EN 201 Quiz 2
Characteristics of indirect speech acts
1. violate 1+ maxim 2. literal meaning differs from intended meaning 3. hearers/readers notice the utterance violates a maxim and assume that the interlocutor is following the cooperative principle 4. hearers/readers identify intended meaning by looking at context
Testing Constituency: Movement
Any group of words that can be moved in a syntactic operation functions as a unit and is a constituent
Descriptive Approach to Grammar
Describing the regular structures of the language as it is used, not according to some view of how it should be used
Generative Grammar
Explicit rules that yield sentences
Example of Immediate Constituent Analysis
Her father brought an amazing gift to the wedding. Her father -> noun phrase brought an amazing gift -> verb phrase to the wedding -> prepositional phrase
What does Chomsky's Universal Grammar Theory argue?
Human language is hard-wired in the brain.
The ___________________ (____) allows us to interpret and process the ____________, _____________, _____________, and _________ properties of grammar.
Language Acquisition Device (LAD), phonological, morphological, semantic, syntactical
Styles or registers definition
Language varieties characteristic of particular social situations
Tests for determine constituency
Movement Substitution Coordination
Phrase-Structure Expansions: S-> ?
Example of Prescriptive Approach
Never begin a sentence with "AND"
Types of agreement in grammar
Number, Person (pronouns), tense, voice (passive or active), gender
Testing Constituency: Coordination
Only constituents of the same kind can be conjoined by a coordinator such as and/or
Phrase-Structure Expansions: PP-> ?
Lexical Categories are similar to _______________.
Parts of speech
Types of Appropriateness Conditions
Propositional content, preparatory, sincerity, essential
Elements of the Cooperative Principle
Quantity, Relevance, Manner, Quality
Types of Speech Acts
Representatives, Commissives, Directives, Declarations, Expressives, Verdictives
Types of Descriptive Grammar Approaches
Structural Analysis and Immediate Constituent Analysis
Grammar is __________.
Subconscious (mental grammar)
Example of Structural Analysis
The ______ makes a lot of noise. Can be "donkey", "car", "radio" but cannot be "a donkey", "a car", "a radio"
The capacity to be applied more than once in generating a structure
"Linguistic Etiquette"
The identification of the proper or best structures to be used in a language
Structural Analysis
The use of "test-frames" which can be sentences with empty slots in them
Prescriptive Approach to Grammar
The view of grammar as a set of rules for the correct or proper use of a language
What is the name of Chomsky's theory?
Universal Grammar or Generative Grammar
Phrase-Structure Expansions: VP-> ?
V (NP) (PP)
Testing Constituency: Substitution
When a pro-form can substitute for a string of words in a sentence, that string of words is a constituent
Preparatory condition requires what?
a conventionally recognized context in which the speech act is embedded
Knowing ____________ is more than knowing how to _____________________ and ____________________.
a language, encode a message, transmit it to a second party
Morpheme definition
a minimal linguistic unit that has a meaning or grammatical function associated with it
Utterance Definition
a sentence that is said, written or signed in a particular context by someone with a particular intention, by means of which the speaker intends to create an effect on the addressee
Locution definition
a sentence with a grammatical structure and a linguistic meaning
A conversation can be viewed as ______________.
a series of speech acts
What is grammar?
a way of describing the structure of phrases which will account for all of the grammatical sequences, and rule out all the ungrammatical sequences
Deep structure
abstract level of structural organization in which all the elements determining structural interpretation are represented (same meaning)
Speech acts definition
actions that are carried out through language
Surface structures
active vs passive tense
English primarily relies on _______ to add morphemes.
Indirect Speech Act Definition
an apparent violation of the cooperative principle but is in fact indirectly cooperative
Politeness definition
an organizational force in conversation
Declarations definition
bring about the state of affairs they name: blessings, hirings, firings, baptisms, arrests
A less reliable way to identify lexical categories is:
by meaning
A descriptive approach seeks to ________________________________.
catalogue the authentic usage of language and describe variation.
There continue to be many different approaches among those who ______________________________, and many more among those who __________________________.
claim to analyze language in terms of generative grammar, are critical of the whole system
Commissives defintion
commit a speaker to a course of action: promises, pledges, threats, vows
If the sentences of a language can be seen as a ___________ _____, then there must be a set of _________ _______ which yield those sentences.
comparable set, explicit rules
People often employ _______, ________, and ________ sentences for purposes other than making statements, asking questions, and issuing commands respectively
declarative, interrogative, imperative
Immediate Constituent Analysis
designed to show new small constituents (components) in sentences go together to form larger constituents. (divide into categories such as "noun phrase" or "prepositional phrase")
Linguists refer to articles as _______.
Every __________ is a _________.
dialect, language
Every language is made up of _______.
Understanding utterances requires _________________________.
drawing appropriate inferences from conversation
The alternative view is to treat a tree diagram as a _________ format, in the sense that it represents a way of __________________________________ which are called _____________________.
dynamic, generating not only that sentence but a very large number of sentences with only a small number of rules, phrase structure rules
Language is ______, not ______.
dynamic, static
The study and analysis of structures found in a language is aimed to ________________.
establish a description of grammar
Lexical categories can be identified by:
examining related forms of words (ex. fork and forks, books and books)
Lexical categories can also be identified by:
examining which words and categories can occur together in phrases
The grammar will _________________________.
generate all the well-formed syntactic structures and fail to generate any ill-formed structures.
Directives definition
get the addressee to carry out an action: commands, requests, challenges, invitations, dares
Constituents definition
groups of words that serve as structural units
The grammar will ________________________.
have a finite number of rules, but will be capable of generating an infinite number of well-formed structures.
This grammar also shows ______________________________.
how some superficially distinct sentences are closely related and how some superficially similar sentences are in fact distinct.
Phrases and sentences can be described as ___________ of _______ within a __________________.
ill-formed, well-formed, prescriptive paradigm
Speakers have some intention in making an utterance, and what they intend to accomplish is called an ___________.
Expressives definition
indicate the speaker's psychological state or attitude: greetings, apologies, condolences
Register definition
language varieties characteristic of situations of use
Dialect definition
language variety characteristic of a particular regional or social group
Every utterances is represented by a _________.
Verdictives definition
make assessments or judgments: ranking, assessing, appraising, condoning
Speech events definition
members of a community interact on one or more topics, for a particular purpose, and with awareness of social relations among the interlocutors
The rules of this grammar will ______________________________.
need the property of recursion
Cooperative principle
participants expect that each will make a "conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange." (Grice)
Indirect speech acts can be used to show _________.
We appeal to both ______________________ in conversational organization.
positive and negative politeness
Accent definition
refers to distinctive pronunciation
represent a state of affairs (assertions, statements, claims, descriptions)....can be characterized as true or false
Negative Politeness
respecting an interlocutor's independence (interrupting by apologizing and then asking for the time)
Casual conversation is organized according to ______.
Positive politeness
showing involvement with an interlocutor (expressing hope to meet again in the future)
Speech events need not involve ______________.
speaking (ex. shopping lists, birthday cards, newspaper editorials)
A tree diagram is a _______ representation of ______________________________.
static; the structure of the sentence at the bottom of the diagram
Code switching definition
switching between language varieties
Transformational or generative grammar is a _______________ that includes a ___________________________-.
syntactical model; finite set of rules that could generate an infinite number of utterances
Essential condition requires what?
that the involved parties all intend the result
Propositional content condition requires what?
that the words of the sentence by conventionally associated with the intended speech act and convey the content of the act
Speech situation definition
the coming together of significant situational factors such as purpose, topic, and social relations
Prescriptive syntax definition
the concept that there is a correct and an incorrect way to speak, write or sign
A pivotal element in the interpretation of an utterance ___________ in which it is uttered.
the context
Appropriateness conditions definition
the conventions that regulate the conditions under which an utterance serves a particular speech act
Descriptive syntax definition
the largely subconscious rules of language
What is the term "linguistic repertoire" used for?
the set of language varieties exhibited in the speaking and writing patterns of a speech community
Sincerity condition requires what?
the speaker to be sincere in uttering the declaration
Syntax definition
the structure and ordering of components within a sentence
Generative grammar is also referred to as _______________.
We switch among ________ within a language depending on ______________.
varieties, social situations
Structural Ambiguity
when a sentence has two underlying interpretations which would be represented differently in the deep structure
In analyzing sentences, it is important to recognize that sentences consist not of ____________ but of _____________.
words strung together, organized constituents
Syntax - simple definition
"a setting out together" or "arrangement"
Phrase-Structure Expansions: NP-> ?
(Det) (A) N (PP)