Domsitz Final Exam

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Italy had suffered terrible casualties in WWI, losing about _______ of its young men. After the war, there were ________, _______, _________, and ________________. At the same time, ______________ and ___________ political parties were gaining membership.

1/10, food shortages, rising prices, unemployment, and business failures, socialist and communist

China is home to over ___ of the world's population. Deng understood that people would produce more if they could _____________, so Deng introduced ____________ in China. A few people were permitted to start their own businesses.

1/5, make a profit from their work, free enterprise

The communists continued to attack South Vietnam which could not hold out without _________________. In April 1975, the South Vietnamese capital city of ________ fell to the North Vietnamese. South Vietnam surrendered and Vietnam was united under _______ rule. Industries were ________________. Teachers were sent to _______________________ to be made ______________. Many city-dwellers were sent into _________ to work on _______.

American help, Saigan, communist, nationalized, reeducation camps, communist, rural areas, farms.

In March 1938, Hitler's troops entered Austria unopposed and carried out the _____________. Hitler next turned to _________.

Anschluss, Czechoslovakia

In 1973, Egyptian President _____________ allied with Syria and launched another war against Israel. Attacking on the Jewish holy day of ________________, the Egyptians caught Israel Prime Minister ______ and Israel's military experts off guard. With ____________ support the Israelis once again defeated the Arabs.

Anwar Sadat, Yom Kippur, Golda Meir, American

_______________ is one of the world's poorest and most crowded countries. Its population, more than _______ as large as that of the US, lives in an area the size of Alabama.

Bangladesh, half

In June 141, Hitler embarked on Operation ____________ -- the conquest of the Soviet Union.


_______________ which meant "lightning war", was Hitler's surprise strategy. It depended on ______________.

Blitzkrieg, air power

On September 2, the Japanese surrendered on the US Battleship _____________ in Tokyo Bay.


The most admired of India's independence leaders was ___________________. Trained as a lawyer, he was a deeply religious ___________ who gave up western ways. He attracted millions of followers who called him ___________ or "Great Soul". He rejected __________ in any form. During his 30 year campaign for Indian independence, he urged the use of __________, which is non-violent resistance to laws thought to be unjust. Non-violent protests in India often took the form of ________.

Mohandas Gandhi, Hindu, Mahatma, violence, civil disobedience, boycotts

On May 14,1948, when Israel became a state, _________ troops left Palestine. The next day, the armies of firve Arab nations : _________,______,_______,_______,________ (called ___________ at the time), attacked Israel. The Arabs vowed to _______________ and restore _________________.

British, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan, called Transjordan, push the Israelis to the sea, and restore the Palestinian state

After the death of Sun-Yat-Sen, ______________ became the leader and for a time controlled much of the China.

Chiang-Kai Shek

The __________________ sent shock waves through the world economy. Badly in need of money, American business leaders withdrew the ______________ they had invested in Europe. As these sources dried up, European banks and businesses _______. A number of countries _____________ on imports in order to _______________. As more and more countries raised tariffs _____________.

Great Depression, capital, failed, raised tariffs, protect their own industries, world trade declined

Mao was not satisfied, he wanted more rapid change. In 1958 he designed a new economic plan it was called the ___________. As part of this plan collectives were turned into __________ each one included about __________.

Great Leap Forward, giant communes, 5,000 households

The _________ was mostly a failure the people became ________ and __________ no matter how much they produced they still received __________.

Great Leap Forward, overworked, exhausted, the same pay

In 1998, _____ tested its first actual ___________. India and Pakistan agreed to stop fighting in 1949.

India, nuclear weapons,

Nehru died in office in 1964. Two years later, the Congress Party elected his daughter, _________, as prime minister.

Indira Gandhi

In early 1941, FDR persuaded Congress to pass the ____________ Act. It allowed him to ______________ to any country whose defense seemed a vital interest to the US.

Lend-Lease, lend war materials

Allied scientists conducted research code-named the _______________________, racing to harness the _______. In July, 1945 they successfully tested the first of these bombs at _______________________.

Manhattan Project, atom, Alamogordo, New Mexico

In the Battle of _____________ in June 1942, it was fought entirely from the ______. The US destroyed ______ Japanese carriers and more than _____ planes. After this battle, Japan was unable ____________________________________.

Midway, air, four, 250, to launch any more offensive operations.

In 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon in an effort to drive out or destroy the _________. Then in 1987, Palestinians living in the ___________ and other Israeli-occupied territories began an uprising known as the __________ or _____________.

PLO, West Bank, Intifada, "shaking"

The _______ was formed in 1964 to represent all Palestinians. Their charter called for the ___________________ and the creation of a ____________________.

PLO, destruction of Israel, Palestinian state

The UN ________________ deals with international conflicts. To stop aggressive acts by any one country, this body may ______________________, or even ________________________.

Security Council, bar trade with countries, or even send troops to keep the peace

In March 1936, Hitler sent troops into the ____________, the demilitarized region between the _____________ and the _______________. This action violated the __________.

Rhineland, Rhine River, French border, Versailles Treaty

The Israelis established a __________ in which the prime minister and the cabinet were responsible to the _____________.

democracy, Knesset

By the 1970s, US and Soviet leaders promoted an era of _________ or relaxation of tension. This ended, however, after ___________________.

detente, Soviets entered Afghanistan

The policy of discouraging an attack by making one's opponent fear an overpowering counter attack is called _______________.


In 1962, the Soviet Union sent _____________ to ______. President _______________ demanded that the Soviet Union ___________ . Soviet Premier _________ finally agreed to ____________________.

nuclear missiles, Cuba, John F. Kennedy, remove the weapons, Nikita Kruschev, remove the weapons

There would be difficulties with free enterprise in China. Under ___________ the government does not control prices or decide how people spend or earn their money. Businesses ______ with each other.

free enterprise, compete

Changes have come to China since Mao's death in 1976. ________ took over the government they favored _________ instead of the excesses of the Cultural Revolution. Over time some __________ came to operate side by side with state owned businesses.

moderates, gradual change, private enterprise

China's cities are crowded with _______ and ________. Families in China can also practice _________; it is an ancient form of slow exercise.

people, bicycles, Tai Chi Chuan

In the 1960s ______________, or oil profits, became an important source of capital in world markets.

petro dollars

After the government loosened economic controls, ______________ became a problem. Goods and supplies cost more. Another problem was ___________.

rising prices, unemplyment

After the Battle of ____________, the Soviet Army drove the Nazis out of the Soviet Union.


During the 1990's, Pakistan backed Afghanistan's fundamentalist ______ regime, which supported the terrorist group ________. However, when the United States launched a military campaign against ________ and the ________ in 2001, Pakistan's government ________________.

Taliban, Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda, Taliban, supported the US

In May and June, 1942, the US warships and airplanes severely damaged two Japanese fleets during the battles of _________ and ____________.

The Coral Sea and Midway

In 1989, thousands of students gathered in Beijing's _______________. They came to demand ______________________.

Tiananmen Square, free speech, free press, and the right to hold demonstrations

German extremists on both the left and right shared a contempt for the ________ government. On the left were the ____________ who wanted to set up a government like the one in the Soviet Union. On the right, critics of the government included ___________,__________, ____________, and _________.

Weimar, communists, German nationalists, industrialists, large land owners, and military leaders.

A breakthrough in the Palestinian situation seemed possible in 1988 when ______________ declared that the PLO renounced ____________ and accepted ___________. He also called for the creation of a _______ in the ______________.

Yasir Arafat, terrorism, Israeli's right to exist, Palestinian state, occupied territories

Life for many Chinese improved under Mao (know 2)

a. The government built new schools b. They repaired railroads, river ways, and roads c. Doctors were sent into small villages d. Women achieved greater equality

List the two Normandy beaches that the US was responsible for.

a. Utah b. Omaha

_______________ means giving in to others' demands in order to avoid conflict.


The __________ takeover in Russia raised fears of a similar revolution in Italy. Faced with these problems, many Italians turned to an idealogy called _______. These people stressed _________ and placed the interests of the state above those of __________. This movement was, in part, a reaction against ______________________. The leading spokesman for this group in Italy was ______________.

Bolshevik, fascism, nationalism, individuals, the communist victory in Russia, Benito Mussolini

The atmosphere of hostility between the superpowers in the post WWII period is known as the _____________.

Cold War

Many people criticized Mao. His answer to these critics was the __________ of 1966. He aimed to destroy _____________. He hoped to create a whole new society. The result was 10 years of bloodshed and disorder much of it caused by students in Mao's "_________" schools closed art treasures, and books were destroyed people were killed if they criticized what was going on, other were sent to work camps in the country side where many more died.

Cultural Revolution, old Chinese customs and ideas, Red Guard

North Vietnamese supplies continued to flow down the __________________________ to Vietcong hideouts in the South. In January 1968, during the religious holiday of _______, Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces made a massive attack on the south. Known as the __________, the attack ended in _________________. Yet the Communists' ability to launch such a powerful strike led many people in the US to ____________________________. The war had sparked widespread ______________ in the US

Ho Chi Minh Trail, Tet, Tet Offensive, severe losses for the communists,question if the south could win the war, protest

In August 1964, President _______________ reported that North Vietnamese ________ had attacked two American ships in the _____________. A few days later, Congress passed the _________________ resolution which gave the President the power to _____________________.

Lyndon Johnson, patrol boats, Gulf of Tonkin, Gulf of Tonkin, place combat forces in VIetnam.

In 1985, a new leader __________________ came to power in the Soviet Union. He sought to avoid ____________________________. He signed ____________ treaties with the US and pulled troops out of _____________. He called for _____________ or openness, ending censorship while encouraging people to discuss problems openly. He also urged ____________________ or a restructuring of the government and economy.

Mikhail Gorbachev, cold war confrontations, arms control, Afghanistan, glasnost, perestroika.

In April 1949, the western powers formed a mutual defense pact called the ____________________. In this agreement it said that "an armed attack against one or more of its members in Europe or America ____________________". List five of the original members.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization, "should be considered an attack against them all". 1. US 2. Belgium 3. Britain 4. France 5. Italy

While most of this nation's 15 million people were __________, three million were ________. Most of the German speakers lived in the __________________.

Slavs, German, Sudetenland

In the 1950s, _____________ influence in Afghanistan began to increase. In the late 1970s, a _________ revolt threatened to topple Afghanistan's __________ Regime. This revolt triggered a _________________ in December 1977.

Soviet, Muslim, Communist, Soviet invasion

Speaking to Congress in March 1947, he asked that military and economic aid be sent to __________ and _____________. He also called for the United States to aid any country that ________________________. The Truman Doctrine became the basis of the cold war policy known as ____________ -- the drive to keep communism from spreading to other countries.

Turkey, Greece, asked for help in stopping the spread of communism, containment

The victorious Allies of WWII, the __________, ______________, _____________, and _______________ became ________________ of the Security Council. __________ other members are elected by the ____________ for ____ year terms. Each permanent member can ______ actions it opposes.

US, Britain, France, Soviet Union, permanent members, ten, General Assembly, two, veto

List four of the Pacific Islands where American/Japanese battles were fought in WWII.

a. Guam b. Guadalcanal c. Iwo Jima d. Okinawa

In chronological order, list the three fronts opened up by the Allies in their effort to defeat Hitler.

a. North Africa b. Island of Sicily c. Italian Peninsula

The Fascist slogan was ___________, ____________, ___________.

believe, obey, fight

The people worked together in groups known as ________, small farms were turned into larger farms of 20-30 families. On a farm collective people shared their _____ as well as their _________; these new groups did produce more food and goods.

collectives, work, harvest

Some Americans worried the fall of South Vietnam would lead to ______________ in other countries -- a belief known as the _______________.

communist takeover, Domino Theory

A number of surviving Nazi leaders were arrested and charged with _________. The ___________ trials held in Germany began in November, 1945. For the first time, most of the world learned the details of the horrors of the ________________.

crimes against humanity, Nuremberg, Holocaust

In Italy, in the early 1920s, all areas of production, ___________, and __________ were divided into 22 nationwide ___________, each organized like a ____________. _______________ were banned, and each of these roups controlled ___________, __________, _____________ in its own area.

farm industry, transportation, syndicates, corporation, labor unions, prices, wages, working hours

Faced with overwhelming opposition, the Shah __________ in January, 1979. A triumphant _____________________ returned to establish an ______________ . He banned the _____________ that the Shah had brought to Iran and reinstated traditional ___________________. ______________ became the legal code for the country.

fled Iran, Ruhollah Khomeni, Islamic state, western influences, Muslim ideas, Islamic law

________________ was at the heart of Khomeni's politics. The US had long supported the _________. Their ____________________, however, was the final insult. That year, with __________ blessing, a group of young Islamic revolutionaries seized the _____________. They took more than _____ US hostages. They also demanded the _________ Most of the US hostages remained prisoner for _____ days.

hatred of the US, Shah, admittance of him for medical treatment, the Ayatollah's, US Embassy in Tehran, 60, release of the Shah, 444

In 1952 the US exploded the first ___________ bomb, a weapon much more powerful than the __________ bomb.

hydrogen, atomic

The Japanese began using a new tactic, the ___________, or suicide plane.


In 1973, OPEC tried to use their oil as a weapon by declaring an _______________, or stoppage of oil shipments against nations supporting Israel. By cutting back their oil production, they created a ___________ and __________________ for __________ particularly in the ______.

oil embargo, shortage of oil, drove up prices, western states, United States

In the 1930s, Japan planned to add possessions on the Asian mainland and create a "sphere" which would supply ___________________, _________, and ______ for Japanese industry; ____________ for the Japanese people and ________________ for Japanese products.

oil, rubber, tin, rice, markets

Government _____________ told the Italian people that the Fascists had done away with crime, poverty, and labor problems.


The soviets expected to __________________ and _______________. Instead, just as the US had gotten mired in ________________ in the 1960s, now the Soviets found themselves stuck in Afghanistan.

quickly prop up communist Arabs, withdraw, Vietnam

Following WWII, millions of __________ poured into West Germany just after the war, making __________ and ___________ shortages more severe. The man who led West Germany's revival and became Chancellor in 1949 was ____________________.

refugees, food, housing, Konrad Adenauer

Closely related to the arms race was the _____________. In 1957, the Soviets launched ______________, the first man-made satellite.

space race, Sputnik

The Korean War turned into a _____________. Finally, in 1953, both sides signed an _______________, or ____________. Nearly two million troops remained dug in on either side of the __________________ near the __________________.

stalemate, armistice, end to fighting, demilitarized zone, 38th parallel of latitude

A great many Americans were buying _____________ -- shares in the ownership of __________. Investors could pay only a fraction of the stock price and use __________ for the rest.

stocks, corporations, credit

Meetings between government officials are called ___________.


Movements like Nazism often succeed when _____________ and _________________. From 1919-1924 the German movement, the ____________ faced one crisis after another. Germany came near economic collapse in 1923 when ______________________ made the currency almost worthless.

times were hard and people were out of work, Weimar Republic, inflation

With US support, the Shah of Iran ________________ his country. He tried to weaken the political influence of ________ in the country by limiting the role of ____________ and ______________.

westernized, religion, Islamic academic and legal experts

Westerners quickly picked up Churchill's term ____________________ to describe the political barrier between the Soviet bloc and the West.

"Iron Curtain"

Mussolini liked to be called ____________ which meant "the leader". Hitler also wanted to be referred to as the leader of _____________in Germany.

"Il Duce", Derfuhrer

To bring China into the modern world Deng looked to the west for help (know 2):

1. He encouraged western companies to build factories in China 2. He let Chinese students study overseas 3. He invited scientists from other countries to teach in China

When the communists lost power in Czechoslovakia in _______ some _______________ began to call for independence. In 1992, the ________ and the _________ peacefully agreed to divide Czechoslovakia into the nations of ______________ and the ____________________.

1989, Slovaks, Slovaks, Czechs, Slovakia, Czech Republic

On August 6, 1945, a _______ bomber named the ____________ released an atomic bomb code-named _______ over the city of __________. Three days later, a second bomb named ____________ was dropped on _______.

B29, Enola Gay, Little Boy, Hiroshima, Fat Man, Nagasaki

In 1923, the Nazis tried to overthrow the German state of _________________. When the attempt failed Hitler was jailed where he wrote down his political views in a book titled _____________ which meant ________. This book stressed two themes: ________ and _________. Hitler claimed the Germans were a _________ descended from the Aryan people.

Bavaria, Mein Kampf, "struggle", racism and nationalism, master race

By 1949, the Chinese communists had captured _______________, the capital city.


Early on the morning of ___________, Japanese planes took off from aircraft carriers to attack ____________, the American naval base in ___________.

December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

_________ succeeded Mao in the late 1970's. To Mao _______- a set of ideas and beliefs- was most important. However his ideology did not __________. Deng was more concerned about ____________.

Deng Xiaoping, ideology, lead to higher production, workable solutions to China's problems

American forces in the Pacific were led by General ________________. By 1944, the US Navy commanded by Admiral __________________ was blockading Japan.

Douglas MacArthur, Chester Nimitz

Under General _____________, the Japanese emperor lost all political power. Japan's new constitution established a _________________.

Douglas MacArthur, parliamentary democracy

In 1940, Japan advanced into _______________ and the Dutch East Indies. To stop Japanese aggression, the US banned the sale to Japan of war materials such as __________, _________, and ________.

French Indochina, oil, iron, steel

The ___________ returned to Indochina after WWII to find much of it under the control of the _________, a nationalist group begun in 1941 by _________. He was a __________ and had set up government in the northern part of Vietnam. _________________ aided the Vietnamese while the ______ helped France. In 1954, these same Vietnamese forces defeated the French at ______________.

French, Vietminh, Ho Chi Minh, communist, Communist China, US, Dien Bien Phu

The flat _______________, just a few feet above sea level, covers much of the country. Bangladesh has suffered from ___________ and deadly ________________ and ____________.

Ganges Delta, devastating, tropical storms and floods

Later in 1954, peace talks were held in ______________. The resulting settlement, known as the __________, temporarily divided Vietnam at the _______________.

Geneva, Switzerland, Geneva Accords, 17th parallel of latitude

Victory on __________ marked the beginning of an "island hopping" campaign.


In response to Soviet expansion activities, President ____________________ announced a new American foreign policy which came to be known as the _______________________.

Harry Truman, Truman Doctrine

In 1947, British and Indian leaders agreed that when the British left India, the sub-continent would be divided into two nations: a largely _____ India and a ______ Pakistan.

Hindu, Muslim

Muslims fleeing along the crowded roads into Pakistan were slaughtered by ______ and ______, members of an Indian religious minority. Muslims massacred ______ and _____ neighbors. Around _______ people died in these massacres.

Hindus, Sikhs, Hindu, Sikh, one million

In September 1950, UN troops landed on the beaches around the port of _______________ behind enemy lines.


From 1947 to 1964, __________ led India as its first ___________. One of his first priorities was to ________________. However, ________________ hurt Nehru's efforts to improve living conditions.

Jawaharlal Nehru, prime minister, strengthen India's economy, rapid population growth

Hitler considered ________, ______ and other people to be inferior races, who weakened Germany. Hitler blamed the _______ for all of Germany's problems: 1. _________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________ These racist ideas led to an extreme ______________.

Jews, Slavs, Jews 1. the defeat of Germany in WWI 2. high unemployment 3. the spread of communism nationalism

The US and President ___________ warned the Soviets about expanding and continuing their military action in Afghanistan. The US, though limited its response to two actions : 1. __________________________ 2. __________________________

Jimmy Carter 1. embargo on grain shipments to the Soviet Union 2. boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow

In 1970, King Hussein threw the PLO out of _____________. The PLO then moved to southern ___________. Headed by ____________, they launched raids on Israel. The PLO also used ___________ to draw world attention to their cause. For example, PLO guerrillas seized and killed Israeli __________ at the ____________. In response, Israel attacked PLO bases in _____________.

Jordan, Lebanon, Yasir Arafat, terrorism, athletes, 1972 Olympic Games, Lebanon

The Allies invaded occupied Europe on ________________, also known as ___________.

June 6, 1944, D-Day

Following independence, India and Pakistan fought a war over _______, a state in the _________ with ______ and ______ populations.

Kashmir, Himalayas, Muslim, Hindua

In the summer of 1978, Anwar Sadat, Israeli Prime Minister ______________, and US President __________ met at __________, the US Presidential retreat in _________. They hammered out an agreement for achieving peace between _________ and _________ that became known as the _________________.

Menachem Begin, Jimmy Carter, Camp David, Maryland, Egypt, Israel, Camp David Accords

When Hitler threatened to make war on Czechoslovakia, Mussolini and Prime Minister ___________________ of Britain stepped in. When the Prime Minister returned to Britain, he told them that the agreement in Munich had brought _____________.

Neville Chamberlain, "peace to our time"

The UN established its headquarters in _____________.

New York City

Peace talks between the US and North Vietnam began in ___________ in 1968. In 1969, US President ____________ began calling troops home. Bombing raids and ground fighting continued until 1973 when the US, South Vietnam, and North Vietnam signed the ____________________. Under this agreement, all US forces _____________ and all sides pledged _______________________.

Paris, Richard Nixon, Paris Peace Accords, left Vietnam, to not reunify Vietnam by force.

By May, 1942, the Japanese had gained control of the ________, killing several thousand soldiers during the 68 mile ______________________.

Philippines, Bataan Death March

In Germany, elections to the ____________ were set for March, 1933. Shortly before the voting, a __________ swept through the ____________ building. Hitler claimed that this was the beginning of a ________________. He convinced ___________ to sign laws limiting freedom of ________ and _________. The _________________ was also outlawed.

Reichstag, fire, Reichstag, communist take over, Paul von Hindenburg, speech and press, communist party

IN 1989, the US and Soviet Union began _____________ talks to limit the number of ____________________. One of the agreements limited _____________, or missiles that could shoot down other missiles. These were seen as a particular threat to the ________________ because, by giving one side some protection against the other, they __________________________.

Strategic Arms Limitation, nuclear weapons held by each country, anti-ballistic missiles, balance of terror, may encourage the protected side to attack.

In 1956 the leader of Egypt moved abruptly to nationalize the __________________. _______________ from this would help to finance Egypt's development plans. In response, __________, ___________, and ____________ conspired to invade Egypt and overthrow their leader __________. This situation became known as the ____________.

Suez Canal, revenue, Israel, Britain, and France, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Suez Crisis

In 1952 _______________ and ________ became members of this organization. In 1955 __________________ joined the alliance and in 1982 ________ also joined.

Turkey, Greece, West Germany, Spain

_____________ secured Israel's immediate existence. One of the first things the new Jewish government did was to proclaim the _______________, according to which every Jew who settled in Israel was ________________.

Victory in the 1948 War, law of return, guaranteed citizenship in the new state

Like the _______________ in Vietnam, determined Afghan _____________ called the ____________ outmaneuvered the Soviets. Supplied with ________________ weapons, these rebels fought on.

Vietcong, rebels, Mujahideen, American

______________ would become the wartime Prime Minister of Great Britain.

Winston Churchill

As the British withdrew from Palestine the _________ proclaimed the state of Israel.


In 1979 the government began to give _______________. It would then_________________.

bonuses to one child families, fine families with more than one child

A worker's life is controlled by his ______, or ______. A work unit might include, for example, all the _________________. Most workers ride to the factory on ________.

dan wei, work unit, all the workers in a certain factory, bikes

The ________ (protesters) were led by _________. Thousands of Chinese citizens joined the protest.

dissidents, students

Pakistan gained independence in 1947, at the same time as India. However, Pakistan was a ____________. West Pakistan occupied the north-western portion of _____________, including the western part of the divided province of ______. One thousand miles to the east was ___________, later renamed ___________. Between the two regions was the _________.

divided country, British India, Punjab, East Pakistan, Bangladesh, new India

On June 4th, Chinese troops _________ in the square. What happened afterwards?

opened fire, hundreds of unarmed students were killed

Deng set up the _______________. Under these system farmers had to _______________. If they produced more, __________________.

responsibility system, produce a specified amount, they could sell their extra crops for profit

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