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Which of the following would describe a percussion instrument?

A membrane, such as an animal skin, that is struck

When a melody moves from one tone to the one next to it, it is said to move by what?


Which brass-family instrument is shown in the image?


A combination of tones that feels unstable and demands onward motion toward a stable chord is described as being what?




Very loud


What are two methods to add rhythmic variety to music?

A dotted note A triplet

What is the woodwind instrument in the image?

A flute


A sound that has a definite pitch

What is the string instrument shown in this image?

A violin

In a music performance, what is the emphasis of a tone in relation to the other tones around it called?


Which brass instrument is NOT regularly included in a symphonic orchestra?


The xylophone belongs to which primary category of percussion instruments?

Definite pitch

Timpani, or kettledrums, belong to which primary category of percussion instruments?

Definite pitch

Which type of chord is built on the fifth note of the scale?


What is the name for the various levels of loudness and softness in music?


Select all the instruments that use double reeds.

English horn Bassoon Oboe

Select all the characteristics of key or tonality.

Familiar melodies generally end with the tonic chord. The keynote is the root of the tonic triad. Pieces of music often end on the tonic chord.

Select all the following that are ways in which a computer can assist in producing music.

Generating music notation Controlling synthesizer mechanisms Creating digital audio samples of acoustic instruments

What is the term for a set of treble and bass staves used to notate keyboard music?

Grand Staff

What term refers to simultaneous tones in music that add support and richness to a melody?


Select all the ways in which composers write for acoustic instruments for use with electronic music.

Live sounds are mixed with synthesized sounds. Live sounds are fed into a laptop computer. Live sounds are used in real time with a laptop.

Select all the following that are typically used to designate form and sections within a piece of music.

Lowercase letters Uppercase letters

Select all the statements that are basic melodic principles.

Many melodies are made up of shorter parts called phrases. A melody moves by small intervals called steps or by larger ones called leaps.

When is a measure in duple meter?

When it has 2 beats

When a note is emphasized more than others, usually by being played louder, it is called a(n) ______.


The resting place or point of arrival at the end of a melodic phrase is called a ______.


Listen to the audio clip. Wagner changes the ______ when the soft, solo ends and the full orchestra returns to loudly play the main melody.


In brass instruments, tone-producing vibrations made with the lips are amplified by a ______.

funnel-shaped mouthpiece

In music notation, the term crescendo (cresc.) is used to mean "______," and the term diminuendo (dim.) is used to mean "______."

gradually louder; gradually softer

A smooth, connected style of playing or singing a melody is called ______.


Moderately soft


Very soft


In music notation, the symbol that indicates the duration of silence is called a ______.


The ______ clef is used to indicate notes that are relatively high in pitch.


The Italian term used to describe the small pitch fluctuations that give a tone expressive warmth is ______.


Which of the following are keyboard instruments?

Organ Piano Harpsichord

Select all the categories of instruments that are commonly found in both orchestras and marching bands.

Percussion Brass

In which of the following keyboard instruments are tones produced by felt-covered hammers that strike strings?


What is the relative highness or lowness of a sound called?


Select all the following that are the main properties of musical sounds.

Pitch Dynamics Duration Tone color

Which type of rest is shown in the image?

Quarter rest

Eighth note, quarter note, and half note are all used to notate what aspect of music?


In music, what is the flow of patterns through time called?


What is the term for the particular arrangement of note lengths and silences in a piece of music?


Modern-day symphony orchestras include which four groups of instruments?

Strings Percussion Woodwinds Brass

Select all the voice types that are typically male voices.

Tenor Bass Baritone

Which of the following has a definite pitch?

The timpani

What is the specific brass instrument shown in the image?


Which of the following gives the composer the largest variety of musical sounds and noises, including control over the pitch, tone color, dynamics, and duration of a musical sound?

A synthesizer

In harmony, a combination of tones that is stable and whose sound has a sense of arrival, or resolution, is referred to as which of the following?


What is the term describing the regular, recurrent pulse that is subdivided and organized to create rhythms and metrical configurations?


What is the woodwind instrument shown here?

A bassoon

True or false: The beat in music is always clearly emphasized and strongly felt.


True or false: Western music uses as many or more percussion instruments than those found in African and Asian styles of music.


What is the brass instrument shown in the image?

French horn

How are the basic pitches of a piece of music arranged in a scale?

From low to high

In which of the following keyboard instruments are tones produced by plectra (little wedges of plastic, leather, or quill) that pluck strings?


Listen to the audio clip. What is the keyboard instrument being played?


Which six categories or classifications of instruments are used in Western (European) music?

Keyboard Percussion Brass Woodwind String Electronic

In which of the following keyboard instruments are tones produced when air blows across or through openings in pipes?

Pipe organ

In general, how does the voice in singing differ from speaking? (Select all the answers that apply.)

Singing typically uses a wider range of pitches than speaking. Singing typically uses a wider range of expressive dynamics than speaking. Vowel sounds are often held for longer durations when singing.


The distance between the lowest tone and the highest tone an instrument can play

Select all the techniques used to control pitch in one or more kinds of brass instruments.

Varying lip tension while blowing in a mouthpiece Using valves to change the length of tube through which air vibrates Using a sliding tube to change the length of tube through which air vibrates

To notate ______, notes are placed on the lines or spaces of a staff.


The Italian term that tells string players to pluck strings to play notes is ______.


Listen to the audio clip. Select the three chief elements that Stravinsky uses to create sharp musical contrasts in this selection as the melody is repeated over and over.

tone color rhythm dynamics


The distance between any two tones


The distance between the first and eighth tones of the major scale

Select all the voice types that are typically female voices.

Alto Mezzo-soprano Soprano

Select all the ways in which the beat in a piece of music can be defined.

As a regular pulse As a loud, powerful pulse As a subtle pulse

The snare drum belongs to which primary category of percussion instruments?

Indefinite pitch

An octave is a type of which of the following?


In a musical composition in the key of F, what role does the note F have in that key?

It is the note that typically ends the piece of music.

Select all basic scales of western music from the late 1600s to 1900.

Minor Major

What is the structure of a minor scale?

Seven different tones and an eighth tone that duplicates the first

What is a characteristic of two tones of different pitches that are an octave apart?

They sound very much alike.

What is used to indicate the meter of a piece at the beginning of the staff?

Time signature

Select all the ways that percussion instruments have long been used.

To emphasize rhythm To heighten climaxes

What purpose does a complete cadence serve in music?

To provide a sense of conclusion and satisfaction

What is the quality of sound that distinguishes different voices and instruments from each other called?

Tone color, or timbre

Select all the examples of syncopation in a series of four beats, where the underlined number in bold indicates the beat that is accented.

1-(2)-3-4 1-2-3-(4)

How many major scales are there?


Which string-family instrument is shown in the image?

A double bass

Which of the following is a group of a fixed number of beats?

A measure

Select all the choices that are often produced by variation in tone color.

Expressive effects Emotional impact

Which two woodwind instruments do NOT use reeds?

Flute and piccolo

What is a short part or section of a melody called?


What is the name for a series, or sequence, of chords?


Beat, meter, accent, tempo, and syncopation are interrelated aspects of what musical element?


Select all the terms that are suitable for referring to tone color.

Rich Brilliant Dark

What type of reed does a clarinet use?


Listen to the audio clip. What type of change in tempo does Berlioz use in this selection?

Sudden speeding up

Accelerando (accel.) and ritardando (rit.) are Italian terms and abbreviations in music indicating a gradual change in which of the following?


What do the Italian terms largo, moderato, allegro, and presto indicate in music?


In general, what is true about the frequency at which an object vibrates?

The faster the vibrations, the higher the pitch

Select all the correct statements about the major scale.

The interval pattern of any major scale is always the same. The major scale is constructed of whole steps and half steps.

In a time signature, the upper number indicates what?

The number of beats in a measure

What is a chord made up of the three notes root, third, and fifth (do, mi, sol) called?


Select all the correct terms concerning the duration of rests.

Whole rest Eighth rest

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