ECON Final Study

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The currency drain ratio is 0.4 of deposits and banks' reserve is 0.6. What is the money multiplier? The money multiplier is ______.


An increase in bank's reserves with no change in deposits _______ the banks' reserve ration and _____ the money multiplier

increases; decreases

If a structural surplus exists but the​ government's budget is​ balanced, then​ ______.

real GDP is less than potential GDP

A change in the capital stock ________ the short-run aggregate supply curve and _______ the long-run aggregate supply

shifts; shifts

All of the following statements are correct except _____.

the return to full employment in an expansion phase of the business cycle is economic growth

Human capital is

the skill and knowledge of workers.

which of the following is included in the measure of US GDP?

a pizza produced and sold in the United States

The people who live on Second Life Island consume only juice and cloth. Last year, which was the CPI base year, the price of juice was $4 a bottle, the price of cloth was $6 a length, and the average urban household spent $24 on juice and $24 on cloth. This year, the price of juice is $6 a bottle and the price of cloth is $3 a length. What is the CPI in the current year? The CPI in the current year is _______.


The people who who live on Second Life Island consume only juice cloth. Last year, which was the CPI base year, the price of juice was $6 a bottle, the price of cloth was $3 a length, and the average urban household spent $54 on juice $27 on cloth. This year, the price of juices is $3 a bottle and the price of cloth is $7 a length. What is the CPI in the current year? The CPI in the current year is


The CPI in 2013 is 220 and the CPI in 2014 is 246.4. The inflation rate in 2014 is _____ percent. The inflation rate is 2014 _______.

12; might b higher, lower, or the same as in 2013.

The table gives information about the US labor market in 2011. What is the number of people unemployed? The number of people unemployed is _______ million. Table: Working age population: 239.6 million Labor force: 153.6 million Employed: 139.9 million


What has been the average growth rate of U.S. real GDP per person over the past 100​ years? In which periods was growth most rapid and in which periods was it​ slowest? Over the past 100​ years, the average growth rate of U.S. real GDP per person is _____ percent. Over the past 100​ years, growth was most rapid during the​ ______ and slowest during the​ ______. A. 1960s; Great Depression B. ​1960s; 1980s C. 2000s; 1920s D. 1990s; 1970s

2, A

What is the present value of ​$250​, three years in the future if the interest rate is 1 ​percent?


______ good in an item that is bought by its final user during a specific time period. ______ good is an item that is produced by one firm, bought by another firm, and used as a component of a final good or service.

A final; an intermediate

Choose the statement that is incorrect

A government budget surplus competes with investment funds

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

Along the LAS curve the money wage rate is constant and the real wage rate rises as the price level rises.

The reference base period for the CPI is​ 1982-1984. In February ​2017, the CPI was 243.6. Complete the sentence. This CPI in February 2017 tells us that the​ ______ of the prices paid by urban consumers for a fixed basket of consumer goods and services was​ ______ . A. inflation​ rate; 143.6 percent per year B. average; 143.6 percent higher in February 2017 than the average of​ 1982-1984 C. inflation​ rate; 243.6 percent per year D. ​average; 243.6 percent higher in February 2017 than the average of​ 1982-1984


In one​ hour, Sue can produce 50 caps or 10 jackets and Tessa can produce 70 caps or 7 jackets. ​Sue's opportunity cost of producing a cap is​ ______ jackets and​ Tessa's opportunity cost of producing a cap is​ ______ jackets.

B. 0.2​; 0.10

Choose the correct equation.

Depreciation = Gross investment - Net Investment

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

Each additional hour of labor increases real GDP by successively larger amounts.

The liabilities of the Fed are _____, and these liabilities along with ____ make up the monetary base.

Federal Reserve notes held by households and businesses and reserves of depository institutions; coins issued by the Treasury

Choose the statement that is incorrect

If a financial institution's net worth is positive, the institution must be solvent and liquid

if in the long run, the US dollar appreciates against the Japanese yen, then ______.

Japan has created money at a faster pace than the has the United States, and the price level in Japan has risen more rapidly than the US price level

the federal reserve act makes _____ responsible for the conduct of monetary policy.

The board of Governors of the federal reserve system and the federal open market comittee

How can the change in US wealth differ from US saving?

The change in wealth includes changes in the prices of assets owned and saving excludes these items.

Potential GDP increases for all of the following reasons except

The government increases its expenditures

Consider the following statements about factors that influence the standard of living and choose the statement that is incorrect.

The omission of household production from GDP means that the growth rate of GDP underestimates the growth rate of total production

Choose the statement about the Fed that is incorrect

The policy decisions of the Federal Open Market Committee are implemented each month by a different Federal Reserve Bank

Choose the statement that is incorrect

The presence of a banking system in Britain in the middle 1700s started the industrial revolution

The CPI tells us _______.

The prices level in a given period expressed as a percentage of the price level in the base period, which by definition equal to 100.

Choose the statement about an increase in the population that is incorrect

The production function shifts upward

Choose the statement that is incorrect

The unemployment rate includes all underutilized labor

Choose the statement about flexible exchange rates that is incorrect.

The world economy has operated a flexible exchange rate regime since the end of World War II.

Choose the correct statement.

To isolate the increase in production from the rise in prices, we distinguish between real GDP and nominal GDP

The quantity of U.S. dollars demanded in the foreign exchange market depends on all of the following except​ ______.

US demand for imports

Choose the correct statement about the US short run Phillips curve.

We can interpret US inflation and unemployment data in terms of a shifting short run Phillips curve, which sometimes shifts upward and sometimes shifts downward

Choose the correct statement.

We measure the change in production by comparing the value of real GDP in two different years

All of the following are examples of investment except

a person's annual medical checkup

A macroeconomic equilibrium in which real GDP is less than potential GDP is ________ equilibrium And one in which real GDP equals potential GDP is _______ equilibrium

a below full-employment; a recessionary

Which of the following does NOT shift the SAS curve?

a change in the price level

Choose the statement about a crawling peg that is incorrect

a crawling peg makes the exchange rate fluctuate wildly

when the Fed fights inflation, _____.

a decrease in bank reserves decreases the quantity of money demanded.

It is expected that the price of a bushel of wheat will increase in one month. This belief will result in

a decrease in current supply of wheat.

An increase in labor productivity results in all of the following except _______.

a decrease in potential GDP per hour of labor because of diminishing returns

Examples of monetary policy that decrease aggregate demand include, _____.

a decrease in the quantity of money and an increase in interest rate

the waste basket you bought when you moved into residence is an example of _______ good. Your checking account is an example of ______ good.

a final; neither a final nor an intermediate

Structural unemployment is

associated with the general decline of specific industries.

A fall in real GDP that results in a decrease in personal income tax receipts is an example of _____.

automatic fiscal policy

An increase in potential GDP increases ________

both the long-run aggregate supply and short-run aggregate supply

In real business cycle theory, all of the following events can be sources of fluctuating in productivity except _____.

changes in the growth rate of money

Population increases are the limiting factor in the growth process in

classical growth theory.

Which of the following are included in the income approach to calculating GDP?

compensation of employees; proprietors' income; corporate profits

Which of the following are included in the expenditure approach to calculating GDP?

consumption expenditure; investment; government expenditure

Goods that are produced this​ year, stored in​ inventories, and then sold to consumers next year

count in this​ year's GDP.

Depository institutions provide four benefits, which are ______.

creating liquidity, lowering the cost of borrowing, lowering the cost of monitoring borrowers, and pooling risk

The monetary base consists of

currency and reserves of depository institution

An electrician who is laid off because the economy is in a recession experiences ______.

cyclical unemployment

Suppose the Fed sells $50 million of government securities to the Bank of America. The Fed's total assets ________ and its total liabilities _______. The Bank of America's Total assets _____ and its total liabilities ______.

decrease by $50 million; decrease by $50 million do not change; do not change

A decrease in government transfer payments

decreases aggregate demand

Macroeconomics is concerned with

economy- wide variables.

If the interest rate on treasury bills is lower than the federal funds rate, the quantity of overnight loans supplied _____ and the demand for treasury bills _____. The price of treasury bills _____ and the interest rate _____.

increases; decreases falls, rises

As the value of U.S. exports ________, the quantity of ________ demanded increases

increases; dollars

Aggregate demand increases if expected future income, inflation, or profits ______. And aggregate demand increases if fiscal policy ______ government expenditure.

increases; increases

Assume that the preconditions for labor productivity growth are in place. The pace of labor productivity growth is influenced by all of the following except _______

population growth

on average in the United States, the inflation rate and the money growth rate minus the real GDP growth rate ________

rise and fall together

According to classical growth theory, when real GDP per person _______, the population grows.

rises above the subsistence level

The business cycle is actually a continuous series of different ______.

short-run macroeconomic equilibriums

A supply curve that illustrates the law of supply​ _______.

shows that the quantity supplied decreases as the price falls

The larger the public's currency drain from the banking system, the

smaller is the money multiplier

In RBC theory, the lower the real interest rate, other things remaining the same, the _____ today.

smaller is the supply of labor

The U.S. M1 multiplier is ____ than the U.S. M2 multiplier. The currency drain ratio for M1 is ____ than for M2 , and the banks reserve ration for M1 is _______ than for M2.

smaller; larger; larger

Choose the correct statements. a. The Fed permits the quantity of money to find its own equilibrium and has no present view about what that equilibrium value should be. b. The fed normally changes the federal funds rate by only a quarter of a percentage point at a time. c. The fed has preset views about the exchange rate and frequently participates in the foreign exchange market to move the exchange rate closer to its target. d. the federal funds rate has never been set above 5 percent a year.

statements a and b are correct

The unemployment that arises when changes in technology or international competition change the skills needed to perform jobs or change the location of jobs is _____ unemployment.


The government budget surplus occurs, which increases the ______ loanable funds. The real interest rate ______, household saving ________.

supply of falls; decreases and investment increases

A virus that destroys potato crops and decreases the quantity of potato chips produced by 40 million bags a week at each price. The virus decreases the​ _______.

supply of potato chips and decreases the quantity of potato chips demanded

If the price is above the equilibrium​ price, then there is a

surplus, and market forces will operate to lower price.

An assumption of neoclassical growth theory is that

technological change is random.

If the natural unemployment rate increases and the expected inflation rate remains constant, then __________.

the long-run Phillips curve shifts rightward and the short-run Phillips curve shifts rightward.

The decreasing slope of a production function reflects

diminishing returns.

Aggregate demand increases if monetary policy ____ the quantity of money and ______ interest rates.

increases; decreases

A currency drain ____ bank deposits and ____ bank reserves.

decreases; decreases

When an economy is below full employment and the government has a budget deficit, that deficit ______.

exceeds the structural deficit

A typical business cycle can be described by the sequence _______.

expansion, peak, recession, trough

The supply of loanable funds is influenced by all of the following except ______.

expected profit

Net exports increase when ______.

exports increase by more than imports increase

For a given increase in the monetary base, ________

the resulting increase in M2 is greater than the resulting increase in M1

Which of the following are included in the expenditure approach to calculating GDP?

investment, government expenditure, net exports of goods and services

One consequence of China operating a crawling peg is that China _____. China fixes its exchange rate _____.

is accumulating US dollars; as a way of achieving a low inflation rate

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

the return to full employment in an expansion phase of the business cycle is economic growth

Biscotti bought by Delta Airlines and served to passengers is an example of ________ good. The waste basket you bought when you moved into residence is an example of _________ good.

an intermediate; a final

Potential GDP increases for all of the following reasons except _____.

the price level rises

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

In the long run, demand and supply in the loanable funds market depends on demand and supply in the market for bank reserves.

In the United States, the CPI basket consists of items that ______. _______ has the greatest weight in the CPI basket.

an average urban household buys; Housing

Examples of fiscal policy that increase aggregate demand include​ ______.

an increase in government​ expenditure, a decrease in​ taxes, and an increase in transfer payments

Changes in which of the following items will shift the supply curve of​ hamburgers?

an increase in the price of meat used to produce hamburgers

when the FED fights recession, _____.

an increase in the supply of loanable funds lowers the long term interest rate and increases investment

Potential GDP per person _______.

grows at a steady pace but not a constant pace

According to new growth theory ______.

growth can persist indefinitely

In the neoclassical growth theory

growth will stop if technology stops advancing

Click on the icon to study the Economics in the News article. Then answer the following questions. The appreciation of the yuan against the dollar​ ______ the U.S. current account deficit. The U.S. current account deficit arises because​ ______.

has negligible effect on; there is too little private and government saving relative to investment

The _______ the exchange rate, the _______ are foreign- produced goods and hence the greater the quantity of dollars supplied

higher; cheaper

The law of supply states that other things remaining the​ same, the​ _______ the price of a​ good, the​ _______.

higher; greater is the quantity supplied

Potential GDP is $10 trillion and actual GDP is $8 trillion. The economy has a structural deficit of $1.5 trillion and an actual deficit of $2 trillion. The cyclical deficit is _____.

$0.5 trillion

The table gives data about an economy in 2010. The value of GDP in 2010 is ______. Table: (amount in billions) Personal consumption expenditures: 760 Compensation of employees: 695 Indirect taxes less subsidies: 156 Gross private domestic investment: 265 Net exports of goods and services: 51 Government expenditure on goods and services: 297

$1.373 billion

If saving is $800 billion, investment is $500 billion, government expenditure on goods and services is $700 billion, net export is $50 billion, and net taxes is $800 billion, then calculate government sector balance

$100 (net taxes-gov. expd.)

Aggregate income in an economy in 2014 is $100 billion. Saving is $25 billion and imports are $30 billion. Aggregate expenditure in the economy in 2014 is

$100 billion

January 1, 2014, Sophie's Sunlounge owned 4 tanning beds valued at $20,000 During 2014, Sophie's bought 3 new beds at a total cost of $12,000, and at the end of the year the market value of all of Sophie's beds was $27,000. Calculate Sophie's gross investment and depreciation during 2014. Sophie's gross investment during 2014 was _______. Sophie's depreciation during 2014 was _______.

$12,000; $5,000

The figure show the labor market when an income tax is imposed. The tax wedge is _____.

$15 an hour

Rob takes a summer job with a landscaping firm. During the summer, he earns an after-tax income of $3,500 Everything else remaining the same, what was the change in Rob's wealth during the summer? The change Rob's wealth is ______.


Cindy takes a summer job painting houses. During the​ summer, she earns an​ after-tax income of ​$5,000 and she spends ​$2,000 on living expenses. What was​ Cindy's saving during the​ summer? ​Cindy's saving during the summer was ​______.


Annie runs a fitness center. On december 31, 2013, she bought an existing business with exercise equipment and a building worth $400,000. At the end of 2014, her equipment and buildings were worth $685,000. Calculate Annie's gross investment, net investment, and depreciation during 2014. Annies gross investment during 2014 was _________. Annies net investment during 2014 was ________. Annies depreciation during 2014 was _________.

$300,000 $285,000 $15,000

Aggregate income in an economy in 2014 is $350 billion. Saving is $30 billion and imports are $35 billion. Aggregate expenditure in the economy in 2014 is ______.

$350 billion

In an economy, there is $125 million in currency held outside banks, $200 million in traveler's checks, $300 million in currency held inside the banks, $250 million in savings deposits, $2,000 million in time deposits, and $800 million in money market mutual funds and other deposits. The value of M1 is ______ and the value of M2 is ________.

$575 million; $3,875 million

A south sea island produces only coconuts. In 2011, the price of a coconut is $2.50 and the quantity produced is 300. In 2013, the price of a coconut is $2.00 and the quantity produced is 250. 2011 is the reference base year. Real GDP in 2013 in terms in terms of base-year prices is _______.


January 1, 2014, Sophie's Sunlounge owned 4 tanning beds valued at $20,000 During 2014, Sophie's bought 3 new beds at a total cost of $14,000, and at the end of the year the market value of all of Sophie's beds was $27,000. What was Sophie's net investment? Sophie's net investment during 2014 was _______.


Aggregate income in an economy in 2014 is $995 billion. Saving is $30 billion and imports are $35 billion. Aggregate expenditure in the economy in 2014 is _______.

$995 billion

The money multiplier can be calculated as ______, where C is currency, D is deposits, and R is banks' reserves.

(1 + C/D) + (R/D + C/D)

In 2012, US exports were $2,196 billion and imports were $2,743 billion. What is the value of net exports? The value of net exports in 2012 was ______ billion dollars


In 2008, US exports were $1,847 billion and imports were $2,557 billion. What was the value of net exports? The value of net exports in 2008 was ______ billion dollars


The table shows the receipts and the outlays of a nation at each level of real GDP. What is the budget deficit when real GDP is ​$6 ​trillion? When real GDP is $6 trillion, the budget balance is ____ trillion dollars.

.2 (receipts - outlays)

If the US interest rate is 1.5 per cent, Canada's interest rate is 1 per cent, the US inflation rate is 1.2 per cent and Canada's inflation rate is 0.70 per cent, then calculate the US interest rate differential

0.5 per cent

Suppose that potential GDP and the velocity of circulation are constant. What is the change in the price level in the long run if the quantity of money increases by 1 percent a year? If the quantity of money increases by 1 percent a year, in the long run the change in the price level is ____ percent a year


A country has been in existence for only two years. In the first​ year, receipts were​ $1.0 million and outlays were​ $1.5 million. In the second​ year, receipts were​ $1.5 million and outlays were​ $2.0 million. At the end of the second​ year, the government had issued debt worth​ ______.

1 million

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

If the inflation rate is below or expected to move below the bottom of the comfort zone, the Fed considers raising the interest rate

The table provides some data on real GDP and the population of Eastiana in 2010 and 2011. What is the growth rate of real GDP in Eastiana in 2011? What is the growth rate of real GDP per person in Eastiana in 2011? The growth rate of real GDP in Eastiana in 2011 is ___ percent. The growth rate of real GDP per person in Eastiana in 2011 is ___ percent. Table: Year, Real GDP (trillions), Population (billions) 2010: 600,000; 750 2011: 719,840; 818

20; 10

Suppose an increase in the monetary base of $400,000 increases the quantity of money by $1,200,000. Calculate the money multiplier. The money multiplier is _____.


Suppose that potential GDP and the velocity of circulation are constant. What is the change in the price level in the long run if the quantity of money increases by 3 percent a year? If the quantity of money increases by 3 percent a year, in the long run the change in the price level is ____ percent a year


The quantity of money is $4 billion and GDP is $20 billion. What is the velocity of circulation? The velocity of circulation is ____.


If the nominal interest rate is 8 percent and inflation is 3​ percent, what is the real interest​ rate?

5 percent

If this​ year's price level is 126 and last​ year's price level was​ 120, the inflation rate is​ ________.

5 percent a year

The law of demand states that​ ______, the​ ______ the price of a​ good, the smaller is the quantity demanded. A. other things remaining the​ same; higher B. even when other factors​ change; higher C. even when other factors​ change; lower D. other things remaining the​ same; lower


The population survey in blogsville for the past month is given in the table. In blogsville last month, _______ million people were in the labor force and ______ million people were in the working-age population. Table: 1. 40 million people had full time jobs 2. 11 million people had part time jobs 3. 5 million people were without work but were available for work and had made specific efforts to find a job within the past four weeks or were waiting to be recalled from a layoff or had a new job to start within the next 30 days. 4. 3 million part-time workers were looking for full-time jobs 5. 24 million people of working age did not have jobs and did not want jobs

56; 80

The bank plans to hold ​$5 for every​ $100 in deposits. The bank holds actual reserves of ​$8,000 and desired reserves of ​$22,000. What is the​ bank's desired reserve ratio and its excess reserves​? The banks desired reserve ratio is ____ percent. The banks excess reserves are _____.

5; $14,000

The CPI in 2013 is 140 and the CPI in 2014 is 147. The inflation rate in 2014 is ___ percent. The inflation rate in 2014 ________.

5; might be higher, lower, or the same as in 2013

The table provides some data on real GDP and the population of Europa in 2010 and 2011. What is the growth rate of real GDP in Europa in 2011? What is the growth rate of real GDP per person in Europa in 2011? The growth rate of real GDP in Europa in 2011 is ___ percent. The growth rate of real GDP per person in Europa in 2011 is ___ percent. Table: Year, Real GDP (trillions), Population (billions) 2010: 100,000; 200 2011: 107,060; 202

7; 6

The CPI in 2013 is 140 and the CPI in 2014 is 149.8. The inflation rate in 2014 is _____ percent. The inflation rate in 2014 _______.

7; might be higher, lower, or the same as in 2013.

A government budget deficit​ ______ the real interest rate because​ ______. A. raises; the demand for loanable funds increases B. ​lowers; the demand for loanable funds decreases C. lowers; the supply of loanable funds increases D. ​raises; the supply of loanable funds decreases


Assume that the preconditions for labor productivity growth are in place. What influences the pace of labor productivity​ growth? The pace of labor productivity growth is influenced in part by​ _______. A. human capital growth B. the rate of change of the U.S. dollar exchange rate in the foreign exchange market C. international trade D. population growth


Choose the correct statement. A. Modern-day Malthusians point to global warming and climate change as reasons to believe that eventually real GDP per person will decrease. B. Neoclassical growth theory is the view that the growth of real GDP per person is temporary and that when it rises above the subsistence​ level, a population explosion eventually brings it back to the subsistence level. C. Classical growth theory tells us that technological change induces a level of saving and investment that makes capital per hour of labor grow indefinitely. D. Neoclassical growth theory is sometimes called Malthusian theory.


Choose the statement that is incorrect. A. As the federal funds rate​ rises, the quantity of reserves supplied increases. B. The Fed uses open market operations to make the quantity of reserves supplied equal the quantity of reserves demanded at the federal funds target rate. C. The​ Fed's open market operations determine the supply of reserves. D. The federal funds rate is the opportunity cost of holding reserves.


If a shortage of U.S. dollars occurs in the foreign exchange​ market, the​ _______ and the exchange rate​ _______. A. quantity of U.S. dollars demanded decreases and the quantity of U.S. dollars supplied​ increases; rises B. demand for U.S. dollars decreases and the supply of U.S. dollars​ increases; falls C. quantity of U.S. dollars demanded increases and the quantity of U.S. dollars supplied​ decreases; falls D. demand for U.S. dollars increases and the supply of U.S. dollars​ decreases; rises


If the expected inflation rate increases and the natural rate of unemployment remains​ constant, then​ _______. A. the​ short-run Phillips curve shifts upward and the​ long-run Phillips curve does not shift B. the​ long-run Phillips curve shifts rightward and the​ short-run Phillips curve does not shift C. the​ long-run Phillips curve shifts rightward and the​ short-run Phillips curve shifts rightward D. neither the​ long-run Phillips curve nor the​ short-run Phillips curve shifts


In the​ long-run macroeconomic​ equilibrium, ______. A. potential GDP and aggregate demand determine the price​ level, and the money wage rate adjusts so that the SAS curve intersects the LAS curve at the​ long-run equilibrium price level B. potential GDP and​ short-run aggregate supply determine the price level C. real GDP is always increasing D. the AD and SAS curves determine the price level and technology advances so that the LAS curve intersects the AD curve at the equilibrium price level


In​ 2016, the price of corn fell and some corn farmers will switch from growing corn in 2017 to growing soybeans. Does this fact illustrate the law of demand or the law of​ supply? As the price of corn fell in​ 2016, _________. A. farmers planned to decrease the quantity of corn supplied in 2017. This fact illustrates the law of supply. B. farmers planned to decrease the supply of corn. This fact illustrates the law of supply. C. the demand for corn increased. This fact illustrates the law of demand. D. the quantity of corn demanded decreased. This fact illustrates the law of demand.


The Ricardo-Barro effect _____ crowding out. A. eliminates B. increases


The U.S. M1 multiplier is​ _______ the U.S. M2 multiplier. A. smaller than B. the same size as C. larger than


The​ Fed's monetary policy instrument is​ _______. A monetary policy instrument is​ _______. A. the federal funds​ rate; a variable that the Fed can directly control or closely target B. the exchange​ rate; a variable that the Fed can influence but not directly control C. the inflation​ rate; a variable that the Fed can influence but not directly control D. the monetary​ base; a variable that the Fed can directly control or closely target


Use the Rule of 70 to calculate the growth rate that leads to a doubling of real GDP per person in 20 years. The Rule of 70 states that the number of years it takes for the level of any variable to​ ______ is approximately​ ______. A. double; 70 divided by the annual percentage growth rate of the variable B. ​double; 70 multiplied by the annual percentage growth rate of the variable C. increase by a factor of​ 70; 70 divided by the annual percentage growth rate of the variable D. increase by a factor of​ 70; 1/70 multiplied by the annual percentage growth rate of the variable


What are the functions of depository​ institutions? The functions of depository institutions include​ _______. A. lowering the cost of monitoring borrowers B. providing credit ratings C. implementing monetary policy D. maximizing Upper M 1 and Upper M 2


What determines the real exchange rate and the nominal exchange rate in the short​ run? In the short​ run, the nominal exchange rate is determined by​ ______. And in the short run​ ______. A. the demand for U.S. dollars and the supply of U.S. dollars in the foreign exchange​ market; a change in the nominal exchange rate brings an equivalent change in the real exchange rate B. the equation E​ = ​(RER times P​)/P​*; a change in the nominal exchange rate brings an equivalent change in the real exchange rate C. the demand for U.S. dollars and the supply of U.S. dollars in the foreign exchange​ market; the real exchange rate is determined by the quantities of money in the two countries D. the equation E​ = ​(RER times P​)/P​*; the real exchange rate is determined by the quantities of money in the two countries


What determines the supply of loanable funds and what makes it​ change? The supply of loanable funds is determined by the​ _________. The supply of loanable funds changes when​ _______. A. saving decisions of​ households, which are influenced by the real interest​ rate, disposable​ income, expected future​ income, wealth, and default​ risk; disposable​ income, expected future​ income, wealth, or default risk change B. decisions of financial​ institutions; the real interest rate changes C. demand for loanable​ funds; the demand for loanable funds changes D. saving decisions of​ households, which are influenced by the real interest​ rate, disposable​ income, expected future​ income, wealth, and default​ risk; the real interest rate changes


What is the equation of​ exchange? The equation of exchange is​ ______ and it is true​ ______. A. MV​ = PY​; by definition B. MP​ = YV​; in the short run only if the rate of velocity change is approximately equal to zero C. MV​ = PY​; in the short run only if the rate of velocity change is approximately equal to zero D. MP​ = YV​; by definition


When fuel prices rise ​_______. When the price level in India increases​ _______. A. short-run aggregate supply​ decreases; the quantity of real GDP supplied increases B. ​short-run aggregate supply​ increases; the quantity of real GDP supplied decreases C. long-run aggregate supply​ decreases; ​short-run aggregate supply increases D. long-run aggregate supply​ increases; the quantity of real GDP supplied increases


​Japan's current exchange rate policy is​ ______. A. a flexible exchange rate B. an​ export-intensive exchange rate C. a crawling peg D. a fixed exchange rate


Which of the following is a positive​ statement?

A 5 percent increase in income leads to a 3 percent increase in the consumption of orange juice.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

As the federal funds rate​ rises, the quantity of reserves supplied increases.

When firms in an economy start producing more computers and fewer​ televisions, they are answering the​ ________ question.

A. "what"

Suppose that the natural unemployment rate is 4.5 percent and the actual unemployment rate is 3.5 percent. Then cyclical unemployment is

A. -1 percent.

​______ has a comparative advantage in producing caps. If Sue and Tessa each specialize in producing the good in which they have a comparative advantage and trade 1 jacket for 7 ​caps, ______.

A. Tessa​; both Sue and Tessa gain

Which of the following questions is a macroeconomic​ issue?

A. What is the future growth prospect for an​ economy?

The law of demand states that other things remaining the​ same, the​ _______ the price of a​ good, the​ _______. A. higher; smaller is the quantity demanded Your answer is correct. B. lower; greater is demand C. lower; smaller is the quantity demanded D. higher; greater is the quantity demanded A demand curve that illustrates the law of demand​ ______. A. shows that the quantity demanded decreases as the price rises B. shows that the quantity demanded remains the same when the price falls C. shows that the quantity demanded decreases as the price falls D. has a positive slope

A. higher; smaller is the quantity demanded A. shows that the quantity demanded decreases as the price rises

Suppose a country is producing​ $20 million of real GDP. If the economy grows at 10 percent per​ year, approximately how many years will to take for real GDP to grow to​ $80 million?


Which of the following is​ correct?

Aggregate​ income, aggregate expenditure and GDP are all equal.

Choose the statement that is incorrect

Along the SAS​ curve, the real wage rate and the price level change by the same percentage.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

An increase in government expenditure increases government borrowing (or decreases government lending if there is a budget surplus) and lowers the real interest rate.

Choose the statement about the long run Phillips curve that is incorrect.

An unexpected increase in aggregate demand shifts the long run Phillips curve rightward.

Choose the statement that is incorrect

An unexpected inflation or deflation has no effect on the economy

A decrease in the supply of ski trips brings a​ ______ of ski trips at the original price and a​ ______ in their price. A. surplus​; fall B. shortage​; rise C. surplus​; rise D. shortage​; fall


Among the​ G7, which country had the highest real GDP per person in​ 2016? Among the​ G7, the country with the highest real GDP per person in 2016 is​ _______. A. Japan B. the United States C.the United Kingdom D. Canada


An increase in the population _______ the real wage rate. A. raises B. lowers C. does not change


Choose the correct statement. A. The aggregate demand curve slopes downward because of the wealth effect and the money wage rate. B. The quantity of real GDP demanded is the sum of the real consumption​ expenditure, investment, government​ expenditure, and exports minus imports. C. The quantity of real GDP demanded depends on the quantity of real GDP supplied. D. The higher the price​ level, the greater is the quantity of real GDP demanded.


Choose the correct statement. A. Unemployment is a serious personal problem but not a serious social economic problem. It is only an effect of the business cycle. B. The class of 2017 had a better time in the job market than those of the decade that preceded it. C. In recent​ years, population growth has outstripped jobs​ growth, resulting in a serious unemployment problem. D. Prolonged unemployment increases a​ person's job prospects because they are willing to work for a lower wage.


Choose the statement about a crawling peg that is correct. A. The Fed operated a crawling peg in the decade following World War II. B. When China abandoned its fixed exchange​ rate, it replaced it with a crawling peg. C. A crawling peg makes the exchange rate fluctuate wildly. D. A crawling peg is not influenced by actions of the central bank.


Complete the sentence. An increase in the population​ ______. A. increases potential GDP and increases potential GDP per hour of labor B. shifts the supply of labor curve rightward and creates a movement along the production function C. shifts the production function upward D. increases the real wage​ rate, increases potential​ GDP, and decreases potential GDP per hour of labor


Currently, the United States is a ​_______. A. debtor nation and a net lender B. debtor nation and a net borrower C. creditor nation and a net borrower D. creditor nation and a net lender


Explain why real GDP might be an unreliable indicator of the standard of living. Real GDP might be an unreliable indicator of the standard of living because​ ______. A. real GDP is measured differently in various parts of the country B. the standard of living depends on many​ factors, some of which are not part of real GDP C. real GDP values all production in constant prices D. real GDP numbers are constantly being updated


If a surplus of U.S. dollars occurs in the foreign exchange​ market, the​ _______ and the exchange rate​ _______. A. demand for U.S. dollars decreases and the supply of U.S. dollars​ increases; falls B. quantity of U.S. dollars demanded increases and the quantity of U.S. dollars supplied​ decreases; falls C. quantity of U.S. dollars demanded decreases and the quantity of U.S. dollars supplied​ increases; falls D. demand for U.S. dollars increases and the supply of U.S. dollars​ decreases; rises


If real GDP per person doubles in 20​ years, then the annual growth rate of real GDP per person is​ ______ percent a year. A. 28.5 B. 3.5 C. 14.3 D. 14.0


The politician wants a​ ______ in the short run. This policy would have no effect on the exchange rate in the long run because in the long run​ ______. A. crawling​ peg; interest rate parity prevails and all exchange rates are constant B. crawling​ peg; the price level and the nominal exchange rate are determined together C. fixed exchange​ rate; the price level and the nominal exchange rate are determined together D. fixed exchange​ rate; interest rate parity prevails and all exchange rates are constant


The price of oil hit a record high above​ $135 a barrel in May 2008---more than twice what it cost the year before. OPEC has so far blamed price rises on speculators and says there is no shortage of oil. Complete the following sentences. The price of oil rises if the demand for oil​ ______ and the supply of oil​ ______. A. ​increases; increases B. increases; decreases C. ​decreases; decreases D. decreases; increases


Producers of pianos expect the price of a factor of production used to produce a piano to rise and the number of firms producing and selling pianos to decrease. You predict that the price of a piano will​ ______ and the quantity of pianos bought will​ ______.

B. rise​; decrease

If the price is $ 6 a milkshake​, there is a​ ______ of milkshakes​, so the price of a milkshake ​______. As the market moves toward the equilibrium​ price, the quantity demanded​ _______ and the quantity supplied​ _______.

B. shortage​; rises C. decreases​; increases

An increase in the population​ ______ the equilibrium quantity of​ labor, ______ and potential GDP. A. decreases; increases B. decreases; decreases C. increases; increases D. ​increases; decreases


Choose the correct statement. A. A bias in the CPI gives workers with wage contracts linked to the CPI less real income than the firm intended. B. The bias in the CPI eliminates the substitution between different products by consumers. C. Many private agreements comma such as wage contracts comma are linked to the CPI. D. The Congressional Advisory Commission on the Consumer Price Index in 1996 said that the CPI overstates inflation by 0.1 percentage points a year.


Classify each of the following items as a final good or service or an intermediate good or service and identify which is a component of consumption​ expenditure, investment, or government expenditure on goods and​ services: Item 1. Newsprint bought by USA Today Item 2. Your purchase of a new iPhone Item 3. Trucks bought by Fedex Item 4. The purchase of a new security system for Congress Item 3 is​ ______ and item 4 is​ ______. A. a final good that is investment​; a final good that is investment B. a final good that is consumption expenditure​; a final good that is investment C. a final good that is investment​; a final good which is government expenditure D. a final good that is consumption expenditure​; a final good which is government expenditure


Explain the flows of funds that finance business investment. Choose the correct statement. A. The funds that financial business investment flow through factor markets from households and through export markets from the rest of the world to U.S. firms. B. The funds that finance business investment come from the Federal Reserve and the amount is determined by the decisions of the​ Fed's Board of Governors. C. Funds from household​ saving, the government budget​ surplus, and the rest of the world flow through financial markets and institutions to firms who borrow the funds for investment. D. Business investment throughout the world is principally funded by the activity of publicly traded firms on U.S. stock markets and in a small part by bank loans. Governments have no influence on business investment.


How would using the Taylor rule have changed the​ Fed's interest rate​ setting? If the Fed had followed the Taylor​ Rule, the federal funds rate would have been higher​ ______, and lower​ ______. A. between 2001 and​ 2007; after 2011 B. after​ 2011; between 2001 and 2007 C. between 2001 and 2005 and after​ 2011; in 2007 D. in​ 2007; between 2001 and 2005 and after 2011


If the interest rate is 5​ percent, people will​ ______. A. sell​ bonds, lower their​ price, and the interest rate will fall B. buy​ bonds, bid up their​ price, and the interest rate will rise C. buy​ bonds, bid up their​ price, and the interest rate will fall D. sell​ bonds, lower their​ price, and the interest rate will rise


In​ 2016, the price of corn fell and some corn farmers will switch from growing corn in 2017 to growing soybeans. Why would a corn farmer grow​ soybeans? A. Soybeans and corn can be grown with the same​ resources, so they are complements in production. B. Corn is an inferior good that has a strong demand and a low price. C. Soybeans and corn can be grown with the same​ resources, so they are substitutes in production. D. Soybean is a normal good that has a strong demand and a high price.


Keynesian macroeconomists recommend​ ______. A. an increase in the quantity of money to offset decreases in aggregate demand and a decrease in the quantity of money to offset increases in aggregate demand B. policies that minimize the disincentive effects of taxes on​ employment, investment, and technological change C. policies that actively offset changes in aggregate demand that bring recession D. policies that actively offset changes in​ long-run aggregate supply that result in negative economic growth


The currency drain ratio for M1 is​ ______ than for​ M2, and the​ banks' reserve ratio for M1 is​ ______ than for M2. A. ​larger; smaller B. smaller; smaller C. larger; larger D. ​smaller; larger


The tax wedge is the gap between the​ before-tax and​ after-tax ______. A. equilibrium quantity of labor B. potential GDP C. wage rates D. investment


U.S. Ran​ $43 Billion Budget Deficit in July The U.S. government received​ $232 billion and spent​ $275 billion in July. The deficit of​ $43 billion edged the​ government's debt closer to the federal borrowing limit. Given the information provided by the news​ clip, how did U.S. government debt change in July​ 2017? In July​ 2017, U.S. government debt​ _______. A. decreased by​ $232 billion B. decreased by​ $43 billion C. increased by​ $43 billion D. increased by​ $275 billion


What are the main components of money in the United States​ today? The main components of money in the United States today are​ ______. A. notes and coins B. currency and​ traveler's checks C. currency and deposits at banks and other depository institutions D. credit cards and debit cards


When an economy is below full employment and the government has a budget​ deficit, that deficit​ ______. A. is equal to the structural deficit B. is equal to the structural deficit minus the cyclical deficit C. exceeds the structural deficit D. is equal to the cyclical deficit minus the structural deficit


The CPI basket contains 400 oranges and 800 pens. In the base​ year, the price of an orange is​ $1.00 and the price of a pen is​ $0.75. This​ year, urban consumers each buy 300 oranges at​ $2.00 each and 850 pens at​ $1.00 each. The CPI this year is​ ________.

C. 160

Choose the statement that is incorrect

Classical growth theory tells us that technological change induces a level of saving and investment that makes capital per hour of labor grow indefinitely

Choose the statement that is incorrect

Coins, which are issued by the Treasury are an asset of the Fed and a component of the monetary base

A country that is borrowing more from the rest of the world than it is lending to the rest of the world is a​ ______, and a country that during its entire history has borrowed more from the rest of the world than it has lent to it is a​ ______. A. debtor​ nation; net borrower B. net​ debtor; borrower nation C. borrower​ nation; net debtor D. net​ borrower; debtor nation


A shortage in the market for oil implies that​ ______. A. the market for oil needs government action B. the market for oil is a competitive market C. more people are traveling D. the price of oil is being prevented from influencing buying and selling plans


A shortage occurs at a given price when​ ______. The price​ _____ to reach equilibrium. A. demand is greater than supply​; rises B. the quantity supplied is greater than the quantity demanded​; falls C. supply is greater than demand​; falls D. the quantity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied​; rises


According to mainstream business cycle​ theory, _______. A. the money wage rate is sticky and consequently if aggregate demand grows faster than potential​ GDP, a recessionary gap emerges B. the economy is always at full employment C. in a business cycle​ expansion, short-run aggregate supply increases by more than aggregate demand D. the money wage rate is sticky and consequently if aggregate demand grows faster than potential​ GDP, an inflationary gap emerges


Classify each of the following items as a final good or service or an intermediate good or service and identify which is a component of consumption​ expenditure, investment, or government expenditure on goods and​ services: Item 1. Newsprint bought by USA Today Item 2. Your purchase of a new iPhone Item 3. Trucks bought by Fedex Item 4. The purchase of a new security system for Congress Item 1 is​ ______ and item 2 is​ ______. A. a final good that is investment​; a final good that is consumption expenditure B. an intermediate good​; an intermediate good C. a final good that is investment​; an intermediate good D. an intermediate good​; a final good that is consumption expenditure


How can massive changes in the monetary base resulting from QE and QT be reconciled with the Federal Reserve Act of​ 2000? The massive changes in the monetary base resulting from QE and QT can be reconciled with the Federal Reserve Act of 2000 because the Fed attempts to​ _______. A. increase saving B. lower​ long-term interest rates as close to zero as possible C. lower the federal budget deficit and decrease the demand for loanable funds D. attain maximum employment and stable prices


Potential GDP per person​ ______. A. is the market value of the final goods and services produced within a country in a given time period B. grew at a faster rate during the 1970s than during the 1960s C. is calculated as real GDP divided by the population D. grows at a steady pace but not at a constant pace


The U.S. dollar exchange rate increased from ​$0.89 Canadian in June 2009 to ​$0.96 Canadian in June 2010​, and it decreased from 83.8 euro cents in January 2009 to 76.9 euro cents in January 2010. Did the U.S. dollar appreciate or depreciate against the Canadian​ dollar? Did the U.S. dollar appreciate or depreciate against the euro cents​? Between June 2009 and June 2010​, the U.S. dollar​ ______ against the Canadian dollar. Between January 2009 and January 2010​, the U.S. dollar​ ______ against the euro. A. depreciated; depreciated B. ​appreciated; appreciated C. depreciated; appreciated D. appreciated; depreciated


The defining feature of the Keynesian view of macroeconomics is that the economy is​ ______. A. constantly bombarded by shocks that arise from the uneven pace of technological change B. that the quantity of money is the most significant influence on aggregate demand C. self-regulating and always at full employment D. rarely at full employment


In goods markets​ ________ and in factor markets​ ________. A. households sell to​ firms; households sell to firms B. firms sell to​ households; firms sell to households C. households sell to​ firms; firms sell to households D. firms sell to​ households; households sell to firms

D. firms sell to​ households; households sell to firms

Think of examples of goods whose relative price has risen or fallen by a large amount. In​ 2007, the price of a gallon of gas was​ $2.59. In​ 2017, the price of a gallon of gas was​ $2.32. In​ 2007, the price of a dozen eggs was​ $1.63. In​ 2017, the price of a dozen eggs was​ $1.40. Between 2007 and​ 2017, the relative price of a gallon of gas with respect to a dozen eggs​ _______ and the relative price of a dozen eggs with respect to a gallon of gas​ _______. A. fell; rose B. rose; rose C. fell; fell D. rose; fell


What does the Federal Reserve Act of 2000 say about the​ Fed's control of the quantity of​ money? The Federal Reserve Act of 2000 says that the Fed​ "shall maintain​ ______ growth of the monetary and credit aggregates commensurate with the​ economy's ______ potential to increase​ production." A. short-run; long-run B. short-run; short-run C. long-run; short-run D. long-run; long-run


What is the​ crowding-out effect and how does it​ work? The​ crowding-out effect is the tendency for a government budget deficit to​ ______ the real interest rate and decrease​ ______. A. lower; saving by the full amount of the government budget surplus B. ​lower; saving C. raise; investment by the full amount of the government budget deficit D. raise; investment


When cyclical unemployment increases and other things remain the​ same, ______. A. the amount of frictional unemployment decreases B. the amount of structural unemployment increases C. the natural unemployment rate increases D. the natural unemployment rate does not change


Who is responsible for U.S. monetary policy and what are the roles of the​ Fed, Congress, and the​ President? The​ ______ appoints the members and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Fed. The​ ______ is responsible for the conduct of monetary policy. A. Congress; Fed B. Congress; President C. Fed; Congress D. President; Fed


Complete the following sentence. A firm is​ ______.

D. an economic unit that hires factors of production and organizes those factors to produce and sell goods and services

Sports cars and gasoline are complements. If the price of a sports car increases​, how does the demand for gasoline ​change?

D. decrease​, and the demand curve for gasoline will shift leftward

Click on the icon to read the news clip, then complete the following steps. The graph shows the market for loanable funds. Draw a curve to shows the effect of TransCanada going to the loanable funds market to finance the building of its pipeline. Draw a point to show the new equilibrium in the loanable funds market, When TransCanada goes to the loanable funds market to finance the building of its pipeline, the real interest rate _____, private saving ______, and investment _________.

Draw a curve above the demand curve so that it intersects one number above where the original did. draw a new equilibrium. Rises; increases; increases

Draw an aggregate demand curve. Label it AD. Draw an arrow on the AD cure that shows the international substitution effect when the price level falls. Label it 1. Draw an arrow in the AD curve that shows the international substitution effect when the price level rises. Label it 2. Other things remaining the same, when the US price level rises, US made goods and services become _____ expensive relative to foreign-made goods and services. People spend ____ on US made items and ____ on foreign made items. ________ decreases.

Draw a demand curve (straight line). Draw an arrow going along the demand curve going DOWN and label it 1. Draw an arrow along the demand curve GOING UP and label it 2. more less; more the quantity of US real GDP demanded.

The graph shows the demand curve for US dollars. Draw a new demand curve that shows the effect of an increase in the world demand for US exports. Label it A change in the expected future exchange rate changes the demand for US dollars ______, and a change in the world demand for US exports changes the demand for US dollars _________.

Draw a demand curve above the original demand curve. today, today

The graph shows the demand curve for US dollars. Draw a new demand curve that shows the effect of an increase in the US interest rate differential. Label it. The US interest rate differential rises when _________.

Draw a demand curve above the original one. The US interest rate rises and the foreign interest rate falls.

The graph shows the demand curve for US dollars. Draw a new demand curve that shows the effect of a decrease in the US interest rate differential. Label it. The US interest rate differential falls when _________.

Draw a demand curve below the original demand curve. The US interest rate falls and the foreign interest rate rises.

The graph shows the demand curve for US dollars. Draw a new demand curve that shows the effect of a decrease in the world demand for US exports. Label it A change in the expected future exchange rate changes the demand for US dollars ______, and a change in the world demand for US exports changes the demand for US dollars _________.

Draw a demand curve below the original one today; today

Draw an aggregate demand curve. Label it AD. Draw a shirt run aggregate supply curve. Label it SAS. Draw a point at the short run macroeconomic equilibrium. Label it 1. Draw a point on the SAS curve at which inventories pile up. Label it 2. When unwanted inventories pile up, _____. Prices _____.

Draw a demand curve line. Label. Draw a supply curve line. Label. Draw a pint at equilibrium. Label. Draw a point on the supply curve above the equilibrium point. the quantity of real GDP supplied is greater than the quantity of real GDP demanded; fall

Draw an aggregate demand curve in an economy with an above full-employment equilibrium. Label it AD. Draw a point at the above full-employment equilibrium. Draw a horizontal arrow at the equilibrium price level that shows the output gap. The output gap in the graph is _______ because _________.

Draw a demand curve that is a regular demand curve that crosses above the LAS curve. it needs to cross the SAS curve to the right of the LAS curve. then draw point where SAS and AD curve cross. Put an arrow in the space between the equilibrium point and the LAS line an inflationary gap; potential GDP is less than real GDP.

As we move along the long-run aggregate supply curve, ___________

the real wage rate remains constant

Draw an aggregate demand curve in an economy with a below full-employment equilibrium. Label it AD. Draw a point at the below full-employment equilibrium. Draw a horizontal arrow at the equilibrium price level that shows the output gap. The output gap in the graph is _____ because _________.

Draw a demand curve that is a regular demand curve that crosses below the LAS curve. it needs to cross the SAS curve to the left of the LAS curve. then draw point where SAS and AD curve cross. Put an arrow in the space between the equilibrium point and the LAS line a recessionary gap; potential GDP exceeds real GDP

The table gives an economy's aggregate demand, short run aggregate supply, and long run aggregate supply schedules. Draw the LAS curve, the SAS curve and the AD curve. Label the curves. Draw a point at the short run macroeconomic equilibrium. Draw a horizontal arrow at the equilibrium price that shows the output gap. The graph shows _______ gap

Draw a graph based on the points. Draw an arrow in the space between the lAS and the equilibrium an inflationary

Draw a curve that shows the relationship between the tax rate and the amount of tax revenue collected. The relationship between the tax rate and the amount of tax revenue collected is called the _____ curve. The curve shows that _____.

Draw a laffer curve laffer; tax cuts can increase tax revenue

The graph shows the loanable funds market. During the 1990's, the invention and use of fiber-optic technologies required billions of dollars to be spent laying new cables under the oceans and launching communications satellites Draw a curve that shows the effect of this event. Label it. Draw a point to show the new equilibrium quantity of loanable funds and real interest rate.

Draw a line above the demand curve. so from top left to bottom right draw a point on the new equilibrium

Choose the statement that is incorrect

In the federal funds market, the higher the federal funds rate, the smaller is the quantity of overnight loans supplied

The graph shows the economy in long run equilibrium. Then the world economy expands and the demand for US produced goods increases. Draw a curve that shows: 1: the effect of increased demand for US produced goods. Label it 1. 2: the effect of a rising money wage rate that returns the economy to full employment. Label it 2. Draw a point at the new long run equilibrium. An economy is in a long-run equilibrium. An increase in aggregate demand creates _____ gap. A rise in the money wage rate decreases ____ and returns the economy to a full employment equilibrium.

Draw a new demand curve above the AD curve. label 1. draw a new supply curve above the supply curve label 2. (both should be higher than original curve). draw a new point where new lines cross an inflationary; the quantity of real gdp demanded

The graph shows an aggregate demand curve. Draw a curve that shows the effect on aggregate demand of an increase in the unexpected future inflation rate. Label it. An increase in unexpected future income _____ aggregate demand. An increase in the expected future inflation rate _____ aggregate demand An increase in expected future profits _____ aggregate demand.

Draw a new demand curve above the original one (on top of) increases; increases; increases

The graph gives a long-run aggregate supply curve and a short-run aggregate supply curve. Draw a new curve that shows the effect of a rise in the money wage rate. Label it When a rise in the money wage rate _________.

Draw a new supply curve above the old one (on top of) the quantity that firms are willing to supply at each price level decreases

The graph shows the loanable funds market when there is neither a government budget surplus nor a government budget deficit. Draw a point at the equilibrium quantity of loanable funds and the equilibrium real interest rate. Label it 1. Now suppose the government has a budget deficit of $1 trillion. Draw a curve that shows the effect of this deficit in the loanable funds market. Label it. Draw a point at the new equilibrium real interest rate and quantity of saving. Label it 2. Draw a point to show investment when the government budget deficit is $1 trillion. Label it 3

Draw a point at equilibrium and label 1 Draw a curve above the PDLF (demand curve) (make it so the intersection of the new demand curve and supply curve is one number above the original) label curve Draw a point at new equilibrium Draw a point on the old demand curve that is parallel to the new demand curve equilibrium

Draw a demand for dollars curve, Label it D. Draw a supply curve, label is S. Draw a point at the equilibrium quantity and equilibrium exchange rate. Draw an arrow between the D and S curves that indicates a price at which there is a surplus of dollars, Label it. Then there is a surplus of dollars in the foreign exchange market, _________.

Draw a supply and demand curve (curved not straight) Draw a point at the equilibrium Draw a horizontal arrow above the equilibrium between the supply and demand curve that touches each curve the forces of supply and demand pull the foreign exchange market into equilibrium

Draw an aggregate demand curve. Label it AD. Draw a short run aggregate supply curve. Label it SAS. Draw a point at the short run macro equilibrium. label it 1. Draw a point on the SAS curve at which firms are unable to meet the demand for their output. label it 2. When firms are unable to meet the demand for their output, ______. Prices _________.

Draw a supply and demand curve and label them (with straight lines, not curved) Draw a point at the equilibrium. Draw point on the SAS curve below the equilibrium point. Label it 2. the quantity of real gdp demanded is greater than the quantity of real gdp supplied; rise

Draw a labor supply curve and a labor demand curve. Label the LSo and LDo Draw a point at the equilibrium real wage rate. Label it 1. Draw and label a curve that shows the effect of an increase in population. Draw a point at the new equilibrium quantity of labor and the equilibrium real wage rate. An increase in the population ______ potential GDP and ______ potential GDP per hour of labor.

Draw a supply curve (bottom left to top right) and a demand curve (top left to bottom right) (make sure both curves are actually curved not just straight lines, especially supply curve) Put a point at the equilibrium point Draw a new supply curve to the right of the original supply curve and label put a point at new equilibrium point increases; decreases

The graph shows the supply curve of US dollars. Draw a new supply curve that shows the effect of a decrease in the US demand for imports. Label it A change in the expected future exchange rate changes the supply of US dollars _____, and a change in US demand for imports changes the supply of US dollars _______.

Draw a supply curve above the original supply curve. today; today

The graph shows an economy's long run aggregate demand curve. Draw an aggregate demand curve and a short run aggregate supply curve such that when the economy is in long run equilibrium, the price level is 11. label the curve. Draw a point at the long run macroeconomic equilibrium. In the long run macroeconomic equilibrium _____.

Draw a supply curve and a demand curve that cross at 110. potential GDP and aggregate demand determine the price level, and the money wage rate adjusts so that the SAS curve intersects the LAS curve at the long run equilibrium price level.

The figure shows the demand for money curve in Epsilon. The quantity of money is $3.1 trillion. Draw the supply of money curve. label it Draw a point at the equilibrium in the money market. If the interest rate is 5 percent, people will ________.

Draw a vertical line (up and down) at 3.1 on the x axis and label it buy bonds, bid up their price, and the interest rate will fall

Draw the long run aggregate supply curve when potential GDP is $12.5 trillion. Label it. As we move up along the long run aggregate supply curve, _____.

Draw a vertical line at 12.5 on the x axis. label it. the real wage rate remains constant.

The graph shows the supply curve for US dollars. The exchange rate is currently 100 yen per dollar. Over time, the exchange rate rises to 120 yen per dollar. Show the effect in the graph. Draw either a new supply curve or an arrow along the curve showing the direction of change. The law of supply for foreign exchange states that other things remaining the same, the _____ the exchange rate, the ______ in the foreign exchange market. The graph ____ illustrate the law of supply of foreign exchange

Draw an arrow along the curve going (pointing) upwards from where 100 on the graph is to 120 on the graph higher; greater is the quantity of US dollars supplied does

The graph shows the demand curve for US dollars. The exchange rate is currently 100 yen per dollar. Over time, the exchange rate rises to 120 yen per dollar. Show the effect in the graph. Draw either a new demand curve or an arrow along the curve showing the direction of change. The law of demand for foreign exchange states that other things remaining the same, the _____ the exchange rate, the smaller is the ______ in the foreign exchange market.

Draw an arrow along the curve going (pointing) upwards from where 100 on the graph is to 120 on the graph higher; quantity of US dollars demanded

The graph gives a long run aggregate supply curve and a short run aggregate supply curve. Draw an arrow along one of the curves that illustrates a rise in the price level when the money wage rate remains unchanged. Label it 1. Draw an arrow along one of the curves that illustrates a rise in the price level accompanied by the same percentage rise in the money wage rate. Label it 2. an increase in the price level when the money wage rate remains unchanged increases _____.

Draw an arrow going up along the SAS curve (pointing up to the right). label it 1. and then draw going up along the LAS curve, label it 2. the quantity of real GDP supplied

The graph shows a short run Phillips curve. Draw an arrow on the curve that shows the effect of an unexpected increase in aggregate demand. When aggregate demand unexpectedly increases, _________.

Draw an arrow on curve going up to the left. the natural unemployment rate does not change

The graph shows the production function of an economy. Currently, the full-employment quantity of labor is 200 billion hours a year. Population increases and the new full time employment quantity of labor is 300 billion hours. Draw an arrow that shows the effect of this increase in population. Draw a point at the new value of full-employment and potential GDP. label it B. An increase in the population ______ the equilibrium quantity of labor, _______ and potential GDP. An increase in the population _____ the real wage rate.

Draw an arrow on the function starting at point A going up and to the right (along the function) until you get to the new quantity of labor stated int he question. Label the new quantity of labor B. Increases; increases lowers

The graph shows a business cycle. Draw points on the curve that show when the economy is at: 1: full employment. label it 1. 2: a below full employment equilibrium. Label it 2. 3: an above full employment equilibrium. label it 3. In the graph, the vertical distance between the horizontal line and point 2 is ______ gap. At point 2, the intersection of the AD and SAS curves is to the _____ of the LAS curve. The vertical distance between the horizontal line and point 3 is ____ gap. At point 3, the intersection of the AD and SAS curves is to the _____ of the LAS curve.

Draw one point at where potential GDP and Actual GDP meet, label 1. draw a point below potential gdp on actual gdp label 2. draw a point above potential gdp on actual gdp label3. a recessionary; left an inflationary; right

The graph shows the demand for money curve. Draw a point to show the interest rate and quantity of money demanded when the interest rate is 5 percent a year. Draw an arrow to show the effect of an increase in the interest rate above 5 percent a year. Label it 1. Draw an arrow to show the effect of a decrease in the interest rate 5 percent a year. Label it 2. When the interest rate falls, other things remaining the same, the opportunity cost of holding money _______ and ________.

Draw point on the demand curve where 5 percent is on the interest rate. Draw an arrow on the demand curve from the point going up and to the left. label it Draw an arrow form on the demand curve from the point going down and to the right and label it falls; the quantity of money demanded increases

Which of the following is a liability of the Federal Reserve?

Federal Reserve notes

The graph shows the private demand for loanable funds curve and the supply of loanable funds curve. Draw a curve that shows the effect on the loanable funds market when the government has a budget deficit. Label it C1 Draw a curve that shows the Ricardo-Barro effect on the loanable funds market. Label it C2 Draw a point at the new real interest rate and quantity of loanable funds. The Ricardo-Barro effect ______ crowding out.

For C1, draw a new line above the demand curve. so from top left to bottom right. For C2, draw a new line below the supply curve so from bottom left to to right. the lines need to be so they intersect parallel to where the original curves intersected. One whole number over Draw a new equilibrium point Eliminates

Choose the statement that is incorrect

Inflation brings a rising value of money

___________ economists believe that active help from the fiscal and monetary policy is needed to insure that the economy is operating at full employment


Once a month, the bureau of _______ statistics calculates the consumer price index, which is a measure of the ______ consumers for a fixed basket of consumers goods and services.

Labor; average of the prices paid by urban

The left graph shows an economy's labor market, Draw a point that shows equilibrium in the labor market The right graph shows the economy's production function. Draw a point on the production function that shows potential GDP in this economy.

Left graph: Draw a point at equilibrium, where two graphs meet. Right graph: Draw a point on the function at the same labor number. (so in this case on the function line where the labor is 200)

The best example of a frictionally unemployed individual is

Mary who quit her job to find work closer to her home.

What is the objective of US monetary policy?

Maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long term interest rates.

Choose the statement that is incorrect

Most economists believe that the Ricardo-Barro effect holds in the loanable funds market

​________ predicts that real GDP per person can grow indefinitely.

New growth theory

The table shows the only international transactions that the citizens of​ Nickleodeon, whose currency is the​ dime, conducted in 2010. What is​ Nickleodeon's current account​ balance, capital and financial account​ balance, and official settlements account​ balance? Imports of goods and services: 350 Exports of goods and services: 400 Foreign investment in Nickleodeon: 210 ​Nickleodeon's investment abroad: 350 Decrease in official holdings of foreign currency: 90

Nickleodeon's current account balance is 50 billion dimes. ​Nickleodeon's capital and financial account balance is - 140 billion dimes. ​Nickleodeon's official settlements account balance is 90 billion dimes.

The graph shows the unemployment rate and the natural unemployment rate from 1960 to 2014. Draw a point on the Unemployment rate curve that shows a year in which the economy experiences full employment.

Pick a spot on the graph where the unemployment rate and natural unemployment rate meet

The Ukraine article: 1. What happened to Ukraine in February 2014? 2. What is Ukraine's immediate economic problem? 3. How will the withdrawal of Russia's financial support affect the interest rate in Ukraine? 4. How will the financial support from Europe and the IMF affect the interest rate in Ukraine? 5. Graph: Ukraine's lightning-speed revolution has ushered in uncertainty about how the country will pay its way and avoid economic collapse. Acting finance minister Yuriy Kolobov said that Ukraine needs​ $35 billion over the next two years. 1. Draw a private demand curve for loanable funds and label it DLFo. 2. Draw a supply curve of loanable funds and label it SLFo. 3. Draw a point at the equilibrium and label it 1. 4. Draw and label a new curve to show the effect on the loanable funds market of Ukraine getting financial support from Europe and the IMF. 5. Draw a point at the new equilibrium and label it 2.

President Viktor Yanukovych has been removed from power; lack of funds to pay for its imports; raise the interest rate; lower the interest rate; Draw a supply and demand curve (curved lines). label them Draw a curve below the supply curve, label Draw point on the new equilibrium

Real GDP per person grows when ________.

Real GDP grows at a faster rate than the population grows

By measuring ______, we can see that the economy of Singapore has caught up to and surpassed the economy of the United States, but that the economies of Central and South America have not.

Real GDP per person

Between 1914 and 2014, the average growth rate of real GDP per person in the United States was 2 percent a year. During this period, ________ grew at a faster rate than _______.

Real GDP, the population

I =

S + (T-G) + (M-X)

Choose the correct statements. 1. Foreign currency is the money of other countries 2. In a growing economy, the exchange is always rising. 3. Foreign currency is always in the form of notes or coins 4. The foreign exchange market is made up of thousands of people including international tourists and foreign exchange brokers

Statements 1 and 4 are correct

Choose the statements concerning neoclassical growth theory that are true. 1. technological change results from the choices people make in the pursuit of profit 2. neoclassical growth theory was developed in the late 19th century. 3. Neoclassical growth theory is the proposition that real GDP per person grows because technological change induces a level of saving and investment that makes capital per hour of labor grow. 4. The rate of technological change influences the economic growth rate but economic growth does not influence the pace of technological change

Statements 3 and 4 are correct

Draw a Laffer curve. Label it. Draw a point on the curve at the tax rate that generates the maximum tax revenue. Label it ​T*. Draw a point on the curve that shows the approximate location of the United States on the curve. Label it United States. Choose the correct statement

T* is top point. US is around 60, about half way down the curve on the left side of it. tax cuts can increase tax revenue

Which of the following statements about the Keynesian view of the macroeconomy is incorrect?

Technological change is the most significant influence on both aggregate demand and aggregate supply.

Choose the statement that is incorrect.

The Fed tries to maximize the output gap, especially when the gap is positive.

When the price level, the money wage rate, and other factor prices rise by the same percentage , there is a movement along ______. Potential GDP _____. When the price level rises but the money wage rate and other factor prices remain the same, there is a movement along _______. The quantity of real GDP supplied __________.

The LAS curve; does not change The SAS curve; increases

China currency article: 1. What does the Treasury Department say about​ China's currency? 2. What type of exchange rate policy does China​ practice? 3. How might it be determined whether the yuan is​ "significantly undervalued"? It might be determined whether the yuan is​ "significantly undervalued" from​ _____ and​ _____. Graphical Analysis. In its​ semi-annual report on international exchange​ rates, the Treasury Department called​ China's currency, the​ yuan, "significantly​ undervalued." 1. Draw a demand curve for U.S. dollars. Label it D0. 2. Draw a supply curve of U.S. dollars. Label it S0. 3. Draw a point at the equilibrium. Label it 1. 4. Draw a line to show​ China's target exchange rate such that the​ yuan-U.S. dollar exchange rate rises. Label it.

The Treasury Department says that​ China's currency is undervalued China practices a crawling peg exchange rate policy. PPP prices; the change in foreign exchange reserves Draw a supply and demand curve, label them. draw equilibrium and label. Draw a horizontal line above equilibrium all the way across intersecting the s and d curves

The table shows the balance of payments accounts in the United Kingdom in 2004. What is the United Kingdoms current balance, capital and financial account balance, and official settlements account balance?

The current account balance is -43billion dollars The capital and financial account balance is 43 billion dollars The official settlements account balance is 0 billion dollars

The table shows the balance of payments accounts in Canada in 2004. What is canadas current balance, capital and financial account balance, and official settlements account balance? Imports of goods and services: 437 Foreign investment in canada: 62 Exports of goods and services: 491 Canadian investment abroad: 88 Net interest income: -50 Net transfers: 25 Statistical discrepancy: -6

The current account balance is 29 billion dollars The capital and financial account balance is -32 billion dollars The official settlements account balance is 3 billion dollars

Choose the statement that is incorrect

The demand for labor is the relationship between the quantity of labor demanded and the money wage rate.

Choose the statement that is incorrect

The demand-side effects of a tax cut are likely to be larger than an equivalent increase in government expenditure.

The table gives some items from the national income and product accounts. Calculate the government sector balance, the private sector balance, and net exports.

The government sector balance is 350 billion dollars The private sector balance is 50 billion dollars Net exports is 400 billion dollars

The table gives some items from the national income and product accounts. Calculate the government sector balance, the private sector balance, and net exports. Government expenditures: 200 Net Taxes: 250 Investment: 500 Saving: 400

The government sector balance is 50 billion dollars The private sector balance is -100 billion dollars Net exports is -50 billion dollars

When the price of an asset rises, ______.

The interest rate falls

Choose the statement that is incorrect

The nominal interest rate is the real interest rate adjusted to remove the effects of inflation on the buying power of money.

All of the following are examples of investment except ________.

a student increasing his human capital by attending college

The business cycle occurs because ______.

aggregate demand and short run aggregate supply fluctuate, but the money wage rate does not adjust quickly enough to keep real GDP at potential GDP

An economy is at full employment when​ ______.

all unemployment is frictional and structural

The fed in the U.S.

allows a flexible exchange​ rate, though their actions can impact the exchange rate.

During the 100 years from 1914 to​ 2014, real GDP per person in the United States grew at​ ______.

an average of 2 percent a year

flour purchased by Chef Bondi to make pizza dough is an example of ________ good. The piano your parents bought when you started piano lessons is an example of ________ good.

an intermediate; a final

Lumber purchased by the Table and Chair Manufacturing Company is an example of _______ good. Sugar purchased by Angelo's bakery to make pies and cakes in an example of _______ good.

an intermediate; an intermediate

Economic growth is shown on the production possibilities frontier as

an outward shift in the PPF.

suppose a Canadian dollar bank deposit in Toronto earns 5 percent a year and a US dollar bank deposit in Chicago earns 1 percent a year. What expectations do people hold if interest rate parity to to hold. For interest rate parity to hold, people expect that the US dollar will _____ by ____ percent a year

appreciate; 4

If the U.S. exchange rate changes from​ $1.00 Canadian to​ $1.05 Canadian, then the U.S. dollar has​ _______ and the Canadian dollar has​ _______.

appreciated; depreciated

Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding the demand for​ labor? I. The quantity of labor demanded depends on the real wage rate. II. If the money wage rate increases and the price level remains the​ same, the quantity of labor demanded decreases.

both I and II

An increase in the quantity of capital increases _______ and increase in the full-employment quantity of labor increases

both the SAS and the LAS; both the SAS and the LAS

Suppose the exchange rate is 90 yen per U.S. dollar and the U.S. wants to keep the exchange rate at a target rate of 90 yen per U.S. dollar. If the demand for U.S. dollar decreases, the Fed

buys dollars to raise the exchange rate

To make comparisons of real GDP between two countries we must ______.

convert the real GDP of one country into the same currency units as the real GDP of the other country, and use the same prices to value the goods and services in the countries being compared

An increase in expected future income _____.

decreases the supply of loanable funds today because households with larger expected future income will save less today

Aggregate demand decreases if expected future income, inflation, or profits _______. And Aggregate demand decreases if fiscal policy ______ government expenditure.

decreases; decreases

Tax revenues _____ during a recession. Needs-tested spending _____ during an expansion.

decreases; decreases

A rise in the federal funds rate ____ reserves and _____ the quantity of deposits and bank loans created. The quantity of money demanded _____. Consumers and firms spend _____.

decreases; decreases decreases; less

An increase in current income taxes _______ the supply of loanable funds today because it _____.

decreases; decreases disposable income, which decreases saving

Aggregate demand _______ when a decrease in foreign income occurs Aggregate demand _______ when an increase in government expenditure occurs

decreases; increases

Aggregate demand decreases if monetary policy _______ the quantity of money and _______ interest rates.

decreases; increases

Aggregate demand increases if fiscal policy ______ taxes or ______ transfer payments.

decreases; increases

Aggregate demand increases if the exchange rate _____ or foreign income ________.

decreases; increases

Suppose real GDP for a country is​ $13 trillion in​ 2010, $14 trillion in​ 2011, $15 trillion in​ 2012, and​ $16 trillion in 2013. Over this time​ period, the real GDP growth rate is


When an economy is below full employment and the government has a budget deficit, that deficit _____.

exceeds the structural defecit

A flexible exchange rate is an exchange rate that is determined by ________ in the foreign exchange market with no direct intervention by the ________

demand and supply; central bank

Which of the following is NOT a monetary policy tool of the Federal Reserve?

deposit insurance

The required reserve ratio is the minimum percentage of ________ that _______ are required to hold as reserves

deposits; depository institutions

suppose a Canadian dollar bank deposit in Toronto earns 1 percent a year and a US dollar bank deposit in Chicago earns 5 percent a yea. What expectations do people hold if interest rate parity to to hold. For interest rate parity to hold, people expect that the US dollar will _____ by ____ percent a year

depreciate; 4

The ratio of reserves to deposits that a bank plans to hold is its _____. If a bank has $10 million in actual reserves and $8 million in desired reserves, then it has ______.

desired reserve ratio; excess reserves

Real GDP ________.

does not include a measure of household production or underground economic activity.

Real GDP _______.

does not include a measure of leisure time or environmental quality

The graph shows the demand curve for reserves in the market for bank reserves. The federal funds target rate is 4 percent. Draw the supply curve of reserves to achieve the federal funds target rate. Label it. Draw a point at the equilibrium in the market for bank reserves. Choose the statement that is incorrect.

draw a vertical line so that it crosses the demand curve at 4. label and then label equilibrium point. The Fed's open market operations determine the demand for reserves.

An increase in labor productivity increases potential GDP because​ ______.

employment increases and a given amount of employment produces more real GDP

interest rate parity means ______.

equal rates of return

When economists speak of full​ employment, they refer to the case in which the sum of frictional and structural unemployment is

equal to the actual amount of unemployment.

"As more people buy computers​, the demand for Internet service will increase and the price of Internet service will decrease. The fall in the price of Internet service will decrease the supply of Internet service​." This statement is​ ______ because​ ______.

false; an increase in demand for Internet service does not decrease the price of Internet service and a decrease in the price of Internet service does not decrease the supply of Internet service

US gross domestic products is the market value of all the ______ produced ______ in a given time period.

final goods and services; within the United States

Cyclical unemployment

fluctuates over the business cycle.

Students who leave school in the spring and look for work are one source of _______.

frictional unemployment

The RicardominusBarro effect holds that

government budget deficits have no effect on the real interest rate.

When the unemployment rate is less than the natural unemployment rate, real GDP is ______ than potential GDP and the output gap is ______.

greater; positive

Suppose that the money multiplier is 3. If the monetary base increases by $1 million, the quantity of money will

increase by $3 million

Suppose the Fed buys $50 million of government securities from the Bank of America. The Fed's total assets ________ and its total liabilities _______. The Bank of America's Total assets _____ and its total liabilities ______.

increase by $50 million; increase by $50 million do not change; do not change

As part of its policy to contain the financial crisis, the Fed extended deposit insurance. This action ______ bank deposits and ______ bank reserves.

increased; increased

If the exchange rate falls, then the expected profit from holding the domestic currency


Suppose that the exchange rate rises from 80 yen per U.S. dollar to 90 yen per U.S. dollar. The quantity of U.S. dollars that people plan to sell in the foreign exchange market________

increases and a movement up along the supply curve of U.S. dollar occurs

A government budget deficit occurs, which ______. The real interest rate ______. Private saving __________ and investment __________.

increases the demand for loanable funds; rises increases; decreases

A decrease in expected future income ________.

increases the supply of loanable funds today because households with smaller expected future income will save more today.

The PPF bows outward because as we move from point A to point B to point C​, the opportunity cost of producing a blanket ________

increases. Resources are not equally productive in all activities

Aggregate demand decreases if fiscal policy ______ taxes or _____ transfer payments.

increases; decreases

Aggregate demand decreases if the exchange rate _______ or foreign income _______.

increases; decreases

From 2009 to 2012, the long term real interest rate paid by the safest US corporations fell from 4 percent to 2 percent. During that same period, the federal funds rate was roughly constant at0.25 percent a year. A fall in the federal funds rate _____ the supply of bank loans and the supply of loanable funds, and _____ the equilibrium real interest rate

increases; lowers

An increase in real GDP ______ the demand for money and financial innovation _________.

increases; might increase the demand for some types of deposits and decrease the demand for others

Expansionary fiscal policy when the economy is below full employment _______ aggregate demand and real GDP, and the price level _____.

increases; rises

The events are A.The number of people writing and producing XBox One games increases. B. The price of an Xbox One falls. C. Programmers who write code for XBox One games become more costly to hire. D. The prices of a PlayStation 4 and a Wii Upper U fall. Event A ​ ______ the​ ______ XBox One games. Event B​ ______ the​ ______ XBox One games. Event C​ ______ the​ ______ XBox One games. Event D​ ______ the​ ______ XBox One games.

increases​; quantity demanded of increases​; demand for decreases​; quantity demanded of decreases​; demand for

The core inflation rate _____.

is the rate of increase in the core PCE deflator, which is the PCE deflator excluding food and fuel.

The natural unemployment rate _______.

is the unemployment rate when there is no cyclical unemployment

The bias in the CPI is a problem because ________.

it distorts wage agreements linked to the CPI

During 2012, the inflation rate increased but remained int he "comfort zone" and the unemployment rate remained high. During this period, the Fed would have raised the interest rate. If _____.

it thought that the rising inflation rate was a greater problem than unemployment.

The equilibrium quantity of a good will increase and its equilibrium price might​ rise, fall, or stay the same when

its demand and supply both increase.

According to new growth theory, ______ experience diminishing returns.

knowledge is capital that does not

The income earned by the people who sell the services of the factor of production​ _______ is called​ _______.

labor​; wages

The resources that are used to produce goods and services​ - _____ are factors of production.

land, labor,​ capital, and entrepreneurship

Other things remaining the same, the _____

larger the value of U.S. imports, the greater is the quantity of U.S. dollars supplied to the foreign exchange market

Leather belts and leather shoes are substitutes in production. If style changes increase the demand for leather​ belts, the supply curve of leather shoes will shift

leftward and the equilibrium price of leather shoes will rise.

Choose the statement that is incorrect

liquid assets have a higher interest rate than securities

Demand and supply in the market for _____ determine the long-term interest rate. In the short run, a change in the _____ changes the equilibrium real interest rate.

loanable funds; federal funds rate

Suppose the Fed increases the quantity of money. In the long run, supply and demand in the ____ market determines the real interest rate. The ______ adjusts to make the quantity of real money supplied equal to quantity demanded.

loanable funds; price level

The graph shows an economy in a below​ full-employment equilibrium. To restore full​ employment, the government increases government expenditure by​ $0.5 trillion. Draw a curve that shows the effect if this increase in government expenditure is the only change in spending plans. Label it AD0​+Upper DeltaE. The increase in government expenditure sets off a multiplier process. Draw a curve that shows the multiplier effect that returns the economy to full employment. Label it AD1. Draw a point at the​ long-run equilibrium.

look at pic

The graph shows the demand for labor curve and supply of labor curve for an economy. Draw a point at the equilibrium real wage rate and equilibrium quantity of labor. Label it 1. Now the government imposes a tax on labor income. Draw a curve that shows the effect of this tax. Label it. Draw points at the new equilibrium quantity of labor to show: 1) the before tax wage rate. Label it 2. 2) the after tax wage rate. Label it 3. When the government imposes a tax on labor income, _____, the production function occurs and potential GDP _____.

look at pic a leftward movement along, decreases

The graph shows the demand for labor curve and supply of labor curve for an economy. Draw a point at the equilibrium real wage rate and equilibrium quantity of labor. Label it 1. Now the government imposes a tax on labor income. Draw a curve that shows the effect of this tax. Label it. Draw a points at the new equilibrium quantity of labor to show: before tax wage rate and after tax wage rate When the government imposes a tax on labor income, ______ the production function occurs and potential GDP ______.

look at pic a leftward movement along; decreases

The table gives the aggregate demand schedule, the short run aggregate supply schedule, and the long run aggregate supply schedule for an economy. What is the quantity of real GDP at the short run macroeconomic equilibrium? The quantity of real GDP at the short run macroeconomic equilibrium is ______. The economy has _____.

look at pic for graph. $550 an inflationary gap of $50 billion

Draw the short run Phillips curve if the expected inflation rate is 5 percent a year. Label it SRPC1. Draw a point at the expected inflation rate and the natural unemployment rate. Label it 1. Draw the shirt run Phillips curve if the expected inflation rate is 15 percent a year. Label is SRPC2. Draw a point at the expected inflation rate and the natural unemployment rate. Label it 2. A movement _____ along the short run Phillips curve occurs when there is an _____ increase in aggregate demand.

look at picture up; unexpected

In any​ year, the real GDP of an economy

may be greater or less than potential GDP.

Money serves as a _______.

medium of exchange, which means that it is generally accepted in exchange for goods and services

The short-run aggregate supply curve is upward sloping because

money wage rates do not immediately change when the price level changes.

The money multiplier is the ratio of the change in the quantity of _____ to the change in the quantity of ______.

money; monetary base

After the Fed decreases the quanity of money, at an interest rate of 7 percent a year, people want to hold _______ money than the quantity supplied, so they _______ bonds The price of a bond​ _______ and the interest rate​ _______.

more;sell falls; rises

If the price of renting a DVD rises​, a​ ______ the demand curve occurs. If any factor that influences buying plans other than the price​ changes, then a​ ______ the demand curve occurs.

movement up ​along; shift of

A country that is borrowing more from the rest of the world then it is lending to the rest of the world is a _______, and a country that during its entire history has borrowed more from the rest of the world then it has lent to it is a _______ Currently, the United States is a __________

net borrower, debtor nation debtor nation and net borrower

Which of the following are included in the expenditure approach to calculating GDP?

net exports of goods and services; investment; consumption expenditure

In ______ cycle theory, the rational expectation of the price level, which is determined by potential GDP and expected aggregate demand, determines the money wage rate and the position of the SAS curve. In _____ cycle theory, past rational expectations of the current price level influence the money wage rate and position of the SAS curve.

new classical, new Keynesian

A ______ macroeconomist believes that business cycle fluctuations are the efficient responses of a well functioning market economy that is bombarded by shocks that arise from the ......(didn't get it all in pic) A ______ macroeconomist believes that the short run aggregate supply curve is horizontal at a fixed price level

new classical; new Keynesian

The main sources of bias in the CPI are _______.

new goods bias, quality change bias, commodity substitution bias, and outlet substitution bias

The demand for money is the relationship between the quantity of real money demanded and the ______ when all other influences on the amount of money that people wish to hold remain the same. When the nominal interest rate rises, the opportunity cost of holding money _______.

nominal interest rate rises; decreases

In calculating​ GDP, household production is

not included because there is no market transaction.

The private sector balance and the government sector balance tend to move in _____. Net exports respond _____.

opposite directions; to the sum of the government sector and private sector balances

The bias in the CPI typically

overstates inflation.

One reason that the aggregate demand curve has a negative sloe is that when the domestic price level rises,

people substitute toward more imported goods and services

Draw the short run phillips curve if the natural unemployment rate is 6 percent and the expected inflation rate is 4 percent a year. Label it. Draw a point at the natural unemployment rate and the unexpected inflation rate. Along the short run phillips curve, ________

picture the expected inflation rate and the natural unemployment rate are constant

Economic growth is the persistent increase in _____. Economic growth is accompanied by inflation when the ______.

potential GDP; AD curve shifts rightward at a faster rate than the LAS curve shifts rightward

According to mainstream business cycle theory, ______ grows at a steady rate and _____ grows at a fluctuating rate.

potential GDP; aggregate demand

The currently used method for calculating the CPI

probably overstates inflation.

Which of the following are included in the income approach to calculating GDP?

proprietors' income; compensation of employees; net income

The United States is experiencing low inflation and real GDP is less than potential GDP. Describe the Fed's actions that will restore full employment. The New York Fed conducts and open market _____ to hit the new ______ federal funds rate target. The monetary base ____. The supply of money ____ and the interest rate _____. The supply of loanable funds _____ and the long term interest rate _____. Investment _______, and aggregate demand _____ with a multiplier effect.

purchase; lower increases; increases; falls increases; rises increases; increases

The quantity of real GDP supplied depends on all of the following except the _____.

quantity of real GDP demanded

In real business cycle theory, _____ are the main source of economic fluctuations.

random fluctuations in productivity

If the economy is in short run equilibrium then

real GDP can be greater than, less than, or equal to potential GDP

The demand for money curve shift rightward if...

real GDP increases

Republican politicians insist that tax cuts "pay for themselves," increasing receipts by goosing economic growth. Democrats and virtually all economists say they're wrong. A tax cut pays for itself if the economy lies to the _____ of the maximum point of the Laffer curve. This statements implies that the absolute value of the tax multiplier is _____. Tax cuts will not pay for themselves is _____.

right, greater than 1 the economy lies tot he left of the maximum point on the laffer curve

Suppose the Fed raises the fed funds rate. Describe the ripple effects of this monetary policy. Other short term interest rates and the exchange rate _____. The quantity of money and supply of loanable funds _____ The long term real interest rate____. Consumption expenditure, investment, and net exports _____. Aggregate demand _____. Real GDP growth and inflation rate _____.

rise; decrease; rises decrease; decreases; decrease

An increase in the demand for burgers brings a​ ______ in the price of a burger and​ ______ in the quantity of burgers supplied.

rise​; an increase

Suppose a country has a crawling peg exchange rate policy against the U.S. dollar and the equilibrium exchange rate in units of foreign currency per U.S. dollar is above the target rate. To keep the exchange rate pegged at its target​ level, the​ country's central bank must​ ______ U.S. dollars and​ ______ its foreign currency reserves.

sell; decrease

An increase in labor productivity _______.

shifts the demand for labor curve rightward and the production function upward

An increase in the population ______.

shifts the supply of labor curve rightward and creates a movement along the production function.

If you have $5,000 in wealth and the price level decreases by 20 percent, then

the $5,000 will buy more goods and services

Short run equilibrium occurs at the intersect of

the SAS and AD curves

The U.S. interest rate differential rises when

the U.S. interest rate rises and the foreign interest rate falls

For a commercial bank, the term "reserves" refers to

the cash in its value and its deposits at the Federal Reserve

When an event occurs that changes the demand for coffee makers​, ​_______ if demand increases and​ ______ if demand decreases.

the demand curve shifts​ rightward; the demand curve shifts leftward

Suppose that yesterday, the U.S. dollar was trading on the foreign exchange market at 100 yen per U.S. dollar and today the U.S. Which has appreciated and which one has depreciated?

the dollar appreciated and the yen depreciated

The demand for U.S. dollars changes when there is a change in any of the following except​ ______.

the foreign exchange rate

The opportunity cost of something you decide to get is

the highest valued alternative you give up to get it.

The fundamental precondition for labor productivity growth is ______.

the incentive system created by firms, markets, property rights, and money

One of the Fed's main policy tools is _________.

the last resort loan, which means that if a bank is short of reserves, it can borrow from the Fed

According to mainstream business cycle theory, _____.

the money wage rate is sticky and consequently if aggregate demand grows faster than potential GDP, an inflationary gap emerges

When cyclical unemployment increases and other things remain the​ same, ______.

the natural unemployment rate does not change

When cyclical unemployment increases and other things remain the same, _______.

the natural unemployment rate does not change.

According to the quantity theory of money, a 10 percent increase in the quantity of money ultimately leads to a 10 percent increase in

the price level

For movements along the long-run aggregate supply curve

the price level and the money wage rate change by the same percentage

A change in _______ creates a movement along the aggregate demand curve, while a change in _______ shifts the aggregate demand curve

the price level; government expenditures

An open market operation is ______.

the purchase or sale of securities by the Federal Reserve System in the loanable funds market

Other things constant, the economy's aggregate demand curve shows that

the quantity of real GDP demanded decreases when the price level rises

We distinguish btw the long-run aggregate supply curve and the short-run aggregate supply curve. In the long-run

the real GDP equals potential GDP

If most prices increase in Japan and other countries but remain constant in the United States, _________.

then for purchasing power parity to hold, the demand for US dollars increases and the supply of US dollars decreases

If most prices have decreased in the United States and not decreased in Japan and other​ countries, ______.

then for purchasing power parity to​ hold, the value of the U.S. dollar in the foreign exchange market will rise

A major characteristic of structural unemployment that differentiates it from frictional unemployment is that structural unemployment

usually lasts longer than frictional unemployment.

______ is an example of US consumption expenditure.

your purchase of a model car kit

When a textile company keeps track of its inventory using a computer and its competitor uses a pad of paper and a​ pencil, they are both answering the​ ________ part of one of the two big economic questions.


A south sea island produces only coconuts. In​ 2014, the price of a coconut is ​$1.50 and the quantity produced is 400. In 2017​, the price of a coconut is ​$2.50 and the quantity produced is 350. 2014 is the reference base year. What is real GDP in 2017 in terms of​ base-year prices? Real GDP in 2017 in terms of​ base-year prices is​ ______.


An increase in labor productivity shifts the labor​ ________ curve​ ________.

​demand; rightward

Suppose the market for loanable funds is in equilibrium. If the expected profit​ falls, the equilibrium real interest rate​ ________ and the quantity of loanable funds​ ________.

​falls; decreases

If the population​ increases, then potential GDP​ ________ and employment​ ________.

​increases; increases

In the absence of a RicardominusBarro ​effect, a government budget deficit​ ________ the demand for loanable​ funds, ________ the real interest​ rate, and​ ________ investment.

​increases; increases; crowds out

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