Driving TS

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Driving without minimum insurance in California puts you at risk for

$200 fine, car impounded, license suspended

How much would the at fault driver have to pay for a victim who was severely injured in the crash


What is the average cost for a severe injury in a collision?


How much does a DUI cost over ten years?


What is a seat belt pretensioner?

A mechanism that automatically tightens the seat belt around you

How much can you expect to pay for a DUI ten years after it happens?

A total of $40,000 over ten years

Children must be secured in an appropriate child safety seat until they are

Age eight or 4 feet 9 inches tall

What is the leading cause of traffic fatalities in California?

Alcohol and drugs

What is the most common reason for traffic fatalities in California?

Alcohol and drugs

What does the US Department of Transportation list as the most likely cause of collisions?

Alcohol and drugs, distracted driving, sleepy driving, speeding

What are some types of vehicle technology advancements?

All of the above

What can you do to communicate with other road users

All of the above

What is the purpose of your car's lights

All of the above

Why is texting the most dangerous kind of distraction?

All of the above

Drivers should look out for and give pedestrians the right-of-way at ______.

All of the above (Street corners with traffic lights only when they are green; Crosswalks in the middle of the block; Unmarked crosswalks)

What is a space cushion

All of the above (The empty space to the sides of your vehicle that you can use to escape a problem nearby; The empty space to the front of your vehicle that you can use to escape a problem nearby; The empty space to the rear of your vehicle that you can use to escape a problem nearby)

If you enter an intersection or railroad and get stuck because of all the cars in front of you, you have violated California's ______ law

Anti Gridlock law

When considering passing a slow vehicle on a two-way road, how far away should the oncoming vehicle be from you before you make your move?

At least 10-12 seconds away

What can you do to protect yourself from an aggressive driver

Avoid eye contact

If you see a distracted driver on the road you should ______.

Avoid him as best you can

What is the best way to stay safe when faced with an aggressive driver

Avoid making eye contact or engaging with him

Pedestrians with white canes and seeing eye dogs should always

Be given the right of way

What is the best way to deal with a distracted driver?

Be on the lookout for these kinds of drivers so you can avoid them

What is the reason for traffic laws?

Both A and B (Keep all road users safe; Collect revenue for the state and city in the form of traffic citations)

You should give up your right-of-way when ______

Both A and B (The other driver refuses to give it to you even though he is supposed to; It helps you avoid a crash with another car or pedestrian)

Why should you be extra careful around motorcycles?

Both A and C (Because they are small, motorcycles are harder to see and figure out how fast they are going; Motorcycles are more likely to skid on slippery roads)

The reason we have traffic laws is ______

Both B and C (Reduce chaos and keep traffic moving; Keep the roads safe for all road users)

______ is an example of aggressive driving

Erratic and sudden lane changes

If your car has airbags, you don't need to wear a seat belt


Pregnant women should not wear seat belts because it could harm the fetus.


Seat belts will trap you if your car catches fire or starts sinking


What is California's Anti Gridlock Law?

It is illegal to enter an intersection or railroad crossing if you don't have enough room to get across

If you double your driving speed what happens to your stopping distance (the distance it takes to stop the car)

It is quadruple (4x)

How does the DMV point system work?

It keeps track of a driver's offenses so that they can suspend his license if they need to

What are blind spots?

Large areas around your vehicle that you cannot see using your rearview and side mirrors

If you ______, you are being an aggressive driver

Make sudden and dangerous lane changes

How does minimum insurance work?

Minimum insurance covers only a minimum amount even if the expenses are much more

When is it ok to leave a child unattended in a car?

Only if they are older than six-years-old

You can leave your child unattended in the car ______.

Only if they are older than six-years-old

What is the best way to drive over a pothole if you can't swerve around it?

Press the brakes and slow down before reaching the pothole but then let go as you go over the pothole

What should you do to get over a pothole safely if you can't maneuver around it?

Press the brakes and slow down before reaching the pothole but then let go as you go over the pothole

In California, what is the most common reason for car crashes where someone is injured?


What is the leading cause of injuries in traffic collisions in California


If your car is hydroplaning you should ______

Take your foot off the gas pedal to slow down

What should you do if your car hydroplanes

Take your foot off the gas pedal to slow down

Which is the most dangerous kind of distracted driving?

Texting because it distracts your eyes, hands, and mind

You should only pass on a two-way road when

The oncoming vehicle is at least 10-12 seconds away

How do tire treads work?

They push water, snow and ice out from under the tire

What do tire treads do?

They push water, snow and ice out of the way

Why do traffic laws exist?

To keep everyone safe

What is the purpose of the DMV point system

To keep track of a driver's offenses so that they can suspend his license if they need to

What is the purpose of minimum insurance coverage?

To pay for only a certain amount even if the damages are much more

Blind spots can be found

To the sides of your car that you cannot see using your rearview and side mirrors

If you ______, you have committed road rage.

Try to cause harm or kill another driver because of something that happened on the road

______ is an example of road rage

Trying to cause harm or kill another driver because of something that happened on the road

For safety reasons anytime there are no sidewalks it is best to

Walk along the shoulder facing traffic

What can a pedestrian do if there is no sidewalk?

Walk along the shoulder facing traffic

When there are no sidewalks outside of a business or residential district pedestrians shall

Walk along the shoulder facing traffic

What is a traffic break?

When a police officer slows down traffic on a freeway by driving back and forth across all the lanes with his lights flashing

When do you NOT have to stop for a stopped school bus with red signal lights flashing?

When you are on the opposite side of a physical barrier or divider such as a multilane highway

What should you do in a traffic break?

Yield to the police officer who is slowing down traffic on the freeway by driving back and forth across all the lanes with his lights flashing

What happens if you are caught driving without insurance?

You can be fined $200, car impounded, license suspended

Which drivers are most likely to be in a deadly crash?

Young male drivers

How does having headlights on during a sunny day help you drive safer?

Your car stands out from the background and is more noticeable

When going in reverse, your head and body position should be

Your left hand at the top of the steering wheel and your head and neck turned to the right so you can see out the back window

What is California's cell phone law?

Both A and C (It is illegal for all drivers to talk on a hand-held cell phone; It is ok for drivers 18 and over to use a hands free device)

You should be extra careful around motorcycles because ______

Both B and C (Motorcycles are small, harder to see and harder to figure out how fast they are going; Motorcycles are more likely to skid on slippery roads)

When you ______, you are driving on the wrong side of the road

Cut the corner on a left turn

______ is an example of driving on the wrong side of the road.

Cutting the corner on a left turn

When should drivers be courteous to each other?

D. Always (As long as the other driver is courteous to them; There is no obligation to be courteous; In very sticky high traffic situations)

What can you do to lessen the chances of being in an aggressive driving situation?

All of the above (Avoid rush hour; Don't follow another car too closely; Don't use the horn to show you are angry)

How can you avoid aggressive driving situations?

All of the above (Don't tailgate another driver; Don't drive at rush hour; Don't use the horn to show you are angry)

How can you create a space cushion around your car?

All of the above (Follow no closer than three seconds behind the car in front of you; Avoid driving in clusters of cars; Avoid driving in another car's blind spot)

Why should you never drive in another car's blind spot?

All of the above (If the other driver doesn't know you are there he might crash into you while changing lanes; If there is a problem up ahead, you might not have room to swerve out of the way; The other driver might not see you until it is too late)

Pedestrians have the right-of-way at ______

All of the above (Street corners with green traffic lights; Crosswalks in the middle of the block; Crosswalks that are not marked by painted lines)

What could happen if you drive in another car's blind spot?

All of the above (The other driver might crash into you while changing lanes; If there is a problem up ahead, you might not have room to swerve out of the way; The other driver might not know that you are there until it is too late)

What job do your car's lights do?

All of the above (The signal lights allow you to communicate with other road users; The headlights help you see the road at night; The headlights help other drivers see you)

Distracted driving is ______

All of the above (Trying to do something while driving that takes your eyes off the road; Thinking about something else while driving that takes your mind off the road; Trying to do something else while driving that takes your hands off the wheel)

How do defensive drivers communicate with other road users?

All of the above (Use the horn only as a way to warn others of a problem on the road or of their presence; Get their attention by using eye contact; Use turn signals at least 100 feet before turning or changing lanes)

What happens when you try to do other things while driving?

All of the above (When your eyes are not on the road you might not see the problem until it is too late; When your mind is not on driving you might take too long to decide how to react to the problem up ahead; When your hands are not on the wheel it might take you too long to swerve away from the problem up ahead)

What is distracted driving?

All of the above (When your eyes are not on the road; When your hands are not on the wheel; When your mind is not on driving)

If you have auto insurance, can you still be sued after an collision that was your fault

All of the above (Yes, if property damage is more than your insurance, the other driver can sue you for negligence and win; Yes, if the cost of a collision is more than your insurance coverage; Yes, if someone dies because of the collision, the victim's family can sue you for wrongful death)

What happens to you when you try to drive when you are drowsy?

All of the above (You have a slower reaction time; Takes you longer to process information; You have blurry vision)

When can children move on to using a safety belt instead of a child safety seat?

All of the above (e eight or 4 feet 9 inches tall;Age four and 4 feet 9 inches tall;Age six and 5 feet tall)

Why should you be afraid of legal problems after a collision that was your fault even if you have insurance

All of the above(The cost of a collision can be more than the insurance coverage (especially minimum insurance);If property damage is more than your insurance, the other driver can sue you for negligence and win;If someone dies because of the collision, the victim's family can sue you for wrongful death)You can leave your child unattended in the car

As vehicle technologies advance

All of the above(The laws have to change accordingly;Increases distracted driving;Cars drive differently than they used to)

When should you be courteous to other road users?


Adult drivers age 18 and over may

Both B and C (Dictate, send or listen to text messages or emails using a hands-free device and while operating a motor vehicle; Use their hand to make/receive a phone call or to activate/deactivate a feature on the device as long as it may be done with the motion of a single swipe or tap of the driver's finger)

Covering the brake means ______

Both B and C (Putting your foot over the brake without actually touching it; Holding your foot above the brake pedal in case you need to brake)

What does it mean when a school bus is stopped with its red signal lights flashing?

Children are loading or unloading and you must stop and wait for the lights to stop flashing before you move

Which of the following is NOT a leading cause of collisions?

Driving without a license

You don't need to wear a seat belt if you're driving at slow speeds


You only need to wear a seat belt for long trips


What are center left turn lanes for?

For making a left turn into a driveway or street

What should you do if your tire blows out while you are driving?

Grip the steering wheel firmly and ease off the gas pedal

If your tire blows out while you are driving the best thing to do is ______.

Grip the steering wheel firmly and gently ease off the gas pedal

When should you give up your right-of-way?

If it helps you avoid a crash with another car or pedestrian

What is the proper head and body position when going in reverse

Your left hand at the top of the steering wheel and your head and torso turned to the right so you can see out the back window

A pedestrian with a white cane ______

is blind and should always be give the right-of-way

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