Elizabethan Literature (Combined)

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At the beginning of Hamlet, Act 1, who or what has appeared to Francisco and Bernardo two nights in a row?

A ghost

In Hamlet, Act 5, according the the grave diggers, "who builds stronger than a mason, a shipwright, or a carpenter?"

A grave-maker

What is the rhyme scheme for this sonnet?


In Hamlet, Act 4, how does Hamlet respond to Rozencrantz and Guildenstern when they ask about the location of a dead body?

Accuses them of favoring Claudius more than him

In Hamlet, Act 1, what is Hamlet wearing that his mother considers inappropriate?

All black

Which of the following is a true statement about the invention of the moveable type printing press? Choose all that apply.

Allowed for cheaper and higher volume of text production Allowed for Bibles and Bible translations to spread quickly

Peace from warPeace from war

Allowed for the country to recover finnancially and young men to grow up studying

What does Una carry with her?

An innocent lamb

In Hamlet, Act 1, Horatio and the others see a figure at night. What is this figure wearing?

Battle armor

How did the King James Bible add new phrases to the English vocabulary, such as "the skin of his teeth"?

By translating idioms word-for-word

From Hamlet, Act 1, who does the ghost implicate in the murder of King Hamlet?


What a central conflict of the poem by Elizabeth I, "On Monsieur's Departure" is seen in the following lines? I grieve and dare not show my discontent, I love and yet am forced to seem to hate, I do, yet dare not say I ever meant, I seem stark mute but inwardly do prate. I am and not, I freeze and yet am burned, Since from myself another self I turned.

She feels she has to split herself in two: the public her and the real her.

In Hamlet Act 3, how does Hamlet plan to use the play as a way of discovering if Claudius is guilty?

The play will feature a murder of a king.

This sonnet features an extended metaphor. What do the ships in this poem represent to the speaker? Or what two things are being compared (a ship and ... )?

The poems

Which of the following sentences is the best summary of this sonnet?

The poet is feeling inadequate due to another, more talented poet.

What problem or question does this sonnet examine?

The problems of comparison and envy

What is one way that Italian and English sonnets are different?

The rhyme scheme

Why did the Catholic Church consider Tyndale's translation of the Bible to be heresy?

The translation re-examined words that took power away from the Church/priest.

Which war was fought, starting in 1455, between two English families over the English throne?

The war of the roses

Why are Shakespeare's plays so widely studied and analyzed today?

They offer an engaging study of human nature.

Why did Tyndale translate the Bible into English in 1522?

To make it accessible for everyone

What piece of advice from Una and Dwarf does the Knight ignore?

To not barge into the cave rashly

The Knight and Una get married at the end of the Canto.


True or False? Elizabeth held a tolerant view of religious practices.


What deadly weapon does the dragon have on his tail?

Two Stings

When the Knight is trapped in Errour's tail, what gives him the strength he needs to fight free?

Una encouraging him

How did the translators of the King James Authorized Version make the text sounds more elevated and dignified?

Using older words and phrases instead of their contemporary words

What is the "turn" in a sonnet?

When the poem begins to conclude or answer the question

Which famous events took place in Wittenburg, Germany?

Where Doctor Faustus was educated Beginning of the Reformation

Who is England's most famous playwright, who wrote plays about history, legend, and everyday life?

William Shakespeare

Which of the following people was known for translating and distributing English Bibles?

William Tyndale

Which of the following is a way that the Knight represents Jesus or alludes to Jesus while fighting the dragon?

Wins victory on the third day after being in the "grave" two nights

Shakespeare was part of the group known as the Lord Chamberlain's Men. What were they known for?

Writing and performing plays

In Hamlet, Act 5, whose skull reminds Hamlet of the shortness of life?

Yorick, the old jester

Who are the first 126 poems in Shakespeare's sonnets addressed to?

a young man

In Hamlet, Act 1, which of the following words best describes Hamlet's behavior in front of his uncle and mother?


What is one advantage that Elizabeth had when compared to other girls growing up at the same time, which contributed to her abilities as a queen and artist?


When a poem compares two things (such as a person to a flower) for more than one line, often throughout the entire poem, this is known as __________.

extended metaphor

A set of poetic lines, grouped together in four lines by their rhyme scheme and theme is known as a __________.


What is the name for the popular form of poetry during the Elizabethan Era that follows strict rules for number of lines and syllables?


In Hamlet, Act 4, what plan do Claudius and Laertes make together to kill Hamlet?

Challenge Hamlet to a sword fight

Which of the following innovations was first used by the Geneva Bible?

Chapter and verse numbers

King Henry VIII split from the Catholic church in a move prompted by both his desire to divorce his wife and the spreading popularity of the Protestant Reformation. What church did England then join?

Church of England

When the play opens, who is the current King of Denmark and Hamlet's uncle?


What does Claudius do during the play that causes Hamlet to say, "I'll take the ghost's word for a thousand pound." (Hamlet believes the ghost about Claudius.)

Claudius leaves the play abruptly.

religious tolerance

Contributed to a sense of peace and freedom in a persons private thought life

Which words best describe the wood or grove the company enters at the beginning of the story?

Delightful and dangerous

Which country is the setting for Hamlet?


In Hamlet Act 3, Polonius puts Ophelia in Hamlet's way, hoping to assess how he feels about her. How does Hamlet treat Ophelia?

Dismisses her rudely

Which character is known for his/her wisdom?


At the end of the first day of fighting the dragon, the knight almost dies due to the dragon blasting him with fire. How does the knight recover?

Falls into an ancient spring

In Hamlet, Act 4, what does Hamlet see on his way to England that renews his desire for bloody revenge against Claudius?

Fortinbras's men on the way to attack Poland

In Hamlet, Act 2, what does Claudius give to Fortinbras after he apologizes for demanding land?

Free passage through Denmark

One queen for 44 years

Gave a sense of stability to the governmet and laws

In Hamlet, Act 2, Polonius thinks he has discovered the reason for Hamlet's madness. What is his guess?

Hamlet's love for Ophelia

In Hamlet, Act 5, Hamlet tells Laertes, "I have shot mine arrow o'er the house, / And hurt my brother." What is he using this metaphor to explain? Check all that apply.

He did not mean to hurt Laertes. His madness drove him to hurt Laertes.

In Hamlet, Act 3, although Claudius wants forgiveness, what keeps him from repenting?

He does not want to lose his wife and crown.

This sonnet features an extended metaphor. What does the metaphor imply about how the poet feels about himself?

He feels his poems are humble and inferior.

In Hamlet, Act 5, how does Laertes react to Hamlet by the end of their fight?

He forgives Hamlet.

What happens to the Knight whenever he leaves Una behind?

He gets lost and in trouble.

What does the symbol on the Knight's shield indicate about his identity?

He is St. George.

How does the poem answer the problem it presents?

He is comforted knowing that he loves more than his rival.

In Hamlet, Act 1, what does King Claudius say makes him happy, despite the sad times?

He is married to gertrude

This sonnet features an extended metaphor. What does the metaphor imply about how the poet feels about the rival poet?

He is more talented and important.

In Hamlet, Act 5, how does Hamlet reveal his presence at the funeral?

He jumps in Ophelia's grave.

In Hamlet, Act 3, why is Hamlet upset with his friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?

He knows they are spying on him.

The Knight is described as "Right faithfull true" but has one flaw in his appearance. What is it?

He looks too serious and sad.

In Queen Elizabeth I's "Speech at Tilbury," what does Elizabeth say is her chiefest strength as a ruler?

Her people love her.

Which of the following descriptions paints the dragon as the evil opposite of Jesus, or an anti-Christ?

His eyes, sparkling with living fire

What are the three categories of plays Shakespeare wrote?

Histories Comedies Tragedies

Which phrase is used to describe the meter of a sonnet where there are five stressed and five unstressed syllables?

Iambic pentameter

When we first meet the Knight, he has never been in battle. What is interesting about his armor?

It is dented and marked up.

In Hamlet, Act 1, what is one reason Claudius tells Hamlet he should stop mourning for his father?

It is offensive to heaven.

The Knight started the poem as somber and serious. Which word best describes his attitude at the end of the Canto?


Which English monarch was the first to commission an English Bible?

King Henry VII

In Hamlet, Act 5, who dies from the poison that Claudius invented for Laertes's sword and his cup of wine? Check all that apply.

Laertes Claudius Gertrude Hamlet

Which of the following languages was the Vulgate written in?


Printing Press

Led to bibles and other information circulating widely

Which translating strategy did the translators of the King James Version use?

Literal, word-for-word

King Henry VIII had two daughters that lived to adulthood: Mary and Elizabeth. What was one key difference between the two women?

Mary was a Catholic, and Elizabeth was a Protestant.

Which of the following is something that makes the King James Authorized Version different from previous English translations?

No margin notes or commentary

In Hamlet, Act 1, after Horatio sees the figure at night, he tries to determine what it means or could indicate about the future. What does Horatio think the sign means?

Norway will attack

In Hamlet, Act 1, besides cheering up, what request do Claudius and Gertrude make of Hamlet?

Not return to school in Germany

As the Knight gets Errour's offspring off of him, the poet compares him to a "gentle Shepheard." What effect does this comparison have?

Portrays the Knight as calmly victorious

King James I wanted to sponsor a Bible translation in order to bring clarity to doctrinal concerns in his kingdom. Which of the following denominations did James I align with?


Who does Spenser dedicate his poem to?

Queen Elizabeth

In Hamlet, Act 4, how does Ophelia die?

She drowns in a rive

In Hamlet, Act 3, how does Gertrude feel about the potential romance between her son and Ophelia?

She is excited and hopeful about the idea.

Why was Elizabeth I referred to as the "Virgin Queen"?

She never married.

What was one opposition that Queen Elizabeth faced as a ruler?

She was a woman ruling alone.

What two promises does Elizabeth make in her "Speech at Tilbury" to encourage the troops to do a great job? Choose all that apply.

She will fight to protect her people. The men will be paid for their service.

In Hamlet, Act 2, what job does Claudius give to Hamlet's childhood friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?

Spy on hamlet

What rash action does Hamlet justify to himself by telling his mother, "I must be cruel, only to be kind"?

Stabbing Polonius

How does the Knight defeat the dragon?

Stabs him in the mouth

Which town was Shakespeare born in?


At the end of the second day of fighting, the knight almost dies from his injuries again. What heals his injuries?

The dew from an apple tree

The dragon's claws are sharp and strong, and whatever he grabs can't escape. What do his claws represent, spiritually?

The grip of sin

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