Energy 101 Final Exam

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What is the typical marginal cost of renewables on the grid?


The power sector is responsible for approximately how much value-added economic activity?

$2 Trillion

Approximately how many vehicles were damaged beyond repair during Hurricane Harvey in 2017?

1 million

US residents consume how much energy in the form of food per year just to stay alive?

1 quad

A nutritional calorie contains how many thermal calories?


A typical cubic foot of natural gas has how much energy?

1,000 BTU

What is the total installed capacity of US power plants?

1,000 GW

How many BTU are in a MMBTU?


About how many pounds of food does an average US household waste per day?


Approximately how many people lost power in Texas during Winter Storm Uri?

10 million

The CO2 concentration of the flue gas at a power plant can be between __ and ___.

10%, 15%

The US consumes about how many quads in a year?


What is the median age of cars on the road in the US?

11 years

Approximately how many people in Texas were impacted by boil water notices during Winter Storm Uri?

14 million

Category 5 hurricanes can sustain wind speeds equal to or greater than ____.

157 mph

About how much of our national energy budget is embedded in US food waste each year?


How much of the global water supply is freshwater?


A typical ton of coal has how much energy?


Globally, humankind requires how much energy in the form of food per year just to stay alive?

20 quads

Approximately how many people lost their lives during the 2010 earthquake in Haiti?


Approximately what percentage of raw materials becomes part of long lasting products such as buildings and infrastructure?


As of 2020, China's carbon emissions accounted for approximately what percentage of overall emissions?


Approximately how many homes and commercial buildings were severely damaged or collapsed as a result of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti?


About how many miles are driven by LDVs each year in the US?

3 trillion

Cities make up what percentage of land surface?


Preindustrial CO2 concentrations were below ____, today they are above _____.

300ppm, 400ppm

The US produces about how much electricity a year?

4 TWh

About how much electricity does the US produce each year?

4,000 TWh

About how much trash is produced per person per day in the US?

4.4 lbs

During the peak of the pandemic, what percentage of US workers worked remotely?


How many gallons are in a blue barrel


A barrel of oil contains _____ gallons, and produces _____ gallons of product.

42, 44

A typical barrel of petroleum has how much energy?


About _____ of energy consumed each year in the US is lost as waste heat.


The average Texan consumes how much more energy than the US average?


How many people lost power during the 2012 blackout in India?

600 million

What percentage of all carbon emissions are attributable to cities?


How many hours are there in a typical year?


A 1GW power plant running for a year produces how much energy?

8,760 GWh

Referring to biofuels, what does E85 indicate?

85% ethanol, 15% gasoline from petroleum

Fracking fluid is typically ___% water and proppant and ____% chemicals and additives.

98, 2

What is a typical efficiency of a hydroelectric power plant?


Why do environmentalists criticize a carbon tax?

A carbon tax ignores emissions

Why did grid operators choose AC over DC?

AC is more convenient for distribution because voltage can more easily be stepped up or down.

Which of the following types of pollution are associated with natural gas flaring?

Air, Light, Noise

Why is electricity such a valuable fuel?

All of these reasons

less than 1% of the global coal reserves is ____ coal.


Order the ranks of coal from highest to lowest carbon content.

Anthracite, Bituminous, Subbituminous, Lignite

What is an 'energy vampire?'

Appliance or device that uses power if it is plugged in even when it is turned off

In a truly circular economy, how are waste streams handled?

As inputs for another process

Which electric vehicle type does not have a fuel tank?


Which of the following is not a benefit of nuclear power?

Because all of it is captured, nuclear waste is easy to handle and manage.

What does BECCS stand for?

Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration

Hydrogen produced by SMR where CO2 is captured and stored is called ____ hydrogen.


Nikola Tesla worked for _____.

Both Edison and Westinghouse

What cycle burns fuel and uses the high-temperature gases to directly spin a turbine?


Which power cycle does this diagram illustrate?


What is the reference gas used when discussing global warming potential?


Scientific consensus exists around which of the following facts?

CO2 traps heat., CO2 levels have increased since the Second Industrial Revolution., The source of new CO2 is primarily from fossil fuel combustion.

Which country is the largest exporter of oil AND gas to the US?


Rank the lighting technology in terms of efficiency from lowest to highest.

Candle, Incandescent light bulb, Compact florescent light bulb (CFL), Light-emitting diode (LED) light bulb

What does CCS stand for?

Carbon Capture and Sequestration

Which of the following statements correctly explains why carbon emissions have risen over time?

Carbon emissions per unit of energy have decreased steadily while overall energy consumption has increased.

Land that is ____ and ____ is favorable for wind farm construction.

Cheap, Flat

The world's largest wind energy consumer is _____.


What country recently overtook the US as the largest vehicle market in the world?


The steelmaking and cement-making industries use ___ as a source of heat and carbon.


Which of the following is not a downside of coal?

Coal imports are a national security concern.

Which of the following is not an advantage of coal?

Coal is relatively clean compared to other fossil fuels.

What cycle is the most efficient?

Combined Cycle

Which of the following is not a benefit of waste to energy?

Combustion of waste is considered clean.

Rank these energy technologies in order from oldest to newest.

Combustion turbine, Gasoline engine, Solar panel, Steam turbine, Wind turbine, Diesel engine

What process is depicted in this picture?

Concentrated solar power (CSP)

Which of the following are solar technology?

Concentrated solar power (CSP), Photovoltaic (PV), Solar thermal

Who or what authorizes and allocates the entire national budget?


Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse fought with each other in "The War of _____."


What US agency is the single largest consumer of energy in the world?


Which of the following is a drawback of global biodiesel production?

Deforestation in Malaysia and Indonesia

What is a benefit of de-regulated electricity prices?

Deregulated electricity pricing might be better at balancing the grid and inspiring conservation

Which of the following is NOT an example of energy conservation?

Designing a more energy efficient washing machine

Which engine uses compression to ignite its fuel?

Diesel engine

Which terms describe geothermal power production cycles?

Dry Steam, Binary Cycle, Flash Steam

Which of the following is a drawback of electric transportation?

Electric vehicles increase the dependence on rare minerals., Electric vehicles require extended charging times., Electric charging infrastructure is not as extensive as gasoline.

What does EIA stand for?

Energy Information Administration

Which of the following is not an advantage of ethanol over petroleum fuels?

Ethanol can improve fuel efficiency.

"Peak shaving" moves the electric demand peak from one time of day to another.


"Renewable energy" and "sustainable energy" mean the same thing.


238U makes up less than 1% of naturally occurring uranium.


A Smart Grid is just an electric grid that uses smart meters.


Academia and industry always use the same energy units.


Advanced-performance octanes in gasoline are the only hydrocarbons to not emit CO2 and water vapor during combustion.


All states allow wastewater injection.


As opposed to hydroelectric dams, wind turbines convert kinetic energy directly to electrical energy.


As technology develops, producers will eventually be able to extract 100% of the petroleum in the earth's crust.


At present, US nuclear power plants store waste in a federal repository.


Baseload power plants tend to have low capacity factors.


Biomass has a higher energy density than coal.


Buses and motorcycles collectively consume about 75% of energy in the transportation sector.


CO2 levels in the atmosphere stay fairly constant throughout a year.


Cap-and-trade has been successfully demonstrated for reducing carbon emissions.


Capital costs for advanced light bulbs are steadily increasing.


Carbon taxes fix emissions but ignore prices.


Closed loop cooling towers withdraw more water, but consume less compared with open loop cooling.


Coal can be used in the Rankine or Brayton cycles.


Coastal and offshore wind locations are inaccessible for power generation.


Demand for electricity dropped dramatically in areas with lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Desalination capacity is not expected to change in the near future.


Dirty gas has high sulfur content, lowering the quality and usefulness.


EISA 2007 banned the use of incandescent light bulbs


Electric vehicles have a low carbon life cycle.


Electric vehicles will reduce our overall dependence on foreign suppliers in the transportation sector.


Electricity demand is generally stable throughout the course of a year.


Electricity is cheaper per MMBTU than other fuels but more expensive to use overall.


Energy content is the only reason we choose what foods to eat.


Energy costs in Europe are much higher than in the United States, but their economies are less successful


Energy inequities are basically defined by per capita energy usage.


Ethanol is easy to transport in conventional pipelines.


Even though it's clean at its point of extraction, natural gas has a negative life-cycle impact on the environment.


Extreme events are always due to weather or geology.


Foreign oil has historically been more expensive than domestic resources.


Fuel costs are a high percentage of costs for nuclear generation compared to fossil fuels like coal and natural gas.


Gas prices have no effect on consumer vehicle purchasing.


Generally speaking, building codes are stricter in the United States than Germany or France.


Generally, nuclear has low capital costs but high operational costs.


Generally, we need separate, individual policies for energy and water conservation.


Geothermal energy exists only near volcanic regions.


Geothermal sites are proven to play out over time because of leaks.


Heating and cooling degree days are based on a comfort level of about 60-70 degrees celsius.


Heavy, sour crude sells for a lower price in the market and is thus used as a price benchmark.


Higher Heat Rates correspond to higher efficiency at a power plant.


Households consume much more energy from electricity than on-site natural gas.


Humans are the only species that uses tools.


Hydroelectric dams are sustainable.


Hydroelectric power has negligible water losses.


Hydroelectric power is carbon neutral.


Hydroelectric power plants do not use turbines.


Hydroelectric power production has plateaued because wind and solar became more popular.


Hydrogen does not require water to produce.


In 2008, the US alone consumed 100 quads, 5% of global energy consumption at the time.


In 2012, natural gas generated as much electricity as nuclear for the first time in history.


It is cheaper to extract petroleum from shale formations in the US than to extract crude oil in Saudi Arabia.


It is expected in a post-pandemic world that remote work will return to its pre-pandemic levels.


It takes a large shift in carbon fluxes to have any tangible effect on our ecosystems.


Many believe another energy transition is far off.


Many sites of renewable generation are ill-suited to dual use.


Market externalities are only environmental.


Maximizing the number of individual conversions is beneficial for overall system efficiency.


Methane has a higher GWP over 100 years than over 20.


Modern refineries have lower capacity per site.


More coal is traded internationally than oil.


Most annual US greenhouse gas emissions come from methane due to enteric fermentation and natural gas leaks.


Most of the waste produced per capita is composted or recycled.


Most power plants are black-start capable.


Most residential electricity is used for refrigeration.


Most residential electricity is used for space cooling.


Most transmission lines are underground.


Natural gas production is geographically well matched with consumption.


Natural gas-powered vehicles are cheaper to buy but more expensive to operate over time.


Natural gas-powered vehicles require a different drivetrain than conventional vehicles.


Net-zero is synonymous with zero emissions.


Nuclear energy use is split between the electric power sector and the industrial sector.


Nuclear plant performance tends to decrease over time.


Oil & gas prices have never been regulated.


Oil is the only form of energy that impacts water quality.


Once the desired capacity is met, grid operators pay each power plant the respective prices they bid.


One of the primary roadblocks to displacing fossil fuels is the massive amounts of existing fossil fuel infrastructure in the energy sector.


Over half of the world's population live on farms.


Over half the world population does not use the internet


Overall, nuclear power produces more solid waste than coal in the US.


Petroleum is mostly used for the electric power sector.


Petroleum is no longer used in the US as a fuel for power generation.


Plant lifetime does not matter for the profitability of a power plant.


Power to the grid can be restored relatively quickly after an outage, turning all the plants back on at once.


Predictions about the future of energy consumption are easy to make and usually correct


Radiative forcing describes the ability of a greenhouse gas to reflect heat.


Scientific projections suggest hurricanes will get stronger but come with less rainfall.


Scientists unanimously agree on the science of climate change.


Scope 1 emissions are indirect emissions from owned or controlled sources


Since the 1970s, refrigerators have gotten larger, more efficient, and more expensive.


Smart meters are advantageous because they require no change to existing software at utilities.


Smart meters are only beneficial for the consumer.


Solar thermal is a modern technology.


Switching from coal to natural gas in the power sector reduces overall lifecycle CO2 emissions.


Texas has the highest per-capita energy consumption in the US.


The Brayton Cycle uses a steam turbine.


The European grid operates at a higher frequency than the US.


The First Law of Thermodynamics says disorder in a system always increases.


The RPS is a federal mandate for renewable electricity generation.


The US consumes more diesel than gasoline for transportation.


The US consumes more nuclear energy than all renewables combined.


The US currently uses a cap-and-trade system to manage carbon emissions.


The US gets more energy from geothermal than from wood.


The US government energy research and development budget is relatively big compared to other industries.


The US has a target to end sale of new internal combustion automobiles in the coming years.


The US has the highest vehicle density (vehicles per population) in the world.


The US leads the world in vehicle fuel economy standards.


The US takes a relatively relaxed approach to the protection of intellectual property compared to the rest of the world.


The United States uses the closed cycle for nuclear power while France uses the open cycle.


The built environment is primarily composed of buildings in the manufacturing sector.


The carnot efficiency is one minus the hot temperature over the cold temperature.


The dry steam method of geothermal power production does not require a turbine.


The electricity produced each year is split between only the residential, industrial, and transportation sectors.


The global economy consumes most of its energy today through a wide variety of new technologies.


The global market determines the price of natural gas.


The inequities between who has access to energy and who suffers the environmental impacts from the energy system are minimal.


The president sets governmental energy policy for their tenure during the state of the union address.


The primary responsibility of the Department of Energy is to work on energy-related issues.


The question "Paper or Plastic bag?" is an illustrative example of energy security.


The rise and fall of many civilizations tend to be based on big decisions.


The sources of US coal production have gradually shifted westward for cost reasons.


The specific types of coal are determined based only on geological age.


The specific types of coal are determined based only on whether the deposits developed in salt or freshwater.


The use of natural gas in buses and trucks is declining.


There are more transmission lines than distribution.


There is no large-scale desalination plant currently operating in the US.


There is political consensus in the United States that urgent action should be taken to combat climate change.


Thermal energy is essentially mechanical energy at the molecular level.


Transmission lines don't affect overall efficiencies because they incur no losses.


US imports of petroleum and natural gas products have been steadily increasing since 2012.


US stakeholders easily reach consensus on the direction of energy policy.


Unconventional fossil fuels have led to the coupling of domestic oil and gas prices.


Wastewater cannot be treated to potable standards anywhere in the world.


We are currently deciding whether or not to undergo an energy transition.


Wind and solar energy provide baseload power.


Wind resources are evenly distributed around the US.


______ are often directly negatively affected by the environmental impacts of nearby plant or manufacturing facilities.

Fenceline communities

Prior to the pandemic, what percentage of US workers consistently worked remotely?

Fewer than 6%

Which of the following is not a water-related risk associated with hydraulic fracturing?

Flooding due to equipment malfunction.

What are the three main components of fracking wastewater?

Flowback water, Produced water, Drilling mud

The modern era can be defined by its dependence on what energy source?

Fossil Fuels

Which country produces the greatest percentage of their electricity from nuclear power?


Which of the following is not a form of energy?


The 2011 incident at what nuclear plant prompted many to declare the end of nuclear power?


Which of the following are effective US policy levers? (mark all that apply)

Funding innovation, Protecting intellectual property, Setting standards

Which of the following is not an alternative transportation fuel?

Gasified bitumen

Which country leads the world in installed solar PV capacity?


Arrange these locations by their photovoltaic solar resources from lowest to highest.

Germany, Alaska, Spain, Hawaii, Mainland US

States in this/these region(s) of the US are generally the most impacted by hurricanes.

Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean

Which electric vehicle type does not draw electricity from the grid?


Consumers prefer petroleum-based fuels because they ______ and ______.

Have high performance characteristics, are flexible compared to other fuels

Which of the following is not used as a benchmark price for oil?

Henry Hub

What is the downside of the phrase "humans are the only species that deliberately converts energy between forms?"

Humans are the only species that deliberately pollutes.

Which of the following is NOT a way people have attempted to distinguish humankind from other species?

Humans are the only species with a double helix DNA structure.

What is a primary reason hybrid vehicles are expensive to manufacture?

Hybrids require multiple parts for their parallel drivetrains.

What power plants tend to have the longest lifetimes?


What cycle uses solid fuels like coal more efficiently than a simple steam cycle?


What is the major function of the EPA?

Implementing and executing laws protecting the environment

What differentiates the closed cycle from the open cycle in nuclear generation?

In the closed cycle, producers recycle waste into usable fuel.

What causes the majority of blackouts on the grid?

Inclement weather

What sector pays the lowest price for electricity?


How is the market clearing price of electricity determined?

It is based on the marginal price of the last (most expensive) power plant dispatched.

Which of the following is not a biomass solid?


Using power wheels to saw wood, grind grain, and polish glass are examples of harnessing what kind of energy?


Approximately what percentage of materials used globally were sourced from previous products (i.e., reused or recycled material)?

Less than 10%

Electric vehicles can help with "load leveling," which refers to what?

Leveling out the difference between peak and off-peak demand by charging vehicles overnight.

Which class of vehicles consumes the most energy?

Light trucks

Brown coal is another name for what rank of coal?


What unit is used to measure crude oil consumption/production?


What are units of energy intensity?


What concerns about electricity supply might smart grids not be able to address?

Managing fuel reserves at power plants

What is the major function of the USDA?

Managing our national agricultural system

Why did overall coal production/consumption in the US began declining in 2010?

Market share lost to renewables and natural gas, and tightening environmental standards

What is the primary component of natural gas?


Match the oil sector and its activities.

Midstream Transportation and storage Upstream Exploration and production Downstream Refining and distribution

Between 2006 and 2012, predictions for the US shifted dramatically from becoming a net importer to net exporter of what fuel?

Natural Gas

Decarbonizing the electric grid can be done with a variety of technologies or fuels except _____.

Natural Gas

During cold weather in the US, competition between the power and residential/commercial sectors unfolds over which fuel?

Natural gas

What fuel is displacing coal as the dominant source of electricity?

Natural gas

Which of the following is not a benefit of natural gas?

Natural gas extraction is easy with low environmental impact.

Which of the following is not a drawback of natural gas?

Natural gas is relatively dirty compared to other fossil fuels.

Match the natural gas description with the physical characteristic:

Natural gas liquids (NGL) wet/dry Carbon dioxide (CO2) dirty/clean Sulfur (S) sour/sweet

CNG stands for _____.

Natural gas pipeline coverage

What is renewable natural gas (RNG)?

Natural gas produced from anaerobic decomposition

What power plants tend to have the lowest CAPEX costs?

Natural gas turbines

What does this picture depict?

Natural geothermal steam vents

A small slice of the output from nuclear generation is used for what?

Navy submarines and aircraft carriers

Overall, the large majority of energy research and development for the past few decades has focused on what?

New technologies and supplies

Which of the following is not a concern related to energy?

None of the above

What power plants tend to have the largest CAPEX costs?


Which of the following is a benefit of electric transportation?

Overall operating costs of electric vehicles are low compared to gasoline-powered vehicles., Electric vehicle motors are more efficient than internal-combustion engines., Electric vehicles can be charged at night so electric demand can be met without adding new capacity.

What is an advantage of Solar PV?

PV panels contain no moving parts

What is the dominant fuel source in the US today?


Which solar technology produces electricity directly?

Photovoltaic (PV)

What is a benefit of regulated electricity prices?

Prices can be set to achieve social priorities

A material's thermal resistance is denoted by its _____.


What cycle is used to produce the greatest portion of electricity?


What cycle uses heat from combustion to generate steam that spins a turbine?


A combined cycle is comprised of which two cycles?

Rankine, Brayton

What sector pays the highest price for electricity?


Which sector consumes the most electricity?


Natural gas consumption is split roughly in thirds between which three sectors?

Residential/Commercial, Industry, Electric Power

What pollutant is a precursor for acid rain?


What is a downside of installing pollutant scrubbers at power plants?

Scrubbing technologies take up valuable space at power plants., Scrubbing technologies can leave behind piles of potentially dangerous solids., Scrubbing technologies require energy to operate, making them a parasitic load.

What is not a benefit of smaller dams?

Smaller dams are more efficient than larger dams

Which of the following is not able to supply baseload power?


Which of the following is an invention that is a defining marker of the Industrial Revolution?

Steam Engine

Which of the following is not a benefit of energy storage?

Storage has minimal energy losses.

Coal production has moved west because Western coal has less ___ than Eastern coal.


What constituent of petroleum acts as both a lubricating agent, aiding engine performance, and as a pollution precursor when emitted during combustion?


What is the downside to sulfur restrictions in fuel?

Sulfur is a lubricating agent, so engines must be adjusted to accommodate low-sulfur fuel.

'Removing the mountain from the coal' describes what method of coal mining?


The US extracts most of its coal by ____ mining.


Management of what remains one of the main challenges for the oil sands mining industry?

Tailing Ponds

The wind corridor of the US extends from North Dakota to _______.


Which state leads the US in total energy consumption?


What are the three major grids in the US?

Texas, West, East

Which of the following is not a reason producers flare natural gas?

The CO₂ can be captured and used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

Where are most of the US geothermal reserves located?

The Mountain West

Which of the following is not a drawback of hydroelectric power?

The conversion of kinetic to electric energy is a complicated, multi-step process.

Which of the following is evidence that fossil fuels are the primary source of CO2 emissions?

The dominant isotope of CO2 has shifted towards one consistent with the combustion of fossil fuels., The atmospheric concentration of CO2 is consistent with the total, cumulative amount of fossil fuels burned since the industrial revolution, accounting for take up from the oceans.

What do the CAFE standards set?

The minimum fleet-wide fuel economy for vehicle manufacturers

What sparked the shift away from using oil for power production in the US?

The oil crises of the 1970s

Which of the following is not a benefit of geothermal energy?

The price of geothermal energy is fairly constant between locations.

Why did oil not become the dominant fuel until the 1900s?

The rise of internal combustion engines in the 1900s made oil popular.

What 2008 turning point in natural gas production does the figure below show?

The shale revolution

Why is the SPR often criticized? (mark all that apply)

The stockpile distorts the market when the government buys/sells oil, There is no consistent policy dictating when to use the SPR

Why are US environmental groups opposed waste-to-energy plants?

They are concerned about emissions.

Why was a carbon cap-and-trade system unsuccessful in the EU?

They issued too many carbon credits, causing prices to collapse

In terms of capacity, what is the largest hydroelectric dam in the world?

Three Gorges Dam

Mercaptan (SH4) is often added to natural gas for what purpose?

To add an odor that warns against leaks.

What is the major function of the EIA?

Tracking the nation's energy consumption and supply

What device is used to step voltage up and down on the grid?


Which of the following is not a feature of an energy transition?

Transitions coincide with political transitions

"Power density" refers to power per unit volume.


'Tight oil' is considered by industry to refer to both solid oil shale and liquids in oil shale formations.


A good rule of thumb to estimate transmission line costs is $1 million per mile.


A tighter building envelope can deteriorate air quality.


A very small fraction of cars and trucks contribute a majority of the air pollution in the US.


AC current is easier to step up and down than DC current, making it more convenient for transmission.


Air conditioners are almost always powered by electricity.


All 254 counties in Texas were impacted by Winter Storm Uri at the same time in 2021.


All forms of bioenergy start with biomass.


An energy transition is defined as a significant shift in the energy mix


An increase in US production of ethanol affects jungles in Brazil.


Approximately 11% of the world population is undernourished


Areas with volcanic activity often have geothermal resources at shallow depths nearby.


As countries get wealthier, they typically choose cleaner energy sources.


At least 8% of US national energy consumption is embedded in the food system.


Biodiesel is less prone to food-versus-fuel debates than corn ethanol.


Bioenergy can also be sustainable energy.


Both biofuels and wind have received governmental support.


CO2 has a global warming potential of 1.


Capacity factor is the ratio of actual electricity produced per year to total possible electricity that could be produced per year if the plant were constantly running.


Changing society's relationship with energy might benefit society as a whole.


Civilization is a lot more fragile than many realize.


Coal is good for national security and the economy, but generally bad for the environment.


Conserving water conserves energy.


Decarbonization is an overall trend of civilization.


Direct current is very efficient for long-haul transmission.


Droughts can materially impact the energy system


Droughts can reduce power generation at hydroelectric dams.


Electric cars exacerbate the shortage of funding for transportation infrastructure maintenance.


Electric resistance heaters can have efficiencies of over 99%.


Electric vehicles can be used as energy storage for the grid.


Electric vehicles have better acceleration than gasoline-powered vehicles.


Electric vehicles help centralize transportation emissions.


Energy conservation is primarily about changing people's behaviors.


Extreme weather can disrupt the energy system in a variety of ways.


Fixed costs at a power plant are spent even if the plant is off.


Food is a robust mechanism for storing solar energy.


Fossil fuels all originated as ancient organic material.


Fossil fuels are all chemical energy sources.


Generally, fossil fuels have higher energy densities than other fuels.


Generally, societies electrify over time.


Generally, the richer a country is the more energy it consumes.


Geothermal does not have any direct greenhouse gas emissions.


Geothermal energy can be used to cool homes.


Geothermal reserves are easier to reach near active faults.


Geothermal sites can play out after time.


Greenhouse gas emissions can have a net warming or cooling effect in the atmosphere.


Heavy electrification has the added benefit of removing point source pollutions.


Humans are the only species that purposefully converts energy between forms.


Hydroelectric plants are usually black-start capable.


Hydroelectric power is zero-emission at point of generation.


Hydroelectric power plants rank as the largest power plants in the world in both capacity and area.


Hydroelectric turbines are more efficient than steam turbines.


IGCC plants convert solid fuels directly into gas.


If estimates are correct, current coal reserves should last for several hundred more years at our present level of usage.


Improving efficiency can in some cases increase consumption.


In a regulated market system, the consumer electricity price is set and does not change with demand or fuel costs.


In contrast to inland wind, solar energy availability aligns well with seasonal demand.


In general, biofuels require more water to produce than fossil-fuel based transportation fuels.


In general, food production requires more energy than food transportation.


In general, wealthier countries have higher per-capita energy consumption.


In some situations, locally produced food is more energy- and carbon-intense than sourced food.


Light bulb efficiency is measured by comparing light output to power consumption.


Low-income households spend a significantly larger potion of their earnings on energy bills than non-low-income households.


Many leading corporations have pledged to decarbonize their businesses and supply chains


Mass evacuations require a lot of energy.


Modern day trains use diesel engines to produce electricity for a motor.


Most industrial customers prefer light, sweet crude.


Most new hydroelectric power is projected to be built in developing countries.


National peak demand in the summer is driven by Southern air conditioning.


Natural gas can sometimes be cheaper than coal on the dispatch curve.


Natural gas is the cleanest of the fossil fuels.


Natural gas leaks are an environmental and safety concern.


Natural gas marginal prices tend to fluctuate significantly.


Natural gas plants emit less SOX than coal per MWh of electricity produced.


Natural gas usage is closely correlated to economic growth.


Net-zero is synonymous with carbon neutral.


Nuclear energy is considered a baseload power source.


Nuclear power has an excellent safety record overall.


Nuclear power plants generate electricity using a turbine.


Nuclear reactors convert mass into energy.


OECD membership most notably excludes China and India.


Oceans are dramatically slowing the effects of climate change.


On top of life lost and damages, there is significant loss of productivity and revenue during hurricane disasters.


Passive heating and cooling using geothermal energy are cost effective in more temperate climates.


Petroleum and petroleum products can be piped thousands of miles without losing their molecular attributes.


Power plants can be closed because cooling water is too cold.


Power plants can be closed because cooling water is too hot.


Power plants can degrade water quality through thermal pollution.


Power plants consume about 5% of the electricity they make.


Producers usually combust sources of bioenergy in their original form.


Reducing emissions by 80-90% in most decarbonization pathways is fairly straightforward.


Renewable energy is often very land intensive


Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy.


Shale formations have very low permeability.


Since 2008, natural gas prices in North America are decoupled from prices in other markets.


Smart meters could be used to help consumers reduce their energy usage.


Solar energy aligns well with peak demand in warm climates.


Solar panels actually perform better in snowy conditions because of additional reflected sunlight.


Solar panels with efficiencies of 40% exist, but have not yet made it to market.


Solar thermal is simply a radiant to thermal energy conversion.


Some hydroelectric power plants do not need a catchment or reservoir to store water.


Sustainability goes beyond over-consumption of limited resources and encompasses refraining from over-taxing nature's sinks for our waste streams as well.


Temperature is an indirect proxy measurement for molecular motion.


Texas has its own grid.


Texas leads the US for total installed wind power.


The 'Blend Wall' refers to the maximum volume of biofuel that can be blended into gasoline before it starts causing problems.


The Itaipu Dam is the largest source of renewable electricity in the world.


The National Energy Act of 1978 banned the use of natural gas in new power plants.


The Rankine Cycle uses a steam turbine.


The US has the world's largest coal reserves.


The amount of energy consumed annually in the USA for water services is greater than the amount consumed for lighting.


The built environment uses both primary and secondary energy.


The economies of some countries depend heavily on oil and gas exports.


The environmental costs of coal vary by power plant.


The fuel mix in the power sector is diverse and not reliant on one primary source.


The government's ability to set standards is defined in the Constitution.


The higher the rank of coal the lower the moisture content.


The investment tax credit is based on investment in capital equipment rather than generation.


The largest fluxes of water in the hydrologic cycle are evaporation and precipitation over the ocean.


The majority of electricity is used to operate electric motors.


The mix of refining products from a barrel of crude oil differ across oil fields and refineries.


The most recent energy trends have featured significant diversification.


The oldest form of geothermal power production is the dry steam cycle.


The projections for US annual energy consumption have been trending downward in recent years


The rebound effect is real but the magnitude of it can vary depending on the situation.


The second law of thermodynamics implies air pollution is the hardest to clean up.


The second law of thermodynamics means that global fossil fuel resources will decline.


The slow decision-making timeline for governmental agencies shields consumers from price volatility.


The so-called 'oil problem' is really a transportation problem.


The sun is the source of fossil fuel energy.


There are many possible pathways to decarbonization.


There is a lack of funding for transportation infrastructure maintenance in the US in part because gasoline taxes have remained constant over the past decades.


There is such a thing as a 'fish-friendly' turbine.


Today's cars are more efficient, more powerful, safer, and more comfortable than cars from prior decades.


Today's refineries can handle more complicated crude sources, like Canadian tar sands.


Today, oil wells produce gas and gas wells produce liquids.


Too many wind turbines in one location can disrupt wind patterns.


Transportation fuels are becoming more water intensive.


Trees are a nature-based approach to CO2 sequestration.


Typhoons and cyclones are synonyms for hurricane used in other regions of the world.


US markets are very efficient at setting prices and selecting fuels.


US solar resources exceed those of Europe.


Underground mining presents a trade-off between decreased environmental impact and high cost.


Using electricity for transportation completely displaces petroleum with whatever was used to make the electricity.


Using geothermal energy for heating or cooling a home can change the temperature of the reservoir over time.


Volcanic eruptions can result in a temporary cooling effect felt around the world.


Voltage equals current times resistance.


Waste is considered a renewable resource.


Waste-to-energy is more common in Europe than the US.


Westinghouse wanted an AC grid while Edison wanted a DC grid.


Wind energy producers prefer tall turbines.


Wind generation is generally mismatched with electricity demand.


Wind power generation requires no water.


Wind power is zero-emission at point of generation.


Wind power makes up the largest portion of renewable power generation in the US.


Wind power receives the largest subsidies per unit of useful energy generated.


Wind speeds are much higher on mountain ridges, but transmission is too difficult to make wind power generation viable.


Wind turbine power generation depends on air density as well as speed.


Wind turbines at lower altitudes along the coast can produce more energy than turbines at higher altitudes on mountains.


Winter Storm Uri likely created the largest boil water notice event in US history.


With respect to the PTC, the more electricity generated, the greater the tax credit.


Within current research, there is no strong causal relationship between hydraulic fracturing and induced seismicity (earthquakes).


Work is measured in the same units as energy.


Over the past 150 years, what country is the largest cumulative emitter of greenhouse gases?


Which country produces the greatest amount of electricity from nuclear power?


What country has the greatest installed geothermal power capacity?

United States

What is the most common fuel for nuclear reactors worldwide?


Energy efficiency is defined as:

Useful Output Energy divided by Total Input Energy

The 'overnight' price of a power plant refers to what?

What someone would pay if the plant were built overnight.

Label the x axis in the plot of wind power below.

Wind Speed

What does this plot depict?

Wind power class

Which of the following is not a trend in wind power production?

Wind power production is moving to the mountains.

Which of the following is not a benefit of wind energy?

Wind power requires little land area.

Sort the dominant fuel source from least to most recent.

Wood, Coal, Oil

A "quad" is _____.

a quadrillion Btu

What does PM10 refer to?

a specific size of particulate matter

Which of the following is a way water constrains the power sector?

all of these

Which of the following is considered an emission?

all of these are considered emissions

Water is used for what purpose in the energy sector?

all of these purposes

"AC" stands for _____.

alternating current

What is the Exxon Valdez incident?

an oil spill

Landfill gas is produced through _____ digestion.


What use are hydroelectric reservoirs not suitable for?


Which of the following are environmental concerns of fracking?

atmospheric dust clouds, well pad prevents rainwater re-adsorption, fugitive methane emissions, groundwater contamination

How is the energy required for climate control in the built environment measured?

average number of heating/cooling degree-days per year

While most appliances are ______, overall electricity consumption is ______.

becoming more efficient, growing

Which of the following food items requires the most energy to produce?


Which of the following is NOT a common renewable fuel used in electric power generation?


Btu stands for _____.

british thermal unit

What metric is conventionally used to measure energy stored in food?


A dispatch curve plots ____ against _____.

capacity, marginal cost

Many people consider energy from combustion of biomass to be _____ neutral.


Coal is classified into four different ranks based on its what?

carbon content

Which of the following is not a historic advantage of fossil fuels?

carbon intensity

What animal helped disprove the theory that our use of tools was the defining characteristic of mankind?


CFL stands for _____.

compact fluorescent light

What does the map below represent?

compressed natural gas

Which of the following does not have a government-set standard in the US?

corn production

CAFE stands for _____.

corporate average fuel economy

What are market externalities?

costs not priced into the market but associated with it

What is the largest variable in the price of a gallon of gasoline in the US?

crude oil

Which of the following is a proxy unit of energy?

cubic ft

Over time, vehicle fatalities have ______ while overall vehicle miles travelled have ______.

declined, increased

Which of the following is a part of the petroleum upstream sector?

developing fields

Grid operators choose which power plants to use based on a ______ .

dispatch curve

For day-to-day energy uses, the consequence of the 2nd law of thermodynamics is that the ____ of an energy conversion is always less than 100%.


The difference between on-site and off-site energy becomes important when considering what?

efficiency losses

Currently, there are two main methods to produce hydrogen: 1) steam methane reforming and 2) _____.


Electrical energy is the movement of what?


Producers often fail to consider what in hydroelectric project development?

end-of-life planning

The manufacturing sector is a large energy consumer. In particular, the ____ industry is the most energy intensive sector.


The second law of thermodynamics states that ___ always ____ in a system.

entropy, increases

What is the biggest cause of death for birds?

feral cats

Presently, all commercial nuclear power reactors rely on nuclear ______, where atoms of nuclear fuel ______.

fission, are split

Which of the following stages of the food supply chain has the highest energy consumption?

food handling

Which of the following is not a potential downside to energy imports?

foreign oil is typically more expensive than domestic oil

What commodity represents the largest components of the global energy market?

fossil fuels

Approximately 81% of annual US CO2e emissions (by mass) can be attributed to what?

fossil-fuel combustion for electricity and transportation

Which of the following stages of electricity production from fossil fuels requires the most land?

fuel extraction/mining

The Heat Rate of a power plant compares ______ with _______.

fuel input, electricity output

What are the units of carbon intensity?


A spark-ignition engine is also known as a ____ engine.


Which of the following has the highest energy density?


Hydroelectric power plants use water to spin a turbine, which rotates a _____ to produce electricity.


In what form is most of our available freshwater?

glaciers and ice caps

CO2-equivalent emissions normalize the _____ of gasses

global warming potential

GWP stands for _____.

global warming potential

What animal helped disprove the theory that our use of language was the defining characteristic of mankind?


Which of the following shows units of carbon intensity?

grams carbon per BTU of energy

The primary forcing function of global climate change is the emission and atmospheric accumulation of _____.

greenhouse gases

What is the name for crude oil with a high viscosity?

heavy oil

Saudi Arabia produces mostly what kind of crude oil?

heavy, sour

Hydroelectric power is a function of _____ and ______.

height, volume

Which of the following would not be considered a characteristic of green energy?

high energy density

Distribution lines carry _____ voltages a _____ distance.

high, long

If market externalities were included, the price of gasoline would be ______.


Newer, more advanced light bulbs trade longer lifetime for what?

higher manufacturing cost

Infrastructure in Haiti should be designed to withstand earthquakes and ______.


Which is not a form of renewable energy that can be captured from the ocean?


Which of the following is not a primary energy source?


Which of the following is not a renewable energy source?


Why are oxides considered dangerous?

if inhaled in large quantities, they can be asphyxiating, they are precursors to other types of pollution, they can travel long distances

Aerobic decomposition occurs ______ , while anaerobic decomposition occurs ______.

in the presence of oxygen, without oxygen present

One famous animal showed that the language gap between humans and other animals is less robust than previously thought by accomplishing what?

inventing words and insults to convey meaning through sign language

The price of oil is _____ the value of the dollar.

inversely correlated to

What is an example of an indirect subsidy?

investing in research and development

Why is PM2.5 considered so dangerous?

it can enter the blood system

A ball rolling down a hill is an example of ____ energy.


LCOE stands for _____.

levelized cost of electricity

LDV stands for _____.

light duty vehicle

LED stands for _____.

light emitting diode

Crude oil with low density and low sulfur content is called ______ , ______ crude.

light, sweet

The US produces mostly what kind of crude oil?

light, sweet

Currently, the world operates in what is effectively a ______ economy: resources are taken from the earth to make products that are disposed of when no longer considered useful.


LNG stands for _____.

liquified natural gas

What does LEU stand for?

low enriched uranium

The drier natural gas is, the ________

lower the non-methane hydrocarbon content

The sweeter natural gas is, the ________

lower the sulfur content

Light bulb efficiency standards implemented in the US in 2007 are based on a metric of:

lumens out per watts of power in

What is the prefix for 1,000,000? (spell it out, e.g. 'Peta' not P)


Which of the following is not included in the price of gasoline?

national security expenses

____ is used as a feedstock as well as a heat source in the Industrial sector.

natural gas

What is associated gas?

natural gas colocated with oil reserves

The government banned the use of _____ in new power plants as a way to _____.

natural gas, save fuel during a shortage

What power plants have the highest capacity factors?


OPEX stands for _____.

operational expenses

Each fossil fuel shares a similar origin as ancient organic matter with stored energy from the sun through _____.


PHEV stands for _____.

plugin hybrid electric vehicle

Oil shale has about the same energy density as _____.


Carbon taxes fix ____ but let the market determine ______.

prices, emissions

What does 'site energy' refer to in the built environment?

primary energy used on-site in buildings

What is water called that comes to the surface of a well while gas is being extracted?

produced water

For a process that involves multiple conversions, overall efficiency is the ___ of all the individual efficiencies?


The sand that holds open fissures in the shale after fracturing is called a _____.


Energy is a _____, Power is a ______.

quantity, rate

All forms of bioenergy start with the conversion of ____ energy to ____ energy.

radiant, chemical

Which of the following does NOT prevent us from achieving an ideal food system?

raw energy availability

The ______ describes the idea that energy efficient appliances/devices are potentially used ____ than their non-energy efficient counterparts.

rebound effect; more

Every country seeks to balance three energy priorities, which of the following is not one of them?

renewable integration

The simple design for hydroelectric power generation typically consists of a _____ behind a dam.


Petroleum _____ denotes the total petroleum in the earth's crust, whereas _____ are a subset of the total and can be classified as proven or unproven.

resources, reserves

What is the most energy intensive water to treat?


How is most of our natural gas produced?

shale gas wells

What is name of the process whereby sand and dirt accumulate behind a hydroelectric dam?


What is the key force driving the hydrologic cycle?

solar energy

SCF stands for _____.

standard cubic foot, standard cubic feet

Which of the following is not an example of harnessing kinetic energy to do mechanical work?

steam engine

Today, the global economy consumes most of its energy through which four technologies?

steam turbine, gasoline engine, diesel engine, gas turbine

Many societies have collapsed because of the coincidence of _____ and _____.

subtle decisions, ecological transitions

Which of the following does not contribute to sea level change?

surface water pumping

For an energy resource to be _____, the rate of consumption must not exceed the rate of renewal.


Coal deposits originate mostly from ___ while natural gas deposits originate from ______.

swamps, the ocean

The volume of products produced from a barrel of crude oil is different from the volume of the barrel due to a phenomenon called _____.


_____ ponds collect water used in mining that has hazardous contaminants.


Canada has large reserves of what unconventional petroleum product?

tar/oil sands

Fossil fuels are made from ancient organic matter being subjected to geological _____ and _____ over millennia.

temperature, pressure

What is the prefix for 1,000,000,000,000? (spell it out, e.g. 'Peta' not P)


What is the primary difference between pressurized and boiling water reactors?

the number of water loops

Which of the following factors did not contribute to slowing the growth of the nuclear industry throughout history?

the scarcity of nuclear fuel

Heat is a form of ____ energy.


____ energy is released when molecules are broken apart during combustion.


What is not a source of bioenergy?

tidal flows

Which of the following is a part of the petroleum midstream sector?

transportation via barge

Exploration and Production (E&P) makes up the ____ sector of the petroleum industry.


At point of use, hydrogen's only byproduct is _______.


Radiant energy moves by _____.


What is the largest source of renewable energy in the US?


Force times distance equals _____.


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