Drivers Ed-Ch. 5

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Stop Ahead

A stop sign is ahead. Slow down and be ready to stop.

Railroad Crossbuck

A white, X-shaped sign or "crossbuck" with "Railroad Crossing" printed on it is located at the railroad crossing. This sign has the same meaning as a "Yield" sign; you must yield to crossing trains.

Black and White Signs

Regulatory signs or route markers; typically referred to as "guide signs".

Yield Sign

A pointing downward triangle. Red with white letters. It means slow down and yield the right-of-way to traffic in the intersection you are crossing or roadway you are entering.

Railroad Crossing Sign

A round yellow warning sign with an "X" symbol and black "RR" letters is placed along the road.

Orange Signs

Also warning signs; alert you of possible dangers ahead due to construction and maintenance projects.

Destination and Distance Signs

Always green. They direct you to bike routes, parking areas, mileposts, and specific exists. Mileposts are placed every mile along the freeway from one end of the state to the other. Zero usually starts at the south and west borders of the state. Mileposts can be used to determine the distance to exists, cities or state lines.

Dashed White Lines

Between lanes of traffic moving in the same direction that indicate you may cross to change lines if it is safe to do so.

Solid White Lines

Between lanes of traffic that indicate you should stay in your lane unless a special situation requires you to change lanes.

Shared Center Lanes

Center lanes are reserved for making left terms (or U-turns when they are permitted) but can be used by vehicles traveling in both directions. Marked with solid yellow and dashed yellow lines.

Turns and Curves Signs

Certain signs are posted before turns and curves. The shape of the arrow tells you what to expect. A small sign showing the maximum safe speed may also be posted below the arrow.

Stop Sign

Eight sides with white letters. You must come to a full and complete stop at a stop sign or stop line, if one is present. You must wait until crossing vehicles and pedestrians have cleared. Pull forward only when safe to do so.

Flashing Red Traffic Light

Equivalent to a stop sign. You must come to a full stop and you may proceed when it is safe to do so.

Solid Double Yellow Lines

Four or more lanes with traffic moving in opposite directions. Two solid lines mark the center of the roadway. Solid yellow lines may be crossed to make a left turn to or from an alley, private road, driveway or street.

Intersections Ahead Signs

Four signs warn you of intersections ahead where traffic may exist or where a right or left turn may be required. A sign naming the intersecting road may also be posted.

Railroad Crossbuck, Flashing Lights, and Gate

Gates are used when the flashing light signals some crossing. Stop when lights begin to flash before gate lowers. Remain stopped until the gates are raised and the lights stop flashing. Do not attempt to drive around lowered gate; also, pedestrians may not cross.

Blue Signs

Guide signs, particularly about the services along the roadway.

Green Signs

Guide signs. They tell you where you are, which way to go and the distance.


High Occupancy Vehicles

Dashed Yellow Line Alongside a Solid Yellow Line

Indicates that passing is permitted on the side of the broken line, but not on the side of the solid line.

Route Number Signs

Indicates the type of roadway: interstate, U.S., state, city, or county road. When planning a trip, use a road map to determine your route. During the trip, follow the route signs to keep from getting lost.

Reserved Lanes

Lanes marked by signs stating that the lane is reserved for special use and often have a white diamond posted at the side of the road or painted on the surface.

Red Arrow

Must stop and cannot go in the direction of the arrow. You may proceed when the arrow goes out and a green arrow or light comes on.


No Passing Zone. When used, the sign is on the left side of a two-lane, two-way roadway. It is posted as the beginning of a NO-PASSING ZONE where "no passing" pavement markings are also used.

Solid Yellow Lines

On roads where the traffic moves in opposite directions but passing is not allowed.

Disabled Parking

Parking spaces marked with these signs are reserved for individuals with disabled parking privileges.

Brown Signs

Parks and recreation signs.

Message Boards

Provides information about traffic, road, weather or other hazardous conditions. Always obey any directions posted on the message boards.


Railroad crossing. Slow down, look and listen for trains.


Regulatory or guide. Vertical signs generally give instructions or tell you the law. Horizontal signs may give directions or information.

Red Signs


Green Arrow

Safely turn in the direction of he arrow. There should be no oncoming or crossing traffic when the light is this color.


School zone and school crossing. The five-sided shape marks school zones and warns you about school crossings. Signs may display horizontal signs indicating the point at which a crosswalk exists. Signs may have a separate downward-pointing arrow plaque, which indicates the actual location of the crosswalk.

Dashed Yellow Lines

Separate single lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions. Passing is allowed.

School Zone Cross Walk

Signs may display horizontal lines indicating the point where the crosswalk exists.

School Zone

Slow down - the speed limit is usually 25 MPH. Watch out for children crossing the street or playing. Be ready to stop. Obey signals from any crossing guards.

Flashing Yellow Traffic Light

Slow down and proceed with caution.

Edge Lines

Solid lines along the edge of the road that show you where the edge of the road is located.

Red Traffic Light

Stop. You must wait until the traffic light turns green and there is no crossing traffic before you may move ahead. If you are turning right on red, you may turn after coming to a full stop.

Traffic Signs

Tells you about traffic rules, hazards, where you are, how to get where you are going, and where certain services are located.


The (eight-sided) shape always means stop. You must come to a complete stop at the sign, stop line, pedestrian crosswalk or curb.

Divided Highway Signs

The highway ahead is split into two separate roadways by a median or divider and each roadway is one-way. Keep right.

Reversible Lanes - Flashing Yellow "X"

The lane is only for turning.

Yellow Arrow

The protection of a green arrow is ending. If you are turning in the direction of the arrow, you should prepare to stop and give the right of way to oncoming traffic.

Yellow Traffic Light

The traffic light is about to change to red. You must stop if it is safe to do so. If you are in the intersection when this light color comes on, do not stop--continue through the intersection.

Reversible Lanes - Steady Yellow "X"

The use of the lane is changing and you should move out of it as soon as it is safe to do so.

Work Area Signs

These construction, maintenance, or emergency operations signs are generally diamond or rectangle-shaped and orange with black symbols. These warn you that people are working on or near the roadway. These warnings include reduce speed, detours, slow moving construction equipment, and poor or suddenly changing road surfaces.

Information Signs

These signs are always green. They include items such as state lines, city limits and other boundaries. You may also find names of streams, elevations, landmarks, and other items of geographical interest.

Parks and Recreation

These signs are brown. They guide you to recreational areas and parks.

Service Signs

These signs are square or rectangle shaped and are blue with white letters are symbols. They show the locations of various services, such as rest areas, gas stations, campgrounds, or hospitals.

One Way

These signs are used on one-way streets or driveways. You must always go in the direction of the arrow.

No Passing Signs

These signs tell you where passing is not permitted. Passing areas are based on how far you can see ahead. Indicates where you can pass another vehicle, the beginning and ending of a passing zone, or where you may not pass. Where you are permitted to pass, you may do so only if it is safe.

Lane Use Control Signs

These signs tell you where you can go and where you can turn, often using an arrow symbol. There is an opening in the divided highway that leads to the other side.


This sign is used at the beginning of an alternate route that has been established because road has been closed.

Reduction in Lanes

This sign is used on multi-lane highways to warn you of a reduction in the number of traffic lanes in the direction you are traveling. Be prepared to change lanes or allow other vehicles to merge into your lane

Left or Through Sign

This sign lets you know that your lane is splitting off in two different directions.

No Passing

This sign marks the beginning of a no passing zone. You may not pass cars ahead of you in your lane.

Two-Way Road Signs

This sign tells you that you are leaving a divided highway and will be driving on a two-way highway.

Keep Right

This sign tells you where to drive when you approach traffic islands, medians, or other obstructions in the middle of the roadway. You must drive to the side indicated by the arrow.

Flag Person

This sign warns that there is a flag person ahead. Flaggers normally wear orange or yellow vests, yellow-green shirts or jackets. They use STOP/SLOW paddles and red flags to direct traffic and you should always follow their directions.

Change in Direction

This sign warns you of a change in direction or narrowing of the road. You may find several of these signs on the outside of a sharp curve or on approaches to a narrow bridge.

Signal Ahead

Traffic signals are ahead. Slow down and be ready to stop.


Two lanes of traffic are about to become one. Drivers in both lanes are responsible for merging smoothly.

Regulatory Signs

Typically square, rectangular, or have a special shape and are usually white, red, or black with black, red, white or green letters or symbols. Gives information about rules for traffic direction, lane use, turning, speeding, parking, and other special situations.

Wrong Way Sign

Typically used to identify a one-way street, expressway ramp or wrong direction or wrong side of a divided highway. Do not drive past this sign - turn around.

No U-Turn

U-turns prohibited.

Solid Yellow Lines

Used on the left of the roadway edge of divided streets or roadways.

Solid White Lines

Used on the right of the roadway edge.

Yellow Signs

Warning signs. These signs tell you of road conditions and the danger ahead.


Warning. These signs warn you of special conditions or the hazards ahead. Drive with caution and be ready to slow down.

Pedestrian Crossing

Watch for people crossing your path. Be prepared to slow down and stop. Signs may display horizontal lines indicating the point where the crosswalk exists.

Crosswalks and Stoplines

When required to stop because of a sign or signal, you must stop before your vehicle reaches the stop line. Crosswalks define the area where pedestrians may cross the roadway.

Slippery When Wet

When the pavement is wet, reduce your speed. Do not break hard or change direction suddenly. Increase the distance between your car and the one ahead. These actions are needed on all wet roads and especially on roads where the sign is posted.

Lane Lines

White lines that separate multiple lanes traveling in the same direction.

Center Lines

Yellow lines that separate lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions.


Yield. Slow down to a speed reasonable for the conditions and yield the right-of-way. Stop if necessary.

Green Traffic Light

You can go through the intersection. You must yield to emergency vehicles and others as required by the law. You must wait for crossing traffic to clear the intersection before you go ahead. A steady traffic light this color means you may turn but only when it is safe to do so. If you are turning right, yield to pedestrians crossing the street.

Reversible Lanes - Green

You can use the lane beneath it.

Do Not Enter Sign

You cannot enter. You will see this sign at road openings that you should not enter, such as exit ramps where you would be going in the wrong direction, crossovers on divided roadways, and at numerous locations on one-way streets.

Reversible Lanes - Red "X"

You cannot use the lane.

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