eight set of word

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(v.) to dig; to search deeply and thoroughly into She _____ into her pocket to find some change. She decided to _____ into the book to find the answer Let's _____ into this puzzle and solve it together The detective will ____ into the case to uncover the truth. I like to _____ into different hobbies to learn new things. He will _____ into the topic during his presentation We should _____ into our memories to find that special moment The students will _____ into the project for their class assignment I want to _____ into the world of cooking and try new recipes It's fun to ______ into a mystery and figure out the solution


(v.) to limit, be sparing or frugal; (n.) a limit or restriction; a fixed share of work or duty; a period of activity He has just finished a _____ of compulsory military service. Perhaps her most productive period was her five-year ______ as a foreign correspondent in New York. Don't _______ yourself - take another slice of cake. The bride's parents did not ______ on the champagne - there was plenty for everyone. He took up boxing during his _____ in the army. She doesn't ______ when it comes to buying new clothes. She did a _____ in an electronics factory. They need not fear that they will be _____ed for anything


A belief or statement taken for granted without proof. People tend to make ______s about you when you have a disability. These calculations are based on the ______ that prices will continue to rise. They make the naive ______ that because it's popular it must be good. The sales forecast is predicated on the _______ that the economy will grow by four percent this year. The ______s made about the economy's rate of growth proved to be incorrect. He premised his argument on several incorrect ______s. The revolutionaries' ______ of power took the army by surprise.


A business that sells goods or services directly to the public. The job is open to applicants with over two years' experience in ______ The clothing company has six _______ outlets $13 off the manufacturer's recommended _____ price The _____ group outbid all three competitors for space in the shopping centre. Christmas will not be enough to save the ______ industry Large ______ chains are usually only prepared to locate stores in areas of high population density. It's the latest American _____ giant to cross the Atlantic The company makes and _____s moderately priced sportswear. This laptop _____s at £850.


A large and fundamental division within a religion _____ of Immunology is a _____ of biological science. One ______ of their family emigrated to Brazil. In the US, the president is part of the executive ______ of the government. I used to work in the local ______ of a large bank. She's a _____ manager. Take the forms into your local _____ office. The bank has three ______s in Norwich, and over three hundred countrywide. The company has announced the closure of several of its rural ______s. After the storm, the ground was covered with twigs and ______s. Many banks have promoted online services and closed ______s. Contact your local _______ to arrange an appointment with a consultant


A planned reduction in the number of employees needed in a firm in order to reduce costs and make the business more efficient The company announced a worldwide ______ of its operations. There have been reports of layoffs and _____s. corporate ______ Business types sometimes try to rationalize _______ as "rightsizing." A similar ______ is expected to be announced soon at Chrysler. He lost his job during a ______ . He and his wife moved to a different town in a ______.


Able to be passed easily from one person to another. The infection is highly _______, so don't let anyone else use your towel. There were fears the _______ disease could wipe out livestock over a wide area. Keep him out of school until he's not _______ anymore The patient is most ______ for the first 3 weeks from their earliest symptom. Fear is _______. His presence was warm and his wit was ______. Flu is a ______ respiratory illness spread by the influenza virus| Measles is ______ a week before and after the rash appears. He stressed that the disease is not _____ and said that people should not hoard antibiotics.


Condition surrounding something; a situation I think she coped very well under the ________s. Obviously we can't deal with the problem until we know all the ________s. She died in suspicious _______s We oppose capital punishment in any ________s. We will not quit under any _______s Under no _______s should you approach the man. The meeting has been cancelled due to ________s beyond our control. They were victims of ______ An unfortunate conjunction of _______s led to his downfall. The _______s of her death have been hotly disputed His tact was exemplary, especially considering the _______s.


Extreme tiredness, exhaustion She was suffering from ______ . The crash was caused by metal ______ in one of the propeller blades. The journey had ______ed him. The doctor said he was suffering from ______ and work-related stress. After a long day at work, I felt a deep sense of ______. Exercising for an hour straight can lead to muscle ______ The constant studying left me with mental _____ She experienced ______ after running a marathon Lack of sleep can contribute to overall ______. The intense workout session resulted in physical _____.


Fluid wastes removed from the body by the kidneys The doctor asked for a ____ sample to check for signs of infection. Dehydration can lead to darker-colored _____ , so it's important to drink plenty of water. The laboratory technician analyzed the ____ to detect any abnormalities in kidney function. When I accidentally spilled coffee on my pants, it looked as if I had wet myself, but it was just the coffee staining my clothes; it reminded me of ____. The nurse explained the importance of collecting a clean _____ sample for accurate test results. Drinking beet juice can sometimes result in reddish-colored _____ , which can be mistaken for blood. The color and clarity of your ____ can provide valuable insights into your overall health.


Greatness of size, strength, or importance They don't seem to grasp the ______ of the problem. The ______ of the task would have discouraged an ordinary man. The _____ of the earthquake was quite significant, causing widespread damage It's hard to grasp the _____ of the universe's vastness. The _____ of the problem became apparent when we saw the extent of the damage I was surprised by the _____ of her generosity when she donated a large sum to the charity. Understanding the ______ of climate change is essential for addressing its impact on our planet.


The fluid released when the mouth waters that plays an important role in both mechanical and chemical digestion After taking a bite of the spicy chili, my mouth started producing copious amounts of ______. The dentist recommended chewing sugar-free gum to stimulate ______ production and prevent dry mouth. When I saw the delicious meal in front of me, my ______ glands went into overdrive. _______ plays a crucial role in the initial digestion of food by breaking down starches with enzymes. The taste buds on your tongue can detect different flavors in food by interacting with your _______ . Some animals, like snakes, use their ______ to help digest their prey before swallowing it whole. The ______ test confirmed that the athlete had not used any banned substances


The water overwhelmed levees in the area.feeling like you have so much to do that you can't even get started Government troops have ______ the rebels and seized control of the capital. The boxer relied on his power, pace, and pressure to ______ed opponents. She was ______ with/by grief when her father died. I was ______ by all the flowers and letters of support I received. The water ______ levees in the area. The rain that caused the flooding was of such unusual intensity that the sewers were ______ . An attack that injures massive numbers would _______ hospitals Doctors' offices would be ______ with phone calls. He was _______ by feelings of remorse for what he had done.


To block something The roads are ____ged with holiday traffic. Eating too much fat causes your arteries to ____ Leaves are _____ging (up) the drain. During rush hour, downtown streets are _____ged with commuters. Too much cholesterol _____s up your arteries. Be careful not to ______ the sink with too much hair when you're showering. The heavy rain can _____ storm drains and lead to flooding on the streets It's important to clean the air filter regularly to prevent it from _____ging and affecting appliance efficiency. Avoid pouring grease down the kitchen sink to prevent ____s in the pipes.


To bring forth, especially through words In an instant, the magician had _____ed (up) a dove from his hat. His words _____ed images of far-away action. The magician can _______ a rabbit out of a hat She could _____ a smile even on the gloomiest days I can _______ up memories of our childhood adventures The wizard could ______ spells with just a wave of his wand With a few ingredients, the chef can ______ a delicious meal He can ______ a sense of wonder through his storytelling The poet can ______ emotions with the power of words The potion is said to _____ good luck and fortune


a lack or shortage Pregnant women often suffer from iron _______. The blood tests revealed a _____ in certain key minerals and vitamins. As the game went on, the team's ______ was obvious ______ies in the education system have been much in the news. Severe iron ______ can cause developmental delay and growth retardation. The rash is a classic symptom of a zinc ______. There was clear ______ in the standard of service provided. Despite his _____ies as a husband, he was a good father to his children. We need to identify any ______ies in the system and address them immediately.


a route of travel The tour operator will arrange transport and plan your ______. We planned our ______ several weeks before the trip. I need to plan our ______ for the upcoming vacation. The travel agency provided us with a detailed ______ for our tour My ______ for the conference includes several meetings and workshops The airline emailed me the _____ for my flight to Paris. We followed the ______ to explore all the famous landmarks in the city. Can you send me your ______ so we can coordinate our schedules? The cruise ship's _____ took us to a variety of beautiful ports. I'm working on my _____ for the road trip, and I want to visit some national parks


a smooth, rounded line, shape, path, etc. a _____ in the road the ______ of a graph T he ball swung into a reverse ______. She drew a _____ on the paper. There is a ______ in the river just here. He drew the _____s of her body in charcoal. He fired his unhittable ______, and struck out the final batter. The road ______s around the cemetery.


a subset of the population a free ______ of shampoo _____s of carpet/curtain material Please bring some _____s of your work to the interview. a blood/urine ______ a random _______ of voters a nationally representative ______ of 200 schools We asked a random ______ of people what they thought. The study was carried out with such a small ______ that its results are invalid Water _____s taken from streams were analysed for contamination by chemicals. They looked at the blood _____s under the microscope The _____s varied in quality but were generally acceptable


a technique for ascertaining the self-reported attitudes or behaviors of a particular group, usually by questioning a representative, random sample of the group A recent ______ found/revealed/showed that 58 percent of people did not know where their heart is. to conduct/carry out/do a ______ The ______ is only concerned with women of childbearing age. In the _____ politicians came out overwhelmingly in favour of capital punishment. The _____ found no correspondence between crime and unemployment rates. The findings of this _____ are demonstrative of the need for further research. a geological ______ His new book is a _____ of European theatre in the 19th century. Geological _____s are an important tool used in locating oil reserves.


a time you have arranged to meet someone or go somewhere I'd like to make an ______ with Dr Evans, please. She had to cancel her dental ______. I've got an _______ to see Ms Edwards at two o'clock I've got a two o'clock _______ with Ms Edwards. That's the second _______ he's missed. I made a dentist's ______ for Monday morning. I have a four o'clock _______ at the hairdresser's. I'm a patient of Dr Stephens, please could I make an _______ to see her? Would a ten o'clock _______ be more convenient for you? The manager has no free ______s this week, I'm afraid. Please cancel my _______s for tomorrow afternoon - I have to go to a funeral.


an important part of something, a characteristic The town's main ______s are its beautiful mosque and ancient marketplace. Our latest model of phone has several new _______s. A unique _______ of these rock shelters was that they were dry. a geographical _______ This tour includes the area's best-known natural ______s , including the Gullfoss waterfall. He has wonderful strong ______s. Her eyes are her best _______ The car has some excellent design ______s. It is one of the distinctive ______s of her writing. She has fine, delicate ______s They're running a three-part ______ on the city's child welfare agency


an unlucky accident The parade was very well organized and passed without ______. A series of ______s led to the nuclear power plant blowing up. Due to a surgical ______, she's lost the use of her left arm. The parade took place without _______. Despite her careful preparations, a small ______ occurred during the dinner party when the cake toppled over. The chef handled the kitchen ______ with grace, quickly adapting to the unexpected shortage of a key ingredient. Jane's day took an unexpected turn when a ______ with her morning coffee resulted in a stained shirt and a few laughs from her colleagues.


arrogant Let's not get too _____ —things could still go wrong When I got my first job I was just a _____ teenager He was a bit ______, and could be a pain at times. He remained ______ and arrogant despite it being clear he was to blame She was very humble, not a _____ know-all. He just gave me a _____ grin The picture shows a young pilot posing by his fighter plane, _____ and cool. Hugh is knowledgeable but not ______. He has striking good looks, and the ______ ttitude of someone who knows he's popular.


baggage We bought some new _____ for our trip. Never leave your _____ unattended Several kilos of crack were found in her _____. He decamped from the hotel with someone else's _____. I deposited my ____ in a locker at the station. We dropped our _____ off at the hotel and went sightseeing. He didn't look like the sort of man you should entrust your ____ to. The _____ of our tour group was piled up next to the bus. The airline has increased the carry-on _____ allowance to 10 kilos.


care taken to avoid danger or mistakes We need to proceed with _____ They treated the story of his escape with _____ As it was her first offence, she was only given a ______ . Just a word of ______ - the cheaper models probably aren't worth buying. It's a good time to invest, he said, but a word of ______ is in order Use ______ when approaching the railroad crossing. The weather forecast ______s us to expect heavy rain tomorrow. The sign on the road _____s drivers to slow down due to construction ahead. The parent ______s their child to look both ways before crossing the street


close watch over a person, group, or area; supervision The police have kept the nightclub under ______ because of suspected illegal drug activity. More banks are now installing _____ cameras The parking lot is kept under video ______ . ______ cameras are installed throughout the city to enhance security The police used ______ to monitor the suspect's activities Employee ______ is essential to ensure workplace safety. The government implemented ______ measures to track potential threats. We need to maintain constant _____ on this area to prevent trespassing The store's _____ system helps deter shoplifting


coming together again We're having a family ____ next week. The college has an annual _____ for former students. She had a tearful _____ with her parents at the airport. a family ____ a high school ______ The family _____ was filled with laughter and joy. We organized a school ______ to bring old friends back together. The class _____ allowed us to reminisce about our school days. The _____ picnic in the park was a perfect setting for reuniting with old neighbors The _____ with my favorite childhood toy brought back fond memories.


compelling; strong desire that is difficult to control; irresistible impulse For many people, dieting is a _____. I seem to have a constant ______ to eat. He seems to be driven by some kind of inner _____. We were under no _____ to attend. Don't feel under any _____ to take me with you. Management felt no ______ to provide housing for families. His _____ to check his phone every few minutes became a habit. Sarah felt a strong _____ to organize her desk before starting any work. Despite the rain, John couldn't resist the ____ to go for a run in the park.


countryside The area is still very _____ and undeveloped. She's carrying out a comparative study of health in inner cities and _____ areas. In the ____ areas, illiteracy is widespread. Their cottage is in an idyllic _____ setting. She grew up in ____ Utah the ____ economy The difficulties facing ____ communities today are very real. _____ areas. He has a great ability to connect with _____ voters.


degree or scope From the top of the Empire State Building, you can see the full _____ of Manhattan We don't yet know the _____ of his injuries Rosie's teacher was impressed by the ______ of her knowledge The River Nile is over 6,500 kilometres in _____ The full _____ of the damage only became evident the following morning. The mood of the meeting turned solemn when the _____ of the problem became known. Ethiopia and, to a lesser _____, Kenya will be badly affected by the drought. The ______ of the flooding can only be fully appreciated when viewed from the air. Approaching the airport, you could see the full _____ of the island


disadvantage One of the ______s of living with someone is having to share a bathroom. One of the _____s of working for a big company is that you have to follow a lot of rules. A _____ for some savers is that the bond has a minimum investment of £10,000. Every strategic choice has its benefits and _____s. One ______ of living in a busy city is the constant noise. The main _____ of this smartphone is its short battery life. A significant ______ of the new policy is that it may negatively affect small businesses. One ______ of online shopping is the inability to try on clothes before purchasing them. One ______ of the job is the long commute to the office.


enormously He was _____ popular in his day. She's an ______ talented young athlete. She was ______ happy when she received the surprise gift. The students appreciated the teacher's _______ helpful guidance His talent in playing the piano grew _______ over the years We enjoyed the ______ beautiful sunset at the beach. The success of the project was ______ satisfying for the team. The support from friends can be _______ valuable during tough times. Despite the challenges, their determination to succeed remained ______ strong.


famous, well-known The region is ______ for its outstanding natural beauty. Marco Polo is a ______ explorer The area is ______for its beauty. The _____ chef prepared a delicious meal for the guests. We visited a _____ art museum during our vacation. The ______ musician performed to a sold-out crowd at the concert. This ______ hotel is known for its exceptional customer service. The ______ fashion designer's new collection was a hit on the runway.


flat, leaf-shaped structure that comprises the valves of the heart and prevents backflow of blood Demonstrators handed out _____s to passers-by. A ______ about the new bus services came through the door today. They were handing out ______s outside the supermarket about the school board election. Staff stood outside the supermarket handing out ______s advertising the promotion. Sarah handed out a colorful ______ promoting the upcoming charity event. The tourist picked up a ______ at the information desk to guide them around the city. The teacher asked the students to create a ______ about environmental conservation. Jake found a ______ in his mailbox advertising a new local restaurant. The doctor's office had a ______ with important health tips for patients.

For instance

for example In the electronics industry, __ ______, 5,000 jobs are being lost. I enjoy outdoor activities; ___ ______, hiking and biking are my favorite pastimes. Cooking requires various utensils; ___ ______, knives, pans, and cutting boards are essential tools in the kitchen. Learning a new language has many benefits; ____ _______, it can enhance cognitive skills and open up new opportunities. Pets provide companionship; ____ ________, dogs are known for their loyalty and affectionate nature. Effective communication is crucial in the workplace; ___ ______, clear instructions and regular feedback can improve team collaboration.


great sorrow or distress The country has been beset by economic _____s for the past decade. Her face was lined and full of _____. He told me a real tale of ______ about how he had lost both his job and his house in the same week. She poured out her tale of _____ . The country has been beset by economic ____s for the past few years.


happening soon Tickets are selling well for the group's _____ concert tour. Party officials met to nominate candidates for the _____ election. Check the website for a calendar of _____ events. The company's _____ flotation on the stock market illustrates the good health of the technology sector. The _____ weekend is eagerly awaited by everyone in the office. We're excited about the _____ holiday season and all the festivities it brings. The school is buzzing with anticipation for the _____ field trip. Our team is preparing for the _____ soccer match with great enthusiasm. Don't forget to mark your calendar for the _____ family reunion.


having no meaning or effect This is a _____ exercise. It seemed _____ to continue. It's _____ arguing with him. She sees cleaning as a _____ exercise since everything is going to get dirty again. a _____ argument The trip seemed ______. It is ______ to continue these accusations The conversation felt _____ as they talked in circles without reaching any conclusion He spent hours on a _____ task, realizing later that it wasn't necessary. Writing that essay felt ______ because the topic had no real significance The movie was so confusing that it felt ______ to try and understand the plot.

haute couture

high fashion


honestly She spoke very _____ about her experiences. Quite _____ , I think this whole situation is ridiculous. That's a ______ absurd suggestion Quite _____, the thought of it terrified me. People say this is a selfish society, but _____ I've seen too much kindness, self-sacrifice and generosity to believe that. He wants to compete at international level, but _____ I don't think he's up to it. Can I speak ______ with you? _____ , I don't give a damn! She spoke ____ about her troubled marriage.


humble We had bought a _____ house They live in a fairly _____ house, considering their wealth. There has been a ______ improvement/recovery in housing conditions for the poor. The party made _____ gains in the elections, but nothing like the huge gains that were predicted. Just a _____ portion for me, please. His earnings were fairly ______. We consumed a +______ amount of food. There was a _____ rise in high-street spending last month. a ______ increase in salary a ______ house Although an outstanding scientist, he's a ______


in the middle of On the floor, _____ mounds of books, were two small envelopes. The new perfume was launched ____ st a fanfare of publicity a brief moment of levity _____ the solemn proceedings Her office was an oasis of peace and sanity ______ the surrounding chaos. The town sits _____ gentle hills and dense forest. The actors made their bows ____ great applause. The president cancelled his visit _____ speculation that his health was failing. We camped that night in a shallow valley ____ low hills.


informal He was dressed in _____ clothes--sneakers, blue jeans, and a t-shirt. His _____ behaviour was wholly inappropriate for such a formal occasion. His clothes were artfully arranged to look stylishly _____. Everyone else was in jeans and _____ gear and I had my office clothes on - I stuck out like a sore thumb. The psychologist's attitude seemed far too _____, even brutal. Security around the conference hotel seemed almost ______. They were having _____ sex but it never became a serious relationship. a _____ glance at a magazine Even to the _____ observer, the forgery was obvious. He was only a _____ acquaintance - I didn't know him well.


inside Leading off the main hall is a series of small _____ rooms. Few people ever managed to penetrate the director's ______ sanctum Sarah seemed to have a profound sense of _____ peace. She's an actress whose _____ life has remained mysterious, despite the many interviews she has given. He can't cope with difficult situations on his own - he has no _____ resources. He seems to be driven by some kind of _____ compulsion. Yoga is said to restore one's _____ equilibrium. The biography is an attempt to uncover the _____ man. These islands lie between the bay's outer and _____ sections. Simpson was part of the club's _____ circle


lacking fresh air a ______ office It's really hot and _____ in here - let's open the window. The bedroom gets a little _____ in the summer. She is trying to promote a less _____ image of librarians. a stuffy, arrogant man The office gets so ______ in the afternoon. My nose feels _____ because of the cold I caught yesterday. The room was so ______ that I had to open the windows to let in some fresh air. Wearing that heavy sweater makes me feel _____ and uncomfortable. After a long day of work, I love to relax in a hot bath to clear my ______ mind. Don't forget to ventilate the kitchen while cooking to avoid a ______ atmosphere. The lecture room became increasingly _____ as more students packed in.


lacking sophistication or experience She was very ______ to believe that he'd stay with her. They make the _____ assumption that because it's popular it must be good. It was a little _____ of you to think that they would listen to your suggestions. It was _____ of her to think that she would ever get her money back. She was _____ and trusting, which often led to her being taken advantage of. His _____ belief in get-rich-quick schemes caused him financial trouble. The young boy had a _____ view of the world, seeing it through innocent eyes.


large, important; major, significant The findings show a ______ difference between the opinions of men and women. She inherited a ______ fortune from her grandmother The first draft of his novel needed a ______ amount of rewriting. a _____ chunk of our profits The police have been ordered to pay ______ damages to the families of the two dead boys. There will be ______ job losses if the factory closes down He took a ______ amount of money. They do a ______ portion of their business by phone. Banks make a ______ amount of money investing your money. We've made ______ changes in how we go about doing our business. The company posted a _____ increase in profits during the year to £3.5m.


length of time something lasts He planned a stay of two years' ______ I guess we're stuck with each other for the ____ The _____ of the movie was two hours, making it a perfect choice for a cozy evening. She set the timer for a short _____ to quickly finish her work before taking a break. The ______ of the flight was longer than expected due to a slight delay. The professor explained the experiment's _____, emphasizing the need for accurate timekeeping. The online course had a flexible _____, allowing participants to complete it at their own pace. The ______ of the meeting was extended to ensure all important topics were discussed thoroughly.

miss out

lose a chance You've ____ed _____ your address on the form. Oh, I'm sorry, Tina, I've _____ed ____. What would you like to drink? Don't _____ _____ on the fantastic bargains in our summer sale. We didn't have a TV at home when I was young, and I felt as though I _____ed ____. Having largely _____ed ____ on Pop Art, Russians seem hungry to catch up. Don't _____ _____ on the chance to try the new restaurant in town. If you leave now, you won't _____ ____ on the beginning of the movie. Join us for the party; you wouldn't want to ____ ___ on the fun. Grab your tickets early so you don't ______ ____ on the concert. I hate to see you _____ ____ on the opportunity to travel with us. Hurry up, or you'll _____ ____ on the sale at the store.


make long, longer or bigger I tripped on a piece of wire that someone had _____ed across the path. She ______ed out her hand and helped him from his chair. "I'm so tired," she said, yawning and ____ing . It's a good idea to ______ before you do vigorous exercise. The plastic cover was ______ed tight across the tank I ______ed out and listened to the sound of the rushing stream. The cat was ______ing in front of the fire. Yoga is a great way to _____ your body. I get up and walk around every half hour just to _____ my legs. A huge cloud of dense smoke _____ed across the horizon. Rubber _____s when you pull it. The banner was _____ed across the street.


meeting I had an alarming _____ with a wild pig. This meeting will be the first ______ between the party leaders since the election. In their last _____ with Italy, England won 3-2. She has written a memoir of her _____s with W.H. Auden over the years. I had a bruising _____ with my ex-husband last week. I had a strange _____ with a French man on my way to work. She reported an interesting ______ with an ex-soldier. It was one of a number of amusing _____s last week. In the kitchen I ______ed a woman I had never seen before. He was shocked by the hostility he ______ed .


native to a country, not foreign; relating to the life or affairs of a household; a household servant ______ airlines/flights ______ opinion had turned against the war. Sadly, his reforms opened up a Pandora's box of _____ problems. The ______ market is still depressed, but demand abroad is picking up. This week's broadcast features a report on victims of _____ violence. _____ harmony Some of the wolves had interbred with _____ dogs. Most ______ hobs have four gas or electric rings. The report documents the staggering amount of ______ violence against women. Police officers should never dismiss a violent incident as "a _____ ".


nothing more than; only The plane crashed ______ minutes after take-off. It cost a _____ 20 dollars. The _____ thought of it makes me feel sick. People became excited at the _____ mention of his name the _____ idea/possibility/prospect of something It took a _____ five minutes for the world champion to dispose of his opponent. The ____ possibility of a tax increase was enough to enrage him. Is it really possible that the ____ presence of certain actors can doom a TV show? The _____ fact that Greene plays for the Yankees gives him a lot of visibility.


obstacles the 400-metre ______ He broke the state record of 13.85 seconds in the 110 metre ______. He raced to victory in the 110 metre _______ She is set to compete in the women's 80m _______ Success in the _____ is very much down to technique.


open to attack I felt very ______, standing there without any clothes on. It's on economic policy that the government is most ______. Tourists are more ______ to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid. Alison's story is a reminder of how ______ women can be in what is still essentially a man's world. Start-ups are very _______ in the business world. Small companies such as ours are very ______ in a recession. These schools are known to be ______ to vandalism. We provide a place of safety for ______ children. Older people are especially ____ to cold temperatures even inside their homes.


particularly, especially The company is beginning to attract investors, most _____ big Japanese banks. The newspapers are ______ biased. The Eiffel Tower is _____ one of the most iconic landmarks in Paris. He has several hobbies, _____ painting and playing the guitar. The restaurant's food is ______ delicious, with a wide range of flavors to savor. The company's success can be attributed _____ to its innovative marketing strategies The new smartphone has _____ improved camera capabilities.


people you work with My ______ and I enjoy lunch together every day. We often collaborate with our ______ on projects. Friendly _______ can make the workday more enjoyable I appreciate the support of my ______ during busy times. Sharing ideas with _____ enhances creativity in the workplace Sometimes, ______ become lifelong friends. Teamwork with ______ is key to achieving our goals It's important to communicate openly with ______. My ____ and I celebrate each other's successes Building strong relationships with ____ fosters a positive work environment


pleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic A number of companies remain _____ about growth prospects in the coming months. Live music and a parade set an ______ mood for the official opening. Given the criticism he has taken, he remains remarkably _____ The book ends on an ______ note This is a catchy, _____ dance track. Research shows that listening to an _____ tempo will improve your mood. She continues to remain _____ about her job prospects. He tries to stay _____ for his wife, so that she doesn't worry so much. The mood is _____ at Shaw's campaign headquarters tonight


point of view The _____ for the economy is bleak. The _____ for today is cloudy and dry at first with showers later. The political ____ is still uncertain. He has a fairly positive _____ on life. From the top of the tower, the ____ over the city was breathtaking. The economic _____ is good. He has a positive ____ on life.


position The doctor's _____ on the issue of abortion is well known. The leader's aggressive ______ seems to have foreclosed any chance of diplomatic compromise. Craig doesn't have a car as a part of his anti-consumerist _____ There have been repeated calls for the president to moderate his _____ on contraception. Would you say the government's _____ on law and order has softened? Jenny took up a _____ with her feet slightly apart, ready to catch the ball. The governor's _____ on the issue of tax cuts is well known. He had the ______ of a baseball player focusing on the ball. The government took a tough ______ against terrorism.


preservation; withholding Two influential senators have argued for the _______ of the unpopular tax The ________ of old technology has slowed the company's growth. water/heat _______ Officials are focusing on job creation, not job _______. The study found that mentoring programs have a positive impact on teachers and their _______ . Health benefits are an important recruitment and ______ tool. Both these organizations have improved staff ______ by paying great attention to office design. Employee ______ is one of the major issues confronting business today.


quick and energetic a _____ walk He set a ____ pace and we struggled to keep up. Her tone on the phone was ______ and businesslike. I took a _____ walk. Business has been _____ lately. A _____ wind blew across the field. She moved ____ly toward the car. In the office, he was _____ and businesslike. Oil prices added over 2% in _____ trading yesterday. American manufacturing was doing _____ business last month The product has been selling ____ly despite the recession


relating to plants ____ tea _____ cigarettes/remedies I enjoy drinking _____ tea in the evening My grandmother grows her own ______ garden with mint, basil, and thyme. _____ remedies often use natural ingredients like plants and roots You can find ______ shampoos that are gentle on your hair. Healing herbs are often used in _____ medicine to promote wellness.


rhythm ______ is usually the hardest aspect of a foreign language to adopt It can be difficult to find the words and _______s to deliver your argument effectively. She incorporated ______s from gospel in her singing. Music theorists of the later eighteenth century paid new attention to prosody and rhythmic _______. The foot sensor measures stride length and _______. She spoke in the lyrical ______ of her East African accent Her voice had a soothing ______ that relaxed everyone in the room. The professor spoke with a measured ______ , making it easy for students to follow the lecture. The poem flowed with a melodic _______, capturing the listeners' attention. The rhythmic ______ of the drums echoed through the room.


salmon fresh/smoked/tinned _____ ____ mousse _____ fishing ______ steaks farmed _____ organic _____ I chose the _____ for my main course. Thousands of young _____ have been killed by the pollution. smoked/canned ____ They went _____ fishing.


showing kindness by giving money or gifts to organizations that need them Proceeds from the sale of these cards will go to local _____es. UNICEF is an international ____. a cancer research ______ She does a lot of work for _____. People tend to give to ______ at Christmas time. They did a _____ performance on the first night, to raise money for AIDS research. She directs a large _____. An anonymous businesswoman donated one million dollars to the ______. We give mostly to children's ______es 5% of our profits are covenanted to ______. We organized a ______ fun run around the school grounds.


silly, foolish You _____ idiot! It was a pretty ______ idea anyway. Don't be ____ - let me pay - you paid last time. He's thought up another _____ scheme for getting rich before he's 20. He thinks I'm seeing another man, but that's just ______ . I would never do that. Don't be _____ - of course I'm not wearing this to the party! It seems ______, but it would be cheaper to buy another washing machine than to get this one repaired. Look at that ____ cat - she's chasing her tail.


slow and lazy A heavy lunch makes me ______ in the afternoon. Something is wrong with the car - the engine feels _____. The housing market has been very _____ these past few years a _____ economy a _____ drain Fierce competition and ______ demand have resulted in very poor sales. a _____ market/economy/performance


something which gives help or advantage If the United Nations had more troops in the area, it would have greater ______. With _____, the investor's $100,000 buys $500,000 or more of stock if he wants. We can gain a market advantage by _____ing our network of partners Home equity is invaluable if you ______ it to build wealth. One of the easiest ways to _____ a charitable gift is to get your employer to match it financial/political ______ The US has very little ______ in that part of the world. They can ______ a very small investment into millions of dollars.


speed a slow/fast _____ When she thought she heard someone following her, she quickened her ______. Could you slow down - I can't keep _______ with you. For many years this company has set the _____ in the communications industry. These changes seem to me to be happening at too fast a _____. I don't like the _____ of modern life. He plays on the right wing and has _____ as well as skill. Take two _____s forwards/backwards. The runner collapsed just a few _____s from the finish. She walks four miles every day at a brisk ______. You seem to be working at a slower _____ than normal


stopping Religious leaders have called for a total ______ of the bombing campaign. a _____ of violence The company has now stopped trading and has announced the ______ of its business. The doctor recommended the ______ of smoking for better lung health. The company announced the _____ of its outdated product line. The ceasefire agreement led to the ______ of hostilities between the two nations. The teacher called for the ______ of talking during the exam. Following the completion of the construction project, there was a ______ of noise in the neighborhood. The government implemented a temporary _____ of certain services during the budget crisis.


strong _____ walking boots a ______ table ______ little legs You'll need ______ boots for this weather. They put up a ______ defence of their proposal. That ladder doesn't look ______ enough to hold you. The ______ table held all the heavy books without wobbling. She wore a ______ pair of hiking boots for the rugged trail. We chose a ______ backpack for our camping trip to carry essentials The _____ construction of the bridge ensured safe passage for vehicles The _____ umbrella withstood the strong winds during the storm


the act of invading The Allied _____ of Normandy They were planning to mount an _____ of the north of the country. the annual _____ of foreign tourists an _____ of privacy Thousands of troops have massed along the border in preparation for an _____ . British troops spearheaded the _____ . The overnight _____ took the military experts unawares. the _____ of the Normandy coast on D-day I certainly regarded the tapping of my phone as an ____ of (my) privacy.


the connection between two people in a relationship that varies in strength from one relationship to the next; a story that explains our relationship with another member of our network Could you _____ this piece of string for me? This skirt ____s at the waist I ____ my hair back when it's hot. We ____ed balloons and streamers to the ceiling ready for the party. A sailor threw a rope ashore and we ____ed the boat to a post. She wrapped the present and _____ed it with ribbon. With his feet ____ed together he could only move in little hops. He always wears a jacket and ____ to work. Can you see the ____s for the rubbish bags in the cupboard? He loosened his _____ Most evenings there's a party and the dress code is strict - black ____ only.


the full reach or length, especially between two points in space or time He has a short attention/concentration _____. an average life _____ of 70 years Over a ______ of just three years, the new government has transformed the country's economic prospects. huge wings with a _____ of over a metre The bridge crosses the river in a single _____ Tennis has a history _____ing several centuries. Her acting career ______ed almost six decades. A lifetime is a _____ of about seventy years. The Rangers scored three goals in the _____ of five minutes.


the outside layer; the top Tropical rain forests used to cover ten percent of the earth's _____ The marble has a smooth, shiny _____. Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the _____ of the moon The match will be played on an artificial/all-weather surface. a work ____ Don't put anything wet on a polished _____ , or it will leave a mark. the earth's _____ a rough/smooth ______ Try to find a level ______ on the ground where you can spread out your sleeping bags. There was very little wind, and the _____ of the water was calm.


the person who owns the property that you rent The _____ had promised to redecorate the bedrooms before we moved in. Housing associations are the biggest _____s in this area. Our _____ is responsible for fixing any maintenance issues in the apartment. The ______ raised the rent for the upcoming year. I need to contact my _____ about a leaky faucet in the kitchen. The _____ provided a lease agreement outlining the terms of the rental Our _____ is strict about keeping the common areas clean and tidy. I called my ______ to report a problem with the heating system. The _____ agreed to paint the living room in a neutral color.


the programs and other operating information used by a computer. He's written a piece of _____ that does your taxes for you. He works for a ______ company. When you buy a new computer, you usually get ______ included at no extra cost. This _____ helps firms archive and retrieve emails. Andrew, can you help me install this _____? The help desk helps customers install and run ______. Thousands of users are able to download _____ provided by the company. The company has invested $3m to develop ______ . They have written ______ for an international trade database.


the state of being silly The children erupted in fits of _____ after hearing a funny joke. Despite the formal setting, the office party was filled with laughter and _____. A bit of ______ can be a welcome break in the midst of a busy day. The comedian's performance was characterized by clever wit and delightful ______. We all need a dose of _____ now and then to lighten the mood. The playful ______ of the puppy brought joy to the entire household. The costume party encouraged a spirit of _____ and creativity among the guests.


the transparent structure behind the pupil that changes shape to help focus images on the retina a camera with a zoom _____ camera _____ Her eyeglasses have thick _____s.


the way one holds one's body; a pose or position She's got very good/bad _____. He always adopts/assumes the same ______ for the cameras. For the third time this week the opposition has attacked the government's ______ on defence. Newton sat back in a reclining ______. The dance teacher corrected the students' _____ to enhance their performance. After sitting at the computer for hours, she stretched to improve her ______. The job required long hours at a desk, so employees were encouraged to focus on their ______. The etiquette coach stressed the importance of having good _____ in social situations.


thing the last _____ on the list The restaurant has a long menu of about 50 _____s. Several _____s of clothing lay on the floor. There are three _____s on the agenda. There's an interesting _____ on the back page. a news _____ in this morning's newspaper basic food ____s such as butter The business sells ______s made from recycled waste products. Supermarkets offer a wide range of food and household _____s. Manufacturing commodity ______s is increasingly competitive. Please let me have any ______s for the agenda by 4 pm today. _____ 2 on the agenda is the Treasurer's report The website has links to all the day's main news _____s


to bend or throw back light or heat; to fold or turn back He saw himself ______ed in the water/mirror/shop window. The light _____ed off the surface of the water. The candlelight _____ed on his gold wristwatch. Her black hair _____ed the light from the garden as if it were a lantern. The whole place was aglow, with amber light ______ed off teak veneer. The shiny brass _____ed the light like a mirror. I could see my face ______ed in his glasses. The statistics _____ a change in people's spending habits. Moonlight _____ed off the surface of the lake. His blank face ______ed his boredom.


to boast She's always _____ging about how much money she earns. They _____ged that their team had never been beaten She likes to _____ about how her son is a doctor She was _____ging about her golf game. The government has been _____ging about the good economy. She couldn't help but _____ about her son's academic achievements. During the family reunion, everyone took turns to ______ about their accomplishments. John likes to subtly _____ about his cooking skills whenever he hosts a dinner party. The proud grandmother would often ______ about her grandchild's artistic talents. Even though he was usually modest, Mark couldn't resist the temptation to _____ about his travel experiences.


to buy Tickets must be ______ed two weeks in advance. She ______ed her first house with the money She ______ed a new computer. The land has been _____ed by the army. Members will have the opportunity to ______ additional shares in the company at a big discount. Tickets can be _______ed in advance from the box office. People wishing to _______ advance tickets should ring our booking line. Life insurance is obligatory when ______ing a house. How do you wish to pay for your ______s? a major _______ New restrictions have been placed on the ______ of guns. A house is the most expensive ______ that most people ever make.


to communicate His poetry _______s a great sense of religious devotion. Please ______ our condolences to the family. I tried to ______ in my speech how grateful we all were for his help. You don't want to _____ the impression that we're not interested. Few journalists have managed to ______ the full horror of the situation. What the book does _____ very successfully is the horror of war. No report can _____ the unspeakable suffering that this war has caused. Words alone cannot _____ the untold misery endured by people in these refugee camps. He always _____ed a sense of genuine interest in his students. Water flows into the channels and those channels ______ it to the fields


to employ How much would it cost to _____ a car for the weekend? You could always ______ a dress for the ball if you can't afford to buy one. I was _____ed by the first company I applied to. We ought to _____ a public relations consultant to help improve our image. Poor families don't have enough money to _____ good lawyers. I thought we might ______ a motorboat and take a trip round the bay. It costs £1000 a week to _______ the yacht, plus a £120 refundable deposit. We ______ed a magician to entertain the children. Would it be very expensive to to ______ bicycles for the week?


to fight There was fierce ____ between the two sides. No one knew how many troops had died in ____. The soldiers were engaged in hand-to-hand _____ armed _____ unarmed _____ The film explores the _____ between good and evil. to ____ crime/terrorism/inflation/disease I have to _____ this constant desire to eat chocolate. When you are in a ____tive mood, you are not pleasant company We must try to _____ poverty and illiteracy.


to find out by reasoning; to arrive at a conclusion on the basis of thought; to hint, suggest, imply What do you _____ from her refusal? I _____ed from her expression that she wanted to leave. He _______ed that she was not interested in a relationship from what she said in her letter. The detective was able to ______ the suspect's guilt based on the evidence at the crime scene. I can ______ that it's raining from the sound of raindrops on the roof. When the sky turned dark, I could _______ that a storm was approaching. Seeing the empty cookie jar, I could easily ________ that my little brother had been there. Hearing the laughter from the next room, I could _______ that there was a party happening.


to force into something; to force fluid in Phil's a diabetic and has to ____ himself with insulin every day. A large amount of money will have to be _____ed into the company if it is to survive. I tried to _____ a little humour into the meeting. The morphine took effect almost as soon as it was ____ed. The contest was intended to _____ some friendly competition into the proceedings. The nurse had to _____ the medicine into the patient's arm. Please be careful when you ______ the solution into the test tube. The chef decided to _____ some flavor into the bland dish with a secret sauce. The coach encouraged the team to ______ more energy into their performance during the second half of the game.


to hold or keep She has lost her battle to ______ control of the company. He managed to _____ his dignity throughout the performance. She succeeded in _____ing her lead in the second half of the race. I have a good memory and am able to _____ facts easily. The sea ____s the sun's warmth longer than the land. He will _____ the honorary title of non-executive chairman. These plants need a rich soil which ______s moisture. The villagers ______ a strong attachment to their traditional customs. Francis _____ed control of the company. His capacity to ______ facts was as keen as ever, but he had trouble remembering people's names.


to improve These scandals will not ______ the organization's reputation. It's things like this that ______ the quality of life. The latest revelation certainly won't ______ her image. Smart personnel practices _____ the value of a company and its stock. A number of our clients want to look younger to _____ their career prospects. Pictures can then be _____ed on a pc The marinade _____s the flavor of the fish.. The county took steps to ______ water quality. High productivity lowers costs and _____s value.


to keep The army has been brought in to ____ order in the region. We have standards to ____ Despite living in different countries, the two families have ______ed close links. The film has ______ed its position as the critics' favourite for another year. With an election approaching, the prime minister is keen to ______ his popularity. The Queen has ______ed political neutrality throughout her reign Security during the president's visit must be ______ed at all costs. Several of the teachers were quite unable to ______ discipline. The United Nations has ______ed a presence in the region for some time.


to make easier The new ramp will _______ the entry of wheelchairs. The current structure does not _______ efficient work flow. To ______ learning, each class is no larger than 30 students. The new software will ______ faster data processing. Clear instructions were provided to ______ smooth assembly of the furniture. The meeting room is equipped with tools to ______ effective communication The teacher used visual aids to ______ understanding of complex concepts The purpose of the workshop is to ______ skill development among participants. The online platform is designed to _____ easy access to information The upgraded transportation system will _____ quicker travel between cities.


to not be able to breathe because of something in your throat She ______ed to death on a fish bone Children can ______ on peanuts. Peanuts can _____ a small child. At lunchtime the streets were _____ed with traffic. He could score points at will during the qualifying matches, but in the final he completely _____ed. Be careful not to ______ on your food; take small bites and chew thoroughly. The thick smoke made it difficult to breathe, and I felt like I was going to _____. He tried to swallow the large pill, but it got stuck in his throat, causing him to ______ briefly. As the swimmer struggled in the rough waves, he began to _____ on seawater.


to put aside and postpone I've had to ______ my plans to buy a new car, because I can't afford it at the moment. The sea bed ______s gently for several hundred metres. Would you _______ these books while I unpack the rest? I ______ed plans to buy a new car, because I can't afford it right now. Financial problems have forced the company to ______ their expansion plans. Public pressure led to a decision to _____ the project. We bought a new ______ I _____ed my plans because i was busy


to relieve The drugs did nothing to ______ her pain/suffering. The medicine did nothing to _______ her discomfort Drinking water can help ______ dehydration Taking a break can _____ stress and improve productivity A warm bath can ______ muscle tension and soreness Proper rest can help _____ fatigue and boost energy levels Simple stretches can ______ stiffness in your muscles. Breathing exercises can _____ anxiety and promote relaxation Using an ice pack can help ______ swelling and pain Listening to music can ______ feelings of sadness Opening windows can _____ stuffiness in a room.


very pleasing, wonderful Our new neighbours are ______. Thank you for a _______ evening We spent a _____ weekend in Maine. The garden was filled with ______ flowers and vibrant colors. We had a ______ picnic in the park on a sunny day. The children's laughter was a ______ sound in the air. The aroma of freshly baked cookies was absolutely ______ She received a ______ surprise on her birthday. The view from the mountain top was truly ______ The music playing in the background added a _____ touch to the atmosphere We enjoyed a _____ evening stroll by the beach.


your name written in your own handwriting I mistook your _____ and thought the letter was from someone else. Please print your name clearly below your _______ On display were boxing gloves which bore Rocky Marciano's _______ I'm not going to forge his ______ for you! What do you take me for? His _____ was an illegible squiggle at the bottom of the page The restaurant's ____ dish is seafood paella. I need your ______ on the credit card receipt. We collected hundreds of ______s on our petition He accused her of forging his _____

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