Eng 190

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based on race, color, age, genetics, religion, sex... It is unlawful when: 1) offensive conduct becomes a condition of work environment 2) conduct is severe where environment is hostile, intimidating, abusive

Personal morality

moral beliefs one person holds

Common Morality

moral beliefs shared by almost everyone


number of INDIVIDUALS in the same OCCUPATION voluntarily organized to earn a living be openly SERVING a MORAL IDEA in a morally permissible way beyond what law etc would require

Professional ethics

-the principles of conduct governing an individual -set of standards adopted by professionals as they view themselves

Heinrich's law?

1 major accident = 29 minor accidents = 300 near misses

Quality Control?

1) Actual configurations of a product are compared to a set standard. 2) Performed POST production 3) Feedback mechanism

Engineering practicing at corporations if

1) At least one are director and registered 2) All corporate personnel is registered 3) Corp receives certification

How to be objective and truthful?

1) Be O and T in reports 2) Be competent and know facts before expressing opinion 3) Identify any interested parties on whose half you are expressing interests

Faithful agents/trustees and Conflicts of interests

1) Disclose all conflicts of interest 2)Accept compensation only from the party that supports the project 3)Do not accept outside compensation for YOUR work in firm 4)Do not solicit or accept contracts from a public source where members of the public enterprise also serves in your firm 5)Do not influence decisions about a potential contract to your organization awarded by a public source if you are a consultant to the public source

Bell Labs Recommendations:

1) Engineers pursue individual work 2) Encouraged to study unknown 3) Incentives based on merit 4) Freedom of information

NSPE Professional Obligations

1) Engineers shall be guided in all their relations by the highest standards of honesty and integrity 2) Engineers shall at all times strive to serve the public interest 3) Engineers shall avoid all conduct or practice that deceives the public 4) Engineers shall not disclose, without consent, confidential information concerning the business affairs or technical processes of any present or former client or employer, or public body on which they serve 5) Engineers shall not be influenced in their professional duties by conflicting interests 6) Engineers shall not attempt to obtain employment or advancement or professional engagements by untruthfully criticizing other engineers, or by other improper or questionable methods 7) Engineers shall not attempt to injure, maliciously or falsely, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects, practice, or employment of other engineers. Engineers who believe others are guilty of unethical or illegal practice shall present such information to the proper authority for action 8) Engineers shall accept personal responsibility for their professional activities, provided, however, that engineers may seek indemnification for services arising out of their practice for other than gross negligence, where the engineer's interests cannot otherwise be protected 9) Engineers shall give credit for engineering work to those to whom credit is due, and will recognize the proprietary interests of others

Characteristics of a profession?

1) Extensive period of training, apprenticeship for practical skills, focus on intellectual content 2)We are dependent on knowledge and research of scientists/engineers 3) Professionals have a monopoly on provisions of prof services 4) Control is achieved by schools and accreditation 5) They have a degree of autonomy 6) Regulated by a code of ethics

NSPE Fundamental Cannons

1) Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public. 2) Perform services only in areas of their competence. 3) Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner. 4) Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees. 5) Avoid deceptive acts. 6) Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.

Breaching Ethical in RESEARCH

1) Knowingly falsifying data misleading public 2) Omitting mention of other parties 3) Only selecting agreeable data 4) Ignoring bad data

Discuss Problems. Engineer works for plaintiff. 6 months later on same case gets hired by defendant.

1) NOT OKAY 2) He knows prior info on plaintiff and revealing facts is not allowed 3) cannot accept contributions from two different parties on same case

Discuss Problems. You are hired by US company to work in another country. There is a "special tax" of $50k for the president.

1) Need to consult with attorney and see if this is okay. 2)If it is unethical, do not pay tex

Famous examples of ethical breach

1) Organic Transistor 2) Cloning/ stem cells 3) Bubble fusion 4) Stem cell research 5) Cold fusion

Specifically, the ethics of professional engineers dealing with others need to be considered in the following order of highest to lowest priority:

1) Society and the public 2) The law 3) The engineering profession 4) The engineer's client 5) The engineer's firm 6) Other involved engineers 7) The engineer personally

ABET requirements?

1) Specify minimum curriculum 2) 1 yr of natural/physical sciences 3) Capstone design project

Why care for registration?

1) Unregistered engineer may be in trouble with law 2) Protection against future legislation 3) An opportunity might arise for engineer 4) Courts might not recognize you 5) Promotions/Acceptance 6) Shows technical competence 7) International mobility

How to avoid deceptive acts?

1) do not falsify your QUALIFICATIONS or exaggerate RESPONSIBILITY 2) do not accept CONTRIBUTIONS in order to influence decisions about rewards 3) Do not offer any GIFTS to influence decisions concerning awards to your organizations

Full Disclosure to Clients (requirements)?

1) engineers shall be objective and truthful in reports 2) engineers shall disclose all conflicts of interests 3) engineers shall not falsify qualifications 4) engineers shall be faithful agents to customers 5) DO NOT have to disclose complaints against company unless - future problems and you want to tell - if they ask

Steps of action for landing gear example?

1) verify failure probability 2) check specifications and prob limits 3) refuse to sign and explain to management 4) bring a attention to corp leadership 5) (if needed) notify FAA SAFETY OF PUBLIC (ASME)

An engineering professor with a professional engineering license and 20 years of experience in engineering education is asked to consult on a building design. Can the professor accept this request? A) Yes, but she should review and comment on only those portions of the project in which she is qualified by education and experience. B) Yes, a professor is a subject matter expert and as such should be fully competent to review the design. C) Yes, as a licensed professional engineer, the professor has demonstrated her competence in engineering and may review the design. D) No, there is a tremendous difference between working in academia and having professional experience. The review should be conducted by a practicing engineer.

A 20 years of experience does not necessarily mean that she is fully knowledgeable on all current design procedures and practices. RP 2

An environmental engineer with many years of experience reads a story in the local paper about a proposal being presented to the city council to construct a new sewage treatment plant near a protected wetland area. Based on what is presented in the paper and her professional experience, the engineer suspects that the plant will be very harmful to the local ecosystem. Which of the following would be acceptable for the engineer to do? A) The engineer should contact appropriate agencies to get more data on the project before making any judgment. B) The engineer should write an article in the paper's editorial page urging the council not to approve the project. C) The engineer should circulate a petition to through the community condemning the project, and present the petition to the council. D) The engineer should do nothing because she does not have enough experience in the industry to express a public opinion on the matter.

A PO 2 RP 3

Which of the following acts would normally not be permitted by an engineering code of conduct? A. Revealing facts, data, or other information obtained in a professional capacity without the consent of the client or employer. B. Approving and sealing only those documents and surveys that conform to accepted engineering standards. C. Providing the state board information of a violation of its engineering code of conduct by a registered engineer. D. Undertaking assignments requiring assistance to complete some elements outside your area of expertise.

A PO 4

You are a young engineer hired by a manufacturing firm and asked to go abroad to supervise a construction project for your company in a third world country. Shortly after you arrive you realize that the local contractor for the project is treating the laborers in an unsafe and inhumane manner (this treatment is not illegal in the foreign country). After you complain to your manager you are told that this is the way business is done in this part of the world and if you are to remain competitive you have to accept the way things are. What professional ethics (if any) would require the engineer to do?

A. Do nothing and accept the situation (the company is doing nothing illegal in this country) B Withdraw from the project!!!! C. Report your company to the country's authorities D. Organize the laborers in the foreign country to strike for better working conditions PO 1

Graduate engineer

Accredited major at 4 yr school, not licensed to practice public services

During routine inspections, a field engineer discovers that one of the company's pipelines is leaking hazardous chemicals into the environment. The engineer recommends that the line be shut down so that seals can be replaced and the pipe can be inspected more closely. His supervisor thanks him for his thoroughness, and says that the report will be passed on to the company's maintenance division. The engineer moves on to his next job, assuming things will be taken care of in a timely manner. While working in the area again several months later, the engineer notices that the pipe is still leaking and, in fact, that the problem is getting worse. What should the engineer do? A) Give the matter some more time. In a large corporate environment, it is understandable that some actions may take longer that people would like them to. B) Ask the supervisor to investigate what action has been taken on the matter. C) Personally speak to the director of maintenance and insists that this project be given the highest priority. D) Report the company to the EPA for allowing the situation to worsen without taking any preventive measures.

B To go outside the company or even over the head of the supervisor would be premature without more information. The engineer should ask his supervisor to look into the issue,

You are a city engineer in charge of receiving and evaluating bids on behalf of the Davis city council. A contractor submits a bid along with two tickets to the Giants ball game with a note of appreciation and thanks you for considering his bid. The bid from this contractor is technically sound and the lowest received. What should you do? A. Return the tickets and reject the bid B. Return the tickets and accept the bid C. Discard the tickets and accept the bid D. Discard the tickets and reject the bid

B It is not ethical for professional engineers to accept gifts that may influence their decisions, so you should not keep or use the tickets. You should not discard them either since the motives of the contractor are not clear. And since the contractor did not violate any specific bidding rules the bid should be accepted. RP 4

If you become aware that a registered engineer willfully violates a state's rule of professional conduct, you should A. nothing B. report the violation to the state's engineering registration board C. report the violation to the employer D. report the violation to the party(ies) affected by the violation

B The violation should be reported to the organization that has promulgated the rule.

An engineer works for a large firm for several years and participates in the development of a process for a new production technique. A short time after she leaves the company and starts her own consulting business, a competitor of the engineer's original firm asks her to work on a similar production technique. The engineer realizes that the only acceptable solution is to use the process developed by the previous employer. Can she ethically accept the job offer? A) No. This would constitute acceptance of payment from more than one party for the same project. B) No. The engineer would have to use information obtained while working for the original employer. C) Yes. Since the engineer is no longer an employee of the original company, any non-disclosure agreements are invalid. D) Yes. Consulting engineers often work for competing clients, thus some knowledge transfer is inevitable.

B Using knowledge gained while working for one company to help a competitor may not be considered working for the same project, but would be a breach of confidentiality. PO 9

Complete the sentence: "It is generally considered unethical to moonlight as a consulting engineer while you are working for your primary employer because A. you should not be competing with your primary employer for clients." B. you cannot do a good job for your primary employer if you come to work in the morning tired." C. you might be tempted to use proprietary information from your primary employer." D. "double dipping" (e.g., drawing two paychecks) is unfair to the other engineers in the company."

B choices A and C are true but not the reason why moonlighting is considered unethical by most ethical codes. C 1

Complete the sentence: "If you check the calculations for a licensed (registered) friend who has gone into a consulting engineering business for himself/herself, A. you should be paid for your work." B. your friend's client should be told of your involvement." C. you do not need to have any expertise in the subject." D. your friend assumes all the liability of the work.

B client has the right to know who worked on the design, and you and your friend have an ethical obligation to notify the client. PO 9

A survey crew is hired by the general contractor on a large government project to verify pertinent data on the owner-supplied plans. While performing their functions, the survey crew is approached by a subcontractor who wants them to perform some work for him on the same project. He states that he will pay for this additional work and notes that it will be easy for the survey crew to perform both services at the same time. What should the survey crew do? A) The survey crew should accept this additional work as long as they have the equipment and capacity to perform both services adequately. B) The survey crew should accept this additional work as long as the circumstances are fully disclosed and agreed to by all interested parties. C) The survey crew should not accept this additional work as it will be a conflict of interest. D) The survey crew should not accept compensation for any additional work because they cannot bill two parties for work performed on the same job.

B it is legal and ethical for the survey crew to work for more than one party on the same project as long as the circumstances are fully disclosed and agreed to by all interested parties, as long as neither of the parties are adversely affected.

If an engineer is dealing with suppliers she/he may A. unduly delay vendor performance if the client agrees. B. spend personal time outside of the contract to ensure adequate performance. C. prepare plans containing ambiguous design-build references as cost-saving measures. D. enforce plans and specifications to the letter, without regard to fairness.

B If a job is intentionally or unintentionally underbid, the engineer is obliged by ethics to use personal time to complete the project.

"Ethics is" best defined as I. a philosophical concept dealing with moral contact II. a set of standards establishing right and wrong actions III. rules that describe someone's duty to society and to his/her fellow professionals IV. guidelines that help you make decisions A. I only B. II only C. I and III D. I, II, III, and IV


Without your knowledge, an old classmate applies to the company you work for. Knowing that you recently graduated from the same school, the director of engineering shows you the application and resume that your friend has submitted and asks your opinion. It turns out that your friend has exaggerated his participation in campus organizations, even claiming to have been an officer in an engineering society that you are sure he was never in. On the other hand, you remember him as highly intelligent student and you believe that he could really help the company. How should you handle the situation? A) You should remove yourself from the ethical dilemma by claiming that you do not remember enough about the applicant to make an informed decision. B) You should follow your instincts and recommend the applicant. Almost everyone stresses the truth a little in their resumes, and the thing you are really asked to evaluate is his usefulness to the company. If you mention the resume padding, the company may lose a good prospect. C) You should recommend the applicant, but qualify your recommendation by pointing out that there are exaggerations of some details on his resume. D) You should point out the inconsistencies in the applicant's resume and recommend against hiring him.

C obligated to prevent the misrepresentation of their associates' qualifications. if you really believe that the applicant would make a good employee, you should make the recommendation as well. PO 5 RP 7

Whistle blowing is best described as calling public attention to A. your own previous unethical behavior B. unethical behavior of employees under your control C. secret illegal behavior by your employer D. unethical or illegal behavior in a government agency you are monitoring as a private individual.

C "Whistle blowing" is calling public attention to illegal actions taken in the past or being taken currently by your employer.

A building designed by an engineer-architect team leaks during heavy rains. The building's owner may not be able to recover the cost of repairs because of A. an act-of-God clause in the owner's building insurance policy B. a hold-harmless cause in the contract between the engineer and the architect C. the statute of limitations D. insolvency of the construction bonding company

C A statute of limitations would prohibit the owner of collecting if the building was completed more than a certain number of years before.

Which of the following could you accept within most codes of ethical behavior? A. A trip to the Bahamas from a vendor to learn about that vendor's products. B. A pen-and-pencil set sent by a blueprint reproduction company. C. A smoked Thanksgiving turkey sent by a previous client in gratitude for a previous successful job. D. A monetary incentive sent from a vendor in a country where such incentives are legal and common.

C C may be acceptable since it is a way to say "thank you" for past work. PO 5

Which of the following activities is not commonly required by codes of ethics for engineers? A. Acting as a faithful agent or trustee for the client. B. Accepting payment for services only from the client. C. Submitting competitive bids to the client. D. Spelling out all known conditions of bids and proposals.

C Codes of ethics do not require engineers to submit competitive bids.

Two engineers submitted sealed bids to a prospective client for a project. The client told engineer A how much engineer B had bid and invited engineer A to beat that amount. Engineer A really wants that project and he is certain that he can do a better job than engineer B. What engineer A should do? A. He should submit another quote, but only if he can perform the work adequately at the reduced price. B. He should withdraw from consideration for the project. C. He should remain in consideration for the project, but not change his bid. D. He should bargain with the client for the cost of the work.

C It should be unfair (to engineer B) and unethical for engineer A to submit another bid; it could also be illegal (depending upon the regulating agency). He does not, however, have to remove himself from consideration for the project. RP 3

Which would be considered an ethical gift for an engineer to accept from a supplier? A. A paid trip to an industry trade show B. A ticket for a trip to Europe C. A coffee mug with supplier's corporate logo D. A $100 check

C PO 5

While working to review the design of the suspension for a popular car, an engineer discovers a flaw in the design currently being produced. Based on statistical analysis, the company determines that although this mistake is likely to cause a small increase in the number of fatalities seen each year, it would be prohibitively expensive to do a recall to replace the part. Accordingly the company decides not to issue a recall notice. What should the engineer do? A) The engineer should go along with the company's decision. The company has researched its options and chosen the most economic alternative. B) The engineer should send an anonymous tip to the media, suggesting that they alert the public and begin an investigation of the company's business practices. C) The engineer should notify the National Transportation Safety Board, providing enough details for them to initiate a formal inquiry. D) The engineer should resign from the company. Because of standard non-disclosure agreements, it would be unethical as well as illegal to disclose any information about this issue. In addition, the engineer should not associate with a company that is engaging in such behavior.

C The engineer's highest obligation is to the public's safety. In most instances, it would be unethical to take some public action on a matter without providing the company with the opportunity to resolve the situation internally. In this case, however, the company's senior officials have already reviewed the case C 1 PO 4

An engineering firm receives much of its revenue from community construction projects. Which of the following activities would be ethical for the firm to participate in? A. Contribute to the campaign of local politicians. B. Donate money to the city council to help finance the building of a new city park. C. Encourage employees to volunteer in community organizations. D. Rent billboards to increase the company's name recognition.

C The renting of billboards, while not as well- defined issue, implies the self laudatory advertising thet ethical professionals prefer to avoid. PO 6

Complete the sentence: "A professional engineer who took the licensing examination in mechanical engineering A. may not design in electrical engineering." B. may design in electrical engineering if she feels competent." C. may design in electrical engineering if she feels competent and the electrical portion of the design is insignificant and incidental to the overall job." D. may design in electrical engineering if another engineer checks the electrical engineering work."

C The scope of their work is only limited by their competence. RP 2


Developing team ideas assuming that one persons CREATIVITY WILL STIMULATE ANOTHER

Which of the following establishes ethical behavior among professionals? A. taxation regulations B. rules of play for professional sports C. Hippocratic oath D. legal contracts

C. Hippocratic Oath Ethical restriction do not carry the force of law. PO Preamble

What are 3 types of ethics?

Common Morality Personal Morality Professional Ethics

During the day, an engineer works for a scientific research laboratory doing government research. During the night (moonlight), the engineer uses some of the lab's equipment to perform testing services for other consulting engineers. Why is this action probably unethical? A) The laboratory has not given its permission for the equipment use. B) The government contract prohibits misuse and misappropriation of the equipment. C) The equipment may wear out or be broken by the engineer and the replacement cost will be born by the government contract. D) The engineer's fees to the consulting engineers can undercut local testing service's fees because the engineer has a lower overhead.


Which of the following principles is not embodied in codes of ethics for professional engineers? I. Consulting engineers will place service to humanity above personal gain II. Consulting engineers will serve clients faithfully, honestly, and professionally III. Consulting engineers will be fair and will act with integrity and courtesy IV. Consulting engineers will encourage the development of the engineering profession A. I B. II C. III D. Neither I, II, III, nor IV


You are an engineer in charge of receiving bids for an upcoming project. One of the contractors bidding for the job is your former employer. The former employer laid you off in a move to cut costs. Which of the following should you do? I. Say nothing II. Inform your present employer of the situation III. Remain objective when reviewing the bids A. I and II B. I and III C. II only D. II and III


Engineering is considered to be one of the learned "professions" rather than a more fundamental "occupation". Which of the following is not a characteristic of a profession? A. A profession satisfies an indispensable and beneficial social need. B. A profession is based on knowledge and skills not common to the general public. C. A profession depends to a great extent on the personal judgment of its members. D. A profession utilizes entrance exams as a means of limiting its membership to the "elite".

D Any entrance exams are not intended to limit the membership of the profession PO cannon 1

Complete the sentence: "Obeying direct and specific orders from a person of authority A. will never result in ethical behavior." B. always results in ethical behavior." C. is a defense against unethical behavior." D. may place you in ethical dilemma."

D Blind obedience to authority is not a valid defense of improper behavior. RP 1

Which of the following can override your ethical requirements to perform a thorough analysis and check of the work for your client? A. Time constraints B. Budgetary constraints C. Legal constraints (subpoenas, judicial orders) D. Other ethical obligations

D Ethical obligations to other stakeholders can take precedence over ethical obligations to a particular person or group.

Ethical behavior is invariant with respect to I. time II. location III. culture A. I only B. IIonly C. IIIonly D. Neither I, II, nor III

D Ethics are not universal. They depend on culture. Ethics of a culture change over time.

An engineer spends his free time (outside of work) gambling illegally. Is this a violation of ethical standards? A. No, the engineer is entitled to a life outside of work. B. No, the engineer's employer, his clients, and the public are not affected. C. Not, not as long as the engineer stays debt- free from the gambling activities. D. Yes, the engineer should associate only with reputable persons and organizations.

D If the gambling activities were legitimate and legal, this would not be a question it casts the entire profession in a bad light. RP 1

An engineer is consulting for a construction company that has been receiving bad publicity in the local papers about its waste-handling practices. The engineer knows that this criticism is based on public misperceptions and the paper's thirst for controversial stories. The engineer would like to write an article in the paper's editorial page. What statement best describes the engineer's ethical obligation? A. The engineer's relationship with the company makes it unethical for him to take any public action on its behalf. B. The engineer should request that a local representative of the engineering registration board review the data and write the article in order that an impartial point of view is presented. C. As long as the article is objective and truthful, and presents all relevant information including the engineer's professional credentials, ethical obligations have been satisfied. D. The article must be objective and truthful, present all relevant information including the engineer's professional credentials, and disclose all details of the engineer's affiliation with the company.

D It is ethical for the engineer to issue a public statement concerning the company he works for, provided he makes that relationship clear and provided the statement is truthful and objective.

An engineering firm is hired by a developer to prepare plans for a shopping mall. Prior to the final bid date, several contractors who have received bid documents and plans contact the engineering firm with requests for information relating to the project. What can the engineering firm do? A. The firm can supply requested information to the contractors as long as it does so fairly and evenly. It cannot favor or discriminate against any contractor. B. The firm should supply information to only those contractors that it feels could safely and economically perform the construction services. C. The firm cannot reveal facts, data or information relating to the project that may prejudice a contractor against submitting a bid on the project. D. The firm cannot reveal facts, data or information relating to the project without the consent of the client as authorized or required by law.

D It is normal for engineers and architects to clarify the bid documents. However some information may be proprietary to the developer. The engineering firm should only reveal information that has already been publicly disseminated or approved for release with the consent of the client.

Which of the following terms is not related to ethics? A. Integrity B. Honesty C. Morality D. Profitability

D PO 1

A relatively new engineering firm specializing in designing large structures is considering running an advertisement in the local newspaper. An ad agency has proposed to them four concepts. Of these four concepts which one(s) would be acceptable from the standpoint of professional ethics? I. An advertisement contracting their successes over the past year with their nearest competitor's failures II. An advertisement offering a free HD television to anyone who hires them for work valued at over $10,000 III. An advertisement offering to beat the price of any other engineering firm for the same services IV. An advertisement that tastefully depicts their logo against a backdrop of the Golden Gate Bridge A. I and III B. I, III, and IV C. II, III, and IV D. Neither I, II, III, nor IV

D PO 6

What actions can be taken by a state-regulating agency against a design professional who violates one or more of its rules of contact? I. The professional's license may be revoked or suspended II. Notice of violation may be published in the local paper III. The professional may be asked to make restitution IV. The professional may be required to complete a course in ethics A. I and II B. III and IV C. III only D. I, II, III, and IV

D PO 7

You are in charge of a research project in your company and you have hired an intern student to run tests for the project. After the project was completed, the intern student received a job offer from a competitor of your company to work in a similar project. You will submit a paper to a journal for publication with the results from your project. You are considering including the intern student as a coauthor of the paper. Your manager has argued that you should not list the intern as a coauthor since she has done only minimal work for the project and she also may work for a competitor in a similar project. What is the first action you should take to make sure you will make the most ethically acceptable decision? A. Do not include the intern as a coauthor B. Disregard your manager's suggestion and include the intern as a coauthor C. Call up your intern and ask her not to accept the job offer if she wants her name to appear as a coauthor in the publication D. Call the editor of the journal where you are submitting the paper to ask about the minimum work required for paper co-authorship

D PO 9

A local engineering professor acts as technical advisor to the city council in a town. A few weeks before the council is scheduled to award a large construction contract, the professor is approached by one of the competing companies and offered a consulting position. Under what circumstances would it be ethical to accept the job? A. Both the company and the council must know about and approve of the arrangement. B. The professor should arrange not to begin work until after the council's vote. C. The professor may accept the job if the advisory position to the council is on a volunteer basis. D. The professor must not participate in any discussions concerning the project for which the company is competing.

D Regardless of whether the board understands and approves of this situation, the engineer is obligated to withdraw from any of the council's discussions concerning the project. PO 5

An engineering firm specializes in designing brake assemblies for various racing car companies. Which organizations would it be ethical of the owner of that firm to belong to? I. The local Rotary Club. II. An automotive research foundation. III. The local Chamber of Commerce. IV. A pro-automobile racing lobbying group A. I and III B. III and IV C. II only D. I, II, III, and IV

D The owner should not belong to any organizations that would cast the profession in a bad light. none of these organizations are illegal or committed to unethical acts.

Complete the sentence: "Guidelines of ethical behavior among engineers are needed because A. engineers are analytical and they do not always think in terms of right or wrong." B. all people, including engineers are inherently unethical." C. rules of ethics are easily forgotten." D. it is easy for engineers to take advantage of clients."

D Untrained members of the society are at the mercy of the professionals

Which of the following methods of advertising is most likely to violate ethical standards for engineering design firms? A. Radio or television advertising. B. Yellow-page (phone book) advertising. C. Distribution of company calendars to clients. D. Company brochures using self-laudatory language.

D all self-laudatory advertising is derogatory to the dignity of the profession and thus unethical. "We are the best" language in company advertising is an example of poor-taste advertising. PO 6

Why is competitive bidding often considered to be counterproductive? A. Competitive bidding may reduce the client's cost but will increase the design professional's cost. B. Competition among different design firms is unprofessional, undignified, and unethical. C. The best design is not always the least expensive. D. A design professional who reduces the final cost in order to be competitive may eliminate important design steps or features.

D educe a bid to "beat" someone else's bid (for a different design or method) may require cutting corners later in the design or construction of the process.

What ethics are breached if I do not notify the EPA, resulting in me making more money?

Deceptive actions and not being a faithful trustee

Manufacturing engineering

Discipline of engineer dealing with manufacturing process and R&D w/ machines/tools/equipment

Who invented the assembly line? What are requirements for AL?

Eli Whitney 1) Place tools and workers in sequence 2) Always leave product/tool in same location 3) Delivered at convenient distances

ASME # 4

Engineers must act professionally for each client or employer and avoid any CONFLICTS OF INTERESTS or the APPEARANCE OF CONFLICT OF INTERESTS

ASME # 5

Engineers shall RESPECT the proprietary information and intellectual property of others including charities/societies

ASME # 6

Engineers shall associate only with REPUTABLE PERSONS OR ORGANIZATIONS

ASME # 8

Engineers shall consider ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND SUSTAINABLE development in their performance of their prof duties

ASME # 3

Engineers shall continue their PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT throughout their careers and shall provide opportunities for the prof and ethical development of engineers under supervision

ASME # 1

Engineers shall hold SAFETY, HEALTH, and WELFARE of public in their PROFESSIONAL duties

ASME # 7

Engineers shall issue public statements only in an OBJECTIVE AND TRUTHFUL manner and avoid conduct that discredits profession

ASME # 9

Engineers shall not seek ethical sanctions against another engineer unless there is a GOOD REASON to do so under the policies that govern engineer's ethical contact

ASME # 2

Engineers shall perform services only in areas of their COMPETENCE, they shall build their PROF REPUTATION on merit, not unfairly

Discuss PROBLEM and SOLUTIONS. You are hired to design a Davis lab. You buy LES equipment knowing you also make a profit off LES.

Ethics Problems- 1) Need to be faithful to client 2) conflicts of interes 3) cannot accept money from another company Solution- 1) Fully disclose even if davis is okay with it because it is an APPEARANCE of conflict of interest

Discuss PROBLEMS and SOLUTIONS. You are paid 3% commission for setting up a client with a contractor.

Ethics Problems- 1) appearance of COI 2) do not accept money from outside agents for work they are responsible for 3) no contributions to influence award of contract Solution- 1) stay arms length between client and contractor

Professional Engineer

Licensed engineer

Do you charge 100 hours of work after you realize YOU have to redesign and go back (your fault)?

No, integrity and reputation. Be faithful.



Total Quality Steps:

Quality of - 1) Design 2) Conformance 3) Performance Inspection QC

Tasks of Engineers

R&D - Design - Prototype - M & P - Produce - Package

Edgerton Example

She went over her manager to save company due to her ethical standards. She was fired. She had an ETHICAL OBLIGATION but was NOT considered WHISTLE BLOWING

Unlicensed engineer

Work under supervision of licensed engineer (Industrial Exemption Clause)

Why can we trust science over persons edicts of clevis?

Yes if 1) other people can rely upon the results that we publish 2) increased social value is what animates our work 3) the rights, welfare, and interests of thoseimpacted are the forefront of decision making


application of automated manufacturing to produce goods to have high consistency and quality


a set of moral principles: theory or system of moral values

prof ethics

set of standards adopted by professionals as they view themselves

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Mental Health-Practice questions exam 2

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