Early and Emergent Literacy K-2 Test 2

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When two like consonants appear together in a word, usually only one is sounded. The other is silent.

"ea" in beat

Open syllables

- syllables that end with a vowel - "be" in begin

Hard Gs are followed by which 3 letters?

-A,O,U -goat, garbage, game, gun

Onset and rime

-B(onset)A(rime->)t -STR(onset)E(rime->)et -A(rime->)t -C(onset)arP(onset->)et (2 syllables, 2 onsets)

In consonant vowel (CV) words, consonant vowel consonant (CVC) words, and vowel consonant consonant vowel "e" (VCCe) words we expect the vowel to make its short sound

-CV (me, key, knee, shoe) -CVC (hat, goose, moon, van, cake) -VCCe

When two vowels go walking the first one does the talking and says its name-consonant vowel vowel consonant words (CVVC)

-CV(long)V(silent)C -beat, lean, meal

Vowel consonant "e" (VCe) words, and consonant vowel consonant "e" (CVCe) usually carry the long vowel sound

-CVCe = cake -VCe = ape

Soft Gs are followed by which 3 letters?

-E,Y,I -ginger, gym, germ

T can be silent following ____. Also silent in _____ combinations.

-F or S (whistle, christmas) -tch (stitch)

D can sound like ___

-J -ex: graduation

L can be silent when followed by ______ in the same syllable

-M, K, D -calm, talk, chalk

Accent syllables

-One or more syllables in a two-or-more-syllable word receives more emphasis or greater stress than the other syllables -slowly (accent above o, say slow harder) -din/ner (accent above i)

W is silent before an ___

-R -wrong

P can be silent when followed by _______

-S,T, N -psychic, pneumonia

D can sound like ____ when with e in the same syllable

-T -ex: missed

Gh is usually silent when followed by a _____

-T -fought

Short vowel sounds

-a as in apple -e as in egg -i as in igloo -o as in ox -u as in umbrella

Long vowels

-a as in apron -e as in eraser -i as in ice -o as in overalls -u as in unicorn


-a single vowel phoneme, represented by two letters, resembling a glide from one sound to another -each can be spelled different ways (oi/oy and ou/ow) -boil, coin, boy, toy, house, owl, brown, cow


-a speech sound, the smallest unit of sound that distinguishes 1 word from another -ex.: bat = 3 phonemes

Phoneme addition

-adding one or more phonemes to a word -cup + s = cups

A grapheme composed of two letters that represents one phoneme:

-ch as in chain -sh as in ship -wh as in wheel -gh (f) as in cough, laugh, enough

We generally do not syllabicate between the letters in a dipthong or vowel pairs that represent one phoneme:

-cheetah -voyage

Consonant blends and clusters

-consist of two or more consonants that blend together when sounded -not diagraphs because each letter retains its phoneme (sound) -twist, black, great, spot

Word family

-consist of words that share a common rime and common rhyming sound -bed, red, led and man, fan, ran -Red and Head rhyme but are not in the same word family


-consists of the vowel and the final consonant(s) in a syllable -rhymes can have the same rime -everything that follows first vowel -at= no onset just rime

Y is a ________ sound when found at the beginning of a word. Y is usually a ______ sound when found at the end or middle

-consonant (yes, yellow, yarn) -vowel (monkey, day, rhyme, sky)

X has no distinctive sound of its own

-eg -gz (six, box) -z (xylophone, xerox)

-We generally do not syllabicate between the letters in a consonant diagraph or consonant cluster:

-gopher -archer -bushel

Bossy R

-it is impossible to separate the vowel from the r sound -ar, er, ir, or, ur -bear, prayer, chair, share, there

Vowel diagraph

-like consonant diagraphs, is a two letter grapheme that represent... -mood, food, moon, soon -book, hook, look, shook

When two vowel letters are separated by two consonants the syllable division is generally between the consonants:

-mat ter -gos sip

W as a vowel represents no distinct phoneme of its own and it always used in combination with another.

-ow -ew

If the last syllable of a word ends in le preceded by a consonant, that consonant usually begins the last syllable:

-pur ple -can dle -ta ble

Phoneme deletion

-removing one or more phonemes from a word -pen-> en

Vowels in closed syllables ending in a consonant are usually _____

-short -win dow (2 closed syllables) -be gin (1 open 1 closed)

If the first vowel in a two syllable word is followed by a single consonant, that consonant often begins the second syllable:

-si lent -ti ger -lo cal -di ner

Closed syllables

-syllables that end with a consonant phoneme - win dow


-the ability to match specific sounds to corresponding letter


-the consonant letter(s) that precedes the vowel in a syllable

Phonemic awareness

-the understanding that words are made of sounds and that those sounds can be added, subtracted, stretched, and blended to make words -different from phonics because there is nothing to do with print


-the unit of pronunciation -generalizations that apply to a one syllable word also applies to each syllable in a multi syllable word

Clusters can include diagraphs

-throw, shrimp, chrome, phrase, strength


-two letter combinations that represent a single speech sound -2 consonants together to represent 1 sound -represent only one phoneme -ex: "ea" in beat

A W always follows another _____

-vowel -as in mow

W is considered a vowel when it follows another _____

-vowel -ow, aw


-written representation of phonemes -ex.: bat = 3 graphemes

How many phonemes are in "thick"


How many graphemes are in the word "thick"


H is silent when it follows the consonants _________


B is silent when it follows ______ in the same syllable


K is silent at the beginning of a word or syllable when it is followed by _____

N -ex: knit

How many vowel sounds are in a syllable?


B is silent when it precedes _____ in the same syllable


F can sound like ___

V -ex: of

Q is almost always followed by U. The U can be silent of sound like _____

W as in wagon


combining individual phonemes to form a word

W can be part of a blend as in


________ and ________ usually form separate syllables from the root word

prefixes and suffixes -UNfaithFUL

We consider one syllable words to have a _____ accent


C has no phoneme of its own. It sounds like _________

s or k

Example of N being silent


Exceptions to long vowel for CVCe

some, come, none, one

S can make the "sh" noise.


There is one vowel phoneme in each ________. It can have more than one vowel letter, but only one vowel phoneme


Phonemic segmentation

taking words and segmenting into its phonemes


translating the written code into the sounds of spoken language

We often find the schwa sound in ______ syllables


W is a consonant when it precedes a ______


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