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According to Erikson's theory, which suggestion would the nurse make to the parent of a preschooler who is worried about ongoing conflicts with the child because of strict behavior standards?

You could cooperate with the child's desires within reason to avoid guilt and frustration for your child.' According to Erikson, a child between 3 and 5 years of age is in the initiative versus guilt stage. The nurse might tell the parent to cooperate with the child's desires within reason to reduce conflicts. Otherwise, the child may develop a sense of guilt and frustration.

Which statement indicates that the preadolescent needs additional teaching regarding an impending bone marrow aspiration?

'I'll have to lie flat for 4 hours after the procedure.' Rationale Bone marrow aspiration generally involves the use of conscious sedation; activity is usually not restricted after a child recovers from the sedation. In addition to conscious sedation, the health care provider will probably use a local anesthetic. The child should not feel discomfort, pain, or pressure while the bone marrow is being withdrawn, but there may be some discomfort after the procedure once the sedation/anesthetic wears off. A tight dressing prevents bleeding from the puncture site. The anterior or posterior iliac crest is the site most often used for bone marrow aspiration in children.

Which parental statement would the nurse recognize as indicating a need for further education about the importance of play in the development of their preschool-age child?

'If the child fantasizes about imaginary playmates, we should bring him or her back to reality.' Rationale Television, videos, electronic games, and computer programs support development and the learning of basic skills. There should be limited use of these items for preschoolers, but these need not be completely avoided. Imaginary playmates are developmentally normal and allow the child to distinguish between reality and fantasy. The parents should know that playing helps the child socialize with others. Pretend play allows children to learn to understand others' points of view, develop skills in solving social problems, and become more creative. Playing also serves as a medium for the child to release frustration.

The nurse is teaching an adolescent about the different methods of contraception. Which statement made by the adolescent indicates a need for further teaching?

A diaphragm is a soft rubber dome and requires nothing else.' Rationale A diaphragm is a latex or rubber dome-shaped cup contraceptive device used along with spermicidal jelly to cover the cervical opening. A condom covers the penis and traps the sperm. Condoms need to be used consistently and may cause decreased spontaneity. Lea's shield is a reusable vaginal contraceptive that is elliptical in shape. However, it is not effective in women who have already delivered a baby, because the vagina does not remain elliptical. The cervical cap should not be used by women who have a history of toxic shock syndrome.

Which gross motor milestones would the nurse recognize as developmentally appropriate in a 5-year-old child?

Begins to learn to swim Skips on alternating feet, jumps rope, and skates Walks up and down the stairs with ease A 5-year-old child can start to learn to swim. A 5-year-old child can skip on alternating feet, jump rope, and skate. Also, a 5-year-old child can easily walk up and down stairs. A school-age child can make detailed drawings and write short sentences at the age of 6 years.

Which iron-rich foods would the nurse recommend for a toddler diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia?

Chicken Broccoli Lean steak Rationale Parents should be encouraged to provide an iron-rich diet that includes heme and nonheme iron sources such as poultry (chicken), green leafy vegetables (broccoli), and red meats (lean steak). Carrots are not a source of iron in the diet. Whole milk consumption should be limited because it is a source of oxalates, which decrease the absorption of iron.

The nurse teaches a parent of a toddler how to perform a cellophane-tape test for pinworms. At which time would the nurse teach the parent to perform the test?

Early morning, before the child gets up Rationale The adult pinworm lives in the rectum or colon and emerges onto the perirectal skin during the hours of sleep, depositing its eggs during this time. Pinworms are attached to the bowel wall and do not emerge from the rectum immediately after meals, after bowel movements, or at bedtime.

Which behaviors would the nurse recognize as developmentally appropriate in a preschooler?

Eagerness for formal education Learning to function independently Rationale Preschoolers refine the mastery of their bodies to function independently and eagerly await the beginning of formal education. Toddlers often have temper tantrums when frustrated. Toddlers also seek to control situations. School-aged children and adolescents refine and synchronize physical, psychosocial, cognitive, and moral skills to become accepted members of society.

Which parental statements indicate correct understanding of sunburn prevention in a toddler?

I will keep my child indoors between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM.' 'I will make sure my child wears a baseball cap while outside.' 'I will be sure to reapply sunscreen if my child sweats more than usual.' 'I will make sure my child wears cotton clothing with a tight weave while outside.' Rationale To protect the toddler from sunburn, it is important to keep him or her out of the sun between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM, ensure the child wears a baseball cap while outside, reapply sunscreen after profuse sweating, and make sure the child is dressed in cotton clothing with a tight weave. These statements all indicate correct understanding of the information presented by the nurse. An SPF of 30 or higher, not 15, should be applied to prevent sunburn.

Which would the nurse state is true about the sleep pattern of preschoolers?

It is difficult for them to relax after they have had long and active days. Rationale Preschoolers usually have difficulty in relaxing after long and active days. It is common for them to awaken during the night, and they may exhibit brief crying, walking around, unintelligible speech, sleepwalking, or bedwetting. Preschoolers' total sleep averages 12 hours at night. About 20% of the sleep time in a preschooler is in the REM cycle.

Which between-meal snack would the nurse recommend that the parents of a preschooler with a urinary tract infection offer their child?

Skim milk A high-protein, high-carbohydrate snack provides additional nutrients to combat an infection and a fever. Also, fluid helps flush the urinary tract.

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