earth science quiz 7-10

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In what order will the seismic stations (#1 and #2) detect seismic waves generated by the earthquake shown in the image? Multiple choice question.

#1 will detect them first, followed by #2.

Which of the following are tectonic settings in which regional mountain belts form?

Continental collisions Subduction zones Mantle upwellings

Which of the following are true regarding the thickness of continental versus oceanic crust? Multiple select question.

Continental crust averages 30 to 50 km in thickness. Oceanic crust averages 7 km in thickness. Continental crust is thicker than oceanic crust.

What processes associated with mountain and basin formation may accompany ocean-continent convergence?

Creation of a fold and thrust belt Development of a foreland basin Thickening of the crust due to compression and the addition of volcanic rock Formation of an oceanic trench

Why are reefs located between 30o north and 30o south of the equator? Multiple select question.

Warm water is present in this zone. Clear water is present in this zone.

Any process relating to the wind's ability to shape the landscape is called Blank______. Multiple choice question.


After weak acids form in water and start to dissolve rocks and minerals, minerals are often formed.


One important factor in determining the degree of weathering in a rock is the orientation of the slope on which the rock is located; Blank______ may have more soil, plants, and moisture, all of which promote chemical weathering.

cool slopes sheltered from sunlight

Salt Blank______ form because salt has the properties of a weak rock, flows upward, and has a relatively low density. Multiple choice question. f


In most cases, salts are concentrated by the process of gap Unavailable in marine basins or on land to form salt deposits.


Isostasy Blank______.

explains that higher mountains have thicker crustal roots, analogous to floating icebergs was discovered by observations of surveying equipment that showed a smaller gravitational attraction by the Himalaya than expected

True or false: A seismic station that is farther away from the hypocenter of an earthquake will detect the seismic waves before those stations that are closer.


True or false: A seismic station that is farther away from the hypocenter of an earthquake will detect the seismic waves before those stations that are closer. True false question.


Fractures along which rock has slipped relative to the other side are called Blank______, whereas fractures that are simple cracks where the rock has pulled apart by a small amount are Blank______. Multiple choice question.

faults joints

Imagine a rock that is a cube that measures 4 centimeters on each side. How much does the surface area increase if you break the rock in eight equal pieces? Multiple choice question.

from 96 cm2 to 192 cm2 Reason: Each new piece will have a surface area of 24 cm2. Two sides that are 2 cm x 4 cm = 8 cm2 each and two sides that are 1 cm x 4 cm = 4 cm2 each; thus 8 cm2 + 8 cm2 + 4 cm2 + 4 cm2 for each cube = 24 cm2 per cube x 8 cubes = 192 cm2.

A tectonic terrane Blank______.

has rocks, structures, fossils, and other geologic aspects that are unlike those in adjacent regions is bounded by faults

A block that is uplifted relative to blocks on either side is called a Blank______, while a downdropped block or a resulting valley is called a Blank______. Multiple choice question.

horst, graben

The principle that regional elevations adjust to the types and thicknesses of rocks at depth is known as Blank______


The principle that regional elevations adjust to the types and thicknesses of rocks at depth is known as Blank______.


Soil is a Blank______.

layered surface medium that has been weathered in place and supports plant life

The enormous submarine canyon located off the coast of central California in Bay is very well studied for both its geologic and biologic features, as well as being a national marine sanctuary.


The new minerals that form as a result of chemical weathering at Earth's surface are Blank______ than the original minerals. Multiple choice question.

more stable

Oxidation of minerals usually occurs Blank______ and may make rocks containing those minerals take on a Blank______ color. Multiple choice question.

near Earth's surface; red

When minerals react with oxygen at or near Earth's surface, the process of Blank______ is occurring. Multiple choice question.


A fault-bounded body of rock that has a different geologic history than adjacent regions is called a Blank______

tectonic terrane

Which of the following describe how marine salt deposits form?

From evaporation of seawater From restricted water flow in a marine basin

The average thickness of continental crust is Blank______, whereas the average thickness of oceanic crust is Blank______. Multiple choice question.

30 to 50 km; 7 km

Coral reefs tend to occur between latitudes Blank______ because the water is Blank______.

30o north and 30o south of the equator; warm and clear

Based upon the image that shows colored dots to represent earthquake epicenters, which are true of the locations of earthquakes?

A few earthquakes occur far away from plate boundaries. Most earthquakes occur along plate boundaries.

Which of the following are potential sources of destruction that may be caused either directly or secondarily by earthquakes?

Aftershocks Fires Tsunamis Landslides and rock falls

You are studying a large rock outcrop in the U.S. that has both a southern and a northern exposure. Why might the weathering of this rock be different on the two sides?

Because the southern side is likely sunnier and drier, physical weathering may dominate in this location.

The type of reef that protects the coastline from waves and storms because they occur just offshore from the mainland is a hBlank 1Blank 1 h , Incorrect Unavailable reef, whereas hBlank 2Blank 2 h , Incorrect Unavailable reefs are attached to a shoreline or are just offshore, surrounding an island.

Blank 1: barrier Blank 2: fringing or fringe

Thermal expansion, pressure release, and mineral, frost, and root wedging all are weathering processes.

Blank 1: mechanical or physical

The feature that hangs from the ceiling of a cave is a(n) gBlank 1Blank 1 g , Incorrect Unavailable, and a(n) gBlank 2Blank 2 g , Incorrect Unavailable grows upward from the floor.

Blank 1: stalactite Blank 2: stalagmite

Which of the following are characteristics of karst topography? Multiple select question.

Disappearing streams Caves Sinkholes Limestone pillars

Weak acids formed in water can cause changes in the rocks and minerals with which they interact. Identify those changes below.

Dissolve rocks and minerals Loosen mineral grains Result in the formation of clay minerals

What is true of regional elevations across North America?

Elevations tend to be higher toward the west and decrease toward the east.

If compressive stress is applied in the directions indicated by the arrows (consider that arrows directly oppose one another), what will likely happen to the rock layers? Multiple choice question.

If rocks deform in a ductile manner, they will fold in a direction perpendicular to the stresses.

Which of the following describe the San Andreas fault?

It is located along the boundary between the North American plate and the Pacific plate. It is located in California. It is made of different segments that have different tectonic behaviors.

Choose all the phrases that describe the Monterey Submarine Canyon in California.

It is relatively large. It has tributaries.

What is true of the difference between regional mountain ranges and local mountains? Multiple select question.

Local mountains are small features and do not involve regionally thickened crust. Regional mountain ranges are typically very long and involve regionally thickened crust.

Where is Mount Everest located? Multiple choice question.

On the border between Nepal and Tibet

Which of the following locations contain modern coral reefs? Multiple select question.

Polynesia Philippines Bahamas

Which of the following are surface features that may indicate caves at depth? (Select all that apply.)

Presence of a skylight Presence of limestone Sinkholes Disappearing streams

Which of the following represents the correct pairing of an iron-bearing mineral with its oxidized, and more stable, form?

Pyroxene - Hematite

This is a list of direct damage and secondary effects that can be caused by an earthquake. Select only the type of damage classified as secondary effects. Multiple select question.

Ruptured natural gas lines cause explosions and fires. Flooding of dry land occurs as seawater inundates subsided areas. Flooding occurs due to failure of dams.

Which conditions promote the growth of coral reefs? Multiple select question.

Shallow water Warm water Clear water

Which of the following are true about strain? Multiple select question.

Strain may be a change in size and/or shape. Strain is the effect of stress.

Based on the map, which are true of the subduction zone and indicated earthquakes? (Yellow dots = shallow-depth earthquakes; green dots = intermediate; red dots = deep.)

The subducted plate is generally inclined from west to east, with the deepest portion of the slab to the east. Shallow earthquakes are closer to the trench, whereas deep ones are farther away.

Secondary minerals that form from the chemical weathering of other minerals at Earth's surface Blank______. Multiple choice question.

are more stable than the original minerals.

The upward movement of salt in the Gulf of Mexico forms what sort of topography on the seafloor? Multiple choice question.

bumps and pits

The rocks, sediments, and soil at Earth's surface are shaped Blank______. Multiple choice question.

by many different processes

The presence of limestone on the surface, sinkholes, and other features of karst topography may indicate that there are ______ at depth. Multiple choice question.


Minerals formed at depth within Earth may be unstable at the surface due to very different Blank______ conditions. Multiple select question.

pressure moisture temperature

The two main processes that work together to expose the deep roots of mountains at the surface of Earth are erosion and isostatic Blank______.


Mountain ranges that are hundreds to thousands of kilometers long are Blank______, whereas other mountains that are too small to be accompanied by regional increases in crustal thickness are Blank______.

regional; local

Mountain ranges that are hundreds to thousands of kilometers long are Blank______, whereas other mountains that are too small to be accompanied by regional increases in crustal thickness are Blank______. Multiple choice question.

regional; local

Submarine canyons transport sediment from the continental shelf to the continental


The main difference between a natural bridge and a natural arch is that a natural bridge is formed due to erosion by Blank______.

running water in a stream

Salt is a weak rock that can flow; therefore, it forms Blank______. Multiple select question.

salt glaciers a slip plane for thrust faults domes

The process whereby sand grains are repeatedly lifted by wind, carried a short distance, and dropped is


Windblown sediment grains moving through the process of Blank______ are transported by bouncing across the surface. Multiple choice question.


A geoscientist who specializes in studying earthquakes is a(n)


If the depth of earthquakes along a subducting slab is increasing from the north to the south then the direction of subduction is to the Blank______.


In some limestone caves, Blank______ hang from the ceiling as they form and Blank______ grow upward from the floor of the cave. Multiple choice question.

stalactites; stalagmites

What is the change in size and/or shape of a rock that has been put under stress called? Multiple choice question. Strain Pressure Tension Force


The bumps and pits on the seafloor in the Gulf of Mexico, shown on the diagram, are caused by Blank______. Multiple choice question.

the subsurface flow of salt

Minerals that form deep within Earth Blank______ in response to the new conditions of temperature, pressure, and moisture at the surface. Multiple choice question.

will change

Aeolian refers to processes and features related to the Blank______. Multiple choice question.


To create the landscapes on Earth's surface, Blank______ weathers and shapes the rocks, sediments, and soil. Multiple select question.

wind running water

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