English 1126 checkup #3
In writing an outline, consider whether the topic falls into natural ________________________________.
In a sense, an essay is only an _______________________________________ paragraph.
Your _________________ statement tells the main point of your essay and will challenge the reader to say, "Prove it!"
The two basic stages of writings an essay are ________________________ and writing.
Instead of starting your essay with your thesis statement, start with a __________________________, a _________________________, a _________________________, or an outstanding ______________________________.
question, quotation, definition, fact
It also helps to think of _____________________________ a reader might ask about your topic.
When choosing a topic, pick a subject: that ____________________________________________________________________________. that will ______________________________________________________________________. about which you __________________________________________________________. about which you __________________________________________________________.
interests you, will interest your readers, have some personal knowledge, can find research material
The six steps for planning an essay are: Choose a _____________________________ area. _________________________________ your topic. Write your ________________________________________. Formulate an _____________________________________. Do ______________________________ on your topic. Arrange your ________________________________ in order according to your outline.
subject, narrow, thesis statement, outline, research, note cards
When you do research for your topic, keep _____________________ cards and ________________________ cards.
note, source
Write the Scripture verse Luke 6:36.
Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
Is it easier to write about a broad topic or a narrow topic?
narrow topic