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3) School district

Administrative unit legally responsible for the education of children within a geographic boundary -goverend by a local school board of lay citizens responsible for setting policies within the district-elected by citizens -varied in side depending on state(1-Hawaii 1040-texas) -average abound 300 per state

Charter schools

Alternative schools that are independently opersted but publicly funded. Often target specific areas(arts,math,science,foreign language) of the curriculum. Uneven program wuality die to increased autonomy. Research sugfests that student achievement js no better than regular piblic schools and sometimes worse.


Art or science of teaching which imcludes strageties and methods

service learning

an approach to character education that combines service to the community with content learning objectives

guided discovery

an instructional strategy designed to teach concepts and other abstractions by presenting students with data and assisting them in finding patterns through teacher questioning

Classroom management goals Fill in blank

comprehensive actions teachers take to create an environment that supports and facilitates both academic and social emotional learning Developing learner responsibility Creating a positive classroom climate Maximizing time and opportunities for learning Creating communities of learners

reasons for increased school costs during the last 20 years

Busing increased use of technology required testing programs air conditioning removal of hazard legislation for special students paid police patrols weapon detection systems school health clinics

national curriculum

Common in europe and other industrialized countries -runs counter to state and local control of education -interest is sparked by problems associated with state standards and test

in loco parentis

requires teachers to use the same judgement and care as parents in protecting their students

learning objectives description and purpose

statements that specify what students should know or be able to do with respect to a topic or course of study To improve communication) Role of objectives 2. To be used in choosing learning activities) 3. To facilitate the choice of teaching material) 4. To specify the purpose of evaluation)


the practice of requiring students to repeat a grade if they don't meet certain criteria


the process teachers use to gather information and make decision about students learning and development


the tendency of people to imitate others behaviors and attitudes

consistent areas for good schools ??

effective schools are safe and orderly they are academically focused they actively involve parents and they have strong leadership from the principal. teachers in effective schools take responsibility for student learning use interactive instruction with students and continually monitor student progress.

2) state office of education

Responsible for implementing state board of education policies on a day to day basis -creates list of state approved textbooks -establishes standards in different content areas

6)District office

-Orders textbook and supplies -Develops programs of study -Orders, distributes, and analyzes standardized tests -Assists with the evaluation of teachers in both program development and those having other difficultuies

essential teaching skills

-effective organization -clear communication -skilled questioning -continued lesson focus -informative feedback -review and closure at the end of the lesson


A collection of work that demonstrates your growth as s developing progessional

curriculum of high school

A comprehensive high school houses all students and attempts to meet all students academic needs through a variety of tracks or different programs, focuses on separate disciplines and becomes more specialized controversies with comprehensive highs school: tracking segregates different ability students and shortages.

Extra curriculum

Learning experiqnces that extend beyond the core of students formal studies such as clubs sports school olays and other activities that dont earn academic credit

Site-based decision making

Problem solving in ill-defined situations, based on professional knowledge is a process for decentralizing decisions to improve the educational outcomes at every school campus through a collaborative effort by which principals, teachers, campus staff, district staff, parents, and community representatives assess educational outcomes of all students, determine goals and strategies, and ensure that strategies are implemented and adjusted to improve student achievement.

State and local revenue sources

Property taxes based on home and real estate Local income tax Building permits Other income sources such as traffic fines and educational facilities use permits


Provides an overview of a candidates job qualification and work experience

standards based education

Statements specifying what students should know or be able to do upon completing an area of study


States contribute 49% of educational funds Local governments contribute 43% of funds Federal funds contribute 8% of educational monies


The person who has the ultimate administrative responsibility for a schools operation -given the ultimate responsibility for running the school -teacher selection and evaluation-school level curriculum and instructional leadership -coordination of people services(counselors, school psychologists, school workers, etc) -Monitoring of school budget -ensuring school maintenance works directly with teachers, students and parents


The proces by which a state evaluates the credentials of prospective teachers to ensure that they have achieved satisfactory levels of teaching and competence are morally fit to work with youth Traditional: bachelors degree/college preparation classes/experiances/praxis 2 Alternative: (ARL) bachelors/praxis 2/ brief intensive clinical experience/supervised/ teaching internship

5) superintendent

The schools district head administrative officer who along with the district's administrative staff is responsible for implementing policy in school districts implements policies established by local school board -usually has an advanced degree in education -sometimes conflicts with school board over implementation of policies and philosophy

Explicit curriculum

The stated curriculum found in text books curriculum guides and standards as well as other planned formal educational experiances

Implicit curriculum

The unstated and sometimes inintended aspects of the curriculum strongly influenced by your attitudes and actions the hidden measgaes you and youe achool send as children participate in school activities and classrooms

Null curriculum

Topics left out od the course of study


a check or written document that parents use to purchase educational services.


a form of review occurring at the end of a lesson designed to help students organize what they've learned into a meaningful idea

4) local school board

a group of elected lay citizens responsible for setting policies that determine how a school district operates Responsible for establishing educational policies within the district Finance:Determines working condition such as class size, salary and benefits, healthcare and retirement Personal: Decides which teachers are hired and if necessary who is terminated Curriculum: Defines the curriculum such as ensuring that the state standards are implemented as well as those district level standards are implemented. students:responsible for establishing standards for students such as behavior dress, and whether they can participate in extra curricular activities and activities will be funded. Infrastructure: Responsible for creating and maintaining safe physical facilities and grade level structure

Curriculum aspects for elementary

focuses on basic skills reading writing and math Provide teachers with considerable autonomy in terms of curriculum and scheduling. Self contained classrooms are designed to provide students with nurturing environments for social emotional and cognitive growth, Critics of self contained classrooms contend they place unrealistic demands on teachers to be expertise every content area.

The Common Core

ia reform effort designed to establish a single set of clear educational standards for all states in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA). These learning goals outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade.

curriculum aspects for junior high middle school

make the sometime difficult transition from elementary to highschool Expose students to subject matter experts in the form of content-specialized teachers middle schools attempt to meet the developmental needs of early adolescents through : Interdisciplinary terms, home rooms that allow teachers and students to develop more meaningful interpersonal relationships, interactive teaching strategies that stress active student involvement, the elimination of competitive activities that emphasize developmental differences.

Teacher ethics

moral standards Professional Behaivor Use common sense "Can do" (legal rights) "Must do" ( ambigouous context or professional ethics) Laws are often stated in general and perhaps even vvague terms.

teachers must

motivate students to learn and engage in proper planning

transition signals

ransition signals are linking words or phrases that connect your ideas and add cohesion to your writing. They signpost or indicate to the reader the relationships between sentences and between paragraphs, making it easier for the reader to understand your ideas. We use a variety of transition signals to fulfill a number of functions. Some of these functions include: to show the order or sequence of events; to indicate that a new idea or an example will follow; to show that a contrasting idea will be presented, or to signal a summary or a conclusion.

legal responsibilities for teachers

teachers are legally responsible for the safety of children under their supervision -in loco parentis -negiligence results from failure to exercise sufficient care in protecting students from injury make a reasonable attempt to anticipate dangerous conditions -take proper precautions and establish rules and procedures to prevent injuries -warn students of possible dangerous situations -provide proper supervision

technology and teaching

technology provides an effective way to provide practice and feedback -drill and practice software gives students immediate and response specific feedback -tutorials provide integrated instruction sequences

search and seizure

the 4th amendment to the constitution protects citizens from unlawful search and seizure and warrants are required before a person or that persons property can be searched

1-State board of education functions

the legal governing body that exercises general control and supervision of the schools in a state issue of and revoking teaching licenses establishing the length of school year. -publishing standards for approving and accrediting schools -developing and implementing uniform systems for gathering education data(standardized achievement test scores and enrollment trends)

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