English 3 Quiz #3

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Hook, Info Adding, Pivot, Setup, Thesis

Each body paragraph's ________ _______ and ______ ____ DIRECTLY _____ BACK TO THE _______ _______--> "_______"!!!


What does one need to have to create commentary and coherency within body paragraph?

controlling idea

Personal experience= _____ in body paragraph but ________in HOOK because they provoke _____ and ______!!!

weak... strong... ethos and pathos

*****Substantiated Evidence

CANNOT BE DISPROVEN; solidifies truism/argument as well as topic sentence!!!!

The conclusion contains 3 main parts:

Restated thesis, linking sentence(SO WHAT?), closing statement (CLINCHER)

All essays should be typed in ________ format. The _____ line of a paragraph is ______; do so by clicking _______ (almost a fingertip of space)

MLA... first... indented... tab

The introduction paragraph = the ____ paragraph in a paper that introduces your ______ and ______ ______. Should be ____ and ____ like your thesis and topic sentences should be.

1st... subject... thesis statement... clear and concise

3 things should be accomplished within your introduction:

Getting reader's attention based on your subject and position (HOOK) Connecting with your audience by also providing CONTEXT (linking ideas from one to another--->LINKING SENTENCE) Presenting your subject and purpose (THESIS)

CALL OF ACTION- calling audience to make a _____.


A good conclusion will leave your reader with a feeling of _______, as well as a sense of ______ or _______

completion.... inspiration or thoughtfulness

Draw a _______ based on the information set forth in the paragraph


CLOSING STATEMENT AND HOOK= ________ ____ of writing than rest of paper; is ________; should be centralized on ______+_____/_____; creates _______ and _________

different mode... creative... suject+ truism/position... VOICE and ORIGINALITY

Hooking a reader= a "______ ______"; give a ______ ___ of the content, so they will buy the ticket.

movie trailer... little bit

The stronger and more evidence given, the better you've _____/____ your thesis... THINK LIKE A _______!

supported/proven.... LAWYER

Asking your self the ___?s--> (5+1h), then _____ them to become your ___________. (WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE? WHAT DOES IT DEMONSTRATE? HOW DOES IT DEMONSTRATE IT?)

W... answering... commentary

Your hook should be one of the ________ ____ you write as it will help it be ______, ________ and ________ to your _______ statement's ______ and _______.

last things... creative, purposeful and connected to your thesis statement's subject and position

CONCLUDING SENTENCE= _____ sentence of body paragraph; tying back to _____ (CREATING UNITY). (Does what?) ______ ____ paragraph, _______ main ______/____, shows the ______ _______. Use _____ to illustrate you're closing.

last... thesis... wraps up... reiterates... topic/reason... BIG PICTURE... transitions

Conclusion paragraph= _____ paragraph in an essay that neatly _____ ___ the paper and leaves your reader (feeling) _______ and ________.

last.... wraps up the paper... insightful and inspired

Concrete details= hard solid ____/_______--> ___________ _________!!!! Can NOT be _______ and ________ truism/argument as well as topic sentence.... if including text evidence, must be in ______ _____ or woven into one. MUST EMBED QUOTES AND CITE.

proof/logos... SUBSTANTIATED EVIDENCE... disproved... solidifies... complete sentences

THEMATIC STATEMENT--> relating to the _____ _____; message about the topic you're writing on; "_______ ____ phrase"

real world...bumper sticker

What to avoid in a concluding sentence

repeating topic sentence or thesis, not giving any final insight, summarizing, cliche phrases (like in conclusion), adding new information (that you cannot expand on), transitioning onto next paragraph's topic (SAVE THAT FOR NEXT TOPIC SENTENCE)

Conclusion:summarize thesis without _____; write subject stance and reasons in a _____ and interesting way; _____ reader of what you've _____.

repeating... new.... remind... written

Body paragraphs provide ______ for your ______ using _________________,________________, and _________________; and using _________________________.

support for your thesis using evidence to support the topic sentence, thesis statement, and introductory paragraph; and using commentary to explain why the concrete details support/defend topic sentence

Body Paragraphs ARE _________ ______ _____! Are ___________, ________, ______, ________, _________ and __________

DEFENDING YOUR THESIS... Organized, Focused, Concise, Thorough, Unified and Coherent

Where do concrete details come from? (Recall acronym)

H- History, E- Entertainment, L- Literature, P- Personal Experience (WEAKEST!!), S- Science or Sports (CURRENT EVENTS ALSO WORK)

Hook options

Personal Anecdote, Simile/Metaphor, Analogy, Historical Reference, Definition, Quote, Rhetorical Question (in order from strongest to weakest)

COMMENTARY is providing ____ to show your _____ ____ of how your ________ _____ supports/proves your ___ ___ __.___--> creates your ________/______ of _____ _____.

analysis... thought process... concrete detail... TS C.I.... coherency/flow... thought process

Common transition words in concluding sentences

as a result... thus... lastly.. therefore... overall... consequently

Body paragraphs are NOT a ________, non-specific, off topic example, or a ________ ___ ______ to full up the page, or _____ _____ ___-____, or a _________ (_______) about a topic you may disagree with. DON'T WHINE. DON'T COMPLAIN

brief... bunch of fluff... off topic non-sense... rant (complaining)

Each sentence in your body paragraph must _____ _____ one another, _______ _____ to create _________/// must ________ _____ to and ______/______ their _______

build off... connecting ideas... COHERENCY... point back... support/defend... topic sentences

PERSONAL ANECDOTE= CONNECT; builds YOUR _______showing you _____ to the SUBJECT...Simile Metaphor= generate your _____; key words that can be used are to be _______! Analogy, compare your subject to something that your _______ may be more _______ with... Historical Fact/Reference WITHOUT directly calling it by _______; ______ing to it... should be something factual that they probably _____ know. DEFINITION of word they probably _____ know

credibility... relate...own... VERBS.... reader... familiar... name... alluding... wouldn't... wouldn't

CLOSING STATEMENT: last sentences of conclusion to give the paper _______; similar to an _________-_______ as it should make the reader ______ and leave an _______; CIRCLE BACK/FRAME UP WITH YOUR ______!!!

finality... attention-getter... think... impression... HOOK

Commentary explains ____ the evidence you've given ____ the _____; usually answers the ______ and ______; does the ______ for your readers... DOES NOT FORCE YOUR READER TO _____ how your evidence proves your ______.

how... supports... TS... why and how... thinking... ASSUME... TS

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