donner - to give - French command forms

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N'en donnez pas !

Don't give any! (pl. and/or formal)

N'en donne pas !

Don't give any! (sing. and fam.)

Ne lui en donnez pas !

Don't give her/him some! (pl. and/or formal)

Ne lui en donne pas !

Don't give her/him some! (sing. and fam.)

Ne lui donnez pas !

Don't give her/him! (pl. and/or formal)

Ne lui donne pas !

Don't give her/him! (sing. and fam.)

Ne le lui donnez pas !

Don't give it to her/him! (pl. and/or formal)

Ne le lui donne pas !

Don't give it to her/him! (sing. and fam.)

Ne donnez pas !

Don't give! (pl. and/or formal)

Ne donne pas !

Don't give! (sing. and fam.)

Donnez-en-lui !

Give her/him some! (pl. and/or formal)

Donnes-en-lui !

Give her/him some! (sing. and fam.)

Donnez-lui !

Give her/him! (pl. and/or formal)

Donne-lui !

Give her/him! (sing. and fam.)

Donnez-le-lui !

Give it to her/him! (pl. and/or formal)

Donne-le-lui !

Give it to her/him! (sing. and fam.)

Donnez-en !

Give some! (pl. and/or formal)

Donnes-en !

Give some! (sing. and fam.)

Donnez !

Give! (pl. and/or formal)

Donne !

Give! (sing. and fam.)

Donnons-en-lui !

Let's give her/him some!

Donnons-lui !

Let's give her/him!

Donnons-le-lui !

Let's give it to her/him!

Donnons-en !

Let's give some!

Donnons !

Let's give!

N'en donnons pas !

Let's not give any!

Ne lui en donnons pas !

Let's not give her/him some!

Ne lui donnons pas !

Let's not give her/him!

Ne le lui donnons pas !

Let's not give it to her/him!

Ne donnons pas !

Let's not give!

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