DSB Test 3 Practice Problems

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Alcohol dementia is the phrase for just what you would expect: ___. a. alcohol induced liver disease b. alcohol induced global decline of intellect c. alcohol induced malnutrition d. alcohol induced depression e. the common hangover


Is it true that alcohol suppress dream sleep? a. Yes, but in such small amounts as to be meaningless. b. Yes, in a dose-related manner. c. No.


Naltrexone ________. a. interacts with ethanol to produce a substance that induces sickness b. interacts with the endogenous opioid receptors, blocking some of ethanol's effects c. acts at the GABA receptor to mute withdrawal symptoms


One of the following is a toxic combination (worse than the other choices, particularly in terms of liver toxicity). Pick it. a. ethanol and aspirin b. ethanol and acetaminophen c. ethanol and Vitamin E


The major site for the metabolism of drugs is the ___. a. lymphatic system b. liver c. kidney


Which of the following is FALSE about caffeine's effects on the body? A. Caffeine may increase basal metabolism. B. Caffeine dilates cerebral blood vessels. C. Caffeine acts as a diuretic. D. Caffeine is a bronchodilator.


Which of the following is TRUE about tobacco? A. Nicotine itself is not harmful. B. Tar, the sticky brown matter generated by burning tobacco, contains dozens of carcinogens. C. Carbon monoxide harms cells by causing too much oxygen to be delivered to them. D. Cigarettes today have less tar than in the past, so the health risks from smoking are lower than they used to be. E. Smokeless tobacco is significantly safer than ciga-rette use.


"About half of all Orientals carry a gene that renders their liver's aldehyde dehydrogenase much ____effective." a. less b. more


Disulfiram (Antabuse) ___. a. inhibits the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase b. prevents alcohol from having any effect on the drinker


Half of the alcoholic beverages consumed in the USA is consumed by about __% of the drinkers. a. 10 b. 30 c. just under 50


In the book Slowly, Softly Weakening Women, the case was made that "Substantial increases in taxes on alcoholic beverages will reduce buying alcoholic beverages even among heavy drinkers." a. Yes. b. No.


In the book Slowly, Softly Weakening Women, the case was made that intake of agents inducing pleasure stand a good chance of weakening moral judgement. a. Yes. b. No, the book is about the science of alcoholism and concerns about morality are not relevant to content of the book.


One of the following drugs is apt to blunt or block the addictive effects of heroin and ethanol. Pick it. a. naltrexone b. methadone c. fluoxetine d. amphetamine e. clonidine


One of the following is a consequence of excessive use of alcoholic beverages across a number of years. Pick the consequence of drinking too much, too often. a. testicular atrophy b. testicular hypertrophy c. no particular effect on the testes, but a considerable increase interest in sexuality


One of the following is a likely adverse side-effect of naltrexone. Pick it. a. nausea and slight stomach pain b. propensity to gain weight c. decreased libido


The 18th Amendment to the US Constitution did not specify the means of instituting national prohibition. That was accomplish by enacting the ___. a. Volstead Act b. The Harrison Act c. Pure Food and Drug Act


Which of the following is TRUE about distilled and fer-mented beverages? A. Beer and wine have a lower alcohol content than distilled beverages. B. Beer and wine are distilled beverages. C.If yeast is allowed to continue the fermentation process, it will eventually produce a liquid of 100 percent alcohol. D. Because of their ease of production, beer and wine historically have been seen as more dangerous than beverages such as gin and vodka. E. All of these statements are true


The CYP 450 family of enzymes refers to ____. a. enzymes in the stomach that deactivates drugs taken orally b. enzymes in the kidney that facilitate elimination of drugs c. enzymes in the liver that are involved in metabolism of many drugs


The legal age for purchasing alcoholic beverages became 21 years old in one of the following years. Pick the year. a. 1954 b. 1964 c. 1984 d. 1994 e. 2004


Which of the following is NOT an effect of ethanol? A. Dilates blood vessels to the skin, which increases heat loss B.Increases secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach C. Increases levels of antidiuretic hormone D. At very high doses, suppresses respiratory centers in the brain stem


Which of the following is NOT part of the Master Settlement Agreement? A. The tobacco industry agreed to pay $206 billion to the states over 25 years to reimburse them for smoking-related illnesses. B. The tobacco industry was required to reveal secret industry records and research. C. The minimum pack size was set at 20 cigarettes. D. All tobacco advertisements were banned.


True or false? A BAC of 0.08 means that 8 percent of a person's blood is ethanol.


True or false? Caffeine binds to and stimulates adenosine receptors.


True or false? Caffeine raises a person's risk of type 2 diabetes.


True or false? Cigarette smoking causes 20 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States.


True or false? Current alcohol use among middle school and high school students has risen precipitously over the past 20 years.


True or false? Drinking caffeine with alcohol will allow a person to sober up faster.


True or false? In the United States, 13 percent of the population uses tobacco.


True or false? The FDA has evaluated e-cigarettes and found them to be safe and effective.


True or false? Those age 18-24 typically consume the most caffeine.


True or false? To produce green tea, leaves are oxidized longer than they are to produce black tea.


True or false? More cigarettes are consumed in China than in any other country on earth.


True or false? People aged 21-29 have the highest rates of alcohol use in the United States.


True or false? Women are apt to have a higher blood ethanol level, following the same dose of ethanol in terms of grams per kilogram of body weight, than men.


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