English 12 Midterm Review

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Who did Palamon think Emily was at first?

He thought she was the goddess Venus, and was instantly pained because he couldn't be with her

What was the second test?

He took away and 'killed' their son; sent him with his sister after 4 years

Who did Theseus come across after he left Thebes?

He came upon two warriors who were not fully dead; one was Arcite and the other was Palamon

Why didn't Midas want people to know? Who was the only person that he told?

He didn't want to be made fun of and have his reputation crushed. He told his wife.

What happened to St. Kenelm?

He dreamed that he was gonig to be murdered in a dream before he was actually murdered. His nurse tried to give him advice, but he was only seven years old, it just rolled right off his back.

What was on Theseus's banner?

He had a statue of Mars on his banner

What did Mars do for Arcite while he was praying?

He heard a quiet voice call, "Victory" so he left and was happy

Why is the friar's lecture to Thomas ironic?

He is not loyal to anyone himself

Describe the old man's plight.

He is very old, poor, and sickly, and he has travelled all over the world but has not found any youth that would trade places with him. That has convinced him that he should die soon. He really wants to go to heaven, but is upset because the Earth-mother will not let his body perish, although he is so old.

How did the knight's character develop in the story?

He learned to respect women and stay faithful to them

How did Chanticleer realize what time it was?

He looked towards the sun and could see by the degree measures that it was 9am

What did Theseus make for Mars?

He made another altar on the west end for Mars

Why is it important that he "never touched the coast"?

He never tried to run away

What did Arcite pray for?

He prayed that he would be victorious in the battle

What did Palamon pray for?

He prays to have Emily's hand in marriage. The statue moves in agreement which makes Palamon happy

The Magician also did a noble deed. What was it?

He released Aurelius of his debt for his choice not to be with Dorigen

What was Aurelius's response when Dorigen told him she had been set free to keep her word?

He said he preferred to suffer eternal sorrow than come between Dorigen and Arveragus

What was the reason the Marquis gave his wife(test 2)?

He said the people said that it would be Janicula's blood that would be the heir so they needed to get rid of it.

What did Theseus do to Palamon and Arcite?

He sent them to Athens to be prisoner forever

When did the knight TRULY understand what he was sent out to learn?

He understood why women want to be in charge of themselves when he was not in charge of himself by being forced into marriage

How did Sir Russel Fox attack Chanticleer?

He waited until he stretched his chest out to sing, and then grabbed him by the throat and flung him over his back, escaping with him to the woods.

Why did the knight not like the old woman's request?

He wanted control of his body

How did the knight respond to the woman's proposal?

He was disgusted but was forced to marry her

Who was Theseus married to?

He was married to an Amazon, Queen Hippolyta

What does L.P. say will happen if Chanticleer stays so long with unpurged humors?

He will catch fever or malarian fever.

he repaid their loyalty with the spoils of victory

How was Hrothgar generous to his knights?

What were his hobbies?

Hunting and Hawking

Who did Theseus come upon on his travels?

On his travels, the Duke came upon a company of ladies in pairs and dressed in black

What does Palamon do in order to see Emily?

One night, Palamon, with the help of a friend, broke out of prison and fled; he hid in a grove when the sun came up, he was planning to either lose his life or win Emily as his wife

What was the people's request?

that He get married-"Save one thing, lord, and if your will it be, That to be wedded man you hold it best, Then were your people's hearts at utter rest."


guild/fraternity taught others wives "went to church to be seen", not wealthy but think they are worthy nicely, new, trimmed clothes worthy citizens "of the board" making good money

What does felicitee mean?



having to do with racial and cultural groups of people (n.)

What was a good quality of Sir lancelot du lake?

he held all women in high esteem

What does Chanticleer say to argue with his wife about her statment "dreams have no meaning"?

he says that better and more respected authorities than cato (who she is citing her ideas from) have said that dreams ARE manifestations of both our triumphs and our trials.

How did Chanticleer escape the fox?

he told him to backtalk to the animals and boast about catching Chanticleer, which allowed his jaws to open and Chanticleer to wriggle away

How did Chanticleer find the fox? What, upon finding it, was his first instict?

he was watching a butterfly, which flew into the cbbage patch (he saw the fox laying there)

What does the physical beauty of a woman reflect?

her inner goodness


painfully difficult or burdensome work


passionate, shining, fiery; characterized by intense feeling




person skilled in public speaking or writing


person who seeks favor by flatering influential people


pirate (inherently bad, known to steal) woolen gown to knee, and rode a farmer's horse (insult), ignores ethics, makes people walk the plank, steals wine on barge called the Maudelayne, was tanned which was the mark of low breeding (working outside)


playful, silly or ludicrous acts


polished; to polish; to make smooth and bright


power, superior ability; exceptional valor esp. in combat or battle


raiding; engaging in raiding for plunder


reference to the Bubonic Plague


reference to the destruction of troy as described in the Aeneid, an epic by the poem Virgil

Regne of Trace

references a Thracian kingdom

Thre formes

refers to Diana's various forms (Luna, Diana, and Proserpina)

In hir houre

refers to Palamon's carefully chosen hour of prayer


refers to the time Acteon accidentally saw Diana bathing and was turned into a stag, and then killed by his own hunting dogs


refrain of popular song

What is Chaucer's response to how we find true happiness in the world?

relying on God


renowned for a position or deed


lazy and fat hunts for sport top position in hierarchy does not follow basic rules fancy horses + bridal very fancy clothes (gold pins, fur gloves) bulging eyes

Cadme, Amphion

legendary founders of Thebes


like a snake; twisted; having a winding course


long imprisonment


low on totem pole of church really knows God's word, passionate, practices what he preaches poor, has to collect money (tithe- 10% of income) for church but hates it, would rather give his money sought no glory, nice to sinners counter to friar, nun shows corruption comes from top


lower peasant/ serf class takes care of horses best yeoman there is St. Christopher medal, religious, man very proper/ well dressed wearing green coat and hood with peacock-feathered arrows, happy in life


malarial fever

What was one thing that Walter would not do?

marry a wife


melancholy madness because one cannot have a desired woman


muscle fibers; strength; power; resilience

What does Chaucer use to base his story?

narrative techniques

Who is very likely to marry Emily? Why?

neither is very likely to be in Emily's grace because they are both imprisoned

What was she like as royalty?

noble/good manners, discreet and eloquent, gentle, worthy of reverence: The people loved her, her name was known all around, if well was said her name would be said; wise and mature speech


not Ecclesiastes, but a book of proverbs included with the Apocrypha in the Authorized Version of the Bible


not having made amends for (adj.)


old and bad-tempered, short beard, short hair very skinny, sickly, he steals from his lord's property only to loan to the lord from these ill-gotten funds, thereby gaining himself favor. manager of estate/farm, carpenter


old-fashioned term for a stroke

Al that Monday

on the Monday of the tournament, there was a celebration, so the competition took place on Tuesday in the tale

When did he ask her to marry him?

on the wedding day after he prepared everything, and invited all of the guests.

how many times had Walter seen Griselda before he decided that she was who he was going to marry?

once; while he was out hunting, he saw her from afar.


one of 20 traveling judges, experienced lawyer, charges high fee, knows law perfectly, driven by money, cheats others out of land by finding loopholes in law

King Walter

seeks a wife who will be totally submissive, and never question his authority.

What did Emily pray for?

she prayed that she would not marry either man. She also prays that if she must marry one to marry the one that desires her most

What was the reason the Marquis gave his wife (test 1)?

she was village born; and she had a girl which meant no heir


smooth face with blonde hair, travels countryside granting pardons. The Pardoner claims to have Mary's veil and a piece of St. Peter's sail. After his tale, the Pardoner tries to sell these relics to the other pilgrims. Untrustworthy, cheats people out of money, keeps pig bones around relics...really?? The Pardoner is good at preaching, but in his prologue he tells the pilgrims he only does it to win money, berating the people for their sinfulness so they'll be more likely to buy what he is selling.


split apart, separated

What three things does the pardoner suggest the yokels give up to recieve a pardon?

sterling rings, silver brooches, and wool


stingy person


stories that are untrue


stout, sturdy; strongly and stoutly built; valiant



What happened between Mars and Venus and what was the solution?

strife broke out in the heavens between Mars and Venus. Jupiter wanted it to stop and Saturn came up with a solution. They decided that Palamon would have Emily as his wife but Mars could still help Arcite win


student, young man working for church to get education. only cares about education, not riches or nice items obsessed w/ learning, borrows from friends but never pays back, "book smart" but life dumb, does not plan on staying w/ church longer than needed


teacher of the Koran (n.)


temporary, passing, transitory; lasting a very short time

What does the narrator think of women's advice?How does he cover htis up?

that it is wrong and unwarranted, becuase woman's counsel brought the first sin (adam and eve), by siaying these ar Chanticleer's words, not his.

What book did Boethius write?

the Consolation of Philosophy

Firste Moevere

the First Mover who creates the links in the chain of love

What was the first test?

the Marquis took her baby girl away and said he was going to kill it, but really sent it to live with another ruler(his sister)

Vertu expulsif

the ability to expel harmful chemicals from the body

What is this tale a reflection of?

the chivalrous and courtly values that the knight follows

Describe Theseus

the duke of Athens connects the plot adds to the mythological elements, unifying the tale


the face, usually with reference to shape, features, or expression

what happens after Chanticleer escapes the fox?

the fox tries to trick him into coming back, but Chanticleer refuses and says that flatterers are evil and that God should punish all who dont think twice about them

The nexte houre of Mars

the hour that Arcite prayed to Mars


the idea that god arranges beforehand everything that happens

The Old Lady

the knight comes across her in a field on his way back to King Arthur's court. She's ugly, and we're told that "a fouler wight ther may no man devyse" . She's also old and lowborn, which the knight explicitly tells her on their wedding night. All of these characteristics make her a less-than-ideal marriage partner for the knight who, were this another romance, would probably hook up with a beautiful, young maiden.


the most celebrated of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table

How is happiness achieved?

through God

Wife of Bath

tight, red clothing nice looking, bearing children body (wide hips), gap-teeth well traveled (not usual for her time) wise in love has had 5 husbands demands respect, boss at church




to be in a state of agitation


to be of use or help, as in accomplishing an end


to cover with a thin layer of gold


to feel or express sorrow or regret for; grief; to mourn deeply


to injure; to attack with severe criticism

Why did the marquis want to test his wife?

to know her patience


to lessen in number or intensity; to decrease in strength; to draw to a close; approach an end


to praise highly


to punish severely


to relieve; to make milder or less severe, mitigate


to satisfy (an appetite or desire) fully; to fill to excess


to sharpen or develop (n.)



What did the animals use to make noise?

trumpets of brass,box, horn, and bone


twelfth-century poem in whih a rooster gains revenge after being mistreated by a priests' son

Saturne, Juno

two forces whom Palamon blames for Thebes' suffering


unsophisticated people living in a rural area


valley in Greece


very good at job, smart studies medicine, surgery, astronomy, did not read the Bible, "special love of gold", keeps it all deal with the apothecary uses effigies (small zodiac things) stingy, prescribes whatever drug to make money


very good cook, ulcer on knee, expert on ale


violent and noisy commotion or disturbance of a crowd or mob; uproar; riot


wandering tribes or groups; a large group


waved defiantly (a weapon); flourish


wealth in the form of money or property


wealthy landowner, rents out space to people, white beard has nice house, best food, best wine, very rich, eats tons of food, shares food w/ people, had table prepared all day long, role model for other nobles




without pause, unceasing


woman is man's ruin//woman is man's delight and all his bliss


worthy of respect or reverence, as because of noble character

does this teller fit his tale?


gigantic monster, part human, part devil, part animal

How is Grendel described?


How many men did Beowulf take to Denmark?

What happened to the ship?

It's bottom was ripped open and everyone aboard drowned.

What was Griselda's response to the second test?

"She suffered this with calm face and courage"

Thomas says he's given all his money to various friars and now has no more to give. What is a the friar's response?

"Your infidelity has ruined you"; he should only be faithful to one friar

Name some of Griselda's characteristics:

"fairest under the sun" she was pretty, content( no luxurious lusting), virtuous, hard worker, humble, honourable, diligent and obedient.

What are the medieval love conventions?

- a woman is the object of the man's affection - takes place in May - love triangle - physical beauty of a woman reflects her inner goodness

What were the Christian beliefs?

- reference God - Theseus wants no bloodshed, which follows the commandments - they fight fairly

What were the pagan beliefs?

- they made temples to Greek gods - they built an amphitheater with Greek gods - they prayed to different gods before the fight - the idea that wyrd was present (in the scene where Diana appears to Emily and tells her that it was written in the stars that she would marry one of the knights --> Fortuna spins the wheel and controls fate)

What story has the fox heard? What does the fox ask Chanticleer to do?

A story of a rooster whose leg was broken by a clergy-man's son, who, through his actions, made the clergy man lose his position. Sing in the style of his father.

Where did the men end up staying?

1) a stall down in a yard with oxen and a plow 2) elsewhere

Why does the old woman give the knight a choice after he treated her the way he did?

1. to make her husband happy 2. to test him

What are the 3 demands the marquis tells the people concerning his marriage?

1.) "You'll honour her life's tenure(role as queen) in word and deed" 2.) "Against my choice neither grouse(complain pettily; grumble) nor strive 3.)" speak no more of this matter"

When did Palamon go to pray? To whom did he pray?

2 hours before the sun rose, Palamon visited the temple of Venus

how old was the baby girl?

2 months old

how old was the boy?

2 years old

Julius, Nero, Antonius

3 famous rulers who were killed

How many animals did the old woman have?

3 pigs, 3 cows, and a sheep named Molly.

How many florins did the rioters find?

8 bushels.

What is Thomas's "gift" to the friar?

A fart

Daun Russell

A fox, who is sly, sneaky, who manages to trick Chanticleer and tries to kill the rooster, but does not succeed.

What happened to Arcite after he won?

A fury came down and startled his horse, who threw him. He was taken to the palace and was getting steadily worse. He was poisoned by the fury. Arcite spoke highly of both Emily and Palamon on his deathbed. His last words were, "Mercy Emily"

What does the Pardoner compare himself to when saying a sermon?

A pigeon.

What did Chanticleer find on the floor? What did he proceed t do?

A seed, pompously march up and down, calling to his wives to eat the seeds he gave them.


A state of destination or calamity

Who, according to the servant boy, is Death? Who has Death killed now?

A thief that killed the friends of the three rioters. He has killed a man, woman, serf, page, and children of a household.

How long did the knight have to find out the answer?

A year and a day

How much does the person have to ingest of the poison before they die, according to the apothecary?

About a mouthfull, less than makes a grain of wheat.

What did Theseus do after leaving Thebes?

After leaving Thebes, he went to strip the warriors who were already dead of their armor and weapons

they were gone and the walls and floor were splattered with blood and gore

After the night's festivities, what happened to King Hrothgar's guests?

Why did he give the choice to her?

All women want to be in charge of themselves. He either learned to respect or learned the right answer.


Bishop bradawardine was a famous well-known theologian of Chaucer's time. Boethius was a famous roman philosopher.

What did Macrobius write?

An essay on dreams that explains the vision of Scipio Africanus and tells us that dreams can foreshadow true events.

When did Arcite pray? To whom did he pray?

An hour later, Arcite went to the temple of Mars


An old man who is wealthy but sick.

After the women vanished, what remained?

An ugly, old woman

What did Palamon and Arcite do after they had both seen Emily?

Arcite and Palamon began to fight over Emily, even though they had made an oath that love would never break them apart

What does Arcite do to try to win Emily's hand?

Arcite disguises himself and gets a job in Emily's household

How did Arcite gain entry to Athens?

Arcite dressed as a poor laborer and snuck into Athens

What happened to Arcite after he was imprisoned?

Arcite grew lean, sallow, pale, hollow, dry, and frightening; he had given himself to solitude; if he heard a song or an instrument being played he would weep, his spirits were feeble and low, and he had changed so much that no one recognized him

Who is declared the winner? What happens after that?

Arcite is declared the winner, but Pluto sends a fury that frightens Arcite's horse; Arcite is thrown and crushed to death

How were Palamon and Arcite separated?

Arcite is released but banned from Athens, but Palamon remains in prison. Both are envious of the other

Who does Arcite pray to and why?

Arcite prays to Mars to win the tournament

What did Arcite promise Mars?

Arcite promised Mars that he would shave his long hair and beard that had never been cut

What does Arcite think Palamon should do?

Arcite retaliates that he loved her first as a woman because Palamon didn't know if she was a goddess or a woman; Arcite disagrees with Palamon - they should not keep their oath; he quotes, "All's fair in love", he also says that love is a greater law than any man-made law or oaths between men

How did Arcite and Palamon come across each other when they had escaped from prison and snuck into Athens?

Arcite went out riding to amuse himself and came close to the grove where Palamon sat in hiding; he never noticed Palamon, and did not know that anyone was in the grove with him; he was wailing about his sorrow so Palamon jumped from the bushes in anger; he challenges Arcite to a battle the next day and Arcite agrees. The next day Arcite came back to the grove with armor and weapons and they began to duel.

Franklin's Tale Characters

Arveragus Dorigen Aurelius

What did the Knight do to the young woman?

As he was leaving the river, the knight raped a young woman

Thomas' wife

Asks the Friar to pray for her husband to end his sickness and suffering. Mentions their passing of their child, Friar says he saw the child pass into Heaven.

What unusual incident happened to Dorigen at the garden party?

Aurelius admitted he loved her

Where is the old widow's cottage?

By a little meadow beside a grove, standing in a valley

Why is the narrator lamenting to Venus, the god of sex?

Because Chanticleer had sex very often, and it is a Friday (Venus's day) so it seems sad that he should die on the day he would worship his goddess often

Why did he people turn and hate Walter?

Because he had murdered his children.

Why could the rioters not bring the treasure back by day? What does this suggest about the towns' view of them?

Because it would seem as if they had stolen it, and they would most definitely be hanged. This shows that the town knows just what kind of men these are, and are deeply distrustful of them.

Why do the rioters conspire against each other? What quality does this show?

Because they believe they will get more money if they have to divide it less, this shows greed.

Why does Chanticleer's terror and confusion die?

Becuase he says that when he looks at Lady Pertelote, she is so beautiful and her eyes are so pretty that he cannot help but feel pleasure.

What characteristic of the friars does the Summoner's story accentuate?



Benmarin in Morocco

What is marriage often referred to as?

Bondage; "blessed yoke" "bondage" "burden"

How does the reaction of the knight to the request of the old woman parallel the reaction of the kingdom to the knight's original crime?

Both were disgusted after someone having their body taken by force but ended up giving a second chance

How do they decide who goes into town and who stays?

By drawing lots (similar to drawing cuts or straws)


Carthagian general

Name some of the natural laxatives that Lady Pertelote suggests.

Centaury, fumitory, caper-spurge,helleborne,laurel, blackthorn,ground-ivy

The Nun's Priest's Tale Characters

Chanticleer Lady Pertelote Daun Russell


Chaucer and co. believed that heavens circled the Earth twice a day, fifteen degrees per hour (accounted for changes in stars and planets)

What does Chaucer focus on?

Chaucer focuses on the love story and raises Palamon to equal importance if not more so than Arcite

What story did Chaucer reduce in this tale?

Chaucer reduced Boccaccio's story of Palamone, Arcita, and Emilia


Chaucer's Franklin's Tale; A brave Knight who seeks a wife that will enter into a marriage where both parties show patience to each other. Dorigen's husband.

What is the genre of the Knight's Tale?

Chivalric Romance

Genre of the Franklin's Tale

Chivalric Romance; uses mock romance, sarcasm, bathos & imagery.

What does the fox look like? How long has he been at their grove? Where did he hide, and until what time?

Coal-tipped fur, three years. In the cabbage patch, until midday

What is the Danse Macabre?

Dance of the Dead; signifies that Death comes to all

What other option did the knight have?


What makes the tale fantasy?

Death is not a real person, but a concept. However, in this tale, they are taking Death to be someone you can literally catch. (Think Tales of Beedle the Bard)

How was the knight supposed to die?


What does Lady Pertelote say that all women long for?

Dependable, strog husbandsd


Dionysus Cato, author of book of maxims used in elementary education

What is one lesson/theme a reader can learn from this tale?

Do not take advantage of people due to their physical condition

What examples of luxury does the pardoner give when he says he will not stop taking money from people?

Drinking wine, and keeping a wench in every town.

What had Theseus just done at the beginning of the tale?

Duke Theseus defeated Creon, the tyrant of Thebes; he had taken prisoner two royal cousins: Palamon and Arcite

Where is Theseus at the beginning of the tale?

Duke Theseus is on his way back to Athens with his wife Hippolyta and his sister-in-law, Emily

Who ruled Athens?

Duke Theseus was lord and ruler of Athens

Who gathered at the tournament? Why?

Dukes, earls, and kings were gathered together for love and the glory of chivalry

What happens during the tournament?

During the tournament, there was a heavenly conflict among the gods

What was the choice that the old woman gave her new husband?

Either she would stay ugly but a good and faithful wife or she would become beautiful but an unfaithful, bad wife.

Who is made more innocent in Chaucer's version?

Emilia is made more innocent in Chaucer's version

Describe Emily.

Emily is lovelier to look at than the lily is upon its green stalk and fresher than May with its spring flowers; her complexion vied with the color of roses, her clothes were bright and new and her blond hair was in a braid that was a yard long prop character who adds nothing to the plot but helps it to move along

Who does Emily pray to and why?

Emily prays to Diana to remain unmarried

Who won Emily?

Emily was given over to Arcite, and Arcite rode around the field in victory

What prize would the winner receive in the tournament?

Emily would marry the winner

The thridde houre inequal

Emily's hour of prayer

How many parts are in this tale?

Four parts to the tale


French for pleasantly sharp sauce, used for fancy and expensive meals


Geoffrey de Vinsauf, twelfth-century author of a book on rhetoric

What was the squire's solution to the problem of dividing the gift?

Get a cartwheel and have the friars hold their noses to it while Thomas farts in the middle

How does Chanticleer respond to the fox's request?

He begins singing , because he feels so complimented by the fox's flattery.

What happened to the Egyptian pharaoh?

His cook and his butler had a vision (presumabley of their deaths)

What is one lesson/theme a reader can learn from this tale?

Good things come to those who wait; honor your word

What was the name of Janicula's daughter?


The Clerk's Tale Characters

Griselda King Walter Janicula The Sergeant

How long did they travel before they came upon the old man?

Half a mile.

Who did Theseus bring to Athens along with Hippolyta?

He also brought her young sister, Emily, back to Athens

How did Aurelius get rid of the rocks?

He asked the magician to create an illusion that the rocks were no longer there

How does the pardoner exact revenge on his enemies?

He will create a sermon highlighting the injuries they have committed, and will drop subtle hints that will let the congregation know who the perpetrator is, all the while making him seem like he is saying something holy.

Why was Dorigen so sad?

Her husband was away in England for two years

What was the man's dream about? How many times did he dream it?

His friend, lying in the oxen stall and his friend telling him that he would be murdered that night, and pleading with him to come. Twice in a row, and then a third time (but it was a different dream)!

What did the friend get killed for?

His money

grabbed one of his arms and pulled it off

How did Beowulf injure Grendel?

entered a swimming contest, storm created whirlpools, dashed against cliffs, nixies attacked him, Beowulf killed them all

How did Beowulf prove this superhuman strength?

clutched rocks with one hand and used his weapons with the other

How did Beowulf survive the nixies?

hand-to-hand combat

How did Beowulf think Grendel would be defeated?

gave him his own precious sword

How did Hygelac reward his nephew?

given treasures

How did the Danes show their appreciation to Beowulf?

When did God create man? What day do they specify it being, in the time of the tale?

In march. May 3rd, 9'oclock

When did Palamon see Emily?

In prison, Palamon was pacing, and saw Emily

Where does this tale take place?

In the region of Saluzzo( West side of Italy, at the foot of Mt. Viso)

What place did the old man go to on his pilgrimage?


Where were the rioters sitting in the beginning of the story, at what time?

Inside a bar, long before 9am.

What is the general plot of the tale?

Is the conflicted love story of two royal Theban cousins who love the same woman


Jack Staw was one of the leaders of the peasants' revolt in which angry peasants and workers destroyed property and killed wealthy people

What was the name of the man who was considered the poorest of them all?

Janicula(Griselda's father)

Who is St. Kenelm?

Kenulphus' son, the noble King of Mercia

Who was the King at the time?

King Arthur


Large drinking cup with a handle and a lid

Radix malorum est cupiditas

Latin for "Greed is the root of all evil."

Who did the friar use as examples showing the necessity of fasting?

Lazarus and Dives

What is the physical structure of the tale?

Longest, most complex tale

What was Griselda's response?

Nothing of her demeanor changed, she never spoke of her daughter.

Who joined Palamon?

Lycurgus, the great king of Thrace had joined Palamon

What noble gesture did Arveragus make on behalf of Dorigen?

Makes her keep her promise to Aurelius

In the story of Midas, what was the secret?

Midas had donkey ears

Genre of The Clerk's Tale

Mock Romance: uses parody & bathos

What did the knight see that "vanished into thin air"?

More than 24 beautiful, dancing women

What was on Theseus' pennon?

On his pennon, there was an image of the Minotaur that he had slain in Crete

What was the problem that the knight was experiencing?

No two women agreed

What kind of oaths did the "brothers" swear?

Oaths that including parts of Christ's body such as "God's blessed bones", etc.

What was this tale originally?

Palamon and Arcite

What did Palamon and Arcite do in prison?

Palamon and Arcite both fell in love with Emily

Who was often fighting against the other?

Palamon and Arcite were often fighting against each other

What does Palamon do to try to win Emily's hand?

Palamon escapes and duels with Arcite

Who ended up marrying Emily?

Palamon married Emily

Who ends up marrying Emily?

Palamon marries Emily

Who does Palamon pray to and why?

Palamon prays to Venus to marry Emily

What did Palamon think Arcite should do?

Palamon told Arcite that he should faithfully help his cousin rather than fighting him because Palamon claims to have seen her first

What was the event that ended the battle?

Palamon was captured, ending the battle

What did Palamon support? What did Arcite support?

Palamon was for love, Arcite for battle

What was Palamon doing while Arcite snuck into Athens?

Palamon was out of his mind because he had been imprisoned for four years

What did Palamon's men look like?

Palamon's men had an assortment of armor


Prioress: top nun coy smile, corrupt liar, fake, very strict manners, speaks French badly, zest for courtliness (not allowed) Glass grey eyes (lack of emotion), larger woman nicely dressed (when she should not be) coral trinket owned hunting dogs (not proper)


Race with yellowish skin, slanting eyes, prominent cheekbones, short broad nose, straight dark hair (n.)

Describe Chanticleer's appearance.

Red comb, blue legs, white nails, black bill

The Old Man

Represents death, sends the three rioters to an oak tree where they end up dying.

The Friar (Summoner's Tale)

Resided in Holderness, Yorkshire, who spent much of his time casting, spells over his Parishioners and then requesting money so that the Brotherhood of Friars could pray for their misfortune.

What mood was the knight in as he rode home?

Sad, nervous, scared

Who put the idea of poisoning the other two men in the young rioters head?


Who decided the victor of the battle?


What were the seven hens doing as they witnessed Chanticleer being dragged into the woods?

Screaming very loudly.

What is a theme of the Wife of Bath's Tale?

Second chances

The Wife of Bath's Tale (Characters)

The Old Lady The Knight The Queen

How many "sisters"/lovers does Chanticleer have? Who is the fairest of them all? Describe her character.

Seven, Lady Pertelote. Gentle and courtly, very affectatious about her manners and was totally the object of Chanticleer's desire.

What did the old woman ask the knight? What did they agree on?

She asked him what he was searching for. They made the agreement that he would do whatever she asked if she told him what women want.

What were the requirements the Marquis gave Griselda?

She could never complain, or look of a sad or angry countenance; do what ever he says, no questions asked.

According to the knight, how can the old woman never fix the marriage situation?

She couldn't change her age or beauty

How did Midas' wife respond to his secret?

She couldn't keep the secret so she ran down to a river and whispered it to the water (from the story of Ovid).

What was the Queen's decision on how to handle the knight?

She decided to send him on an educational journey

When did the old woman say that he would know the answer?

She said he'd know the answer that night and that his life was guaranteed to be saved.

Identify Thomas.

Sick man visited by Friar.

What was the fox's title?

Sir Russel Fox

What type of irony is used in this story, and why?

Situational irony, because while the Pardoner condemns gluttony and avarice, he is guilty of them as well.

Why did the Queen want the Knight to know what women want most in the world?

So that he would treat women with respect

What is a rioter?

Someone who acts in a violent way or with wild disorder or confusion, and usually damages the public peace.

What does the saying "murder will out" mean?

Sooner or later, someone will find out about the murder because God will not suffer its being hidden.

What happened while Emily was praying to Diana?

Suddenly, she saw a strange vision. One of the fires was quenched and reignited and the other fire was extinguished completely. Emily began to weep and Diana appeared to her, telling her that she must be wed to one

The old woman was a sort of dairy woman (T or F)


Where does the tale take place?

Takes place in ancient Athens

What is the pardoner's intent when he tells this story?

The pardoner wants to get his business even better. He tells this story to make the people fear dying sinfully and falling into the trap of gluttony. This will fill his pockets even more.

What work was Palamon and Arcite from?


What was the man's dream about (sailing story)?

That a man was standing by his bed and telling him to wait before sailing, because if he went tommorow he would die.

What was the lie the young rioter told the apothecary to get his poison?

That he had rats and a polecat in his yard, and that the polecat kills his chickens.

What did the fox say to Chanticleer?

That he should not be afraid,he was simply listening to Chanticleer's beautiful singing, and that he sounded a lot like his father, who was incredible at singing

What does the innkeeper/servant boy warn the rioters about?

That if they meet Death, they should really be on their gaurd, because he is not someone to be taken lightly.

What were Griselda's request concerning the 'killing' of the baby girl?

That she could kiss the child first, and that when they buried her that she be buried far enough underground so no animals could eat/ or tear the skin.

What does the rioter infer from the old man's lines "Not even Death, alas, will take my life"?

That the old man is a spy, working for Death.

What does the narrator that explains the reason behind the story?

That there is a moral behind it and that it i not just a foolish story, but that there is knoweledge to be gleaned from it.

What was the biblical Daniel/Joseph's opinion on dreams?

That they are not vanities and can foretell certain events.

What is the narrator's view on flatterers?

That they are treacherous because they always lie and talk of innane things, but people enjoy them more than honest speakers.

What does Chanticleer state about people that study history?

That they must be really concerned about their dreams

What does the pardoner mean when he says "they can go blackberrying for all I care!"

That when he gets the congregation to seek penance, he is not actually doing it to help them get to heaven. He does not care about their salvation, and just wants their money. In fact, their souls can go pick blackberries, for all its worth.

What did Theseus do for the women?

The Duke was very gentle and felt pity for them; he swore to avenge them upon the tyrant Creon, who had banished them; after he had defeated Creon, he returned to the ladies the bones of their husbands so that they could have a proper funeral

The Summoner's Tale Characters

The Friar Thomas Thomas' wife

What happened to Croesus/who was he?

The Lydian king who would had a dream about him sitting in a tree, meaning he would be hung.

The Pardoner's Tale Characters

The Pardoners The Three Rioters The Old Man

Who ended up confessing to the murder? What happened to them?

The cart-driver and the innkeeper, they were hanged.

Where did the Summoner say all the friars were in hell?

The devil's butt

Why were there no longer any magical creatures (fairies, elves, etc.)?

The friars blessed every part of the island to keep them away

What sin did the Friars commit?

The friars slept with sleeping women

What happened in the second dream?

The friend says that he has been slain, and that he should wake up early and go to the west gate. There, he will find a dung cart in which his body has been hidden.

What does L.P. blame the dream on? What does she suggest to cure it?

The gas in his red choler/black choler. She suggests a laxative.

Who joined Arcite?

The great king of India, Emetrius, had joined Arcite

What ideas does Chaucer model his tale off of?

The idea that adversity leads to happiness

How did the king react to what the knight did?

The king sentenced the knight to death (according to law)

How did the kingdom react to what the knight did?

The kingdom was disgusted and mad

Why did the knight get treated differently from the friars after raping?

The knight was from noble descent and represented the king's court

Lady Pertelote

The lady that Chanticleer is devoted to. Even though are devoted to each other, she is somewhat of a nag.


The most noble and handsome hen, who has great responsibility and is the greatest crower of all the hens. He has many wives, and is slightly arrogant.

What is one character comparison that you can make?

The old witch from Beauty and the Beast that tested the prince but really was a young, beautiful enchantress.

The host

The owner of the Tabard Inn, who volunteers to travel with the pilgrims. He promises to keep everyone happy, be their guide and arbiter in disputes, and judge the tales.

Where does the old man say to go to find Death?

Turn up this crooked way towards that grove, and he will be under a tree.

Why does the old man have a problem withe rioters?

The rioter was very rude to him, and it says in the Bible to respect your elders. He also states that the rioter should do to eldery people what he would want done to him as an elderly person.

What allusion did one woman use to prove that women could not keep a secret?

The story of Midas and his wife.

What did the temple to Diana look like?

The temple to Diana depicted various images of hunters, chastity, and childbirth

What did the temple to Mars look like?

The temple to Mars was filled with images of death and various ways to die

What did the Temple to Venus look like?

The temple to Venus was covered in pictures of love and Love's servants

What would the old man trade in order to get a shroud?

The wardrobe in his chamber

What happened to Andromache? Who is she?

The wife of hector, the greatest warrior of Troy at the time of the Trojan War (Greek mythology). She dreamt that if he went to battle he would die, and she warned him (he dismissed her prattling) and went out, where he met Achilles and was killed.

How did the knight's original crime to the woman go against what all women want?

The young woman had no control over herself when she was taken by force

Stace of Thebes

Thebaid of Statius

What was wrong with the town the two men on the pilgrimage were in? Because of this, what did the two men have to do?

There were not enough places to stay considering the large amount of people there. They had to split up.

What did Theseus make for Venus?

Theseus had an altar and an oratory made at the east end for Venus.


a young woman who has all the qualities to make Walter a perfect wife.

The Three Rioters

These are the three protagonists of the Pardoner's Tale. All three indulge in and represent the vices against which the Pardoner has railed in his Prologue: Gluttony, Drunkeness, Gambling, and Swearing. These traits define the three and eventually lead to their downfall. The Rioters at first appear like personified vices, but it is their belief that a personified concept—in this case, Death—is a real person that becomes the root cause of their undoing.

Who are the characters of the tale?

Theseus Emily Palamon Arcite

What does Theseus do when he finds out why Palamon and Theseus are fighting?

Theseus banishes them for a year, to get 100 knights and battle in a tournament.

What does Theseus do after banishing Palamon and Arcite for a year?

Theseus builds an amphitheater with statues to Mars, Venus, and Diana

What did Theseus do while Arcite and Palamon were gathering support?

Theseus constructed an arena while the men were gone. It was a noble amphitheater. It was one mile around, walled with stone, and had a moat. It was rounded, and had 60 foot tall tiered seats

What rules did Theseus set in place for the tournament?

Theseus decided that the contestants shall not die; they will simply be taken prisoner. He restricts their use of weapons. At times, Theseus allows them to rest and refresh themselves

What does Theseus do to the criminal Arcite and Palamon?

Theseus forgave them and had them swear to never make war on or harm his country. He suggests that they leave for fifty weeks and bring 100 armed knights for a tournament. Whichever side wins will have Emily's hand in marriage

How did Theseus find Arcite and Palamon?

Theseus was out hunting (when Arcite and Palamon were fighting) with Hippolyta and Emily. The hunting party went into the grove in which Arcite and Palamon were fighting. Theseus stopped the fight and asks them for identification. Palamon knows that they both deserve death so he tells Theseus their true identities, their plight, and asks for their deaths. Theseus would have granted it if Hippolyta, Emily, and the other ladies hadn't begun to weep

What did the women that Theseus came across do?

They cried out to him, begging for mercy and aid; they had been duchesses, but fate had crossed their paths and they became wretches; when Thebes was besieged, they lost their husbands

Why did the Queen and the ladies of the kingdom ask for the knight's life?

They felt that the king should be merciful

What did the widow and her two daughters do when they saw the fox chasing Chanticleer? what about the other animals?

They grabbed a stick and chased after him The other animals ran and yelled after him, very frantically

What do the lines "And thus I preach against the very vice I make my living out of---avarice" mean?

They mean that he preaches against greed, even though greed is the reason he gets money and is the reason he is preaching in the first place.

Why didn't Dorigen like the rocks?

They only do harm; no one is helped by them. It only reminded her of the accidents that could happen to her husband.

What was the relationship between Theseus and Palamon?

They were cousins

A polecat looks like a ferrety animal.

This is a polecat...

avarice and cupidity

desire to gain wealth/greed

What did the old woman end up deciding?

To become beautiful and still be a faithful wife

Why did the nun's priest choose to tell this particular tale?

To demonstrate the human like qualities of vanity and courtliness--that the other priests and the prioress posess--in sharp contrast with the "good, christian" qualities of the widow and show them that those qualities actually make them seem more beast like and savage.

What was the purpose of the educational journey?

To find what women really want the most

What did the knight decide?

To give the choice to the old woman

Why did the two men cross the sea? Why did they have to stop at a town?

To look for merchandise. Winds were not in propoer direction.

What did the old woman end up asking the knight to do?

To marry her

What is the theme of the Pardoner's tale?

To not be greedy, because greedy makes everything bad for everyone around you, and is the ROOT OF ALL EVIL!

What is the point of the two stories the friar uses as examples about anger?

To persuade him to give up his wrath

What was the plan of the two rioters who stayed behind?

To pretend to mock wrestle with the other one, as a jest and then actually hold him in place and stab him in the back.

Why does Chanticleer tell these stories?

To show Lady Pertelote that dreams DO have meaning, thus proving he is not a coward.

What were some reasons as to why the old woman showed herself to the knight as ugly in the first place?

To teach him lessons (why women wanted to be in charge of themselves) and to test him (to see if he truly understood what women want)

What was the main objective of the friar's preaching at the church in Holderness?

To urge them to contribute towards souls in purgatory


Venus' mountain island called Cytherea

Describe the old widow's character.

Very poor, modest, frugal woman who enjoys simplicity and a rural lifestyle.

Who is the marquis?



devotees, fans

What were the answers that he was receiving?

Wealth, treasure, jollity, pleasure, good in bed, remarriage, flattery, freedom to do as they please, to be thought of as wise, having no faults, and being thought of as discreet

What was the irony of the knight and old woman's wedding?

Wedding days are expected to be filled with happiness but theirs was full of heaviness

What did the man do in the morning? After speaking with the innkeeper, what did he do?

Went to the cattle stall where his friend had spent the night. Then, he headed to the western gate and found the dung cart that was described. He screamed for revenge and called for the sherriff/law enforcement to help.

phosphorescent light

What began to shine in the watery cavern to guide Beowulf?

killed him with Nageling

What did Beowulf do to Grendel after killing his mother?

hung it from a beam on the ceiling of Heorot

What did Beowulf do with Grendel's arm?

the heads of Grendel and Grenel's mother

What did Beowulf hold when he resurfaced?


What did Beowulf use to kill the other monsters that clutched him as he was swimming to the cave?

her son's arm and Asker

What did Grendel's mother take from Heorot?

a great feast

What did Hrothgar order after Beowulf defeated Grendel?

a huge hall, or stronghold

What did King Hrothgar build for this people?

a gold ring and necklace named Brisingamen

What did Queen Wealtheow give to Beowulf?

Grendel killed them

What happened to Beowulf's men when Grendel came?

the blood of the monsters melted the sword blade

What happened to the sword Nageling after he killed the monsters?

Grendel killed them and carried their bodies off to the caves

What happened to the ten more knights who guarded the next feast?

she clasped him in a death grip and he killed her with Nageling

What happened when Beowulf and Grendel's mother battled?

of great goodness

What kind of person did it take to kill Grendel?

a swimmer of superhuman endurance

What power did Beowulf have?

he begged him not to undertake the mission

What was King Hrothgar's first reaction to Beowulf's decision to go after Grendel?

Before I die, I shall do still greater deeds

What was the last thing that Beowulf said?


What was the name of Hrothgar's stronghold?


What was the sword's name?

If I am not back in 2 days, then know that I am dead

What were Beowulf's instructions to Hrothgar and his men before he dove in the sea?

Who was Arcite visited by?

When Arcite was sleeping one night, he was visited by Mercury who told him to cheer up. He said that Arcite should go to Athens and his woe would end

What promise did Dorigen make to Aurelius?

When he clears the coast of all the rocks, she will love him.

When did Emily pray? To whom did she pray?

When the sun rose, Emily went to the temple of Diana

his home in Jutland

Where did Beowulf travel to after his killed the monsters?

bottom of the lake forever in water caves with his monster mother and other evil creatures

Where did the magician banish Grendel to live?

a part of Sweden called Jutland, the land of the Geats

Where did the troubador go?

in the sea's caves

Where would Beowulf have to go to defeat Grendel's mother?

What did Arcite do while illegally being in Athens?

While there, he received employment from a chamberlain who attended to Emily, he changed his name to Philostrato and was made a squire of his chamber, he lived in this fashion for three years


Who decided that he would conquer Grendel?


Who did Hrothgar say did this?


Who escaped Grendel's second attack on Heorot?

Queen Wealtheow

Who is King Hrothgar's wife?


Who is King of the Danes (Denmark)?


Who is King of the Geats?

Grendel's mother because she was mad at his defeat and sad by his slow death

Who took revenge on the people at Heorot? Why?

King Hygelac's 18 year old nephew

Who was Beowulf?

to entertain the knights with feasts and music and protect them from enemies

Why did Hrothgar build Heorot?


Wife of Arveragus in Franklin's Tale. Becomes unhappy when her husband is away.

How does the other sailor treat his friend when he begs him not to go sailing because of his ominous dream?

With contempt, stating that dreams are stupid and have no meaning, and basically saying hasta la vista and leaving the other guy there.

What is another prominent theme in the tale?

Women should be respected

What did the knight say all women wanted?

Women want to be in charge of themselves and their spouses

Did the Friar know about the woman's baby's death before she told him about it?


In the end, did the result of the educational journey teach the knight what the queen wanted him to learn?


Did the knight end up happy?

Yes, he had a beautiful, faithful wife

Did the knight and the old woman get married?

Yes, they got married in secret the next day

Who did Chaucer borrow ideas about happiness from?

a Roman philosopher named Boethius


a beast with the head and wings of an eagle on the body of a lion


a broad, curved medieval sword


a composer and singer of an epic verse


a creature with one hundred eyes who guards Io


a defensive wall; a source of strength and protection in time of need or danger


a disease that makes metabolism defective (basically you get fat)


a festive party or celebration


a fight, battle; a noisy quarrel or brawl


a flag, banner; a badge of office or authority

Furie infernal

a fury/avenging spirit in the underworld


a gift, grant, privilege; a favor saught

What was their first child?

a girl


a group or line of troops that advances in the forefront of others


a helmet; to finish or cover with a helmet


a judge


a king, ruler


a knowledgeable person; wise; prudent

What is included in the tale?

a love triangle


a member of a group that does not recognize the God of the Bible


a wealthy neighbor who harbors a secret love for Dorigen.


a person under the protection of a feudal lord to whom he or she owes allegiance


a person who never develops beyond the mental age of eight (n.)


a pile of firewood (especially one used for burning dead bodies)


a race of warlike women who could live without men

The Pardoners

a representative of the Church who's authorized to go around selling relics and pardons for forgiveness of sin.


a royal crown


a safe place; a calm harbor where ships can anchor

What is chivalric romance?

a tale of courtly love and two knights who vy for love


a temporary suspension of judgment or punishment

What did Theseus make for Diana?

a third altar on the north end to Diana

Why was Arcite let out of prison?

a valiant duke named Prithous, who was Duke Theseus' childhood friend, came to visit; he had known Arcite previously and took pity on him and convinced Theseus to let him out of prison; Arcite was banished from Athens and any lands which belonged to Theseus


a villain, troublemaker; a heretic or infidel


a wanderer, especially one who earns subsidence by illegal means

What is the object of a man's affection?

a woman


guard; sentry


actual result of a sequence of events is opposite of expected result (n.)

When did Arcite see Emily?

after Palamon cried out

What is the author's view on free will?

although many scholars have argued about it, he is not sure whether god foretells all things and makes it certain that he do certain things and follow through with gods plan, or whether he can deviate from the path (basically if he really has free will)


an act or an instance of retaliation in any form; retribution; retaliatory action against an enemy in wartime


an oath of loyalty and service made by a feudal vassal to a lord

Where is it set?

ancient Greece in Thebes and Athens

Puella, Rubeus

astrological references to Mars

cleft lip

bare lip - deformity existed from birth where parts of upper lip fail to grow together (n.)

Genre of "The Nun's Priest's Tale"

beast fable


bodily fluid that is responsible for health and disposition


book on nature written in latin meter




came from Inner Temple (society of lawyers) caterers must follow his example in buying victuals, watched market, never rash, illiterate but doing better than learned men there could be no better than him

What did the battle look like?

ceremonial and pageant-like


characterized by generosity and nobility in spirit; high-minded



Calistopee, Dane, Attheon, Atthalante, Meleagre

classical allusions to hunters

Ydelnesse, Salamon, Hercules, Medea, Circes, Turnus, Cresus

classical allusions who were caught in snares of love

Describe the hound Chanticleer dreamt of.

coloring was a blend of red and yellow and his ears/tail were tipped with striped fur, the rest was a reddish brown, he was a mutt, small snout, glowing eyes


contempt or ridicule

Describe Palamon and Arcite

cousins bound by knighthood (cousins by knighthood)



The Knight

doesn't make a very good first impression, and he's not a very good knight. Knights are supposed to protect women; instead, he rapes one. Knights are supposed to keep their promises steadfastly; he whines and complains and tries to wriggle out of his when it turns out that keeping his promise requires him to marry the loathly lady.


dreadful, threatening


each one was famos for betrayal


envious, desiring the possession of another; eagerly desirous


eros, a sickness acquired by falling in love


evil, harm


excessively arrogant; presumptuously conceited, overconfident


extensive slaughter, especially in battle; bloodshed


extremely disturbing or distressing; troublesome; tormenting


famous Roman general


fat, stout, man, good wrestler, sword on side strong, braggy, bulky, brute, red hair gross, wart on nose, wide black nostrils sells grain from store (steals by putting thumb on scale)


faultless, not to be doubted (adj.)

What is the theme of this tale?



fine, young 20 yrs old curly hair great agility, strength, tall, gets ladies, practiced courtly love fiery personality, good in arts, sports knew place in society


forking beard, good with others' money but not his own (in debt) good at job, nice guy


full of joy; expressing joy


general truth or rule of conduct, expressed in brief form

The Knight

good guy, followed chivalry, truth, honor, generous, courtesy, Honored, noble, Christian, modest, humble (humbly dressed also) stained and dark fustian tunic fifteen battles, been around


greed, especially for what belongs to others


honest, true worker shovels poop, brother to Parson, good Christian ethical, helps poor (even though he is poor), would never steal never complains


ill-gotten gains of money or wealth

When does it take place?

in May


insincere or meaningless talk


is someone the medieval church hires to call people before the ecclesiastical court for their spiritual crimes, like adultery or heresy, the punishment for which can be excommunication. Physical appearance is kind of cringe-inducing: his face is covered in sores that no ointment can heal and his narrow eyes are covered by fierce, bushy eyebrows. So hideous is his face, in fact, that children are afraid of it. Bad breath from eating smelly vegetable,s lecherous, dishonest, and generally unethical, bad drunk, took bribes to let people out of things seduced young girls


job: man who preaches for money ordained marriages, very close with rich townspeople, should be helping lower class. Claimed Pope licensed him to hear confessions, would butt down doors with his head, loved the ladies, charming, dressed nicely unlike he should be




kindly disposed; gracious; doing good or causing good to be done


the opening part of an oration


the state of having eaten too much

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