Early Colonization - Middle Colonies

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New Netherlands embraced religious toleration and became the most religiously and ethnically diverse colony in North America.

How was New Netherlands different regarding religion and diversity?

William Penn negotiated with the king of England. The king of England owed Penn's father a debt and in exchange for that debt, the king granted Penn land in North America that was renamed "Pennsylvania." The word "sylvania" is latin for forest and so this literally mean's Penn's forest or Penn's woods.

BONUS - How did Pennsylvania get it's name?

Philadelphia (in Pennsylvania); mostly because of the tolerant religious practices (no one was persecuted for their religion), lots of people flocked to the colony of Pennsylvania

Before the revolution, what was the largest city in North America?

iron mining, cattle, lumber and fur trade. (Manufactured goods were sent from England to the middle colonies and then the middle colonies sent grain, lumber and fur back to England).

Besides cash crop farming, what were other important industries in the middle colonies?

a crop grown by a farmer to be sold for money rather than for personal use

Define cash crops

Crushed grain between heavy stones to produce flour or meal

Define gristmills

do not believe in violence or war

Define pacifists

shorter winters and fertile soil allowed for production of cash crops (not as cold as it was in the north and not as hot as it was in the south, so it was a very good place for farming)

Describe the Middle Colonies climate

The middle colonies were "proprietary" colonies meaning that they were the property of individual owners. (For example, Pennsylvania was founded by 1 man - William Penn). This allowed the middle colonies to be able to set their own rules for the most part. This freedom allowed the middle colonies to be more ethnically diverse and religiously tolerant than the other colonies.

How was the ownership of the Middle Colonies different than other colonies?

There was Religious tolerance (practiced by the Quakers).

How would you describe religion in the Middle Colonies?

proprietors, established the colonies of New Jersey and Delaware

In the founding of the Middle Colonies, what did Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret do?

He established Pennsylvania for his religious group the Quakers. It was to be a harmonious life living with the Native Americans, land should be paid for, not stolen. He made laws protecting freedom of religion, and interactions with the Natives.

In the founding of the Middle Colonies, what did William Penn do?

Took New Amsterdam from the Dutch and renamed it New York in honor of his land in England

In the founding of the Middle Colonies, what did the Duke of York do?

Established New Amsterdam (now known as New York) before it was taken by the English

In the founding of the Middle Colonies, what did the Dutch do?

False - The Quakers experienced a substantial amount of persecution in England. This is because they did not follow the Church of England and this was considered rebellion against the king of England.

True or False - The Quakers were treated well in England.

Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, Pennsylvania gov.

What are 3 examples of democracy?

Government in which the people vote on laws and leaders

What is a democracy?

Any colony granted solely to an individual to govern as they see fit such as Pennsylvania and Maryland.

What is a proprietary colony?

Many different cultures, religions, and lifestyles all together in one area makes it unique and diverse. Middle colonies were the MOST diverse in all three regions.

What is cultural diversity?

Cash crop farming - a cash crop is a crop that can be sold easily for money

What kind of farming was practiced in the middle colonies?

The middle colonies had excellent ports that led to a large number of immigrants - this made the Middle colonies the most diverse region (many German and Dutch immigrants).

What led to the Middle Colonies being the most diverse region?

The Great Awakening was a religious movement which inspired colonists to take responsibility for improving their society. From about 1725 to 1750, the American colonies experienced a religious revival known as the First Great Awakening. People came to America to escape religious persecution during the Great Migration.

What was the Great Awakening and when did it happen?

The nickname for the Middle Colonies was "the Bread Basket" of the colonies, because the Middle Colonies grew enough grain to support all 13 colonies.

What was the economy of the Middle Colonies called and why?

1 - 1610, the Dutch established fur-trading posts on Manhattan Island. 2 - 1625, the Dutch purchased Manhattan Island from the local Indians and established the port settlement of New Amsterdam.

What were the 2 key dates and things that happened for the founding of New Netherlands / New York?

1 - believed everyone should be treated equally, 2 - everyone has right to vote and be a part of government (men); 3- they were pacifists and believe war was wrong and never the answer

What were the 3 key Quaker ideals? (what did they believe)

Free land, freedom of religion, voting rights for men.

What were the 3 promises made to attract colonists?

1 - Believed in the doctrine of "the Inner Light" 2 - Eliminated professional ministers from the congregation 3 - Women were regarded as spiritually equal to men (ex: women could preach in church) 4 - They refused to take oaths and were strict pacifists

What were the 4 key religious/spiritual Quaker beliefs?

New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware

What were the Middle Colonies?

They were known as the "Society of Friends" and treated all with respect and love.

What were the Quakers known as and how did they treat others?

by the 1760's, the largest cities in the middle colonies included Philadelphia, New York City, and Dover

What were the largest cities in the middle colonies?

Oats, wheat, barley, rye, corn

What were the major crops of the Middle Colonies?

Quakers met together as spiritual equals and sat silently until the divine spirit inspired someone, anyone, to speak.

When the Quakers met spiritually, what happened?

Founded by George Fox around 1647. They were known as the Society of Friends.

When were the Quakers founded and by who? What were they known as?

Large cities developed around natural harbors (Philadelphia & New York).

Where did the large cities develop in the middle colonies and give 2 examples.

They were a religious group, pacifist (non-violent) religion, which felt everyone was equal and should be treated as such, including Native Americans and Africans.

Who were the Quakers and what did they feel?

New Amsterdam had by far the best natural harbor on the east coast.

Why did the Dutch purchase Manhattan Island from the local Indians and establish the port settlement of New Amsterdam?

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