Domestic Violence Exam Three (Chapters 8-11)

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What did police previously view IPV as?

"Spat" that "got out of hand"

What amount of women, as compared to men are victims of severe physical IPV?

- 1 in 4 women - 1 in 7 men

What percent of non-recidivists were identified as high risk, and what percent of recidivists were identified as low or moderate risk?

- 32% high risk - 40% low/moderate risk

What percent of mean and women are physically and/or sexually assaulted by an intimate partner each year?

- 8-12% of men - 12-25% of women

What percent of men and women are physically and/or sexually assaulted by an intimate partner each year?

- 8-12% of men - 12-25% of women

What does labeling victims culpable for the abuse because they remain in the relationship do?

- Absolves batterers responsibility for their crimes - Ignores the many barriers the victims face if they try to leave

What do substantiated reports of child abuse show?

- Child neglect declines by 13% - physical abuse declined by 55% - Child sexual abuse declined by 64%

In what kinds of neighborhoods is IPV risk perpetration higher?

- Concentrated poverty - High unemployment (Especially among male residents) - Low level of trust among neighbors - Reluctance by neighbors to intervene if they see of hear problematic or potentially criminal behavior taking place (some neighbors even helped batterers get away before police arrived)

What are the most widely used dangerousness assessment instruments?

- Danger Assessment Scale (DAS) - Spousal Assault Risk Assessment (SARA)

What factors lead to VMIR rates to actually be declining?

- Declines appear in both self-report studies and official statistics - Declines have occurred broadly across a variety of violence and maltreatment subtypes - Declines have occurred during a time when societal crime and violence in vernal have declined dramatically - A variety of other child welfare indicators, including suicide, juvenile delinquency, running away, and teen pregnancy, have also declined

What costs are underestimated when calculating cost of IPV?

- Doesn't include all medical expenses associated with IPV - Doesn't include costs of social services or criminal justice interventions associated with IPV

Why do immigrant victims have difficulty using services such as shelters?

- Don't speak English - Don't understand how services work - Can't practice religious or cultural traditions at specific shelter

Why aren't many cases of elder abuse prosecuted?

- Elderly victims don't want to identify or prosecute their abusers - Stress of a criminal trial including facing their abuser in court and revisiting the trauma of the abuse in order to testify for the prosecution could pose a health risk

What did women with disabilities report was the most common abusive behavior experience from their PAS providers?

- Emotional abuse, yelling and screaming, threats of abandonment or physical harm, and being ignored or neglected Personal boundary violations, such as ambiguous sexual contact. Subtle, making them difficult to identify

What are the fears of those with disabilities leaving an abusive relationship?

- Friends and relatives of the victim may lack the space, time, and knowledge to take on caregiving responsibilities so victim may resist "burdening" them - May be afraid reporting abuser will increase social isolation - People with disabilities from an early age are often taught to be complaint and agreeable - May receive unhelpful responses when reporting abuser - Men with disabilities may not self-identify as victims because it shows weakness

What are the differences between general community samples and clinical or criminal justice system samples in IPV surveys?

- General Community ~ Often show very small differences in victimization rates between women and men - Clinical/Criminal Justice System ~ Result in significantly higher victimization rates for women and men

What negative mental outcomes are associated with IPV?

- High rates of depression - Diagnoses of PTSD - Higher rates of suicidal ideation - Higher suicide attempts - high anxiety

What are risk factors more specific to those with disabilities?

- Increased exposure to multiple potential perpetrators (informal personal assistance providers) - Greater likelihood of social isolation (dependency)

How does internalized homophobia contribute to IPV perpetration in same-sex relationship?

- Internalized homophobia lowers self-esteem, induces feelings of powerlessness, and leads to ab obsessive closeting of one's sexual orientation as well as a tendency to deny differences between oneself and heterosexuals. Linked to self-destructive behaviors, such as substance use - Internalized homophobia may be used by a perpetrator to control an intimate partner

What negative physical outcomes is IPV associated with?

- Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS) and other gastrointestinal disorders - Arthritis - Chronic fatigue syndrome - Elevated risk for hypertension - Elevated risk for diabetes - Elevated risk for high cholesterol - Elevated risk for heart disease - Unwanted pregnancies - Miscarriages - Chronic pelvic or abdominal pain - Menstrual irregularity - HIV - STIs Especially in women

What shelters are there for underserved groups?

- Lesbians - Immigrant women - Women with substance use problems

What are some ways that have been suggested to help prevent or stop elder abuse?

- Media campaigns to spread awareness - National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA): List of elder abuse warning signs the public can watch - Home visitation programs for the elderly - Programs to increase elderly social networks

What are the differences between men and women's motivations for IPV?

- Men are more likely to use violence when they perceive themselves losing control of the relationship or when they interpret their partner's words or behaviors as challenges to their authority - Women are more likely to use violence, especially severe physical violence, in self-defense, when they believe they are in intimate danger of being attacked, or in retaliation for being attacked

What beliefs are strongly associated with IPV?

- Men are superior to women - Women are weak, incompetent, manipulative of men, untrustworthy, and stupid - Hostility towards women is strongly correlated with IPV perpetration - Shaped by perpetrator's friends

Why are immigrants and refugees, especially women, at elevated risk of IPV victimization?

- Men often immigrate first and then their female partners follow, which means the women have lower immigration standing than their male partners - The men are the wive's sponsors which gives them control over their wives' ability to remain in the United States - Affords men tremendous control over their wives and many actually facilitate IPV - Lack of English language skills, social isolation, economic dependence, and lack of familiarity with or mistrust of the police and legal system also increase the vulnerability of immigrant women to IPV victimization ~ these factors make it hard for victims to get help

Why does the military have elevated risk for IPV?

- Military has a high concentration of young people from lower socioeconomic groups whose partners also share similar demographic characteristics - Heavy alcohol use by the military - Hyper-masculine environment - Stress associated with frequent relocations and deployment - Exposure to and participation in combat and experiences of war-related trauma

What surveys try to estimate IPV?

- National Family Violence Survey - National Violence Against Women Survey - National Intimate and Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

What are warning signs of elder abuse or neglect?

- Presence of a "new best friend" who is willing to care for the elder at little or no cost - Recent changes in banking or spending patterns - The older person is isolated from friends and family - The elder's caregiver has problems with drugs, alcohol, anger, and/or emotional instability - The caregiver is financially dependent on the elder - The family pet seems neglected or abused - There is an abundance of mail and/or phone solicitations for money - The elder seems afraid of the caregiver - The elder has unexplained bruises, cuts, or other injuries - The elder has "bed sores" (pressure sores from lying in one position for too long) - The elder appears dirty, undernourished, dehydrated, over- or under- medicated, or is not receiving care for problems with eyesight, hearing, dental issues, or incontinence

What are the limitations of APS?

- Reports have increased, but funding has not - Cases may require extensive investigations by individuals with specialized skills and knowledge, which most APS workers don't have

What are examples of safety plans?

- Setting up a pre-arranged signal with a child, neighbor, or friend that will let them know that help is needed or the police should be called - Getting an emergency phone - Asking family members of friends for help getting guns or other weapons out of the house - Teaching children to call the police - Placing pets in a kennel or a "foster home" - Keeping copies of important financial and legal documents in a safe place (at the home of a friend or relative) where the batterer cannot take them or destroy them - Keeping spare clothes for oneself and one's children at the home of a friend or relative - Explaining the situation to one's employer and coworkers and asking for a security plan in the workplace - Identifying and accessing formal help-providers (keeping the hotline number in one's phone)

What unhealthy behaviors have been linked to IPV victimization?

- Smoking - Substance abuse - Drug use

What are the states differences in IPV 'laws'?

- Some states don't have laws specifically prohibiting IPV, but instead subsume IPV (or domestic violence) under general assault, aggravated assault, and battery laws) - In other states, individuals may be charged with misdemeanor or felony domestic violence, spending on the severity of the assault and the nature of the relationship between the individuals involved.

What are the 4 primary factors that effect the decisions IPV victims make for themselves and their children?

- The victim's understanding of the abuse and its severity - The victim's relationship with her children and her concern for their well-being - The victim's relationship with the abusive partner - The victim's financial and social resources **Safety plan

What are the barriers of a victim trying to leave a relationship according to Buel?

- Victim believes the abuser's threats to kill her and her children if she leaves - Victim is afraid of losing custody of the children if she leaves - The victim realizes that she is unable to provide for her children without the abuser's income - Victim feels guilty and responsible for the abuse - Victim is socially isolated Victim feels embarrassed and ashamed

What are the stereotypes of elderly mens' and women' sexualities?

- Women = asexual - Men = Dirty old men

What are the differences between men and women's threats for IPV?

- Women threaten to harm themselves, destroy their partner's valued property - Men threaten to kill not only kill their partner, but also the partner's children, the partner's relatives, or other people close to the partner

Do protection order help improve victim safety?

- Women with permanent orders of protection tend to have lower rates of re-victimization over time compared with women without protection orders and they also report feeling safer

How many people experience elder abuse (physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect)?

1 in 10 (many are not reported to authorities) - 31% physical abuse reported to authorities - 16% sexual abuse reported to authorities - 7.9% emotional abuse reported to authorities

How many people volunteer in the U.S.?

1 in 4

What percent of male victims of IPV report experiencing two or more types of abuse?


How much more likely were men with a SMI to be victimized than men in the general population?


How much more likely were women with a Severe Mental Illness (SMI) to be victimized than women in the general population?


What age group for men is at high risk for IPV perpetration?


According to the ADA what percent of the population has a disability?


Whan was IPV recognized as a social problem in the United States?


When did victim advocacy groups start to raise public awareness about the severity of IPV in the United States?

1970s-1980s. A common claim being that victims are found among all sociodemographic groups

What year did all states have Adult Protective Services (APS)?


When did Congress pass the Violence Against Women Act and what was it for?

1994, Components intended to reduce IPV, as well as other forms of violence that disproportionately affect women, largely through criminal justice remedies, such as increasing perpetrator accountability. Made certain behaviors, such as crossing state lines to commit IPV a federal crime with serious penalties.

Men aged 40-59 were __x as likely to report IPV perpetration than men aged 18-28?


What was the percent of IPV rate for couples that has subjective feelings of low financial strain?


What percent of people violate protection orders?

23%-70% (most violations occur within the first 3 months)

What services to shelters provide?

24-hour hotlines, counseling, support groups, transitional housing programs, financial education, employment training and assistance, legal advocacy, and programs specifically designed for children

Based on small convenience samples how much more likely are this with disabilities to be victims of IPV?


What percent of female victims of IPV report experiencing two or more types of abuse?


How many states have adopted primary aggressor laws?


What was the men that perpetrated IPVs estimation of IPV?

3x higher than the national survey findings

How many countries prohibit corporal punishment at home?


What percent of children ages 2-9 report sibling violence?

50%, rates decline with age, more likely to be the aggressor as they get older

How much more likely are households in the lowest annual income category than households in the highest annual income category to experience IPV?

5x more likely

What percent of IPV incidents did not involve alcohol?


What percent of cases of physical abuse are perpetrated by an intimate partner?


What percent of victims that called crisis hotlines or went to emergency rooms or shelters had left their abusive partners multiple times. but gave financial despair as the primary reason for having returned?


What was the percent of IPV rate for couples that had subjective feelings of high financial strain?


What is the Bureau oaf Justice Statistics developing?

A data collection instrument designed to improve the analysis of the frequency, severity, and risk factors for elder abuse

What is the Elder Mistreatment Research Program?

A federally funded program in the National Institute of Justice that supports research on such topics as the collection and evaluation of forensic evidence of elder physical and sexual abuse

What is a false-positive?

A non dangerous offender is labeled as dangerous (non-redivists identified was high-risk)

What is a batterer/IPV perpetrator?

A person who exercises a pattern of coercive control in a partner relationship, punctuated by one of more acts of intimidating physical violence, sexual assault, or credible threat of physical violence. Batterers don't behave in exactly the same ways or use the same abusive tactics

What is a disability?

A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major activity of daily living (American Disabilities Act definition

What was the Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment?

A randomized control study, which reported that IPV perpetrators who were arrested had lower recidivism rates. Many police mandated to arrest who they believed to be the perpetrator.

What is a false-negative?

A relatively dangerous offender is labeled non dangerous (recidivists identified as moderate or low risk)

What is a victim-centered approach?

A strategy where by help providers take a victim-centered approach, in which they consult with victims, rather than tell them what they should do

What is disability-related abuse?

Abuse specific yo a particular physical, mental, or sensory limitation

What do abusers threaten their partners with in addition to threatening to take custody of children?

Abusive partners often threaten victims with custody litigation, and research indicates the threats are not idle. Even in cases involving IPV, the majority of fathers who request some form of custody are granted it by the courts

What is the DAS design?

Administered by a victim service provider, who asks 20 questions about the perpetrator and asks the victim to complete a calendar that charts frequency and severity of the abuse over the past year. Tries to identify the most dangerous IPV victims, but is primarily for assisting victims with safety planning

What is the SARA design?

Administered to perpetrators by clinicians who can make professional determinations of psychological health with 20 items. Can distinguish IPV perpetrators from other types of offenders, as well as recidivists and non-recidivists

What is the IPV victimization rate of African Americans compared to white with moderate and low incomes?

African Americans had higher rates of IPV than whites

What are the factors associated with high risk of IPV perpetration in military?

Age, socioeconomic status, and high rates of heavy alcohol use. Stress of frequent relocations and deployments. Exposure to and participation in combat along with war-related trauma. Hypermasculinity

What is victimless or evidence-based prosecution?

Allows prosecutors to build a case using police reports, photographs, and physical and other evidence without relying on victims' testimony

What is the A Safety Awareness Program (ASAP)?

An abuse prevention program for people with disabilities that is designed to raise awareness and knowledge of intimate abuse, build safety skills improve safety self-efficacy, and increase social support, which together should increase safety behavior and ultimately reduce victimization people with disabilities. 2.5 hour classes once a week. Didactic and interactive methods to teach problem solving and action planning with regard to each of the goals. Peer-led

What is fatalism?

An attitude of resignation with regard to future events that are thought to be inevitable and uncontrollable

What is social learning theory?

An explanatory model of socialization which posits that children learn by modeling or imitating those around them and that behaviors that are reinforced or rewarded, rather than punished are more likely to be learned or internalized

What is coercive control?

An ongoing pattern of domination, in which the abusive partner uses intimidation, isolation, and similar tactics erode the freedom of the victim

What is elder abuse?

Any mistreatment or neglect of a personages 60 or older by a caregiver or another person in a trust relationship with the elder (CDC definition)

What are physical disabilities?

Any mobility, limitations or illnesses that affect physical functioning

What did the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) recommend about IPV?

Appropriation of millions of dollars to police, prosecutors, and courts to strengthen the legal system's response to IPV, especially by holding perpetrators accountable for their illegal behavior

What is the gender symmetry/gender parity debate?

Argument among IPV researchers about whether women are as violent as men

What is successful at reducing recidivism by the police?


What are women with disabilities frequently stereotyped as?

Asexual or undesirable, which may cause service providers to overlook the possibility they may be victims of IPV, especially sexual abuse

What ethnic group has the lowest perpetration rates?

Asian Americans

What are most individuals arrested for IPV mandated?

Batterer Intervention Programs

Are batterers mentally ill?

Batterers don't have significantly higher rates of psychopathology than nonbatterers

How might gay men try to control their partners?

Blackmail them about being HIV+

What does most research about race/ethni city in IPV victimization assume about both partners in the couple?

Both partners are the same race or ethnicity

What is the most immediate reason for the "system's" failure?

Caseworker error (financial neglect of the social system is also hard to ignore)

What are cognitive functional impairments?

Cause the partial or complete loss of significant cognitive abilities, such as decision making, facial recognition, and memory

What does the National Survey or Children's Exposure to Violence show?

Child maltreatment within the family, sexual victimization of children dating violence, and bullying have all decreased

What is the most pervasive type of IPV?

Coercive control

What type of IPV usually isn't counted in IPV prevalence studies?

Coercive control

What type of IPV usually occurs first?

Coercive control

What are Centers for Independent Living (CILs)?

Community-based organizations that are operated and controlled by people with disabilities. They offer various services and peer support to help people with disabilities gain greater control over their lives

What would increase the positive outcomes of BIPs?

Coordinate them with criminal justice responses. Have an offender begin BIP participation soon after arrest (less than 3 weeks), is actively monitored by the court for treatment compliance (through periodic court appearances or check-ins), and experiences a swift and consequential response for any violations or noncompliance. - Results is more consistent BIP attendance, reduced drop-out rates, and lower IPV recidivism

What happens to the healthcare costs for women who have experienced IPV after the abuse has stopped?

Costs remain high. Victims average more annual health care visits, more hospital and emergency room visits, and more mental health and substance use treatment services

What plays a bigger role in determining the likelihood of re-assault?

Criminal history

What is interstate domestic violence?

Crossing state lines to commit IPV

What is important for shelters and other victim advocacy services to have/practice?

Cultural competency, since victims may be reluctant to use such services or discontinue using them if the programs and staff seem alienating or hostile to their values, beliefs, and behaviors

What do BIP programs need to address?

Culture and comorbid problems such as substance abuse

What do self-report surveys suggest?

Decline in VMIR rates

What is empowerment counseling?

Designed to help victims gain or restore their senses of personal power and control, which are severely diminished by repeated abuse

What are sensory disabilities?

Disabilities that affect sensory functions of hearing and sight

What happened to the differences in IPV rates between African Americans and whites when they held annual household income constant?


What is the IPV victimization rate of African Americans compared to whites with hight incomes?

Do not differ significantly

What a criticism of restorative justice?

Downplays or completely ignores the power imbalances in abusive intimater relationships as well as the broader social and structural inequalities. May reinforce abusive behavior that may be integral to the support group's norms

What is the most underreported, underprosceuted, and understudied form of abuse?

Elder abuse

What health concerns do victims with disabilities show?

Elevated rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation

What does economic disadvantage do to male residents?

Emasculating, so they abuse women to reassert dominance and control

What are psychiatric/mental disabilities?

Encompass all mental illnesses (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)

What are preferred arrest policies?

Encourage police officers to make an arrest when responding to a call if they have probable cause to believe that IPV has occurred

When had states enacted mandatory elder abuse reporting laws?

End of 1980s

What do many help providers assume is the best outcome for victims?

Ending their relationship with their abusive partners

What characteristic do batterers have?


What were immigrant IPV perpetrators more likely to exhibit as compared to non-immigrant IPV perpetrators?

Exhibit moos, anxiety, personality, and substance use disorders, 2x as likely to receive a psychiatric disorder

What has been strongly correlated to IPV perpetration by military men?

Exposure to and participation in combat and experiences of war-related trauma

What is the most significant obstacles to greater effectiveness of protection order systems?

Failure to enforce protection orders

Who are most often perpetrators of elder abuse?

Family members

Wha factors motivate women to return to abusive partners?

Financial instability, threat or actual experience of poverty and economic dependence on an intimate partner, in addition to the negative mental health impacts of IPV. These increase their chances of victimization

What do economic empowerment and advocacy programs teach?

Financial literacy (the knowledge and skills necessary to make sound financial decisions and acquire resources), and foster both economic self-efficacy (confidence in one's ability to achieve financial security), and economic self-sufficiency (ability to independently meet one's daily needs)

What does assisting IPV victims in safety planning require?

Flexibility as well as recognition that the victim is the "expert" on her situation, since she has more first-hand knowledge of the circumstances than anyone else

What was the White Ribbon Campaign?

Founded in Canada in 1991 and has since spread to more than 60 countries throughout the world, a pledge campaign. Enlisted male allies worldwide, but no evidence it reduces IPV

What are informal help providers?

Friends and family of an IPV victim who provide material and emotional assistance

What are the negative consequences for those experiencing elder abuse?

Greater risk of severe injury and death. High rates of depression and other mental health problems. Elderly sexual abuse victims experience severe psychological trauma

What os true about girls that witness IPV?

Grow up more likely to be victims

What does official data suggest about child abuse incidents reported to CPS over the past 25 years?

Has fairly remained stable. Public awareness has been raised and mandatory reporting laws have been strengthened

Why is there not more information on same-sex IPV perpetrators?

Has not been studied as extensively

Why are women at greater risk for elder abuse?

Have a longer life span than men (79 men for every 100 women aged 65 or older)

What are the challenges for victims that live in rural areas?

Have fewer shelter and service options available and must also deal with the challenges of geographic distance and transportation. Space at specific shelters is also limited, and need continues to exceed capacity. Services may be structured according to a specific cultural model that isn't compatible with the values and needs of diverse group of victims

What do studies that that restrict the definition of IPV do?

Have serious negative consequences for victims

What type of interracial couples have high rates of IPV?

Heterosexual couples where the male partners were blacks and the female partners were white

What type of interracial couples have low rates of IPV?

Heterosexual couples where the male partners were white and the female partners were back

Neighborhoods with high concentrations of what have higher rates of IPV as well as other types of violent crime?

High concentrations of male unemployment and high concentration of poverty

What do studies that use broader more inclusive terms produce results wise?

Higher estimates of victimization

What does the National Crime Victim Survey show?

IPV declined by over 60% for both males and females, crimes against the elderly have also declined

What was mandated by the Affordable Care Act?

IPV screening and brief counseling for patients who screen positive - Research shows that some health care providers are hesitant to screen and counsel because they feel uncomfortable asking patients about IPV, they feel the lack the knowledge and confidence to provide effective counseling and intervention, or they think they don't have enough time to screen or intervene effectively

What screening is recommended by medical organizations and agencies?

IPV screening, counseling, and treatment referrals by health care providers as routine practice

What are the limitations of mandatory arrest policies?

IPV victims, especially those that have had negative experiences with police, those from disadvantaged communities and communities of color, undocumented immigrants, and LGBTQ victims may be reluctant to call the police and may worry about hoe their partners will be treated if arrested. Dual arrests may make victims less likely to call police for help int he future.

What makes police less likely to engage in dual arrest?

If department encouraged arrest of primary aggressor

What are the effects of rape bystander intervention programs?

Impacted willingness to intervene, but not actually intervene

What is Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)?

Includes any threatened or completed acts of physical, sexual, or psychological abuse committed by a spouse, ex-spouse, or current or former boyfriend or girlfriend.

What does previous mental health illness do to the risk of victimization?

Increases the risk of IPV victimization

What do most shelters and nonresidential victim service programs offer to IPV victims?

Individual and group counseling; Therapeutic practices, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation and relaxation therapies, therapeutic horticulture, and art therapy, may also be used alone or in conjunction with empowerment counseling, depending on victims' individual needs

What is the fastest growing segment in the U.S. population?

Individuals aged 65 and older

What are Personal Assistance Services (PAS) Providers?

Individuals who help people with disabilities complete tasks of daily living

What do the critics of no-drop policies say?

Instead of empowering victims, these policies have the opposite effect by ignoring the wishes of victims and not allowing them to make critical decisions about their lives and relationships

What are formal help providers?

Institutions and agencies whose official role is to provide assistance to IPV victims

What do most elder abuse incidents involve?

Intimate abuse

What is a common reason victims give for not leaving an abusive partner?

Lack of safe, viable alternative

Why is elder abuse not likely to be reported?

Lack of understanding of the abuse as a crime, especially if perpetrated by an intimate partner or a family member, as well as emotional commitment to the perpetrator, shame, fear of retaliation, and physical or financial dependency on the perpetrator

What area accounted for most immigrants that perpetrated IPV?

Latin America

What are the most dangerous times for IPV victims?

Leaving and post-seperation. Abusive partners will sometimes step up their coercive control tactics and violence in response to what they perceive as the victim's challenge to their authority. Stalking may begin or worsen following separation. Victims who have children with their abusive partners may find that parental visitations are used by abusers as opportunities to extract information from the children or as ways to force contact with their victims

How many studies that include men that have sex with men ask about IPV perpetration?

Less than 1/3

What is true about boys that witness their fathers abusing their mothers?

Likely to abuse their own intimate partners when they grow up

What is a major IPV victimization risk factor neighborhood-wise?

Living in an economically disadvantaged neighborhood is a major risk factor for IPV victimization

What special challenges do service providers face with the victims with disabilities?

Locating accessible housing, obtaining appropriate adaptive equipment and assistive devices, and enlisting a PAS provider with specific training in working with trauma survivors

What is the strongest risk factor for intimate abuse of an elder?

Low social support associated with high social isolation (low support more than tripled the likelihood respondents indicated any type of abuse had been perpetrated against them), these factors can also be outcomes of IPV

What gender commits more violent crimes?


What policies have resulted in the number of women arrested for IPV perpetration?

Mandatory and preferred arrest policies

How do boys and girls that witness IPV at home try to get what they want?

Manipulation, pressure, and coercion

What can the experience of IPV do to a victim financially?

May lead victims to entrap themselves in poverty as well as the abusive intimate relationship

What contributes to entrapping IPV into abusive relationships in regard to cultural backgrounds?

Meaning of marriage, the importance of intact families, and fatalism

What are broader prevention programs that target the general population?

Media campaigns to raise awareness of IPV and the harm it causes, and pledge campaign which enlist allies in preventing IPV by asking them to publicly denounce violence against women and children promote a more respectful culture, and share these messages with coworkers and others by distributing brochures and other resources in their workplace, clubs, and other venues

Do members of the military or civilians have higher levels IPV?

Members of the military

Who is at greater risk for IPV perpetration?


What is one of the strongest predictors of increased risk of IPV victimization for women with disabilities?

Men that behaved in a "patriarchal dominating manner" and engaged in sexually proprietary behaviors

Once IPV occurs is it more or less likely to reoccur?

More likely to reoccur, and it may grow more severe over time

What is IPV that is perpetrated by men that abuse alcohol?

More severe and frequent

How many IPV victims become homeless after they leave an abusive partner?

More than 1/3 (majority are women with children)

How many battered women's shelters are there in the U.S.?

More than 2,000

What is spanking?

Most minor and culturally acceptable form of physical punishment of children, which typically refers to hitting a child with an open hand

Is IPV one factor or an interaction of multiple factors?

Multiple factors

What two ethnic/racial groups have consistently high rates of victimization?

Native Americans and Alaskan Natives, highest rates of IPV victimization of any other racial or ethnic group

What is ageism?

Negative prejudicial attitudes toward and discrimination against the elderly

Do shelters screen for or treat more severe mental health problems?


Are victims belief that the abuser's threats to kill her and her children if they leave unfounded?

No, given that lethal risk increases when the victim leaves or tries to leave

What is a protection order?

Obtained in civil court, rather than criminal court, and allow judges to impose specific restrictions on the abusive partner, depending on the concerns of the victim and the circumstances of the case, to allow for individualized responses. They are in effect for a limited period of time - usually 1-3 years - but they may be extended if judged to be necessary (restraining order and domestic violence order). To keep victim safe

What is reinforcement?

Occurs when a behavior is rewarded, rather than punished; reinforced behaviors are more likely to be learned and internalized

Why do victims tend to feel guilty and responsible for the abuse?

Often because the abuser has convinced her that it is her fault. If only she would do something - or not do something - he wouldn't become so angry with her. She may also believe it is her responsibility to maintain family harmony and keep the family intact

What is the cost of intimate partner violence against women in the U.S.?

Over $8.3 billion - Medical expenses - Lost productivity on victims

What does the National Incidence Study show?

Overall rate of CPA declined by 29%. Shows declines in CSA. Cpm has increased in recent with increased awareness of it

Why is it particularly important to educate and screen patients at family planning clinics?

Patients at family planning clinics are women in the age group at highest risk for IPV victimization

What "counts" as intimate abuse of the elderly?

Physical abuse, sexual abuse or abusive sexual contact, psychological or emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment, and financial abuse or exploitation

What disabilities make women with disabilities have higher victimization rates than those without?

Physical and mental disabilities

What are developmental disabilities?

Physical and/or mental conditions that manifest before age 22 (mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy)

What disability makes men with disabilities have higher victimization rates than those without?

Physical disabilities

What do most batterers view their partners as?

Possessions or "owned objects". Clients struggle to use their names (use my wife, my girl)

What has financial strain been associated with?


What is ableism?

Prejudice and discrimination against people with disabilities in favor of the able-bodied

What is reproductive coercion?

Pressuring a partner to get pregnant or, alternatively, to abort a pregnancy

What is the most important reason for identifying risk factors for IPV perpetration?

Prevention. Also good for distinguishing individuals who are likely to inflict severe violence form those who may be considered less dangerous, improve safety and reduce victimization, while directing perpetrators to the most appropriate interventions

What is modeling?

Process of learning by imitating others' behavior. Perceived power of the modeler influences the degree to which children will imitate the model's behavior

Why do people feel pro-prosecution policies are racially biased?

Prosecutors are more likely to pursue cases against minority than white defendants

What other services besides counseling and therapy do shelters provide?

Provide a violence-free space for victims and their children, distribute helpful information and referrals for additional services (legal aid), provide emotional and sometimes financial support, and teach victims how to increase their safety have documented a number of positive outcomes for IPV victim service users including increased knowledge about their rights, options and community resource; and greater hopefulness and optimism about their future

What are transitional housing programs?

Provide battered women and their children with a private, low-cost living space for a set period of time, typically a year or two, so they have time to secure permanent housing and attain greater financial stability

What is a limitation of BIPs?

Purely reactive

What do the dangerousness assessment instruments consist of?

Questions about the perpetrator's behavior; usually they cover areas such as history of violent behavior toward others, toward intimate partners, access to lethal weapons, antisocial studies and behaviors, affiliations with antisocial peers, relationship instability, particularly whether the partner is currently separating from or divorcing the perpetrator, presence of various life stressors, history of family-of-origin abuse, symptoms of mental health problems, resistance to changing the abusive behavior or obtaining treatment for it, and attitudes supportive of violence against women

Who are prosecutors more likely to pursue cases against?

Racial and ethnic minority defendants

Do BIPs work?

Reduce or eliminate violence and abuse by men who complete them. 90% of men had no re-assaulted, 32% re-abbused, 42% arrested for nay crime. As follow-up period increased so did arrest rates

What are economic consequences of IPV?

Reduced income and impoverishment

What has interventions in family planning clinics have shown?

Reductions in reproductive coercion and increases in safety behaviors among patients

What are mandatory arrest policies?

Require police officer to make an arrest when responding to a call if they have probable cause to believe that IPV has occurred

What are primary aggressor laws?

Require police officers responding to a domestic violence call to distinguish the party who initiated the aggression from the party who likely acted with a defensive response to that aggression, and offensive injuries from defensive injuries

What is no-drop prosecution?

Require prosecutors to proceed with a case regardless of whether a victim agrees to participate. Supporters argue the policy protects victims from coercion by abusers to drop charges, have increased the number of IPV prosecution

How can victims be socially isolated?

Restricting the victim's interactions with family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers is a common tactic of coercive control used by abusive partners. The victim may feel like she has no one to whom she can turn for help, and such feelings may be exacerbated if family members pressure her to stay with the abuser because they believe divorce is wrong or a "sin" or that it will harm the children

What do orders usually include?

Restrictions on contact with the victim and/or with their children, but because they were established to allow for individualized responses, they may be extended if judged to be necessary

What are the results of screening and brief interventions in health care settings?

Results in increases of safety behaviors, which can reduce revictimization

What were the first emergency services were first offered to women?

Rooms offered by private citizens, primarily women opening their homes to other women who needed help

Where are most shelters located?

Rural and suburban areas

What are dangerousness assessment instruments?

Screening tools designed to identity IPV perpetrators risk of re-offending. Assist with victim's safety planning and other administered perpetrators (or potential perpetrators) by clinicians in treatment settings or even by police responding to calls for help to identify risk of re-offending

What is heterosexism?

Set of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that privilege heterosexuality and other sexual orientations and relationships

What kind of violence and abuse do same-sex victims of IPV experience as compared to heterosexual victims of IPV?

Similar to

Why do some abusive men call the police first?

So they can be perceived as the victim

What are financially distressed neighborhoods characterized by?

Social incivilities (public intoxication, drug dealing) and a variety of other types of violent crimes such as assaults because residents of these neighborhoods, unlike those in more financially affluent neighborhoods, have little political power, feel socially isolated, and mistrust one another. Social support networks in such neighborhoods are weak, and members of those networks may themselves be involved in harmful behaviors or relationships

What does research on race and ethnicity as a risk factor for IPV fail to take into account?

Socioeconomic status

Are shelters ADA compliant?

Some are not and some lack access to various disability resources such as ASL interpreters

Who are elders more likely to be assaulted by?

Someone they know. - 40% of sexual abuse perpetrators were intimate partners and another 40% were acquaintances

What are immigration-related stressors?

Sources of strain or tension caused by experiences related to being an immigrant. Inability to find work or financial instability

At what level are laws made about IPV?


What kind of relationship is there between indicators of economic distress and IPV?


What are victims that do not leave their abuser labeled/viewed as?

Stupid, masochistic, or "codependent"

What is one of the most commonly cited contributing factors to intimate partner violence?

Substance use, particularly problematic alcohol abuse

How do abusers try to get away with IPV with someone that has disabilities?

Tell others a victim's accusations of abuse are sympathetic of his or her disability; the victim is mental ill or "imagines" things

What did studies find about women living in financially disadvantaged neighborhoods?

That IPV victimization was widespread among members of the women's social networks

What is internalized homophobia?

The acceptance and internalization to one's identity of negative (homophobic) societal attitudes and beliefs about lesbians and gay men

What are dual arrests?

The arrest of both partners for IPV without regard for which partner was the primary aggressor. May jeopardize their housing and welfare benefits, immigration status, employment, and parental rights

What is entitlement?

The belief that one has special rights and privileges without accompanying reciprocal responsibilities

What is important to consider when looking at victimization rates?

The intersection of race/ethnicity and social class inequality (poverty rates of Native Americans and Alaskan Natives)

Where do prevention and intervention occur? What level?

The local level (county level)

What about IPV could cause children o believe that men are superior to women?

The more frequent and severe a man's abuse is towards the mother of the children, and that violence in the family is not only acceptable, but also often necessary

What did the U.S. Attorney General's Task Force on Family Violence recommend about IPV?

The police departments adopt the policy of arresting of IPV perpetrators when responding to domestic violence calls

What is restorative justice?

The practice if informal conflict mediation used in a variety of programs and practices that deemphasize punishment in favor of making amends to victims and reintegrating offenders into their communities. Primarily with juvenile defenders and not recommended for use in cases of violent crime

What do some argue about women's cultural background and their risk for IPV?

The stereotypes of gender relations among specific ethnic groups. Women with certain cultural backgrounds passively accept male dominance and control because they come from societies in which patriarchal gender relations are valued and enforced

What is the multiple threshold model?

Theory of the relationship between substance use and IPV perpetration, which maintains that substance use will have differential effects on likelihood of IPV perpetration depending on the number of other risk factors that are presenting

What is the proximal effect model?

Theory of the relationship between substance use and IPV perpetration, which posits that high substance use directly facilitates IPV perpetration because of its psychopharmacological effects on cognitive functioning, or through users expectations of the disinhibiting effects of the alcohol or drug

What is motivational interviewing?

Therapeutic approach that facilitates and engages an individual's intrinsic motivation to change their behavior (didactic teaching and cognitive behavioral therapy

Does prosecution reduce recidivism?

There's no significant reduction in IPV recidivism associated with prosecution

What do most studies that compare in regard to race/ethnicity?

They compare one or two racial or ethnic minority groups with whites

What do trauma-focused counseling programs indicate?

They help improve victims' sense of well-being, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and coping skills, reduce anxiety, depression and PTSD symptoms

Why might perpetrators of intimate abuse seek out those that are disabled?

They may believe people with disabilities are easy to dominate, control, and manipulate

What do batterers believe about their abusive behavior?

They overestimate the prevalence of others' abusive behaviors. Don't recognize their behavior as abusive, underestimate the severity of their abuse and its negative impact on those they victimize

According to the Spouse Assault Replication Program (SARP) who were arrests only effective for?

Those that had a good deal to lose by being arrested

What group of individuals (financially) have high victimization rates ?

Those with low financial resources, the poorest of the poor

What do researchers urge those that provide services to those with disabilities to do?

To universally screen their clients, including male clients, for intimate abuse. Professionals should also receive specialized training specifically on the dynamics of abusive intimate relationships. - IPV and sexual assault victim service providers should receive training about the diverse needs and experiences of those with disabilities (IPV and disability provider should be trained together/cross-trained

What was the Thurman vs. City of Torrington, CT case?

Tracy Thurman was awarded $2.3 million in damages following an incident in which her husband repeatedly stabbed her and kicked her in the head as the police stood by and did nothing to stop him. Wasn't the first time Thurman had called the police for help and they failed to appropriately respond

What is the green dot bystander prevention program?

Train bystanders to identity potentially volatile situations, working under the assumption that "those with the greater power differential in a relationship have historically been 'allowed' through social norms to use aggression or control to maintain this differential"

What is a batterer intervention program (BIP)?

Treatment program for IPV perpetrators. BIPs vary in length, curriculum, and therapeutic methods. Cha;;ending sexism and rigid gender norms, developing rational skills that are nonviolent and non-abusive, accepting responsibility for the abusive behavior, and identifying the social; and emotional antecedents of the perpetrator's coercion and violence

True or false. Women's reports of IPV perpetration against their male partners are as highs (and in some studies, higher than) men's reports of IPV perpetration against their female partners?


What are victim advocacy services?

Type of formal help provider specifically designed to provide support and assistance to IPV victims. Health care professionals, the police, and legal system

What is homophobia?

Unreasonable fear of and hostility toward homosexuals

What is homophobic control?

Use of a person's fear of their sexuality being known by others to control that individual's behavior. Unique abuse to same-sex relationships

What are the Responsible Fatherhood Programs and the Con Los Padres programs?

Uses weekly meetings to teach high-risk men about effective parenting and techniques for developing and maintaining healthy relationships

What is cognitive functional impairment associated with?

Verbal and financial abuse. Increases risk of abuse, particularly if there is a small number of skilled staff relative to the number of residents needing substantial care and attention

What other feelings or beliefs come from victim's feelings of embarrassment and shame?

Victim may come from a cultural background that values "family privacy" and discourage family members from "airing their dirty laundry." If the victim id middle class or more affluent, she may believe that IPV only occurs in working class or poor families, and fears the stigma she will incur if the abuse is discovered. She also may not want to tarnish the abusive partner's reputation or cause problems for him at work, in their church, or with relatives and friends

What populations may find shelter and victim and advocacy services inaccessible, irrelevant, or inhospitable?

Victims of color, LGBTQ victims, substance-abusing victims, elderly victims, and victims with disabilities, and victims with severe mental health problems

What do perpetrators of IPV often refer to themselves as?

Victims of their situation

What did prosecution blame low prosecution rates in the 1990s?

Victims' unwillingness to participate in prosecution for these low rates. Victims refused to cooperate with all the prosecution for various reasons: fear of the abuser, a desire to preserve their relationship with the abuser, financial dependence on the abuser, a pressure form family members

How does IPV become a "normal" part of intimate relationships?

When IPV is common among one's friends and relatives, it becomes incorporated into one's "cognitive landscape"

What is economic (financial) abuse?

When a perpetrator deliberately tries to weaken or destroy their partner's financial solvency

What do IPV victims benefit most with help providers?

When help providers, provide them with information about the options available to them, which they can then use in their informed decision making

What gender is more likely to be killed by an intimate partner?


What gender is more likely to be sexually assaulted by an intimate partner?


What gender more commonly experiences polyvictimization?


What did the Conflict Tactics Scales studies reveal?

Women and men perpetrate IPV at nearly equivalent rates, some show women perpetrate IPV more than men

What was the difference between women that utilized ASAP and those that did not?

Women who completed ASAP scored higher on all protective measures either at 8-weeks or follow-up, or both (hasn't been evaluated with men)

What gender's victimization is usually more severe compared to the other gender?


What gender is more likely to live in poverty?

Women, because on average they have lower incomes on average than men

What gender is more likely to be injured by an intimate partner?

Women. Their injuries are also more serious and more likely to require medical treatment or hospitalization

Are boys that witness IPV more likely to bully?


Are shelters and nonresident services for IPV victims significantly better than they were 30 years ago?


Do racial and ethnic minorities usually have higher rates of perpetration than whites?


Have reports of elder abuse to APS increased?


Does the probability of developing a disability increase with age?

Yes - 1/4 chance for those 65-69 - 1/20 chance for those 15-24

Does substance use increase the risk of IPV victimization?

Yes - Substance use impairs a person's ability to recognize danger cues, employ communication skills that might de-escalate conflict, or act to remove themselves from an unsafe interaction - Partners may frequently be impaired and also because conflicts may arise over procuring and sharing alcohol drugs - Makes it difficult for victim to leave an abusive partner

Is it a federal crime to cross state lines with the intent to violate a protection order?

Yes, and requires criminal justice authorities in one state to recognize and enforce protection orders issued in another state

Are immigrants and refugees at elevated risk of IPV victimization?

Yes, especially women

Does exposure to media violence contribute to real-world violence?

Yes, including violence within intimate relationships

Are men and women with disabilities at high risk for IPV?

Yes, particularly severe forms of physical abuse

Are immigrants more likely to perpetrate IPV than native-born Americans?

Yes, significant more likely. The longer immigrants were in the U.S., the greater their likelihood of IPV perpetration

Are batterers more abusive when they stop abusing substances?

Yes, tend to be more irritable

What is the most consistent demographic risk factor for IPV victimization?

Young age

What is the most vulnerable age group for IPV victimization?

Young women, ages 28-29 years

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