Engage Community/Public Health Environmental Influences

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A home care nurse is visiting a client and their family to conduct an environmental assessment of their home. The nurse discovers peeling paint on the walls in the home which is over 50 years old, using the nursing process, which of the following actions should the nurse take next? Have everyone in the home have a BLL test done. Review the data and make a hypothesis regarding the potential for lead in the home. Work with the family to develop realistic goals to deal with the peeling paint in the home. Determine if the goals will need to be modified to achieve an improved health outcome.

Review the data and make a hypothesis regarding the potential for lead in the home.

A nurse is reviewing the harmful effects the environment can have on human health. Which of the folli health conditions should the nurse attribute to environmental factors? Cancer Asthma Allergies Cystic fibrosis Chlamydia

Cancer Asthma Allergies

A community health nurse is giving a presentation to a group of students about collecting data on a community's environments. Which of the following environments should the nurse include? (Select all that apply.) Physical Social Global State Occupational

- Physical - Social - Occupational

A nurse is caring for a client who frequently uses pesticides. The nurse should understand that which of following is true about pesticides? (Select all that apply.) They can cause illness through genetic mutations or cancer development. They can enter the air and cause lung irritation when inhaled. They are harmless. They are part of a natural environment. Their residue seeps into the ground and can harm drinking water.

- They can cause illness through genetic mutations or cancer development.- They can enter the air and cause lung irritation when inhaled.- Their residue seeps into the ground and can harm drinking water.

A public health nurse is beginning to work in a new community to improve their environmental health. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? Conduct a windshield survey of the community. Engage community members in litter hikes to pick up trash. Conduct educational sessions regarding lead paint in older homes. Evaluate the availability and reliability of public transportation in the community.

Conduct a windshield survey of the community.

A community health nurse is asking a client about potential lead exposure that could affect children in the community. Which of the following techniques is the nurse using? Windshield survey Air Quality Index Blood lead level Environmental health assessment

Environmental health assessment

A nurse is reviewing potential environmental exposures with a group of public health nurses. Which of the following immunizations should the nurseinclude in the review as recommended by the CDC due to these exposures? (Select all that apply.) Hepatitis B Hepatitis A Influenza MMR Pneumonia

Hepatitis B Influenza MMR

A community health nurse is leading a group of nurse volunteers to help with a mass casualty disaster. Which of the following actions is beneficial for the volunteers to take? Evacuate the area from one end to the other. Keep individuals safe and remove those in harm's way. Take detailed summaries from wounded people about the events that occurred. Perform debriefing exercises.

Keep individuals safe and remove those in harm's way.

A nurse is discussing terms used to describe environmental influences with a client. The nurse should include that which of the following terms describes an environmental influence that occurs prior to an agent reaching a host? Secondary Tertiary Downstream Upstream


A nurse is speaking with a client who is preparing to go on vacation in Africa. The client wants to know the name of the disease that is passed from mosquitos to humans. Which of the following disease should the nurse identify? Ebola Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Malaria Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)


A nurse is speaking with a client who wants to know the name of the chemical compound used to kill mice. Which of the following terms should the nurse provide? Insecticide Herbicide Rodenticide Fungicide


A public health nurse is working with a group of clients who are concerned about malaria in their town. They ask the nurse about effectives ways to help prevent the spread of malaria. Which of the following strategies should the nurse suggest? Use insecticide-treated mosquito nets. Stay indoors and seal windows, doors, and screens. Build bat houses to attract bats that will eat the mosquitos. Have open bonfires nightly to deter mosquitos.

Use insecticide-treated mosquito nets.

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