Drivers ed TEST # 2 - Chapter 4, 5, 6

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A motorist must stop for a school bus with flashing red lights. State law requires a motorist to stop at least ____ ____ ____ if he/she is traveling on a two-lane road or on a multi-lane highway where lanes are only separated by lines, or on a privately maintained road.

25 ft away

Exceeding the speed limit is a common contributing factor of fatal and other types of crashes. A motorist must always obey the speed limit. Speed affects almost everything that can happen when driving. A good rule is to keep up with the flow of traffic at any legal speed. To make safe emergency stops when necessary, it is important to keep enough distance from surrounding traffic. New Jersey law sets top speed limits for any given road, street, highway, or freeway.

25 mph - School zones, business, or residential districts 35 mph -Suburban business and residential districts 50 mph - Non-posted rural roadways 55 mph -Certain state highways (as posted) and interstates 65 mph -Certain interstate highways (as posted)

Snow tires help driving during the winter months by providing better traction for more controlled starting, steering, and stopping. Snow tires do not provide good traction on ice. Tire chains are the best traction on ice and in hard-packed or deep snow. In New Jersey, motorists may use studded snow tires ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ .

Between November 15 and April 1

When a motorist has been behind the wheel for a long time, he/she may experience "____ ____." The trance-like state may be avoided by not looking at any one thing for more than a few seconds. It is also recommended that a motorist rest every two hours and/or share the driving with another licensed motorist.

Maggies law

A motorist should not pass:

On a hill or curve or at any time he/she cannot see far enough ahead. • At a street crossing or intersection. • At a railroad crossing. • On narrow bridges or in underpasses or tunnels. • When a sign prohibits passing or center lines restrict passing. • When behind a vehicle that has stopped to let a pedestrian cross.

Unless directed to do so by a police officer or to avoid a crash, a motorist should never stop or park at any of the following places:

Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant. k. - • Within 25 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection or sideline of a street or intersection highway, except at alleys. l. -• Within 50 feet of a railroad crossing. m. -• Within 50 feet of a stop sign. n. -• Within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station and within 75 feet on the street opposite a fire station entrance.

Motorists pay _____ _____ for exceeding the ____ ____ ____ by ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. Double fines also apply to most other moving violations committed in a 65-mph zone. (N.J.S.A. 39:4-98.6)

a. double fines b. 65 mph limit c. 10 mph or more

Headlights must be used ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . Headlights must also be used when visibility is 500 feet or less, when using windshield wipers (during rain, snow, and ice) or when encountering fog, mist, smoke, or other factors that reduce visibility. (N.J.S.A. 39:3-46)

a. one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise

A simple breath test will show a motorist's BAC. BAC is determined by four factors:

a. quantity of alcohol b.body wieght quickly drinks are consumed eaten

A ___ ___ ___ ___ across a road at an intersection means that a motorist ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ for a traffic signal or sign.

a. single solid white line b.must stop behind the line

It is important to remember that it does not matter what alcoholic beverage is consumed. There is just as much alcohol in the average beer as there is in the average drink of whiskey or wine. For example, _____ _____ of 80-proof whiskey, _____ _____ of beer or _____ _____ of wine all contain the same amount of alcohol: about _____ _____ of alcohol per drink.

a.1.5 oz b.12 oz c.5 oz d.½

Nearly ____ ____ of driving decisions are based upon what a motorist sees while driving. At night, a motorist's vision is reduced. To drive safely at night, ____ ____ and ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ . A motorist should always be sure the vehicle can stop within the distance that he/she sees ahead.

a.90% b.Slow down in the range of the vehicles headlights

A vehicle will skid if a motorist:

a.Accelerates to quickly b.Turns to quickly c.brakes in properly

If a motorist has reached a _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ after drinking, the risk for causing a motor vehicle crash _____. The risk is _____ _____ _____ _____ when driving with a _____ _____ _____ _____. The risk is _____ _____ _____ _____ when driving with a _____ _____ _____ _____.

a.BAC of slightly above .05 percent b.doubles c.six times as great d.BAC of .10 percent e.25 times as great f. BAC of .15 percent

Poor roadway or weather conditions require motorists to increase following distance because rough, wet, or snow-covered roads may require more response time. A good rule on snow-covered roads is to maintain a following distance of six seconds or more for:

a.Frost or ice b.Fog c.Sun glare

If a motorist experiences a flat tire or blowout, he/she should ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ and ____ ____ ____ ____ while ____ ____ ____ . The motorist should remove his/her foot from the gas pedal but not use the brakes. The vehicle should coast to a stop on its own as the motorist pulls to a safe area off the roadway.

a.Hold the steering wheel firmly b.Keep the vehicle straight c.Gradually slowing down

Wet road surfaces can cause tires to ____ , or ride up on a film of water, starting at about ____ ____ , which could cause a motorist to lose control of his/her vehicle. Chances of hydroplaning increase as speeds increase. After 55 mph, tires may ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. If tires totally leave the road surface, braking is virtually impossible, and turning is not possible. A gust of wind, a change in road level or a slight turn can create a skid if a vehicle is hydroplaning. To ____ ____ , do not drive on bald or badly worn tires, and slow down when heavy rain, standing water, or slush is present. In a heavy rainstorm, try to drive on the highest point of the road. For example, use the center lane on a multiple lane highway, when available.

a.Hydroplane b.35 mph c.Tires made totally leave the road surface d.Avoid hydroplaning

Operating any motor vehicle requires the motorist's full attention. In many cases, crashes are caused by a distracted motorist. Inattentive motorists often tailgate, go too fast or drift out of their lanes. They ignore traffic signs and signals, road markings, potential traffic hazards, road conditions, and other vehicles. Some causes of inattentive driving are:

a.Lighting a cigarette. b.Trying to fasten a safety belt while driving. c.Reaching across the seat to close a door or look in the glove compartment d.Reaching for coins in pockets while driving up to a toll booth. e.Trying to adjust a wristwatch. f.Watching children or pets in the vehicle. g.Trying to remove a coat. h.Reading maps and newspapers. i.Eating while driving. j.Adjusting a mirror while driving. k.Using a cell phone or any other electronic device. l.Adjusting the radio or CD player. m.Applying makeup. n.Shaving. o.Using a laptop computer or fax machine. A motorist should never do any of these things while driving. His/her full attention must be on the road at all times.

If a crash looks possible, the ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ , even if it means leaving the road. Driving off the road, rather than skidding, gives the motorist more control over the vehicle. The motorist should choose to ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ (such as a bush or shrubs) rather than something hard.

a.Motorist should turn away from oncoming traffic b.hIt something that will give way

A motorist should look at least 12 seconds ahead in city driving. This means that he/she should be able to see an object far enough ahead so that it takes at least 12 seconds to get to it. While driving at 25 mph on a clear road in a city, a motorist should be able to ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ . When traffic is heavy, extra time to react is necessary, which means driving more slowly. By reducing speed, a motorist gains time.

a.See about a block ahead

If a vehicle runs off the pavement:

a.Slow down b.Regain control c.Turn slowly onto the road

Drive with the headlights on at dusk, night, dawn, on dark days, and whenever weather conditions reduce visibility to less than 500 feet. State law requires the ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ . (N.J.S.A. 39:3-46)

a.The headlights to be on when windshield wipers are in use

Since most people have trouble judging distances, the ____ ____ ____ ____ to determine safe distance may be easier to use. It is useful at any speed. a. Choose some fixed object ahead of the vehicle in front. The object may be a sign or a tree. Make sure the object does not distract attention from driving. b. As the vehicle in front passes the object, begin counting seconds (one thousand-one, one thousand-two, one-thousand-three). c. If it takes at least three seconds before your vehicle passes the object, a motorist should have enough distance for a sudden stop. d. Practicing safe space management/following distance is the ability to stop a vehicle safely and smoothly in the event the vehicle in front stops. e. Stopping distance = Perception Distance + Reaction Distance + Braking Distance. f. By keeping a foot near the brake, a motorist can reduce reaction distance. g. Time and distance relationships are designed for the best driving conditions. h. It should be noted that heavier vehicles might take longer to stop.

a.Three seconds plus rule

To avoid a spin, the motorist should ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ , without over steering. When skidding, a motorist should look in the direction that he/she wants to go. A motorist will be able to feel when the vehicle is back under control and should then straighten the wheels. During a side skid, avoid using the brakes.

a.Turn that in the direction of the rear of the vehicle is skidding

Motorists enter these roadways by way of ___ ___, which are extra lanes at highway entrances used by motorists to speed up to join the flow of traffic.

a.acceleration lanes

Most crashes are caused by motorist error. A motorist can reduce the chances of a crash by knowing and using the Standard Crash-Prevention Formula: ____ ____: Never think the other motorist will not make a driving mistake. ____ ____: Learn what to do in any situation when you have to act fast, and always expect the unexpected. ____ ____ ____:Try not to panic. Know what to do if something happens suddenly alert prepared c.act in time

In most cases, ___ ___ or ___ ___, which are extra lanes at a highway exit, are located on the right-hand side of the roadway.

a.exit ramps b.deceleration lanes

When a motorist has been behind the wheel for a long time, he/she may experience "___ ____." The trance-like state ma_y be avoided by not looking at any one thing for more than a few seconds. It is also recommended that a motorist rest every two hours and/or share the driving with another licensed motorist.

a.highway hypnosis

Most passing should be on the ___. Passing on the right is ___ only on roads with more than one lane going in the same direction, if vehicles on the roadway are moving in two or more substantially continuous lines or when the motorist ahead is making a ___ ___ and there is ___ ___ ___. ___ ___ on the right shoulder of the road. This is against the law. (N.J.S.A. 39:4-85)

a.left b. allowed c.left turn to pass e.never pass

Under state law, refusal to take a breath test is illegal. Penalties include _____ _____ _____ _____ , _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ , _____ , and _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ installation of an ignition interlock device. (N.J.S.A. 39:4- 50.4a)

a.loss of driving privileges b.referral to an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC) c.fines d.installation of an ignition interlock device

New Jersey's ___ ___ ___ requires all motorists approaching a ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ or ___ ___ ___ vehicle that is displaying a flashing, blinking or alternating red, blue, amber or yellow light, or a configuration of lights containing one of these colors, to change lanes, safety and traffic conditions permitting, into a lane not adjacent to the stationary emergency vehicle. If a ___ ___ ___ ___, prohibited by law or unsafe, the motorist must reduce the speed of his/her vehicle to a reasonable and proper speed that is lower than the posted speed limit and be prepared to stop, if necessary. Motorists who violate this law face a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $500. (N.J.S.A. 39:4-92.2)

a.move over law b. stationary, authorized emergency vehicle, tow truck, highway maintenance c. other emergency service d.lane change is impossible

To maintain a safe following distance, the ____ ____ ____ ____ can be used. There is no perfect rule for ____ ____ , the rule of thumb most often used is to keep ____ ____ ____ ____ (about 20 feet) for ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ . At high speeds or in bad weather, following distances should be increased.

a.ruleOf thumb b.Following distance c.One car length back d.For each 10 mph

During Brake Failure, if a vehicle's conventional disc and drum brakes suddenly fail, a motorist should ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ and ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ . This may build up enough brake pressure to stop the vehicle. If that does not work, ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ , so the motorist can let up if the rear wheels lock and the vehicle begins to skid. With the vehicle in low gear, the motorist should begin looking for a safe place to stop off the roadway and call for help.

a.shift to a lower gear b.pump the brake pedal fast and hard several times. c.the parking brake should be used while holding the brake release

Law enforcement is trained to notice certain telltale signs that a motorist has been drinking: ______: An intoxicated driver often thinks high speed driving is safe. ______: Even though an intoxicated driver may stay in the correct lane, driving straight may be a problem. _____ _____: An intoxicated driver may be overly cautious and drive slower than the normal traffic flow. _____ _____: An intoxicated driver often may have short mental lapses and not keep a steady speed on a clear road. _____ _____: An intoxicated driver may make sudden stops at a traffic sign or light, rather than easing up to it.

a.speeding b.weaving c.slow driving d.jerking motion e.quick stops

A ___ ___ is both an entrance and an exit for an expressway. Traffic may come onto and leave the expressway at the same location. This traffic weave causes conflicts, both for motorists using a weave lane and those on the expressway and entrance ramp (in terms of speed and space adjustments). The motorist entering from the entrance ramp must yield the right-of-way to the motorist leaving the expressway.

a.weave lane

Most crashes at traffic signals happen in the first few seconds after the light has changed. When a yellow light follows a green light, a motorist must stop before entering the intersection, unless yellow appears when the vehicle is too close to stop safely. If the light changes while a driver is already in the intersection, he/ she should go through with caution. Be alert for a ___ ___ ___ ; this is a light that has been green for some time. Be prepared for it to change to yellow and then to red. Slow down and stop accordingly.

stale green light

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