English 1

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In which of the following ways can you form the possessive of a compound noun?

A. By making the last word of the noun possessive

Which of the following sentences uses the prepositions "of" and "off" correctly?

A. Louisa told her dog to get off the couch immediately.

Which of the following examples illustrates the incorrect expression of numbers?

A. The 1st few employees of the company helped create a strong organizational culture.

Which of the following book titles has not been capitalized correctly?

A. The Revolution of the Internet: a look back

Which of the following examples is incorrect with regard to capitalizing after colons?

A. The changes in law will affect two industries: Automobile and consumer electronics.

Which of the following sentences correctly illustrates the use of an apostrophe?

A. The student's performance in the play was worth talking about.

The italicized words in which of the following sentences is a correctly used idiomatic preposition?

B. It was hard for Harry to part with his Captain Marvel's action figure.

Which of the following sentences correctly illustrates the use of an apostrophe in the case of nouns that indicate separate ownership?

B. Jennifer's and George's daughters were born prematurely.

Which of the following words is NOT an adjective?

B. On

Which of the following sentences correctly illustrates a nominative pronoun in the compound subject?

B. Peter and he came home late last night.

Which of the following sentences uses the adverbs "some" and "somewhat" correctly?

B. She was somewhat critical of the architect's plan.

Which of the following statements will be more effective if the numbers in it are expressed in words?

B. The firm received 1000s of customer orders for its product.

Which of the following is a comma pitfall?

B. Using commas to separate a subject from its predicate

Which of the following is true about adjectives and adverbs?

C. Adjectives, not adverbs, must follow linking verbs.

Which of the following statements illustrates the incorrect use of the apostrophe?

C. In March 09', the company had the largest market share.

The italicized words in which of the following sentences correctly illustrates the use of a proper adjective?

C. Mark and his wife are proud to be New Yorkers.

Which of the following should be expressed in numerals rather than words?

C. Numbers higher than ten

Which of the following is a rule to be practiced when using abbreviations?

C. Omit the comma before "Jr." or "Sr." when either follows a person's name.

Which of the following words correctly illustrates the plural form of the proper noun "Sally"?

C. Sallys

The words "although", "because", "how", and "whenever" are examples of:

C. Subordinating conjunctions.

Which of the following statements has been capitalized correctly?

C. The employees at the headquarters use a Canon photocopier.

In which of the following statements should the word "city" NOT be capitalized?

C. They want to set up operations in the City of Paris.

Words that modify or describe nouns or pronouns are called:

C. adjectives.

A writer should avoid using a comma to:

C. separate a compound predicate.

Tracy is working on her final English essay for school. She has a reputation for expressing herself well but makes careless punctuation errors, especially with regard to comma placement. To ensure that her comma placement is accurate this time, she should use a comma to separate:

C. two unrelated numbers that end up adjacent to each other in a sentence.

Which of the following is true of punctuation marks at the end of quotations in a sentence?

D. Commas are always inside the closing quotation mark.

Which of the following sentences uses conjunctions correctly?

D. Jennifer acted as if her life was going to change.

Which of the following statements does NOT illustrate the correct use of parentheses?

D. Rachel Toms (She's the customer relationship manager) is the person whom you should complain to.

Which of the following sentences does NOT illustrate the correct use of dashes?

D. Rebecca Mathews—The CEO of True Trust Inc.—has won the entrepreneur of the year award.


There are three cases of pronouns—possessive, nominative, and objective.

A person's address reads "156 Chalfont Drive NW." Which of the following punctuations should be used to separate the street name from the abbreviation "NW"?

a comma

Which of the following results when a comma by itself is used to join two independent clauses?

a comma splice

Which of the following should a writer capitalize while writing?

a personal title of a specific person

Words that answer questions such as "Why?" "When?" "Where?" "How?" "How much?" and "To what extent?" are called:


readily seen; exposed to sight; open to view; visible








Words that join words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence are called:


the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation


A sentence reads "Casey not only has the respect of his teammates but also has the respect of his fans." In this sentence, the type of conjunction used is the:

correlative conjunction




credible or believable; having the appearance of truth or reason



to make known; reveal or uncover


to be deceitful, acting in two different ways to different people, double deaking



emitting rays of light; shining; bright with joy or hope

When writers want to show strong emotion or feeling in their writing, they should end their sentences with:

exclamation points



an untruthful statement


A mixed number is best expressed in spelled-out words.


A person's name reads "Dr. Alex Keating, Ph.D." This phrasing demonstrates the correct use of abbreviations before names.


A sentence reads "Alex believed that Mr. Phelps was the most greatest mentor in the college." In this sentence, "most greatest" correctly illustrates the superlative degree of the word "great."


A sentence reads "Even if she is qualified for the job, we cannot hire her because she is asking for too much money." In this sentence, "even if" is the coordinating conjunction.


A sentence reads "Mr. Davis was angry with the person responsible for the practical joke." In this sentence, "was" is the preposition.


A sentence reads "My father-in-laws boss was a pleasant man." In this sentence, "father-in-laws" is the possessive form of the word "father-in-law."


Adjectives that tell "how many," "how much," or "in what order" are called demonstrative adjectives.


Commas should be avoided after infinitive phrases, participial phrases, and prepositional phrases.


If a pronoun that completes the meaning of the infinitive verb "to be" when "to be" has no subject then that pronoun must be objective.


If the introductory statement for a numbered list is grammatically complete, use periods after the items in the list.


The four coordinating conjunctions are "for," "on," "off," and "so."


The plural form of "wolf" is "wolfs."


The words "north," "south," "east," and "west" are capitalized when they refer merely to direction.


To show joint ownership, in which two or more people own the same thing, add an apostrophe, or add an apostrophe plus s, to the first part of the compound.


When a dash is used to set off words within a sentence, a semicolon follows the dash.


When a singular or plural noun does not end in "s," the rule for forming its possessive noun is to add an apostrophe only.


When referring to time, writers must use "9 o'clock" instead of "nine o'clock" for greater formality but less emphasis.


Writers must express a number in words rather than in numerals when the number is a significant statistic or deserves special emphasis.





having the disorienting



Which of the following is the superlative degree of the word "decisive"?

most decisive


new or different from the established norm, credible or believable; having the appearance of truth or reason

Keeping in mind the rules for pronoun casing, when a pronoun is part of the compound subject, use the:

nominative case


person or thing that is typical of a whole group, class, or genre.

An apostrophe is always used with a noun to show:


An adjective that follows a being verb and modifies or describes the subject of a sentence is known as aNo ________.

predicate adjective

The part of speech that connects a noun or a pronoun to the rest of the sentence is aNo:


A_____ is used (1) in place of a coordinating conjunction to join independent clauses, (2) before an introductory word that begins the second clause in a sentence, and (3) before explanatory or enumerating words.


Which of the following is an objective case pronoun?




A comma splice creates a run-on sentence in which two related ideas that can stand alone grammatically are joined together by only a comma.


A sentence reads "The family that lives in the apartment above ours is friendly." In this sentence, "above ours" is the prepositional phrase.


An antecedent is a noun or noun phrase that is referred to by the pronoun in a sentence.


Declarative sentences make statements, and imperative sentences order someone to act.


Effective writers use commas to connect thoughts and to separate elements within sentences.


Indirect quotations, which are restatements of a person's exact words introduced by the word "that," are not enclosed in quotation marks.


Parallel structure expresses parallel ideas in parallel form.


Single quotation marks are used for words quoted within other quoted material.


Some words can be adjectives or adverbs, depending on their position in the sentence.


The comparative degree of an adjective is formed by adding "er" to the positive form or by inserting the word "more" or "less" before it.


The first word following a colon must be capitalized if it begins a sentence stating a formal rule.


The noun "civics" uses a singular verb.


The noun "salmon" has only one form.


The plural form of the courtesy title "Dr." is "Drs."


There are three cases of pronouns—possessive, nominative, and objective.


When a pronoun is the subject of a verb, the pronoun must be nominative.


When using consecutive adjectives in writing, no comma follows the last adjective in a series.


Keeping in mind the rules for common nouns ending in "y," which of the following is the correct singular-plural pair of words?

valley and valleys



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