many therapists also learn and practice additional specialized _ modalities _, including deep-tissue, trigger point, Shiatsu, acupressure, and _ sports _ massage

a. education b. modalities c. certification d. sports

Health care methods differ from Western medical principles and practices are known as ___C_____ healing methods. Some of these methods are based on principles of ___D_____ touch, such as massage or certain types of __A____ work. Acupuncture and __B_____ are examples of modalities based on specific energy-related points on the body. Some Western-trained medical professionals have begun to integrate certain alternative healing methods into their practices.

a. energy b. acupressure c. nontraditional therapeutic

Patient ___B____ is an important process that provides support and reinforcement and actively involves the patient in gaining knowledge and participating in his or her care. This process includes five steps, beginning with assessment and moving on to the ___C_____, which establishes goals and objectives. The next step is __D____, in which the patient is trained to carry out treatment or lifestyle instructions, followed by ____A____ to determine how ell the patient is progressing with treatment or lifestyle changes. Documentation is the last step, ensuring that all conversations, events, and results are accurately recorded in the patient record

a. evaluation b. education c. plan d. implementation

Physician assistants (PAs) must have prior health care experience, complete an accredited education program, and pass a national_ certification _ exam to obtain a license to practice. They perform many of the same tasks as physicians, including _ examining _ patients and _ diagnosing _illnesses. PAs can order and interpret laboratory tests and imaging procedures and treat routine ailments and injuries. When they encounter unusual or complex cases, they must consult with or refer the patient to a __ physician _.

a. examining b. diagnosing c. certification d. physician

. Some health professional work in jobs that require them to handle or work near radioactive materials, and they must take specific ____D_____ to prevent or reduce their ____A____. These include minimizing time in the affected area, maximizing their _____B______ from the source, and using appropriate ____C______.

a. exposure b. distance c. shields d. precautions

Effective communication within a group will contribute to its success. To achieve this, group members must __C____ with full attention and ____A____ their ideas as clearly as possible. Members must also be willing to accept ___D___ on ideas or proposals and work to make sure that negative __B____ or emotions do not prevent clear and respectful communication

a. express b. attitudes c. listen d. feedback

. Slander is best described as:

a. false or malicious statements made verbally that can harm a person's reputation

The term _________ is used to describe physicians participating in managed care plans who provide primary care services and make referrals to specialists.

a. gatekeeper

The structure of a team and how well team members understand the structure can determine its success. The elements of team structure include the team's ___D___, or the reason the group exists. Other elements that contribute to a team's success are the specific ___A____ that members work to accomplish, the __C_____ played by its members, and how well the team carries out its designated ___B_______.

a. goals b. functions c. roles d. purpose

Medicare and Medicaid are examples of ______________health plans

a. government-funded

Health professionals must take responsibility for patient safety by implementing some basic practices. These include helping patients become ____D__ to their surroundings and protecting them from falls by being alert to ____A____ in the environment. Patient ___B_____ bracelets are commonly used to prevent mix-ups and ensure that proper care is provided to the correct person. Health workers must also make sure that equipment being used is free of ____C___ and operating normally to prevent injury to patients and themselves

a. hazards b. identification c. defects oriented

. Nursing is a rapidly growing health care profession, with employment opportunities in a wide range of settings, from hospitals to ___A___ health care. The most highly trained are ____C____nurses, who represent the largest health care occupation. RNs work under the supervision of a physician and may supervise other nursing staff. They have the option of becoming advanced _____D______ nurses, who select one of four specialty areas (such as nurse anesthetist) and work independently or collaborate with physicians. Licensed _____B____ nurses perform many tasks involved in direct patient care and work under the supervision of a physician or RN

a. home b. practical c. registered d. practice

. Behaving professionally involves using appropriate _____D__ in communicating with coworkers and patients and exhibiting dependability, honesty, and ____C___ in all actions. Professionalism also involves maintaining a neat and clean ____B___, which includes appropriate ____A___ and dressing according to facility or practice guidelines.

a. hygiene b. appearance c. integrity d. language

Florence Nightingale, known as the __B___ of modern-day nursing, was a driving force behind improving standards of __A____ and ___D___, which resulted in fewer ___C__ among patients

a. hygiene b. founder c. infections d. sanitation

In preparing for a leadership role, it is important to ________ your strengths and work on acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills

a. identify

. Computers are now used in virtually all aspects of health care, beginning with ___B____ functions such as scheduling, inventory, medical coding, and __C____ later expanding into many applications related to direct patient care. Computer systems are used for laboratory ___D____ and data analysis and have also become part of clinical decision making and quality _____A____ processes

a. improvement b. administrative c. billing d. testing

Occupational therapists and occupation therapy assistants help people who are temporarily or permanently disabled learn to master tasks required in ___D____ life or skills needed to obtain a ____C_____. Their clients include patients who have suffered a ______B______ or some type of injury, as well as those coping with mental illness or degenerative conditions. The goals of the profession include helping patients become _____A_______ and productive and to improve their quality of life.

a. independent b. stroke c. job d. daily

Sterilization procedure

a. involve equipment and agents that kill all forms of microorganisms

A person who displays the characteristic of Sociability

a. is personable, pleasant, and at ease in interacting with others

Which of the following is NOT a reason that poor families often have poorer health then middle-class or upper-income families?

a. lack of intelligence

Dental school applicants must complete two or three years of college that includes certain required general and science courses, but most applicants have earned a _ bachelor's _ degree prior to admission. Dental school programs are generally _ four _ years in length. The first half of the program includes science and dental technique courses, and during the second half, student _ treat _ patients under the supervision of licensed dentists. Upon graduation, they are awarded a DDS or DMD degree. Most states require dental graduates to pass a written and practical exam to obtain a _ license __ to practice.

a. license b. bachelor's c. four d. treat

A legal document used to specify steps taken, if any, to save or prolong a patient's life in the event he or she is incapacitated and unable to make medical decisions is a ________.

a. living will

As part of their daily duties, medical assistants interact with a wide range of people, so they must have good _ communication _ and listening skills. They must also be organized and skilled at time_ management __. Flexibility and the ability to shift _ priorities _ based in changing circumstances are essential. A positive attitude and the ability to handle multiple _ tasks _ at once are also important characteristics of a successful medical assistant

a. management b. communication c. priorities d. tasks

Therapy and rehabilitation professional can specialize in a number of areas such as ____B_ therapy, which involves helping patients recover from injuries and regain normal function and movement. Professionals in __D___ therapy help those with speaking and language disorders, and ___C____ therapists help people regain the functions and skills needed to return to the workplace. Practitioners in ________A________ are trained in the manipulation of soft tissues to produce therapeutic effects such as release of muscle tension and enhance tissue healing.

a. massage b. physical c. occupational d. speech

Health care cost containment is best defined as

a. measures to control health care costs and create an affordable health care system

Communication ___B_____ can have serious consequences for patients and health care professionals. Prescription _C__, inaccurate test __D______, or actual ___A_____ can occur due to incorrect, incomplete, or unclear communication. These situations not only endanger patients but also risk potential legal action against health care workers and facilities

a. misdiagnoses b. breakdowns c. errors d. results

Both for-profit and _____A______ health care facilities must operate efficiently and cost-effectively to continue to exist. One of the aspects that providers and institutions seek to improve is ___B___. This can be achieved through better ____D_____ and by taking advantage of technological advances such as __C____ medical records and transmitting prescriptions to pharmacies by computer.

a. nonprofit b. resource utilization c. electronic d. time management

Therapies that use holistic healing methods are known as __D____ therapies. These therapies promote ___B___ through ____B__, exercise, and relaxation.

a. nutrition b. healing c. acupuncture d. complementary

To get the most benefit from a study group, the members or a designated leader should determine the ____________ for each study session.

a. objectives

. The Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates 21% employment growth for licensed practical nurses (LPNs) through 2018, especially in jobs that involve caring for _ older _ adults. One health care setting that is expected to account for a large portion of LPN job growth is _ home _ health care services, which allow people to receive care in a comfortable and familiar place. There is also high demand for LPNs in nursing care facilities, due to increasing numbers of the elderly who require _ long-term _ care and the need for _ short-term _ care for discharged hospital patients

a. older b. long-term c. home d. short-term

A key professional quality of health care professional is ______, which is the ability to place and store physical objects, such as supplies and materials, in an orderly and accessible manner and to approach work tasks systematically

a. organization

Studying that produces true learning involves four processes. The first two are __B____ one's memory and taking in new __C___. Data or information gathered must then be _A____ and committed to memory. Next, mental ____D___ are made that associate the new information with prior learning, which results in understanding and retention.

a. organized b. refreshing c. information d. connections

. The bubonic plague that occurred in Europe during the 14th century is considered a ____________ because it was a deadly infectious disease that spread across an entire continent and affected numerous different countries.

a. pandemic

A Health information professional

a. performs administrative duties, and can be involved in areas such as medical billing, coding, transcription, or health record management

Health care professionals who counsel patients on ____B_____must do so with awareness that food __A___ may be strongly rooted in a person's cultural background. For example, rice or corn may be dietary___D_____ in some cultures, while they may be rarely or never eaten in others. Culture may also dictate how food in prepared and how often __C___ are eaten

a. preferences b. diet c. meals d. staples

Pharmacy technicians perform various tasks to assist the pharmacist such as _ counting _ pills and tablets from bulk containers to fill individual _ prescriptions _. Typical tasks include preparing unit _ doses _ and prescription labels, providing customer service, and maintaining pharmacy records and _ inventory __. Computer skills and good interpersonal skills are needed to succeed as a pharmacy technician

a. prescriptions b. doses c. counting d. inventory

Health insurance coverage obtained through an employer or purchased individually is known as __A___ insurance. Employers and organizations such as professional associations and unions purchase insurance for ___D_____ of people, which means that they can negotiate better __C____. In an effort to lower their expenses, many employers have shifter a higher percentage of the monthly ___B_____ cost to their employees

a. private b. premium c. rates d. groups

. Surgical technologists complete training in the basic sciences, microbiology, pharmacology, and coursework related to patient care and specific surgical _ procedures _. They must become familiar with surgical _ instruments _ and the drugs, equipment, supplies used in the operating room. Prior to an operation, a surgical technologist will prepare the operating room. Once the operation has begun, the technologist may pass instruments and other items to the surgeon; he or she may use _retractors _ to hold back an organ, tissue, or the edges of an incision to allow the surgeon to work. Other tasks may include clearing fluids and setting up drains and tubing, cutting sutures, preparing dressings, monitoring the patient's vital signs, and preparing and labeling _ specimens _ to be sent for laboratory analysis.

a. procedures b. retractors c. instruments d. specimens

Federal law requires healthcare professionals, teachers, and social worker to report suspected child abuse and provides ______for those who make reports

a. protection

Nuclear medicine technologists perform diagnostic tests involving the use of radioactive materials and assist physicians in administering _ radionuclide _ therapy and in using _ radiopharmaceuticals _ to treat various diseases. Diagnostic scans done by these health professionals include positron_ emission __ tomography (PET) scans, single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scans, _ bone __ scans, and cardiovascular imaging.

a. radiopharmaceuticals b. emission c. bone d. radionuclide

Smart phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and tablet PCs are several types of ___C____ devices used by health professionals. These portable devices allow providers to immediately access patient ___A___, look up drug information and other data in medical and pharmaceutical ___B_____, and become familiar with clinical ___D____ that they do not routinely perform but that may be necessary for a current patient

a. records b. databases c. handheld d. procedures

Various ____C____ and beliefs, especially those related to ___A_____, may dictate how a patient will respond to a certain health care provider. For example, in some cultures, it is inappropriate for a person to be touched by a member of the opposite sex is not a family member. In this case, to be respectful of the patient's beliefs in regard to ___B_____ roles, care should be provided by a physician or other health care professional of the same sex. Faith-related beliefs may also influence a patient's ___D_____ habits

a. religion b. gender c. traditions d. dietary

. Telemedicine involves the use of

a. remote devices to measure and record a patient's physical status from home or another location at a distance

The chain if infection is a series of five links through which pathogens are spread. The chain begins at the __A______, the location in which organisms begin to grow and reproduce. Pathogens then find a ___B____ of entry, a point on the body that allows them access. A susceptible __C____ is a person whose body cannot fight off the pathogen once it enters and who will likely become ill.

a. reservoir b. portal c. host d. vehicle

Paraphrasing is:

a. restating what a person has said, using your own words

Technological advances have resulted in a new trend in health information coding, the use of computer-assisted coding (CAC). The CAC software conducts a ____b______ of medical documents for _____d_______ words and phrases and then uses this information to ____c___ the correct code. CAC applications are designed to save time and assist with ____a_____ and repetitive coding tasks, but trained coders must still check each file to confirm the accuracy of software-assigned codes and to do more advanced coding.

a. routine b. scan c. predict d. key

Appropriate personal hygiene and grooming are expected of all health care professionals. Patients who are weak or ill may be highly sensitive to __C_____ and are more at risk of __D___ from exposure to germs. Professional grooming standards should include daily ____B___, clean and pressed clothing, hair that is neatly trimmed or pulled back, and the avoidance of __A____ personal-care products

a. scented b. bathing c. odors d. infection

A positive sense of one's own value and abilities is known as_________.

a. self-esteem

Stress can result from a number of causes, and it is important to manage it as part of self-care and to ensure that it doesn't affect professional ____B____. Effective stress-management strategies include setting ____D____, building a network of ____A____ support that includes family and friends, and finding __C____ methods that work for you.

a. social b. performance c. relaxation d. priorities

Basic problem-solving involves five steps. First, the problem must be identified. Next, ____D_____ must be gathered and possible ___A_____ identified. The third step involves selecting the best option and fourth, __B____ that option. Once this has been done, the next step is _C_____ the results to determine if the problem has actually been solved.

a. solutions b. implementing c. evaluating d. information

. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the coming years, more jobs will be added for registered nurses (RNs) than for any other occupation. RNs can choose from a wide variety of health care settings and _ specialties _. While most work as _staff __ nurses as part of a health care team, there are many other opportunities available. RNs can also work in areas that do not involve direct patient care, such as _ infection _ control, forensics, health education, and informatics, or they can become ____ case ___ managers, nurses who coordinate health care services for patients with specific diseases.

a. specialties b. staff c. case d. infection

. In most organizations, managers have four primary functions. The first is planning, which involves developing short- and long- term goals and creating _____A___ for achieving those goals. Managers are responsible for __C_____ staff and their resources in an optimal way to get work done. They also direct and guide team members, __D____ them as needed on how or when to carry out tasks or duties. Managers control and __B_____ the work of team members to evaluate progress against goals and to be accountable for team performance.

a. strategies b. monitor c. organizing d. instructing

. Civil rights are:

a. the basic legal rights held by all US citizens

human dignity

a. the inherent worth and uniqueness of all individuals

. Computerized tomography (CT) scans are

a. three-dimensional images of the body

. The new patient interview covers a number of established __A___ designed to give the health care team a complete picture of the patient's background and current situation. Subjects discussed include the patient's medical and family ___D_______, a review of body ____B_____, occupation and social habits, and any ___C___ or supplements being used.

a. topics b. systems c. medications d. history

. Under the U. S. legal system, any wrongful act that results in harm is a _____A_______. These wrongful acts may be one of two kinds: intentional or unintentional. An accident or mistake is an _____B______, while a ____D____ act meant to cause harm is an intentional tort. Parties who are harmed have the right to engage in a ____C___, which is a claim or dispute brought before a court to be resolved.

a. tort b. unintentional tort c. lawsuit d. deliberate

. Sonographers are trained in _ noninvasive_ procedures that use the echoes of sound waves to produce images of structures within the body. The sonographer spreads a gel over the patient's skin that helps conduct sound waves and then moves a _ transducer _ (device that emits sound and detects echoes) over the area to be imaged. A computer analyzes the echoes and creates the image. The sonographer decides which images the patient's physician should see and provides an oral or written _ summary _ of preliminary findings. Sonograms are commonly used to monitor the developing _ fetus _ during pregnancy and are also used to detect various diseases or disorders

a. transducer b. noninvasive c. summary d. fetus

The first successful inoculation for smallpox in the 18th century led to the development of many other ____________ and the eventual eradication of diseases such as polio

a. vaccines

Some typical tasks of a licensed practical nurse include taking vital signs, recording food and fluid intake and output, changing dressings, and _ administering _ medications


A computerized report that documents the drugs given to a particular patient is the medication _administration_ record (MAR).


Cardiovascular technologists who specialize in assisting physicians in performing _advanced __ procedures such as cardiac catheterization and balloon angioplasty are known as cardiology technologists


Registered nurses sometimes serve as intermediaries between physicians, social workers, and patients. They may play a role of patient _________, helping to protect patients' rights and ensure that they have a voice in their own care.


When a healthcare worker supports the best interests of their patients and help them obtain quality care, they are acting as a patient____________, which is a primary responsibility of all healthcare professionals.


To keep to the planned time frame and help prevent conflict in team meetings, the leader needs to keep the meeting focused on the __________.


Depending on a person's cultural background, making direct eye contact or standing close while speaking may be perceived as either a normal part of exchange or as ____________, or threatening, behavior


One of the primary factors contributing to rising US Healthcare costs is an ________ population.


The use of computers in health care requires special processes to protect patient privacy. Encryption is:

an email security feature that codes the content of messages to make them unreadable to unauthorized recipients

Registration signifies that

an individual has passed a standardized national exam administered by a professional organization

The results of blood tests such as a complete blood count (CBC) are commonly obtained via computer _______ of a patient's blood sample


The process of ___________information requires breaking it into parts that can be easily understood.


Characteristics of critical thinkers include humility, persistence, and integrity. Critical thinkers who exhibit fair-mindedness:

are open to all viewpoints and willing to evaluate them without bias

Dental hygiene ranks first for projected employment growth among occupation requiring a minimum of a(n) _ associate's _ degree.


A plan outlining the methods used to evaluate the quality of performance in all areas of a laboratory's technical operations is known as a quality _ assurance _ plan.


A person's right to self-determination or ability to function independently is known as ___________.


Multidisciplinary team

b. Group of health professionals with a variety of backgrounds, qualifications, and experience whose skills complement each other and enable them to work cooperatively to provide care

Professional success in healthcare requires a set of personal attributes some of which include Self-esteem, Honesty, Patience, Organization and Sociability. Sociability means:

being personable, pleasant, and at ease in interacting with others

Medical waste materials that are contaminated with blood or body fluids are disposed of in a _________ waste container



c. Imaging process that uses sound waves to visualize structures deep within the body


c. Qualifications or achievements used to indicate a person's suitability for a job or professional role


c. Signifies that a state government has granted authority for an individual to practice in a certain profession


c. Specific therapeutic method

A(n) __________ provider is a physician under contract to provide services according to the terms of a specific managed care plan.

c. in-network

A patient undergoing surgery is given an anesthetic which, due to a previous treatment, poses an increased risk if used again. As a result of using the anesthetic, the patient suffers liver damage and subsequently dies. The patient's family lawyer files a malpractice suit against the doctor, claiming negligence. The best definition of negligence as it relates to this case is:

careless behavior on the part of the healthcare provider which results in harm to the patient

An important role of the dental assistant is to work closely in support of the dentist, acting as his or her _ chairside _ assistant during examinations and procedures


Dr. Vesalious, an internal medicine specialist, receives abnormal results of an EKG for Mrs. Smith which concern him. Dr. Vesalious needs to contact Mrs. Smith quickly, and calls her at her cell phone number to schedule an appointment for the next day. A verbal message sent by phone to arrange an appointment or a treatment is a part of the the communication process known as:

channel of communication

. Defamation of _______occurs when untrue or malicious statements are spoken or written that have the ability to harm a person's reputation


Medical assistants work in physicians' offices and other health care facilities; their responsibilities often include administrative and selected ____________tasks.


The health care professionals who perform tests on tissues, blood, and body fluids to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of disease are ______________ technologists, also called medical technologists

clinical laboratory

The health care professionals who perform tests on tissues, blood, and body fluids to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of disease are _____________technologists, also called medical technologists

clinical laboratory

The American Health Information Management Association is a professional association whose members include health information technicians and managers and medical ____________.


In modern times, __________________diseases such as chicken pox and influenza spread very rapidly when compared to disease spread in less advanced societies. This is due to the _______________________ communities that existed in earlier eras such as prehistoric times

communicable/ small nomadic

Effective teamwork requires open and honest ________, sufficient organizational resources, and respect and support among members.


To keep to the planned time frame and help prevent conflict in team meetings, the leader needs to keep the meeting focused on the __________.


Professional ________________ involves becoming proficient at work-related tasks and being able to accurately perform steps and procedures according to professional guidelines and time frames.


The process of mixing ingredients to make medications is _ compounding _, which today s done only by specially trained pharmacists who create customized medicines for patients whose needs are not met by manufactured drugs.


The HIPAA Privacy Rule is the common name for legislation enacted to protect the _________ of patient health information


. When a patient has been informed of treatment options and voluntarily agrees to a procedure or a course of treatment, the patient has given informed ____________.


. An important way that health care professionals increase their competency and sharpen skills is by being willing to learn from ______________________ criticism from teachers, coworkers, and patients.


In a work, or study, group the resource is the person who:

contributes unique knowledge, skills, or expertise to a group or team

A laboratory's quality _ control _ program monitors each phase of the laboratory process against certain performance standards


. Projected growth in the need for dental services is due to the aging population, increasing interest in preventive care, availability of dental insurance coverage, and the rising demand for ________ dental procedures such as whitening and veneers


A _____________ measure that categorizes health care services into diagnostic related group classification is used to determine payment to healthcare providers by Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurers.

cost containment

New technologies, globalization, and strategies for _______ have led to the outsourcing of certain health care jobs (such as medical billing, coding, and transcription) to overseas vendors

cost reduction

Pharmacists _ counsel _ patients about drugs that have been prescribed for them, discussing proper dosage, storage, side effects, and possible drug interactions


. Immigrants or others living in a dominant culture that differs from their own may experience a type of psychological disturbance or disorientation known as _____________.

culture shock

Laboratory Technicians and Technologists specialize in certain areas depending on the blood, tissue, or cell samples that they analyze. Which of the following specialties would be central to diagnoses of cervical cancer, a gynecological cancer, after a Pap smear?


Occupational therapy

d. Use of purposeful activity in the treatment of rehabilitation of people with physical or mental disabilities

The growth of the home health care industry is due all of the following EXCEPT:

decreasing numbers of older people are living longer with chronic illnesses

Dentists are authorized to administer anesthesia as part of dental procedures. In some states, ___________ are permitted to inject local anesthetics and to administer certain other types of anesthesia.

dental hygienists

Health information technicians, medical coders, and transcriptionists must all be __________ and dedicated to accuracy in their work


Health information technicians, medical coders, and transcriptionists must all be __________ and dedicated to accuracy in their work.


. Three types of _______ that can affect patient understanding of a health professional's communication or instructions are pain, hunger and environmental noise


Qualities that define group __________ are how committed members are to the group's purpose, how loyal they are to the group, and how well they cooperate and work together


Cardio graphic technicians perform basic EKG tests to monitor the _ electrical _ activity of the heart; with additional training, they can perform specialized EKG tests that require an understanding of complex cardiac rhythms and arrhythmias


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the main federal agency involved in the protection of workers through the __________ of safety and health legislation


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the main federal agency involved in the protection of workers through the __________ of safety and health legislation.


Health care workers must value each person's uniqueness and avoid __________, the belief that one's own cultural or social group is superior to others


Health care workers must value each person's uniqueness and avoid __________, the belief that one's own cultural or social group is superior to others.


: Physical therapist assistants work with patients to carry out treatment plans that may include stretching and strengthening _ exercises _, aerobic training, and activities designed to improve balance and coordination.


. In many cultures, the ___________ family is involved in child-rearing


A _______________ is a medical doctor who diagnoses and treats a variety of common health problems

general practitioner

Due to adaptations which helped the survival of humans in different environmental conditions, certain characteristics have accumulated within different racial or ethnic groups. Disorders such as Tay-Sachs disease, Keloids, Lactose deficiency and lactose intolerance can occur at higher rates in certain groups and are examples of:

genetic disorders

129. Bactericidal or _________ methods of infection control are those that kill microorganisms


The structure of a team and how well team members understand the structure can determine its success. The elements of team structure include the team's purpose, or the reason the group exists. Other elements that contribute to a team's success are the specific ________ that members work to accomplish, the ________ played by its members, and how well the team carries out its designated functions.


. A legal _________ is a person appointed by a judge to act on behalf of another person, such as a child or a mentally incompetent adult


The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the federal agency involved in the prevention and control of disease, injury, and disability; it has established ___________ to protect health care workers from the spread of infections in the workplace.


The projected high demand for physical therapists is due to an aging population and the increasing willingness of ________ providers to offer coverage for their services

health insurance

A(n) __________ approach to health care involves treating the whole person using methods that acknowledge a mind-body connection, such as those originating in Indian and Chinese medical traditions


. One of the most important tasks a dental hygienist does is to educate patients about proper _ home __ care, including the daily care of teeth and gums and dietary and lifestyle issues that relate to oral health


Licensed practical nurses are in demand and can find employment in _home_ health care, as well as in nursing care facilities.


Certified nursing assistants perform basic nursing tasks and assist patients with personal care needs such as eating, bathing, dressing, and personal_____________. On the other hand, typical tasks of a licensed practical nurse include taking vital signs, recording food and fluid intake and output, changing dressings, and _________ medications.

hygiene/ administering

Radiologic technologists, also called radiographers, are trained in various diagnostic medical ___________ techniques


Programs known as _ in-service __ education are held on-site at hospitals and other health care facilities to teach a particular nursing skill or to provide information on a specific disease or health care issue; they often count toward continuing education hours for licensure renewal

in service

An __________ provider is a physician under contract to provide services according to the terms of a specific managed care plan which place emphasis on ________care.

in-network/ preventative

When a patient has been given detailed descriptions of treatment options and voluntarily agrees to that procedure or a course of treatment, the patient has given ____________.

informed consent

A health care professional exhibits ________when he or she proactively begins a task or makes a decision without needing to be prompted or directed to do it


A(n)__________ may be needed if a patient does not speak or understand English well enough to communicate with health care staff


. Patient _______________ are conducted to gather initial patient history information, inquire about specific symptoms or treatment issues, or to update information


A Medical Assistant is a health professional who:

is employed in a physician's office or other health care facility who performs administrative and selected clinical tasks

Massage therapists and other manual therapy practitioners must develop a working knowledge of _ kinesiology _, which is the study of the mechanics and anatomy involved in human movement


. Dental assistants help the dentist during procedures, and some may carry out administrative tasks or work in a dental _ laboratory


Preliminary tasks an occupational therapist may do before developing an intervention plan for a patient include conducting muscle testing, testing vision, evaluating a home environment, and screening for _ learning _ disabilities.


Medical documentation provides a _________ record of a patient's medical history and health care provided.


A career in the health professions requires a commitment to ________ learning as new discoveries are made and processes, procedures, and technologies change and evolve. So, good study skills are important to develop, i.e. studying in short sessions with ________________.

life-long/ breaks in between

Active __________involves fully concentrating on the person speaking, not interrupting, and paying attention to the speaker's body language and nonverbal cues


Active __________involves fully concentrating on the person speaking, not interrupting, and paying attention to the speaker's body language and nonverbal cues.


A legal document used to specify steps taken, if any, to save or prolong a patient's life in the event he or she is incapacitated and unable to make medical decisions is a ________.

living will

. Leaders use _________skills to recognize and foster the talents of team members and direct them in accomplishing specific goals or objectives.


: Skill in working with the hands is known as _manual_ dexterity


. The _ mean _ salary is the midpoint of a salary range, often used to represent the typical salary of people with a certain level of training or experience in a given occupation


In the communication process, the ______ is the information the sender conveys


In medical documentation, it is critical that timed entries be made correctly. These entries in a patient record specify when a certain action was taken or when it should occur. The _______time system is used by most health care facilities and shows hours and minutes as part of a 24-hour _______ that begins at 12:00 The use of this timekeeping system prevents confusion over a.m. and p.m. times.

military/ cycle

One of the primary benefits of electronic medical records over paper records is their ability to be accessed simultaneously by __________users.


Health care is usually provided as a group effort, and even studying for health care courses can be more productive in groups especially if group members make the most of study sessions. To get the most benefit from a study group, the members or a designated leader should determine the ____________ for each study session.


Nurses who provide direct patient care must have certain key abilities and traits; chief among these are good communication skills, a great deal of patience, and the ability to be _ observant _, quick to note any changes in the patient's condition or symptoms


All medical information recorded must be objective data which is a record of

observations of the patient made by the health care professional

A licensed therapist who helps patients master activities needed in daily life and achieve as much independence as possible despite physical or mental impairments is a(n) ___________. While employees called ___________ are involved in helping patients improve mobility, restore function, relieve pain, and manage or prevent disabilities.

occupational therapist/ physical therapists

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects continuing job growth in health information coding due to increasing numbers of __________, treatment, procedures to be performed in the coming years


154. Surgical technology is a rapidly growing health care career, and while many of these professionals work in hospitals, the fastest job growth is expected to occur through openings in physicians' offices and ____________.

outpatient surgical centers

. In certain cultures, admitting to the experience of _____________ is frowned upon, so patients with these backgrounds will endure discomfort stoically, without complaint; therefore, health professionals must observe nonverbal signs, such as wincing or favoring a sensitive area


In certain cultures, admitting to the experience of _____________ is frowned upon, so patients with these backgrounds will endure discomfort stoically, without complaint; therefore, health professionals must observe nonverbal signs, such as wincing or favoring a sensitive area.


The bubonic plague that occurred in Europe during the 14th century is considered a ____________ Because it was a deadly _________________that spread across an entire continent and affected numerous different countries.

pandemic/contagious disease

The most highly trained emergency medical technicians are ___________.


The medical science concerned with the characteristics, causes, and effects of disease is _pathology_.


A __________ is a clinical laboratory technician trained to draw blood samples for testing.


Stress can result from a number of causes, and it is important to manage it as part of self-care and to ensure that it doesn't affect professional performance. Effective stress-management strategies include setting_________, building a network of social support that includes family and friends, and finding _______methods that work for you.

priorities/ relaxation

A periodontal _________ is a dental instrument used to measure the depth and topography of gingival and periodontal pockets.


Clinical laboratory technologists must excel at detail work and have strong analysis and _ problem solving _ skills.

problem solving

CPT or HCPCS codes are used to document health care _ procedures; services __.

procedure services

When considering specific health care careers, __________ associations can provide access to valuable information, including details on the job market and employers, and the opportunity to network with members


When considering specific health care careers, __________ associations can provide access to valuable information, including details on the job market and employers, and the opportunity to network with members.


: Professional cleaning and polishing of teeth for the purpose of preventing decay and disease is oral _ prophylaxis _.


. Health care professionals are engaged in work that is a type of _______service, meaning that it contributes to the overall good of society


Health care professionals are engaged in work that is a type of ________service, meaning that it contributes to the overall good of society.


Radiologic technologists, also known as _________, perform diagnostic medical imaging medical imaging procedures using x-ray equipment and may also administer radiation therapy.


The dental specialty that uses imaging techniques to diagnose head and neck diseases is oral and maxillofacial _ radiology _.


Qualifying for ________________ means that a healthcare professional has graduated from an accredited school and passed a national exam administered by a nongovernmental agency; the names of professionals who obtain this status appear on lists available to potential employers.


A crisis ________ center is a type of mental health facility that provides 24-hour services and hotlines for people in crisis. These centers serve those at risk due to drugs, alcohol, abuse, rape or considering suicide


Various customs and beliefs, especially those related to _________, may dictate how a patient will respond to a certain health care provider. For example, in some cultures, it is inappropriate for a person to be touched by a member of the opposite sex is not a family member. In this case, to be respectful of the patient's beliefs in regard to _________ roles, care should be provided by a physician or other health care professional of the same sex.

religion/ gender

Technological advances continue to save lives, extend patient life spans, and enhance the quality of life. One way is through Telemedicine which is the use of:

remote devices to measure and record a patient's physical status from home or another location at a distance

Health information technicians assist medical staff and administrators by assembling, organizing, and sometimes analyzing patient data to be used to evaluate care, control costs, or for _________.

research studies

A team member who provides unique knowledge or expertise on a particular issue is the


The process known as _______________ helps health care facilities to operate efficiently and cost-effectively. It can be achieved through better time management and by taking advantage of technological advances such as _______ medical records and transmitting prescriptions to pharmacies by computer.

resource utilization / electronic

When a Healthcare Professional respects a patient's Autonomy, they are:

respecting the capacity and right of the patient to self-determination

One of the most challenging aspects of working in any healthcare profession is communicating accurately and effectively with patients. When conducting patient interviews, mastering certain techniques is key to your success. The technique of paraphrasing is:

restating what a person has said, using your own words

Compensation, which may be ordered by a court as payment for a wrongful act that has caused harm, is known as_______.


120. Advances in _______ surgical techniques, in which surgeons use a computer to manipulate surgical instruments have resulted in reduced blood loss, less pain, and shorter hospital stays for patients.


a. lack of intelligence


Physician assistants are in great demand because they can provide primary medical care in rural areas, inner-city clinics, and other locations where doctors may be in _ short/ limited_ supply


Licensure is a part of the employment record that

shows that a state government has granted authority for an individual to practice in a certain profession

a. The process of working cooperatively and productively with others to accomplish a shared task or goal


Rosie, a physical therapist, is meeting with her new patient, Mark at her facility, Livingston Physical Therapy Associates. To start the conversation, Rosie describes Mark's treatment goals and a timeframe within which she expects Mark to recover use of his injured knee. Mark asks Rosie how many appointments he will need per week to meet the expectations. In this scenario, Rosie is the _____________________, and Mark is asking for _________________.

source/ clarification

. In written communications, accurate _________ is essential, since one incorrect letter can change a word's meaning


Brainstorming is a process of generating ideas or solutions ____________.


The American Nurses Association (ANA) is a professional organization whose purpose is to advance and protect the profession. It represents registered nurses by establishing _standards_ of practice, encouraging research, and advocating at the state and federal levels


The set of standards known as the Nurse Practice Acts are

state-level legislation that regulates the nursing profession

. By using _____________, the interviewer gives the patient the chance to verify the information or correct something that the interviewer misunderstood

summarizing techniques

Battery is defined as

the act of touching a patient or forcefully performing a procedure without his or her permission

Battery is defined as:

the act of touching a patient or forcefully performing a procedure without his or her permission

Nonverbal communication, relaying a message without speaking or writing a single word, includes touch, eye contact, kinesics and proxemics. Proxemics is the study of:

the cultural, behavioral, and sociological aspects of spatial distances between people

Channel of communication

the medium by which a message is sent

Histology is the study of

the microscopic structure of tissues

As the US is a multicultural, multiethnic, and multiracial country, it is vital that you, as a health care professional, understand the needs of a culturally diverse patient population. Cultural assimilation is:

the process of shifting one's identity from the minority group by adopting the values, attitudes, and behaviors of the dominant group.

Within the Dental Professions, Prosthodontics is a dental specialty which focuses on

the replacement of broken parts of teeth or missing teeth

Microbiology is defined as _____________. One subspecialty of Microbiology is Virology, which is the study of ___________.

the scientific field that studies microorganisms/ viruses

Effective ________ management involves setting priorities, staying focused on the task at hand, juggling multiple tasks or requirement, and avoiding procrastination.


Under the U. S. legal system, any wrongful act that results in harm is _____________. A deliberate act meant to cause harm is an intentional tort. Parties who are harmed have the right to engage in a ________, which is a claim or dispute brought before a court to be resolved.

tort/ lawsuit

One of the duties of a clinical laboratory technologist is to type and crossmatch blood for ___________.


The process used by managed care plans to review care decisions made by physicians and other health care providers is known as ______ review


The eradication of viral diseases such as polio and greater global control of other viral and bacterial diseases such as measles and hepatitis B are due to the development of ____________ following the successful 18th century inoculation against smallpox by _______________.

vaccines/ Edward Jenner

7. A person's ranking of personal principles, which often lead to a personal code of conduct, is known as

value system

The process of puncturing a vein to draw a blood sample, inject medication or dye, or for the administration of intravenous fluids is _ venipuncture _.


The process of puncturing a vein to draw a blood sample, inject medication or dye, or for the administration for intravenous fluids is known as _____________ and is a primary responsibility of a ________________.

venipuncture/ phlebotomist

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