ECO 2023 Exam 1

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the marginal benefit is equal to the price of the product

A consumer is willing to purchase a product up the point where

the likelihood that the average person will lose her job due to outsourcing is very small compared to losing her job to other causes

Consider the following 2 factors: A. study conducted by Forrester Research estimates that between 2000 and 2015, 3.3 million jobs in the US will have been outsourced B. over this same period of time, the number of jobs expected to be created is more than 450 million and the jobs due to all the causes is estimated at 430 million The statements suggest that:

South Korea has an absolute advantage in both products

Does either China or South Korea have an absolute advantage and if so, in what product?

final goods and services in the product market

Households purchase...

the supply curve shifted to the left resulting in an increase of the equilibrium price

Hurricane Katrina damaged a large portion of oil refining and pipeline capacity in the Gulf coast states. In the market for gasoline,

normal good

If an increase in income leads to an increase in the demand for peanut butter, then the peanut butter is a

the supply curve for apples has shifted to the right

If in the market the supply for apples has decreased then

the firm has an incentive to decrease supply now and increase supply in the future

If the firm expects that price of its product will be higher in the future than it is today

a decrease in the quantity demanded of grapefruit

If the price in grapefruit rises, the substitution effect due to the price change will cause


If the two countries specialize and trade, who should export wheat?

weighing the costs and benefits of a decision before deciding if it should be pursued

Making optimal decisions "at the margin" requires


Paul goes to Sportsmart to buy a new tennis racquet. He is willing to pay $200 for a new racquet, but buys one on sale for $125. Paul's consumer surplus from the purchase is

the supply of lobster is greater in the summer than in the spring

The demand for lobster is lower in the spring than in the summer. if the price of lobster is higher in the spring than the summer then,


True or False: Economic resources include financial capitial and money

they assume that rational behavior is useful in explaining choices people make even though people may not behave rationally all the time

What best describes an assumption economists make about human behavior

half a garden cultivated

What is George's opportunity cost of mowing a lawn?

if the price of gasoline rises, a smaller quantity will be bought

Which of the following is a positive economic statement

each faces the problem of scarcity which necessitates trade-offs in making economic decisions

Which of the following is correct about the economic decisions consumers, firms, and the government have to make

George has an absolute advantage in both tasks (there is only one G option!)

Which of the following statements is true about George and Jack

economic surplus

______ is equal to the sum of consumer surplus and producer surplus

a change in the price of toothpaste

a movement along the demand curve for toothpaste would be caused by

factor market

a worker is hired in a

when the quantity demanded for the product exceeds the quantity supplied

an increase in the equilibrium price of a product will result..

both the equilibrium price and quantity of MP3 players will increase

assume that both the demand curve and teh supply curve for MP3 players shift right but the demand curve shifts more than the supply curve, as a result...

any buyer who is willing and bale to pay the price will find a seller for the product

at a products equilibrium price

a statement that is true about competition in a market

competitions forces firms to produce and sell products as long as the margin benefit to consumers exceeds the marginal cost of production

the market price was zero

consumer surplus in a market for a product would be equal to the area under the demand curve if

the marginal benefit equals the marginal costs from the last unit sold

economic efficiency in a competitive market is achieved when

marginal benefit equals marginal costs

economic surplus is maximized in a competitive market when

a black market

economists refer to a market where buying and selling take place at prices that violate government price regulations as

producing more of one good means less of another good can be produced

every society faces economic trade-offs. this means...

a decrease in the price of corn

farmers can plant either corn or soybeans in their fields. which of the following would cause the supply of soybeans to increase?

a decrease in the quantity of MP3 players demanded

holding everything else constant, an increase in the price of MP3 players will result in

an inferior good

if a decrease in income leads in the demand for macaroni, then the macaroni is

as long as the marginal benefit it receives is just equal to or greater than $200

if the marginal cost of producing a television is constant at $200, then a firm should produce this item...

a decrease in quantity demanded

if, in response to an increase in the price of chocolate, the quantity demanded of chocolate decreases economists would describe this as

the more resources devoted to any activity, the payoff from allocating yet more resources to that activity increases by progressively smaller amounts

increasing marginal opportunity cost implies that


sells resources in the factor market

produce a combination of goods that lies outside its own production possibilities frontier

specializing in the production of a good or service in which one has a comparative advantage enables a country to do all of the following expect


stems from the incompatibility between limited resources and unlimited wants

the price received is at least EQUAL to the additional cost of producing the product

suppliers will be willing to supply a product only if

at least $60,000

ted quits his $60,000 a-year job to be a stay at home dad. What is the opportunity cost of his decision

comparative advantage

the ability to produce a goods or service at a lower opportunity cost than any other producer

human capital

the accumulated skills and training workers have

tax incidence

the actual division of the burden of a tax buyers and sellers in a market is called

marginal cost

the additional cost to a firm of producing one more unit of a good or service is called

is equal to the total amount producer surplus in the market

the area above the market supply curve and below the market price


the branch of economics which studies how households and firms make choices, interact in markets and how government attempts to influence their choices is called


the branch of economics which studies the behavior of the entire economies and policies that affect the economy as a whole is called

the study of economics

the choices people make to attain their goals, given their scarce resources

consumer surplus

the difference between the highest price a consumer is willing to pay for a good and the price the consumer actually pays is called

producer surplus

the difference between the lowest a firm would have been willing to accept and the price it actually receives from the sale of a product is called

the principle of opportunity cost

the economic cost of using a factor of production is the alternative use if that factor that is being given up

opportunity cost

the highest valued alternative that must be given up to engage in an activity

the price of a good on a consumer's purchasing power

the income effect of price change refers to the impact of a change in

increase; quantity; decrease

the law of demand implies, holding everything else constant that as the price of bagels _____ , the ________ of bagels demanded will ________

a price floor

the minimum wage is an example of


the process used to produce goods and services

the maximum attainable combination of two products that may be produced in a particular time period with available sources

the production possibilities frontier shows

deadweight loss

the reduction in economic surplus resulting from not being in competitive equilibrium

wages and salaries

the resource income earned by those who supply labor services is called

marginal benefit

the revenue received from the sale of an additional unit of a product is called

measures the opportunity cost of producing one more unit of a good

the slope of a production possibilities frontier...


the study of economics arises due to

the area above the market supply curve and below the market price

the total amount of producer surplus in a market is equal to

-what goods and services to produce -how will these goods and services be produced -who receives them

three fundamental questions that any economy must address are

must be set below the equilibrium price

to affect the market outcome, a price ceiling

the willingness of consumers to buy a product at different places

what does a demand curve show

the willingness of consumers to purchase a product at different prices

what does each point on the demand curve show?

competition among sellers

what generates productive efficiency

one and a half lawns mowed

what is Jack's opportunity cost of cultivating a garden?

2/3 of a garden cultivated

what is Jacks opportunity cost of mowing lawn?

a worker hired by an auto manufacture

what is an example of a factor of production

the machines workers have to work with

what is counted as "capital" in economics

2 lawns mowed

what is george's opportunity cost of cultivating a garden?

has always existed and will continue to exist

what is the basic economic problem of scarcity

an "increase in demand" is represented by a rightward shift of the demand curve while an "increase in quantity" is represented by a movement along a given demand curve

what is the difference between "increase in demand" and an "increase in quantity demanded"

productive efficiency

when goods and services are produced at the lowest possible cost _________ occurs

whether or not consumers will buy its products

which of the following is NOT an example of an economic trade-off that a firm has to make

a fashion designer should be allowed to copyright designs to promote innovation

which of the following is a normative statement


which of the following is part of an economic model

at equilibrium, quantity demanded equals quantity supplied

which of the following is the correct way to describe equilibrium in a market?

a decrease in the price of flour

which of the following would cause the equilibrium price of white bread to decrease and the equilibrium quantity of white bread to increase

can produce more of something than others with the same resources

you have absolute advantage whenever you

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