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*Using a research design with a control group helps control for the effects of the:

*All of these are correct: hawthorne, placebo, nocebo

What variables interfere with the intended purpose of the investigation by introducing error to the study?

Extraneous variable and intervening variable

Identify the characteristic of research design relating to the degree to which the outcomes of the study can be attributed to the interventions.

Internal validity

Which study design is used when both researchers and participants know to which group the subjects were assigned, meaning they know what treatment is being received by the subjects.


What procedure is implemented for assigning participants to intervention groups (placebo group, control group, experimental group) to ensure each group's characteristics are equal?


Researchers strive to remain unbiased, honest, and precise when making decisions regarding the planning, conducting, and reporting of a quantitative and qualitative study. The previous statement defines:


The data for a study on blood pressure are collected by four health care practitioners. The researchers established consistent data collection methods among the four nurses related to:

inter-rater reliability.

*Using the research report provided with the examination, write a narrative explaining the answers to the questions related to results and findings presented in the research report.

*Are findings presented relative to each hypothesis and research question? Are findings reported as statistically significant or not significant? When confidence levels are reported, are the upper and lower limits acceptable to implement a change to your practice? Do the findings have practical or clinical significance?

*Using the research report provided with the examination, write a narrative explaining the answers to the questions related to the sampling strategy used in the study.

*Did the authors describe the population that the sample is intended to represent? Was the sampling frame used appropriate for the purpose of the study? Was the inclusion and exclusion criteria clearly described, and was it appropriate for the intended outcome? Was the assignment of participants to treatment and control/comparison groups random or nonrandom, and was the method appropriate? Was the sample size sufficient to include all applicable variability? Was a sampling calculation discussed?

*Which of the following statements is true?

*External validity allows findings to be generalized back to the population from which the sample was derived.

*A predatory online journal exhibits which characteristic?

*Follows substandard peer review guidelines for publishing research reports

*Scores on the chronic fatigue instrument were analyzed at baseline, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks using an ANOVA analysis. The score for 4 weeks was carried over to the 8 week time frame when participants did not return for the final measurement. This description is an example of what type of analysis?


*Using the research report provided with the examination, write a narrative explaining the answers to the questions related to the purpose of the study.

*Is the intent of the study clearly stated? Are the variables being investigated identifiable? Are the outcomes of the study identifiable? Is the population under study identifiable?

*The external validity of a study is influenced by which extraneous variable?

*Nonrandom section of the sample from the population

*After the practitioner determines the trustworthiness of evidence in the EBP process, what decision-making steps follow?

*Proceed to inform the client what intervention needs to be completed, incorporate evidence with the practitioner's experience, and consider the clients' needs and preferences.

*Identify the type of research conducted in this abstract. The aim of this study was to develop a valid evaluation instrument for assessing nurses as educators to improve clients' medication management. Focus groups of nurses explored desired nursing behaviors as educators in medication management. Using grounded theory, a list of behaviors was generated and categorized into themes. After the data analysis was completed, the researchers developed a questionnaire based on the list of behaviors from the focus groups. Participants rated the behaviors using Likert scale (0=not important to 7=extremely important) based on their importance to medication management and patient-centered communication.

*Sequential mixed methods

*What is the name of the method used to avoid bias of knowing whether participants are assigned to the intervention or comparison group, when this information is withheld from the participants themselves, the researchers administering the intervention or placebo, and the researchers collecting the data?


*19.) Using the research report provided with the examination, write a narrative explaining the answers to the questions related to the data collection methods used in the study.

*Were the data collection methods appropriate for the intended purpose of the study? Were the data collection procedures consistently applied to the participants? Was the validity and reliability of the data collection instrument established at a high enough level? Was the reliability of the data collectors established at a high enough level?

*Using the research report provided with the examination, write a narrative explaining the answers to the questions related to the data analysis used in the study.

*What did the power analysis indicate? Were data analyzed using an on-protocol or intention-to-treat analysis, or both? If intention-to-treat analysis was used, what method was used to input missing data? Were the statistical analyses appropriate for the level of data (i.e., nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio)?

*When the researchers in a study are paid by the company that manufactures the drug being studied, it is important they report a potential:

*conflict of interest.

*A power analysis is calculated to:

*ensure the sample size was large enough to detect differences in the treatment and comparison group after data collection.

*The trustworthiness of a research report is important to establish for:

*making evidence-based decisions.

*Once the qualitative data are analyzed, the analysis is verified by the participants to ensure the researcher correctly interpreted their experiences. This process is known as:

*member checks

*Qualitative researchers engage in reflexivity to raise their awareness of personal perspectives and viewpoints that might influence data collection and analysis. This procedure is important to establish:


*A meta-synthesis is used to combine results of multiple:

*qualitative studies on one phenomenon to create a higher level interpretation of the phenomenon

*Clinical practice guidelines are trustworthy when the guidelines are:

*rated on the quality of evidence used to create the guideline and rated on the strength of the recommendation.

*A qualitative research report provides rich detailed description of quotations from the participants to ensure the reader:

*transfers the findings to his/her own context or personal situation.

Researchers conducting quantitative and qualitative studies need to carefully establish the characteristics of the participants they want to study. Participants must meet these characteristics; otherwise, they are not eligible to participate. This description defines what concept?

Inclusion criteria

Identify the type of evidence that combines the statistical analyses of multiple independently conducted studies.


In which of a study's major sections do you find information about the research design?


Qualitative data are collected until the data from new participants are the same as the data from previously interviewed participants. This situation is known as:


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