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agricultural revoloution

-10,000 yr ago human start raising crop and livestock stable food supply

social sciences of environmentalism

-geography, economics, political science

environmental science aspects

-learn how the natural world works -how we affect the enviroment -understand how we as humans interact with the enviroment

laws of ecology

1. Everything is connected to everything else 2. Everything must go somewhere 3. Nature knows best 4. There is no such thing as a free lunch

steps for scientific method

1. Observation 2. research 3. hypothesis 4. experiment 5. conclusion 6.results

What is the average percent of articles accepted?


we appeared

2.5 millon years ago mya hunter + gathers relativley low impact

How do the peers judge the paper?

Answering questions about the paper's quality

error bars

Graphical representation of the variability of data can be used to show maximum and minium values or the standard deviation


Information obtained through the senses.

Name the three terms for research articles

Peer Review, Academic, Scholarly

paradigm shift theory

a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.

Natural experiments

a natural event that acts as an experimental treatment in an ecosystem volcanoes, forest fires destroy a forest we wouldn't destroy a forest for an experiment

control group

all the other groups are compared to this (normal)

human disruption to ecosystem services

anthropogenic activites

how many animals can supply

carrying capacity

Human system

classroom air moving in and out water moving in various insects moving in


consistency of repeated measure

experiment should have

control group and experimental group experi should have indepndent + dependent quantative and qualatative

Qualatative data


Environmentalism vs environmental science

environmentalism is a belief system lobby officials and get laws passed that protect the environment Environmental science - field of science that studies the interactions of the physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment and the relationships and effects of these components with the organisms in the environment.

interpreting data

evaluate + mathmatic statistics

Enviromental Equity

fair distrubution of resources- moral

Natural System

forest energy moving thru diff organisms matter in form of organmisms and air

middle of nonrewnewable and rewnewable

fresh water forest products agricultural crops soils replenishes but are we pulling out to fast before it can replenish


genetic diversity - keep ur population varied at a genetic level

experimental group

has one independent variable altered


has to be a testable predicition

Rachel Carson

her study of DDT (bug sprary) and the consequences of brought what are we doing and how are we impacting our enviroment?


how can we use resources resonponsibily leaving enough behind so the generation is able to survive


how close a measurement is to the correct value

agri-indus change

human + animal power to fossil fuel power (coal) increase in population life span increases


humans have surpassed the Earth's capacity to support us

tradegy of commons

individuals will use shared resources in their own self interest rather than keeping in with the common good, thereby depleting the resources.

observational science

information is gathered about organisms, systems, processes, etc. cannot be manipulated by experiments used in astronomy, palenotology, taxonomy, genomics

environmental science is referred to as

interdisciplinary field incorporates ideas and information from multiple disciplines ex. biology, geology, chem, social sciences, humanities

with a larger area

it is harder to manage

Environmental features that limit the growth, abundance, or distribution of an organism or a population of organisms in an ecosystem is known as

limited resources

one way to measure sustainability

look at ecological footprint

paradom shift

major change in an accepted idea


natural + human made parts of the everything around us living and the nonliving

environmental science study the interactions between

natural systems vs human systems

Do laws tell why something happens?


null hypothesis

no relationship between variables

human population impacts the environment

number of indiviuals + indiviual impact is

Quantitative data


analyzing data

organize and graphing

humanities in environmentlism

philosophy and ethics

who is impacted more by pollution and resource degradation

poor people + POC

Industrial Revolution

ppl move into cities working in factories 1750-1800 ish


prediction of what you believe will occur if...then statement

peer review

process panel of experts in your field

ecosystem services (4)

provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting benefit in ecosystems and have a benefit for humans

What field is difficult to conduct research in because of the subjects?


cultural example

recreational- bike trails, tourism, religious/ spirtural

people act in

self interest

environmental justice

social movement and field of study that wants enforcement of laws and elimination of disparties

Scientific Method

steps taken to produce reliable results to answer a specific question

nonrewnewable natural resources

substances in finite supply and will run out - crude oil and minerals -natural gas -coal

renewable natural resources

substances that can be replenished over a period of time ex. sunlight, wind, soil, timber, wave energy geothermal energy


take in account the matter and energy movement

Hypothesis driven science

targeted research Experiments test hypotheses using the scientific method perferred method of getting information

independent variable

the thing you change to see how it will affect your dependent

dependent variable

the thing you measure


the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.

In everyday conversion, when someone says "My theory is" they likely mean "My hypothesis is"



two types of data qualitive and quantitive

provisioning example

u are given something from nature ex. food or water or timber

natural resources

variety of substances and energy we take from the environment and use

our situation now

way more people who are using more resources two diff ways to fix: reduce population+ reduce consumption


well substainted, well supproted, well- documentated explanation for observations if u have a theory and once it becomes proven it becomes a law

regulating example

wetlands act as flood controls bats are disease control bc they eat mosquitios


widely accepted well tested attempts to explain something

Can Scientific theories be changed as we learn more?


If your hypothesis is confirmed, is it a theory?


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