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In the Keynesian-cross model, if the MPC equals 0.75, then a $1 billion decrease in taxes increases planned expenditures by ______ and increases the equilibrium level of income by ______

$0.75 billion; more than $0.75 billion

In the Keynesian-cross model, if the MPC equals 0.75, then a $1 billion increase in government spending increases planned expenditures by ______ and increases the equilibrium level of income by ______

$1 billion; more than $1 billion

Assume that the sacrifice ratio for an economy is 4. If the central bank wishes to reduce inflation from 10 percent to 5 percent, this will cost the economy ______ percent of one year's GDP


an economy produces 50 widgets, which sell or $4, and has a M of $100, V =

200/100 = 2

an economy with constant velocity has real GDP growth of 3 percent, money growth of 7 percent, and a real int rate of 2, nom int rate =


M =

C + D

B =

C + R

when prices of different goods are increasing by different amounts, the price index that will rise the fastest is the



GNP - depreciation

______ cause(s) the capital stock to rise, while ______ cause(s) the capital stock to fall.

Investment; depreciation

the unemployment rate measure the fraction of the

LF that is not working

What are reasons why some countries are poorer than others?

Low saving and human capital, slow technological progress, and low efficiency

Money market mutual fund shares are included in:

M2 only

in a system of fractional reserve banking, lending by banks increases

Money Supply

If the equation for a country's Phillips curve is π = 0.02 - 0.8(u - 0.05), where π is the rate of inflation and u is the unemployment rate, what is the short-run inflation rate when unemployment is 4 percent (0.04)?

above 2 percent (0.02)

stagflation is caused by

adverse shock to AS

Which of the following will shift the aggregate supply curve up to the left

an increase in the expected price level

if an import restriction does not influence domestic investment or saving, it causes a country's C to

appreciate, resulting in unchanged trade balance

if the demand for real money balances depends on the nominal interest rate, then higher inflation can

arise from the expectation of future money growth

The assumption of adaptive expectations for inflation means that people will form their expectations of inflation by:

basing their opinions on recently observed inflation.

When planned expenditure is drawn on a graph as a function of income, the slope of the line is

between zero and one

If the Fed announces that it will raise the money supply in the future but does not change the money supply today,

both the nominal interest rate and the current price level will increase

if the central bank wants to increase the M, it can _____ in an open market or ______ reserve requirements

buy bonds, decrease

because of leverage, 5% decline in value of banks assets will cause the value of bank's _____ to fall by _____

capital, more than 5%

hyperinflation tends to occur when

central banks finance large government budget deficits

In the IS-LM model, changes in taxes initially affect planned expenditures through


the largest component of GDP


in the case of unanticipated inflation

creditors with an unindexed contract are hurt because they get less of what they expected in real terms

if Fed wants to increase money supply

decrease discount rate

IS-LM model, causes income to decline and interest to rise

decrease in M

an increase in the real interest rate will

decrease investment

if the economy has more capital than in the GR, reducing the saving rate will

decrease steady income but increase the steady consumption

An increase in the supply of capital will

decrease the real rental price of capital

In the IS-LM model, a decrease in government purchases leads to a(n) ______ in planned expenditures, a(n) ______ in total income, a(n) ______ in money demand, and a(n) ______ in the equilibrium interest rate

decrease, decrease, decrease, decrease

Immigration increases LF in the economy with Cobb-Doug, the wage will ____ and rental price of capital will _____

decrease, increase

a decrease in G holding T constant will ____ r and ____ I

decrease, increase

if someone quits their job to become a stay at home parent, the LF participation rate _____ and unemployment will _____

decrease, increase

According to the imperfect-information model, when the price level falls but the producer did not expect it to fall, the producer

decreases production

when Fed makes an open market sale

decreases the monetary base

other things equal, an increase in G pushes trade balance toward _____ and causes the currency to ____

deficit, appreciate

the severity of the Great Depression may be explained by an increase in expected

deflation, which raised real int rates above nom int rates

rightward shift in aggregate ___ moves the economy along the SR PC to a point with ____ inflation

demand, lower

In the Solow growth model with population growth and technological change, the break-even level of investment must cover

depreciating capital, capital for new workers, and capital for new effective workers

According to the imperfect-information model, when the price level rises by the amount the producer expected it to rise, the producer

does not change production

the purpose of ____ growth theory is to explain tech progress. Some of these models do so by questioning the solow model's assumption of ___ returns to capital

endo, diminishing

Imputed values included in GDP are the:

estimated value of goods and services that are not sold in the marketplace

When a person purchases a 90-day Treasury bill, he or she cannot know the

ex post real interest rate

core inflation rate

excludes food and energy prices

According to the Phillips curve, other things being equal, inflation depends positively on

expected inflation

The short-run aggregate supply curve is drawn for a given

expected price level.

according to the fisher effect, an increase in ____ inflation causes an equal increase in the ____ interest rate

expected, nominal

When the real exchange rate rises

exports will decrease and imports will increase

recessions are periods of

falling incomes

in a typical recession, consumption ____. Investment moves in the same direction but proportionately _____

falls, more

In the IS-LM model when M rises but P remains constant, in short-run equilibrium, in the usual case the interest rate ______ and output ______

falls, rises

national income accounts for

federal, state, and local governments

market clearing models assume that price is _____ and are best applied to understand the economy in the _____

flexible, long run

The basic aggregate supply equation implies that output exceeds natural output when the price level is:

greater than expected p level

According to the sticky-price model, other things being equal, the greater the proportion s of firms that follow the sticky-price rule, the ______ the ______ in output in response to an unexpected price increase

greater, increase

When the Federal Reserve increases the money supply, at a given price level the amount of output demanded is ______ and the aggregate demand curve shifts ______

greater; outward

one explanation for the differing number of hours worked in the US and Europe

higher taxes in Europe

LM curve is upward sloping because ____ income increase the ____ of money and thereby interest rate

higher, demand

IS curve is downward sloping because a ____ int rate reduces ____ and thereby income

higher, planned investment

People use money as a store of value when they

hold money to transfer purchasing power into the future.

models of Schumpeterian destruction aim to explain

how entrepreneurs with new products displace incumbent products

An explanation for the slope of the LM curve is that as

income rises, money demand rises, and a higher interest rate is required

reduction of consumer confidence, inducing people to save more. To stabilize AD, the Fed should

increase M to lower int rate

In the classical model with fixed income, an increase in the real interest rate could be the result of a(n):

increase in government spending

IS-LM, causes both int and income to decline

increase in taxes

Starting from a steady-state situation, if the saving rate increases, capital per worker will:

increase until the new steady state is reached

if output is above nat level, overtime price will ___ shifting the _____ curve and moving the economy toward LR eq

increase, LM

if the Fed Reserve reduces the interest rate it pays on reserves, it will tend to ____ the money multiplier and ____ the M

increase, increase

if Fed holds the int rate constant in response to an increase in gov purchase, the M will ____ and the impact on outcome will be ____ than if M was constant

increase, larger

if a computer glitch makes companies start accepting cash only, the demand for money will ___. If the M is held constant, the AD will shift to the _____

increase, left

suppose tech reduces the amount of Currency people want to hold. If Fed does nothing, M will _____ but fed can hold M constant if they ______

increase, sell bonds

According to the theory of liquidity preference, tightening the money supply will ______ nominal interest rates in the short run, and, according to the Fisher effect, tightening the money supply will ______ nominal interest rates in the long run.

increase; decrease

the more funds that Fed Res makes available for banks to borrow

increases M and B

In the Keynesian-cross model, if taxes are reduced by 250, then the equilibrium level of income

increases by more than 250

Expansionary fiscal policy in a large open economy ______ the real interest rate and ______ the real exchange rate

increases, increases

Which of the following changes would bring the U.S. capital stock, currently below the Golden Rule level, closer to the steady-state, consumption-maximizing level?

increasing saving rate

If the real interest rate and real national income are constant, according to the quantity theory and the Fisher effect, a 1 percent increase in money growth will lead to rises in

inflation of 1 percent and the nominal interest rate of 1 percent

in the steady state of solow model, higher population growth leads to a ____ level of income per worker and ___ growth in total income

lower, higher

according to the solow model, if an economy increases its saving rate, then in the new steady state, the MPK will be _____ and the growth rate will _____

lower, remain the same

in fractional reserve banking, banks create money by

making loans

The ex ante real interest rate is equal to the nominal interest rate

minus the expected inflation rate

money supply will increase if you increase

monetary base

example of nominal variable

money supply

Two economies are identical except that the level of capital per worker is higher in Highland than in Lowland. The production functions in both economies exhibit diminishing marginal product of capital. An extra unit of capital per worker increases output per worker:

more in Lowland

PE is a function of

national income and planned investment, government spending, and taxes

The IS curve plots the relationship between the interest rate and ______ that arises in the market for ______

national income; goods and services

In a large open economy, the real interest rate is determined by:

national saving, the domestic investment function, and the net capital outflow function

The Phillips curve shows a ______ relationship between inflation and unemployment, and the short-run aggregate supply curve shows a ______ relationship between the price level and output.

negative, positive

Okun's law is the ______ relationship between real GDP and the ______.

negative; unemployment rate

Equilibrium levels of income and interest rates are ______ related in the goods and services market, and equilibrium levels of income and interest rates are ______ related in the market for real money balances

negatively; positively

In a large open economy, the exchange rate adjusts so that net exports equal

net capital outflow

in large open econ, if import quota is adopted then:

net exports remain unchanged, imports and exports decrease by equal amounts, and real exchange rate will rise

general demand function for real balances depends on the level of income and the

nominal interest rate

_____ GDP measures the value of the economy's output at current price and is a ____ variable

nominal, flow

If the short-run aggregate supply curve is horizontal and the long-run aggregate supply curve is vertical, then a change in the money supply will change ______ in the short run and change ______ in the long run

only output; only prices

sticky P model of AS explains why

output declines when P falls below expected P

growth rate = g at steady

output per worker, capital per worker, real wage

Assume that the economy starts from long-run equilibrium. If the Federal Reserve increases the money supply, then ______ increase(s) in the short run and ______ increase(s) in the long run

output, prices

According to the sticky-price model, output will be at the natural level if

p level equals expected p level

The sacrifice ratio measures the

percentage of a year's real gross domestic product (GDP) that must be forgone to reduce inflation by 1 percentage point

If domestic saving exceeds domestic investment, then net exports are ______ and net capital outflows are ______.

positive, positive

Some firms do not instantly adjust the prices they charge in response to changes in demand for all of the following reasons except

prices do not adjust when there is perfect competition.

According to the theory of liquidity preference, if the supply of real money balances exceeds the demand for real money balances, individuals will

purchase interest-earning assets in order to reduce holdings of non-interest-bearing money.

a CB can reduce inflation at the smallest cost if people's expectations of inflation

quickly respond to new policy regimes

an expansion in AD increases _____ in the SR. in the LR it increases only ____

real GDP, price level

The supply and demand for loanable funds determines the

real interest rate

the steady state of the solow with tech progress, ___ is NOT constant

real wage

Holding other factors constant, legislation to cut taxes in an open economy will:

reduce national saving and lead to a trade deficit

Efficiency-wage theories suggest that a firm may pay workers more than the market-clearing wage for all of the following reasons except to:

reduce the firm's wage bill

what makes up assets, liabilities

reserves, loans, securities; deposits, bonds, bank capital

the main cause of the decline in LF participation since 2007 is an increase in the number of

retired workers

the main cause of the decline in LF participation since 2007 is an increase in the number of retired workers

retired workers


revenue increase from printing money

With planned expenditure and the equilibrium condition Y = PE drawn on a graph with income along the horizontal axis, if income exceeds expenditure, then income is to the ______ of equilibrium income and there is unplanned inventory ______

right; accumulation

what would cause currency to depreciate

rise in price level

In the IS-LM model when M remains constant but P rises, in short-run equilibrium, in the usual case the interest rate ______ and output ______

rises, falls

other things equal, all of the following government policies are likely to increase national saving except

running a bud deficit

In the IS-LM model when the Federal Reserve decreases the money supply, people ______ bonds and the interest rate ______, leading to a(n) ______ in investment and income

sell; rises; decrease

Using the IS-LM analysis, if the LM curve is not horizontal, the multiplier for an increase in government spending is ______ for an increase in government purchases using the Keynesian-cross analysis

smaller than the multiplier

According to the sticky-price model

some firms announce their prices in advance, and some firms set their prices in accord with observed prices and output.

according to Liq Pref., the central bank can increase the ____ of money and ___ interest rate

supply, lower

rightward shift in aggregate ___ shifts the SR PC so the economy experiences ____ inflation for any level of employment

supply, lower

other things equal, an increase in the world interest rate pushes the trade balance toward ____ and causes currency to ______

surplus, depreciate

An increase in the price of imported goods will show up in

the CPI but not in the GDP deflator.

According to the quantity theory of money, ultimate control over the rate of inflation in the United States is exercised by

the Fed

an increase in the price of goods bought by firms and the gov will show up in

the GDP def but not the CPI

An increase in the price of goods bought by firms and the government will show up in:

the GDP deflator but not in the CPI

NOT a part of Money Supply

the balances in your retirement account

If the nominal interest rate increases, then

the demand for money decreases

if an economy has a large number of discouraged workers

the employment population will be low, but the unemployment rate will not be much affected

at intersection of IS-LM curve

the goods market and money market are both in eq

The vertical long-run aggregate supply curve satisfies the classical dichotomy because the natural rate of output does not depend on

the money supply

The imperfect-information model assumes that producers find it difficult to distinguish between changes in:

the overall level of prices and relative prices.

The real wage will increase if:

the productivity of labor increases

although not a goal of the unemployment insurance system, one effect is that the system reduces

the rate of job finding

According to the imperfect-information model, in countries in which there is a great deal of variability of prices

the response of output to unexpected changes in prices will be relatively small.

If net capital outflow is positive, then

the trade balance must be positive

if nominal GDP and real GDP both rise by 10%, then GDP deflator is


because most loans are specified in nominal terms, high ____, inflation hurts _____

unexpected, creditors

The real wage is the return to labor measured in:

units of output

real wage is the return of labor in measurements of

units of output

In the Keynesian-cross model, actual expenditures differ from planned expenditures by the amount of

unplanned inventory investment

People use money as a unit of account when they:

use money as a measure of economic transactions

bank reserves consist of

vault cash and deposits at the Fed Res

prices of items included in CPI are

weighted according to the of item purchased by typical household

An economy has Cobb-Doug of Y = 10K^1/3L^2/3. If stock of capital doubles, the share of total income paid the owners of the capital

will stay the same

according to the theory of eff wages, paying an above equilibrium wage may increase all of the following except

worker turnover

the main goal of unemployment insurance system is to reduce

worker's uncertainty about their incomes

an increase in expected price level shifts

SRAS to the left

If a larger share of national output is devoted to investment, then:

a country's long run GDP per capita will be higher

what would make a recession more likely

a decline in the slope of the yield curve

Other things equal, an increase in the interest rate leads to:

a decrease in the quantity of investment goods demanded

Over the business cycle, investment spending ______ consumption spending

is more volatile than

When a firm sells a product out of inventory, GDP:

is not changed


is rare but it has occurred in the past

when a nation runs a trade deficit

it experiences capital inflow

Real GDP is a good measure of economic well being because

it measures the changes in the Q of goods and services produced by holding P constant

if the Fed responds to an adverse supply shock by expanding the M, it will

keep the economy closer to its natural levels of output and employment

thomas malthus felt that

larger populations put a strain on the economy's food producing capacity

US economy has ____ capital than the GR suggesting that it may be desirable to ___ the rate of saving

less, increase

as a result of contraction in AD, the ___ declines, but over tie it returns to its former level as the expected P level ____

level of output, falls

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