EDUC 8P17 Quizzes

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The test score, which has a grade equivalent of 5.0, is the average score made by pupils who are ______. A) Beginning grade five B) Completing grade five C) Midway through grade five D) Tested any time during grade five

A) Beginning grade five A grade equivalent score represents a student achievement in terms of a scale based upon grade and month in school.

True or False? Information about student progress can be supplemented with parent-teacher conferences, newsletters, and student work samples. A) True B) False

A) True A common method of informing parents about their child's school performance is to either send examples of schoolwork home or to collect it in a portfolio to be examined during a parent-teacher conference or school open house. Periodic newsletters, often written and assembled by students, can be sent home.

True or False? A grade equivalent score is an estimate of a student's development level but is not indicative of the grade to which the student should be placed. A) True B) False

A) True A grade equivalent score is intended to represent students achievement in terms of a scale based upon grade and month in school.

True or False? Interpretive exercises require students to interpret or apply given information, such as a chart or graph. A) True B) False

A) True An interpretive exercise gives students some information or data and then asks a series of selection-type questions based on the information.

Which of the following is the best description of a criterion-referenced grading approach? A) Grades were based on pre-established standards of content mastery. B) A student's grade depended on how other pupils performed. C) The tests on which the grades were based had high reliability. D) The grades were based on a large-scale assessment. E) The teacher knew approximately how many students would receive each grade.

A) Grades were based on pre-established standards of content mastery. Criterion-referenced grading compares a student performance or achievement to predefined performance standards.

True or False? Criterion-referenced grading compares a student's achievement to predefined performance standards. A) True B) False

A) True Criterion-referenced grading compares a student's performance or achievement to predefined performance standards.

True or False? It is appropriate to lower a student's subject area grade based on that student's poor behaviour in class. A) True B) False

A teacher's evaluation of students effort, attitude, behaviour, participation, and attendance should be reported separately from students academic performance.

Which of the following scenarios reduces the validity of the test results? A) A teacher helps students while they are taking the test. B) A teacher requires all students to complete the test in the same amount of time. C) A teacher follows the directions exactly. D) A teacher refuses to review the test items prior to the test.

A) A teacher helps students while they are taking the test. Deviations from the test administration directions allowing students more time than specified, helping students while they are taking the test, coaching students before the test on specific items they will be asked, and generally not following the directions provided all reduce the validity of the test results and the decisions based on those results.

Which of the following terms in a test title indicates that the test assesses what students have learned in one or more school subjects? A) Achievement B) Standardized C) Normed D) Ability

A) Achievement Standardized achievement testsmeasure students knowledge and skills and provide information about student performance in academic subject areas such as reading, writing, mathematics, or science.

Which of the following practices help to decrease student test anxiety? A) Providing advance notice of the test. B) Stressing the importance of the test. C) Providing students with little to no information about the test. D) Minimizing the importance of the test.

A) Providing advance notice of the test. Giving students good instruction, advance notice of the test, a day or two to prepare for it, prior knowledge of the kind of test items, and a good chapter or unit review will help diminish students test anxiety.

On which type of item is guessing likely to have least influence? A) Short answer B) Matching C) Multiple-choice D) True-false

A) Short answer Multiple-choice, alternate response, and matching items are susceptible to guessing

What is the name of a collection of tests in many different subject areas that are administered together? A) Test battery B) Subtest C) Grade equivalent D) Norm group E) Standardized aptitude test

A) Test battery A test battery is a collection of tests in many different subject areas that are administered together.

Which of the following is NOT a purpose of grading? A) To increase student competition B) To determine a student's instructional placement C) To inform parents D) To judge different teaching approaches E) To motivate students

A) To increase student competition Administratively, grades help determine such things as a students instructional placement, credits for graduation, and suitability for promotion to the next level. Informationally, grades are used to inform parents, students, and others about a students academic performance and effort. Grades may also be used to motivate students to study. Lastly, grades are used for guidance.

True or False? For items that require lengthier responses from students, such as essays, subjectivity in scoring increases. A) True B) False

A) True As items require lengthier responses from students, the subjectivity of scoring will increase because interpretations of what students know or mean to say will have to be made.

True or False? An essay exam would be least useful for testing recall of facts. A) True B) False

A) True Essay questions give students the greatest opportunity to construct their own responses, making them the most useful for assessing higher-level thinking processes like analyzing, evaluating, and creating.

True or False? The validity of standardized achievement tests can be established for classroom use by comparing the test items to course objectives. A) True B) False

A) True Four factors influence validity and reliability: The appropriateness of the content and objectives tested The representativeness of the norming sample The conditions under which the test is administered Misinterpretations of test results

True or False? A fair and valid test covers information and skills similar to those covered during instruction. A) True B) False

A) True Include only material that has been covered through instruction.

True or False? Standardized achievement test results should be a major part of students' course grades. A) True B) False

A) True It is important to note that decisions about students should never be made on the basis of a single standardized test, but rather on the basis of information gathered from a variety of assessments. In particular, the results of standardized achievement tests tell the teacher what the students have/have not learned and the skills that they can/cannot perform under certain conditions. Standardized achievement tests should not be interpreted without also considering information about the students daily classroom performance.

True or False? Learning can take place in the absence of grading. A) True B) False

A) True Learning actually does take place in the absence of grading. In other words, students can be intrinsically motivated to complete activities and learn.

True or False? Test validity is reduced when there is a mismatch between test and classroom objectives, old or non-representative norms, or not following prescribed administrative conditions. A) True B) False

A) True Mismatch between test and classroom objectives, old or nonrepresentative norms, or not following prescribed administrative conditions can reduce the validity of decisions based on the test results.

True or False? Multiple-choice items consist of a stem, which presents the problem or question, and a set of options from which the student selects an answer. A) True B) False

A) True Multiple-choice items consist of a stem, which presents the problem or question to the student, and a set of options from which the student selects an answer

True or False? With the exception of essays, most test items should have only one correct answer. A) True B) False

A) True Selected response items may be a more reliable measure of learning, since there is usually only one correct answer.

True or False? Standardized achievement tests are usually norm-referenced. A) True B) False

A) True Standardized tests have norms and measures of validity and reliability.

True or False? Standardized tests usually report percentile rank, stanine, and grade equivalent scores. A) True B) False

A) True Standardized tests usually report percentile rank, stanine, and grade equivalent scores.

True or False? Teachers should use unfamiliar types of questions on a test to increase the discrimination index. A) True B) False

B) False If a classroom test contains questions that use an unfamiliar format, teachers should give students practice with or examples of that format prior to testing.

True or False? In norm-referenced grading, teachers establish a grading curve that sets up quotas for each grade. A) True B) False

A) True The grading curve, which varies from teacher to teacher, is established before an assessment is given and sets up quotas for each grade.

True or False? Multiple-choice, true-false, and matching questions are examples of selected-response items. A) True B) False

A) True Within the general category of selected response items, common examples of items are multiple-choice, alternate response, and matching questions.

True or False? Rebecca scored at the 84th percentile on a reading test and Joe scored at the 78th percentile. Clearly, Rebecca is a superior reader compared to Joe. A) True B) False

A) True Percentile ranks range from 1 to 99 and indicate what percentage of the norm group the student scored above.

When is the reliability of grades the highest? A) When grades are based upon students' achievement B) When grades are based upon students' effort C) When grades are based upon students' improvement D) When grades are based upon students' interest in the subject E) When grades are based upon students' achievement, effort, and interest in the subject

A) When grades are based upon students' achievement Teachers must be sure that the grade they assign to students for a particular subject is a true reflection of their achievement, according to the learning outcomes being measured, and not an amalgam of academic and nonacademic criteria such as effort and behaviour.

Which of the following provides the best description of a norm-referenced grading approach? A) All pupils can receive C grades B) A pupil's grade depends on how other pupils performed C) Any pupil who exceeded the standard got an A D) Grades were based on a departmental examination E) A teacher does not know about how many pupils will receive each grade

B) A pupil's grade depends on how other pupils performed Assigning grades to students based upon a comparison with other students in the class is referred to as norm-referenced grading.

What is one key advantage of an essay exam over an objective exam? A) An essay exam is a more efficient way to assess knowledge. B) An essay exam assesses the ability to organize. C) An essay exam can cover many topics in a single sitting. D) An essay exam develops good writing habits.

B) An essay exam assesses the ability to organize. The essay question is the primary way teachers assess students’ ability to organize, express, and defend ideas.

Which of the following test-taking strategies is NOT recommended? A) Pacing yourself to ensure you complete the entire test. B) Avoid guessing when you don't know the answer. C) Prepare early to avoid late night cramming. D) Avoid making mistakes by reading the directions carefully.

B) Avoid guessing when you don't know the answer. Attempt to answer all questions. If guessing is not penalized, guess when you don't know the answer.

In which of the following situations would a standardized achievement test battery be most useful? A) Assigning grades at the end of the year B) Comparing a student's achievement in reading and arithmetic C) Identifying the specific types of errors a student makes in arithmetic D) Measuring student mastery of a unit of instruction in arithmetic

B) Comparing a student's achievement in reading and arithmetic Standardized achievement testsmeasure students knowledge and skills and provide information about student performance in academic subject areas such as reading, writing, mathematics, or science.

What is the median of the following set of scores: 42, 14, 12, 81, 6, 2, 1, 101? A) 12 B) 13 C) 14 D) 32 E) 81

B) 13 The median is the middle score in the test score distribution, after the scores have been arranged in order from highest to lowest.

A teacher is concerned that his students might cheat on the final exam because the exam counts 50% of their final grade. Which of the following will most effectively reduce the possibility of cheating? A) Introduce an honor system B) Develop and administer alternative forms of the test C) Have a class discussion about the dishonesty of cheating D) Have an open book exam

B) Develop and administer alternative forms of the test Three general approaches that help eliminate or lessen cheating are: (1) providing students with good instruction and information about the test, (2) knowing the common methods of student cheating, and (3) observing students during testing.

True or False? Jack received a stanine score of 6.5 on the social studies test. This means that Jack's performance was halfway between the sixth and the seventh stanine. A) True B) False

B) False A stanine score provides a more general index of a student performance, while a percentile rank score yields a more precise estimation.

True or False? Affective student behaviours should be given as much weight in a student's overall grade as formal assessments. A) True B) False

B) False Affective characteristics should not be major factors in report card grades.

True or False? True-false items should not be used to assess higher-level thinking A) True B) False

B) False Alternate response items are used mainly to assess outcomes that relate to remembering and understanding, although they also can be used to assess higher-level ones.

True or False? An advantage to using multiple-choice and true-false items is that they are not susceptible to student guessing. A) True B) False

B) False An disadvantage to using multiple-choice and true-false items is that they are susceptible to student guessing.

True or False? An item with a .40 difficulty is easier than an item with a .70 difficulty. A) True B) False

B) False An item of .70 difficulty (70% of the class answered correctly) is easier than one of .40 difficulty (40% of the class answered correctly).

True or False? Research shows that cheating is a relatively uncommon occurrence in today's schools. A) True B) False

B) False Cheating is a common occurrence, both in school and in life.

True or False? Norm-referenced grading encourages cooperation and teamwork in the classroom. A) True B) False

B) False Competitive, norm-referenced approaches that make a students success or failure dependent on the performance of classmates can also reduce student cooperation and interdependence, because success for one student reduces the chance of success for other students.

True or False? Contract grading is a grading system in which the teacher and student advisor determine the type and quality of work a student will complete in order to receive a particular grade. A) True B) False

B) False Contract grading is a grading system in which the teacher and student (not his or her advisor) determine the type and quality of work a student will complete in order to receive a particular grade.

True or False? Very little can be done by the teacher to reduce test anxiety. A) True B) False

B) False Establishing a productive psychological setting that reduces student anxiety and sets a proper atmosphere for testing is as important as providing a comfortable physical environment. Giving students good instruction, advance notice of the test, a day or two to prepare for it, prior knowledge of the kind of test items, and a good chapter or unit review will help diminish students test anxiety.

True or False? Holistic scoring provides a score that takes the students' physical and psychological health into account. A) True B) False

B) False Holistic scoring reflects a teacher's overall impression of the whole essay by providing a single score or grade.

True or False? It is a good idea to administer a test following a school assembly because it helps the students to calm down and re-focus. A) True B) False

B) False If teachers were to test students the day of the school's championship basketball game, the period after an assembly or lunch, or on the first day after a long school vacation, it is likely that students would give a substandard test performance.

True or False? The norming sample for a standardized achievement test should be selected from one type of school. A) True B) False

B) False In general, a large sample of students in the norm group is preferable to a small sample.

True or False? In scoring an essay test, one should review a student's scores on earlier tests before reading the student's answers on the current test. A) True B) False

B) False Knowledge of who wrote the essay can also influence the scoring process. One way to avoid such biased scoring is to identify papers by number or have students put their names on the last page of a test.

True or False? The words "always," "never," and "sometimes" are examples of premises. A) True B) False

B) False Matching items consist of a column of premises, a column of responses, and directions for matching the two.

True or False? Students with exceptionalities should be graded using the same standards and grading system as other students. A) True B) False

B) False No. If the same grading standards are applied to all students in the class, the students with exceptionalities may receive low grades.

True or False? Once a test has been administered and scored, teachers should not adjust grades for any reason. A) True B) False

B) False Review of student performance after testing to identify faulty items is an important final step to ensure the validity of the test results. There are two reasons for performing such after-test analyses: (1) to identify and make scoring adjustments for any items that students answers show were misunderstood or ambiguous, and (2) to identify ways to improve items for use on future tests.

True or False? Summative assessments are used to alter or improve instruction while it is still going on. A) True B) False

B) False Summative assessment is assessment about students learning at the end of instruction.

True or False? A raw score is the number of items a student got correct and is highly useful in measuring a student's overall performance. A) True B) False

B) False The number of items a student got correct, called the raw score, is not useful in itself. The teacher needs to know how that raw score compares to the chosen norm group, and special types of scores provide this information.

True or False? There is no difference between "teaching to the test" and teaching specific questions on the test. A) True B) False

B) False There is an important ethical difference between preparing a student for a test and teaching to the test itself. Preparing students for a test involves helping students to learn the general skills, knowledge, and processes that they need to answer the questions on a test. This is an appropriate and valid practice; it is what good teaching and testing are all about. But teaching to the test itself that is, teaching students the answers to specific questions that will appear on the test is neither appropriate nor ethical. It produces a distorted, invalid picture of student achievement.

True or False? Teachers should assign grades by comparing a student's actual performance to their perception of the student's ability level. A) True B) False

B) False Typically, classroom grading procedures compare a student's performance to: other students (norm-referenced grading) predefined performance standards (criterion-referenced grading) a student's own ability a student's prior performance standards of provincial/territorial assessments

Which of the following is NOT true of an interpretive exercise? A) It is more difficult to construct than other item types. B) It is particularly useful with poor readers. C) It is intended to assess higher-level thinking skills. D) It is designed to assess achievements more complex than in a single multiple-choice item.

B) It is particularly useful with poor readers. Interpretive exercises cannot show how students organize their ideas when solving a problem, or how well they can produce their own answers to questions. Other disadvantages of interpretive exercises are the difficulty of constructing them and the heavy reliance they often place on reading and comprehension abilities.

Which of the following characteristics do both multiple-choice and essay items share? A) They both are efficient for measuring knowledge of specific facts. B) They both can assess higher-level behaviours. C) They both can provide extensive sampling of the content. D) Scoring is easy for both.

B) They both can assess higher-level behaviours. Multiple-choice items can measure thinking and reasoning behaviours like applying and analyzing when using interpretive exercises Essay items can measure organizing ideas, defending positions, and integrating points.

What is a single test in a test battery called? A) A norm B) A rank score C) A subtest D) A standardization sample E) A raw score

C) A subtest After taking a test battery, a student gets a separate score on each subject area test or subtest.

Which of the following information is most likely to provide the most valid and reliable indication of what a student has accomplished in a subject? A) The average of at least two unit tests and several quizzes B) A rated year-long project that shows attainment of several class objectives C) A variety of tests, class activities, and assignments linked to class objectives D) A blend of test scores and effort ratings

C) A variety of tests, class activities, and assignments linked to class objectives Grades will be only as meaningful as the information on which they are based. If the project grades were assigned subjectively or with no clear criteria in mind, they will not accurately reflect student achievement. If the unit tests did not test a representative sample of what was taught, the scores students attained will not be valid indications of their achievement.

In holistic scoring, the scorer ______. A) Reads a pupil's entire paper before reading the next pupil's paper B) Assigns many scores to each essay read C) Assigns a single score to each essay read D) Focuses scoring mainly on grammar and punctuation E) Ignores content, grammar, and organization in scoring

C) Assigns a single score to each essay read Holistic scoringreflects a teacher's overall impression of the whole essay by providing a single score or grade.

If a teacher was grading on a curve, which of the following would correctly explain the meaning of a "D" to a student's parents? A) Their child still needs to master most of the objectives in this subject. B) Their child earned average to failing scores on all the tests he took. C) Compared to other students in the class, their child performed poorly. D) Of all the information taught this year, their child learned little.

C) Compared to other students in the class, their child performed poorly. In norm-referenced grading, teachers establish a grading curve that defines what percentage of the students can get As, Bs, Cs, etc.

Which of the following objectives would be most appropriately assessed with an essay? A) Given a set of diagrams of atoms, identify which are inert gases. B) Given the necessary equipment, light a Bunsen burner. C) Given a set of lab notes, interpret the results of an experiment. D) Given an element's atomic weight, locate it on the periodic table.

C) Given a set of lab notes, interpret the results of an experiment. Essay questions give students the greatest opportunity to construct their own responses, making them the most useful for assessing higher-level thinking processes like analyzing, evaluating, and creating.

Which of the following problems is the most important problem in interpreting standardized test scores? A) Misinterpretation B) Norms that are not representative C) Overinterpretation D) Deviations from test administration

C) Overinterpretation The main problem in interpreting standardized test scores is overinterpretation, not misinterpretation.

Which of the following test accommodations for students with exceptionalities would be inappropriate? A) Providing examples of expected test responses as a model. B) Testing the student over a period of discrete testing sessions. C) Providing a test with easier questions. D) Allowing student responses in their native language.

C) Providing a test with easier questions. The following are some specific accommodations for students with exceptionalities: Read directions for each test section; read slowly. Provide verbal or oral directions as needed. Present directions as a sequence of steps for the student to follow. Have the student repeat directions to ensure understanding. Read test questions aloud. Spread items over the page; put each sentence on a single line. Present test in Braille, large print, sign language, native language, or bilingually. Revise or simplify reading level.

Which of the following is NOT a type of test norm? A) Grade equivalent B) Percentile rank C) Raw score D) Stanine

C) Raw score In interpreting these tests, the number of items a student got correct, called the raw score, is not useful in itself. The teacher needs to know how that raw score compares to the chosen norm group.

Which of the following should a teacher avoid when scoring essay questions? A) Use a written scoring key or answer outline B) Read each essay twice at different times C) Read each pupil's paper in full before reading the next pupil's paper D) Separate judgments of content from writing skill and style

C) Read each pupil's paper in full before reading the next pupil's paper Scoring essays is a time-consuming and difficult task, so student scores may be influenced by how alert the teacher is when the essays are read. The first few essays that are read seem new and fresh, and the students who wrote them tend to get good scores. However, after the teacher has read the same response 15 or more times, familiarity and fatigue set in and responses similar to the initial ones often get lower scores.

What is one advantage of the multiple-choice test over the essay test? A) The multiple-choice test can be used to measure more complex outcomes. B) The multiple- choice test has a more desirable influence on student learning. C) The multiple- choice test provides a more extensive sampling of course content. D) The multiple- choice test requires less time to construct.

C) The multiple- choice test provides a more extensive sampling of course content. One of the major disadvantages of essay questions is that they cover a small sample of instructional topics.

Which of the following is a characteristic of interpretive exercises? A) Attitudes and personality are assessed B) Oral questions are generally used C) Usually are based on graphs, charts, and reading passages D) Assess psychomotor skills E) Students are not aware they are being assessed

C) Usually are based on graphs, charts, and reading passages Generally, multiple-choice items that ask for interpretations of graphs, charts, reading passages, pictures, or tables are classified as interpretive exercises.

Why is improper administration of a standardized test problematic? A) Improper administration encourages students to develop poor test taking practices. B) Improper administration results in students earning lower scores on the test C) Improper administration reduces the students' motivation to do well on the test. D) Improper administration prevents adequate interpretation of test scores.

D) Improper administration prevents adequate interpretation of test scores. The reason for standardizing administrative conditions is to allow valid comparisons between local scores and those of the national norm group. If a student takes the test under conditions different than the national norm group, then comparisons of the student performance to the norm group are misleading.

Which of the following is NOT an item writing strategy that reduces the influence of testwiseness? A) Order of answer options should be logical or vary B) Items should be independent of each other C) Answer options should be logically independent of one another D) Answer options should be of differing lengths

D) Answer options should be of differing lengths Answer options should be homogenous.

Which of the following is NOT a clue with which item writers should be concerned? A) Grammatical clues B) Sequencing clues C) Sentence length clues D) Formative clues E) Specific determiner clues

D) Formative clues Many types of clues may appear in items: grammatical clues, implausible option clues, sequencing clues, sentence length clues, and specific determiner clues.

What do we call the process of judging the quality of a student's performance in a subject area? A) Ability testing B) Analytic scoring C) Measurement D) Grading E) Objective scoring

D) Grading The process of judging the quality of a student performance at a particular point in time by comparing it to some standard of performance is called grading.

Which of the following steps contributes to the subjectivity with which essays are scored? A) Including a precise set of teacher directions for the essay. B) Reading essays a second time after initial scoring. C) Telling students how handwriting, punctuation, spelling, and organization will be scored. D) Scoring all of the responses for one student before moving on to the next student. E) Scoring students anonymously.

D) Scoring all of the responses for one student before moving on to the next student. If possible, score students anonymously. This will help keep the scoring objective by eliminating knowledge and accompanying perceptions of students effort, ability, interest, and past performance.

True/false, matching, and multiple choice are all examples of ______. A) Completion items B) Selected response items C) Interpretive exercises D) Selection items E) Constructed response items

D) Selection items Within the general category of selected response items, common examples of items are multiple-choice, alternate response, and matching questions.

The average difficulty of five items measuring an objective at the beginning of a unit was .40. At the end of the unit, the average difficulty of five very similar items was .80. Which of the following conclusions could the teacher most safely make? A) Those students who knew little about the objective at the beginning of the unit were able to master it by the end. B) The pre-instruction items were easier than the post-instruction items. C) The post-instruction items were more valid than the pre-instruction items. D) Some of the students had mastered the objective prior to the unit and most of the class mastered it by the end.

D) Some of the students had mastered the objective prior to the unit and most of the class mastered it by the end. The difficulty index of an item describes the proportion of students who answered it correctly. Thus, at the beginning of the unit, the five items had an average difficulty of .40 (40% of the class answered correctly), while at the end of the unit, the five items had an average difficulty of .80 (80% of the class answered correctly).

Tests that are administered, scored, and interpreted in the same way no matter when or where they are used are called ______. A) Batteries B) Norm-referenced C) Subtests D) Standardized E) Normed

D) Standardized Standardized testsare used to assess and evaluate students performance under uniform conditions.

Decisions about grading practices are best made by ______. A) Provincial departments of learning B) Parents C) Students D) Teachers E) School administrators

D) Teachers The grading process is dependent upon teacher judgment. Ultimately, all grades are based on judgment. Although there may be guidelines to help develop a classroom grading system, all such systems rely on teacher judgment because the teacher knows the students and their accomplishments better than anyone else. Consequently, in assigning grades, teachers are granted considerable discretion and autonomy; no one else can or should make grading judgments for a teacher students

What is the primary purpose of assessment? A) To compare students B) To grade students C) To improve instruction D) To help make decisions

D) To help make decisions Classroom assessment is the process of collecting, synthesizing, and interpreting information to aid in classroom decision making.

Which of the following is GOOD practice to follow in grading students on their report cards? A) Assign grades on a comparative basis B) Give percentage, not letter, grades C) Include student improvement in the grades D) Use one main test or assessment to determine the grade E) Base grades on students' mastery of subject matter

E) Base grades on students' mastery of subject matter The teachers grades should reflect the students subject matter mastery. Low assessment scores should not be raised simply because they are low or because the teacher is disappointed with them.

What are the two major types of test questions? A) Extended choice and restricted choice B) Multiple choice and constructed response C) Short answer and supply D) Supply and selection E) Selected response and constructed response

E) Selected response and constructed response There are two basic types of test questions: selected response items and constructed response items.

When preparing for a test, which of the following practices should teachers avoid? A) Provide a class review B) Provide information about the length of the test C) Familiarize students with question format D) Familiarize students with test-taking strategies E) Teach the test

E) Teach the test Teachers may also teach to their own tests to inflate their students marks and improve the perceptions by students, parents, and school administrators that student learning is better than it really is.

True or False? Validity is concerned with the appropriateness of assessments.

True The purpose of assessment is to allow teachers to make decisions about academic progress, grouping, placement, and promotion. These decisions are based on inferences made from assessment data; consequently, these assessment data should be sufficient and appropriate for making a correct decision. When this is the case, the assessment is considered to be valid.

True or False? Reliable tests can be invalid.

True Valid assessment must be reliable, but reliable assessment need not be valid.

True or False? Higher-level objectives are intended to reasoning processes.

True Higher-level cognitive behaviours require students to carry out thinking and reasoning processes that are more complex than memorization

What is the name for written records of teacher observations of individual student events and behaviours? A) Anecdotal Records B) Checklists C) Performance Criteria D) Rating Scales E) Screening Criteria

A) Anecdotal Records Written accounts of significant, individual student events and observed behaviours are called anecdotal records.

Which of the following is NOT an accommodation for performance assessment tasks for students with exceptionalities? A) Allow parents to assist the student with the performance B) Give task direction orally and in writing, supported with graphic organizers and pictures C) Provide students with a rubric to help them focus efforts D) Use written rather than oral questions E) Allow students to conduct task orally

A) Allow parents to assist the student with the performance Possible accommodations for performance assessment tasks include the following: Give task direction orally and in writing, supported with graphic organizers and pictures. Provide opportunities for students to ask questions to clarify understanding. Provide students with a rubric to help them focus efforts. Use written rather than oral questions. Seat students in a quiet place. Allow students to conduct task orally. Seat students away from visual distractions.

Which of the following is NOT a commonly used type of rating scale? A) Anecdotal B) Descriptive C) Graphical D) Numerical

A) Anecdotal Three of the most common types of rating scales are the numerical, graphic, and descriptive scales.

The problems of ensuring valid and reliable performance assessments are most similar to the problems of ensuring valid and reliable assessment information from _____ items. A) Essay B) Matching C) Multiple-Choice D) Short Answer E) True-False

A) Essay Like essays, performance assessments are subject to many ancillary factors that may not be relevant to scoring, but that may influence the teacher's judgment of the performance assessments. For example, the teacher's scoring of products such as essays or reports is often influenced by the quality of a student's handwriting, neatness, and knowledge of the student being assessed.

Which of the following is NOT a consideration for students with exceptionalities taking large-scale assessments A) Have the students been visited by Board officials to ascertain their level of need? B) What large-scale test accommodations will not change the skill that the test item is assessing? C) Has the student been provided with opportunities to develop necessary test-taking skills? D) Have the student's parents/guardians been fully informed about the large-scale test requirements, format, duration, and accommodations?

A) Have the students been visited by Board officials to ascertain their level of need? All of these, except 1, are expected considerations.

The ICE in ICE rubrics stands for A) Ideas, Connections, Extensions B) Information, Connections, Elaborations C) Ideas, Connections, Elaborations D) Issues, Complexities, Enhancements E) Issues, Connections, Enhancements

A) Ideas, Connections, Extensions The ICE in ICE rubrics stands for Ideas, Connections, Extensions.

Which of the following would be most effectively documented by means of an anecdotal record? A) Improvement in writing skills B) Progress in basic math C) Problem solving ability D) A behavioural problem

A) Improvement in writing skills Written accounts of significant, individual student events and observed behaviours are called anecdotal records

What is the name of teacher-made assessments that are developed for a single classroom with a single group of students? A) Non-standardized B) Norm-referenced C) Objective D) Reliable E) Standardized

A) Non-standardized Non-standardized assessments, which are usually constructed by the teacher, are used to assess individual student performance without making comparisons to the performance of other students. Most reflect the focus of instruction within a single classroom or school setting.

Which of the following best describes observation in the classroom? A) Observation in the classroom can be formal or informal. B) Observation in the classroom is best used to assess academic characteristics. C) Observation in the classroom should be structured. D) Observation in the classroom should focus on process.

A) Observation in the classroom can be formal or informal. Some observations are formal and planned in advance, such as when teachers assess students while they read aloud in a reading group or present an oral report to the class.

Which of the following are the three components in the instructional process? A) Planning, assessment and evaluation, instruction. B) Planning, textbook selection, instruction. C) Planning, assessment and evaluation, reporting to parents. D) Textbook selection, assessment and evaluation, instruction.

A) Planning, assessment and evaluation, instruction. The instructional process comprises three basic components. The first is planning instruction, which includes identifying specific expectations, objectives, or outcomes, selecting materials to foster these outcomes, and organizing learning experiences into a coherent, reinforcing sequence. The second component involves delivering the planned instruction to students. The third component involves assessing and evaluating how well students learn or achieve the expectations, objectives, or outcomes.

Which of the following objectives would most appropriately be assessed by a performance assessment? A) Students will conduct an experiment. B) Students will interpret the periodic table. C) Students will distinguish theories from beliefs. D) Students will define "proton," "electron," and "neutron."

A) Students will conduct an experiment. Teachers collect student products such as written stories, paintings, lab reports, and science fair projects, as well as performances such as giving a speech, holding a pencil, typing, and cooperating in groups.

Which of the following is the most completely stated learning outcome? A) The student will write the correct solution for at least 8 of 10 problems requiring addition of 3 single-digit numbers. B) The student will understand basic math facts. C) The student will recognize the addition symbol, the subtraction symbol, and the equal sign. D) The student will be able to comprehend the difference between the operations of addition and subtraction.

A) The student will write the correct solution for at least 8 of 10 problems requiring addition of 3 single-digit numbers. Choices B and D include verbs that are not observable and that can be interpreted in many ways. While both choices A and C include specific, observable verbs, choice A is more complete because it includes the level of performance the student must demonstrate.

What is criterion validity? A) The test's ability to predict a student's performance as measured by other assessments B) The test's ability to sample the content that is to be measured C) The extent to which the assessment is a reasonable sample of the classroom practice D) The relationship between the test's scores and other criteria that are concurrently available E) The relationship between test scores and the student's future performance

A) The test's ability to predict a student's performance as measured by other assessments Criterion validity is the test ability to predict a student performance as measured by other assessments or criteria.

True or False? A checklist is a written list of performance criteria. A) True B) False

A) True A checklist is a written list of performance criteria.

True or False? All Canadian provinces and territories have implemented large-scale assessment programs. A) True B) False

A) True All Canadian provinces and territories have implemented large-scale assessment programs

True or False? Large-scale assessments do not serve as a diagnostic tool. A) True B) False

A) True Large-scale assessment paints an incomplete picture of the nature of the educative experience that exists for students within their classrooms. It evaluates teacher and school performance using an incomplete data set.

True or False? "Maintains eye contact with audience" is an example of an observable behaviour.

A) True Makes eye contact is an observable performance criterion used to assess students oral reports.

True or False? Numerical summarization is used to assign a point value to each category in the scale and sums the points across the performance criteria. A) True B) False

A) True Numerical summarization is used to assign a point value to each category in the scale and sums the points across the performance criteria.

True or False? Student performance on a checklist may be summarized numerically. A) True B) False

A) True One way to summarize checklist assessment data into a single score is to translate the number of performance criteria he successfully demonstrated into a percentage. A second way to summarize performance would be for the teacher to set up standards for rating students performance.

True or False? One advantage of performance assessments is that they allow students to demonstrate what they know or can do in a real situation. A) True B) False

A) True Performance assessments permit students to show what they can do in real situations.

True or False? Performance criteria are the specific behaviours a student should perform to properly carry out a performance or create a product.

A) True Performance criteria are the specific behaviours a student should display in properly carrying out a performance or creating a product.

True or False? Videos, artwork, rough and final drafts, and posters are examples of student work that may be included in a portfolio.

A) True Portfolios are used to collect student performances that show their work and accomplishments over time.

True or False? An example of the halo effect is when students who perform well in class on a regular basis receive higher scores than they may deserve on a particular assignment, while problematic students receive lower scores. A) True B) False

A) True Students who perform well in class on a regular basis receive higher scores than they may deserve on a particular assignment, while problematic students receive lower scores. This error in scoring is called the halo effect.

True or False? Providing students information about when the assessment will be given, what areas will be covered, what types of questions it will contain, how much it counts, and how long it will take is ethical and recommended. A) True B) False

A) True Teaching to the test involves teaching students the general skills, knowledge, and processes that they need to answer the questions on a test. This is an appropriate and valid practice. It is what good teaching and testing are all about.

True or False? The Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) provides data on math, science, and reading/writing of students within all provinces and territories across Canada. A) True B) False

A) True The goal of PCAP is to determine whether students reach similar levels of performance at about the same age in the areas of mathematics, reading, and science.

True or False? The use of large-scale assessment indirectly discourages curricula updates. A) True B) False

A) True The results of some large-scale assessments are not always fully released to school districts/boards and individual schools, and as such these assessment results may not prove useful when adjusting curriculum and programs.

True or False? Checklists can be used repeatedly over time to diagnose students' strengths, weaknesses, and progress. A) True B) False

A) True The same checklist can be reused for formative assessment purposes with different students or with the same student over time.

True or False? When factors such as race, gender, language, or prior experience differentiates the scores of one group from those of another, we say the scores are biased.

A) True When some factors such as ethnicity, native language, prior experience, gender, or exceptionality differentiate the scores of one group from those of another, we say the scores are biased.

True or False? Anecdotal records are written accounts of significant, individual student events and observed behaviours.

A) True Written accounts of significant, individual student events and observed behaviours are called anecdotal records.

True or False? The student can contrast the motives of the protagonist and the antagonist in a story" is an example of a lower-level thinking process.

False Contrast is an action verb at the Analyze level of the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy. To analyze is a higher-level thinking process.

True or False? Curriculum describes teachers' instructional activities and techniques.

False Curriculum describes the skills, performances, knowledge, and attitudes students are expected to learn in school.

Reviews before testing can take on many forms. Which of the following forms is NOT suggested? A) A question and answer session B) A debate C) A written summary of the main ideas D) The administration of a review test

B) A debate The review can take many forms: a question and answer session, a written or oral summary of main ideas, or administration of a review test.

Which of the following questions does Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) NOT attempt to answer? A) How well are young adults prepared to meet the challenges of the future? B) Do young adults prefer some kinds of teaching than others? C) Are young adults able to analyze, reason, and communicate their ideas effectively? D) Do young adults have the capacity to continue learning throughout life? E) Are some kinds of teaching and school organization more effective than others?

B) Do young adults prefer some kinds of teaching than others? PISA attempts to measure the following: knowledge in each subject that students need to apply competencies in each subject that students need to apply contexts in which students encounter problems attitudes and dispositions toward learning

Which level of the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy includes objectives that require judgement? A) Apply B) Evaluate C) Understand D) Analyze E) Create

B) Evaluate Judge is an action verb within the Evaluate level of the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

True or False? A rubric is a written list of performance criteria that can be used to determine whether or not a performance or product meets each performance criterion. A) True B) False

B) False A rubric is a set of clear expectations or criteria that describes and quantifies the level at which a student may be performing a process or completing a product.

True or False? Large-scale assessment is not currently prevalent in Canada. A) True B) False

B) False All Canadian provinces and territories have implemented large-scale assessment programs

True or False? Informing students of the performance criteria in which they will be judged prior to testing reduces the validity of the test.

B) False At the classroom level, there are some guidelines for teachers to improve the validity and reliability of performance, product, and portfolio assessments. First, students should know the purpose of the assessment from the beginning. Then, teachers should teach and give students practice in the performance criteria.

True or False? Checklists should be used for diagnostic assessment, but not formative assessment. A) True B) False

B) False Checklists are diagnostic and formative.

True or False? Only the teacher should be involved in the construction of a rubric. A) True B) False

B) False Consider including students in the construction and use of rubrics.

True or False? Due to their standardization, large-scale assessments are free from bias against socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic minority groups. A) True B) False

B) False Demographic and affective characteristics need to be considered as factors that affect student performance on large-scale assessment.

True or False? Large-scale assessment has been proven to be an effective way to increase student learning. A) True B) False

B) False Large-scale assessment paints an incomplete picture of the nature of the educative experience that exists for students within their classrooms. It evaluates teacher and school performance using an incomplete data set.

True or False? The score on a summative assessment is an example of a performance criterion.

B) False Performance criteria are the specific behaviours a student should display in properly carrying out a performance or creating a product.

True or False? Teachers should develop as many performance criteria as possible to assess a wide range of student behaviours.

B) False Six to twelve performance criteria are a manageable number for most classroom teachers to emphasize and assess.

True or False? Rubrics should not be differentiated for gifted students. A) True B) False

B) False Students who are gifted should be assigned learning tasks that are open-ended, require decision-making, and include complex problem-solving, planning, and implementation. Accordingly, teachers of students who are gifted need to ensure that the rubrics they are using to assess these learning tasks are appropriate.

True or False? Testwise skills help students to cheat on exams. A) True B) False

B) False Teaching to the test involves teaching students the general skills, knowledge, and processes that they need to answer the questions on a test. This is an appropriate and valid practice. It is what good teaching and testing are all about.

True or False? Performance criteria used to assess an entire portfolio are the same as those used to assess individual portfolio items.

B) False The purpose of assessing an entire portfolio, as opposed to the individual pieces, is usually summative to assign a grade.

True or False? There are only small differences between teaching to the test and teaching the test. A) True B) False

B) False There is an important ethical difference between teaching to the test and teaching the test itself. Teaching to the test involves teaching students the general skills, knowledge, and processes that they need to answer the questions on a test. This is an appropriate and valid practice. It is what good teaching and testing are all about. But teaching the test itself that is, teaching students the answers to specific questions that will appear on the test is neither appropriate nor ethical.

True or False? Three of the most common types of rating scales are the numerical, analytic, and descriptive scales. A) True B) False

B) False Three of the most common types of rating scales are the numerical, graphic, and descriptive scales.

The statement, "The student can correctly conjugate regular verbs in French." is best described by which of the following types of objectives? A) Educational objective B) Instructional objective C) Global objective D) Assessment objective

B) Instructional objective This is an instructional objective because it focuses teaching on a relatively narrow topic of learning in a content area. Educational objectives are used to design curriculum and to plan units of study. Global objectives are broad, complex student learning outcomes that require substantial time and instruction to accomplish. An assessment objective is not a level of learning objectives.

Assessing students on the basis of their personal characteristics rather than on their performance _________ . A) Has no effect on the validity of the assessment. B) Lowers the validity of the assessment. C) Increases the validity of the assessment. D) Lowers the validity of the assessment but increases the reliability. E) Increases the validity of the assessment but increases the reliability.

B) Lowers the validity of the assessment. Assessing students on the basis of their personal characteristics rather than their performance lowers the validity of the assessment.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of performance assessment? A) Requires student reflection and analysis of work B) Requires time to prepare materials C) Encourages peer review of products and performances D) Assembles cumulative evidence of performance

B) Requires time to prepare materials All of the options in this question, except for 2, are advantages.

All of the following activities will increase the reliability of the assessment EXCEPT A) Observing the performance more than once B) Selecting performance criteria and settings that do not give an unfair advantage to any group of students C) Decreasing teacher interpretation by stating clear performance criteria D) Using more than one person to observe and rate the assessment

B) Selecting performance criteria and settings that do not give an unfair advantage to any group of students Selecting performance criteria and settings that do not give an unfair advantage to any group of students will increase the validity of the assessment, not the reliability

What is the name of a formal, systematic, usually paper-and-pencil procedure used to gather information about students' performance? A) Assessment B) Test C) Diagnosis D) Evaluation E) Education Plan

B) Test A test is a formal, systematic, often paper-and-pencil procedure used to gather information about student performance.

Knowing the criteria of quality performance before assessment leads to benefits for both teachers and students. Which of the following is NOT identified as a benefit? A) Students develop a sense of ownership of the rubric. B) The time required for teachers to score students' products or processes increases. C) Students obtain a sense of focus and structure for their performance or product. D) Students obtain an idea of what characteristics make good work.

B) The time required for teachers to score students' products or processes increases. When constructing rubrics, many teachers let students help identify the important criteria for their assignments. Involving students in identifying criteria gives them a sense of ownership of the rubric, as well as an early preview of the important characteristics of the process or product on which they will be working.

When an assessment permits one to make the inference for which it is being used, we say that the assessment is A) Reliable B) Valid C) Objective D) Standardized E) Biased

B) Valid Decisions about academic progress, grouping, placement, and promotion are based on inferences made from assessment data. The importance of these decisions means that the assessment data must be valid.

What is the recommended number of performance criteria that should be contained in a rubric? A) 2-3 B) 4-6 C) 6-12 D) 8-10 E) >10

C) 6-12 The key to attaining this balance is to identify the essential criteria associated with a performance or product; 6 to 12 performance criteria are a manageable number for most classroom teachers to emphasize and assess.

Jorgen received a an overall score of 42 out of a total possible score of 70 on a numerical rating scale. What percentage did the teacher assign Jorgen? A) 28% B) 40% C) 60% D) 62% E) 70%

C) 60% Jorgen's score of 42 can be turned into a percentage by dividing it by 70, the total number of points available (42/70 x 100 = 60%).

Which of the following is considered to be an advantage of portfolio assessment? A) Time required to collect the processes and products B) Logistics of collecting and maintaining student portfolios. C) Ability to involve students. D) Time required to score portfolios. E) Ability to score objectively.

C) Ability to involve students. Portfolios allow students subsequent review, reflection, demonstration, and grading. With suitable guidance, students can be encouraged to think about and compare their work over time, providing them with an opportunity rarely available in the absence of portfolios.

Which of the following is NOT a component of a rubric? A) Criteria B) Qualifiers C) Analytics D) Descriptors

C) Analytics The components of a rubric include criteria, qualifiers, and descriptors.

Which of the following test-taking strategies in NOT advised for students? A) Pace yourself during the test B) Plan and organize essay questions before writing the essay C) Avoid guessing even when not penalized D) Avoid cramming the night before E) Read directions carefully

C) Avoid guessing even when not penalized Each of these, except 3, is a standard test taking strategy.

What do we call standards we expect students to know at any given grade level and are written as knowledge, skill, or attitude expectations? A) Standardized tests B) Standardized achievement tests C) Curriculum standards D) Assessment standards E) Achievement standards

C) Curriculum standards Curriculum standards state what students are expected to know at any given grade level. They are written as knowledge, skill, and attitude learning outcomes in provincial and territorial curricula.

Which of the following is NOT a level of the Original Bloom's Taxonomy? A) Comprehension B) Analysis C) Integration D) Evaluation E) Knowledge

C) Integration Integration is not one of the levels of the Original Bloom's Taxonomy.

Cognitive assessments involve intellectual activities such as A) Shooting a basketball B) Feeling motivated C) Problem solving D) Playing a musical instrument E) Maintaining self-control

C) Problem solving Problem solving pertains to the cognitive domain. Feeling motivated and maintaining self-control pertain to the affective domain. Shooting a basketball and playing a musical instrument pertain to the psychomotor domain.

Which of the following is NOT recommended as a method of strengthening the effectiveness of a teacher's planning? A) Use before-instruction or diagnostic information when planning. B) Include a combination of lower-level and higher-level outcomes. C) Select an excellent textbook and rely on the teacher's guide to plan and carry out instruction. D) Match learning outcomes with teaching strategies and planned assessments. E) Include a wide range of instructional activities and strategies to fit the students' instructional needs.

C) Select an excellent textbook and rely on the teacher's guide to plan and carry out instruction. Only choice C is not listed in the textbook as one of the eight guidelines that teachers can follow to strengthen the effectiveness of their planning and improve the tie among planning, assessment, and evaluation.

What are the two main characteristics of good assessment information? A) Standardization and objectivity B) Cognitive and affective C) Validity and reliability D) Objectivity and observation E) Validity and standardization

C) Validity and reliability Whether assessment information helps teachers to make good decisions depends upon whether the assessment information collected is valid and reliable.

The relationship between reliability and validity is best summed up in which of the following expressions? A) There is no relationship between reliability and validity. B) High reliability guarantees some degree of validity. C) Validity guarantees some degree of reliability. D) Low reliability is generally associated with high validity.

C) Validity guarantees some degree of reliability. Valid assessment must be reliable, but reliable assessment need not be valid.

What describes the skills, performances, knowledge, and attitudes students are expected to learn in school? A) Abilities B) Achievements C) Aptitudes D) Curriculum E) Instruction

D) Curriculum The textbook definition for curriculum is that it describes the skills, performances, knowledge, and attitudes students are expected to learn in school.

What is the name of an assessment that is generally used by teachers at the start of the school year to get to know their students? A) Official assessment B) Early assessment C) Individual assessment D) Diagnostic assessment E) Prejudgment

D) Diagnostic assessment Assessment undertaken for the purpose of finding out what the students know before instruction takes place is called diagnostic assessment. Diagnostic assessment sometimes takes place at the beginning of the school year, term, or semester.

Which of the following is NOT a criterion that teachers need to consider when screening the adequacy of textbook objectives? A) Are the objectives clearly stated? B) Are the objectives suitable for students in this particular classroom? C) Do the objectives address the provincial/territorial expectations, objectives, or learning outcomes? D) Are the objectives easy to assess?

D) Are the objectives easy to assess? Choice D is the only one of the questions that is not listed in the textbook as a criterion that teachers need to consider when screening the adequacy of textbook objectives

Which of the following is NOT a lower-level thinking process? A) Stating number facts B) Recognizing spelling words C) Matching states to their capitals D) Explaining a story in one's own words E) Naming the letter shown on a flash

D) Explaining a story in one's own words Choices A, B, C, and E use action verbs from the Remember level of the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy, the level that is considered a lower-level thinking process level. Choice D uses an action verb from the Understand level of the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, one of five levels that are considered higher-level thinking process levels.

What is the most important preparation for formal large-scale assessment? A) Teaching the test B) Teaching to the test C) Ensuring students are familiar with the question format D) Good instruction E) Test review

D) Good instruction By definition, an assessment must be related to instruction, and instruction is, amongst other things, preparation for the test.

All of the following are examples of teachers' ethical standards EXCEPT: A) Treat each student as an individual B) Avoid physical and emotional abuse of students C) Respect diversity D) Have lower expectations for students from impoverished families E) Avoid favouritism and harassment

D) Have lower expectations for students from impoverished families Ethical standards are described in the Principles for Fair Student Assessment Practices for Education in Canada

Which of the following statements is NOT a problem issue with large-scale assessments? A) International large-scale assessments are not sensitive to differences in curricula for particular ages and grades in different countries. B) Large-scale assessments measure only relative standards. C) Large-scale assessments systematically rule out students' independent creativity by eliminating the need to construct answers. D) Large-scale assessments are useful for ensuring school and teacher accountability.

D) Large-scale assessments are useful for ensuring school and teacher accountability. The following are some of the problems with large-scale assessment: International large-scale assessments are not sensitive to differences in curricula for particular ages and grades in different countries. Large-scale assessments measure only relative standards. Large-scale assessments systematically rule out independent creativity by eliminating the need to construct answers.

What are complex constructed response items such as book reports, journal entries, portfolios, science experiments, and class projects commonly called? A) Achievement tests B) Standardized tests C) Instructional assessments D) Performance assessments

D) Performance assessments Expectations or learning outcomes that require a student to be actively engaged in a task, such as giving a speech or using an instrument for data collection in science require a performance assessment.

What is the basic difference between checklists and rating scales? A) The way in which performance criteria are stated B) The number of behaviours observed C) The type of performance each can be used to assess D) The way performance is scored E) The age level of students with which each can be used

D) The way performance is scored Feedback: Although they are similar to checklists, rating scales allow the teacher to judge performance along a continuum rather than as a dichotomy, as with a checklist.

True or False? Psychomotor assessments should be emphasized less with students in preschool than with students in elementary or secondary school grades.

False Although psychomotor behaviours are present and important at all levels of schooling, they are especially buttoning or zippering clothing stressed in the preschool and elementary grades, where tasks like holding a pencil, opening a locker, and are important to master.

Which of the following provinces and territories have not currently implemented large-scale assessment? A) Prince Edward Island B) Manitoba C) Quebec D) None. All provinces and territories have implemented large-scale assessment. E) All provinces and territories have implemented large-scale assessment.

E) All provinces and territories have implemented large-scale assessment. All Canadian provinces and territories have implemented large-scale assessment programs.

Which of the following is a rubric guideline for students who are gifted? A) Increase the complexity of the language within the rubric B) Describe the concrete thinking that the student might demonstrate C) Isolate ideas, concepts, and skills within subject-specific disciplines D) Segregate aspects of the rubric into different learning styles E) Articulate how students who are gifted make leaps in their thinking

E) Articulate how students who are gifted make leaps in their thinking The rubric guidelines for students who are gifted include the following: reflect how students transform and apply knowledge, skills, and dispositions. describe the sophisticated and abstract thinking that the student might demonstrate. indicate how the student integrated ideas, concepts, and skills across disciplines. articulate how students who are gifted make leaps in their thinking. evaluate the students ability to design, monitor, and evaluate.

Which of the following subjects does the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) provide data on? A) Math B) Reading/Writing C) Science D) Math and Reading/Writing E) Math, Reading/Writing, and Science

E) Math, Reading/Writing, and Science PCAP provides data on the mathematics, reading/writing, and science literacy of students across Canada.

Which of the following is true when involving students in the construction and use of rubrics A) Students should only be given good examples of process or product in their construction of a rubric. Poor examples may have a negative influence on their ensuing achievement. B) Students should choose the learning outcomes on which the rubrics will be constructed. C) Students should be in upper elementary school or in secondary school before they are invited to construct rubrics. D) Descriptors should be written in a way that assists the students to learn new vocabulary. E) Students can translate teacher-developed rubrics into their own words.

E) Students can translate teacher-developed rubrics into their own words. In the blank descriptor cells, students could work collaboratively to translate the teacher-developed rubric into their own words. The teacher should provide guidance to ensure that all components are included in the student-developed descriptors.

Which of the following statements about checklists is true? A) Checklists should not be used for formative assessments. B) Checklists rate performance along a continuum. C) Checklists should focus on the strengths of a performance. D) Checklists are a type of constructed response test item. E) The same checklist may be used over time to show improvement.

E) The same checklist may be used over time to show improvement. The same checklist can be reused for formative assessment purposes with different students or with the same student over time. Using the same checklist more than once is an easy way to obtain information about improvement over time and to direct students self-assessment efforts.

Which of the following is an example of leniency error? A) When low scores on a scale are consistently chosen B) When scores in the mid-range on a scale are chosen C) When students who perform well in class on a regular basis receive higher scores than they may deserve on a particular assignment D) When a teacher's scoring on the first one or few criteria affects the scoring on the remaining criteria E) When high scores on a scale are consistently chosen

E) When high scores on a scale are consistently chosen Leniency error exists when a teacher regularly chooses high scores on a rating scale

True or False? The term achievement is used to describe school-based learning.

False Achievement refers to school-based learning

True or False? Conceptual knowledge refers to the basic elements that students must know to be acquainted with a discipline or solve problems with it.

False Factual knowledge refers to the basic elements that students must know to be acquainted with a discipline or solve problems with it. Conceptual knowledge refers to the interrelationships among the basic elements within a larger structure that enable them to function together

True or False? The specific educational plan developed for a student with an exceptionality is called an inclusion education plan.

False IEP stands for individual education plan.

True or False? The three components of the instructional process are: planning, textbook selection, and assessment and evaluation.

False The instructional process comprises three basic components. The first is planning instruction, which includes identifying specific expectations, objectives, or outcomes, selecting materials to foster these outcomes, and organizing learning experiences into a coherent, reinforcing sequence. The second component involves delivering the planned instruction to students. The third component involves assessing and evaluating how well students learn or achieve the expectations, objectives, or outcomes.

True or False? The main purpose of assessment is to group students.

False The main purpose of assessment is to aid in classroom decision making.

True or False? The task of certifying students' learning at the end of instruction is termed formative assessment.

False The task of certifying students' learning at the end of instruction is termed summative assessment.

True or False? When using a textbook as a resource, teachers should exclusively follow the instructional objectives that accompany the textbook.

False The teacher's edition (or instructor's manual) of most textbooks contains resources to help teachers plan, deliver instruction, and assess and evaluate learning. However, teachers should not abdicate their planning, teaching, assessment, and evaluation decision-making responsibilities, which require them to carefully evaluate the adequacy of the textbook to meet student needs and resources.

True or False? The two main characteristics of good assessment information are validity and objectivity.

False The two main characteristics of good assessment information are validity and reliability.

True or False? Tests are either valid or not valid.

False Validity is the degree to which an assessment measures what it intends to measure.

True or False? Assessment is really the same as testing.

False When people hear the word assessment, they often think of the word “test.” A test is a formal, systematic, often paper-and-pencil procedure used to gather information about student performance. Paper-and-pencil tests are one important tool for gathering assessment information. However, decisions about student placement into programs or streams, organization into instructional groupings, and academic progress can also be made using other information-gathering tools such as anecdotal record sheets, checklists, rating scales, and rubrics.

True or False? Assessment conducted to provide teachers with information about their students' academic, social, attitudinal, and behavioural characteristics so as to enhance instruction is called early assessment.

False Assessment used to provide teachers with information about their students' academic, social, attitudinal, and behavioural characteristics to enhance communication and instruction is called diagnostic assessment.

True or False? Global objectives are complex student learning outcomes that require substantial time and instruction to accomplish.

True Global objectives, often called "goals," are broad, complex student learning outcomes that require substantial time and instruction to accomplish.

True or False? The following statement is an example of measurement: "Francois answered 90% of the items correctly on his algebra test."

True Measurement is the process of collecting data on student performance using an instrument associated with a numerical scale.

True or False? Standardized assessments are used to compare students from different classrooms.

True Standardized assessments are intended to be administered to students in many different classrooms, but always under identical conditions of administration, scoring, and interpretation. The main reason for standardizing assessment procedures is to ensure that fair comparisons among students in different schools can be made.

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