electricians test - part 4

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what is the minimum spacing between runs of concrete embedded heating cable

1 inch. 424.44

the minimum size liquid tight flexible metal conduit (LFMC) for General use is

1/2 inch. 350.20

when the branch circuit overcurrent protection device is used as the disconnecting means for fixed electric space heating with integral electric motor, what is the maximum horsepower rating the motor can have

1/8 horsepower. 424.19

the branch circuit overcurrent device may serve as a controller for stationary Motors rated less than

1/8 horsepower. 430.81

if no other information is given, a continuous duty motor that draws a hundred amps must be protected by an overload device rated at not more than

115 amps. 430.32

what are the maximum dimensions of a lighting fixture that may be supported only by the screw shell of a lamp holder

16 inches. 410.30

what is the smallest size fixture wire allowed for intermediate or candelabra based lamp holders

18 gauge. 410.54

what is the minimum length of free non heating lead where it enters a junction box for an embedded heating system

6 in. 426.22

what is the minimum cover requirements for Network powered Broadband communication systems buried in rigid metal conduit

6 inches. table 830.47

what is the maximum weight of a light fixture when supported only by the screw shell of the lamp holder

6 lb. 410.30

what may a locked rotor current be assumed to be for small motor compressors not having a locked rotor current marked on the nameplate

6 times the rated load current. 440.12

what is the maximum overcurrent protection allowed for the protection of resistance type electric space heating equipment

60 amps. 424.22

what is the maximum permitted weight of a ceiling fan mounted directly to an outlet box

70 lb. 314.27

in general what are the three basic electrical faults

Short Circuit, open circuit, and change in electrical value

flexible cords used for cord connected showcase lighting must be of what type

hard service type. 410.59

what are two conditions for using lfmc conduit

the fittings must be listed, and it won't be used were subject to physical damage. 350

when branch circuit overcurrent protection is used for motor-driven electric space heating equipment with a motor rated over 1/8 horsepower name one requirement for the installation to comply with NEC

the overcurrent device is within sight of the heater. 424.19

each continuous duty motor rated at more than "what" horsepower must be protected against overload By An approved method

1 horsepower. 430.32

how many Motors connected to a circuit in excess of 600 volts are allowed to be connected to each motor controller

1. 430.87

motor starter rheostats for DC motors operated from a constant voltage Supply must be equipped with automatic devices that will interrupt the supply before the speed of the motor Falls or certain level. what is this speed

1/3 it's nominal value. 430.82

what is the maximum wattage permitted for embedded deicing and snow melting resistance type Heating units

120 watts per square foot. 426.20

conductors supplying two or more Motors must have an ampacity equal to the sum of the full load current rating of all Motors plus what percent of the highest rated motor in the group

125% of the highest rated rated motor in the group. 430.24

on what basis must the branch circuit conductors and overcurrent protective devices be calculated for an electrode type boiler

125% of the total load. 424.82

how must the ampacity of branch circuit conductors and overcurrent protective devices be sized for outdoor electric deicing or snow melting equipment

125% of the total load. 426.4

for continuous duty, the conductor's connecting the secondary of a wound rotor AC motor to its controller must have Ampacity not less than what percent of the full load secondary current of the motor

125%. 430.23

what is the minimum wire size allowed for pendant conductors supplying Mogul base or medium base screw shell lamp holders

14 gauge. 410.54

what's the minimum size bonding or grounding electrode conductor in Communication circuits

14 gauge. 800.100

what's the minimum size conductor of an outdoor antenna with a span less than 45 m

14 gauge. table 810.52

what is the maximum overcurrent protection device allowed on a 480 volt 3-phase circuit with several small motors connected, all of which are under one horsepower and the maximum load of each motor is 5 amps

15 amps. 430.53

what is the maximum wattage allowed per linear foot of heating cable embedded in concrete

16 and a half Watts. 424.44

what is the maximum distance that electric heating cable is to be secured during installation

16 in. 424.41

if a voltage test is made at the main disconnect on a 120/240 volt, 3 phase, 4 wire Delta system, what should the voltage be between any two ungrounded conductors

240 volts. na

when using a phase converter for a fixed load, the single phase conductors must have an ampacity not less than what percentage of the full load current rating of the motor or other loads being served where the input output voltages are the same

250%. 455.6

what's the full load current of a 7.5 horsepower, 240 volt DC motor

29 amps. table 430.247

when pendant conductors are longer than a certain length they must be twisted together. what is this length

3 feet. 410.54

what is the maximum distance from the end of the cable that each Factory assembled deicing or snow heating unit must be legibly marked

3 inches. 426.25

the smallest size conduit allowed to enclose motor terminals from a junction box is

3/8". 430.245

when the branch circuit overcurrent device serves as a disconnecting means for a permanently connected Appliance what is the maximum power rating allowed for the appliance

300 VA or 1/8 horsepower. 422.31

what is the maximum incandescent lamp wattage that may be used on medium base lampholders

300 watts. 410.103

a 240-volt single phase room air conditioner shall be considered as a single motor unit if it's current rating is not more than

40 amps. 440.62

what's the percent of cross-section of conduit and tubing for 4 conductors

40%. chapter 9 table 1

what is the maximum weight of a lighting fixture that is supported only by an outlet box

50 lb. 314.27

live parts of Motors must be guarded if they operate over what voltage

50 volt. 430.232

most meggars provider range in voltage from

500 to 5000 volts. na

unless identified for a different value, motor control circuit devices with screw type pressure terminals used with a number 14 gauge or smaller copper conductors must be torqued to what minimum pound inch value

7 pound inches. 430.9

what is the minimum vertical clearance of coaxial cables from All Points of roofs above which they Pass

8 feet. 820.44

what is the Derating of a AC snap switch to disconnect a 2 horsepower stationary motor

80% of the maximum FLA. 430.109

what's the radius of conduit andn tubing bends for a 2in piece of RMC conduit for a one shot Bender

9.5". chapter 9 table 2

branch circuit conductors installed within 3 in of a ballast must have an insulation with the temperature rating no lower than

90 degrees C. 410.68

incandescent lighting fixtures must be marked to indicate the maximum size lamp permitted. this Marking is indicated in

Watts, letters at least 1/4 inch in height. 410.120

how many disconnecting means are required for electric motors receiving electrical energy for more than one source

a disconnecting means is required for each source of electrical energy. 430.113

in a 3 wire, 3-phase AC system feeding a motor, with one conductor grounded, where must fuses for motor overload protection be inserted in the circuit

a fuse must be inserted in each ungrounded conductor and also in the grounded conductor. 430.36

name an acceptable marking method for the grounding conductor on a grounding type receptacle

a green colored hexagonal headed or shaped screw terminal or nut. 406.10

a DC voltmeter may be used to measure a low resistance in a denergized AC circuit when the voltmeter is used in conjunction with

a known resistance. na

isolated ground receptacles shall be identified by

an orange Triangle located on the face of the receptacle. 406.3

if a plug fuse window appears clear and the element is merely broken, the probable cause of the fuse blowing is

an overload. na

Define duct heater

any heater mounted in the Airstream of a forced air system where the air moving unit is not provided as an integral part of the equipment. 424.57

how must a branch circuit Supplying a domestic water heater with a capacity of 120 gallons or less be sized

as a continuous load, 125% of the marked rating. 422.13

motor controller enclosures must be grounded

at all voltages. 430.244

wall mount ovens and counter mounted cooking units are permitted to be

both cord and plug connected and permanently connected. 422.16

which direction do the dials on a kilowatt hour meter move

clockwise and counterclockwise. na

when taking low current readings with a clamp-on ammeter, what device is normally used to help get more accurate reading on the ammeter scale

current multiplier. na

electric discharge lighting fixtures must be plainly marked with their electrical rating. this marking must include the voltage, frequency and

current rating. 410.74

when cartridge fuses are tested with a voltmeter they should be tested

diagonally with one lead on the line side of one fuse and the load side of an adjacent fuse. na

a motor disconnecting means must

disconnect both the motor and controller. 430.75

the definition of a covered conductor is

encased with an outer covering not recognized as electrical insulation by the code. 100

what is the minimum number of conductors a motor controller must open

enough ungrounded conductors to stop the motor. 430.84

on cord and plug connected deicing equipment, the plug may be used as the disconnecting mean provided

equipment does not exceed 20 amps and 150 volts to ground. 426.50

what are two means of securing heating cables for outdoor deicing applications

frames and spreaders 426.20

what is the name of the very sensitive instrument used to measure frequency variation

frequency meter. na

where electric space heating equipment is supplied by more than one power source how must the disconnecting means be installed

grouped and marked. 424.19

what is the minimum spacing required between recessed portions of a non type IC rated lighting fixture and combustible materials

half inch. 410.116

name the three types of instruments suitable for making insulation test at two or more voltages

hand driven, motor-driven, and rectifying meggers. na

when two disconnecting means are utilized, one for disconnecting the motor and the motor controller from the circuit and the other for disconnecting the motor control circuit from power supply, where must these to disconnect be located

immediately adjacent to each other. 430.75

what are the jobs required of motor circuit overcurrent protection

interrupt overloads and fault currents. 430.225

every motor controller must be capable of starting and stopping a motor, it must also be capable of

interrupting the lock rotor current of the motor. 430.82

what other design considerations are required for an autotransformer

it cannot rest in the starting position or any position that will render the overload device in the circuit inoperative. 430.82

normally a lighting fixture must not be used as a Raceway for circuit conductors except when

listed, identified for through wiring, or luminaries are connected together. 410.64

auxiliary lighting equipment not installed as part of the lighting fixture must be installed and what type of enclosure

metal. 410.137

in premises powered Broadband communication systems, how should the optical fiber cables be located in relation to power conductors

mounted below them where practicable. 840.44

an autotransformer motor starter must be designed so that it has at least

off position, running position, and at least one starting position. 430.82

which type of lamp holders approved for installation in either a damp or wet location

ones listed for use in wet locations. 410.96

a disconnecting means for a motor over 600 volts must be capable of being locked in the

open position. 430.227

what is an approved insulating material for lamp holders of the screw shell type

porcelain. 410.122

three instruments used to measure temperatures

resistance thermometer, radiation pyrometer, thermocouple thermometer. na

when testing conductor insulation with a megger it is desirable to have the instrument voltage

slightly higher than the peak value of the rated ac voltage. na

what type of fixture wires are required when the wires are mounted on chains supporting a light fixture

stranded conductors only. 410.56

an instrument used to show the difference in phase and frequency between the voltages of two alternators is called

synchroscope. na

flexible cord shall be connected to devices and fittings so "what" will not be transmitted to Joint of terminals

tension. 400.10

to what portion of the lamp holder must a grounded conductor be connected

the screw shell. 410.50

open motors with commentators Shall be located so Sparks cannot reach adjacent combustible material, with one exception

they are permitted on wooden floors. 430.14

what other protection is required on motor overload relays and other devices that are not capable of opening short circuit or ground fault

they must be protected with overcurrent devices. 430.40

what are the requirements for non heating leads if they're to be embedded in asphalt or Masonry

they must be provided with a grounding sheath or braid. 426.22

a branch circuit is supplying a single hermetic refrigerant motor compressor for an air conditioning unit in a single family dwelling. if the fuse will not carry the motor compressor starting current, the maximum rating of the branch circuit overcurrent protection device may be increased by what percentage

up to 225% of the motor rated load current or branch circuit selection current, whichever is greater. 440.22

each electrical Appliance must be provided with a nameplate giving the identifying name and rating of The Appliance in what units

volts and watts or volts and amps. 422.60

each unit of fixed electrical space heating equipment must be provided with a name plate giving the identifying name and nominal rating in

volts and watts or volts and amps. 424.28

and what condition must the frequency be given on the nameplate of an electric appliance

when the appliances designated for specific frequency. 422.60

the disconnecting means for a motor or phase converter must plainly indicate

whether it is in the on or off position. 430.104

where one side of the motor controller circuit is grounded, the motor control circuit should be arranged so that the type of ground in a remote control device will not inadvertently start the motor

with a ground fault. 430.74

what is required for a disconnecting means for an appliance rated over 300 VA

within sight of the appliance or capable of being locked in the open position. 422.31

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