Earth and Space Final

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A "black hole" appears black because a. it is too cool to radiate b. it is surrounded by an absorbing layer of gas c. its gravitational field is too strong to permit light to escape d. its magnetic field it too strong to permit light to escape

c. its gravitational field it too strong to permit light to escape

Relative to the center of our galaxy, a. its stars are stationary b. its stars move entirely at random c. its stars revolve d. Population I stars are stationary, and Population II stars revolve

c. its stars revolve

The moon's maria are a. bodies of water like earth's oceans b. solid lava flows c. lava flows pulverized by meteoroid impacts d. hardened sediments

c. lava flows pulverized by meteoroid impacts

The examination of starlight with a spectrometer cannot provide information about an isolated star's a. temperature b. structure c. mass d. magnetic field

c. mass

Binary stars are valuable to astronomers because they permit the determination of stellar a. diameters b. distances c. masses d. temperatures

c. masses

Stars belonging to the main sequence a. have the same mass b. have the same temperature c. radiate at steady rates d. fluctuate markedly in brightness

c. radiate at steady rates

The asteroids probably consist largely of a. ice b. frozen methane c. silicate minerals d. metallic iron

c. silicate minerals

The brightest of the following types of stars is a a. giant b. white dwarf c. supernova d. neutron star

c. supernova

The sun's energy comes from a. nuclear fission b. radioactivity c. the conversion of hydrogen to helium d. the conversion of helium to hydrogen

c. the conversion of hydrogen to helium

A typical white dwarf star is about the size of a. a large building b. the moon c. the earth d. Jupiter

c. the earth

The Milky Way is a. a gas cloud in the solar system b. a gas cloud in the galaxy of which the sun is a member c. the galaxy of which the sun is a member d. a nearby galaxy

c. the galaxy of which the sun is a member

Auroras occur mainly in the polar regions because of the effect of a. the moon b. low temperatures there c. the geomagnetic field d. the earth's equatorial bulge

c. the geomagnetic field

The planet with the longest year is a. Mercury b. Jupiter c. Saturn d. Neptune

d. Neptune

Meteoroids a. come from the sun b. come from the moon c. come from outside the solar system d. are members of the solar system

d. are members of the solar system

A pulsar is not a. the remnant of a supernova b. rotating rapidly c. composed largely of neutrons d. as large as the earth

d. as large as the earth

Evidence of various kinds suggests that at the center of our galaxy is a a. quasar b. pulsar c. neutron star d. black hole

d. black hole

The rings of Saturn a. are gas clouds b. are sheets of liquid c. are sheets of solid rock d. consist of separate particles

d. consist of separate particles

Most stars have hot interiors surrounded by relatively cool atmospheres. The spectrum of such a star consists of a. white lines against a dark background b. colored lines against a dark background c. dark lines against a whit background d. dark lines against a colored background

d. dark lines against a colored background

The stars in space are a. uniformly spread out b. distributed completely at random c. chiefly in the Milky Way d. mostly contained within widely separated galaxies

d. distributed completely at random

As compared with a large telescope mirror, a large telescope lens a. is easier to support against sag b. does not disperse light c. can provide higher magnification d. has no advantages

d. has no advantages

The greater the mass of a main-sequence star, the a. younger it is b. longer it will remain part of the main sequence c. less hydrogen it contains d. hotter it is

d. hotter it is

The stars in the disk of our galaxy are mostly distributed a. uniformly b. at random c. in its central nucleus d. in its spiral arms

d. in its spiral arms

The number of sunspots a. remains approximately constant b. increases and decreases at random intervals c. increases and decreases in a yearly cycle d. increases and decreases in an 11-year cycle

d. increases and decreases in an 11-year cycle

The spacecraft that traveled to Mars did not find a. heavily cratered regions b. lava flows c. dust storms d. living things

d. living things

Asteroids are found a. spread evenly throughout the solar system b. mainly in a belt between the earth and the moon c. mainly in a belt between the earth and Mars d. mainly in a belt between Mars and Jupiter

d. mainly in a belt between Mars and Jupiter

The color of a relatively cool star is a. white b. yellow c. blue d. red

d. red

The heaviest elements are created in a. stellar interiors b. stellar atmospheres c. black holes d. supernova explosions

d. supernova explosions

A brown dwarf a. has less mass than Jupiter b. is a member of the main sequence c. is on its way to becoming a black dwarf d. was never a true star

d. was never a true star

Eclipses of the moon occur at a. new moon b. first or last quarter c. full moon d. any time

c. full moon

Of the following planets, the least conspicuous in the sky is a. Venus b. Mars c. Jupiter d. Neptune

d. Neptune

If we know both the luminosity and brightness of a star, we can find its a. mass b. temperature c. distance d. age

c. distance

Each cubic centimeter of space between the stars in our galaxy contains on the average about a. 1 atom or molecule b. 1 million atoms or molecules c. 1 mg of matter d. 1 g of matter

a. 1 atom or molecule

Proxima Centauri. the closest star to the sun, is at a distance of about a. 4 light-years b. 400 light-years c. 4 million light-years d. 4 billion light-years

a. 4 light-years

The smallest of the following planet is a. Mars b. Jupiter c. Saturn d. Uranus

a. Mars

A planet with virtually no atmosphere is a. Mercury b. Mars c. Jupiter d. Saturn

a. Mercury

The planet nearest the sun is a. Mercury b. Venus c. Saturn d. Neptune

a. Mercury

The planet whose surface most resembles that of the moon is a. Mercury b. Venus c. Jupiter d. Saturn

a. Mercury

Meteor craters are observed on the surface of which of the following? a. Mercury b. Venus c. Mars d. the moon

a. Mercury b. Venus c. Mars d. the moon

The two planets of the solar system that do not have satellites are a. Mercury and Venus b. Mars and Staurn c. Jupiter and Neptune d. Neptune and Uranus

a. Mercury and Venus

A supernova explosion may leave behind which one or more of the following? a. a black hole b. a neutron star c. a pulsar d. a giant

a. a black hole b. a neutron star c. a pulsar

Comets tails always a. are longest near the sun b. are shortest near the sun c. are of constant length d. point away from their direction of motion

a. are longest near the sun

Meteor showers occur a. at the same times each year b. at random times c. in connection with solar eclipses d. in connection with lunar eclipses

a. at the same times each year

At new moon, the moon is a. between the earth and the sun b. on the opposite side of the earth from the sun c. on the opposite side of the sun from the earth d. to the side of a line between the earth and the sun

a. between the earth and the sun

The sun's atmosphere a. extends out into the solar system b. consists mainly of oxygen and nitrogen c. consists of burning hydrogen d. is relatively cool

a. extends out into the solar system

When the hydrogen supply in a typical main-sequence star begins to run out, other nuclear reactions occur and the star becomes a a. giant b. white dwarf c. supernova d. neutron star

a. giant

A star that explodes as a supernova a. has a mass much greater than that of the sun b. has a mass much smaller than that of the sun c. has a mass about equal to that of the sun d. may have any mass

a. has a mass much greater than that of the sun

Stars at the upper end of the main sequence have a. high temperatures and large masses b. high temperatures and small masses c. low temperatures and large masses d. low temperatures and small masses

a. high temperature and large masses

The average density of the moon is a. lower than that of the earth b. about the same as that of the earth c. higher than that of the earth d. unknown

a. lower than that of the earth

Eclipses of the sun occur at a. new moon b. first or last quarter c. full moon d. any time

a. new moon

An eclipse of the sun can occur a. only when the moon passes directly between the earth and the sun b. only when the sun passes directly between the earth and the moon c. only when the earth passes directly between the sun and the moon d. at any time

a. only when the moon passes directly between the earth and the sun

The majority of meteoroids consist of a. silicate minerals b. calcite c. iron d. nickel

a. silicate minerals

Solar storms may affect which one(s) of these? a. the earth's magnetic field b. electric transmission lines c. shortwave radio reception d. satellite electronics

a. the earth's magnetic field b. electric transmission lines c. shortwave radio reception d. satellite electronics

The main sequence on the H-R diagram includes a. the sun b. white dwarfs c. giants d. pulsars

a. the sun

The temperature of a star can be determined from a. the wavelength at which its radiation is brightest b. the wavelength at which its radiation is dimmest c. its apparent brightness d. the strength of its magnetic field

a. the wavelength at which its radiation is brightest

Relative to the oldest rocks that have been found on the moon, the oldest rocks found on the earth are a. younger b. about the same age c. somewhat older d. very much older

a. younger

Comets consist of a. leftover matter from the early solar system b. the debris of a shattered planet c. luminous gases d. particles from the solar wind

a.leftover matter from the early solar system

The moon's diameter is about a. 1/10 that of the earth b. 1/4 that of the earth c. 1/2 that of the earth d. 3/4 that of the earth

b. 1/4 that of the earth

Our galaxy is shaped roughly like a fried egg whose diameter is about a. twice its thickness b. 10 times its thickness c. 100 times its thickness d. 1 million times its thickness

b. 10 times its thickness

The time needed for the Apollo spacecraft to reach the moon was about a. 3 h b. 3 days c. 3 weeks d. 3 months

b. 3 days

The surface temperature of the sun is approximately a. 600 k b. 6000 k c. 6 million k d. 14 million k

b. 6000 k

Stars whose luminosity and period of variation are related are called a. pulsars b. Cepheid variables c. main-sequence stars d. giants

b. Cepheid variables

When visibility is good and there are no meteor showers, it is possible to see about 5 to 10 meteors per a. Minute b. Hour c. Night d. Week

b. Hour

The largest of the following planets is a. Mars b. Jupiter c. Saturn d. Uranus

b. Jupiter

The largest known asteroid is about as far across as a. New York City b. Texas c. the United States d. the moon

b. Texas

A dense atmosphere of carbon dioxide is found on a. Mercury b. Venus c. Mars d. the moon

b. Venus

The planet closet to the earth in size and mass is a. Mercury b. Venus c. Mars d. Uranus

b. Venus

The light the sun emits comes from a. its interior b. a thin gas layer at its surface c. a thin liquid layer at its surface d. a thin solid layer at its surface

b. a thin gas layer at its surface

The globular clusters of our galaxy a. contain around a hundred stars each b. contain around a million stars each c. contain around a billion stars each d. lie only in its central disk

b. contain around a million stars each

Comets a. follow orbits around the earth b. follow orbits around the sun c. move randomly through the solar system d. are the tracks left in the atmosphere by meteoriods

b. follow orbits around the sun

Clouds of luminous gas and dust in our galaxy are called a. galactic clusters b. galactic nebulas c. quasars d. cosmic rays

b. galactic nebulas

The sun does not a. have a magnetic field b. have a solid core c. revolve about an axis d. consist largely of ions

b. have a solid core

Variations among stars are least in their a. distance from the sun b. mass c. size d. temperature

b. mass

Most of the craters on the moon are probably the result of a. volcanic action b. meteoroid bombardment c. erosion d. collisions with asteroids

b. meteoroid bombardment

An asteroid 2 km or more across could cause a worldwide catastrophe. Such an asteroid is thought to collide with the earth an average of roughly every a. thousand years b. million years c. billion years d. 10 billion years

b. million years

The Population II stars in globular clusters are a. mostly very young b. mostly very old c. mostly about as old as the sun d. of all ages about equally

b. mostly very old

Sunspots are a. dark clouds in the sun's atmosphere b. regions somewhat cooler than the rest of the sun's surface c. regions somewhat hotter than the rest of the sun's surface d. of unknown nature

b. region's somewhat cooler than the rest of the sun's surface

The surface of Titan, Saturn's largest moon, a. has many active volcanoes b. shows signs of erosion by flowing liquid c. is covered with liquid water d. is covered with ice water

b. shows signs of erosion by flowing liquid

If we know the surface temperature and luminosity of a star, we can find its a. mass b. size c. age d. distance

b. size

The interior of the moon is probably entirely or almost entirely a. liquid b. solid c. gaseous d. hollow

b. solid

Black holes are remnants of a. stars with small masses b. stars with large masses c. white dwarfs d. black dwarfs

b. stars with large masses

Auroras are caused by a. streams of colored gases from the sun b. streams of charged particles from the sun c. comets d. micrometeorites

b. streams of charged particles from the sun

Relative to the time the moon takes to circle the earth, the period of its rotation on its axis is a. shorter b. the same c. longer d. any of these, depending on the time of the year

b. the same

A star like the sun eventually becomes a a. black hole b. white dwarf c. supernova d. neutron star

b. white dwarf

The moon's surface shows no signs of a. volcanic action b. meteoroid bombardment c. ever having melted d. glacier erosion

c. ever having melted

The dwarf planets have diameters of about a. 1km b. 10km c. 1000km d. that of the moon

c. 1000km

Our galaxy is approximately a. 4 light-years across b. 15,000 light-years across c. 130,000 light years across d. 4 million light years across

c. 130,000 light years across

The temperature of the sun's interior is believed to be about a. 600 k b. 6000 k c. 14 million k d. 14 billion k

c. 14 million k

The durations of "day" and "night" at a given place on the moon each correspond to about a. 1 day on earth b. 1 week on earth c. 2 weeks on earth d. 4 weeks on earth

c. 2 weeks on earth

An astronaut would way least on the surface of a. Venus b. Earth c. Mars d. Jupiter

c. Mars

Polar ice caps are found on a. Mercury b. Venus c. Mars d. Jupiter

c. Mars

The largest of Jupiter's satellites is about the size of a. a large ship b. the moon c. Mercury d. the earth

c. Mercury

Compared with the earth, Mars has a. a denser atmosphere b. more surface water c. a lower average surface temperature d. a shorter year

c. a lower average surface temperature

The moon's surface is a. perfectly smooth b. irregular but relatively smoother than the earth's surface c. about as irregular as the earth's surface d. much more irregular than the earth's surface

c. about as irregular as the earth's surface

White dwarfs are stars that are a. at the beginning of their life cycles b. in the middle of their life cycles c. at the end of their life cycles d. any of these choices are correct

c. at the end of their life cycles

The solar wind a. blows over the sun's surface b. consists of photons streaming from the sun c. consists of ions streaming from the sun d.consists of hydrogen atoms streaming from the sun

c. consists of ions streaming from the sun

The reason stars more then about 100 times as massive as the sun are not found is that a. they would split into double-stars b. they would be black holes from which no light can escape c. the gravity of such a star would not hold it together d. the high internal pressures would prevent nuclear reactions from taking place

c. the gravity of such a star would not hold it together

The planets are visible because a. their atmospheres are excited to luminescence by the solar wind b. they are hot enough to radiate light c. they reflect the sun d. they reflect starlight

c. they reflect the sun

The number of stars in our galaxy is roughly a. 2000 b. 2 million c. 2 billion d. 200 billion

d. 200 billion

A planet that consists largely of hydrogen and helium is a. Mercury b. Venus c. Mars d. Jupiter

d. Jupiter

Of the following members of the solar system, the one that never exhibits phases to us is a. the moon b. Mercury c. Venus d. Mars

d. Mars

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