Drug and Alcohol Use

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CDL position only- employee been suspended with or without pay, following an alcohol test with a concentration of .02 (two tenths) but less than .04 (four tenths). RETURNING TO WORK another alcohol screening, if greater than

.02 (two tenths) TERMINATED

addition to alcohol, EMPLOYEES will be tested for the following substances

1. amphetamines 2. cocaine metabolites 3. marijuana metabolites 4. opiate metabolites 5. phencyclidine

Employees will be TERMINATED

1. confirmed POSITIVE Test, 2. refused to be tested 3.submit false samples 4.tampers with test samples during testing process for drug/alcohol will be terminated

all other employees may not report for Duty or remain on duty with an alcohol concentration of

1. four tenths (0.04) or greater 2. while in possession of alcohol 3. using alcohol 4. within 4 hours of using alcohol

CORRECTIONS employees will also be tested for the following substances

1.methaqualone 2.barbiturates 3.benzodiazepines 4.methadone 5.propoxyphene

REHABILITATION FOLLOW UP CDL safety sensitive employees are required to submit to a minimum of

6 unannounced drug/alcohol TEST within the first 6 months after returning to work

employees must submit a written request for a retest of the split sample Within

72 hours of notification by the MRI

Orange County has designated 2 categories of employees for drugh/alcohol testing

CDL Safety sensitive amployees all other County employees


Collective Bargaining agreement and appeal rights

over-the-counter and prescription drugs which could alter or affect a drug test results: PROPOXVPHENE

Darvocet Darvon N Dolene

over-the-counter and prescription drugs which could alter or affect a drug test results: METHADONE

Dolophine Metadose

over-the-counter and prescription drugs which could alter or affect a drug test results: CANNABINOID

Marinol (dronabinol, THC)

an employee or candidate for employment that is notified by the medical review officers (MRO) of a confirm positive drug test result

May contest the results of the MRO. if explanation or challenge is UNSATISFACTORY, the MRO may report a positive test to the employer

any employee may be required to submit to a reasonable suspicion alcohol and drug test as deemed by management.

ON THE JOB ACCIDENT may be considered reasonable suspicion OF drug/alcohol

Management will make a determination that a test is required based on specific observations concerning 2 or MORE of the following


all candidates for employment will be required to submit to a

PRE EMPLOYMENT DRUG screening at the time of the contingent job offer. IF POSITIVE- DENID ABILITY TO SEEK EMPLOYMENT FOR 12 MONTHS may reapply for employment after 12 months

employee, in course of employment, enters an EAP for drug/alcohol or enters rehabilitation program the employee will

Pass drug or alcohol tests administered under program agree to participate and successfully completed any drug or alcohol evaluation, or rehabilitation program and provide evidence of successful completion submit to periodic, announced drug /alcohol tests for period of 2 years

drug specimens will be sent to the following testing Laboratory

Quest Diagnostic 3175 Presidential Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30340

notice of drug testing will be included with all job vacancy announcements for which drug testing is required

a notice will be posted in appropriate conspicuous locations on the County's premises and on the intranet site

the county reserves the right to remove employees from Duty without pay until

a physician clears the employee via written confirmation that they may safely return to the position

over-the-counter and prescription drugs which could alter or affect a drug test results: BENZODIAZEPINES

activan, azene, cionopin, dalmine diazepam, librium, xanax, serax, tranxene, valium, verstran, halcion, paxipam, restoril, centrax

County will take disciplinary action up to termination

against any employee who violates this drug and alcohol policy

over-the-counter and prescription drugs which could alter or affect a drug test results: ALCOHOL

all liquid medication containing ethyl alcohol (ethanol). please read label for alcohol content example: 1.Vicks NyQuil is 25% 2.contact severe cold formula night strength is 25% (50) proof 3. Listerine is 26.9% (54) proof

test results will be considered confidential by the county and may be disclosed to management on a need-to-know basis only or

any person upon the written consent of the employee or candidate for employment

employee who perform safety sensitive functions requiring CDL under unite states DOT regulations

are mandated by law submit to RANDOM DRUG/ALCOHOL screening

employee who test positive

at anytime after entering a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program, whether during follow up testing period or later, will be TERMINTATED

CDL Safety sensitive employees found to have an alcohol Breathalyzer concentration of two thenth .02 but less than four thenth .04 will

be reoved from the CDL safety sensitive function WITHOUT PAY for a period of 24hrs. .prior to returning to duty, orange county requires that another alcohol test be administered, and the results must show alcohol concentration with four tenth .04. a retest OF TWO TENTH 0.02 OR greater or an inital alcohol test with alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater TERMINATION

EMPLOYEES suspected of being under the influence of alcohol will have

blood drawn to determine their blood alcohol content

Post accident ALCOHOL testing is to be administered

cannot be any later than 8 hrs following the accident

it is the responsibility of the employee or candidate for employment to notify the laboratory of any administrative or

civil action brought pursuant to FS

over-the-counter and prescription drugs which could alter or affect a drug test results: COCAINE

cocaine HCI topical solution (Roxanne)

management who has a reasonable suspicion that an employee might be under the influence of drugs or alcohol must

document the observation and the performance behavior on the confidential reasonable suspicion form if possible, supervisor should have another supervisor observe and document the employees behavior to corroborate the reasonable suspicion

medical review officer, mro, representing Orange County Government

dr. Barry Portnoy MD dr. Seth Portnoy, MD Florida Hospital 8701 Maitland Summit Boulevard, Maitland, Florida 32810

employees who are required to have an annual fitness for duty physical

drug screen may be included

employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement will be subject to the

drug testing policy as stated in that agreement

Employees are encouraged to obtain help from the EAP before

drug/ alcohol problems surface the workplace

a retest is at the expense of the

employee unless the retest is deemed negative

notice of injur report is submitted, employee receives medical attention

employee will be tested for drugs/alcohol if tested positive-forfeit elibility for medical and benefits under workers compensation act, pursuant to florida statutes and the employee will be terminated

County will not terminate an employee based solely on the

employees voluntarily seeking treatment for a drug or alcohol problem provided that the employee has self identified to management and sought treatment prior to being required to test

Departmental HR Representatives or Human resource division will provide

form form also available on the Intranet

It is the policy County that the unlawful manufacture, sale distribution, dispensation, possession or use of drugs or alcohol, as determined by federal law, whether on duty or off duty or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol in the workplace

is prohibited and constitutes grounds for termination

Post accident DRUG testing is to be completed no later than

no later than 24 hrs following the injury accident failure to comply within 24 hrs must be documented by management positive result-lead to termination and worker compensation suspended

over-the-counter and prescription drugs which could alter or affect a drug test results: PHENCYCLIDINE

not legal by prescription

over-the-counter and prescription drugs which could alter or affect a drug test results: METHAQUALONE

not legal by prescription

over-the-counter and prescription drugs which could alter or affect a drug test results: AMPHETAMINES

obetrol biphetamine desoxyn dexedrine didrex ionamine fastin

Drug testing of Orange County employees is compliant with the drug free workplace program

outlined in both federal and Florida state laws

over-the-counter and prescription drugs which could alter or affect a drug test results: OPIATES

paregoric, parepectolin, dunnagel PG, morphine, Tylenol with codeine, emprin with codeine, APAP with codeine, aspirin with codeine Robitussin AC, Guiatuss AC, novahistine DH, novahistine expectorant, Dilaudid ( hydromorphone), MS Contin and roxanol (morphine sulfate), percodan, Vicodin, tussi-organidin, etc

over-the-counter and prescription drugs which could alter or affect a drug test results: BARBITURATES

phenobarbital, tuinal, amytal, nembutal, seconal, lotusate, fiorinal, fioricet, esgic, butisol, mebral, butabarbital, butalbital, phenrinin, triad

Employees involved in any work related accident, whether vehicular or non-vehicular, will be required to submit to a

post accident drug and or alcohol test if they have caused, contributed to or been involved in an on the job accident while engaged in County business

To allay public concerns regarding drug/alcohol abuse by public employees and to mitigate the danger to the public and other employees in the workplace, employees or candidates for employment will be subject to the following types of drug and alcohol testing

post offer/ Pre employment post accident

post accident drug and or alcohol test if they have caused, contributed to or been involved in an on the job accident while engaged in County busin

property damage has occurred life lost employee was cited for a moving traffic violation as a result of the occurrence employee vehicle has been towed from the scene bodily injury to any person, result of this accident, medical attention required

employees have the right to appeal decisions to the

public employees relation commission (PER) or an applicable court

employees who are suspected of being under the influences of alcohol are to

refrain from using alcohol for up to 8 hours following the injury accident, or until testing has been completed. fail to comply within 8 hrs, must be documented by management positive result-lead to termination/worker comp. benefit suspended

CDL safety-sensitive suspected of being under the influence of alcohol while performing safely sensitive functions

required to submit to a breathalyzer test

per who transfers or is promoted from a non-CDL safety sensitive function to a CDL safety sensitive function will be required to submit to a drug screening

results are POSITIVE, the employee will be terminated

if employee is observed using drugs and alcohol just before, or during the performance of their job function

will be required to submit to DRUG/ALCOHOL screening

Employees who are involved in a vehicular accident who are not CDL or cdl not performing a safety sensitive function, who is suspected of being under influence of alcohol

will have blood drawn to determine their blood alcohol content

test refusal includes

1. failure to appear for a test in the timeframe specified WITHOUT supervisory justification 2. failure to remain at the test site until the testing process is complete 3. failure to provide a urine or breath specimen, as applicable for CDL safety-sensitive test or for any other drug or alcohol test 4. failure to provide a sufficient volume of urine, or breathe without a valid medical explanation for the failure 5. failure to undergo a medical examination to verify insufficient volume 6. failure to cooperate with any part of the testing process 7. failure to permit the observation or monitoring of specimen donation when so required 8. failure to take a second test required by the employer or collector 9. a drug test that is verified by the medical review officer as adulterated or substituted

RETURN TO DUTY testing may be required for an employee who has

returned to work after being absent from the work site for MORE than 30 day CDL position only- employee been suspended with or without pay, following an alcohol test with a concentration of .02 (two tenths) but less than .04 (four tenths). RETURNING TO WORK another alcohol screening.

Laboratories, employee assistant program, drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs, and their agents who receive or have access to drug and alcohol test result

shall keep on all information confidential

employee arrested fro drug /alcohol charges will be


employees are required to inform the immediate supervisor of any medication that may impair

that may impair their ability to perform their functions of their job prior to reporting for Duty

depending upon the circumstances of The Rehabilitation process

the employee May return to regular work assignment or temporary work assignment if no assignment exist or is feasible, employee may use leave balance

when an employee or candidate for employment receives a written confirmed positive drug test result

they have the right to legally or administratively contest the result of the test

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