Eco chapter 7

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In comparison with a blue whale, a shrew has A) a larger surface area relative to volume. B) the same surface area relative to volume. C) a slightly smaller surface area relative to volume. D) a much smaller surface area relative to volume.


Several amphibian species survive the winter using antifreeze chemicals by the process of A) supercooling. B) countercurrent heat exchange. C) torpor. D) rete.


The seasonal cessation of activities accompanied by a reduction in metabolism in response to cold temperatures during winter is called A) hibernation. B) torpor. C) heterothermy. D) diapause.


Which of the following factors does not influence animal heat exchange? A) oxygen diffusion rate B) conductivity of fat C) movement of blood to the body's surface D) fat thickness


Which of the following is the concept associated with an animal shivering in a cold environment to stay warm? A) homeostasis B) conformer C) counter current heat exchange D) torpor


According to Bergmann's rule, as global temperature increases, A) body size will increase. B) body size will decrease. C) territory size will increase. D) territory size will decrease.


Immediately prior to flight in cool temperatures, some insects A) must consume hundreds of calories. B) increase heat production by shivering flight muscles of the thorax. C) seek shade. D) increase anaerobic respiration.


Long-distance transport of oxygen to the cells of animals is facilitated by the A) brain. B) heart. C) stomach. D) mouth.


Many species of small mammals, especially those that hibernate, increase heat production by A) growing denser fur during winter. B) burning highly vascular brown fat. C) panting. D) sweating.


Some species of animals in cold environments lower the freezing point of water in their tissues by increasing solutes in their body fluids, especially A) glucose. B) glycerol. C) salt. D) sucrose.


The basal metabolic rate per unit of body mass is highest in a A) large endotherm. B) small endotherm. C) large ectotherm. D) small ectotherm.


The ingestion of fecal material for further extraction of nutrients is referred to as A) nectarivory. B) coprophagy. C) folivory. D) autophagy.


The regulation of body temperature exclusively from the external environment is referred to as A) endothermy. B) ectothermy. C) homeothermy. D) heterothermy.


What happens to a lizard's metabolic rate when the temperature increases 10°C? A) The metabolic rate stays constant. B) The metabolic rate approximately doubles. C) The metabolic rate approximately triples. D) The metabolic rate approximately quadruples.


All of the following characterize a hibernating homeotherm, except A) low blood pH. B) high CO2 level in blood. C) increased heart rate. D) decrease in body temperature.


An advantage of homeothermy is A) that it requires a low caloric intake. B) that it maximizes allocation of energy to growth. C) that it allows the organism to remain active in a wide range of external temperatures. D) that it allows the organism to tolerate wide fluctuations in body temperature.


Animals that feed on both plant and animal tissues are referred to as A) herbivores. B) carnivores. C) omnivores. D) detritivores.


In cases where global temperature increase results in increased resource availability, A) population sizes are shrinking. B) average body sizes are decreasing. C) average body sizes are increasing. D) average limb lengths are decreasing.


Many species of insects undergo a state of arrested development in their life cycle to avoid desiccation or cold, referred to as A) torpor. B) hibernation. C) diapause. D) metamorphosis.


The respiration rate of homeotherms is proportional to A) air pressure. B) body temperature. C) body size. D) environmental temperature.


Which of the following is a major problem for animals that live in hyperosmotic environments? A) preventing heat loss B) access to mineral nutrients C) preventing water loss D) obtaining enough oxygen


Which of the following is an example of a conformer? A) lizard B) rodent C) starfish D) bird


1) The surface area of a cube increases how in relation to its length (l)? A) l B) l2 C) l3 D) 6l2


A marine fish is ________ and tends to ________ water to/from the environment. A) hyperosmotic; gain B) hyperosmostic; lose C) hypoosmotic; gain D) hypoosmotic; lose


A saltwater fish tends to be ________ to its surrounding aquatic environment. A) endothermic B) isoosmotic C) hyperosmotic D) hypoosmotic


An animal has a very thin layer of insulation between its body core and surface causing it to have a very high ________. A) body temperature B) salt content C) level of fat D) thermal conductivity


In some species of herbivorous mammals, hindgut fermentation occurs in the A) rumen. B) reticulum. C) colon. D) caecum.


In which of the following is countercurrent heat exchange not known to occur? A) porpoise fluke B) beaver tail C) bird legs D) primate hands


Maintaining a relatively constant body temperature independent of external temperature is referred to as A) heterothermy. B) ectothermy. C) poikilothermy. D) homeothermy.


Water flows over gills in the opposite direction of blood flow in a process known as A) inhalation. B) respiration. C) diffusion. D) countercurrent exchange


Which of the following animals does not use lungs to acquire oxygen? A) whale B) frog C) bird D) butterfly


Which of the following is done by toads to avoid hot, dry periods of the year? A) hibernation B) torpor C) diapause D) estivation


Which of the following would have the most surface area assuming the same volume? A) a golf ball B) a perfect sphere C) a cube D) a tube


Herbivores are unable to synthesize about half of the 20 ________ that are required to make proteins.

amino acids

In marine mammals, lipids are typically deposited as a layer of fat just below the skin, referred to as _______


Animals that feed exclusively on the tissues of other animals are called ____


Herbivores are unable to digest ________ and thus rely on the help of specialized bacteria and protozoa living in their digestive tracts.


Birds and reptiles have a ________, which is a common receptacle for the digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts that reabsorbs water back into the body.


Thermal ________ is the ability of an organism to transmit heat.


To conserve heat in a cold environment and to cool vital parts of the body under heat stress, some animals have a ________ heat exchange system.


Many insects undergo ________, a stage of arrested development in their life cycle from which they emerge when conditions improve.


Animals that generate internal heat metabolically are called __


The smaller a homeotherm, the ________ the loss of heat to the surrounding environment.


Animals that generate body heat metabolically at some times and from the environment at other times are referred to as ___


An organism that obtains its energy and most nutrients from consuming plants or animals is called a(n) _______


______ is a long, seasonal torpor characterized by a cessation of activity


____ is the maintenance by an animal of a relatively constant internal environment in a varying external environment.


Aquatic organisms that have a lower salt concentration in their bodies than the surrounding water are considered _____


Herbivores typically prefer plants with the highest concentrations of ________, an element that is probably detected by taste and odor.


____ is required in aerobic respiration, a cellular process that releases energy through the breakdown of organic compounds.


Some sharks and tunas possess a ________, a blood circulation system that allows them to keep internal temperatures higher than external temperatures.


Some herbivorous mammals have four-chambered stomachs in which fermentation occurs in the first chamber, known as the ____


The predictable change in morphological and physiological features as a function of body size is referred to as ____


When insulation fails, many animals resort to ________, which is a form of involuntary muscular activity that increases heat production.


The ________ zone is a range of environmental temperatures within which homeothermic metabolic rates are minimal.


The process of temporarily dropping body temperature to the temperature of the environment for part of the day is called daily ________.


Smaller bodies have a larger surface area relative to their ________ than do larger objects of the same size.


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