EMT chapter 4 quiz

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When relaying patient information via radio, communications should be:

brief and easily understood

Ethnocentrism is defined as:

considering your own cultural values as more important when interacting with people of a different culture.

When providing a patient report via radio, you should protect the patient's privacy by:

not disclosing his or her name

____________ are helpful when you are away from the ambulance and need to communicate with dispatch, another unit, or medical control.

portable radio

The __________ officially occurs during your oral report at the hospital, not as a result of your radio report en route.

transfer of care

Which of the following statements is NOT appropriate to document in the narrative section of a PCR?

"general impression revealed that the patient was intoxicated"

Which of the following statements regarding a patient refusal is correct?

A mentally competent adult has the legal right to refuse EMS care and transport

Medical control gives you an order that seems inappropriate for the patient's condition. After confirming that you heard the physician correctly, you should:

Advise the physician that the order is unclear and ask for clarification

Which of the following incidents does NOT require a report to be filled with local authorities?

Cardiac Arrest

You are transporting a 54-year-old male in respiratory arrest. An EMR is driving the ambulance as you and your partner are caring for the patient. Which of the following is the MOST logical way of notifying the hospital

Have the driver contact dispatch and relay the patient information to the hospital

Which of the following statements regarding a "dedicated line" is correct?

It is a constantly open line of communication that cannot be accessed by outside users

Which of the following is NOT true with regard to simplex mode?

It is called a "pair of frequencies"

Which of the following types of questions allow for the most detailed response?

Open-ended questions

When attempting to communicate with non-English-speaking patients, you should:

Use short, simple questions and simple words whenever possible

Which of the following will help improve radio communications?

Wait 1 second after pressing the transmit button before speaking

The patient report commonly includes all of the following except:

a list of the patient's medications

Depending on how the protocols are written, you may need to call medical control for direct orders to:

administer certain treatments

During your assessment of a 20-year-old man with a severe headache and nausea, you ask him when his headache began, but he does not answer your question immediately. You should:

allow him time to think about the question and respond to it.

A 4-year-old boy had an apparent seizure. He is conscious and calm and is sitting on his mother's lap. His father is sitting in a nearby chair. The child's mother suddenly begins crying uncontrollably, which causes the child to start crying. You should:

ask the father to hold the child so you can assess him WHILE YOUR PARTNER TRIES TO CALM THE MOTHER

Communicating with patients who are deaf or hard of hearing can be facilitated by doing all of the following, EXPECT:

elevating the tone of your voice and exaggerating word pronunciations

Digital signals are used in some kinds of paging and tone-alerting systems because they transmit ________ and allow for more choices and flexibility


You have responded to a scene at which a 45-year-old man has run his SUV into a utility pole. On arrival, the driver was found slumped over the steering wheel, unconscious. A large electrical wire was lying across the hood of the vehicle. After securing scene safety, you were able to approach the patient and complete a primary assessment, in which you found a 6" laceration across his forehead. The patient regained responsiveness, was alert and orientated, and refused care. If the patient refuses to sign the refusal form:

have a credible witness sign the form testifying that he or she witnessed the patient's refusal of care.

Children can easily see through lies or deception, so you must always be _________ with them.


When you are communicating with an older patient, it is important to remember that:

most older people think clearly and are capable of answering questions

As you are wheeling your patient through the emergency department doors, you receive another call for a major motor vehicle crash. You should:

respond only after giving a verbal patient report to a nurse or physician

You could be sued for ___________ if your radio report to the hospital describes the patient in a manner that injures his or her reputation.


You are caring for a 56-year-old male patient complaining of abdominal pain. Your service has recently switched to an electronic PCR system (ePCR). When completing the ePCR, it is important to be aware that:

the ePCR allows patient information to be transmitted directly to the receiving hospitals' computers

You are providing care to a 61-year-old female complaining of chest pain that is cardiac in origin. Your service utilizes a multiplex communication system. You wish to transmit the patient's electrocardiogram to the hospital. In order to accomplish this, you must:

use the multiplex system to transmit the information

Effective therapeutic communication skills require _________.

verbal and nonverbal communication techniques

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