Driver's ED - Module 8 (Topics 1 & 2)
blood without being digested
(Alcohol Intoxication) Alcohol is quickly and directly absorbed into the...
throughout the body
(Alcohol Intoxication) after alcohol is absorbed into the blood, the bloodstream then carries the alcohol...
your license will be immediately suspended for 7 days and a judge may suspend it for one year regardless if you are convicted
(Implied Consent Law) If you refuse to take the test then...
take a chemical test upon request
(Implied Consent Law) when you operate a motor vehicle on public roads, you have agreed to...
(T/F) Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs is a criminal offense
(T/F) Not all alcoholic drinks are equal
false (everyone is affected differently)
(T/F) two individuals that have the same number of drinks are affected in the same way
6 months or the right to apply for one until you are 18
(Zero Tolerance Law) 13-17 yrs. old and are publically intoxicated, buy, possess, or drink alcohol then you can lose your driver's license for...
$2,500, lose your driver's license for as long as one year, and possibly go to jail
(Zero Tolerance Law) 18-20 yrs. old and buy, possess, or drink alcohol you can be fined as much as....
(Zero Tolerance Law) If you knowingly let someone drive your car whose license has been revoked or suspended for an alcohol-related offense, you can be charged with a....
Blood Alcohol Concentration
alcoholism, overweight, high blood pressure
Long term physical effects of Binge Drinking:
1 in every 10
national statistic for how many teens drive under the influence of alcohol
1.5 million
nationally how many arrests are there a year for DUIs
one drink is how many ounces of alcohol
one in every _______ pedestrians 16 and older who were killed in traffic accidents were intoxicated
STOP drinking and wait for the liver to do its job
only way to eliminate all alcohol from your body is to....
vomiting, seizures, bluish or pale skin, low body temperature, inability to be awakened, extreme confusion, slow or irregular breathing, death
Alcohol Poisoning includes:
intensifies and your thinking and reasoning abilities become blurred
As more alcohol is consumed, the effect on many of the body's organs...
blood, breath, urine, or saliva
BAC can be determined by testing a person's...
8/10 of a drop of alcohol for every 1000 drops of blood in a person's body
If an individual has a BAC of .08 (8/100 of 1% alcohol) this means there is...
an extra 5 days in jail, additional fines between $500-$1000 (court cost), in addition to other offenses you are subject to
If you are charged with a DUI offense and have a minor (17 or under) in the vehicle then you are subject to:
the DUI revocation period
If you are convicted of a DUI then the suspension period for refusing the test will be added to...
take the test
Implied Consent Law says you are required to....
difficulty in school, more likely to drop out, disrupts sleep pattern so it is harder to stay awake and concentrate during the day, loss of friends, becoming angry or moody when drinking
Long term mental effects of Binge Drinking:
Once you have reached the level that the alcohol is absorbed into the blood, carried throughout the body, and effects the organs and your reasoning abilities, you are now classified as...
_______% of high school students nationwide had ridden with a driver that had been drinking alcohol
the person's blood-alcohol concentration (BAC)
chemical analysis of blood can determine...
Binge Drinking
consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time
Ignition Interlock Device
device required by anyone with a DUI conviction to have as part of their restricted driving privileges
ANY age
drinking and driving is illegal at....
.08% or higher
driver's over 21 are considered intoxicated when they have a BAC of...
gender, body weight, size of drink, food, time spent drinking
factors that affect BAC level include:
how many drinks does it take to impair driving
20 years in prison, revocation of license for indefinite amount of time, a felony charge (your vehicle is subject to seizure and forfeiture)
if convicted of involuntary manslaughter you could get ______ years in prison and...
fined up to $500, have driver's license suspended for 6 months, and possible jail time
if you are under 21 and have a BAC of at least .02%, but less than .08%, the consequences are...
involuntary manslaughter (or aggravated involuntary manslaughter)
if you kill another person while driving under the influence, you will be convicted of...
operate a motor vehicle safely
immediate effects of intoxication hinder your ability to...
Alcohol Intoxication
resulting from alcohol levels reaching a "toxic" level in the brain
.015% an hour
the "blood alcohol sink" will only drain at a rate of...
percent of alcohol in the bloodstream and indicate the level of intoxication
the BAC levels in a chemical test will show the...
chemical test
the amount of alcohol an individual consumes enters the person's blood stream and can be measured by a...
oxidation in the liver
the main way most alcohol is disposed of...
the only proven way to remove alcohol from the system
the quickest, least complicated, and most frequently used test to determine BAC
body weight, size of drink, time spent drinking
three main factors that affect BAC level include:
breath, sweat, oxidation of the liver
three ways alcohol is removed from the body
1 1/2 hours or longer
time it takes for one drink to be eliminated from the system
the size of the drink and the percent (%) of alcohol
to compare different drinks you need to know...
when a person is driving under the influence of both alcohol and marijuana the risk increases to ________ times that of a sober person
young drivers (16-20) are ______ times more likely to die in crash when they have a BAC of .08 than when they have not been drinking
themselves and those accompanying them
young drivers between 15 and 20 are at great risk to...