Email Quiz

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All mail you have deleted

Sent mail

All mail you have sent to others


All new mail waiting to be opened


Sincerely, cordially

Email addresses

(1) Username of the individual (2) @ symbol (3) User's domain name

Email Don'ts

(1) Don't use emojis when communicating with teachers or other professionals (2) Don't use texting language like LOL, OMG, etc

Disadvantages of email

(1) Emotional responses (2) Lacks personal touch (3) Misunderstandings (4) Email text is always out there

Email Do's

(1) Make sure all parts of the email are present (2) Always check for spelling and grammar errors (3) Know your audience


Electronic mail; similar to regular mail.

Advantages and uses of email

Faster way to communicate and respond Quick and easy way to send messages Forward messages to others Send messages to multiple people, Include attachments (pictures, audio files, documents)

Similarities between email and regular mail

Have a message, address, carrier that figures out how to get it one location to another

Parts of an email

Heading, greeting, body, closing, name


Hello, dear


Messages that are from unknown senders, usually mass emails. Be careful with these; they sometimes have viruses.


Messages you have typed but not sent


Once you have typed your message, you must "send"




Start a new email

Uses of email

Stay in touch with family and friends, conduct business, send attachments


To, from, date, subject

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