EDUC 689: Special Education

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What are the disabilities categories served under IDEA (2004)? A. Autism, Deafness, Emotional Disturbance, Hearing Impairment, Multiple Disabilities, Specific Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities, Orthopedic Impairments, Other Health Impairments, Speech or Language Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, Visual Impairment Including Blindness B. Autism, Deafness, Emotional Disturbance, Hearing Impairment, Multiple Disabilities, Specific Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities, Orthopedic Impairments, Other Health Impairments, Speech or Language Impairment, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Visual Impairment Including Blindness C. Autism, Deafness, Hearing Impairment, Multiple Disabilities, Specific Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities, Orthopedic Impairments, Other Health Impairments, Speech or Language Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, Visual Impairment Including Blindness D. Autism, Deafness, Emotional Disturbance, Hearing Impairment, Multiple Disabilities, Specific Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities, Orthopedic Impairments, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Speech or Language Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, Visual Impairment Including Blindness


What are the five developmental domains that states use to define developmental delays in young children? A. cognitive, communication, social-emotional, adaptive, motor B. academic, communication, social-emotional, adaptive, motor C. cognitive, communication, social skills, behavior, motor D. cognitive, communication, social-emotional, adaptive


Which of the following statements is true? A. The number of culturally diverse children in special education requiring special program efforts is disproportionately large. B. The number of culturally diverse children in special education requiring special program efforts is proportionately. C. The number of culturally diverse children in special education requiring special program efforts is disproportionately small.


Why is early identification of children with exceptionalities so important? A. Identification is the first step to intervention. Appropriate identification is important for connecting supports and services or interventions to the child's needs. The earlier the intervention occurs during the developmental sequence of a child, the better. B. Behaviors emerge from interactions between multiple environments at an early age. C. Experiences of infants and toddlers are important and affect development. D. Identification is the first step to intervention. Appropriate identification is important for connecting supports and services or interventions to the child's needs.


Why is it critical to involve and support families in the intervention process? A. Involving and supporting families is likely to be a more powerful intervention than one that focuses exclusively on the children. B. Historically families have always played an important role in the intervention process. C. Interventions with limited family involvement do not work. D. Families always know what is best for their child.


What is the purpose of family-centered model described by Turnbull and Turnbull (2002)? Check all that apply. A.It assist parents/guardians in becoming autonomous and confident in their abilities to meet the needs of their child. B.The family centered model attempts to honor the family choice by changing the power relationship between the professionals and families. C.It centers the relationship between the family and professional on family needs; thus, motivating educators to focus on child and family strengths versus the deficits of the child. D.It focuses on treating the child without assessing needed supports.

A, B, C

Choose ALL that apply: Which of the following are a critical pieces to identifying students with LD using an RtI model? A. Progress Monitoring B. An understanding of why the child is unable to learn. C. Evidence-Based Interventions D. A collaborative approach.

A, B, C, D

Which tasks below are schools faced with surrounding the education for students with exceptionalities? A. Facilitating a proper transition to the community. B. Identifying and specifying these needs in individuals cases. C. Finding the child with special needs. D. Organizing special programming to meet the needs of an individual with a disability.

A, B, C, D

IDEA mandates that the following team members must be included in the IEP meeting. A. Special Education Teacher B. Local Education Agency Representative C. Teacher Assistant D. Parent/Legal Guardian E. General Education Teacher F. Other personal whose specialized knowledge can be helpful in constructing a plan.

A, B, D, E, F

Which of the following are elements of the state Child Find initiatives mandated by IDEA? A. Public awareness campaigns: Outreach to parents, caregivers, and the community to assist in finding children who may need additional support. B. Screening and identification procedures: These will be consistent from state to state. C. Interagency coordination: Because Child Find services often involve multiple agencies (such as Head Start, public schools, child mental health), it is essential that these organizations work together to address child and family needs. D. Referral and intake processes: All state use the same system to manage this process.

A, C

Using an RTI model, which level of support provides explicit instruction to some children by specialists or volunteers that assist the teacher in meeting targeted instructional goals while progress monitoring over an 8-10 week period. A. Tier I B. Tier II C. Tier III D. none


What are some of the major causes of exceptionalities? A. Genes play a critical role in the discussion of causation. The environment plays no role in the discussion of causation. B. Neurology and genetics play critical roles in the discussion of causation. C. Environment plays a critical role in the discussion of causation. Disabilities cannot be inherited. D. Neurology and genetics do not play critical roles in the discussion of causation.


What government legislation supports and protects individuals with disabilities? A. No Child Left Behind B. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) C. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) D. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973


What is one a possible cause of a learning disability? A. Lack of evidence-based practices B. Genetics C. Lead poisoning D. Trauma to the brain


Which education settings are most children with learning disabilities served? A. Inside regular classroom 20-60% of the day. B. Most of the day in general classroom. C. Most of the day outside the general classroom. D. Receive services in other environments.


Which of the follow is NOT one of the 7 Key Principles of Working in Natural Environments? A. The primary role of the service provider in early intervention is to work with and support the family members and caregivers in a child's life. B. IFSP outcomes must be academic and based on children's and families' needs and priorities. C. Interventions with young children and family members must be baed on explicit principles, validated practices, best available research and relevant laws and regulations. D. Infants and toddlers learn best through everyday experiences and interactions with familiar people in familiar contexts.


Why is a "family-centered" approach to early intervention so critical? A. The parents or caregivers know typical development best. B. The parents or caregivers are central to the well-being of the child. The purpose of early intervention is to strengthen the parent's capacity to meet the needs of their child. C. Parents and caregivers all want to be involved with their child's development.


The definition for exceptional learners varies across contexts. However, according to the general definition for exceptional learners, who are children with exceptionalities? A. The term exceptional includes children with intellectual disabilities only. B. The term exceptional includes children with gifts and talents only. C. The term includes children with developmental disabilities and children with who differ from typical children in mental characteristics, sensory abilities, communication abilities, behavior and emotional development, and/or physical characteristics as well as gifts and talents D. The term includes children with developmental disabilities and children with who differ from typical children in mental characteristics, sensory abilities, communication abilities, behavior and emotional development, and/or physical characteristics.


What provision of IDEA (formally known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act) mandates a free and appropriate public education? A. Due Process B. Least Restrictive Environment C. Zero Reject D. Individualized Education Program


All children served under IDEA (2004) have the following in common: A. Their intellectual functioning is subaverage. B. They have a physical disability. C. They have a visible disability. D. Their disability adversely affects their educational performance.


How many children with exceptionalities are there? A. It is estimated that approximated 4% of children in the US are classified across the categories of exceptionality. B. It is estimated that approximated 1% of children in the US are classified across the categories of exceptionality. C. It is estimated that approximated 20% of children in the US are classified across the categories of exceptionality. D. It is estimated that approximated six million children in the US are classified across the categories of exceptionality.


What is the purpose of due process procedural safeguards? A. To ensure all students with disabilities are educated within the least restrictive environment. B. To guarantee that a child has an IEP. C. To provide decisions to judges. D. To ensure the fairness of educational decisions and the accountability of both professionals and parents in making those decisions.


Which of the following is NOT a concern surrounding the use of the discrepancy model for identifying students with learning disabilities? A. It is often considered a "wait-to-fail" model. B. To determine discrepancies we must wait until the gap between IQ and achievement/performance is wide enough to measure. C. Discrepancies between IQ and achievement/performance may exist for many reasons. D. Discrepancies between IQ and achievement/performance are easy to measure with children in pre-K through third grade.


Which of the following statements is false? A. Cultural attitudes, values, customs, and language are often embedded in families and must be taken into account when educators and other professional work with exceptional children from a variety of cultural backgrounds. B. Families from diverse cultures may have differing values and child-rearing practices, which compounds the issues of adaptation for children with special needs. C. Family empowerment gives parents more influence on the special programs established for their children and requires rethinking of the traditional roles played by professionals and parents. D. The adjustment of siblings of children with disabilities cannot be improved through programs of intervention.


A functional behavioral assessment includes that ABC approach with A - antecedents (what preceded the behavior; B - Behavior (the nature of the event); C - Consequences (What happens as a result of the behavior. Best practice encourages teachers to eliminate undesirable behaviors without teaching a replacement behavior. True False


A medical doctor (MD) diagnoses ADHD. A note from the diagnosing MD must be part of the documentation needed by the school for a child to receive serves - both through IDEA and 504. True False


ABA would be an example of a Tier I intervention for a child with a potential diagnosis of ASD. True False


ADHD is characterized by a pattern of behavior, present in one setting, that can result in performance issues in social, education, or work settings. These difficulties must present prior to age 8 and fall into two categories: hyperactivity and inattentiveness. True False


ADHD is not thought have neurological or genetic causes; thus, children tend to "grow out of it." True False


According to the RTI levels within your textbook, Tier II is for all children. True False


An individual with ASD must meet the following criteria: (a) persistent deficit in social communication and social interactions across context, not accounted for by general developmental delays; (b) restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interest, or activities; (c) symptoms must be present in early childhood; (d) symptoms together limit and impair everyday functioning; (e) the presence of subaverage cognitive functioning True False


An intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations in intellectual functioning only. True False


Dyslexia can be outgrown. It only affects individual's during school ages years (i.e., K-12). True False


Elementary and secondary curricula for students with IDD only emphasize academic skills and communication and language development. True False


IDEA 2004 places ADHD in a category of its own. True False


IEP meetings of students with disabilities taught in a self-contained special education classroom can be conducted without the presence of a general education teacher. True False


Part C of IDEA legally requires IFSPs are developed for children from birth through 4 years of age who are diagnosed with a disability or developmental delay. True False


Self-determination cannot be taught. True False


Students with disabilities are not allowed to attend their own IEP meetings. True False


TEACCH is a statewide program in South Carolina with 7 regional centers around the state. True False


The assumption that a learning disability has a neurological basis is not sound. True False


The unique patterns of strengths and challenges for students identified with a learning disability is similar across the board. True False


UDL principles would not be helpful is assisting students with ADHD access the CCSS. True False


Visual supports are NOT helpful for students with ASD. True False


ADHD is often co-morbid with other disorders and/or disabilities. True False


According to the Data Accountability Center (2011), almost half of children identified with an intellectual and developmental disability receive instruction inside the regular classroom less than 40% of the day. This means many of the children are served in self-contained classrooms with little inclusion with peers with out disabilities in a general education classroom. True False


Adapting teaching strategies refers to special strategies needed for coping with behavior and attentional problems and for organizing and presenting content to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities. True False


All children with intellectual disabilities are to be taught in the least restrictive environment. True False


Asperger syndrome, Autism, Childhood disintegrative disorder, and Rett syndrome are all included in the larger umbrella of Autism Spectrum Disorder True False


Child Find is a critical component of IDEA that requires that states identify, locate, and evaluate all children from birth to age 21 who are in need of early intervention or special education services. True False


Children with ADHD often present difficulties in the area of executive functioning. These difficulties could make it difficult for them to screen out stimuli in order to find the ones relevant to the task at hand. True False


Children with IDD have difficulty processing information. For many, the problem lies in limited memory, perception, reasoning, classification, and the way they organize information and make decisions. Additionally, children with IDD often have a general language deficit and specific problems using interpretive language. True False


Dr. Samuel Kirk, the lead author of our textbook coined the term learning disability in 1962. True False


Effective transition from education to community is recognized as critical because it is the end product of our efforts. True False


Genetic disorders, events during pregnancy and birth, as well as environmental factors can all cause children to be at risk for developmental delays. True False


Identifying the BIG ideas that you want your students to understand is a good instructional planning strategy for students with ADHD. True False


Individuals with ASD might have hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli. True False


It is estimated that 1 in 50 children are diagnosed with ASD. True False


Learned helplessness (the feeling that one is powerless to cope with a challenge) can cause children with disabilities to have continual academic difficulties. This can be addressed with educational programming. True False


Learning through play is essential to the early childhood classroom. Many children with disabilities tend to sped time observing rather than interacting during playtime. An early interventionist may have to teach a child with disabilities how to play so the child can use play to learn. True False


Legislation is the vehicle for providing additional resources for children with special needs and also creates the structure that educators must use. True False


Not all children with ADHD qualify for special education services. For a child with ADHD to qualify for services under IDEA, his/her ADHD must adversely affect his/her educational performance. True False


One way to add more structure to the process of learning is to help students with ADHD use a task analysis - breaking large complex tasks into smaller steps. True False


Peer-mediated instruction and intervention is an evidence-based strategy for working with children with ASD. True False


Prior to 1962, students had been labeled with term such as minimal brain dysfunction and brain injured. True False


Self-determination is one of the long-term goals for students with IDD. True False


Students identified as having a learning disability that do not have an underlying neurological base for their difficulties are identified as a result of an unexplained underachievement. True False


Three general indicators of adaptive skills are as follow: conceptual, mainly the use or misuse of language and self-direction; social, problems in interpersonal relationships such as gullibility and naiveté; practical, including the ability to use money, travel in the community, and personal care. True False


UDL supplements aids and services for children with IDD to provide access to the general education curriculum in multiple settings. True False


When compared to other settings within the continuum, the largest percentage of students with ASD are served in general education classrooms for more than 80% of the school day. True False


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