Edexcel IGCSE ICT Chapter 4: Word processing and desktop publishing

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What's find used for?

Find is used to search for a word or phrase in a document.

Describe how page layout is controlled in DTP.

Page layout is controlled by resizing, rotating and moving frames using the selection handles. You can crop pictures: select the picture and in the Picture Tools Format tab select Crop. You can also wrap text around a graphic and put a border on a frame.

Explain the difference between replace and replace all. (NTS: question like this unlikely but wtvs).

Replace is used to replace a word or phrase with a different word or phrase. Replace All automatically replaces every occurrence of a word or phrase.

When do you select Save As in Word?

Select Save As if you want to save the document with a different filename or on different backing storage. For example, you might work on a document and save it on the hard disk on your computer at home, then save it on a memory stick so that you can take it to college and edit it there.

T/F, you can move content from another application into a document.

True, you can move content from another application into a document, e.g. you can copy graphs produced in a spreadsheet and paste them into a word processing document.

Explain the difference between undo and redo.

Undo reverses the last change you made when editing a document. You click on the Undo button in the Quick Access Toolbar. Redo allows you to undo an undo.

Why is using replace all risky?

Using replace all can be risky, e.g. if you replace all occurrences of 'ion' with 'molecule', words like 'action' become 'actmolecule'!

How do you specify the # of columns needed?

You can specify the number of columns in the Columns drop-down list on the Page Layout tab.

How do you put a border on a graphic?

right click and select Borders and Shading.

Name 4 things you can format in paragraphs.

• Line spacing, e.g. single or double. You can also alter the spacing between paragraphs, and before and after headings. • Alignment.Paragraphs can be left aligned, centered, right aligned or justified. • Indents. An indent is the distance between the margin and the nearest vertical edge of a paragraph. You can have special indents, e.g. a 'first line' indent has only the first line indented. • Tabs. indent paragraphs or create columns of text using the Tab key. Put the cursor to the left of the text you want to indent and press the Tab key. You can use Tab several times on one line.

Describe how to merge and split cells.

• Merge several cells to make one cell. Select the cells, right click and select Merge Cells. • Split a cell vertically. Select the cell, right click and select Split Cells. More complex vertical and horizontal cell splitting can be drawn: in the Insert tab, click on the Table button and select the Draw Table option.

Name 12 features of word processors.

- GUI has toolbars and buttons —> use the features - Open, close, save and print documents - Many editing features - Check written language, spelling and grammar using tools - Formatting —> appearance of document, ex. character and paragraph formatting - Tables inserted - Complex illustration put together -> several smaller clip art/shape objects - Templates —> Create new doc w/ same format - Mail merge —> personalized docs quick - Graphics insert + edit - Drawing tools (callouts + 3D effects) - p a g e layout

How do you add column breaks?

Breaks drop-down list on the Page Layout tab.

How do you insert a picture in DTP.

Click on the Picture button on the Home tab and choose a picture file.

What's a grammar checker do?

Grammar checker identifies possible grammatical errors and suggests how these can be corrected.

Why do you need to add borders?

If you want to show the gridlines when you print the document, you need to add borders.

How do you close a Word document?

To close a document click on the File tab and select Exit.

How do you insert a photograph from a digital camera or a scanned image?

To insert a photograph from a digital camera or a scanned image, save it as a file, go to where you want it placing, and on the Insert tab, select Picture and find the file.

Spelling and grammar checkers can check the __________ of your _____________ as you _________:

accuracy, written English, type.

How do you alter the format of characters?

alter the format of characters using the Home tab or Font dialog box.

How do you add borders?

click on the table, then the Design tab. You can choose a built-in Table Style. Alternatively, to customise the borders, click on the Border button and the Border and Shading dialog box appears.

How do you alter the order of overlapping objects?

select an object and right click, select Order and Bring to Front. This places the selected object in front of all other overlapping objects.

Name 2 things you can insert in DTP.

2 things you can insert in DTP are text boxes and pictures.

What's DTP software used for?

DTP software, e.g. Microsoft Publisher, is used to produce leaflets, newsletters, newspapers, posters, business cards and many other forms of printed communication.

What can the enter key be used for?

Enter key can be used for starting new paragraphs (not lines).

Why would you wrap text around a graphic?

For some documents, e.g. magazines, you may want text to wrap around a graphic as this improves the presentation.

How do you change text wrapping around a table?

Highlight the table, and in the Layout tab in the Table group, click on Properties and select the appropriate alignment.

Why might you ungroup shapes?

The individual objects that are grouped can be difficult to edit unless you Ungroup them.

What can the eight selection handles appearing on a clicked graphic be used for?

These can be dragged to rotate it; and resize it by stretching vertically and horizontally, or enlarging by dragging a corner handle.

How do you add/alter bullets, numbering or sub-numbering?

To add bullets, numbering or sub-numbering, highlight the text and click the appropriate button in the Home tab. To alter the style of bullet, numbering or sub-numbering, click on the down arrow to the right of the button.

How can you edit page layout?

you edit page layout via going to Page Layout tab.

How do you shade rows, columns and cells?

• Highlight the rows, columns or cells you want to shade. • Click on the Shading tab in the Borders and Shading dialog box. • Choose the Fill colour. • Use the Patterns drop-down menu ot select the intensity of the fil; e.g. solid or 10%.

Name 3 things you can change for page layout.

• the width of the Margins • the page Orientation, e.g. Portrait or Landscape • the paper Size, e.g. A4 or perhaps because you want ot print on envelopes.

Name 3 types of graphics which can be added to a doc.

3 types of graphics which can be added to a doc are clipart, photographs from digital cams or scanned images and the whole/part of a screen.

Name 3 useful keys for editing text.

3 useful keys for editing text are: • Backspace-deletes text to the left. • Delete - deletes text to the right. • Enter - starts a new paragraph.

Name 5 editing features in Word.

5 editing features in Word are: 1. Keyboard 2. Moving text to diff part of same doc or to another doc or application 3. Spelling and grammar checks, and proofreading 4. Undo and redo 5. Find and replace.

Name 5 things to proofread for.

5 things to proofread for: • Errors in spelling and grammar that have not been found by spelling and grammar checkers (your instead of you) • Missing words and letters, e.g. a and the are often omitted. • Correct use of capital letters and punctuation marks, especially apostrophes. • Homophones (words that sound the same) are used correctly, e.g. bean and been. • Subject-verb agreement, e.g. 'she was going to the shops' not 'she were going to the shops'.

What are 5 things you can format?

5 things you can format: • Type of Font, e.g. Arial or Times New Roman • Font Size, e.g. 12 point or 18 point • Font style, e.g. bold or italic • Font Colour • Font Effects, e.g. strike through or superscript. Use WordArt for a wider range of effects.

Name 6 useful proofreading techniques.

6 Useful proofreading techniques: • Don't rush. You could miss obvious mistakes. • Check the first sentence and the first paragraph very carefully. • Check the spelling of unfamiliar words in a dictionary. • Double-check information that must be accurate, e.g. web addresses. • Read the text to yourself to help you spot missing words and meaningless sentences. • Get someone else to check your writing.

How do you make a complex illustration?

A complex illustration can be put together from several smaller clip art or shape objects. To keep the shapes together: hold down Shift and click on each; right click and select Grouping, then select Group. The objects will now behave as if they were one object and can be copied and moved easily.

What's a table?

A table is made up of rows and columns and their intersection is called a cell.

Describe an important feature of DTP.

An important feature of DTP is the ability to make text flow between linked text boxes that are separate and in different positions on the page or on different pages. Text flow works when you resize frames and when you delete or insert text.

What's a word processor?

Aword processor is used to prepare letters and other documents, e.g. Microsoft Word 2010, which is used for the examples in this chapter. It has many features found in most word processors.

How do you insert a text box in DTP?

Click on the Draw Text Box button on the Home tab. Dragging the mouse pointer across the page creates a text frame. When you type, the text appears in the text box.

How do you print a document in Word?

Click on the File tab and select Print. You can choose which pages to print, the page orientation and page size. There is a Preview of one of the pages that will be printed.

When are columns needed?

Columns are sometimes needed, e.g. for newspapers and indexes.

Name two ways columns can be displayed.

Columns can be continuous, so the text automatically flows into the top of the next column. Or you can insert a column break to control where the column finishes.

Compare word processing and DTP software.

DTP and word processing software have many common features - e.g. you can open, save and print documents, enter and edit text, change the font type and size, and insert new pages. The main difference is that when you are setting up a new DTP document you have to decide on the page layout. You can do this by selecting a template or inserting objects, e.g. text boxes.

How do you change horizontal and vertical alignment?

Highlight the cell, and in the Layout tab repeatedly click on the Text Direction button to cycle through the options.

What's mail merge used for?

Mail merge helps you produce personalised letters and mailing labels without typing each one individually. This is useful for companies that send letters to customers where the body of the letter is the same for all customers but some information is different, e.g. the name and address.

Explain the process of mail merge.

Mail merge uses two files: • a main document (a standard letter or label) •a data source containing the personal information. During mail merge, personal information from the data source is inserted into the main document to produce personalized documents.

Name 3 things you can insert in Insert Tab.

On the Insert tab, click on the appropriate button and you can: • Insert a Header that appears across the top of every page, or a Footer that appears across the bottom of every page. • Insert Page Numbers, e.g. in the Header or Footer. • Start a new page by inserting a Page Break.

When do you select Save in Word?

Select Save fi you have saved the document previously and want to save it with the same filename on the same backing storage.

How do you wrap text around a picture?

Select the graphic and use the Text Wrapping options on the Picture Tools | Format tab.

How do you un/regroup shapes?

Select the grouped shape, right click, and select Grouping then Ungroup. You can quickly return to the grouped shape by selecting Regroup.

How to crop graphics?

Select the picture and on the Format tab under Picture Tools, in the Size group, click on Crop.

Why should you proofread your work?

Spelling and grammar checkers detect most but not all errors.

What's a spelling checker do?

Spelling checker identifies each misspelt word and provides a list of possible spellings to choose from.

________________ help you create different page layouts in DTP.


What features does the GUI have typical of many word processors?

The GUI has features typical of many word processors: • The insertion point is a flashing vertical line which shows where text appears when you type on the keyboard. • The I-beam or mouse pointer allows you to move the insertion point to a specific position in a document by clicking on the left mouse button. • Vertical scrollbars allow you to scroll up or down. • Horizontal scrollbars allow you to scroll left or right. • Page buttons allow you to move up or down a document a page at a time.

How do you create a new document in Word?

To create a new document, open Word, or if Word is open, click on the File tab and select New.

How do you create a template in Word?

To create a template in Word, produce a document with the formatting and page setup you want, and then save the document as a template not as a word processing document: on the File tab, select Save as and Save as type: Word Template (*.dotx).

How do you customize a template in DTP.

To customize a template, choose from a range of colour schemes on the Picture Tools Format tab and edit the text.

How do you cut and paste text?

To cut and paste text: 1. Select the text. 2. Right click and select Cut. 3. Move the insertion point to the new position and right click and select Paste.

How do you drag and drop text?

To drag and drop text: 1. Select the text using the mouse 2. Hold down the mouse button and drag the text to its new position 3. Drop the text by releasing the mouse button.

How do you insert a row in an existing table?

To insert a row in an existing table: • Highlight a row. • Right-click and select Insert, then choose Insert Rows Above or Insert Rows Below.

How do you add a table?

To insert a table, click on the Insert tab, then the Table button and drag the mouse to set the number of rows and columns.

How do you insert clipart?

To insert clipart, place the insertion point where you want the clip art, and on the Insert tab, select Clip Art and find a suitable image.

How do you insert the whole or part of the screen?

To insert the whole or a part of the screen, press the Print Screen key and the screen display will be copied to the clipboard. You can paste this into a document.

How do you move a graphic?

To move a graphic, highlight the graphic and drag it to the desired position, or cut and paste it.

Explain how text box overflow is controlled in DTP.

When a text box is full, the Text Overflow indicator appears on the lower right-hand side of the text frame. Click on this and on the page: a new text box is created and text will flow between these frames.

Why do you crop graphics?

When you crop a graphic you trim the edges to remove unwanted parts.

How do you access drawing tools?

Word processors include many drawing tools and a variety of shapes, e.g. lines, arrows, callouts; charts, and SmartArt. To access these, click on the Insert tab.

What's word wrap?

Word wrap is what happens when you are typing in text and the last word on the line is automatically moved to the next line.

How do you change column widths and row heights?

You can change column widths and row heights by dragging the frame.

How do you alter the format of paragraphs?

alter the format of paragraphs in the Home tab or Paragraph dialog box.

A document will have the ______________ and ___________________ of the template.

formatting; page layout.

Objects are inserted in _____________ in DTP.


You can use the step-by-step _________________________ in Word to send __________________ letters.

mail merge wizard; personalized.

How do you open a document previously saved on Word?

open a document you have previously saved, click on the File tab and select Open or find the file using Windows Explorer and double-click on it.

What's the difference between Cut and Copy?

• Cut removes the original text from the document. • Copy leaves the original text in the document.

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