EDSP Quizzes

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The following is not a sign of diabetes?

Tic-like movements

The most rigorous supports are found at?

Tier 3

The most common causes of ____________ are motor vehicle accidents, falls, sports injuries and sometimes assaults.

Traumatic brain injuries

A student with a vision loss is not considered disabled under IDEA, if the disorder can be corrected by surgery or eyeglasses.


Dysgraphia and dyslexia are:

Types of learning disabilities

Two major strategies are used for teaching functional academic skills:

unit approach and teaching reading, writing, and math as separate subjects.

The strategy which should be employed last when students are experiencing difficulty is

Substituting a prerequisite task

The following is/are example(s) of physical / health impairments

- Allergies - Epilepsy - Asthma

This method has been used successfully to teach students with autism to share toys and to make comments during play and teach conversational skills?

- Social Stories - pecs - Video-modeling

Which of the following statements is true?

- Students with severe visual and hearing impairments are typically identified before they enter school. - Students with milder visual and hearing impairments may be identified as a result of school screening.

General education teachers can help students develop and improve their general work habits by

- accepting acquisition of work habits as a valuable educational goal. - having students receive instruction and practice in specific work behaviors. - reinforcing good work habits.

Communication boards

- are considered "low" technology. - can be very simply constructed or be very complex. - may include pictures, letters, words, and/or phrases.

Operant behaviors

- are under the voluntary control of the individual. - develop from the student's experiences.

The general education teacher contributes to the success of students with special needs by participating in:

- assessment. - program planning and IEP development. - placement decisions.

Which of the following is appropriate for students with visual impairments?

- changing instructional procedures only when absolutely necessary - encouraging the use of a typewriter or computer - developing critical listening skills

Students with disabilities may have special learning needs because of:

- cognitive disabilities - physical disabilities - language disorders

Teachers can involve peers in behavior programs by instituting

- group contingencies. - team-based contingencies.

The following are among the typical behaviors of students with learning disabilities:

- hyperactivity - impulsivity - attention disorders

When students are referred for special education assessment, no matter what disability is suspected, the multidisciplinary team will collect information on the following:

- intellectual performance. - academic achievement. - area of disability.

Response to Intervention...

- is a process intended to help educators maximize student achievement through early identification of learning or behavioral difficulties. - provides information about how a child responds to evidence-based interventions and other supports enabling teachers to adjust their instruction to best meet the needs of their students. - combines several key components, one of which is different levels or tiers of support for students with different levels of need.

Which of the following are used to assist students with visual impairments?

- large-print and Braille materials. - tape-recorded materials. - captioned films and videos.

The Behavior Evaluation Scale-2 allows teachers to rate which of the following behaviors?

- learning problems and unhappiness/depression - interpersonal difficulties and physical -symptoms/fears - inappropriate behavior

These populations are over represented in behavioral disorders

- males - minorities - lower socioeconomic

Students with speech problems may

- mispronounce words or sounds. - have an unusual voice quality. - speak with dysfluency.

The misuse of punishment can produce adverse effects and

- produce avoidance - harm student's self concept - produce aggressive behaviors

A language disorder is characterized by an inability to use the symbols of language through

- proper use of words and their meanings. - - appropriate grammatical patterns. - proper use of speech sounds.

Teachers working with students with visual impairments may modify instructional procedures by:

- providing print material in large print - speaking aloud material being written on the board - allowing adequate time to complete assignments

The IEP team...

- reviews assessment results. - identifies and selects appropriate annual goals - and objectives. - designates the appropriate placement in the LRE.

Students with sensory impairments may require adaptations in the classroom arrangement, such as

- seating patterns - sound transmission - proximity to activities

Which of the following can benefit from including special students in a general classroom?

- special students - peers - teachers

A general education classroom could contain:

- students with disabilities. - gifted and talented students. - culturally and linguistically diverse students.

To assist students with learning disabilities to acquire content area information, which of the following adaptations may be useful?

- taped texts - allowing students to respond through a medium which demonstrates their abilities - manipulative aids

Some teachers refer a high number of students while others refer none for special education. This may occur because:

- teachers may not understand how serious a student's problem should be before referral. - teachers may not be aware of special programs. - teachers may be unfamiliar with referral procedures.

Which of the following techniques could be used to improve student social relationships?

- teaching students acceptable responses to verbal or physical attacks - role playing - including the withdrawn student in a classroom group assigned to complete a project

Individuals who play a role in the student's speech/language program are

- the classroom teacher - the speech/language therapist - the parent

Who is responsible for implementing the IEP?

- the general education teacher - the parent - the special education teacher

Basic type of Intermittent Scheduling can be the following

- variable ratio. - fixed interval. - variable interval. - fixed ratio.

If students experience difficulty in task performance, the teacher should try

-adding prompts to the learning task. -providing additional guided practice. -slowing the pace of instruction.

Congenital means:

Present at birth

The three stages of learning are:

Acquisition, maintenance, generalization

Which of the following is not a suggested method of modifying basic skills instruction for students with learning disabilities?

Allow students to practice independently before beginning instruction on a new skill.

Mike is 17 years old; he has below-average intellectual ability and deficits in his adaptive behavior. Mike may have...

An intellectual disability

In an inclusion program, how much time do students with special needs need to spend in general education classes?

Any part of the school day.

When assessing an individual for intellectual disabilities, it is important to collect information about the following areas of current performance, except for:

Computer knowledge

Carol Gray has found the use of Social Stories to be an effective method of facilitating appropriate peer interactions through:

Describing the situation and ideal behavior of the main character

These individuals are not one of the three prime candidates for referral for special education assessment for suspected intellectual disabilities.

Students who have a physical disability

It is the responsibility of the parents to locate an educational program for their child with a disability.


Students with intellectual disabilities perform better on arithmetic reasoning tasks than on straightforward computational problems.


The main reason teachers should collect data is to have student documentation that administrators may request at a later date.


An example of a stereotypic behavior is:

Fluttering ones hands in front of her face

Which of the following statements is not true?

For most persons with mild intellectual disabilities, the cause of the disability is brain damage.

Which of the following professionals is most likely to refer a student for special education assessment?

General education teacher

Requiring more student responses, scheduling extra sessions, and providing feedback are examples of...

Guided practice

Torgesen referred to students with LD as?

Inactive learners

Which of the following statements is not true?

It is usually necessary for the general education teacher to make major classroom adaptations for students with communication disorders who are included.

In order to accommodate students with hearing impairments, general education teachers should

Label items in the classroom

Inclusion teams are responsible for assuring that each student receives services in the:

Least restrictive environment

Which of the following statements regarding test-taking strategies is true?

Leave time to reread your paper before turning it in

Students are typically diagnosed with a learning disability in:

Middle grades in elementary school

Group instruction, class discussions, and group/team projects can provide opportunities for students to:

Practice working with others

A group of chronic inherited disorders characterized by progressive weakening and wasting of voluntary skeletal muscles is called

Muscular dystrophy

The characteristics of autism do not include:

None of the above

____________ tests provide information about a student's status in relation to other students of the same age or grade.


The philosophy that states that persons with disabilities have the right to the same types of experiences as persons without disabilities is called?


Which of the following statements regarding students leaving the classroom for special services is false?

Penalize students for missed work due to leaving the classroom regardless of the reason

Which should not be done with a student experiencing an epileptic seizure?

Place a pencil or a tongue depressor in the child's mouth to prevent swallowing of the tongue.

A child with ASD usually has difficulty initiating social contact. To assist a child with ASD the teacher should:

Place him in social situations where he will need to interact with other peers

Which of the following statements is true?

Students with hearing impairments should be questioned to find out if they understand information presented in class.

In differentiated instruction changes could be made to:

Product, Process, Content

To help students who have difficulty focusing attention on relevant instructional cues, the teacher can:

Provide prompts

RTI and PBIS both do each of the following, except which one?

Rely on the teachers insight and intuition

When an inappropriate behavior is followed by the loss or withdrawal of earned reinforcers or privileges, this is called

Response cost

Academic instruction can be adapted by all of the following except:

Scheduling an IEP meeting.

Reinforcing students who substitute appropriate, nonaggressive responses for the aggressive behaviors they previously exhibited is a strategy to increase

Social relationships

Because students with Autism are less likely to learn from imitating others, they may need to be directed in all but which of the following?

Stereotypical behaviors

One of the basic tenets in providing appropriate instruction for included students is

Structured instruction

The educational plan devised by an inclusion team is called?

The Individualized Education Program (IEP)

When a student reads a short passage in which every fifth word has been replaced with a blank, this is called:

The cloze procedure

Which of the following statements is false?

The special education teacher is usually the first professional to identify possible physical and health problems of students

Having students record the number of times they talk out in class each day is a strategy to reduce

Verbal outbursts

An example of a rote skill is

Word recognition

"Medically fragile" is:

a chronic medical condition that requires ongoing medical management

Currently, students with disabilities spend the majority of their educational experience in which setting:

a general education classroom

Preventing inappropriate conduct by monitoring behavior and providing feedback is an example of

a positive strategy for managing and improving behavior

One common cause of inaccuracy is

a rapid response rate

Are the water fountain controls hand-operated? Is there an opening of at least 32" when the door is open? Both of these are legitimate questions in a discussion of school


Most children have mastered the sounds of English by

age 8

The written educational plan for each student should be reviewed at least:


Teachers have control over which important features of student behaviors?

antecedents and consequences

Most speech problems are detected

at an early age

When hyperactivity, distractibility, and impulsivity occur together, which label is used?

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Students with hearing impairments may be identified as

deaf and hard of hearing

Reentry plans for students with traumatic brain injuries may include all of the following except

elimination of academic responsibility

The goal of the various teams servicing students with special needs is to:

ensure that students are provided an appropriate education based on individual abilities and needs.

Head dropping, tic-like movements, and staring spells are all significant classroom signs of


When the target (i.e., "problem") student is present, reinforcing other individuals for exhibiting a desired behavior is a technique called


The removal of reinforcers which have previously followed a behavior in an effort to help decrease the behavior would be


Every prereferral team should include at the minimum:

general and special teachers

A good guideline to use when student performance is unsatisfactory is

introducing the least intrusive instructional modification first.

Curriculum-based assessment is helpful because

it is based on core content

Which is not a characteristic of a person with Asperger's syndrome?

low average intellectual disability

This strategy is used to help students organize their ideas for writing.


Due to an avoidance of peer interactions the student with Autism should be placed:

near the center of the class to be near more peers

A major speech goal for the general classroom is

oral communication practice

In the assessment of learning disabilities, information is gathered about all of the following areas except:

personality and social-emotional development.

Some students may develop a dependency on teacher oral prompts. One way to avoid that from happening is to:

photographic activity schedules

For students with severe intellectual disabilities, poor intellectual performance may be accompanied by:

physical impairments, sensory impairments, and emotional disturbance.

The four types of verbal messages used in a self-instructional training program are

problem definition, focusing of attention, coping statements, and self-reinforcement.

An effective strategy for students exhibiting a high rate of inappropriate behaviors is

reinforcing appropriate behaviors which are incompatible with inappropriate behaviors.

When communicating with a student with a hearing impairment

realize that the student may have limited vocabulary

All of the following are principles of managing behavior except

reduce the occurrence of behaviors by reinforcement.

The meaningful aspects of language are called


The two main indicators of mild intellectual disabilities are:

slow rate of learning, and most areas of development are delayed.

Falvey et al (1989) identified several factors that must be considered for students with severe intellectual disabilities as listed below, with the exception that:

students would successfully pass a standardized achievement test.

Research suggests that the behavior of students considered hyperactive, distractible, or impulsive can be improved by

systematic instructional/management techniques.

To understand the complexity of a task, it is helpful to conduct

task analysis

Students with physical and health problems are considered disabled when:

the disability interferes with the individual's ability to function in academic situations.

After a decision has been made that a student is eligible for special education services:

the team begins to gather information about education needs

This method is useful for preparing students with Autism for transition


Inflamed or watery eyes, excessive rubbing of the eyes, and blurred or double vision are all signs of possible

vision problems

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