EDP exam 2

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What has the research revealed regarding the geography of parenthood and well-being?

The relationship between parenthood and life satisfaction depends on geography, with it having a negative relationship in Western countries that endorse an ideology of intensive parenting but do not have supportive family policies.

Which statement regarding occupational expectations and reality is accurate?

Young people frequently have jobs that fail to match their interests and education.

What type of activity has been shown to restore brain volume in older adults, especially in the hippocampus, a region closely involved with memory?

a program of aerobic exercise

Ray has begun adding a lot of salt and sugar into his foods. Since he has hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes, the change in his diet has negatively impacted his health. Ray is most likely adding the salt and sugar because he ______.

is experiencing a decline in the sense of taste and smell

The main purpose of hospice is to:

provide palliative care and help patients to face death in a psychologically healthy way.

The grandparent role is especially important for adults in midlife because it ______.

provides them opportunities for generativity

Now that Benita is in late adulthood, socioemotional selectivity theory predicts that she will:

prune peripheral relationships and prioritize time with family and close friends.

Which child is most likely to understand that death is final, irreversible, inevitable and due to biological causes like injury or illness?

-A 5-year old who has witnessed gun violence in their neighborhood. -A 4-year old undergoing treatment for terminal cancer. -An 8-year old who has grown up hearing stories about relatives who have died and helping to prepare the family's ofrenda for Día de los Muertos.

Which of the following are risk-factors for life-course persistent pattern of delinquency?

-Community violence -Affiliation with other antisocial peers -Parenting that is harshly punitive or negligent. -Under-resourced schools

Why is sleep critical for neurocognitive functioning?

-During sleep unnecessary neural connections are pruned. -During sleep new neural connections are formed. -During sleep memories are consolidated. -During sleep cerebrospinal fluid clears the brain of biological waste.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding retirement planning?

-Financial resources are the determining factor shaping whether and when an older adult retires. -Due to disparities in education and income, White non-Hispanic adults save over three times as much as adults who are Black or Hispanic. -Leaving work represents a major life transition, and those without a plan can feel adrift and overwhelmed.

Which of the following predict attraction?

-Humor, kindness, intelligence and charisma. -Proximity and mere exposure effect -Symmetry, bright eyes, and unblemished skin. -Similarity and trust

Mortality rates of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes are higher among people of low socioeconomic status because of:

-environmental exposure to toxins -inadequate access to medical care -high levels of stress -diets high in saturated fats and salt

How does stress negatively affect health?

-Stress weakens the immune system, making us more vulnerable to infections and slowing the rate of healing. -Cortisol shortens telomeres which hastens cell death and disease. -Cortisol increases cravings for calorically-dense food, disrupts digestion, and increases fat around internal organs. -Chronic stress contributes to cardiovascular disease by increasing blood pressure and plaque deposits in arteries.

Which of the following is associated with marital harmony and satisfaction, especially in Western countries?

-shared interests and values -shared decision-making and household tasks -good communication and conflict management

Approximately ____ women and men experience sexual coercion, stalking, or intimate partner violence in their lifetimes.

1 in 3

With reference to cross-cultural comparisons, which of the following statements about adolescent pregnancies in the U.S. is FALSE?

Adolescents in the US are more sexually active than their European counterparts.

Amy was raised by two mothers, whereas Jessica was raised by a heterosexual couple. According to research, it is most likely that:

Amy and Jessica are the same with regard to social development, psychological adjustment, and gender and sexual orientation.

Which of the following scenarios best reflects adolescents' experiences of the imaginary audience?

Becca is considering cancelling her prom plans because she has developed a pimple on her forehead and is afraid everyone at the prom will notice it and make fun of her.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that is implicated in the spread of sexually transmitted infections?

Condom failure.

All of the following are TRUE about dating EXCEPT:

Dating and hooking-up are the new courtship process of young people around the world.

Which of the following is the finding of the cross-sequential assessment of intellectual abilities conducted by Schaie?

Decline in intellectual abilities were more likely in the cross-sectional assessments than in the longitudinal assessments.

Doug is a young adolescent who is facing a job search right after high school graduation in 2020. How would Doug's job prospects likely compare to his father's job prospects in 1975?

Doug's father had a better chance at a good manufacturing job.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding LGBTQ+ individuals' experiences with prejudice and discrimination?

Due to widespread social acceptance, now is a better time than ever to come out as a sexual or gender minority member.

Why are older adults more likely to forget what items they wanted to buy at a grocery store than they are to forget how to drive a car?

Implicit procedural memory is less likely to be adversely affected by aging than explicit memory.

Which of the following is the perspective of adolescence shared by contemporary scholars?

It can be stressful for some, but is typically without developmental problems.

Johan and Elin have lived together in Stockholm Sweden for two years and are beginning to talk about marriage, though they have all of the legal benefits of marriage and their families do not expect them to marry. Matt and Samantha have lived together in Washington D.C. for two years and recently gave birth to their first child. They are beginning to talk about marriage because their families do not approve of their out-of-wedlock birth and are pressuring them to "make it official." According to what we learned about cohabitation from Sassler & Lichter (2020), which statement is MOST likely true of their futures?

Johan and Elin are more likely to stay together than Matt and Samantha.

Which individual is demonstrating pragmatic thought?

Luc understands that he must stick with his new job even if he is frustrated with the hours.

Who is most likely to have experienced emerging adulthood?

Madison, who is a pre-med student in her junior year of college.

Caitlin Howe was born in Korea and adopted and raised by a white couple in the U.S. When asked about her upbringing and feelings about being adopted, she feels gratitude but also feelings of grief and loss. She has a feeling that she is not Korean, and yet she is always recognized as a foreigner in the States. When she thinks of herself and other transnational adoptees, she wonders, "where is our homeland?" Using Phinney's framework, which label best fits Caitlin's response to her ethnic identity?


Which statement accurately reflects the recommended exercise necessary for improved health?

National guidelines recommend engaging in at least 150 minutes of moderate activity each week.

Which of the following statements about a living will is FALSE?

Only the terminally ill can write one

Among the following statements regarding how culture influences girls' experiences with menstruation, which is FALSE?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a socially constructed phenomenon.

Darrell wants to ensure that his sons become competent decision makers. Which of the following is a strategy you would suggest for improving their decision making?

Provide opportunities for decision-making and discuss how to weigh options.

Which of the following was relied on as a clear sign of death in the past and continues to be a sign of death in the present?

Rigor mortis

Which statement about second marriages and step-families is FALSE?

Step-children have fewer behavioral problems and adjustment troubles than biological children.

All of the following accurately reflect power inequity among men and women in the U.S. EXCEPT:

The U.S. ranks in the top 25% in cross-national comparisons of female representation in government.

Which of the following statements regarding sexuality and aging is FALSE?

The majority of older people no longer want or enjoy sexual contact.

Josh was diagnosed with a fatal genetic condition and has been in and out of the hospital for much of his childhood. His most recent stay at the hospital has been longer than the others and he has been feeling much worse than before. When his mother asked him how he would like to celebrate his birthday in the coming months, he told her he wouldn't be having a birthday.


What is consistently reported as a criterion for adulthood across most cultures?

accepting responsibility for consequences of actions

Maria planned to be a business major, but after a summer internship, she decided that business went against her values. She was able to transfer into a social work program at the start of her third year of college and is now sure she wants to go into social work. All in all, Maria feels like she has made the right choices.


Joonhe noticed a cross on the side of the road on her drive to school. She thought to herself that the cross is clearly for the living since the person who died no longer exists. Then she noticed the time and increased her speed so she wouldn't be late to school.


Alice is increasingly withdrawn, repeats herself in conversation, and sometimes doesn't recognize her daughter. Her children are concerned because her symptoms are much worse than the absentmindedness she exhibited before. After a brain scan, her physician has ruled out tumor and stroke.

alzheimer's disease

Becca has been diagnosed with gastrointestinal cancer. She has been asking herself, "Why me?" She feels cheated and robbed out of a future life of a spouse and kids and a career, and she resents her college classmates who only have to stress about finals.


Research with college students suggests that binge and heavy drinking occur because young adults ______.

are in transition and exposed to positive peer attitudes about drinking

David has a brain tumor that is inoperable. When he is alone he promises to be a better person if he could survive. He begs to be allowed to live long enough to walk his daughter down the aisle


Most psychologists believe that it is best for dying individuals (regardless of age) to:

be informed of their prognosis, involved in decisions. and be helped to reach closure.

Valencia is an American teenager. Like most teenagers, Valencia will feel the greatest pressure from peers to conform to ______.

choice of clothing and music

During holiday visits, Jess loves to watch her parents, who have been married for 25 years. Like a dance they have perfected, they anticipate each other's movements and needs. Though she doubts they have a steamy sex life, watching their quiet affection comforts her.

compassionate love

Effective sexual assault prevention involves ______.

debunking rape myths and cultural acceptance of sexual violence

Lynnette has just been told that she has breast cancer and that her tests show that the cancer has spread to her liver. Lynnette says, "I feel great. The lab obviously has my test results mixed up with someone else's."


Ira is an older adult who has been in and out of the hospital recently. Since getting home he has started refusing to have any visitors. He spends most of his time awake grieving.


The most common developmental problem of adolescence is ______.


Devon has always excelled in school and has felt ambivalent about every extracurricular activity he tried. His parents have always told him, "You're so bright; you can be anything you want!" Now a young adult, Devon is having difficulty deciding what to do and as a result feels depressed and unable to do anything.


Maisie and Luke overheard their parents talking about a classmate who drowned. They are scared because their parents sound sad. Maisie is hoping her classmate will wake up soon and Luke has concluded that he won't ever die because he can run faster than death.

early childhood

Vivek and Shivani have returned to Vivek's family home to settle into married life. Shivani doesn't know Vivek well but feels confident that her parents made a good choice and is looking forward to building a marriage with her new husband.

empty love

The transition to middle adulthood typically involves______.

evaluation of values, goals, and priorities

Isabel and Zach met on a spring break mission trip, fell madly in love with each other, and have decided to get married. Their parents think it is too soon, but they feel confident that they know all they need to know about each other.

fatuous love

Jeong plans to get his commercial pilot's license and be a pilot at the company where both his father and grandfather work. When others ask him about other potential careers, Jeong always replies, "If being a pilot is good enough for Dad and Grandpa, it's good enough for me. Besides, they would be very disappointed if I backed out."


The person most likely to help Manuela's moral reasoning develop is her ______.

friend, who challenges her with a different perspective about her experiences

John is 83 and has been feeling quite down lately. He knows he is reaching the end of his life, and thinks he accomplished very little. He is withdrawing from friends and family, who are concerned about his isolation. Which approach could his friends and family use to help John increase his well-being and reduce despair?

help him complete life review

Horatio has experienced the loss of his brother, his best friend, and most recently his wife. He thinks a lot about his life and has started talking about his wishes with his children. Even though they dismiss his comments as morbid and change the conversation, he feels comfortable thinking about death and is ready to find out what happens next.

later adulthood

Since the mid-20th century, Western culture's expectations for the timing of developmental milestones of adulthood have become ______.

less age conscious

Sophia has been experiencing tremors, stiffness and forgetfulness. Her children assumed these were typical symptoms of aging. But recently she has been sleep walking and describing seeing people her children cannot see.

lewy body dementia

Which factor plays the largest role in how long a person lives?

lifestyle choices

Cara and Andrew enjoy spending time together and feel comfortable to talk about anything with each other. Though they care about each other, their relationship is platonic and they each have romantic partners.


Donte recently experienced the loss of his father. Watching his father go through end-of-life care and arranging his memorial service has motivated him to schedule the annual physical he has been putting off and to begin volunteering in his community.

middle adulthood

Middle adulthood is referred to as the sandwich generation because:

middle-aged adults are often balancing demands of work, caring for adolescent children, and providing care for their own aging parents.

Madison is trying to "find herself." She is considering a career in advertising and is taking a prerequisite market research course. However, she has also been talking to her aunt lately about her aunt's home-based Internet business. Overall, Madison feels "up in the air," but she is trying to figure it all out.


All of the following influence pubertal timing EXCEPT?

number of siblings

Peggy is a woman in her late 80s who lives in her own home. Peggy uses hearing aids and cannot walk as quickly as she used to. However Peggy continues to work part-time, drive, travel, and is generally in good health.


Around the world, early-maturing adolescents are more likely to engage in early and risky activities if they spend time with ______.

older peers

Jimmie Lee is a woman in her early 80s who lives with her son and needs daily assistance getting dressed, using the restroom, preparing meals and taking medicine. She uses a walker, undergoes dialysis three times per week, and has recently been diagnosed with dementia.


Research on reactions to relationship dissolution indicates that people:

overestimate how painful it will be, and gradually bounce back.

Which factor is most important to a high schooler's academic achievement?

parent-school involvement

Michael is feeling depressed. He has been experiencing tremors and difficulty walking and now is forgetting names and where he put his keys.

parkinson's disease

In a classic study, Judith Rodin and Ellen Langer found that an important factor related to health, and even survival, in a nursing home is the:

patient's feelings of autonomy and social interaction with others.

Deaths that are sudden, traumatic, or off-time are likely to:

produce more intense feelings of grief than expected-lingering or entry-reentry deaths.

Mr. and Mrs. Adams are the parents of 16-year-old Finn. Which approach to parental monitoring will be most effective with Finn?

respect his autonomy and privacy as much as possible

After her husband's death, Lorna has had to start dealing with her finances. She has had to learn to balance a checkbook and pay the bills—things that her husband always did when he was alive. According to the dual-process model of coping with bereavement, Lorna is experiencing _____.

restoration-oriented stressors

Mei and Shu met through friends and have been dating privately for almost a year. They try to spend every free moment with each other and feel like they know everything about one another. They fear their time together may be coming to an end though, because their parents have been pressuring them to find good husbands and would be furious if they learned Mei and Shu are more than friends.

romantic love

Marilyn, an 82-year-old woman, has maintained high cognitive functioning as she has aged. She focuses on maintaining her favorite activities, including reading to children at the library and serving on the fundraising board of her church, because she realized that when she tried to do too much she had more difficulties performing. Though she had to give up driving, she uses a ride app to get rides to where she wants to be. What is Marilyn engaging in?

selective optimization with compensation

As he looks back at life, David realizes that his work was not as important to him as he believed, and that he lost too much valuable time with his children. He feels disappointed and regret. If he could do it over again, he would work less and spend more time with his children. According to Erikson, David is experiencing some degree of:


Poncho has few physical complaints, a large social support network, and stays active by playing with his grandchildren. He uses his smart phone to help him keep track of dates and lists.

successful aging

Donna is concerned about her adolescent daughter's tendency to flare up at the mildest provocations. Donna says that her daughter refuses to see reason and seems unable to exercise much self-control. As someone who subscribes to the dual-systems model, you would tell Donna that her daughter's behavior could partly be explained by the biological reason that:

the limbic system —the seat of emotions such as anger—matures earlier than the prefrontal cortex in adolescence.

During a holiday visit, Jim's kids notice that he seems scattered and irritable. After a brain scan, his physician concludes he has experienced multiple mild strokes.

vascular dementia

Which approach by high schools would help young people who are unable or uninterested to attend college?

vocational training

Arthur is 74 years of age. He lost his husband to heart disease 6 months ago, and he has fallen into a deep depression. His friends are deeply concerned about him. What recommendation would most likely help alleviate Arthur's depressive symptoms?

volunteering at a local library

Research on sleep and school start times in adolescence has revealed that adolescents ______.

who attend schools that start at a later time experience improvements in alertness, performance, mood, tardiness, absences and health

Debbie is 67 and enjoying visiting her grandchildren in her recent retirement. She wears reading glasses and takes blood pressure medicine but is otherwise active and in good health.


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