Ender's Game Chapters 10-11

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The "wall" of separation causes Ender to become more determined than ever to defeat the enemy and to avoid being hurt emotionally. Explain.

"And with that anger, he [Ender] decided he was strong enough to defeat them- the teachers, his enemies." When Ender is separated from all his comrades, he does not cry. He becomes determined to defeat the teachers in their game of comfort to isolation. He is tired of the teachers using his loved ones to crush him. "...from that day [the day of separation from his friends] forward they could never hurt him deep enough to make him cry again."

What is the significance of the allusion to Julius Caesar in the chapter title, "Veni Vidi Vici"?

"I came, I saw, I conquered" describes Ender's experience at Battle School and foreshadows his experience at Commander School.

Why does Carn Carby want Ender to defeat the next army he fights, and why is this ironic?

"Right now I'm in disgrace," he [Carn Carby] said frankly. "They [the other commanders] won't believe me when I tell them you did things that nobody's ever seen before. So I hope you beat the snot out of the next army you fight. As a favor to me." After being beaten badly by Ender's army, Carn Carby makes a point of coming to speak to Ender. Carn feels the other commanders are treating Ender badly. Carn is insulted when the other commanders do not cheer for Ender when he enters the mess. This is a terrible insult and is against tradition. It is ironic that Carn would be so kind and encouraging to Ender after Ender beats him.

How does Ender metaphorically "...bind them [his boys] better in the small, tight knots of this fabric [his army]"?

After winning a battle, Ender gives his army fifteen minutes for breakfast. He later tells his toon leaders to give them thirty minutes. "Let the boys learn that leniency comes from their toon leaders, and harshness comes from their commander." Ender is giving authority and trust to his toon leaders, yet he is insuring respect and fear of the boys toward his own authority.

Why does Ender have an advantage over the other commanders?

Commanders cannot use hooks during extra practices; therefore, commanders did not hold extra practices. Ender says, "If they [other commanders] felt that their hook was their authority, their power over the other boys, then they were even less likely to work without it. That's an advantage I'll have over some of my enemies, Ender thought."

Describe Ender's leadership style.

Ender is "...brutal in the way he talked to groups, but when he worked with an individual he was always patient, explaining as often as necessary, making suggestions quietly, listening to questions and problems and explanations. But he never laughed when they tried to banter with him, and they soon stopped trying. He was commander every moment they were together. He never had to remind them of it; he simply was."

How does the personnel Ender is given set him up to be different from all the other toon leaders? What kind of army is Ender given and under what restrictions?

Ender is given an army full of small, young, inexperienced, and unnoticed boys. He is not allowed to make any trades because according to Graff, boys would put unfair pressure on their toon leaders to be put in Ender's army. These disadvantages set Ender apart from the other toons once again. He will have to overcome yet another obstacle.

Explain the symbol of a "wall" between Alai and Ender and Ender's fear created by this "wall."

Ender is once again separated from all comfort and friends. No new conversation and banter will be possible between Ender and Alai. The two will have separate lives. The separation creates a wall, and the only thing between them is from "...the roots that had already grown low and deep, under the wall, where they could not be broken." Only memories keep them together. Ender fears Alai desires the separation, and because of this, Ender fears the wall will never come down.

What does Ender's treatment of Bean lead Ender to realize about his own life?

Ender realizes, "It [his isolation] was a strategy. Graff had deliberately set him up to be separate from the other boys, made it impossible for him to be close to them. Graff had isolated Ender to make him struggle. It made him a better soldier than he ever would have been otherwise." Ender thinks, "That is what I'm doing to you, Bean. I'm hurting you to make a better soldier in every way."

Ender confides in Bean and asks for help. Why? What is the request?

Ender shares with Bean the plan of the teachers. Ender knows the teachers want to break him down. Ender tells Bean one day, "Somebody's going to come up with something to throw at me that I haven't thought of before, and I won't be ready." Ender asks Bean to "...think of solutions to problems we haven't seen yet. I want you to try things that no one has ever tried because they're absolutely stupid."

Ender has become like the adults who control him, like the enemy. Explain.

Ender taunts Bean, who is the weakest and youngest. This parallels what happened to Ender when he entered Bonzo Madrid's toon. Card says, "But what was this thing with Bean? Why had he gone for the smallest, weakest, and possibly the brightest of the boys? Why had he done to Bean what had been done to Ender by commanders that he despised?"

Why does Ender watch war videos over and over again? What did he notice? What do you think is the reason for the censoring of the videos?

Ender wants to learn new things from past battles. He notices the buggers never do anything surprising. Mazer Rackman's battle is rarely shown. Ender notices buggers are not shown killing in personal combat in the second invasion videos. "It frustrated Ender that Mazer Rackman's victory was so obviously censored." As with all the bugger propaganda, the government wants the public to view the buggers as aggressive. Possibly, the buggers were not the aggressors in the second invasion.

How does Petra react to Ender's defeat of her army? What is Ender's hope?

Ironically, Petra, one of Ender's dearest friends, reacts with anger and fury after Ender defeats her in battle. "The anger in her eyes seemed to say, I was your friend, and you humiliate me like this?" Ender learns from Petra during the battle, and he hopes they will soon be friends again.

Why is Ender given the Dragon Army?

The Dragon Army name had been discontinued because "...no Dragon Army in the history of the Battle School ever won a third of its games." Ender started out in Battle School as the youngest, weakest Launchie, and Ender ended up being the most successful boy ever to attend Battle School. The promise of the new Dragon Army parallels Ender's success against all odds.

Many commanders hate Ender and this makes Ender "...feel far too much at home." Explain.

The actions of the commanders are "little torments" similar to Peter's actions. The children cannot defeat Ender in the Battle Room, and so they get up and move to another table, elbow him in the game room, or spit wads of paper on him as he jogs down the hall. Peter cannot measure up to Ender's greatness. Ender kept his monitor far longer than Peter, and so Peter would torment Ender with games and taunting words. Both the commanders and Peter keep the little boy, Ender, in fear; even though, they cannot defeat his greatness.

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