Econ 3229

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The economist Irving Fisher, after whom the Fisher effect is named, explained why interest rates _____ as the expected rate of inflation _____, everything else held constant

Rise, increases

During business cycle expansions when income and wealth are rising, the demand for bonds _____ and the demand curve shifts to the _____, everything else held constant

Rises, right

A financial market in which previously issued securities can be resold is called a _________ market


Given the data about interest rates in the table below, what do you think the yield curve for Treasuries with maturities of up to 4 years will look like? Today: Expected 1-year Treasury yield: 2.5% 1 year from today: 3.5% 2 years from today: 4% 3 years from today: 4.5%

Slightly upward sloping

An increase in the riskiness of corporate bonds will _____ the price of corporate bonds and _____ the price of Treasury bonds, everything else held constant

Reduce, increase

The implication of the expectations theory that expected returns for a holding period must be the same for bonds of different maturities depends on the assumption that

instruments with different maturities are perfect substitutes

Suppose John deposits $100 bill to his savings account

M1 decreases and M2 stays unchanged

Which of the following best explains "death spiral"?

Not enough healthy customers purchasing insurance so that cost of covering sick customers becomes prohibitively expensive

An example of economies of scale in the provision of financial services is

Spreading the cost of writing a standardized contract over many borrowers

Which of the following bonds are considered to be default-risk free?

US Treasury bonds

Dennis notices that jackets are on sale for $99. In this case, money is functioning as a

Unit of account

Financial markets have the basic function of

Getting people with funds to lend together with people who want to borrow funds

The riskiness of an asset's returns due to changes in interest rates is

Interest-rate risk

Bonds with relatively low risk of default are called _____ securities and have a rating of Baa (or BBB) and above; bonds with rating below Baa (or BBB) have a higher default risk and are called _____

Investment grade, junk bonds

Which of the following is a common characteristic of mutual funds and hedge funds?

Investor's money typically is not insured in these institutions

Which of the following is true about ten year $1000 face value 6% coupon bond that's selling for $1050?

Its current yield is 5.7%

What is another name for non-investment grade bonds?


If the federal government decreases its spending and doesn't decrease taxes, the bond supply shifts to the

Left and the equilibrium interest rate falls

Suppose investors anticipate that long-term bond yields will increase in the future, possibly due to the Fed increasing interest rates. Then the current demand for long-term bonds shifts

Left and the equilibrium interest rate rises

If more money is good, why doesn't government just print and throw dollar bills from helicopters?

With more dollars around, value of dollar would decrease

According to the liquidity premium theory

investors prefer shorter to longer maturities

Adverse selection is a problem associated with equity and debt contracts arising from

the lender's relative lack of information about the borrower's potential returns and risks of his investment activities

Suppose in 2012 you buy 3% coupon rate, $100 face value bond for $100 that has 2 years left until maturity. If in 2013 interest rates decrease to 1%, what will be the price of your bond and what will be your rate of return if you decide to sell it then?

$102 and 5%

If a $1000 face value coupon bond has a coupon rate of 3.75%, then the coupon payment every year is


A console paying $20 annually when the interest rate is 5% has a price of


What is the present value of $500 to be paid in two years if the interest rate is 5%?


What is the future value of $50 five years from now at 2%?


Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance?

A corporation issues new shares of stock

Factors that decrease the demand for bonds include

A decrease in the riskiness of stocks

The collapse of the subprime mortgage market increased the spread between Baa and default-free US Treasury bonds. This is due to

A flight to quality

Of the following assets, the least liquid is

A house

Collateralized debt is also known as

secured debt

_____ are the time and resources spent trying to exchange goods and services

Transaction costs

Suppose you are planning to take a vacation in two years. How much would you need to save now in order to have $1000 in two years at interest rate of 5%?


What is the price of $100 face value one year discount bond with a yield of maturity of 8%?


What is the price of $100 face value, two year, 5% coupon bond with a yield of 8%?


Suppose in 2014 you buy 4% coupon rate, $100 face value bond for $100 that has 2 years left until maturity. If in 2015 interest rates increase to 6%, what will be the price of your bond and what will your rate of return be if you decide to sell it?

$98.10 and 2.1%

What is the price of $1000 face-value one year zero coupon discount bond that offers 1.5% yield?


What yield does one year 4% coupon rate $1000 face value bond offer if it currently sells for $1050?


Suppose you buy a 30 year, $50 coupon payment Treasury bond with a face value of $1000 for a price of $1200. Assume the price of this bond decreases to $1100 over the next year and you decide to sell it. The one year holding period return is equal to


Currently, a three month Treasury bill has a yield of 5% while the yield on a ten-year Treasury bond is 4.7%. What is the risk premium of the typical A-rated ten-year corporate bond with a yield of 5.5%?


If 2 year and 10 year Treasury bonds pay 1.5% and 2.5% respectively and 10 year corporate bond pays 3.4%, what's the risk spread on corporate bond?


If the nominal rate of interest is 2%, and the expected inflation rate is -10%, the real rate of interest is


What is the yield to maturity of $100 face value one year discount bond selling for $98?


What is the return on a 5% coupon $1000 face value bond that initially sells for $1000 and sells for $1200 next year?


A discount bond selling for $15,000 with a face value of $20,000 in one year has a yield to maturity of


If the expected path of interest rates on one-year bonds over the next five years is 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, and 1%, the expectations theory predicts that two-year bond and three-year bonds at present will pay

4.5% and 4%

A one- year bond currently pays 5% interest. It's expected that it will pay 4.5% next year an 4% the following year. The two-year premium is .2% while the three-year term premium is .35%. What is the interest rate on a two-year bond according to the liquidity premium theory?


Suppose in 2015 you lend $100 to a friend who promises to repay $110 in 2016. You expect 5% inflation rate during that year. However, when your friend repays debt, you discover that actual inflation was 7% that year. Given this information, your expected real interest rate was _____, but actual real interest rate turned out to be _____

5%, 3%

What is the yield to maturity of the same $100 face value one year discount bond, now selling for $95?


If interest rates for one year, two year and three years bonds are 1.25, 1.5, and 3%, what is expected interest rate on one year bond 2 years from now according to Expectations Theory?


Which of the following $1000 face value securities has the highest yield to maturity?

A 12% coupon bond selling for $1000

Which of the following $1000 face value securities has the lowest yield to maturity?

A 5% coupon bond selling for $1200

If the interest rates on all bonds rise from 5 to 6% over the course of the year, which bond would you prefer to have been holding?

A bond with one year to maturity

Which of the following benefits directly from any increase in the corporation's profitability?

A shareholder

Equity instruments are traded in the ______ market


The M1 measure of money includes

Checking account deposits

Which of the following instruments are traded in a money market?

Commercial paper

Which of the following long-term bonds has the highest interest rate?

Corporate Baa bonds

A credit market instrument that pays the owner a fixed coupon payment every year until the maturity date and then repays the face value is called a

Coupon bond

Which of the following are NOT contractual savings institutions?

Credit unions

Holding the expected return on bonds constant, an increase in the expected return on common stocks would _____ the demand for bonds, shifting the demand curve to the ______

Decrease, left

When the expected inflation rate increases, the demand for bonds _____, the supply of bonds _____, and the interest rate _____, everything else held constant

Decreases, increases, rises

The risk that interest payments will not be made, or that the face value of a bond is not repaid when a bond matures is

Default risk

Credit union is an example of

Depository institution

When would you be indifferent between receiving $100 now and $100 next year?

When interest rate=0%

Other things being equal, an increase in the default risk of corporate bonds shifts the demand curve for corporate bonds to the _____ and the demand curve for Treasury bonds to the _____

Left, right

In the bond market, the bond demanders are the _____ and the bond suppliers are the _____

Lenders, borrowers

Federal funds are

Loans made by banks to each other

If an individual moves money from a small-denomination time deposit to a checking deposit account

M1 increases and M2 stays the same

_____ is used to make purchases while _____ is the total collection of assets that serve to store value

Money; wealth

Everything else held constant, when stock prices become _____ volatile, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the _____ and the interest rate _____

More, right, falls

The yield to maturity for a discount bond is _____ related to the current bond price


The price of a coupon bond and the yield to maturity are _____ related; that is, as the yield to maturity _____, the price of the bond _____

Negatively, rises, falls

An important source of short-term funds for commercial banks are ______ which can be resold on the secondary market

Negotiable CDs

NASDAQ is an example of

Over the counter market (OTC)

In an _______ market, dealers in different locations buy and sell securities to anyone who comes to them and is willing to accept their prices


Currency includes

Paper money and coins

A discount bond

Pays the bondholder the face value at maturity

A bond with default risk will always have a _____ risk premium and an increase in its default risk will _____ the risk premium

Positive, raise

The _____ interest rate more accurately reflects the true cost of borrowing


Which of the following statements concerning external sources of financing for nonfinancial businesses in the US are TRUE?

Stocks are a relatively unimportant source of finance for their activities

In which of the following situations would you prefer to be the lender?

The interest rate is 4% and the expected inflation rate is 1%

Everything else held constant, when the government has higher budget deficits

The supply curve for bonds shifts to the right and the interest rate rises

Both Treasury bills and commercial paper share the following characteristic

They are both debt instruments

Other than savings deposits, small CDs and money market mutual funds, broader money supply M2 also includes money market deposit accounts. Which of the following about MMDAs is correct?

They are very similar to MMMFs, except the fact that MMDAs are federally insured

A vacation to Mexico costs $500 less than a vacation to Europe. When you make this comparison, which of the following functions of money do you use?

Unit of account

If bad credit risks are the ones who most actively seek loans then financial intermediaries face the problem of

adverse selection

The assumption of asymmetric information means that

borrowers know more than lenders

According to the liquidity premium theory of the term structure, a flat yield curve indicates that short-term interest rates are expected to

decline in the future

If investors expect short-term interest rates to fall significantly in the future, the yield curve will be inverted. This means that the yield curve has a ____ slope


The reduction in transactions costs per dollar of investment as the size of transactions increases is

economies of scale

If the expected path of 1-year interest rates over the next five years is 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5%, the expectations theory predicts that the bond with the highest interest rate today is the one with a maturity of

five years

The free-rider problem occurs because

people who do not pay for information use it

A _____ is a provision that restricts or specifies certain activities that a borrower can engage in

restrictive covenant

When the yield curve is downward sloping,

short-term yields are higher than long-term yields

Under the expectations theory if market participants expect that future short-term rates will be higher than current short-term rates, the yield curve will

slope upward

Of the following sources of external finance for American non financial businesses, the least important is


Government regulations require publicly traded firms to provide information, reducing

the adverse selection problem

Under the liquidity premium theory the shape of the yield curve depends on

the expected pattern of future short-term rates and the size of the term premium at each maturity

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