Effects of Global Society

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#15 Anonymity: What is anonymity online?

the condition of being anonymous

#13 Movie Piracy: What is movie piracy?

Movie piracy involves downloading or copying a movie without paying, so technically Choice 'A' is an effect of movie piracy. However, this is not a legal issue.

#20 Targeted Advertising: What is targeted advertising?

Targeted advertising uses your search history to present ads that are more relevant for you. In theory, this should help businesses increase sales because they will be advertising at an audience that really wants their product Choice 'C'.

#9 Wiretapping: How can mass collection of phone data (by the NSA) exploit citizens

Citizens lose their sense of privacy

#1 Exploitation of Data: What is digital data exploitation?

data in technology that is able to tell information about us (us having no privacy is the problem)

Liz takes a picture using a digital camera that she bought using her credit card. She posts the file online and it is soon found by a person she doesn't know, Claire. Which of the following pieces of information can Claire NOT access?

A) The location where the picture was taken. B) The date and time the picture was taken. C) The make and model of Liz's camera D) CORRECT: Claire will be able to access all of the above information. EXPLANATION: Digital cameras can store lots of data in the Exchangeable Image File Format (EIFF). This data includes information about the camera (shutter speed, make, model, and more) and the picture (date, time, and picture orientation). Geolocation tagging is available in some digital cameras, so it's possible the file includes geolocation data. Thus, Choices 'A', 'B', and 'C' are all pieces of information that Claire can access.

The Internet has made it very easy to access a wide variety of digitized information. This comes with positives and negatives. Which of the following statements are true of the widespread access to digital info on the internet?

A) This is a good thing; Internet users are able to publish their ideas in digital format and receive credit for their work. B) CORRECT: This is a good thing; when used correctly, information online can help people make educated decisions. C) CORRECT: This is a bad thing; the ease of access of digital information makes plagiarism much more common D) This is a bad thing; it is harder to find information to solve problems because of the large amount of data available online. EXPLANATION: Choice 'B' is correct; the availability of information online has allowed Internet users to make better decisions when solving problems. Of course it's important that appropriate and reliable sources are found. Choice 'C' is also correct; the amount of digital information has made it very easy to plagiarize. This explains why Choice 'A' is incorrect; because it is so easy to copy others' work, it's often very difficult to identify who created content. Intellectual property has been confused online. Choice 'D' is also incorrect; although there is a large amount of data online, tools like search engines have made it relatively easy to find the information.

#16 Digital Authentication: What is digital authentication?

Digital authentication or e-authentication may be used synonymously when referring to the authentication process that confirms or certifies a person's identity and works.

#3 Data from a Digital Picture: What data can cameras store?

Digital cameras can store lots of data in the Exchangeable Image File Format (EIFF). This data includes information about the camera (shutter speed, make, model, and more) and the picture (date, time, and picture orientation). Geolocation tagging is available in some digital cameras, so it's possible the file includes geolocation data. Thus, Choices 'A', 'B', and 'C' are all pieces of information that Claire can access.

#21 More Governmental Censorship: What is governmental censorship?

Each country handles Internet regulation slightly differently. In China, for example, many websites and social media platforms are blocked. China essentially has it's own version of the Internet, with no trace of any website that is not approved by the government Choice 'A'

#5 Describing Peer-to-Peer Networks: What are peer-to-peer networks?

computing or networking is a distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or workloads between peers. Peers are equally privileged, equipotent participants in the application.

#7: Digital Millennium Copyright Act: What is stated in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act?

penalties for copyright infringement on the Internet.

#17 The Harms of Data Aggregation: What is aggegation?

the formation of a number of things into a cluster.

Which of the following is a possible legal issues could result from movie piracy?

A) Producers, directors, and others who worked on a film might not be compensated for their work. B) Courts could be bogged down with small claims litigation C) CORRECT: Infringement of copyright laws. D) Violation of due process of production companies' contractual rights EXPLANATION: Choice 'C' is correct, copyright laws state that it is illegal to pirate movies. Movie piracy involves downloading or copying a movie without paying, so technically Choice 'A' is an effect of movie piracy. However, this is not a legal issue. Choices 'B' & 'D' are false

#24 Governmental Censorship: What is governmental censorship?

Each country handles Internet regulation slightly differently. In China, for example, many websites and social media platforms are blocked.

#12 Geolocation: What is geolocation technology?

allows devices to access a user's current and past locations

#4 Anonymous Web Browsing: What are ethical issues?

A problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right (ethical) or wrong (unethical).

#2 Open Source Software Concerns: What is open source software?

is a type of computer software with its source code made available with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose.

#4 Anonymous Web Browsing: Why are choices 'C' and 'D' distractors?

Choices 'C' and 'D' are incorrect; anonymous web browsing doesn't always remove credentials (Choice 'C') and there are usually still ways to trace copyright issues back to the sour

#22 Free & Open Source Software: What is free & open source software?

Free and open source software packages are great for businesses who want to customize the software. Since the software is open, the code can be altered to fit the exact needs of any company. Free and open source software is also inexpensive.

#10 Peer-to-Peer Networks: What is peer-to-peer network?

Peer-to-peer networks are created when two or more computers connect so that users can share resources.

#25 More Peer to Peer Networks: What are peer to peer networks?

Peer-to-peer networks are created when two or more computers connect so that users can share resources.

Which of the following is NOT a risk of participating in a peer-to-peer network?

A) A user might accidentally allow others to download private files that were not intended for sharing. B) A user might get caught downloading copyrighted material illegally. C) A user might download a virus unintentionally. D) CORRECT: A user might spend all of their data if too many people connect to their phone. EXPLANATION: Peer-to-peer networks are created when two or more computers connect so that users can share resources. Napster was a very popular peer-to-peer network, for example. Choices 'A', 'B' and 'C' are all possibilities when using a file sharing system like Napster. Choice 'D', however, is not a risk. Peer-to-peer

Who is NOT likely to benefit from targeted advertising?

A) A writer wants to publish her work for online readers to access at no cost to them B) CORRECT: A student wants to have as little personal information online as possible. C) The CEO of a clothing company wants to boost revenue. D) A teacher wants to view blogs, websites, and social media platforms for free. EXPLANATION: Targeted advertising uses your search history to present ads that are more relevant for you. In theory, this should help businesses increase sales because they will be advertising at an audience that really wants their product Choice 'C'. Effective advertisements fund whatever website in which they are used, so a writer who wants to publish her work for free and a teacher who doesn't want to pay to use the Internet will both benefit from targeted ads Choices 'A' and 'D'. The student described in Choice 'B', however, is probably not going to be thrilled with targeted advertisements, since they require Internet users to give up a little privacy.

Geolocation and technology allow devices to access a user's current and past locations. Which o the following is NOT a possible security or privacy concern that arises from this technology ?

A) Apps and websites that can pinpoint a user's location invade personal privacy. B) Geolocation data from smartphones could be used as false evidence. C) Geolocation data published online could lead to burglary and other crimes. D) CORRECT: The use of geolocation data infringes on copyright laws. EXPLANATION: Choice 'A' is a valid privacy concern; many people find that geolocation data is an invasion of privacy, especially when apps and websites use that data for purposes other than maps. Choice 'B' is also a valid concern; the location data on a misplaced or stolen phone could be used to incriminate innocent people. Choice 'C' is also correct; Internet users can use geolocation data to determine if someone is out of the state or country. This could lead to an increase in burglary and other crimes. Choice 'D' is not a valid privacy concern; there are no copyright laws that deal with geolocation

Many companies like Amazon collect data on their customers in order to make decisions on how to change their business. The data collected can be used to help or hurt Internet users. Which of the following are examples of digital data exploitation by companies like Amazon?

A) CORRECT: An online store uses search history to customize ads and recommendations during future online shopping trips. B) INCORRECT: An online store uses purchase history to determine how much of each product to have in stock at any given time c) CORRECT: Data brokers use multiple websites to create large databases on Internet users, then sell that personal information to other companies. D) INCORRECT: A social media site uses the locations of its users to determine what areas of the country need more advertising. EXPLANATION: Choices 'A' and 'C' are examples of how companies have exploited consumer data. In Choice 'A' an online store invades customers' privacy by looking through search history to customize ads. In Choice 'C', user data is being sold to companies for advertising purposes. Both of these show how easy it is for Internet users to lose their privacy. In Choices 'B' and 'D' are both examples of companies collecting data on users, but the data is not being exploitChoice 'B', the data is being used to order more products and in Choice 'D' the data is being used to determine where the company should focus on advertising. Neither of these are infringing on a customer's privacy.

Which of the following are ethical issues of anonymous web browsing? Select TWO answers.

A) CORRECT: Anonymous web browsing enables Internet users to participate in criminal activities involving drugs, weapons, and child pornography. B) CORRECT: Anonymity in online forums breeds cyberbullying; with no names or personal information given, some users get carried away and forget they are talking to human beings. C) Anonymous web browsing makes it difficult to verify information; when credentials are removed from articles, it's challenging for users to evaluate the source of information. D) Anonymity online poses a problem to copyrights; media that is posted anonymously cannot be attributed to an author and is therefore unable to be copyrighted. EXPLANATION: Choice 'A' is a description of the "Deep Web" where users can access things like the Silk Road, the world's largest drug trade website, while remaining anonymous. Serious criminal activity can happen in the "Deep Web" with authorities unable to trace the activity back to the source. Choice 'B' is true as well; anonymous users are more likely to bully others online since they have no name or face to associate with other users. Clearly both of these choices show the ethical issues that come with anonymous web browsing. Choices 'C' and 'D' are incorrect; anonymous web browsing doesn't always remove credentials (Choice 'C') and there are usually still ways to trace copyright issues back to the sour

In 2005, it was discovered that the NSA had been wiretapping phones in the United States. Data was being secretly collected on call content, location, times, and more. How did the mass collection of phone data by the NSA exploit citizens?

A) CORRECT: Data collection of this nature violates protections of privacy. B) The big data involved in this kind of information aggregation clogs networks and slows down online traffic C) Data collection could result in leaked cookies, revealing embarrassing browsing data on Internet users. D) None of these EXPLANATION: This kind of mass collection of data is an invasion of privacy; US citizens were not told that phones were being tapped. Thus, Choice 'A' is the correct answer. Choices 'B' and 'C' are incorrect. Collecting phone data has no impact on network speeds or cookies.

Which of the following scenarios involving file sharing would be considered legal in most places?

A) Mariah purchases a computer game, then lets her coworker download the software from her computer. B) CORRECT:Natalie records her song using GarageBand and sends the song to several of her friends. C) Zac buys a CD from Target, then lets his brother copy the songs onto his computer. D) All of the above are legal. EXPLANATION: Natalie did nothing illegal, since the song that she shared was not copyrighted Choice 'B'. Mariah (Choice 'A') and Zac (Choice 'C'), however, both shared copyrighted files with people that should have paid to receive them

How could aggregation of information on Internet users be harmful? Select TWO answers.

A) CORRECT: Data taken out of context could create misunderstandings or false accusations B) Data gathered on Internet users could be used in court as evidence against someone C) CORRECT: Data on individuals can be an invasion of privacy. D) Data gathered on Internet users could be used to predict buying patterns and search trends. EXPLANATION: Choice 'A' is very true; without context, it's difficult to tell why someone might have done a Google search for types of weapons (are they violent or doing historical research?) or diseases (are they sick or studying medicine?). Data out of context can easily lead to misunderstandings. Similarly, choice 'C' is true; gathering too much data on one person can easily lead to an invasion of privacy. Even just knowing what a person searches for in an online search engine can reveal very personal information. Choice 'B' is almost correct. While it's true that search data can be used in the courtroom, there is still controversy as to whether or not this data is valid evidence. Even if the search data came from a specific IP address, it's impossible to tell who was using the computer when the searches were conducted. Choice 'D' is a fact about data aggregation, but it does not describe a harm. While some people might see this as an invasion of privacy (as stated in choice 'C'), it also gives companies valuable data that helps enhance the Internet experience for individual users.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of a peer-to-peer network?

A) CORRECT: Different parties have very different opinions on what can and can't be shared through a peer-to-peer network. B)In a peer-to-peer network, all files being shared are kept on one server. Anyone who wants to access one of those files can get it directly from the server. C) A peer-to-peer network creates heavy traffic and makes download times increase significantly. D) Creating a directory of which computers have certain files is an acceptable practice EXPLANATION: Choice 'A' is very true. There have been many arguments and court cases over what content can and cannot be shared through a peer-to-peer network. Users of these networks often argue that free speech allows us to share whatever we want online. Content creators on the other hand frequently sue for copyright infringement. Choice 'B' is describing a centralized system, not a peer-to-peer network. In a peer-to-peer network, there is no central location of files. Files are transferred directly from one computer to another without a middleman. Choice 'C' is also not true of peer-to-peer networks. These networks are actually much more efficient than centralized systems because there is no large server holding all the files. It takes less time to download files from a peer-to-peer network because there is no centralized source of information and files. Choice 'D' is also false; this was decided in the court case about Napster, one of the first large peer-to-peer networks. Having a centralized directory of who has which files is not considered free speech.

Some proponents of targeted advertising claim that there is no harm in companies selling user data as long as most personal information like names, ages, and zip codes are removed. Why is this argument inaccurate?

A) CORRECT: Even a little bit of data, like what kind of products they buy, can be enough to identify the users. B) It is impossible to remove most personal information from user data. C) Collecting and selling data on users is illegal. D) None of these; this argument is valid. EXPLANATION: Choice 'A' is correct here because even a little bit of data is enough to identify Internet users. In 2007, Netflix published user data about movie preferences without any personal information. Researchers were able to identify the users by comparing the data to movie preferences on IMDB.com. Choices 'B', 'C' and 'D' are all false.

Many businesses have started using free and open source software like Linux. Which of the following are reasons why businesses benefit from free and open source software? Select TWO answers

A) CORRECT: Free and open source software can be customized for a specific company or business. B) CORRECT: Free and open source software is cheaper for companies to use. C) Free and open source software is better quality than other software and often has less bugs. D) Free and open source software usually has an easy to understand user interface. EXPLANATION: Choice 'A' and Choice 'B' are both correct. Free and open source software packages are great for businesses who want to customize the software. Since the software is open, the code can be altered to fit the exact needs of any company. Free and open source software is also inexpensive. Explanation of Distractors: Choice 'C' is not guaranteed; while some open source software is high quality, some is not. Choice 'D', is also not guaranteed; very often, a company makes open source software to suit personal needs. Since the software is not being created for a large market, the user interface is often narrow and difficult to understand

Which of the following is stated by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act? Select TWO answers.

A) CORRECT: It is a crime to circumvent any anti-piracy procedures that are a part of commercially sold software. B) CORRECT: It is a crime to make or sell devices that crack codes in order to illegally copy software. C) It is a crime to crack copyright protection devices for encryption research purposes. D)Internet Service Providers do not have to remove copyrighted material from users' web sites. EXPLANATION: Choices 'A' and 'B' are both stated in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. This act makes it illegal to pirate copyrighted material as well as find workarounds for any kind of anti-piracy measures. Choice 'C' is incorrect; it is not a crime to crack copyright protection devices if one is researching encryption or testing a computer system's security. Choice 'D' is also incorrect. It is the responsibility of ISPs to remove any content that appears to infringe on a copyright.

Which of the following scenarios would NOT raise concerns with copyrights?

A) CORRECT: Jayne blogs about her recent vacation. Throughout the blog post, she quotes several movies as they relate to funny experiences from her trip. B) Jeff buys an album on iTunes and picks his favorite song. He makes a video where the song is playing in the background and the lyrics display on the screen. He publishes this on his website. C) Jacque screen captures the blooper reels from every season of her favorite TV show that she owns on DVD. She compiles these into one video and posts it on YouTube. D) Joy wants to show a clip from a movie in her presentation, so she logs into a peer-to-peer network and asks if anyone has a copy of the movie. Someone does and shares the file with her. EXPLANATION: Choice 'A' does not involve copyright infringement; Jayne is quoting a movie and citing her source, which is completely legal. Choices 'B' & 'C' would cause copyright issues, however, in both of these choices, people are taking copyrighted materials and using them to create their own content. This is against copyright laws, as the original producer of the content has the only rights to distribute the content. Choice 'D' is also a copyright issue; if Joy downloads a movie without paying for it, she has violated copyright laws

Which of the following statements accurately describes the negative aspects of a peer-to-peer network?

A) CORRECT: Unfair: peer-to-peer networks prevent music and film industries from receiving money for their content. B) Illegal: all file sharing on peer-to-peer networks infringes on copyright laws C) Untraceable: it's impossible to trace original content back to a user on a peer-to-peer network. D) CORRECT: Unsafe: it's possible for peer-to-peer network users to share personal information accidentally. EXPLANATION: Choices 'A' and 'D' are both true. Peer-to-peer networks can be unfair for music and film industries because their content is being shared without consumers paying. Artists lose money because people aren't paying for the content. Peer-to-peer networks are also unsafe. It's very common that personal information is inadvertently shared while downloading files on a peer-to-peer network. Choice 'B' is incorrect; peer-to-peer networks can be used for sharing open source software and other files that are not under copyright laws. Choice 'C' is also incorrect; it is possible to trace files back to the original user who shared them

Which of the following is NOT an implication of governmental censorship of the Internet?

A) Content that is graphic in nature might feature a warning that younger viewers should not watch. B)Personal opinions of Internet users might not be heard if they are radical or different. C) Internet users in certain countries might be unable to see other points of view; all of the information online could be aligned with the government's view. D) CORRECT: Intellectual property of Internet users could be stolen or copied without permission. EXPLANATION: The way the government deals with the Internet is different across the globe. Choice 'D' is a true statement about the Internet, but it does not describe an implication of governmental censorship. Choice 'A' is a real implication of governmental censorship. Online graphic content often features a warning, although the degree of government involvement in regulating this varies in each country. Similarly, governments across the world participate in censoring personal opinions of Internet users to different degrees, as in Choice 'B'. Choice 'C' is also an implication of censorship; some governments use their power to block any point of view that is different or unique. One of the most restrictive governments is found in China; Google search results for "Tiananmen Square" in China look radically different than in the United States.

Which of the following is NOT a potential outcome of governmental censorship of the Internet?

A) Each country could have its own version of the Internet with different content being filtered out. B) CORRECT: Governments could have complete control over what users see online. C) Information could only flow within countries, never leaving the country where it originated. D)Each country might have a different version of the same basic social media platform. EXPLANATION: Each country handles Internet regulation slightly differently. In China, for example, many websites and social media platforms are blocked. China essentially has it's own version of the Internet, with no trace of any website that is not approved by the government Choice 'A' This also means that China has its own version of Facebook that is monitored by the government Choice 'D'. In addition to dictating what websites citizens can view, governmental censorship can prevent information from leaving the country entirely Choice 'C Even with all this censorship, the government never has complete control - there are many tools that users can access to bypass any censored websites. Therefore, the correct answer is Choice 'B'

Which of the following statements are true in regards to the legal and ethical issues of streaming music online? I. Streaming services like spotify are biased towards popular artists; independent artists are unable to earn as much as artists who have fan bases already established II. Fans are unable to support their favorite musicians since the streaming service decides how money is allocated among artists. III. Users who stream music illegally aren't actually hurting anyone since the artists they download are still getting plays

A) I only B) II & III C) CORRECT: I & II D) I, II, & III EXPLANATION: Many streaming services like Spotify distribute royalties based on the number of overall plays; if you paid for Spotify and listened to an independent artist 100 times, most of your money would still go towards the popular artists because they get hundred of thousands of plays a day overall This makes it very difficult for independent or unknown artists to earn money Choice 'I'. Since the streaming service gets to decide how money is allocated, fans are unable to directly support their favorite musicians Choice 'II'. Choice 'III' is incorrect; musicians don't see any money from those illegal downloads. Therefore, the correct answer is Choice 'C'

Which of the following is NOT a valid concern of using open source software?

A) INCORRECT: Open source software might contain viruses or other malicious code. B) INCORRECT: Most open source licenses were created by non-lawyers, thus leaving ambiguous language and restrictions in the language of the license. C) INCORRECT: Since open source software is copyrighted, it's important that users get a license before using the software. D) CORRECT: Open source software is often low quality and difficult to use. EXPLANATION: Choice 'D' is not a valid concern of open source software; Linux, KDE, Firefox, and many other open source products are popular, well made, and easy to use. However, some open source software could contain viruses that might harm a user's computer Choice 'A'. Choice 'B' is a valid concern; ambiguous language in the license makes it difficult to determine how the software can be used. Choice 'C' is also valid; users must have a license before using open source software.

The widespread access of digital information has forced people to use new research methods. Which of the following is TRUE of the way that people use the Internet to research and answer questions? Select TWO answers

A) Identifying and preventing copyright issues are more important parts of the research process. B) CORRECT: It has become more difficult to identify the original source of information C) CORRECT: It is easier for researchers to plagiarize from other sources D) It has become more difficult to find high quality sources for research EXPLANATION: Choices 'B' and 'C' are very similar and both true. The widespread access of digital information has made it very easy for people to copy other's work without giving any credit. Choice 'A' is incorrect, as copyright issues generally aren't a part of the research process Choice 'D' is incorrect. The Internet has made more high quality sources available than ever before.

Which of the following statements about anonymity online is FALSE?

A) Open source software can reroute a user's packets throughout the globe to make them more difficult to trace back to their source. B) A proxy server can work as a middleman, shielding personal info from any interactions with the internet C) CORRECT: With the right software and procedures in place, Internet users can be completely anonymous online D) certain online search engines do not track searches, making it easier to find info without data being collected EXPLANATION: Choice 'C' is false; due to the nature of the Internet, it is virtually impossible to be completely anonymous. Software and precautions can help reduce one's online footprint, but there are always ways to trace online content back to the source. Choice 'A' is correct; there are many different software packages that can encrypt web traffic and send it in random directions to make it harder to trace the data. This software might make browsing the Internet slower than usual Choice 'B' is also true; a proxy server protects a user's personal information, although some applications like Hulu will refuse to play content when an anonymous proxy server is being used. Choice 'D' is true as well; the most common search engines like Google and Yahoo collect data on what users search. There are privacy oriented search engines that do not do this.

Which of the following is NOT an example of digital authentication?

A) Providing a password to view online information. B)Giving a full name, birthday, and telephone number to start a blog. C) CORRECT: Typing in a credit card number to purchase an item online. D) Answering a pre-arranged security question EXPLANATION: Authentication is the practice of providing proof of one's identity. Knowing the password for an account Choice 'A', a credit card number Choice 'B', or the answer to a security question Choice 'D' are all examples of users providing proof that they are who they say they are Choice 'C', however, is not proof that the person is who they say they are.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act has not always been used as intended. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways the DMCA has been misused?

A) Scientists and programmers have been unable to discuss research, code, and security programs online. B) CORRECT: It is easier to incriminate a young person for infringing on copyright rules under the DMCA than to incriminate an older person. C) Companies can use the law to eliminate market competition. D) The law makes it impossible for consumers to make their own personal-use copies of movies they have bought. EXPLANATION: Choice 'A' is true; because the DMCA prohibits circumventing anti-piracy laws, many security experts have been unable to publish details of their findings. It has created the opposite of free speech, with many scientists refusing to study security and encryption. Choice 'C' is also true; the most unusual example of this happening was a garage door opener company that sued a rival manufacturer for making a universal garage door opener.The company claimed that this manufacturer bypassed a security measure in their model of the clicker and thus was violating the DMCA. Choice 'D' is also true; the law infringes on consumer's fair use rights by making it nearly impossible to make legitimate personal copies of content. Choice 'B' is the false answer

#1 Exploitation of Data: Why are choices B and D distractors?

In Choices 'B' and 'D' are both examples of companies collecting data on users, but the data is not being exploitChoice 'B', the data is being used to order more products and in Choice 'D' the data is being used to determine where the company should focus on advertising. Neither of these are infringing on a customer's privacy.

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