Earth Sci.: Module 2: Rocks & the Rock Cycle: Instruction, Guided Notes, & Assignment

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A rock is an _____ of minerals.

1. Color 2. Texture 3. Formation 4. Mineral Composition

What are the 4 Characteristics Used to Classify Rocks?

mineral type

What determines the color of a rock? texture grain pattern mineral type grain shape

metamorphic rock

What type of rock: existing rocks are exposed to extreme conditions

sedimantary rock

What type of rock: layers of sediment dry together

igneous rock

What type of rock: magma or lava cools and solidifies

form under extreme heat and pressure form from existing rocks

Which phrases apply to metamorphic rocks? Check all that apply. form under extreme heat and pressure form from existing rocks form from magma and lava form when sediments combine form from volcanic eruptions

how rocks change from one type to another which processes are involved in rock changes

Which phrases describe what the rock cycle shows? Check all that apply. how rocks change from one type to another which processes are involved in rock changes that the changes follow a specific order that the process of change is very rapid what makes some rocks change more slowly than others

pattern shape size

Which properties of grains determine the texture of rocks? Check all that apply. feel pattern color shape size

1. Any type of rock can change into any other type of rock by weathering and erosion. 3. Rocks change slowly over time. 4. The rock cycle shows how the three rock types relate to one another.

Which statements accurately describe the rock cycle? Check all that apply. 1. Any type of rock can change into any other type of rock by weathering and erosion. 2. Rocks change from one type to another in a definite order. 3. Rocks change slowly over time. 4. The rock cycle shows how the three rock types relate to one another. 5. Rocks last forever.


Which type of rock is formed from molten materials?


Which type of rock needs weathering or erosion to form?


a natural mixture of sand, gravel, and crushed stone

sedimentary rock

a type of rock that forms by or from deposits of sediment

igneous rock

a type of rock that forms from the cooling of magma or lava

metamorphic rock

a type of rock that forms when existing rocks are exposed to extreme heat and pressure

rock cycle

the continuous process/cycle by which rocks are created, changed from one form to another, destroyed, and then formed again


the particles of minerals or other rocks that give a rock its texture

are not aggregate together identify

Minerals and rocks (are/are not) the same. • A rock is an _____ of minerals. • Mixtures of minerals join _____ to form a rock. • Some rocks have only one type of mineral, but most rocks have several. • The minerals that make up a rock are used to _____ it.


Most rocks contain more than one type of _____.

3 Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic

Rocks are divided into _____ major groups based on how they form. _____ Rocks form when magma and lava cool. _____ Rocks form by the accumulation of sediment. They usually form in layers. _____ Rocks form from extreme heat, pressure, and chemical processes

✔ igneous ✔ metamorphic ✔ sedimentary

Stone Mountain is a great example of the rock cycle at work. Streams erode existing _____ and _____ rocks. The processes of compaction and cementation form these sand particles into sandstone, a _____ rock.

Rock Cycle change forever environmental

The _____ _____ is a series of processes that slowly changes rock from one type to another. It explains: • how the three rock groups relate to one another. • how rocks _____ from one type to another. • that no rock lasts _____. The rock cycle does not follow a specific order. Rocks can change to any type at any time depending on the _____ conditions.


The _____ of a rock is a result of its mineral composition.

composition high low

The color of a rock is a result of its mineral _____. Granite is often light-colored because it contains a _____ amount of silica. Basalt is dark-colored because it is _____ in silica.

size, shape, pattern fine-grained Coarse-grained

The texture of a rock is determined by the _____, _____, and _____ of its grains. The grains of _____ rocks can be seen only with a microscope. _____ rocks have grains that are large and easy to see. The grains of some rocks are not visible at all.

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