Drivers Ed I Cri

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How fast you can drive and be safe depends on?

How well you can see

What is a good rule about using headlights?

If your windshield wipers are on, your headlights should also be on

The proper way to enter the freeway from a ramp is:

Look for a gap, increase your speed and enter the gap at freeway speed.

How can you see if there is a car in your right blind spot?

Look over your right shoulder

Using headlights during the day when it is raining

Makes your vehicle more easily seen

driving above the posted speed limit

May result in a speeding ticket

Which statement below is true about crosswalks?

Most crosswalks are at intersections, but some crosswalks are in the middle of the block

A defensive driver maintains space between his car and other cars. Where should this space be?

On all sides

At a four way stop intersection you must yield the right of way to?

The car reaching the intersection first

You should signal your intention to turn at least?

100 feet before the turn

The parking distance between two cars is?

2 Feet

You are driving a car 55 MPH on dry pavement when a deer jumps out in front of you. How many feet do you need to stop your car?

About 200-250 Feet

At what age must a person wear a safety belt or be secured in the car safety seat?

All ages must wear a safety belts or be secured in a car safety seat

When is it legal to make a U-Turn?

Any two lane highway when turning can be done in a safe manner.

If you are restricted to wearing flasses while driving:

Avoid using dark glasses at night

What is a good step to follow in backing up?

Back no faster than a slow walk

The best time to adjust your mirrors is?

Before you start driving.

Driving below the posted speed limit on a busy highway:

Can be as dangerous as speeding

What should you do if you are driving down the highway and you have a tire blowout?

Decrease your speed, keep your vehicle going straight, and apply the brakes when the vehicle has almost stopped

If you see a police officer directing traffic, what should you do?

Do as the police officer directs

Which statement about right of way is true?

Do not pass any vehicle that has stopped for people in a crosswalk.

The law requires that you are able to see clearly through the windshield. Which statement is True?

Don't hang things from the mirror or clutter the windshield with decals

When driving in a school zone, you should:

Drive cautiously at 15MPH

If you are driving below the posted speed limit on a multiple lane road, you should drive in the?

Far right lane and continually observe traffic conditions around you.

When the rear of your car skids you should?

First steer in the direction of the skid, and as the car comes out the skid steer slightly in the opposite direction

Which one of these parking situations is legal?

Parked in a loading zone

What is a special concern when it first start raining

Pavement can become very slippery

Downhill parking

RIght with or without curb

Before passing another vehicle on a rural two lane road, you must:

SIgnal with directional signal befre chaning lanes

Before your road test, your vehicle will be inspected for safety. What must be present?

Safety Belts

When the traffic light changes to yellow, what should you do?

Slow down and stop before entering the intersection

Trees and buildings at intersections can block your view of cars coming from the side, so you hould approach a blind intersection:

Slowly enough to be able to stop if a car pulls out suddenly.

What should you do if you see a person with a white cane in the middle of the street?

Stop at least 10 feet away until the person has safety crossed street

You come over the top of a hill and see a truck stalled in the road. What is the best warn traffic behind you?

Tao your brake pedal 3 or 4 times quickly.

Uphill with curb

To the right

To stop on snow covered roads without anti-lock brakes, a driver should:

Use light braking, pumping brakes gently

Which one of the following statements about drugs is true?

Use of drugs can lead to accidents and/or arrest

Your cars headlights must be on:

WHenever the existing light is too dim for your to see 500 feet ahead.

When the traffic signal light changes to green, you may go ahead?

When the intersection is clear of pedestrians and other traffic.

When is it Safest to Pass?

When there is a broken yellow line in your lane.

When is it safe to return to the driving lane after passing another vehicle?

When you can see both of the vehicle's headlights in the rear-view mirror

To use a driver's license to participate in the Organ donor program:

You must sign the back of your license

Which of the following statements about "looking ahead" is true?

You should look 10-15 seconds ahead and scan the entire scene

Unless a sign say not to, you may turn right on a red light if:

You stop and yield to pedestrians and other vehicles before turning.

To make sure other cars can see you, you should inspect:

Your headlights and taillight.

When there is a fatal traffic accident, a drinking driver is involved?

about 40-50% of the time

to reach highway traffic speed (55MPH) from a complete stop, you need a gap in traffic of:

about a full block

When you are approaching a school bus, you should come to a complete stop if the school bus has:

activated it's flashing red lights and is stopped on the highway.

Many new drivers are not aware of hazardous road conditions. That is why new drivers:

have more out of control crashes that experienced drivers

If you have a manual shift vehicle, the best way to park is to put the vehicle:

in the lowest gear and set parking brake.

Bald tires:


Uphill with no curb

to the left

Fast starts and abrupt stops:

waste fuel and brakes

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