DWS Board Review Questions

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What is COSAL?

Consolidated Seaboard Allowance List. Listing of the required equipment and the material to maintain it.

Voyage of the Great White Fleet

Dec 1907-Feb 1909; round the world cruise to show the flag, demonstrated the strength of the U.S. Navy

What does DRMO stand for?

Defense Reutilization Marketing Office

what is the purpose of the steady flow assembly on the KM37

Defog faceplate, secondary breathing source and ventilation

What is a page 2

Dependency and emergency data

What is OOC?

Director of ocedan engineering; overall responsible for diving

What is DAPA?

Drug and Alcohol Program

What valve equalizes trunk to hanger?


what is a page 13?

Administrative Remarks

Diver Flag


What is Charles gay/lusacs law?

At a constant pressure, temperature and volume are directly proportional

What is Boyle's Law?

At constant temperature, pressure and volume are inversely proportional

BM2 Hamerburger

Salvage in pearl Harbor

MDV Badders

Salvage of Squalus

TM1 Mihaloski

Salvage of Squalus

MDV Crandall

Salvage of squalus

MDV Mcdonald

Salvage of squalus

MDV Crilley

Salvage of sub F4

OOC2, 3, 4, 5

Salvage, diving, certification, husbandry

What were the classes of ships at the inception of the navy?

Ships of the line, frigates, sloops of war

What does a green and yellow hardhat mean in rigging?

Signalman and Rig captain

Three levels of war

Strategic, Operational, Tactical

What does NAVSEA Code 07Q stand for?

Submarine employed dry deck shelters

What is the kinetic theory of gases?

a gas at a given temperature has the same amount of kinetic energy as any other gas at that same temperature

preferred woord for shooring

douglas fur and yellow pine

Categories of HAZMAT

explosives, non flammable gas, flammable liquid, flammable gas, oxidizer, poisonous, radioactive, corrosive and miscellaneous

Firing cycle of a weapon?

feeding chambering locking firing unlocking extracting ejecting cocking

What are the message priority levels?

flash, immediate, priority and routine

Types of patches

flat, box

What is the importance of performing a neuro in 10 minutes

for the sup to know what his next steps are based on symptoms and development

Describe a pilgrim nut

forces hydraulic fluid under pressure into the nitrile trie pushing against back plate to unseat the prop

What is a stern tube

free flood area where the shaft penetrates the hull

Different Types of test and inspection reports

joint tightness test pneumatic/hydrostatic test system drop test joint seat tightness test

What must a secondary air supply be able to accomplish?

must have the ability to recover all divers from the worst case scenario

What is NEDU?

naval experimental diving unit; works with BUMED to develop procedures for limits not yet discovered

cranial nerves

olfactory: Smell optic: shade and perception of objects oculomotor: eye movement trochlear, trigeminal, abducens:sensation of the forehead, face and jaw facial - controlsthe facial muscles accoustic: hearing and balance glossopharyngeal: sensation of upper moutha dn throat vagus: roof of mouth and vocal chords spinal accessory: side to side head movement hypoglossal - tongue movement

types of cofferdams

plugs and patches

Docking plan

shows all the appendages, suctions, grates of a ship to give the diver a picture of what he is going into

What is a fairwater?

sound plate in between prop and stern tube to streamline water and prevent fouling

what doe you need when working inside a wreck

steel toes, chafin gear, gloves and a working flashlight

What do all plugs need?

tag going to surface

What is Henry's Law?

the amount of gas that will dissolve in liquid at a given temperature is directly proportional ; to the partial pressure of that gas

What is Archimedes' Principle?

the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object

Whar prevents overpressurization of the KM37

the exahst water dump valve

What does an echelon mean?

tier of control a command has; SDVT-2 (4), NSWG-3 (3)

What is Dalton's Law?

total pressure is equal to the sum of the partial pressures

What is a transducer?

uses acoustics to send and receive signals

Types of underwater lifts

vertical, lateral and tidal

Components of a FADS III

control consol, air supply rack assembly, and compressor

What distance can you be away from a Reactor to not where a TLD


How much positive pressure does a MK20 mod 0 emit

.03 psi

props and hull fouling rate scales

0-100, 10-100

Wedge dimensions

1/2 as thick and wide, 3 times longer than wide

What are the ranges for fouling rates?

10-30 soft 40-90 hard 1000 composite

KM-37 First stage relief?

180 +/- 5

Battle of Midway

1942 World War II battle between the United States and Japan, a turning point in the war in the Pacific. Plans to take midway intercepted by US intelligence. Japs ambushed. They lost 3 carriers and a destoryer

Air treatment tables

1A, 2A, 3 and 4

Air and o2 vent requirements inside the chamebr

2 and 4 air/ 12.5 and 25 O2

MK20 relief

210+/- 26 and resets 10psi under the set number


2135TH, 2190TEP

Fleets AOR

2nd - western north Atlantic 3rd - Eastern pacific 4th - southern Atlantic 5th - persian gulf 6th - eastern north Atlantic 7th - Western pacific and Indian

how many SCF are in an asra flask


what dive rigs are authorized on salvage

37 and 20

Two types of retrieval buoys

42" steel, 40" nylon; 325/1100 and 164/1000 respectively

Navy Diver Medal of Honor Recipients

BM2 Hammerburger TM1 John Mihaloski MDV John Mcdonald MDV Frank W. Crilley MDV Tom Eadie MDV Orson Crandal MDV William Badders

MDV Eadie

Brokton, MA

What is BUMED

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery; set medical standards for divers

What does ESSM stand for?

Emergency Ship Salvage Material

What is a FAR?

Failure analysis report system

Battle of Coral Sea

Fought on May 7-8 1942; First sea Air battle in history. Caused heavy losses on both sides; Japanese won a tactical victory because they sank US carrier Lexington; Americans claimed a strategic victory by stopping Japan's drive towards Australia


HR: 60-100 BP: 120/80 +/-10 respirations: 12-16/minute body temp 98.6 pulse ox 95-100%

Normal Pin

Hydraulic pin that limits the sweep of a tow wire STBD and PORT

What is the ORM process?

Identify Hazards Assess Hazards Make Risk Decisions Implement Controls Supervise

types of Type II DCS

Inner ear, Cardiopulmonary, neurological

Battle of Normandy

June 6, 1944 The largest amphibious operation in history. over 2500 vessels included. Tuning point of WW2 in Europe

Chain of command

LPO, LCPO, Master Diver, Div O (Dep head), CMC, XO, CO, NSWG-3, WARCOM, SOCOM, MCPON, CNO, SEC NAV, SEC Defense, Vice president, President

What does MRC stand for?

Maintenance Requirement Card

Who is in charge of the breathing air sampling program?


What comprises the naval doctrine/

Naval warfare, intelligence, planning, logistics, operations, command and control

Staby Diver as a working diver?

No D Dive Under 60FSW Same job location that has been deemed safe Not salvage

What does TLD stand for?

Thermo Luminescent dosimeter


Time critical risk management; in depth, deliberate and time critical

What is required to use an AED in the chamber


First ship named after an enlisted man?

USS Osmond Ingram

Ships named after navy divers?

USS Stethem USS Momsen USS Carl Brashear


United states special forces operations command; comprised of army, marine, navy and air force

Describe Charleston Gear

Uses hydraulic rams to push the propeller nut off

Symptoms of CNS O2 toxicity

Vision impaired/tunnel vision Ears ringing or roaring Nausea/vomiting Twitching Irritability Dizziness Convulsions

What does dipping the ensign mean?

When any ship either in the US registry or formally recognized by the US, smaller ship dips theuir ensign and is returned as a sign of respect

What type of glasses are approved for demo?

ansi-z-87 approved

What are the treatment tables with temp ranges

below 84 all 85-94 5, 6, 6a, 1a and 9 95-104 5, 9

Ways to secure patches

c clamps and jhooks

What are the four types of tows?

christmas tree, honolulu, tandem and nested

what must you have to perform salvage jobs?

coms and EGS

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