Endocrine exam

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Symptoms of hypothyroidism

Early findings Fatigue, lethargy, irritability -Intolerance to cold -constipation -weight gain without increase in calories -pale skin -thin, brittle fingernails -depression -thinning hair -joint/and or muscle pain Late findings -Bradycardia, hypotension, dysrhthmias -slow thought process and speech -hypoventilation, pleural effusion -thickening of the skin -thinning hair on the eyebrows -dry, flaky skin -swelling in face, hands, and feet (myxedema) -Decreased acuity of taste and smell -hoarse raspy speech -Abnormal menstrual periods (menorrhagia/amenorrhea) and decreased libido

An abnormal finding by the nurse during and endocrine assessment would be (Select all that apply) A. blood pressure of 100/70 mmHg B. excessive facial hair on a woman C. soft, formed stool every other day D. 3-lb weight gain over last 6 months E. hyperpigmented coloration in lower legs

b. excessive facial hair on a woman e. hyperpigmented coloration in lower legs

Increased T3 and T4 levels cause


Decreased T3 and T4 levels cause


Symptoms of hyperthyroidism

-nervousness, irritability, hyperactivity, emotional lability, decreased attention span, -weakness, easily fatigued, exercise intolerance -Heat intolerance -Weight loss and increased appetite -Insomnia and interrupted sleep -frequent stools or diarrhea -menstrual irregularities (amenorrhea or decreased menstrual flow -libido initially increases at first, followed by a decrease in libido as the condition progresses -Warm, sweaty, flushed skin with velvety-smooth texture -tremor, hyperkinesia, hyperreflexia -exopthalmus (Graves' disease only) -vision changes, retracted eyelids, global lag -Hair loss -goiter -bruit over the thyroid gland -Elevated systolic BP and widened pulse pressure -Tachycardia and dysrhythmias

Symptoms of Addison's disease

-weight loss -craving for salt -hyperpigmentation -weakness and fatigue -N/V -Dizziness with orthostatic hypotension -severe hypotension (acute adrenal insufficiency) -dehydration -hyponatremia -hyperkalemia -hypoglycemia -hypercalcemia

Nurse Wayne is aware that a positive Chvostek's sign indicate? A. Hypocalcemia B. Hyponatremia C. Hypokalemia D. Hypermagnesemia

. Answer: A. Hypocalcemia Chvostek's sign is elicited by tapping the client's face lightly over the facial nerve, just below the temple. If the client's facial muscles twitch, it indicates hypocalcemia. Hyponatremia is indicated by weight loss, abdominal cramping, muscle weakness, headache, and postural hypotension. Hypokalemia causes paralytic ileus and muscle weakness. Clients with hypermagnesemia exhibit a loss of deep tendon reflexes, coma, or cardiac arres

The nurse instructs a 28-year-old man with acromegaly resulting from an unresectable benign pituitary tumor about octreotide (Sandostatin). The nurse should intervene if the patient makes which statement? A. "I will come in to receive this medication IV every 2 to 4 weeks." B. "I will inject the medication in the subcutaneous layer of the skin." C. "The medication will decrease the growth hormone production to normal." D. "If radiation treatment is not effective, I may need to take the medication

A. "I will come in to receive this medication IV every 2 to 4 weeks." drugs are most commonly used in patients who have had an inadequate response to or cannot be treated with surgery and/or radiation therapy. The most common drug used for acromegaly is octreotide (Sandostatin), a somatostatin analog that reduces growth hormone levels to within the normal range in many patients. Octreotide is given by subcutaneous injection three times a week. Two long-acting analogs, octreotide (Sandostatin LAR) and lanreotide SR (Somatuline Depot), are available as intramuscular (IM) injections given every 2 to 4 weeks.

A patient has a total serum calcium level of 3 mg/dL (1.5 mEq/L) If this finding reflects hypoparathyroidism, the nurse would expect further diagnostic testing to reveal A. decreased serum PTH B. increased serum ACTH C. increased serum glucose D. decreased serum cortisol levels

A. Decreased serum PTH

When obtaining subjective data from a patient during assessment of the endocrine system., the nurse asks specifically about A. Energy level B. intake of vitamin C C. employment history D. frequency of sexual intercourse

A. Energy Level

The nurse is caring for a 68-year-old woman after a parathyroidectomy related to hyperparathyroidism. The nurse should administer IV calcium gluconate if the patient exhibits which clinical manifestations? A. Facial muscle spasms or laryngospasms B. Decreased muscle tone or muscle weakness C. Tingling in the hands and around the mouth D. Shortened QT interval on the electrocardiogram

A. Facial muscle spasms or laryngospasms Nursing care for the patient following a parathyroidectomy includes monitoring for a sudden decrease in serum calcium levels causing tetany, a condition of neuromuscular hyperexcitability. If tetany is severe (e.g., muscular spasms or laryngospasms develop), IV calcium gluconate should be administered. Mild tetany, characterized by unpleasant tingling of the hands and around the mouth, may be present but should decrease over time without treatment. Decreased muscle tone, muscle weakness, and shortened QT interval are clinical manifestations of hyperparathyroidism.

A patient has a serum sodium level of 152 mEq/L 152 mmol/L). The normal hormonal response to this situation is A. Release of ADH B. Release of ACTH C. Secretion of aldosterone D. Secretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone

A. Release of ADH

The nurse is caring for a 56-year-old man receiving high-dose oral corticosteroid therapy to prevent organ rejection after a kidney transplant. What is most important for the nurse to observe related to this medication? A. Signs of infection B. Low blood pressure C. Increased urine output D. Decreased blood glucose

A. Signs of infection Side effects of corticosteroid therapy include increased susceptibility to infection, edema related to sodium and water retention (decreased urine output), hypertension, and hyperglycemia.

Propyithiouracil (PTU) is prescribed for a client with Graves' disease. The nurse should teach the client to immediately report which of the following? A. Sore throat B. Painful, excessive mestruation C. Constipation D. Increased Urine output

A. Sore Throat The most serious adverse effects of PTU are leukopenia and agranulocytosis, which usually occur within the first 3 months of treatment. The client should be taught to promptly report to the health care provider signs and symptoms of infection, such as a sore throat and fever. Clients having a sore throat and fever should have an immediate WBC count and differential performed, and the drug must be withheld until the results are obtained.

After a hypophysectomy for acromegaly, postoperative nursing care should focus on A. frequent monitoring of serum and urine osmolarity B. parenteral administration of a GH-receptor agonist C. Keeping the patient in a recumbent position at all times D. patient teaching regarding the need for lifelong hormone therapy

A. frequent monitoring of serum and urine osmolarity

To control the side effects of corticosteroid therapy, the nurse teaches the patient who is taking corticosteroids to A. increase calcium intake to 1500 mg/day B. perform glucose monitoring for hypoglycemia C. obtain immunizations due to high risk of infections D. avoid abrupt position changes becauseof orthostatic hypotension

A. increase calcium intake to 1500 mg/day

Endocrine disorders often go unrecognized in the older adult because A. symptoms are often attributed to aging B. older adults rarely have identifiable symptoms C. endocrine disorders are relatively rare in the older adult D. Older adults usually have subclinical endocrine disorders that minimize symptoms

A.symptoms are often attributed to aging

The nurse teaches the patient that the best time to take corticosteroids for replacement purposes is A. once a day at bedtime B. every other day on awakening C. on arising and in the late afternoon D. at consistent intervals every 6 to 8 hours

C on arising and in the later afternoon

The nurse is caring for a patient admitted with suspected hyperparathyroidism. Because of the potential effects of this disease on electrolyte balance, the nurse should assess this patient for what manifestation? A. Neurologic irritability B. Declining urine output C. Lethargy and weakness D. Hyperactive bowel sound

C. Lethargy and weakness Hyperparathyroidism can cause hypercalcemia. Signs of hypercalcemia include muscle weakness, polyuria, constipation, nausea and vomiting, lethargy, and memory impairment. Neurologic irritability, declining urine output, and hyperactive bowel sounds do not occur with hypercalcemia.

Jemma, who weighs 210 lb (95 kg) and has been diagnosed with hyperglycemia tells the nurse that her husband sleeps in another room because her snoring keeps him awake. The nurse notices that she has large hands and a hoarse voice. Which of the following would the nurse suspect as a possible cause of the client's hyperglycemia? A. Acromegaly B. Type 1 diabetes mellitus C. Hypothyroidism D. Deficient growth hormone

Answer: A. Acromegaly Acromegaly, which is caused by a pituitary tumor that releases excessive growth hormone, is associated with hyperglycemia, hypertension, diaphoresis, peripheral neuropathy, and joint pain. Enlarged hands and feet are related to lateral bone growth, which is seen in adults with this disorder. The accompanying soft tissue swelling causes hoarseness and often sleep apnea. Type 1 diabetes is usually seen in children, and newly diagnosed persons are usually very ill and thin. Hypothyroidism isn't associated with hyperglycemia, nor is growth hormone deficiency.

A male client with a history of hypertension is diagnosed with primary hyperaldosteronism. This diagnosis indicates that the client's hypertension is caused by excessive hormone secretion from which of the following glands? A. Adrenal cortex B. Pancreas C. Adrenal medulla D. Parathyroid

Answer: A. Adrenal cortex Excessive secretion of aldosterone in the adrenal cortex is responsible for the client's hypertension. This hormone acts on the renal tubule, where it promotes reabsorption of sodium and excretion of potassium and hydrogen ions. The pancreas mainly secretes hormones involved in fuel metabolism. The adrenal medulla secretes the catecholamines — epinephrine and norepinephrine. The parathyroids secrete parathyroid hormone.

A female client with Cushing's syndrome is admitted to the medical-surgical unit. During the admission assessment, nurse Tyzz notes that the client is agitated and irritable, has poor memory, reports loss of appetite, and appears disheveled. These findings are consistent with which problem? A. Depression B. Neuropathy C. Hypoglycemia D. Hyperthyroidism

Answer: A. Depression Agitation, irritability, poor memory, loss of appetite, and neglect of one's appearance may signal depression, which is common in clients with Cushing's syndrome. Neuropathy affects clients with diabetes mellitus — not Cushing's syndrome. Although hypoglycemia can cause irritability, it also produces increased appetite, rather than loss of appetite. Hyperthyroidism typically causes such signs as goiter, nervousness, heat intolerance, and weight loss despite increased appetite.

Which outcome indicates that treatment of a male client with diabetes insipidus has been effective? A. Fluid intake is less than 2,500 ml/day. B. Urine output measures more than 200 ml/hour. C. Blood pressure is 90/50 mm Hg. D. The heart rate is 126 beats/minute.

Answer: A. Fluid intake is less than 2,500 ml/day. Diabetes insipidus is characterized by polyuria (up to 8 L/day), constant thirst, and an unusually high oral intake of fluids. Treatment with the appropriate drug should decrease both oral fluid intake and urine output. A urine output of 200 ml/hour indicates continuing polyuria. A blood pressure of 90/50 mm Hg and a heart rate of 126 beats/minute indicate compensation for the continued fluid deficit, suggesting that treatment hasn't been effective

For the first 72 hours after thyroidectomy surgery, nurse Jamie would assess the female client for Chvostek's sign and Trousseau's sign because they indicate which of the following? A. Hypocalcemia B. Hypercalcemia C. Hypokalemia D. Hyperkalemia

Answer: A. Hypocalcemia The client who has undergone a thyroidectomy is at risk for developing hypocalcemia from inadvertent removal or damage to the parathyroid gland. The client with hypocalcemia will exhibit a positive Chvostek's sign (facial muscle contraction when the facial nerve in front of the ear is tapped) and a positive Trousseau's sign (carpal spasm when a blood pressure cuff is inflated for a few minutes). These signs aren't present with hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, or hyperkalemia.

Following a unilateral adrenalectomy, nurse Betty would assess for hyperkalemia shown by which of the following? A. Muscle weakness B. Tremors C. Diaphoresis D. Constipation

Answer: A. Muscle weakness Muscle weakness, bradycardia, nausea, diarrhea, and paresthesia of the hands, feet, tongue, and face are findings associated with hyperkalemia, which is transient and occurs from transient hypoaldosteronism when the adenoma is removed. Tremors, diaphoresis, and constipation aren't seen in hyperkalemia.

After undergoing a subtotal thyroidectomy, a female client develops hypothyroidism. Dr. Smith prescribes levothyroxine (Levothroid), 25 mcg P.O. daily. For which condition is levothyroxine the preferred agent? A. Primary hypothyroidism B. Graves' disease C. Thyrotoxicosis D. Euthyroidism

Answer: A. Primary hypothyroidism Levothyroxine is the preferred agent to treat primary hypothyroidism and cretinism, although it also may be used to treat secondary hypothyroidism. It is contraindicated in Graves' disease and thyrotoxicosis because these conditions are forms of hyperthyroidism. Euthyroidism, a term used to describe normal thyroid function, wouldn't require any thyroid preparation.

A female adult client with a history of chronic hyperparathyroidism admits to being noncompliant. Based on initial assessment findings, the nurse formulates the nursing diagnosis of Risk for injury. To complete the nursing diagnosis statement for this client, which "related-to" phrase should the nurse add? A. Related to bone demineralization resulting in pathologic fractures B. Related to exhaustion secondary to an accelerated metabolic rate C. Related to edema and dry skin secondary to fluid infiltration into the interstitial spaces D. Related to tetany secondary to a decreased serum calcium level

Answer: A. Related to bone demineralization resulting in pathologic fractures Poorly controlled hyperparathyroidism may cause an elevated serum calcium level. This, in turn, may diminish calcium stores in the bone, causing bone demineralization and setting the stage for pathologic fractures and a risk for injury. Hyperparathyroidism doesn't accelerate the metabolic rate. A decreased thyroid hormone level, not an increased parathyroid hormone level, may cause edema and dry skin secondary to fluid infiltration into the interstitial spaces. Hyperparathyroidism causes hypercalcemia, not hypocalcemia; therefore, it isn't associated with tetany.

Nurse Troy is aware that the most appropriate for a client with Addison's disease? A. Risk for infection B. Excessive fluid volume C. Urinary retention D. Hypothermia

Answer: A. Risk for infection Addison's disease decreases the production of all adrenal hormones, compromising the body's normal stress response and increasing the risk of infection. Other appropriate nursing diagnoses for a client with Addison's disease include Deficient fluid volume and Hyperthermia. Urinary retention isn't appropriate because Addison's disease causes polyuria.

In a 29-year-old female client who is being successfully treated for Cushing's syndrome, nurse Lyzette would expect a decline in: A. Serum glucose level. B. Hair loss. C. Bone mineralization. D. Menstrual flow.

Answer: A. Serum glucose level. Hyperglycemia, which develops from glucocorticoid excess, is a manifestation of Cushing's syndrome. With successful treatment of the disorder, serum glucose levels decline. Hirsutism is common in Cushing's syndrome; therefore, with successful treatment, abnormal hair growth also declines. Osteoporosis occurs in Cushing's syndrome; therefore, with successful treatment, bone mineralization increases. Amenorrhea develops in Cushing's syndrome. With successful treatment, the client experiences a return of menstrual flow, not a decline in it.

Nurse Ruth is assessing a client after a thyroidectomy. The assessment reveals muscle twitching and tingling, along with numbness in the fingers, toes, and mouth area. The nurse should suspect which complication? A. Tetany B. Hemorrhage C. Thyroid storm D. Laryngeal nerve damage

Answer: A. Tetany Tetany may result if the parathyroid glands are excised or damaged during thyroid surgery. Hemorrhage is a potential complication after thyroid surgery but is characterized by tachycardia, hypotension, frequent swallowing, feelings of fullness at the incision site, choking, and bleeding. Thyroid storm is another term for severe hyperthyroidism — not a complication of thyroidectomy. Laryngeal nerve damage may occur postoperatively, but its signs include a hoarse voice and, possibly, acute airway obstruction.

A female client has a serum calcium level of 7.2 mg/dl. During the physical examination, nurse Noah expects to assess: A. Trousseau's sign. B. Homans' sign. C. Hegar's sign. D. Goodell's sign.

Answer: A. Trousseau's sign. This client's serum calcium level indicates hypocalcemia, an electrolyte imbalance that causes Trousseau's sign (carpopedal spasm induced by inflating the blood pressure cuff above systolic pressure). Homans' sign (pain on dorsiflexion of the foot) indicates deep vein thrombosis. Hegar's sign (softening of the uterine isthmus) and Goodell's sign (cervical softening) are probable signs of pregnancy.

Nurse Louie is developing a teaching plan for a male client diagnosed with diabetes insipidus. The nurse should include information about which hormone lacking in clients with diabetes insipidus? A. antidiuretic hormone (ADH). B. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). C. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). D. luteinizing hormone (LH).

Answer: A. antidiuretic hormone (ADH). ADH is the hormone clients with diabetes insipidus lack. The client's TSH, FSH, and LH levels won't be affected.

A female client with a history of pheochromocytoma is admitted to the hospital in an acute hypertensive crisis. To reverse hypertensive crisis caused by pheochromocytoma, nurse Lyka expects to administer: A. phentolamine (Regitine). B. methyldopa (Aldomet). C. mannitol (Osmitrol). D. felodipine (Plendil).

Answer: A. phentolamine (Regitine). Pheochromocytoma causes excessive production of epinephrine and norepinephrine, natural catecholamines that raise the blood pressure. Phentolamine, an alpha-adrenergic blocking agent given by I.V. bolus or drip, antagonizes the body's response to circulating epinephrine and norepinephrine, reducing blood pressure quickly and effectively. Although methyldopa is an antihypertensive agent available in parenteral form, it isn't effective in treating hypertensive emergencies. Mannitol, a diuretic, isn't used to treat hypertensive emergencies. Felodipine, an antihypertensive agent, is available only in extended-release tablets and therefore doesn't reduce blood pressure quickly enough to correct hypertensive crisis.

When caring for a male client with diabetes insipidus, nurse Juliet expects to administer: A. vasopressin (Pitressin Synthetic). B. furosemide (Lasix). C. regular insulin. D. 10% dextrose.

Answer: A. vasopressin (Pitressin Synthetic). Because diabetes insipidus results from decreased antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) production, the nurse should expect to administer synthetic vasopressin for hormone replacement therapy. Furosemide, a diuretic, is contraindicated because a client with diabetes insipidus experiences polyuria. Insulin and dextrose are used to treat diabetes mellitus and its complications, not diabetes insipidus.

An incoherent female client with a history of hypothyroidism is brought to the emergency department by the rescue squad. Physical and laboratory findings reveal hypothermia, hypoventilation, respiratory acidosis, bradycardia, hypotension, and nonpitting edema of the face and pretibial area. Knowing that these findings suggest severe hypothyroidism, nurse Libby prepares to take emergency action to prevent the potential complication of: A. Thyroid storm. B. Cretinism. C. myxedema coma. D. Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Answer: C. myxedema coma. Severe hypothyroidism may result in myxedema coma, in which a drastic drop in the metabolic rate causes decreased vital signs, hypoventilation (possibly leading to respiratory acidosis), and nonpitting edema. Thyroid storm is an acute complication of hyperthyroidism. Cretinism is a form of hypothyroidism that occurs in infants. Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the thyroid gland in which autoimmune factors play a prominent role.

A female client whose physical findings suggest a hyperpituitary condition undergoes an extensive diagnostic workup. Test results reveal a pituitary tumor, which necessitates a transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. The evening before the surgery, nurse Jacob reviews preoperative and postoperative instructions given to the client earlier. Which postoperative instruction should the nurse emphasize? A. "You must lie flat for 24 hours after surgery." B. "You must avoid coughing, sneezing, and blowing your nose." C. "You must restrict your fluid intake." D. "You must report ringing in your ears immediately."

Answer: B. "You must avoid coughing, sneezing, and blowing your nose." After a transsphenoidal hypophysectomy, the client must refrain from coughing, sneezing, and blowing the nose for several days to avoid disturbing the surgical graft used to close the wound. The head of the bed must be elevated, not kept flat, to prevent tension or pressure on the suture line. Within 24 hours after a hypophysectomy, transient diabetes insipidus commonly occurs; this calls for increased, not restricted, fluid intake. Visual, not auditory, changes are a potential complication of hypophysectomy.

Which of these signs suggests that a male client with the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secretion is experiencing complications? A. Tetanic contractions B. Neck vein distention C. Weight loss D. Polyuria

Answer: B. Neck vein distention SIADH secretion causes antidiuretic hormone overproduction, which leads to fluid retention. Severe SIADH can cause such complications as vascular fluid overload, signaled by neck vein distention. This syndrome isn't associated with tetanic contractions. It may cause weight gain and fluid retention (secondary to oliguria).

Nurse Oliver should expect a client with hypothyroidism to report which health concerns? A. Increased appetite and weight loss B. Puffiness of the face and hands C. Nervousness and tremors D. Thyroid gland swelling

Answer: B. Puffiness of the face and hands Hypothyroidism (myxedema) causes facial puffiness, extremity edema, and weight gain. Signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease) include an increased appetite, weight loss, nervousness, tremors, and thyroid gland enlargement (goiter).

Early this morning, a female client had a subtotal thyroidectomy. During evening rounds, nurse Tina assesses the client, who now has nausea, a temperature of 105° F (40.5° C), tachycardia, and extreme restlessness. What is the most likely cause of these signs? A. Diabetic ketoacidosis B. Thyroid crisis C. Hypoglycemia D. Tetany

Answer: B. Thyroid crisis Thyroid crisis usually occurs in the first 12 hours after thyroidectomy and causes exaggerated signs of hyperthyroidism, such as high fever, tachycardia, and extreme restlessness. Diabetic ketoacidosis is more likely to produce polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia; hypoglycemia, to produce weakness, tremors, profuse perspiration, and hunger. Tetany typically causes uncontrollable muscle spasms, stridor, cyanosis, and possibly asphyxia.

A male client with primary diabetes insipidus is ready for discharge on desmopressin (DDAVP). Which instruction should nurse Lina provide? A. "Administer desmopressin while the suspension is cold." B. "Your condition isn't chronic, so you won't need to wear a medical identification bracelet." C. "You may not be able to use desmopressin nasally if you have nasal discharge or blockage." D. "You won't need to monitor your fluid intake and output after you start taking desmopressin."

Answer: C. "You may not be able to use desmopressin nasally if you have nasal discharge or blockage." Desmopressin may not be absorbed if the intranasal route is compromised. Although diabetes insipidus is treatable, the client should wear medical identification and carry medication at all times to alert medical personnel in an emergency and ensure proper treatment. The client must continue to monitor fluid intake and output and receive adequate fluid replacement.

Nurse Ronn is assessing a client with possible Cushing's syndrome. In a client with Cushing's syndrome, the nurse would expect to find: A. Hypotension. B. Thick, coarse skin. C. Deposits of adipose tissue in the trunk and dorsocervical area. D. Weight gain in arms and legs.

Answer: C. Deposits of adipose tissue in the trunk and dorsocervical area. Because of changes in fat distribution, adipose tissue accumulates in the trunk, face (moonface), and dorsocervical areas (buffalo hump). Hypertension is caused by fluid retention. Skin becomes thin and bruises easily because of a loss of collagen. Muscle wasting causes muscle atrophy and thin extremities.

. When instructing the female client diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism about diet, nurse Gina should stress the importance of which of the following? A. Restricting fluids B. Restricting sodium C. Forcing fluids D. Restricting potassium

Answer: C. Forcing fluids The client should be encouraged to force fluids to prevent renal calculi formation. Sodium should be encouraged to replace losses in urine. Restricting potassium isn't necessary in hyperparathyroidism.

A male client has recently undergone surgical removal of a pituitary tumor. Dr. Wong prescribes corticotropin (Acthar), 20 units I.M. q.i.d. as a replacement therapy. What is the mechanism of action of corticotropin? A. It decreases cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) production and affects the metabolic rate of target organs. B. It interacts with plasma membrane receptors to inhibit enzymatic actions. C. It interacts with plasma membrane receptors to produce enzymatic actions that affect protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism. D. It regulates the threshold for water resorption in the kidneys.

Answer: C. It interacts with plasma membrane receptors to produce enzymatic actions that affect protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism. Corticotropin interacts with plasma membrane receptors to produce enzymatic actions that affect protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism. It doesn't decrease cAMP production. The posterior pituitary hormone, antidiuretic hormone, regulates the threshold for water resorption in the kidneys.

A male client is admitted for treatment of the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). Which nursing intervention is appropriate? A. Infusing I.V. fluids rapidly as ordered B. Encouraging increased oral intake C. Restricting fluids D. Administering glucose-containing I.V. fluids as ordered

Answer: C. Restricting fluids To reduce water retention in a client with the SIADH, the nurse should restrict fluids. Administering fluids by any route would further increase the client's already heightened fluid load.

A female client with hypothyroidism (myxedema) is receiving levothyroxine (Synthroid), 25 mcg P.O. daily. Which finding should nurse Hans recognize as an adverse drug effect? A. Dysuria B. Leg cramps C. Tachycardia D. Blurred vision

Answer: C. Tachycardia Levothyroxine, a synthetic thyroid hormone, is given to a client with hypothyroidism to simulate the effects of thyroxine. Adverse effects of this agent include tachycardia. The other options aren't associated with levothyroxine.

During preoperative teaching for a female client who will undergo subtotal thyroidectomy, the nurse should include which statement? A. "The head of your bed must remain flat for 24 hours after surgery." B. "You should avoid deep breathing and coughing after surgery." C. "You won't be able to swallow for the first day or two." D. "You must avoid hyperextending your neck after surgery."

Answer: D. "You must avoid hyperextending your neck after surgery." To prevent undue pressure on the surgical incision after subtotal thyroidectomy, the nurse should advise the client to avoid hyperextending the neck. The client may elevate the head of the bed as desired and should perform deep breathing and coughing to help prevent pneumonia. Subtotal thyroidectomy doesn't affect swallowing.

The nurse is aware that the following is the most common cause of hyperaldosteronism? A. Excessive sodium intake B. A pituitary adenoma C. Deficient potassium intake D. An adrenal adenoma

Answer: D. An adrenal adenoma An autonomous aldosterone-producing adenoma is the most common cause of hyperaldosteronism. Hyperplasia is the second most frequent cause. Aldosterone secretion is independent of sodium and potassium intake as well as of pituitary stimulation.

A 67-year-old male client has been complaining of sleeping more, increased urination, anorexia, weakness, irritability, depression, and bone pain that interferes with her going outdoors. Based on these assessment findings, nurse Richard would suspect which of the following disorders? A. Diabetes mellitus B. Diabetes insipidus C. Hypoparathyroidism D. Hyperparathyroidism

Answer: D. Hyperparathyroidism Hyperparathyroidism is most common in older women and is characterized by bone pain and weakness from excess parathyroid hormone (PTH). Clients also exhibit hypercaliuria-causing polyuria. While clients with diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus also have polyuria, they don't have bone pain and increased sleeping. Hypoparathyroidism is characterized by urinary frequency rather than polyuria.

Which nursing diagnosis takes highest priority for a female client with hyperthyroidism? A. Risk for imbalanced nutrition: More than body requirements related to thyroid hormone excess B. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to edema, skin fragility, and poor wound healing C. Body image disturbance related to weight gain and edema D. Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements related to thyroid hormone excess

Answer: D. Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements related to thyroid hormone excess In the client with hyperthyroidism, excessive thyroid hormone production leads to hypermetabolism and increased nutrient metabolism. These conditions may result in a negative nitrogen balance, increased protein synthesis and breakdown, decreased glucose tolerance, and fat mobilization and depletion. This puts the client at risk for marked nutrient and calorie deficiency, making Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements the most important nursing diagnosis. Options B and C may be appropriate for a client with hypothyroidism, which slows the metabolic rate

When assessing a male client with pheochromocytoma, a tumor of the adrenal medulla that secretes excessive catecholamine, nurse April is most likely to detect: A. a blood pressure of 130/70 mm Hg. B. a blood glucose level of 130 mg/dl. C. bradycardia. D. a blood pressure of 176/88 mm Hg.

Answer: D. a blood pressure of 176/88 mm Hg. Pheochromocytoma, a tumor of the adrenal medulla that secretes excessive catecholamine, causes hypertension, tachycardia, hyperglycemia, hypermetabolism, and weight loss. It isn't associated with the other options.

A 34 year old female is diagnosed with hypothyroidism. The nurse should assess the client for which of the following? Select all that apply. A. Rapid pulse B. Decreased energy and fatigue C. Weight gain of 10lb (4.5kg) D. Fine, thin hair with hair loss E. Constipation F. Menorrhagia

B. Decreased energy and fatigue, C. Weight Gain, D. Constipation, F. Menorrhagia Clients with hypothyroidism exhibit symptoms indicating a lack of thyroid hormone. Bradycardia, decreased energy and lethargy, memory problems, weight gain, coarse hair, constipation and menorrhagia are common signs of hypothyroidism.

Important nursing interventions when caring for a patient with Cushing syndrome include (select all that apply) A. restricting protein intake B. Monitoring blood glucose levels C. Observing for signs of hypotension D. administering medication in equal doses E. protecting patient from exposure to infections

B &E B. Monitoring blood glucose levels E. protecting patient from exposure to infections

The nurse is evaluating a client with hyperthyroidism who is taking Propylthiouracil (PTU) 100 mg/day in three divided doses for maintenance therapy. Which of the following statements from the client indicates the desired outcome of the drug? A. "I have excess energy throughout the day." B. "I am able to sleep and rest at night." C. "I have lost weight since taking this medication." D. "I do perspire throughout the entire day."

B. "I am able to sleep and rest at night." PTU is a prototype of thioamide antithyroid drugs. It inhibits production of thyroid hormones and peripheral conversion of T4 to the more active T3. A client taking this antithyroid drug should be able to sleep and rest well at night since the level of thyroid hormones is reduced in the blood. Excess energy throughout the day, loss of weigh and perspiring through the day are symptoms of hyperthyroidism indication the drug has not produced its outcome.

The health care provider prescribes levothyroxine (Synthroid) for a patient with hypothyroidism. After teaching regarding this drug, the nurse determines that further instruction is needed when the patient says A. "I can expect the medication dose need to be adjusted." B. "I only need to take this drug until my symptoms are improved." C. "I can expect to return to normal function with the use of this drug." D. "I will report any chest pain or difficulty breathing to the doctor right away."

B. "I only need to take this drug until my symptoms are improved."

The nurse receives a phone call from a 36-year-old woman taking cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) for treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The patient tells the nurse that she has muscle cramps and weakness and very little urine output. Which response by the nurse is best? A. "Start taking supplemental potassium, calcium, and magnesium." B. "Stop taking the medication now and call your health care provider." C. "These symptoms will decrease with continued use of the medication." D. "Increase fluids to 3000 mL per 24 hours to improve your urine output."

B. "Stop taking the medication now and call your health care provider." Cyclophosphamide may cause syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). Medications that stimulate the release of ADH should be avoided or discontinued. Treatment may include restriction of fluids to 800 to 1000 mL per day. If a loop diuretic such as furosemide (Lasix) is used to promote diuresis, supplements of potassium, calcium, and magnesium may be needed.

A client with thyrotoxicosis says to the nurse, "I am so irritable. I am having problems at work because I lose my temper very easily." Which of the following responses by the nurse would give the client the most accurate explanation of her behavior? A. "Your behavior is caused by temporary confusion brought on by your illness." B. "Your behavior is caused by the excess thyroid hormone in your system." C. "Your behavior is caused by your worrying about the seriousness of your illness." D. "Your behavior is caused by the stress of trying to manage a career and cope with illness."

B. "Your behavior is caused by the excess thyroid hormone in your system." A typical sign of thyrotoxicosis is irritability caused by the high levels of circulating thyroid hormones in the body. This symptom decreases as the client responds to therapy. Thyrotoxicosis does not cause confusion.

The nurse is caring for a 40-year-old man who has begun taking levothyroxine (Synthroid) for recently diagnosed hypothyroidism. What information reported by the patient is most important for the nurse to further assess? A .Weight gain or weight loss B. Chest pain and palpitations C. Muscle weakness and fatigue D. Decreased appetite and constipation

B. Chest pain and palpations Levothyroxine (Synthroid) is used to treat hypothyroidism. Any chest pain or heart palpitations or heart rate greater than 100 beats/minute experienced by a patient starting thyroid replacement should be reported immediately, and an electrocardiogram (ECG) and serum cardiac enzyme tests should be performed.

The patient is brought to the ED following a car accident and is wearing medical identification that says she has Addison's disease. What should the nurse expect to be included in the collaborative care of this patient? A. Low sodium diet B. Increased glucocorticoid replacement C. Suppression of pituitary ACTH synthesis D. Elimination of mineralocorticoid replacement

B. Increased glucocorticoid replacement The patient with Addison's disease needs lifelong glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid replacement and has an increased need with illness, injury, or stress, as this patient is experiencing. The patient with Addison's may also need a high sodium diet. Suppression of pituitary ACTH synthesis is done for Cushing syndrome. Elimination of mineralocorticoid replacement cannot be done for Addison's disease.

The patient with systemic lupus erythematosus had been diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). What should the nurse expect to include in this patient's plan of care (select all that apply)? A. Obtain weekly weights. B. Limit fluids to 1000 mL per day.* C. Monitor for signs of hypernatremia. D. Minimize turning and range of motion. E. Keep the head of the bed at 10 degrees or less elevation.

B. Limit fluids to 1000 mL per day E. Keep the head of the bead at 10 degrees or less elevation The care for the patient with SIADH will include limiting fluids to 1000 mL per day or less to decrease weight, increase osmolality, and improve symptoms; and keeping the head of the bed elevated at 10 degrees or less to enhance venous return to the heart and increase left atrial filling pressure, thereby reducing the release of ADH. The weights should be done daily along with intake and output. Signs of hyponatremia should be monitored, and frequent turning, positioning, and range-of-motion exercises are important to maintain skin integrity and joint mobility. Awarded 1.0 points out of 2.0 possible points.

The Nurse is completing a health assessment of a 42 year-old female with suspected Graves' disease. The nurse should assess this client for: A. anorexia B. tacyhcardia C. Weight gain D. Cold skin

B. Tachycardia Graves' disease, the most common type of thyrotoxicosis, is a state of hypermetabolism. The increased metabolic rate generates heat and produces tachycardia and fine muscle tremors. Anorexia is associated with hypothyroidism. Loss of weigh is a common feature of hyperthyroidism. Cold skin is associated with hypothyroidism.

The nurse is providing discharge instructions to a patient with diabetes insipidus. Which instructions regarding desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) would be most appropriate? A. The patient can expect to experience weight loss resulting from increased diuresis. B. The patient should alternate nostrils during administration to prevent nasal irritation. C. The patient should monitor for symptoms of hypernatremia as a side effect of this drug. D. The patient should report any decrease in urinary elimination to the health care provider.

B. The patient should alternate nostrils during administration to prevent nasal irritation DDAVP is used to treat diabetes insipidus by replacing the antidiuretic hormone that the patient is lacking. Inhaled DDAVP can cause nasal irritation, headache, nausea, and other signs of hyponatremia. Diuresis will be decreased and is expected, and hypernatremia should not occur.

The surgeon was unable to spare a patient's parathyroid gland during a thyroidectomy. Which assessments should the nurse prioritize when providing postoperative care for this patient? A. Assessing the patient's white blood cell levels and assessing for infection B. Monitoring the patient's hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red blood cell levels C. Monitoring the patient's serum calcium levels and assessing for signs of hypocalcemia D. Monitoring the patient's level of consciousness and assessing for acute delirium or agitation

C. Monitoring the patient's serum calcium levels and assessing for signs of hypocalcemia Loss of the parathyroid gland is associated with hypocalcemia. Infection and anemia are not associated with loss of the parathyroid gland, whereas cognitive changes are less pronounced than the signs and symptoms of hypocalcemia.

When conducting a health history with a female client with thyrotoxicosis, the nurse should ask about which of the following changes in the menstrual cycle? A. Dysmenorrhea B. Metorrhagia C. Oligiomenorrhea D. Menorrhagia

C. Oligiomenorrhea A change in the menstrual interval, diminished menstrual flow or even the absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) may result from the hormonal imbalances of thyrotoxicosis. Oligomenorrhea in women and decreased libido and impotence in men are common features of thyrotoxicaosis. Metorrhagia, blood loss between menstrual periods, is a symptom of hypothyroidism. Menororhagia, excessive bleeding during menstrual periods is a symptom of hypothyroidism.

What is a nursing priority in the care of a patient with a diagnosis of hypothyroidism? A. Providing a dark, low-stimulation environment B. Closely monitoring the patient's intake and output C. Patient teaching related to levothyroxine (Synthroid) D. Patient teaching related to radioactive iodine therapy

C. Patient teaching related to levothyroxine (Synthroid) A euthyroid state is most often achieved in patients with hypothyroidism by the administration of levothyroxine (Synthroid). It is not necessary to carefully monitor intake and output, and low stimulation and radioactive iodine therapy are indicated in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.

A patient has been taking oral prednisone for the past several weeks after having a severe reaction to poison ivy. The nurse has explained the procedure for gradual reduction rather than sudden cessation of the drug. What is the rationale for this approach to drug administration? A. Prevention of hypothyroidism B. Prevention of diabetes insipidus C. Prevention of adrenal insufficiency D. Prevention of cardiovascular complication

C. Prevention of adrenal insufficiency Sudden cessation of corticosteroid therapy can precipitate life-threatening adrenal insufficiency. Diabetes insipidus, hypothyroidism, and cardiovascular complications are not common consequences of suddenly stopping corticosteroid therapy.

The nurse should teach the client with Graves' disease to prevent corneal irritation from mild exophthalmos by: A. Massaging the eyes at regular intervals B. Instilling an opthalmic anesthetic as prescribed C. Wearing dark-colored glasses D. Covering both eyes with moistened gauze pads

C. Wearing dark-colored glasses Treatement of mild opthamopathy that may accompany thyrotoxicosis includes measures such as wearing sunglasses to protect the eyes from corneal irritation. In exopthalmos, the retrobulbar connective tissues and extraocular muscle volume are expanded because of fluid retention. The pressure is also increased.

An important preoperative nursing intervention before an adrenalectomy for hyperaldosteronism is to A. monitor blood glucose levels B. restrict fluid and sodium intake C. administer postassium-sparing diuretics D. advise the patient to make postural changes slowly

C. administer postassium-sparing diurectics

A patient with a head injury develops SIADH. Manifestations the nurse would expect to find include A. hypernatremia and edema B. muscle spasticity and hypertension C. low urine output and hyponatremia D. weight gain and decreased glomerular filtration rate

C. low urine output and hyponatremia

A client with Graves' disease is treated with radioactive iodine (RAI) in the form of sodium iodide 131. Which of the following statements by the nurse will explain to the client how the drug works? A. "The RAI stabilizes the thyroid hormone levels before a thyroidectomy." B. "The RAI reduces uptake of thyroxine and thereby improves your condition." C. "The RAI lowers the levels of thyroid hormones by slowing your body's production of them." D. "The RAI destroys thyroid tissue so that thyroid hormones are no longer produced."

D. "The RAI destroyus thyroid tissue so that thyroid hormones are no longer produced." Sodium iodide 131 destroys the thyroid follicular cells and thyroid hormones are no longer produced. RAI is commonly recommended for clients with Graves' disease, especially the elderly. The treatment results in a "medical thyroidectomy." RAI is given in lieu of surgery, not before surgery. RAI does not reduce uptake of thyroxine. The outcome of giving RAI is the destruction of the thyroid follicular cells. It is impossible to slow the production of thyroid hormones with RAI

A patient with a severe pounding headache has been diagnosed with hypertension. However, the hypertension is not responding to traditional treatment. What should the nurse expect as the next step in management of this patient? A. Administration of β-blocker medications B. Abdominal palpation to search for a tumor C. Administration of potassium-sparing diuretics D. A 24-hour urine collection for fractionated metanephrines

D. A 24 hour urine collection for fractionated metanephrines Pheochromocytoma should be suspected when hypertension does not respond to traditional treatment. The 24-hour urine collection for fractionated metanephrines is simple and reliable with elevated values in 95% of people with pheochromocytoma. In a patient with pheochromocytoma preoperatively an α-adrenergic receptor blocker is used to reduce BP. Abdominal palpation is avoided to avoid a sudden release of catecholamines and severe hypertension. Potassium-sparing diuretics are not needed. Most likely they would be used for hyperaldosteronism, which is another cause of hypertension.

The nurse should monitor for increases in which laboratory value for the patient as a result of being treated with dexamethasone (Decadron)? A. Sodium B. Calcium C. Potassium D. Blood glucose

D. Blood Glucose Hyperglycemia or increased blood glucose level is an adverse effect of corticosteroid therapy. Sodium, calcium, and potassium levels are not directly affected by dexamethasone.

After thyroid surgery, the nurse suspects damage or removal of the parathyroid glands when the patient develops A. muscle weakness and weight loss B. hyperthermia and severe tachycardia C. hyptertension and difficulty swallowing D. laryngospasms and tingling in the hands and feet

D. Laryngospasms and tingling in the hands and feet

The patient with an adrenal hyperplasia is returning from surgery for an adrenalectomy. For what immediate postoperative risk should the nurse plan to monitor the patient? A. Vomiting B. Infection C. Thomboembolism D. Rapid BP change

D. Rapid BP Change The risk of hemorrhage is increased with surgery on the adrenal glands as well as large amounts of hormones being released in the circulation, which may produce hypertension and cause fluid and electrolyte imbalances to occur for the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery. Vomiting, infection, and thromboembolism may occur postoperatively with any surgery.

A 50-year-old female patient smokes, is getting a divorce, and is reporting eye problems. On assessment of this patient, the nurse notes exophthalmos. What other abnormal assessments should the nurse expect to find in this patient? A. Puffy face, decreased sweating, and dry hair B. Muscle aches and pains and slow movements C. Decreased appetite, increased thirst, and pallor D. Systolic hypertension and increased heart rate

D. Systolic hypertension and increased heart rate The patient's manifestations point to Graves' disease or hyperthyroidism, which would also include systolic hypertension and increased heart rate and increased thirst. Puffy face, decreased sweating; dry, coarse hair; muscle aches and pains and slow movements; decreased appetite and pallor are all manifestations of hypothyroidism.

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