english 2019/2/final

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What a Prince Should Not Do 1. 2. 3.

1. Confiscate a family's property - He will never be forgiven 2. What a Prince Should Not Do: A prince shouldn't make himself hated by the people. Why: This creates bitter enemies for life. 3. What a Prince Should Not Do: A price shouldn't try to make himself loved. Why: People will not be loyal to a leader.

What a prince should do and why 1. 2. 3.

1. Make himself feared - only the fear of punishment will make men obey. Otherwise, they are changeable and "a sad lot". 2. What a Prince Should Do: A prince should lie. Why: A prince has to defend his interests, not the truth. The people are too simple to be told the truth. They have no loyalty or goodness, so a prince doesn't need goodness either. 3. What a Prince Should Do: A prince should only pretend to follow religion. Why: Pretending to be religious fools the people, but a prince should care only about keeping power.

Arguments for and against: Animal communication is much more language-like than anyone would have guessed For Against 1. 2. 3. 4.

1. Vervets communicate about eagles / No, it's just involuntary sounds of fear 2. It's not just fear; they communicate precise information / Making these sounds is innate and instinctive, not learned like human language 3. It's not instinctive because vervets learn to make the right sounds after six to seven months / Humans have grammar rules for language; animals don't have them 4. Chimps and apes are very smart and can learn to communicate in English. This has made it very essential to study vocalizations made by animals of the wild / It's all very artificial because animals don't speak language in the wild.

Orbital Cortex

A low activity in orbital cortex not good - doesn't inhibit activity of amygdala

1917 on Women's rights

Alice Paul and the Women's party stepped up their campaign after the U.S. entered World War I.

MI: Freedom movements intersect Support:

An idea doesn't die—freedom for anyone helps the human race progress.

The concept of biological determinism has no _________ Explanation:

Assertion: basis / foundation Explanation: too much stereotypical thinking by those in power; our biological nature is not an obstacle to social reform

The large human brain allows for more ____________ Explanation

Assertion: flexibility Explanation: brain is larger in size and humans are less programmed by their genes—flexibility should be considered a determinant in human awareness; humans can be aggressive and peaceful, dominant and submissive, spiteful and generous

Man is a ______________ species Explanation

Assertion: genial Explanation: animals are relatively peaceful, described that way despite one or two aggressive acts; hardly any aggressive acts noted after millions of hours observing humans

Humans are both ____________ and ______________, but we remember _________ more Explanation

Assertion: violent, kind, violence Explanation: violence has more of an impact on us than kindness; violence is more shocking

Main Ideas 5 sentences

Bekoff and Pierce believe that we can understand the origin of goodness by studying the ethical behaviour of animals. Human morality is much more complex because the human brain allows for reasoning, and, therefore, direct moral responsibility. Human beings use language to strengthen morality. Robin Dunbar argues that language has always been about morality and whom you can trust. Terrence Deacon thinks that although human minds and animal minds exist along a continuum, human language is unique, and the use of language has shaped our brain in ways unknown in animals

Life in captivity


1916 on Women's rights

Carrie Chapman Catt became president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association and developed the "Winning Plan" (with its goal of suffrage in 1920).

S for Stanton, D for Douglass Faulty thinking, despite its apparent lack of logic, can often shape human attitudes


S for Stanton, D for Douglass I would like to explain why the progress of the women's movement has been so slow


MI: For Douglass, it was an unselfish effort Support:

Douglass fought against slavery for himself and his people but fighting for women was an act of nobility.

A person's brain patterns and genetic make-up determine whether he will be a criminal or not


According to the Declaration, women at this time were not allowed to work outside the home


According to the author, hatred is part of the struggle to change society


All scientists believe that bonobos use communication symbols in the wild


Although chimps and wild apes in captivity seem capable of learning human language, we know that they do not develop large vocabularies on their own in the wild


Bonobos can speak human languages


Even when some people do the right thing, it may be difficult to follow their example


Evidence seems to point to the fact that vervets' sound patterns are instinctive rather than learned


Freud: F Gould: G The future looks dark


Human nature is primarily violent


It is not hard to trace human language origins


Men overwhelmingly supported women's rights to vote


People took a long time to decide to help others


Savage-Rumbaugh is a famous scientist working with bonobos and sign language


The Sikh in the bus had killed Indira Gandhi


The author cannot understand how the oppressed can reisign themselves to their fate


The author sees nothing good about violence


The people who helped victims were policemen


The use of modern tape recorders in the wild has confirmed the ideas researchers had about animal language 30 years ago


Women enjoyed the rights of American citizens


Women were not allowed to learn to read and write


cognitive emotion


culpable story


inextricably chained


set an accomplishment


tackle the answer


take false measures


the battle between nature and nurture is not an important part of Fallon's discussion


violence leaves a chance for the oppressors to change their minds and see the error of their ways


wage a possibility


Freud: F Gould: G Human beings have an innate potential for violence


Paraphrase P2 of Speech on Women's Rights

For women to demand equality for themselves was more difficult than speaking out in favour of antislavery or antiwar causes

Two Cheers for democracy summary (4 sentence)

Forster admires tolerance, good temper and sympathy rather than violence and cruelty. For him, personal relationships are most important in life. Because he believes in the individual, Forster chooses democracy because it values a variety of opinions and the rights to criticize things. But he has no illusions that it is a perfect system.

Freud: F Gould: G Human behaviour can be affected by social structures in a positive way


Freud: F Gould: G Kindness predominates in human beings


Freud: F Gould: G We can be optimistic about the future


I. Argument about Bonobos' language ability I.B. Rumbaugh-Savage and other researchers 1. few apes: 2. modern research and bias:

I. B. 1. able to use language (symbolic communications systems) I. B. 2. working to disprove the bias of linguists such as Chomsky

I. Argument about Bonobos' language ability I.A Chomsky and some linguists 1. humans: 2. chimps/other relatives:

I.A.1. language is spoken only by humans I.A.2. do not have the brain structure to create language

II Research with Apes and Language II.A. Lab experiments 1. sign language: 2. keyboard: 3. Kanzi:

II. A. 1. because of the structure of their vocal tracts, apes can't produce the sounds of human language; researchers before Savage-Rumbaugh taught them sign language II. A. 2. used by Savage-Rumbaugh; consists of 400 symbols; apes can communicate with humans in conversation that way II. A. 3. picks up words in normal conversation; not a system based on rewards (behaviorism); normal give-and-take in the conversation

II Research with Apes and Language II.B. Experiments with apes in the wild 1. difficulties for researchers 2. preators/marking of trails

II. B. 1. bonobos congregate in groups of 100 in trees; hard to prove they are using languages among themselves; when on the ground, they are silent to avoid predators. II. B. 2. bonobos communicate at crossroads of trails by smashing plants and branches at the angle pointing in the direction to take (symbolic communication)

II. Research with Apes and Language II.C. Skeptics 1. Skeptics' argument: 2. Rumbaugh's response:

II. C. 1. just trampled plants, not a way of communicating II. C. 2. clues left only where trails split and therefore a choice of a new direction is necessary; although evidence of this habit not seen in other primates, bonobos can use a human symbolic communication system

Paraphrase P3 of Speech on Women's Rights

It was very difficult to convince many women that they deserved more in life because they had been told for centuries that whatever they had was all they needed

1918 on Women's rights

Jeannette Rankin of Montana—the first female member of Congress—introduced the suffrage amendment on the House floor.

Warrior gene

MAO-A gene (monoamine oxidase A)— regulates serotonin—people with a version of this gene don't react to the calming effect of serotonin

Machiavelli vs Jefferson Human nature

Men are not good: they are liars, deceivers, ungrateful, greedy, unfaithful, cowardly, not very smart All men are created equal and have the ability to fulfil their needs according to their talents and interests

MI: It is hard to convince society to change Support:

Men dominated women in time and space—the weight of history acts against change.

Paraphrase P5 & P6 of Speech on Women's Rights

Men dominated women in time and space—the weight of history acts against change.

Machiavelli vs Jefferson The rights of Man

None; whatever rights are given to them can be taken away by the prince; men are more interested in their private property than freedom All citizens have equal rights; they are entitled to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"

R1 R2 What are the victims being threatened with? Are the threats carried out? What role do the authorities play? What kind of success is enjoyed?

R1: Death R2: Death R1: Yes, except in some instances; R2: No R1: In Delhi, allowing the murdering to happen; R2: Opposing the murders R1: Limited success; R2: Mostly successful

S for Stanton, D for Douglass The list I have written points to the specific abuses that women have suffered


S for Stanton, D for Douglass This is the beginning of the women's suffrage movement


S for Stanton, D for Douglass Women feel oppressed and angry about their status in society


S for Stanton, D for Douglass History pervades my writing because I refer to historical texts and events


S for Stanton, D for Douglass I want women to have the right to vote and to be men's equals in every respect


A nation's solidarity in dangerous times can be strengthened when the government take a courageous action that its citizens willingly follow


According to Stanton, marriage is a contract that was unfavorable to women


After the fact, more people made contributions to help the victims


Animals communicate with each other by using sounds that are more "language-like" than we thought


Biology is not destiny for human beings


Cognitive neuroscience


Cognitive psychology


Current evidence suggests that the tendency to engage in criminal behaviour may be passed down from generation to generation


Different tactics helped bring the cause to the attention of the public


For the majority of linguists a system of communication cannot be considered a language unless it depends on grammatical rules


If you want your rights, you have to fight for 'em


Inextricably bound


It is important to resist the preparations for persecution as soon as they occur


Kanzi can listen and respond in conversation


Kindness is statistically more characteristic of relations between people than violence


Men profited from the dependency of women


Organized resistance by a people opposed in principle to an evil plan can sometimes influence even their oppressors


Our biological nature has many aspects, and it's up to us to encourage positive behaviour in society


People used nonviolence to try to stop the revenge killings


Some bonobos can use sign language or communication symbols to some extent


Some people may be more naturally inclined to commit violence than others


The effort for equal rights is not over


Vervets vocalize special calls that alert each other to specific dangers


Wage a struggle


culpable behaviour


culpable homicide


culpable neglect


inextricably linked


nonviolence allows the oppressed minority to appeal to the majority's moral conscience


set a task


set an agenda


set an example


tackle the problem


tackle the question


take drastic measures


take emergency measures


wage a campaign


wage a war


1920 on Women's rights

The 19th amendment became a part of the U.S. Constitution.

Danger/solution On the buss On the street

The Sikh passenger was in danger of being taken by the rioters and killed A woman told him to hide ; The bus driver and all the passengers lied to protect the Sikh Danger: The people who joined the march encountered mobs of rioters armed with steel rods and knives. Solution: The marchers chanted slogans to remind people of Gandhi's legacy of nonviolence. / The women stood in front of the men to bring the rioters to their senses and make them stop.

1919 on Women's rights

The amendment was submitted to the states for ratification—after the Senate voted "yes."

Paraphrase P4 of Speech on Women's Rights

To Douglass, standing up for the rights of women was a selfless and noble act

Life in the wild Vevets Bonobos

Vervets, Bonobos

Social relationships

Vervets, Bonobos

Language as a voluntary tool (i.e. wanting to communicate something)

Vervets, bonobos

Natural language

Vervets, bonobos

1910-1914 on Women's rights

Western states gave the vote to women

Paraphrase P8 of Speech on Women's Rights

When many people have the inalienable rights of women fully sealed in their minds, there is no turning back

Paraphrase P7 of Speech on Women's Rights

Women's rights movement helps not only women but everyone

A few years ago in the slum areas of Atlanta, a Negro guitarists used to sing almost daily: 'Been down so long that down don't bother me' The guitarists could've said these words a. I've become so used to my poverty that it doesn't upset me anymore b. My poverty is not as bad as it seems


Although skeptics could counter that [Savage-Rumbaugh] was just seeing trampled plants, she contends they actually were road signs since they occurred only at trail intersections a. Savage-Rumbaugh thinks the animals are signalling to each other b. Sceptics don't believe the road signs occurred only at trail intersections


And one can, at all events, show one's own little light here, one's own poor little trembling flame, with the knowledge that it is not the only light that is shining in the darkness, and not the only one which the darkness does not comprehend Foster communicates the idea that... a. good people are not alone even in the darkness of bad times b. we shouldn't be afraid of the darkness or the light c. darkness and ignorance play a large role in our lives


As a rule, this cruel aggressiveness waits for some provocation or puts itself at the service of some higher purpose, whose goal might have been reached by milder measures a. Aggression prevents peaceful conflict resolution b. A higher purpose provokes others into fighting


But in some people, there's an imbalance - the orbital cortex isn't doing its job - perhaps because the person had a brain injury or was born that way. What's left? What takes over? he asks. The area of the brain that drives your id-type behaviours, which are rage, violence, eating, sex, drinking a. Killers have something wrong with their brains due to genetics or injury b. Killers don't have enough id-like behaviour


But peacefulness, equality and kindness are just as biological - and we may see their influence increase if we can create social structures that permit them to flourish a. Social structure can encourage the expression of positive biological behaviour b. Positive behaviour is biological


Endowed with sufficient logic and memory, the brain may have substituted non-programmed learning for direct specification as the ground of social behaviour a. The human brain replaced programmed behaviour with non-programmed learning b. The human brain replaced non-programmed learning with


Everything in her condition was supposed to be lovely, just as it should be. She floated along the tied of life as her mother and grandmother had done before her, as in a dream of Paradise. It required a daring voice and a determined hand to awake her from this delightful dream and call the nation to account for the rights and opportunities of which it was depriving her a. Women were fooled into thinking their lives were perfect b. The nation realized that women were being deprived of their rights


For men will sooner forget the death of their father than the loss of their patrimony a. people love property more than people b. people love their family more than money c. people can forget their losses quickly


He has monopolized nearly all the profitable employments, and from those she is permitted to follow, she receives very little remuneration. He closes against her all the careers that lead to wealth and distinction a. Women are excluded from most careers, especially professional careers b. Women cannot work at all outside of the home


Homo homini lupus [Man is a wolf to man] In this saying... a. wolf is a metaphor for cruelty b. wolf is a metaphor for wildness


I do not forget the thoughtful remark of our president in the opening address to this International Council, reminding us of the incompleteness of our work. The remark was wise and timely. But, however this may be and whatever the future may have in store for us, one thing is certain - this new revolution in human thought will never go backward a. The president is right in thinking that our work is not done, but we should take courage that victory will come b. The president made a wise and timely statement in her opening speech, and we still have a long way to go.


In the actions of all men, and most of all princes, we look to the end result a. The ends justify the means b. The means justify the ends c. The ends are their own reward


It's because animals lack this capacity for reflective self-control that we don't hold them responsible a. If animals had more self-control, they could be held responsible for what they do b. Animals are too self-centered c. Animals have no sense of responsibility


Many linguists, echoing the influential Noam Chomsky, argue that [the capacity for language] is a uniquely human gift. According to this school, chimpanzees and other close relatives could not use language because they lack the human brain structures that create language a. According to Chomsky, chimps and bonobos cannot use language b. Chomsky is the only one who believes that chimps and bonobos cannot use language


Most linguists would not dignify an animal's system of vocal communication with the name of language, no matter how large its vocabulary, unless it also involved grammatical rules The statement emphasizes that... a. the essence of human language is the ability to understand and use grammar b. the essence of human language is the ability to understand and use vocabulary


Nonviolent resistance is not aimed against oppressors but against oppression. Under its banner consciences, not racial groups, are enlisted a. With nonviolent resistance, there is a moral outcome b. Racial consciousness remains strongest with nonviolence


On each previous occasion, we had prevailed by marching at the thugs and engaging them directly, in dialogues that turned quickly into extended shouting matches. In every instance, we had succeeded in facing them down. But this particular mob was intent on confrontation a. In other circumstances, the rioters talked with the demonstrators, but not this time b. In other circumstances, the rioters refused to talk with the demonstrators, but now they would


One Congressman left his wife's death bed - at her behest - to vote for the amendment. Another Congressman was brought in on a stretcher a. These men knew the vote was going to be a close one. b. These men knew the amendment would win


Outside, some of the young men were jumping up to look through the windows, asking if there were any Sikhs on the bus. There was no anger in their voices; that was the most chilling thing of all a. The author is communicating the cold-blooded nature of this violence b. The author is communicating the idea that the mob is moved by emotion


Society would devolve to anarchy in an instant if half our overtures to another human being were met with a punch in the nose a. Social encounter would be impossible with such a high level of violence b. Anarchy would lead to violence


Such a truth is women's right to equal liberty with man. She was born with it. It was hers before she comprehended it. It is inscribed upon all the powers and faculties of her soul, and no custom, law or usage can ever destroy it a. Women, like men, have a natural right to be free even if they don't realize it at a certain moment b. Women have the right to change the customs and laws of the society


Te German officials who had been living in the country for years were no longer the same. Not only did General von Hannecken, the military commander, refuse to put troops at the disposal of the Reich plenipotentiary, Dr. Werner Best; the special S.S. units (Einsatz-kommandos) employed in Denmark very frequently objected to 'the measures they were ordered to carry out by the central agencies' - according to Best's testimony of Numenberg. a. Living in Denmark far away from the authorities in Germany had changed the attitude of the German officials in Denmark. b. The German officials living in Denmark didn't care about the Danes' objections to German orders


That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it,... a. The people have a right to revolution b. The people need to change leaders very often c. The people may have to eliminate all governments


The fateful question for the human species seems to me to be whether and to what extent their cultural development will succeed in mastering the disturbance of their communal life by the human instinct of aggression and self-destruction. a. The effort to control aggression will decide man's fate b. Cultural development will master communal life


The large compound was crowded with vanloads of blankets, second-hand clothing, shoes, sacks of flour, sugar and tea. Previously unsentimental businessmen sent cars and trucks a. People felt bad about what had happened b. People wanted to encourage business


Their signs accused the president of terrible deceit in fighting a war that was supposed to secure democratic principles in foreign lands, while at the same time denying democratic rights to American women a. To the women, the president was a hypocrite b. To the women, the president was the leader of a free world


Thereupon, the Danish workers decided that they could help a bit in hurrying things up; riots broke out in Danish shipyards, where the dock workers refused to repair German ships and then went on strike What things did the Danish workers want to "help...in hurrying...up"? a. defeating the German military machine b. challenging the Danish government


These examples demonstrate that vervet alarm calls are not involuntary expressions of either fear or intent. They have an external referent that may be quite exact The author's purpose in writing this statement is... a. to clarify that vervet sounds are very specific and not just the result of emotion or chance b. to clarify that the argument about how vervets have the beginnings of real language is false


Two cheers [for democracy] are quite enough: there is no occasion to give three One can infer from this statement that Forster feels... a. people shouldn't believe democracy is perfect b. people shouldn't choose democracy c. people shouldn't change democracy


Unfortunately, one incident of violence can undo a thousand acts of kindness, and we easily forget the predominance of kindness over aggression by confusing effect with frequency a. Gould is saying that one violent act has a great impact, and we forget that it's not very frequent b. Gould is saying that one violent act has a great impact, and we realize that it's very frequent


Watching Kanzi [an experimental bonobo] in casual "conversation", one is struck by the intense give-and-take, wrote journalist Stephan Hart, author of The Language of Animals the 'give-and-take' Stephen Hart refers to is... a. the turn-taking that humans share in their conversations with one another b. the mutual sharing and bonding that seems to be occuring in the conversations between humans and bonobos


We'll never know, but the way these patterns are looking in general population, had I been abused, we might not be sitting here today, he says a. Childhood abuse activates negative patterns in the brain b. childhood abuse is not a part of the brain


When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, ... a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. a. Important political changes must be explained to the world b. important national decisions don't concern the international community c. People must make their decisions to please others


[Democracy] does start from the assumption that the individual is important, and that all types are needed to make a civilization. In this statement, "types" refers to... a. kinds of individuals b. kinds of governments c. kinds of civilizations


[Governments derive] their just powers from the consent of the governed a. Only an elected government is legitimate b. A legitimate government has to be powerful c. people must obey the government


[violence] leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue a. With violence, there is no discussion or exchange of ideas b. No one listens when violence speaks


Why King rejects violence

a. no permanent peace b. nurtures hatred rather than love c. no communication in society—no dialogue, only monologue

Why King accepts nonviolent resistance

a. no physical harm to anyone b. not a question of rights of any particular group—reaches out to everyone c. moral achievement—justice is the primary goal

Why King rejects Acquiescence

a. passive acceptance of injustice makes you complicit in the system b. cooperating makes the oppressed as evil as the oppressor c. moral obligation to awaken the oppressors' conscience


affects the mood—has a tranquillizing effect

All men are created equal a. All men are the same b. All men have the same rights c. All men are brothers


And now it is to be expected that the other of the two 'Heavenly Powers,' eternal Eros, will make an effort to assert himself in the struggle with his equally immortal adversary. But who can foresee with what success and with what result? a. The life instinct will win against the death instinct b. The life instinct and the death instinct will fight it out


But this was no ordinary crowd: it seemed to consist of red-eyed young men in half-buttoned shirts a. The author is suggesting that these men were half-asleep b. The author is suggesting that these men were dangerous


Everything went topsy-turvey. In August, 1943 - after the German offensive in Russia had failed, the Afrika Korps had surrendered in Tunisia, and the Allies had invaded Italy - the Swedish government canceled its 1940 agreement with Germany which had permitted German troops the right to pass through the country Based on the description of events given, "everything went topsy-turvey" means that... a. no on knew what was happening b. things were no longer going well for the Germans


Few of those who saw it had any notion that the little thing would live a. Not enough people were at the convention to give life to the idea b. The idea took hold despite the few people who supported it at first


He has made her, if married, civilly dead in the eye of the law. He has taken from her all right to any property, even to the wages she earns a. Married women have more rights than single women b. All the property and money of a married woman belong to her husband


He's clearly oversimplify, but Fallon says the orbital cortex puts a brake on another part of the brain called the amygdala, which is involved with aggression and appetites. but in some people, ther's an imbalance - the orbital cortex isn't doing its job. People who are violent have... a. an overactive orbital cortex b. an overactive amygdala


If a prince succeeds in maintaining his authority over the state, the means he uses will always be judged honorable a. The primary aim of the prince is to insure the welfare of his people; as long as he is successful, no matter how he does it, people won't criticize him b. The primary aim of the prince is to make sure he stays in power; as long as he is successful, no mater how he does it, people won't criticize him c. the primary aim of the prince is to insure material prosperity; as long as he is successful, no matter how he does it, people won't criticize him


If you're a vervet, it's essential to know the differences between a martial eagle, one of the leading killers of vervets, and a white-backed vulture, an equally large soaring bird that eats carrion and is no danger to live monkeys. It's essential to act appropriately when the eagle appears, and to tell your relatives. Acting appropriately means... a. ignoring the eagle and telling others what to do b. realizing it is an eagle and telling others what to do


In the convent of marriage, she is compelled to promise obedience to her husband, he becoming, to all intents and purposes, her master a. Traditional marriage is conceived as an equal partnership b. Traditional marriage gives men power over women


Love and loyalty to an individual can run counter to the claims of the State. When they do - down with the State, say I, which means that the State would down me. a. Forster knows the state will agree with him if he is loyal to a friend against the state b. Forster knows the state will punish him if he protects a friend against the state c. Forster always agrees with the state


Not until the age of two years does the infant consistently emit each alarm call in the correct context The author's purpose in writing this statement is... a. to show that vervet sounds are inborn and instinctive b. to show that vervet sounds are learned like language


Our biological nature does not stand in the way of social reform a. Social reforms won't change anything because biology determines behaviour b. People who don't want social reform cannot use biology as an excuse


Savage-Rumbaugh suspects that bonobos are using language in the wild, but since they congregate in trees in groups of about 100, 'it's almost impossible to study them'. And on the ground, they are silent to avoid predators a. Savage-Rumbaugh can prove that bonobos communicate with each other in the wild, not just with humans in the labatory b. Savage-Rumbaugh thinks bonobos communicate with each other in the wild, not just with humans in the labatory


Seen from below, black chested snake eagles look rather similar to martial eagles in their shared pale underparts, banded tail, and black head and throat The author's purpose in writing this statement is... a. to tell you about the characteristics of eagles b. to make you see how carefully vervets must look at eagles


Serotonin affects your mood and many scientists believe that if you have a certain version of the warrior gene, your brain won't respond to the calming effects of Serotonin a. Violent people respond too much to serotonin b. Normal people calm down with Serotonin


The existence of this inclination to aggression, which we can detect in ourselves and justly assume to be present in others, is the factor which disturbs our relations with our neighbor and which forces civilization into such a high expenditure of energy a. Civilization has to work hard to get us to admit our aggressive instincts b. Civilization has to work hard to control our aggressive instincts


The oppressed must never allow the conscience of the oppressor to slumber a. The oppressed must not let the oppressors trouble their conscience b. The oppressed must make the oppressors ashamed of what is being done.


The organization began campaigning for an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution. The struggle to win passage of that amendment continues to this day a. Women are still fighting for the vote b. Women are still fighting for full equality


The struggle is what all life essentially consists of, and the evolution of civilization may therefore be simply described as the struggle for the life of the human species According to Freud, a. civilization evolves in order to give life to the human species b. civilization evolves in order to protect humans from themselves


The struggle they waged eventually led to the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1920, giving women voting rights equal to men a. Women achieved equal rights in 1920 b. Women were able to vote in 1920


Then who were we, for I count myself in, who did this thing? We were few in numbers, moderate in resources, and very little known in the world a. The few people who started the movement were not very rich but famous b. The few people who started the movement were unknown and not very rich


Though the fallacy of this reasoning is too transparent to need refutation, it still exerts a powerful influence a. Although it is clear that the reasoning is sound, it doesn't exert much influence b. Although it is clear that the reasoning is not sound, many people believe it


Why imagine that specific genes for aggression, dominance, or spite have any importance when we know that the brain's enormous flexibility permits us to be aggressive or peaceful, dominant or submissive, spiteful or generous? a. The author agrees with a genetic explanation for behaviour b. The author does not agree with a genetic explanation for behaviour


[All] experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed a. people like change and will change governments easily b. Change is difficult and revolutions happen only when people can't tolerate their situation anymore c. people want to suffer and that's why they don't change their government


[Language] has been used to communicate socially important information about each other, such as who is trustworthy and who will reciprocate a. Language is not a social activity b. Language gives us information about others c. Language is not reliable communication


Nature and nurture

believes a positive childhood environment has a greater impact on personality development than brain patterns and DNA

Artificial language


He has tried, in every way that he could, to destroy her confidence in her own powers, to lessen her self-respect, and to make her willing to lead a dependent and abject life a. Men have tried to undermine women's desire for independence b. Men have tried to undermine women's respect (self-respect)


A prudent prince neither can not nor should keep his word when to keep it is not to his advantage a. A prince should keep his word because it will serve his interests b. A prince should not keep his word c. A prince should think only of his own interests


If forced to put anyone to death, he should do so only when there is manifest cause or reasonable justification a. violence is good b. violence must be avoided c. violence needs an excuse


In other words, reliability is impossible unless there is a natural warmth. Most men possess this warmth, though they often have the bad luck and get chilled Based on what Forster says, one example of 'bad luck' could be... a. a fatal desease b. the loss of a job c. a betrayal in personal relationships


That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men... a. the role of government is to assure the stability of the state b. the role of government is to guarantee material prosperity c. the role of government is to guarantee people's rights


We've also suggested that morality may exist along a continuum, from simpler to more complex patterns of behaviour. But humans appear to have evolved an unusually high level of moral complexity a. The authors think that animals and humans have the same morality b. The authors think that human morality is superior because animals and humans have a completely different sense of morality c. The author think that animals and humans share some aspects of morality, but human morality is more complicated


Civilization (cultural development) tries very hard to...

control humans' aggressive instincts

MI: Women's movement had a difficult start support:

few people agreed - harder to fight for women than for peace or the antislavery cause

Scientific and technological development have made it possible ... , which makes this a time of potential ...

for human beings to kill the whole species / disaster

Machiavelli vs Jefferson Other topics

great things can be accomplished in society even by means of evil and deceitful methods human rights are basic truths (they are absolute and "self-evident")

A nation that has been united with another nation for a period of time should explain why it wants to break up this union if... a. tyranny. b. life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness c. it is no longer desired d. safety and happiness cannot possibly be a good government e. it must be changed f. with the agreement of the population

it is no longer desired

When the government that has been created is no longer successful in protecting these rights... a. tyranny. b. life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness c. it is no longer desired d. safety and happiness cannot possibly be a good government e. it must be changed f. with the agreement of the population

it must be changed

Machiavelli vs Jefferson The Best Type of Leadership

leader does better when he makes men afraid of him rather than love him; leaders never have to answer to the people; the ends justify the means leaders are there only by the "consent" of the "governed"; the best leaders are those who ensure the safety and happiness of their people

All people should have the right to... a. tyranny. b. life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness c. it is no longer desired d. safety and happiness cannot possibly be a good government e. it must be changed f. with the agreement of the population

life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness


part of the brain connected with aggression and id-type behaviors (rage, violence, eating, sex, drinking)

prescribe 1, 2 proscribe

prescribe 1. to officially say what medicine or treatment a sick person should have 2. to state officially what should be done in a particular situation proscribe to officially say something is not allowed to exist or be done

A government that does not guarantee the people's... a. tyranny. b. life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness c. it is no longer desired d. safety and happiness cannot possibly be a good government e. it must be hanged f. with the agreement of the population

safety and happiness cannot possibly be a good government

Man is by nature aggressive and (______________) Explanation:

selfishly acquisitive many acts of kindness in any American city on a given day

It is impractical to say that 50% of human reactions are _______or _________ explanation:

stressful / aggressive such a situation would not be sustainable and would lead to Chaos

hedging language

suggests that it's not 100% accurate may, might, could, must appear to, seem to, tend to, argue that, probably, generally, perhaps, seemingly etc.

Inside man are two warring instincts, one representing ... and the other ...

the life force / the death instinct

Machiavelli vs Jefferson The Aims of Government

to preserve the state and the power of the prince to ensure that people have their rights

Although people get used to all kinds of abuses, it is time for them to demand a new form of government when they live under total... a. tyranny. b. life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness c. it is no longer desired d. safety and happiness cannot possibly be a good government e. it must be hanged f. with the agreement of the population


Machiavelli vs Jefferson The Importance of Political stability

very important; the prince will make sure he has power no matter how he acquires and maintains it the people have a right to revolution; political stability is good only if the situation is good; if a government is oppressive and disrespectful of people's rights, then it needs to be overthrown

According to Freud, people have committed terrible acts of cruelty against other human beings, especially in certain situations, such as...

wars, conquests, and religious disputes

To protect these rights, governments should be established... a. tyranny. b. life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness c. it is no longer desired d. safety and happiness cannot possibly be a good government e. it must be changed f. with the agreement of the population

with the agreement of the population

MI: women didn't realize the truth of their situation Support:

women asleep through centuries - fooled - hard to convince women to fight and men to agree

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