Embryology Questions

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During gastrulation,: a the mesoderm forms b the primitive streak disappears C. the amniotic cavity forms D. the embryo becomes a fetus E. the blastocyst makes its appearance


During, gastrulation a epiblast cells invaginate into the embryo b the primitive streak disappears c the amniotic cavity forms d the embryo becomes a fetus e the blastocoel makes its appearance


Which one of the following statements is CORRECT concerning human development? A Bone formation in the human fetus begins during the third month of development. B The head is one-half the crown-rump length at birth. C The greatest increase in weight of the body occurs during months 1 D Ultrasonagraphy can be used to analyze for a-fetoprotein. E The crown-heel length represents the sitting height of the fetus.


A malformation is a(an): A. condition which was abnormal from the beginning of development B. morphological alteration of a structure after its formation C. abnormal organization of cells into tissue D. condition where mechanical forces caused a change in shape E none of the above

A. condition which was abnormal from the beginning of development

48. Which of the following is used as an anticoagulant, but is also a rodent poison? cocain^ a form of warfarin retinoic acid tetracycline alcohol


During phase II of fertilization, the: A. the oocyte penetrates the sperm b the sperm digests its way through the zona pellucida C. sperm and oocyte fuse together D. sperms become motile E. the zona pellucida disappears


Select the INCORRECT statement. A. The notochord induces the formation of the central nervous system. B The thymus is derived from ectoderm. C. Neural crest forms the connective tissue of the face. D. The covering of the root of the tongue is derived from endoderm. E. The adrenal medulla is formed from neural crest.


Select the pair of items that is CORRECTLY paired a formation of the cerebellum : interactions between mesoderm and endoderm b heterotypic cell interaction : interaction between the cells of a different fate or lineage c transcription factors : hormones d apoptosis : programmed cell proliferation e homotypic cell interactions : interactions requiring extracellular matrix signals


Select the pair of items that is incorrectly matched. A. embryology : study of both the embryo and fetus B karyokinesis: cytoplasmic division C teratology : study of abnormal development D. ploidy : number of copies of each chromosome E. cniasma formation : crossing over


Select the pair of items that is incorrectly matched. embryology : study of both the embryo and fetus recognition: physiological conditioning of the sperm teratology: study of abnormal development prenatal: before birth meiosis: 2 cell divisions


The definitive notochord occurs when the: a pre-notochordal cells migrate down the midlinc of the embryo B. notochordal plate separates fiom the endoderm C amniotic cavity completely surrounds the fetus D. notochordal process joins with the endoderm the e buccopharyngeal membrane disappears


The dorsal wall of the somites will give rise to: A. the lumbar vertebra B. the connective tissue of the skin C. smooth muscle D. the yolk sac E. cardiac muscle


Which of the following is a derivative of ectoderm? A. malleus B pituitary C thymus D. blood vessels E. root of the tongue


the notochord is important in the formation of the: A. entire axial skeleton B. central nervous system C. mesoderm D. endoderm E. tertiary villi


Chromosomes line up along the equator of the mitotic spindle A. interphase B. telophase C. metaphase D. prophase E. anaphase


In the fetus, the connects the right atrium to the left atrium. A. umbilical artery B. ductus venosus C foramen ovale D. ductus arteriosus E. coronary ligament


Neural tube formation is induced to form by the: A. hypoblast B. mesoderm C. notochord D. neural crest E presence of the eye


Select the CORRECT statement. A. The notochordal process fuses with the ectoderm. B. Mesoderm is derived from hypoblast cells. C. Epiblast cells will migrate down the midline of the embryo to form the notochord. D. Hypoblast cells migrate into the bilaminar germ disc. E. During gastrulation, the hypoblast forms.


Select the pair of items that is INCORRECTLY matched. A. implantation of the blastocyst: begins during the first week of development B. meiosis : reduction of germ cells from diploid to haploid state C. trilaminar germ disc : forms during second week of development D. zona pellucida: separates corona radiata from oocyte E. capacitation: physiological conditioning of sperm


The splanchnic (visceral) layer of the lateral plate mesoderm: A. plays a role in the formation of the dermis B. forms the buccopharyngeal membrane C will help form the wall of the stomach D. will give rise to somitomeres E. will help form the anterior (ventral) body wall


Which gene or protein is NOT involved in the induction of neuralation? A. FGF B. Wnt3 C Otx2 D. noggin E. chordin


Which of the following statements is CORRECT concerning a child born from a pregnant diabetic women? A. Children without malformations are always born. B. Insulin is a teratogen C. Congenital malformations tend to occur in a majority of the children. D. The role of glucose is negligible in the production of malformations. E A and D


A pharyngeal arch, including the pouch and cleft, consist of: A. ectoderm and mesoderm only B. ectoderm and endoderm only C. endoderm and mesoderm only D ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm E. none of the above


A somite will give rise to all of the following except: A. soft connective tissue B. dermis of the skin C muscle D coelomic cavity E bone


As a result of the completion of fertilization. A the haploid number is restored B recognition prevents polyspermy C the second meiotic division is completed D genetic variability is introduced E the oocyte becomes haploid


During gastrulation A. the amniotic cavity makes its appearance B. the primitive streak dissapears C. hypoblast cells give rise to mesoderm D. epiblast cells migrate into the bilinear germ disc E. mesoderm gives rise to the primitive streak


Immediately after the completion of fertilization,: A. the morula is formed B. the oocyte will degenerate C. the second meiotic division is completed D cleavage begins compaction will occur


In mitosis, the nuclear membrane disappears during: A. interphase B. telophase C. metaphase D. prophase E. anaphase


Select the pair of items that is CORRECTLY matched. A embryology : study of the formation of chromosomes B. compaction : release of enzymes by the sperm C. teratology : study of normal development D. mitosis : responsible for growth E. meiosis : creation of cells with 22 pairs of chromosomes


Select the pair of items that is CORRECTLY matched. a .implantation of the zygote : completed during the first week of development b. human genetic makeup: 23 pairs of autosomes C. OMI release: stimulates completion of meiosis D. zona pellucida: separates corona radiata from oocyte E. recognition: enzyme relase from the acrosome prevents polyspermy


The syncytiotrophoblast: A. 3 derived from the embryoblas B. a a multicellular layer C. forms the amniotic cavity D wi develop trophoblastic lacunae E. wi give rise to endoderm


The syncytiotrophoblast: A. forms from the inner cell mass B. is both a multicellular and multinuclear layer C. gives rise to the amniotic cavity and the chorionic cavity D. will form lacuna which will eventually receive maternal blood E. will give rise to the three basic germ layers from which the body is derived


Which of the following occurs during the fetal period? A. endoderm first begins to form B. stem cells which form blood cells firs C. appear the placenta becomes smaller D the amniotic cavity gets larger E. A, B and C


Which ore f the following statements is C ORRECT conccminz human development? a the head is one-half the crown length at 5 months of development B. the greatest increase in weight of the body occurs during months 1 and 2. C. Ultrasonagraphy can be used to analyze for a-fetoprotein D. The eyes begin to form laterally and move more medially with time. E. The crown-heel length represents the sitting height of the fetus.


the _____________ connects the pulmoniary trunk to the aortic arch in the fetal circulation. A. umbilical artery B. ductus venosus C foramen ovale D ductus arteriosus E. round ligament


During the embryonic period, all of the following occur except: • A. formation of mesoderm B. appearance of stem cells for the formation of blood vessels C the placenta forms. D the blastocyst begins to implant into the uterine wall E. the basic plan for the major organ systems is established

D the blastocyst begins to implant into the uterine wall

A Rubella virus infection of a developing individual could result in problems with development of the A. eyes B. Organ of Corti C. palate D brain E all of the above


A malformation is a(an): A condition which develops during the fetal stage of development B. morphological alteration of a structure after its formation C abnormal organization of cells into tissue D,condition where mechanical forces caused a change in shape E condition that cannot he reversed


All of the following are derivatives of ectoderm except: A. pituitary' B. epidermis C. retina D enamel E. adrenal cortex


All of the following can result when an embryo has been exposed to the Rubella virus EXCEPT: A. cleft palate B. mental retardation C. heart defects D. organ of Corti docs not function E. a normal increase in body growth


During phase I of fertilization, the: oocyte is fertilized zona pellucida disappears tail of the sperm disappears membranes of the sperm and oocyte fuse together acrosome releases enzymes


During the stage of mitosis, the chromosomes condense, become shorter and more visible. A. telophase B. metaphase C. interphase D anaphase E prophase


Exposure to radiation may cause damage to a developing individual depending upon: A. total dose V B. maternal genetic makeup J C. number of exposures^ D. length of exposure E all of the above


If the Rubella virus crosses the placenta during week 6 of development, which one of the following would occur? A. The risk of malformations would be high B. Malformations of the eye would occur C. Congenital deafness would occur D. Vascular abnormalities would be present E All of the above are correct


In the formation of the notochord,: A the notochordal plate migrates down the midline of the embryo B the notochordal process separates from the endoderm C. notochordal process joins with the ectoderm D. ectoderm and endoderm join to form the notochord E. epiblast cells will migrate down the midline of the embryo


In the formation of the notochord,: A. pre-notochordal cells migrate down the midline oTthe embryo B. the definitive notochord separates from the endoderm C. notochordal process joins with the endoderm D A and B E A, B and C


Select the pair of items that is INCORRECTLY matched. a implantation of the zygote : compared during the second week of development B human genetic makeup: 23 pairs of chromosomes C. OMI release : inhibits completion of meiosis D. zona pellucida: separates corona radiata from oocyte E capacitation : enzyme release from the acrosome prevents polyspermy


Which one of the following is NOT normally an end result of exposure of an embry o to the Rubella vims? A. poor survival if affected earlier enough B. a decrease in mental capabilities C. eye defects D normal body growih E. there is no answer to this question.


Exposure to radiation may cause damage to a developing individual depending upon: A. . dose B. length of exposure C. number of exposures D. A and B E A B and C

E A B and C

The agent that is notorious for causing limb birth defects is: A. penicillin B. aminopterin C. nicotine D caffeine E thalidomide

E thalidomide

Which of the following does NOT occur during the embryonic period? > A. Invagination of epiblast cells into the primitive streak occurs. B. Stem cells form which will give rise to blood vessels. C. The placenta develops. D. The amniotic cavity gets larger. E. The bilaminar germ disc forms.

E. The bilaminar germ disc forms.

Which of the conditions listed below has the following characteristics: malar hypoplasia, underdevelopment of the mandible, downslanting palpebral fissures, autosomal dominant trait? DiGeorge sequence Robin sequence hemifacial microsomia Treacher Collins syndrome

Treacher Collins syndrome

27. If the Rubella virus infects a developing individual, the risk of malformations is smallest during weeks: a 13 through 16 b 5 through 8 c 1 through 4 d 9 through 12


Bone morphogenic proteins: a can induce dentin formation b are used to decode the DNA alphabet, c are examples of transcription factors d regulate development of the eye e have absolutely no effect on development •


During gastrulation,: a the notochord forms b the primitive streak disappears C. the amniotic cavity forms D. the embryo dies E. the blastocoel makes its appearance


The ventral and medial wall of the somites will give rise to: A thoracic vertebra B. connective tissue of the face C. skeletal muscle D. yolk sac E. cardiac muscle


Chromosomes begin to separate during the stage of mitosis. interphase telophase metaphase prophase anaphase


Select the pair of items that is incorrectly paired. formation of notochord : example of cell migration heterotypic cell interaction : interaction between the IEE and the dental papilla mesenchyme cells transcription factors : proteins that regulate expression of genes apoptosis: programmed cell proliferation homotypic cell interactions : interactions requiring cell-cell contacts

apoptosis: programmed cell proliferation

Select the pair of items that is correctly matched. implantation of the zygote : begins day 6 autosomes : 23 pairs of chromosomes OMI release : stimulates completion of meiosis corona radiata: separates zona pellucida from oocyte capacitation: prevents polyspermy

autosomes : 23 pairs of chromosomes

The ______________ is the connection between the umbilical vein the liver. A. umbilical artery B ductus venosus C. foramen ovale D. ductus arteriosus E. coronary ligament


the agent that is antimitotic and antagonist to folic acid is: a. penicillin b amincpterin c nicotine d caffeine e thalidomide


The anterior (ventral) wall of the somites will give rise connective tissue of the face dermis of the skin skeletal muscle coelomic cavity bones of the vertebral column

bones of the vertebral column

The notochord is important in the formation of the: entire skeleton brain mesoderm endoderm tertiary villi


During phase III of fertilization, the: A. the oocyte penetrates the sperm B. the sperm digests its way through the corona radiata C. sperm and oocyte fuse together D. sperms become motile E. the zona pellucida appears


If the rubella virus infects a developing individual, the risk of malformations is greatest during weeks: A. 13 through 16 b 5 through 8 c 1 through 4 d 9 through 12 E. none of the above


Which of the following statements is CORRECT concerning a child born from a pregnant diabetic women? a Children without malformations are always bom. b Insulin is a teratogen. c Congenital malformations can occur in up to 80% in children. d The role of glucose is negligible in the formation of malformations. e A and D


The ____________ connects the right atrium to the left atrium in the fetal circulation. umbilical artery ductus vcnosus foramen ovale ductus arteriosus round ligament

c foramen ovale

Select the pair of items that is INCORRECTLY matched. embry ology : study of the embryo and fetus capacitation : release of enzymes by the sperm teratology : study of abnormal development prenatal: before birth meiosis: creation of haploid cells

capacitation : release of enzymes by the sperm

as a result of fertilization, a the haploid number is restored b polyspermy occurs c the morula disappears d cleavage is started e A,BandC

cleavage is started

Which condition has as some of its characteristics: autosomal dominant inheritance, underdeveloped fecial bones, retention of the deciduous dentition, and a small antrum? cancer of the maxillary sinus cleidocranial dysplasia leontiasis ossea mastoiditis silent sinus syndrome

cleidocranial dysplasia

14. Which of the following is a derivative of ectoderm? a. adrenal b. blood vessels c. thymus d. epidermis e. liver


4. As a result of fertilization, a the diploid number is restored b cleavage is started c the morula is immediately formed d A and B e A, B and C


A pregnant woman gives birth to a baby girl who is missing the portion of the left upper limb below the elbow. This condition might have been caused by: a penicillin b aminopterin c caffeine d thalidomide e nicotine


As a result of fertilization. a. the first meiotic division is complete b. capacitation prevents polyspermy c. the haploid number is restored d. genetic variability is introduced e. a b c


Deformations are: a conditions which develop during the fetal stage of development b always associated with malignant tumors c abnormal organizations of cells into tissue d condition where mechanical forces caused a change in shape e changes that only occur during the third week of development


Exposure to radiation may cause damage to a developing individual depending upon: a total dose b maternal genetic makeup c number of exposures D. K and C e A, B and C


Select the pair of items that is CORRECTLY matched. A. cytotrophoblast: multinucleated layer B. trilaminar germ disc : consists of neural crest cells c roof of amniotic cavity : hypoblast layer d trophoblastic lacunae : connect to maternal circulation e extraembryonic mesoderm : found within the embryo


The notochord induces the formation of the A. stomach b. mesoderm c axial skeleton d. neural tube e. femur


Which of the conditions listed below has the following characteristics: underdevelopmment of the zygomatic bone, underdevelopment of the mandible, downslanting palpebral fissures, and is an autosomal dominant trait? a DiGeorge sequence b Robin sequence c hemifacial microsomia d Treacher Collins syndrome


Which of the following occurs during the embryonic period? a endoderm first begins to form b stem cells appear which form blood cells c the-piacenta bceomes-smaHei d AandB e A, B and C


Which one of the following statements is correct concerning human development s Bone formation in the human fetus begins during the eighth month of development, b The head is one-fourth the crown heel length during the fifth month of development. c The greatest increase in weight of the body occurs during months d The determination of a fetoprotein in amniotic fluid is used to analyze for abnormal chromosomes. E The crown-rump length represents the sitting height of the fetus..


A pregnant women may have certain prior medical conditions or may be taking any number of medications. In the list cited below, which will result in the highest incidence of deaths and or malformations of the embryo or fetus cortisone diabetes penicillin tetracycline alcohol


A pregnant woman gives birth to a baby girl who is missing the portion of the right leg below the knee. This condition might have been caused by: penicillin aminopterin nicotine caffeine thalidomide


A pregnant women may have prior medical conditions or may be taking any number of medications. In. the list cited below, which has the greatest chance of causing the highest incidence of deaths anchor malformations of the embryo or fetus? A. tetracycline B. cortisone C. penicillin D. nicotine E diabetes


All of the following can result when an embryo has been exposed to the Rubella virus EXCEPT: a cleft palate b mental retardation c heart defects d organ of Corti does not function e an increase in growth


During gastrulation: A. hypoblastcells invaginate into the embryo B. the primitive streak dissapears C. the bilaminar germ disc forms D. the blastocoel makes its appeaance E. none of the above


During phase I of fertilization, the: a oocyte completes meiosis and is fertilized b zona pelludda disappears c tail of the sperm enters the oocyte d sperm and oocyte fuse together e none of the above


Exposure to radiation may cause damage to a developing individual depending upon: a total dose b maternal genetic makeup c number of exposures d length of exposure e all of the above


Exposure to radiation may cause damage to a developing individual depending upon: a total dose b. maternal genetic makeup c number of exposures d length of exposure e all of the above


Malformations: a. develop only during the fetal stage b. are always caused by the development of cancerous tumors c. can be reversed d. are changes that occur during the second week of development only e. none of the above are correct


Select the pair of items that is incorrectly matched. a syncytiotrophoblast: multinucleated layer b bilaminar germ disc : consists of epiblast and hypoblast c floor of amniotic cavity : epiblast layer d embryotroph : fluid in trophoblastic lacunae e extraembryonic mesoderm : found within the embryo


Select the pair of items which is incorrectly matched. A. amnion : fuses with chorion B. foramen ovale : between right atrium and leftatrium C. lateral flexion : results in intake of yolk sac into embryo to form organs of abdominal cavity D. fetal life : begins in third month of development E ductus arteriosus : vessel that enters the inferior vena cava


The somatic (parietal) layer of the lateral plate mesoderm: A. piays a role in the formation of the vertebrae B. forms the buccopharyngeal membrane C. will help form the wall of the stomach D. will give rise to somitomeres E will help form the anterior (ventral) body wall


the cytotrphoblast: a is derived from the embryoblast b. is multinucleated layer c forms the amniotic cavity d. directly gives rise to the trophoblast lacunae e. will give rise to extra embryonic mesoderm


Exposure to radiation may cause damage to a developing individual depending upon: a dose b length of exposure c number of exposures d A and B e A, B and C

e A, B and C

Select the pair of items that is correctly matched. syncytiotrophoblast: multicellular layer bilaminargerm disc: consists of only epiblast cells floor of amniotic cavity: hypoblast layer embryotroph : fluid in trophoblastic lacunae extraembryonic mesoderm: found within the embryo

embryotroph : fluid in trophoblastic lacunae

Bone morphogenic proteins: exert an effect on mesenchymal cells are used to decode the DNA alphabet are examples of SNPs regulate development of the eye have absolutely no effect on development

exert an effect on mesenchymal cells

Select the pair of items that is correctly paired. formation ofnotochord: interactions between mesoderm and endoderm heterotypic cell interaction : interaction between the cells of the same fate or lineage transcription factors : growth factors apoptosis: programmed cell proliferation homotypic cell interactions : interactions requiring cell-cell contacts

homotypic cell interactions : interactions requiring cell-cell contacts

All of the following are derivatives of ectoderm except: pituitary epidermis sensory epithelium of the nose enamel lungs


The notochordal plate is seen when the: pre-notochordal cells migrate down the midline of the embryo the buccopharyngeal membrane disappears amniotic cavity completely surrounds the fetus notochordal process joins with the endoderm none of the above

notochordal process joins with the endoderm

70. Which of the following occurs during the fetal period? mesoderm forms stem cells appear which form blood vessels the placenta begins to form, organ systems grow and diffentiate the basic plan for the major organ systems is established

organ systems grow and diffentiate

15. The posterior (dorsal) wall of the somites will give rise to: connective tissue of the face smooth muscle skeletal muscle yolk sac cardiac muscle

skeletal muscle

Select the pair of items that is correctly matched. spermatid to sperm: morphological change in shape autosomes : 23 pairs of chromsomes OMI release : stimulates completion of meiosis zona pellucida: separates corona radiata from antrum x capacitation : prevents polyspermy

spermatid to sperm: morphological change in shape

Which of the following is used as an anticoagulant, but is also a rodent poison? marijuana tetracycline nicotine warfarin thalidomide


The lateral plate mesoderm: will form the urogenital system forms the buccopharyngeal membrane plays a role in the formation of the dermis will give rise to somitomeres will divide into visceral and parietal layers

will divide into visceral and parietal layers

The somatic layer of the lateral plate mesoderm will form the wall of the jejunum forms the buccopharyngeal membrane plays a role in the formation of the dermis will give rise to somitomeres will help form the anterior (ventral) body wall

will help form the anterior (ventral) body wall

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